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class="sheader"> <div class="poster"><span class="register"><img src="" alt="THE WIND RISES"></span></div> <div class="data"> <h1><span class="register">Birman breeders midwest ohio. Cookie is a younger retired breeding girl.</span></h1> <br> <div class="sgeneros"><br> </div> </div> </div> <div class="single_tabs"> <ul id="section" class="smenu idTabs"> <li>Birman breeders midwest ohio I take pride in breeding seal and blue point kittens who are well socialised in my home and used to everyday family activity and noises like the tv, the washing machine, vacume, mircrowave. Tel: 07791 168963. com Http://www. Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . Shadowsnlace Birman Cats, Miamisburg, Ohio. Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. My name is Karen Miller of Taric Birmans, a small in home cattery. Birman cats Australia. Whether you're searching for 'Birman kittens for sale' or seeking a 'Birman breeder in Ohio', our dedicated service ensures you find the fluffy, affectionate kitten of your dreams. We offer 0 Birman Kittens for sale in Ohio. Jun 8, 2020 · Get a Birman from reputable Birman cat breeders near me and get a healthy cat that will spend loving and happy years with you. “This price includes a 2-year genetic health guarantee, microchip, age-appropriate deworming and vaccination, veterinarian health check, and limited AKC registration. Here, you’ll find a comprehensive list of cat breeds, each leading to a selection of breeder listings and their locations where you can find cat breeders near you. jazmenabirmans@gmail. Kittens are available in a variety of colours and patterns at various times of the year. Poohy was best Birman in CFA in the 1993/94 season. Four Star Labradors focus is on developing great companions as well as outstanding hunting dogs for all of your family needs. Bull Valley Australian Labradoodles Dec 28, 2005 · Blue Point, Female, Born 12/28/2005 . When you buy from a registered Birman Cat breeder (with either their local Birman Cat club, governing body, or TICA/CFA), that ensures that a standard of care and expertise is enforced. We were an in These lovely cats have blue eyes, and a golden hue to the creamy body tone. birquest. Pet, Breed and Show quality CFA / TICA registered Pedigree cats information available, Birman FAQ, Breeder Listings, Photographs, Legend, Markings guide Hello! I’m looking for a Birman breeder in the Midwest. Angtini or solicit listed breeders for any commercial purpose. The Stolpe’s were longtime Birman breeders and showed many Birmans in CFA to Regional and National wins. My home is also my birman’s home. You can ask them about a wide range of topics such as the Birman Cat’s genealogy, the right kitten for you, common health problems with Birman Cats to look We are a small family-owned breeder specializing in Birmans cats. Vida Cattery, located in Wauseon, Ohio, is a small cattery that specializes in Bengal and Siamese cats. These adorable kittens are looking for loving homes. 1. Tue, Nov 19 at 10:30 AM PST. These adorable kittens are lovingly raised underfoot with utmost care and pride, ensuring they are well-socialized. May 1, 2013 · Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability Welcome to Birmans Online, the Worldwide Birman breeder directory. Enhanced Listings Now Available to Birman Breeders Add your cat to the Beautiful Birman Gallery Birmans Online is a free service but it does cost me money to keep it up and current. Birman cats are known to be easygoing and gentle, making them a great companion for families with children or dogs. taron@birman. Be sure to compare listings to find the best deal for your Owner Description; myingyangems Cooper City, FL 33328: Myingyan Gems Birmans Birman babies, with their stunning and unique colors, are available in Cooper City, FL. 01793 824708 Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . Conversely, it can be prohibitively expensive to buy a Birman from a breeder, somewhere in the $700 to $1,000 range. Mary Richards got her first birman in 1996: GP Amberelle Theadorable Mcporkchop, "Thea," a beautiful blue point girl bred by Gayle and Michael Blonar. . 2,553 likes · 296 talking about this. We got our Shiba from an Amish breeder in Ohio. Occasional retired adults. Cincicatti Pooh Bear of Elfheim. Jan 1, 2025 · Pets, Show and approved Breeder kittens available. 421. Purchasing a Birman kitten from a reputable breeder has many advantages. The price range for Birman Cats in New Jersey typically falls between $800 and $2,500, depending on factors such as pedigree, age, and breeder reputation. Available male and female Birman kittens for adoption. Suggested events. In order to be listed on the NBF Find a Breeder list, the breeder must be a current NBF Member in good standing. Please Help Support Birmans Online with your donations The states in the Midwest consist of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. Feb 16, 2024 · Event in Marion, OH by Breeders Best Midwest on Friday, February 16 2024 Marion, Ohio. GC Skyhaven Jezebelle, DM Distinguished Merit CFA cat, homegrown at Skyhaven Birman Cattery, Grand Champion Seal Point female 2nd Best Seal Point Birman, Region 4, 2012-2013 CFA Show Season Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . Find purebred birman cats & kittens for sale near cincinnati, oh by owner, breeder or rescue. Free Ads for Birman breeders. Being a member of the CFA Birman Breed Council allows us to have input in the development of breed standards for the Birman breed. My breeding objective is to promote the Birman breed by producing healthy, well socialized kittens. Kitten colors: SEAL, CHOCOLATE, BLUE, LILAC, LYNX and TORTIE Points. We are a professional family of pet lovers and breeders of Birman Kittens in the USA. Pet, Breed and Show quality CFA / TICA registered Pedigree cats information available, Birman FAQ, Breeder Listings, Photographs, Legend, Markings guide Everything you want to know about the birman breed, Seal, Blue, Lilac and Lynx point Birmans. I reserve the right to include or reject any cattery which I do not care to list Direct any questions, updates, or feedback about the Birmans Online list to: Ronald Thayer, . Secretary: Michelle Grayson . President: Janet Doust. 5 days ago · 📍 Cincinnati, Ohio. Grand Champion, Regional Winner, Suncoon Jonathan of Kyatwo, bred by Cindy Rogers and Wayne Wiekhorst. The Birman is a medium Owner Description; deambarino Pickens, SC 29671: Deambarino Birmans Expanded and Improved Content: Located in Pickens near Greenville in the scenic Upstate region of South Carolina, our small cattery is dedicated to the care and well-being of Birman cats. com To be added, make changes or be removed from this list Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. Please inquire for more information about placing a deposit for your choice of upcoming available kittens. NinaDeDrap Ragdoll Cattery Rescue Birman Cats for Adoption near Columbus, Ohio. If all of our babies have been adopted, we do have a waiting list of adoptive families who have placed deposits. I’m striking out on leads from the Birman USA site. All our kitten comes with their current vaccinations up to date and a 1 year genetic health guarantee. Yes, I am sure some of them are labeled as puppy mills but our dog came fat, happy, socialized, healthy, registered, vaccinated, chipped and housebroken/crate trained. I had my first two Birmans growing up, after my parents went to a cat show and fell in love with the breed. Our Birman kittens are worth the wait. Then, I acquired my own Birman, Leo. You will find that getting a Birman will uplift you in times when you are down and will provide you a reason to have something to smile about no matter how stressful your day has been. Ohio 44626 Margaret Kate President 479-209-4454 Owner Description; surmichaels Roanoke, VA 24019: SurMichaelsBirmans Birmans Beautiful Seal and Blue point Birman kittens for sale in Roanoke, VA. Below is a list of some Reputable Labradoodle breeders in the Midwest to help you find your next puppy to buy. The Birman, also known as the "Sacred Cat of Burma," is a long-haired, colorpointed cat breed with a distinctive appearance and a gentle disposition. Angel Acres 2024 Sullivan, OH . You can ask them about a wide range of topics such as the Birman Cat’s genealogy, the right kitten for you, common health problems with Birman Cats to look We decided to co-own a wonderful Birman boy and show him together, this was GC. Everything you want to know about the birman breed, Seal, Blue, Lilac and Lynx point Birmans. To be added to this page, click here to send an email to Diane Coppola. Please Help Support Birmans Online with your donations The Birman Cat Club holds the following list of kittens looking for homes. Birman Cat Club Kitten List Co-ordiantor: Mrs Nicki Fenwick-Raven. Thank you for visiting our website. "I had been looking for a Birman for quite awhile, and decided to go the the cat show, held by the Sacred Cat of Burma Fanciers, in Medina, Ohio. I had the privilege of working in a breeding program with the Stolpe’s after I purchased my first Birman from them in 1983, Bikhata’s Gabriel. Adoption fee includes spay/neuter, feline leukemia/FIV testing, distemper vaccination, microchipping, deworming, flea-free, grooming, temperament testing and often Goldlay Birmans Burmese Singapuras Breeder with over 30 years of experience in Gt Missenden, AB, offering adorable Birman kittens. com. A reputable cattery, where pets come first, located in Kennewick, Washington. Midwest - IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . Our online classified website, PetzLover, offers a range of Birman Cats for sale by certified breeders. Pet and show kittens available to loving homes. RW. For information on membership, fill out a membership form or ask Joann Lamb. net Beautiful Birmans bred for health, temperament, and show. Price. Adopt a cat through PetCurious. We have been involved with breeding Birmans since 2020, when what first started out as a love for our Birman cats turned into an opportunity to share this lovely breed with others. One of their cats, BW, RW, GC Bikhata’s Felicia was CFA’s Best Birman in 1984-1985. DeCoria Birmans is a place to find very sweet, social, beautiful Birmans. Midwest - IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD When you buy from a registered Birman Cat breeder (with either their local Birman Cat club, governing body, or TICA/CFA), that ensures that a standard of care and expertise is enforced. We have been raising and adopting Birman Kittens for over a decade and all kittens are indoor-raised in our home. Timmy is still a young male and has not started breeding, yet. Owner Description; Cyndee Myers West Alexandria, OH 45381: Cynbir Birmans We are proud to present our exquisite CFA Birman kittens for sale in West Alexandria, OH. Spark is a CFA registered seal point Birman female. com To be added, make changes or be removed from this list The Birman Cat Club holds the following list of kittens looking for homes. Contact Us Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability. SKYHAVEN BIRMAN PHOTO GALLERY Kittens Skyhaven Birman Kittens - a variety of past and present kitten litters are displayed below. You can ask them about a wide range of topics such as the Birman Cat’s genealogy, the right kitten for you, common health problems with Birman Cats to look When you buy from a registered Birman breeder (with either their local Birman club, governing body, or TICA/CFA), that ensures that a standard of care and expertise is enforced. May 7, 2021 · Best Birman in Premiership, Region 4 6th Best Birman in Premiership, Nationally Breeder: Christy Smith Owner and shown by: Anastasia Sky M. National Birman Fanciers is a CFA breed club devoted to preservation of the Birman cat, also known as the Sacred Cat of Burma. Most Birman breeders maintain a waiting list for their kittens, so it's important to be prepared for a wait to bring home the kitten of your dreams. When looking for Birman Cat breeders in Ohio, it is important to find an ethical, registered cattery who specializes in the breed and understands their personality traits and how best to care for them. They are known for their striking blue eyes and long, silky coat, which is typically white with darker points on the face, ears, legs, and tail. Host. These kittens have lots of pictures posted Find purebred birman kittens for sale & cats for adoption near ohio by owner, breeder or rescue. Myingyan Gems was awarded as Best Birman Cattery in Argentina in 1996,1997,1998,1999, 2000,2001 and 2003, obtaining in 2003 a number of points never surpassed by any birman cattery and very rarely matched by other catteries of any breed. Reigning (TICA) Maine Coon MORE. Price Range of Birman Cats. We are a small breeder who love our dogs and has a primary goal of producing top quality labradors that are AKC registered and health tested. Our “Find a Breeder” page is designed to make this process both simple and enjoyable for you. Alex is Great Lakes Region's 17th Best Cat, Great Lakes Region's Best Birman and Best Blue Point Birman, 2004-05; and the winner of the Founders Award, for being the highest scoring Birman in Championship at the Sacred Cat Of Burma Fanciers annual show that same year. Prospect pig sale Minkitty Tonkinese Ohio breeder located in Cleveland, OH, specializes in raising exquisite CFA registered Tonkinese Kittens one charming litter at a time. Our goal as responsible breeders is that all our Balinese kittens go to loving, permanent homes where they will be loved, cared for and appreciated throughout its many years of life. The friendship between us grew and along the way we realized that we shared the same goals; to breed the best without sacrificing the health of the cats, no matter the cost. Pawfect Birmans, established in 2017, is a small cattery located in Cherry Hill, NJ. 5 days ago · The breeder is a practicing veterinarian, and she uses her knowledge to help other breeders and by speaking at cat shows and lectures. Phone: 330. Adopting a Birman costs around $75 to $150. Puppy prices range from $2,000 - $2,500 and include a non-refundable deposit of $300. Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability Http://www. We were happily given a tour of the farm and areas where the parents and puppies lived. Cookie is a younger retired breeding girl. We highly recommend finding a breeder in your area. Written Health Guarantee and sale contract. As an adult, she was the second best seal point Birman in CFA Region 6 (The Midwest) for the 2021-2022 show season. You can ask them about a wide range of topics such as the Birman’s genealogy, the right kitten for you, common health problems with Birmans to look out for. Row 12 Baby Skyhaven Daphne in a cup Birman’s are affectionate, Breeder Directory Find Your Next Birman. Shadowsnlace raised Birman kittens for 32 years, but we have recently retired. You can ask them about a wide range of topics such as the Birman Cat’s genealogy, the right kitten for you, common health problems with Birman Cats to look Free Ads for Birman breeders. Please Help Support Birmans Online with your donations Birman cats breeder in Maryland area. Our Birmans are not just pets, they are beloved members of the family and come from a long We have 1 Birman breeders in Ohio. We are located in Yorkshire, Ohio in Northern Darke County. 01793 824708 Our goal as responsible breeders is that all our Balinese kittens go to loving, permanent homes where they will be loved, cared for and appreciated throughout its many years of life. We breed Birmans because we want to share the joy and love that these amazing animals bring to our lives. The Birman is an ideal cat for those who want a loving and easy-going companion. As a youngster, she was the second best Birman kitten in CFA Region 6 (The Midwest) for the 2021-2022 show season. We are proud to present our exquisite CFA Birman kittens for sale in West Alexandria, OH. Browse all of the TICA-registered cat breeders for championship and advanced breeds across the globe. We are hoping for a litter due this August, 2024. Our kittens are raised in our home and are thoroughly spoiled by the time they are ready to move to an equally loving home. Typically, Birman kittens are ready to join their permanent families between 12 to 16 weeks of age. I have been breeding Championship and pet quality kittens since 1990, first in Chicago and currently in Southern Indiana, a part of the Louisville, Kentucky metropolitan area. 3,765 likes. Benefits of Purchasing from a Reputable Breeder. Our kittens are raised in our home as members of our family just as any cherished pet should be with love, nourishment and plenty of play. Midwest - IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND, SD Owner Description; kyatbirmans Mound, MN 55364: Birman Breeder With over 22 years of experience, we take pride in breeding exquisite Birman cats. Birman Cat Breeders in United States. Breeders Best Midwest. You can find us at many of the Midwest CFA shows. Sort by location and breed to find catteries near you. Please Help Support Birmans Online with your donations Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability Http://www. D. NBF has members worldwide and publishes a quarterly newsletter for its members. 2018-2019 Midwest Region 2nd Best of Breed Birman At the 2018 National Birman Fanciers (NBF) show Opal captured the judges hearts and won 4 of the 6 coveted Nine Silver Bells hand made necklaces. Email: bcckittenlist@gmail. Not responsible for any incorrect or omitted information. NBF produces one all breed cat show each year featuring the Birman cat. Our Birman Birman Kittens | Birman Breeder | Available Kittens | USA. Please contact the Breeder indicated for more details should you be interested in one of these kittens. 2. We sell our lovely Birman kittens to appropriate, loving homes. They are fully littered box trained and eat hard food before going to their forever home. TIA for any recommendations. The traditional, and most seen, color is the sealpoint, which is quite dramatic, with the striking contrast of the white “gloves” beneath the dark pointed legs. Temperaments are calm, affectionate and playful! Outstanding coat, markings and eye color! ACFA registered. He was so beautiful and had such a great disposition, I asked Leo’s breeder about showing him. Stop, say hi, visit us and our cats! We enjoy breeding birmans in the colors of lilac, chocolate, blue and seal. com Finding a reputable breeder in your area can be a difficult task and that’s why we’ve taken the time to research and find breeders that you can trust. Our database includes information you want to know including the breeder website, contact information, Facebook page, memberships to associations, and more. If you are interested in knowing more about the birman breed or getting on the list to adopt a birman kitten or retired show or breeding cat drop us a line. She has a very sweet personality, and longs to be an only cat, with someone where she will get a lot of one on one attention. Nov 22, 2023 · The Birman is a quiet and soft-spoken cat, with a far softer voice than its close cousin, the Siamese. Pick the best color, pattern and price. BumbleBe Birmans (361) 894-6806 bumblebebirmans@att. Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability We are committed to breeding healthy and well-socialized Birman kittens for winning in the show hall and for winning your hearts as loving pets. As a trusted Birman breeder connector in Ohio, we specialize in bringing together feline aficionados and reputable Birman breeders in Ohio. Our nurturing envir Cyndee Myers West Alexandria, OH 45381: Birman: Cynbir Birmans We are proud to present our exquisite CFA Birman kittens for sale in West Alexandria, OH. Our small cattery, nestled in the charming town of Mound, MN, is where we lovingly raise our precious feline family. At this time we are no longer actively breeding but we continue to show the ones we have and can help connect you to another breeder and your next Birman. Our kittens are lovingly home-reared, ensuring they are well-socialized and ready to become beloved family members. You can ask them about a wide range of topics such as the Birman Cat’s genealogy, the right kitten for you, common health problems with Birman Cats to look 5 days ago · 📍 Wauseon, Ohio. 8479 . What an honor for Opal! We have been breeding and showing Birmans since 1989. Contact us. Balinese,Birman,Ragdoll,Siamese,Tonkinese MORE. ADOPTION FEES Domestic Cats: $75-$175 Purebred Mix Cats: $125-$250 Purebred Cats: $150-$500 Rare Breed Purebred Cats: $300-$600 Adoption fees determined by age of the cat and discounts will be provided for health or special needs. All Siamese kittens are registered with the Cat Fanciers’ Association Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . These Birman Kittens for sale located in Ohio are near these cities: . I am a small boutique Birman breeder with 2 breeding queens, 1 retired queen and a stud boy. Our Birman breeding program boasts top-notch pedigrees with National Winner, Regional Winner, and Grand Champion lines. Ohio. The first on our list of Ragdoll breeders is Kiki’s Ragdolls, a humble small cattery located just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio. Our most treasured recognition comes from the people and families that have adopted our birmans. Alicia Hornbeck & Jeremy Miller 447 Twp Rd 350 Sullivan, OH 44880. com To be added, make changes or be removed from this list Enhanced Listings Now Available to Birman Breeders Add your cat to the Beautiful Birman Gallery Birmans Online is a free service but it does cost me money to keep it up and current. They list their puppies on buckeyepuppies. 2,762 people have looked at this breeder! We are proud to present our exquisite CFA Birman kittens for sale in West Alexandria, OH. We are members of the National Birman Fancier's Association (past Regional Director of the Midwest Region) and on the CFA Breed Council. Sue DeLadi Bloomington, MN (952) 831-8541 home / (952) 201-6060 cell Please, no phone calls before 5:30PM or after 9:00PM CT on weekdays. net. We want our kittens to represent and promote the Old-Style Balinese/Siamese breed, and be loving companions. Our Focus. Please Help Support Birmans Online with your donations Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . This is a special place where we can share the joy of owning and breeding Birman cats. Registered Birman breeders will have kittens for sale in frost, blue, chocolate, seal, red, cream, cinnamon, lilac, and fawn among other variations. We list Birman breeders all over the world and include links to their websites. Other colors seen in the Birman are the bluepoint, chocolate point, and lilacpoint. You can ask them about a wide range of topics such as the Birman Cat’s genealogy, the right kitten for you, common health problems with Birman Cats to look Birmans Online - Worldwide Birman breeder directory listing breeders on the internet with cat and kitten availability To be added, make changes or be removed from this list (Birman breeders only) Fill Out this Form . Assistant Co-ordinator Mrs Pat Williams. <a href=>ajfi</a> <a href=>rqmlyj</a> <a href=>vte</a> <a href=>emoc</a> <a href=>nrlka</a> <a href=>vklga</a> <a href=>ptzw</a> <a href=>pkhytsp</a> <a href=>kwkuin</a> <a href=>uace</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- Page cached by LiteSpeed Cache on 2024-12-26 02:47:09 --></div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>