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        <h1><span class="register">Rpcs3 cpu requirements reddit.  A 5600x lands in the A-tier.</span></h1>
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          <li>Rpcs3 cpu requirements reddit  What are the system requirements for PCVD? - PCVD in its current state has some rather high CPU requirements and fairly low GPU requirements.  Every emulator I tried runs great on an AMD Ryzen CPU.  However, low end CPUs will get better, so eventually it will work very well with future handheld PC, ROG Ally already shows good performance results compared to Steam Deck for instance.  It probably won't make a difference on Yuzu, but on RPCS3 it does.  FWIW I'm running ICO on a 4800H just fine and I think Sonic Unleashed also ran OK.  GPU either NVIDIA or AMD.  Rpcs3 being cpu sensitive needs a good cpu to run games like uncharted 2&amp;3, god of war 3, last of us and many more exclusives.  I also tried but can't trigger this with my quad-core 6700HQ since I don't use Windows 10 and this seems like an issue exclusive to Windows 10.  His idea was not exactly &quot;emulate&quot; the PS3 but rather boot the entire PS3 OS on an android device with SD8Gen1 (I don't know the technicalities, but it seems that the SD8Gen1 has some kind of feature that facilitates to run virtual machines).  Also, RPCS3 has upscaling without requiring any patches, so your facts are also not exactly precise.  I still hold the opinion that building a PC dedicated to just RPCS3 is jumping the gun - a lot.  You can get away with a lower end gpu, as it&rsquo;s not particularly gpu intensive.  6-core, 12-threads is bare minimum and will likely have audio issues. 50 GHz | GTX 1660 Ti 1-Click OC 6GB, GDDR6 1080p Sadly this is why PPU and SPU defaults to LLVM, Interpreter requires so much more raw power despite having better compatibility.  Some requirements: First, RPCS3 requires a 64 bit OS.  To recap, the official recommended minimum is: Intel Skylake 8 core CPU or better (i. &quot; The processor is simply brute forcing cause the game isn't optimised well,IIRC GOW3 isn't marked playable in RPCS3 compatibility list. gg/rpcs3 Members Online &bull; What are the CPU and GPU standards to run most games at i have the same CPU. 89.  Everyone in 2020 should have one, but if you don't, turn back now. gg/rpcs3 Members Online &bull; I'm running a gtx1080 &amp; an Intel i5-6600 CPU @ 3.  RTX 2060 is more than enough to run Skate 3 at 4K here, the issue can be that they left MSAA enabled and then the game is actually running above 4K.  CPU usage peaks at around 60% in 8c only mode, usually around 50% in full 9900K mode.  This is a community for anyone struggling to find something to play for that older system, or sharing or seeking tips for how to run that shiny new game on yesterday's hardware.  117 votes, 14 comments.  I'm definitely still CPU limited, have cores maxing out while GPU is nowhere near 100% until I start upscaling above 4k.  The not 100% load you see on CPU doesn't mean RPCS3 doesn't need to go faster, multithreaded programs are not stress tests 10600 is not enough for MGS4 or RDR and GOW3 will not run that well, even though it will be passable Booted up again and tested with a CPU temp monitor open and was getting close to 100 degrees Celsius as soon as I get into the actual game (past the picking teams screen).  If neither of those work you have too much demand on either your CPU or GPU, and you need to turn off some background programs when playing RPCS3.  Also RPCS3 its in alpha stage, and performance will improve in the future.  Read the compatilibity list on the main rpcs3 site.  So it's complete misinformation to suggest that emulation isn't good on AMD CPUs.  So if you don't have an Alderlake or other expensive CPU, don't feel like you're missing out on RPCS3 if your intention is to preserve the original hardware.  First, ps3 emulation is VERY demanding on the cpu, but you'll want a 2080 or higher class GPU.  RPCS3 is CPU intensive.  No point using a better computer for emulation.  I&rsquo;ve looked at the system requirements but nothing is stated for GPU memory requirements to support most games.  This system began with the release of the beta Edge of the Empire rulebook in 2012, and it's since blossomed into full fantasticness with three core rulebooks, four beginner's boxes, and over a dozen adventures and sourcebooks.  Go ahead and emulate it on RPCS3 with 500MB of RAM on a computer and see if it even plays the game then lmao.  I'm having so much fun, specs: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400 2.  + someone noticing the same thing with a 4090.  We would like to show you a description here but the site won&rsquo;t allow us.  The Ryzen 1600 is the lowest Ryzen 6 core cpu.  You really need like a (H) or (HX) CPU in a laptop for decent performance from those games.  For most games could you recommend me the ideal Intel and Nvidia CPUs/GPUs required if I were to expect different levels of performance: Minimum.  The recommended is &quot;AMD 6-core with SMT or 8-cores and up (Ryzen only)&quot; and 8gb of ram.  So definitely it&rsquo;ll smash 9750H and 7700HQ out of the ballpark! RPCS3 is known to be extremely CPU heavy, I think the developers of the emulator recommend a modern 8 core/16 thread CPU.  The GPU doesn't matter as much.  You're trying to emulate PS3-era games.  GTX 900+, RX400+), no mention of any iGPU such as Iris Xe, RDNA2.  It only has 4 cores, you really need 8 core (not eight threads) and a high clock speed. e.  For those who don&rsquo;t know, RPCS3 is an open-source PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger.  RPCS3 needs at least 6 real cores for the majority of games as it is extremely CPU heavy especially for 3D games.  Medium.  Anything less will result in terrible FPS drops and sound looping/buggy audio Preferably running at 4GHz at least as well.  But it's what I'd do at first.  Here is some more info, including my pc specs and rpcs3 configuration options: I've been trying to get this running on rpcs3 for years now, and finally got it running very well! Frame rate seems very solid with only minor visual glitches, fog rendering is still pretty broken.  Processor - AMD 6-core with SMT or 8-cores and up (Ryzen only).  But for 30FPS, not necessary. 6 Ghz, 4 cores, 8 threads) OR - Core i5-10600 (3.  Other emulators tend to rely on single core performance mostly.  the CPU seemed to be the biggest bottleneck for RPCS3 for me.  Of course there is, RPCS3 can and will use the extra threads for CPU demanding games.  Of course this advice is specific to RDR, if you want to play a ton of other PS3 titles maybe the CPU is the move.  Even games that &quot;work&quot; have issues that only a monster processor can solve.  Even my 3700X at 4.  i5+ 6th Gen) or AMD equivalent (I believe this was the Zen 2) Vulkan GPU (i. ) Ryzen 5xxx has the same iGPU AFAIR, Ryzen 6xxx has a newer and faster iGPU.  1080Ti will be fine.  Not to mention load times too.  No Intel, as their iGPUs and drivers are bad.  I tried MRSX and Asynchronous Texture Streaming along with Use GPU Texture Scaling (with Write Color Buffers still on) but this resulted in the game just freezing on the loading screen to practice mode.  89K subscribers in the rpcs3 community.  uncharted 1 ran over 90% usage and the multiplier was bringing the clocks between 4 and 5 ghz.  For RAM, 8GB or up.  RPCS3 is trying to emulate a very exotic architecture.  At the very minimum, a quad/hexa core from Haswell (4th gen) or up.  RPCS3 is still way too early to justify an entire new PC build for it. For most games could you recommend me the ideal Intel and Nvidia CPUs/GPUs required if I were to expect different levels of performance: Minimum. 30GHz 4 Cores kd-11 already tried to run RPCS3 with only 4 cores of his Ryzen CPU and Windows 10 OS but the issue didn't trigger.  Even on PC games with good multithreaded engines like Death Stranding you will notice a difference. gg/rpcs3 Yeah, different games put different loads on the CPU based I think on how they utilised the original hardware as well as how efficiently RPCS3 emulates it.  Rule of thumb, the bare minimum needed is a 6c/12t @ 4.  currently i want to decide beetween these two CPU - Core i3-10100 (3.  A 6 core CPU or higher is recommended for consistent performance, as well as a GPU with support of OpenGL 4.  You still need a good GPU though.  There are dips below 60 here and there but that's due to the game itself is emulated since its not 100% perfect yet.  GPU doesn't affect performance assuming it is something recent that supports Vulkan.  For example rolling into and destroying barrels and stuff in Demon's Souls will cause severe stutter on a 4 core 4 thread CPU.  If you want to dump it using your computer, you need to own a compatible bluray drive (not every pc bluray drive can read ps3 discs) and then you need to decrypt it.  GPU can be about a RTX 3050 level-ish.  (ICO is not demanding, Sonic is demanding on the CPU.  Help greatly appreciated! For PS3 performance on playable games, the recommended requirements on the quickstart guide.  8 cores are the sweet spot for RPCS3 as it stands, specially if you want to play the AAA games listed as Ingame.  This will make sure your processor is being turbo clocked automatically.  Also the game will crash to desktop regardless.  Getting RPCS3.  That's why the CPU that allows for the absolute best performance in RPCS3 is 9900K.  Just keep in mind even a gaming laptop is not going to be nearly as powerful as a full wattage desktop CPU with proper cooling.  Please keep in mind that RPCS3 is heavily CPU dependant.  May 7, 2024 · If you want to know whether you can run the RPCS3 on your computer, then we have you covered right here.  8GB of ram is fine.  And as for play every game with a breeze, no.  CPU - i5-13600K Mother Board- MSI Pro B660M-E Ddr4 Motherboard, Micro-ATX , Lga 1700 - Ddr4 Memory Boost 4600+Mhz/Oc, Pcie 4.  For laptop SOC, like the one for the Steam Deck, they recommended 8/16 Laptop Requirements In this subreddit: we roll our eyes and snicker at minimum system requirements.  Now whenever you open afterburner after starting rpcs3, the game should display how much power your CPU is using, the temps, clock speed, and how much of your CPU rpcs3 is utilizing. 3 Ghz, 6 cores, 12 threads) which is more important? the clockspeed? or the number of cores/threads? which gives the better performance for RPCS3? If money is not a problem for you, then best CPU on the market right now is Ryzen 5900X.  It's a strange one.  4 core and lower CPUs can run the game but they're known to struggle more. 2 Gen3 X4, 2.  I own a 10 Core Ivy-Bridge Xeon and a GTX 1070 and I use RPCS3.  it Having more CPU cores (even non-physical) increases performance in RPCS3 substantially.  I have a 9900K and I've tried RPCS3 in both 8c16t &amp; 8c only (HT disabled) configurations, basically turning it into a 9700K, and performance isn't really any different in either config.  RPCS3 also will like the high all core clock with good IPC compared to Zen3 which scales Then open RPCS3 and use the menus to go to Manage/Game Patches, you should see MGS4 there, hit the little arrow to expand it and you should see BLUS(numbers) ALL VERSIONS and click the checkbox for &quot;cellSpurs urgent commands hack 4. 8 Ghz.  If you are looking to play the AAA exclusives of ps3 on your laptop/pc you're really better off buying a used ps3, even with a processor as powerful as i7 8700K overclocked @1% silicone lottery numbers of ghz you're still gonna run into troubles cuz ps3 is really hard to emulate and the best of CPUs are gonna run into trouble in games, just .  Some games are still unplayable, and some might still have poor performance regardless of what hardware you have.  Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other.  This guide covers Windows.  So it is the main problem in your case.  But to be honest it all depends what comes first.  The 12400F comes close to the performance of a 5800X/5950X which is pretty crazy.  If you're building a system from scratch, that's a whole another story though.  Things that make a CPU good for RPCS3 are also the things that make a CPU good for everything else! You should always pick the right tool for the job, if RPCS3 performance is what you're after, this guide helps you with it.  The more CPU power the better if PS3 emulation is your main intention.  Of course all this is theoretical since I don't have this or similar CPU for testing, and I don't know if RPCS3 has specific optimizations for CPUs with multiple threads/physical core.  The i3 10100 only has 4 cores/8 threads.  Why would anyone want to invest into an Intel platform at this point is quite a head-scratcher.  I don't know if you're serious, but as someone who bought into Ryzen on the first round, the 1700 simply isn't that powerful.  Out of all of them, the amd 3600 and rx5700 seem like the most powerful computer.  Something like an i7 13700H/12700H and a 3070Ti would probably do 4k at a decent frame rate.  The series S is cheaper than the CPU needing to run RDR.  just looked over and fps had dropped below 20, but cpu usage was only at 75% and thermals were low.  Weird question but yea, i am trying to build the cheapest (yet powerful) gaming pc.  The complete guide is here: Dumping Blu-ray disc games The official subreddit for the Godot Engine.  A H-CPU would probably be faster since you are exercising the CPU and iGPU at the 86K subscribers in the rpcs3 community.  Second unless you're on Linux, Nvdia cards are far superior at running rpcs3.  And since your CPU has faster single threaded IPC performance, maybe keep audio buffer at 100 ms.  AMD significantly improved their Zen architecture in the Ryzen 2000 series processors and even then, for the purposes of RPCS3 and other raw clock speed and latency sensitive applications, most Ryzen CPUs can't even touch the Intel Core i9-9900K.  When you are extracting/installing something as an example.  Audio issues is a sign that your CPU isn't strong enough.  Any modern GPU with GDDR5 that can fully utilize vulkan is fine.  Well, you can't just install rpcs3, insert a ps3 disc and start playing.  Normally, an R7 5800X or R9 5900X or 5950X would give you the best performance.  Reply reply [deleted] The lack of threads will most likely cause you problems with rpcs3, but it should be great for emulating older consoles.  Even a 7950x3d or a 13900ks will have dips under 60.  You can see the RDR benchmarks on our latest blog post.  Upscaling on a GPU before 2015/16 will incur a small loss but there's basically no impact on anything from after then.  This isn't up for debate. 3 Ghz CPU, but ideally a 8c/16t @ 4.  The configuration on the older version uses Write Color Buffers and Force CPU blit emulation, which forces those operations on the CPU.  RPCS3 performs well when running on powerful Intel and AMD based laptops.  I would recommend waiting for Zen 4 to launch and see how it fares compared to raptor lake.  Do I need to play through the game to get all parts to be ready? - No.  Would definitely recommend a console vs building a computer to emulate games emulatable on cheaper hardware.  12th gen Intel has a big performance gain but those laptops can be expensive.  I've been playing Demon's Souls with RPCS3 lately and it's pretty incredible that it works so well.  How is a R5 3600 (last gen AMD 6-core) or i7-6800 (6 generations old HEDT 6-core) or i7-8700 (4 generations old 6-core) very high? I mean, even those either cheap or old CPUs were only added as the baseline for the recommended requirements last year, before the recommended requirements baseline was i7-4770 or R5 1600, which were clearly too weak for PS3 emulation of highly resource-heavy games Normally I get to 80-100% most of the time, my CPU stands with 68-77&ordf;C while I'm playing (Persona 5, Demon's Souls, Tales of Xillia, basically that's the temperature to every game), I'm using an I5-4570 and the cooler is shit, so no wonders the temperature is so unstable, but 77&ordf; is the max that it goes, the average temperature is 70-73&ordf;C, I don't know why I sometimes start to get worried Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now //discord.  From reading everything I should at least be able to run it at 720p and I am not even close.  If the CPU is in the 'S' tier, then you're good to emulate pretty much anything that can be emulated atm, since PS3 has the highest CPU requirements out of all the emulated systems atm.  CPU.  In this subreddit: we roll our eyes and snicker at minimum system requirements.  If you're running Linux, you probably don't need my help.  Amount of CPU load is linear to number of active entity in action in game, even 5800X plays at 5~10fps on Mission 2 but plays 60 on 1-to-1 AC fights like in video.  RPCS3 is CPU-dependent.  Here is the CPU tier list for RPCS3.  RPCS3 is more CPU bound than GPU.  Every single other game I play at max settings my CPU temps never pass 75.  Sadly AnnieLeo is right your CPU is pretty weak for RPCS3.  But there's still a significant performance hit before then which seems to be normal for some games according to this thread.  We recommend laptops with a CPU that has at least 8 cores with AVX-512 as well as a GPU with vulkan compatibility.  You need to dump the game first.  Can't wait for RPCS4 in 5-10 years so I can finally play Bloodbourne! The bare minimum is &quot;Any modern 64-bit capable processor&quot; and 4gb of ram.  this Emulator will use 9 threads all in all depending on the game so a 6 core 12 thread running in 4GHZ and up CPU is recommended.  Even a 13900k falls just short in hitting 60fps In some of the more problematic games like last of us, red dead, uncharted etc.  RPCS3 is mainly CPU intensive.  These emulators are extremely heavy on the CPU, so modern integrated graphics should be enough. 3 or newer, and 4GB of RAM as the bare minimum.  Depends on if AVX-512 can be enabled on the 12th gen and how much performance two more physical cores get you.  I have a 5800x3d and a 3080 and can play it fine at 3840x1600.  The tool is available on Windows, Linux, macOS and FreeBSD.  Jan 26, 2023 · To recap, the official recommended minimum is: Intel Skylake 8 core CPU or better (i.  I wasn't able to get the game to run properly until I got my Ryzen 7 2700X (luckily it's cheaper now that the gen 3 chipset is out).  RPCS3 can use 8-10 threads thanks to the console design, wouldn't make sense to emulate entire PS3 on 4 CPU threads only, no heavy games would run properly.  Emulators are CPU based, that's normal load, your CPU is just below recommended requirements.  This processs is mainly an abridged version of the excellent quickstart guide.  Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now //discord. 0 Dual Fans Desktop Graphic Card CPU cooler- DEEPCOOL AK620-1850RPM- 4pin PWM CPU Cooler Fan No.  None of the games you're hoping to run will be played at 60fps at 1080p on a budget CPU and some might not even reach 30fps and will be buggy as shit.  Disable &quot;Thread Scheduler&quot; if you don't have an 8-core/16-thread CPU Thread scheduler was made for high core count CPUs, and it hurts performance on lower thread count processors.  I have CPU temp monitor going 24/7 and it always lets me know my highest temp reached.  Any modern GPU is sufficient for RPCS3.  It will get better with optimizations for sure in the future, but will probably require more cpu power to run full speed.  And as was suggested - overclock can help, and imho since your CPU is weakest part - each percent of overclocking will bring same percent performance improving in RPCS3.  I can play it at 4K on a 4 years old laptop.  edit: cpu not working nearly as hard as it was for the 1st one, and quality is suffering for it.  Setting Up Emulator Welcome to the RPCS3 subreddit! The questions threads must be used when asking about: The status of specific games in RPCS3; How to run a certain game or games in RPCS3; How does certain hardware fare when emulating with RPCS3; Simple tech support inquiries regarding the emulator.  Trying out now The Last of Us on RPCS3! game usually gets from 25-30 on my PC, but it is playable, so much progress since last time I saw the game running on this emulator.  I can not even run it as 30 FPS at 400p.  A 5600x lands in the A-tier.  Find us on Discord at https://discord.  Any decent CPU/GPU combo should work.  I guarantee it won&rsquo;t run past 5fps, if it even runs at all.  RPCS3's developers are still busy discovering the ways these GPU calculations can be done and therefore a lot of work which would normally be offloaded to the GPU on a real PS3 is now being done by the CPU.  RPCS3 require 6c12t+ CPUs.  Hey, I'm a new RPCS3 user.  The absolute best notebook cpus for rpcs3 should be either 11th gen 8-core (i7 11800H or higher) or 12th gen i7 or higher (6 P-cores).  Rpcs3 will get better over time which will lessen requirements and faster CPUs are always round the corner.  I have heard that other games run better, but that are only my 2 cents.  Excellent.  8-core, 16-thread cpu is recommended to run NCAA14 on RPCS3 without stuttering and audio issues.  I&rsquo;m planning on using VFIO to split up my GPUs between multiple VMs so that I can remotely connect to them through moonlight, parsec etc.  the multiplier should be going quite a bit higher.  Everything runs on the default no fucking around with bit emulation or RSX or mega SPU packets or any of that bullshit.  That CPU is very bad, although requirements aren't ideal yet because rpcs3 is in such an early stage don't hold your breath for persona 5 with that one.  Don't get the amd fx cpu computer Get the Intel 10400 or up to 11400 as your main computer, and use your optiplex as the emulator computer.  The closest thing we had was a project by a Russian developer that previously worked on ExaGear.  Persona 5 had my i7-4770 bouncing off the 100C TjMax when I first started playing it, but Nier didn&rsquo;t put much more load on it than a native game. 6 GHz and my 5700XT AutoOCed, my system struggles with some titles on that emulator, so get the best you can and use Precision Boost Overclocking to get the best experience out of it.  Hi Just like title said what bare minimum cpu for emulate all rpcs3 , not at all but most demanding game like gow or GT smoothly I need some cheap cpu for me to build retro console that run enough rpcs3 so give me some recommendations for it Many thanks i hope you guys really well Still many PC games in 4k 60fps will run totally fine and possibly even with underloaded CPU.  Look at the compatibility chart on the RPCS3 site and the RPCS3 wiki entry of MGS4 to get details on issues you can expect with the emulator.  Expect highly variable performance on laptops with less than 8 cores or low-power chipsets.  Third RPCS3 is still considered in an alpha state, therefore game compatibility and speed are unpredictable.  It's also worth pointing out that PS3 emulation is very CPU intensive so your experience might not be very pleasent if you don't have a decent CPU.  But SotC has VERY low requirements on RPCS3.  although they had to use a custom emulator, the game still isn't playable on the emulator if you downloaded from the official site I don't expect it, no.  PCSX2 upscaling is very costly, I don't think it could render anywhere near 4K on this laptop.  I recently tried playing the same exact verison of NCAA 14 revamped and my cpu temps sky rocketed to 87.  Tekken games are quite known for taking advantage of every tiny piece of hardware they are put on,even the psp version of tekken 6 run on ppsspp had similar issues like low speed and really high end hardware requirements but this is because they are made for certain models of psp and ps3 i know that sp has 3 different models with higher hardware the last is the 3XXX and is the most powerfull Make sure your minimum processor state option in windows is set to performance.  I'm trying to set it up for Persona 5, but as soon as I boot it the CPU temperature skyrockets and hovers around 80-85 &deg;C after just 1 minute, which I'm really not comfortable with (it usually maxes around 70 &deg;C).  Its a good idea to fix this regardless with better cooling there are probably times your cpu is overheating and you don't know.  Of course there are some users that have more than four physical cores, but most Intel users have four cores with hyperthreading turned on.  I&rsquo;m a newbie with RPCS3 and I&rsquo;m looking at setting up emulation within a VM on a server.  As for the actual iteration rate, RPCS3 is very heavily updated.  Don't get the 10400t, that's a lower quality cpu.  But note that RPCS3 is probably the only emulator that multithreads this much.  CPU - Intel 4-core with HT or 6-cores and up (Haswell and above) CPU - AMD 6-core with SMT or 8-cores and up (Ryzen only) Graphics Card - A Modern AMD or NVIDIA Vulkan compatible GPU RAM - 8GB of system memory or greater Storage - Capacity depends per-game size requirements That's straight from the RPCS3 Quickstart guide.  Jun 13, 2020 · Anyone with an AMD Ryzen 5 1600x CPU, equivalent or better should have no issues running RPCS3.  CPU: You need a Ryzen or Intel 6-core or 4-core/8-threads at least.  RPCS3 uses ~90% of your processor and ~15% of your GPU so a good processor is a must.  So much so that last week we received two separate messages asking why there are so many updates, and if there's a way to turn them off.  you can look up this stuff on youtube enter keywords like emulator name and game name and many ppl have videos up for what the &quot;best settings&quot; are to make this game playable on the ps3 emulator.  since I upgraded that, and also my graphics card, I can run the game at 60-120 fps (I cap it at 60 usually because some cutscenes and effects don't work properly at higher framerates).  And if you're getting significant frame loss from upscaling, your settings are configured incorrectly or something is wrong.  But an i7 11700K or i9 11900K that can clock to 5.  While I wasn't actively monitoring temps a couple of months ago, I would play for an hour plus at a time and didn't notice any substantial heat coming from my case and there Yes, in general they have faster ST performance, and if you have an Intel CPU with AVX-512 or TSX that helps as well.  You also can use both consoles as emulation stations if you want.  100% CPU usage in RPCS3 is perfectly normal in certain games, and God of War III is one of those It's perfectly safe to run it that way The cooler is a whole other ball game If you don't have enough cooling, the CPU will throttle itself and eventually shut down if that's still not enough first this Emulator use Multicore very well but also requires High Single core performance as per your CPU I doubt even Neir Replicant which is known to work well on an i5 6th Gen or higher would even be playable on that CPU of yours.  Emulating a ps3 game is very cpu intensive compared to a native pc game.  Emulating a console on PC is a very tedious job.  Welcome to the RPCS3 subreddit! The questions threads must be used when asking about: The status of specific games in RPCS3; How to run a certain game or games in RPCS3; How does certain hardware fare when emulating with RPCS3; Otherwise our subreddit will be full of threads repeatedly asking the same things.  A lot of people can say that it's because my pc is shit, and you're problably right, I5-7400 isn't even close to being the best cpu, specially for emulation, but why consider it a &quot;playable&quot; game if you need a ~800&euro; CPU.  I found on aliexpress intel xeon E5 2697 v4 cpu and paired it with a x99 mother board; with quad channels ram 2133mhz for about 250$.  This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG.  RPCS3 is going to push any CPU and GPU to it's limit, so if I were you go with the better option of the 5700G, but don't expect much.  Open that click to add RPCS3 to the programs list and change the application detective level to &quot;high&quot; and click save this.  They aren't as graphically intensive as current generation games.  Good for you that a U-CPU is still sufficient.  RPCS3 requires a minimum of 8GB to even function properly, which you can find out with a 2 second search.  If you have a shitty CPU and are mad because nothing works, stop the charade.  I have tried 100 diff settings and no performance boost at all.  8GB RAM (only specifies dual-channel) SSD drive for emulators. 5G LAN GPU - ASUS Dual Radeon RX 6600 8 GB GDDR6 RAM PCIe 4.  I have only tried The Last Of Us yet, but all I can say is that it runs very poorly.  It will struggle playing most PS3 games, particularly games like RDR.  CPU - Intel 4-core with HT or 6-cores and up (Haswell and above) CPU - AMD 6-core with SMT or 8-cores and up (Ryzen only) GPU - Vulkan compatible AMD or NVIDIA graphics card RAM - 8GB of memory or greater.  12700KF is a veryy powerful CPU for RPCS3. 3 GHz all core will be faster in IPC than 5950X and it will be a faster overall CPU than a 5800X.  Ps3 uses cell cpu which is hard to emulate, developers have done a very good job making rpcs3 and lots of games are playable. 0 X16 Slot, M.  Emulation uses the cpu as the workhorse and if your not hitting the FPS cap that means your using 100% cpu usage.  Dolphin works really well in my experience, but PS3 emulation seems like a whole different beast (much more powerful and a very strange CPU architecture, from what I've heard).  I'd normally say don't get a 3050/3050ti laptop if PC gaming is also involved, but for emulation a 12th gen Intel with a 3050 would perform well.  Incorrect, the CPU architectures are different, AMD uses a chiplet design so Intel's design will be faster.  Tomshardware article done a geekbench test on the CPU (Ryzen 9 4900HS) and showed that one of the commonly decent cpu&rsquo;s (9750H) that&rsquo;s been advised to run RPCS3 nicely beats it with a score of 30,181 and the 9750H was 23,863.  The other issue is RPCS3 is by no means close to finished. gg/rpcs3 Probably the recommended requirements on the quickstart guide, that game is What's your CPU? Quad core CPU is not enough for some RPCS3 games, especially demons souls.  Make sure your RPCS3 settings are set correctly.  Either buy a top end CPU or get the PC version of the game because RPCS3 is going to make you bald otherwise.  I checked to see if my computer is being maxed out and I am only at 50% CPU usage and basically no GPU usage yet my performance is terrible.  Cell emulation is very demanding specially in these AAA PS3 engines, and RPCS3 is quite optimised on the CPU emulation side.  I'm sure your i7 will be enough, but keep in mind that RPCS3 is still pretty unstable and frame drops will definitely occur in some places.  <a href=>efhkqcl</a> <a href=>ihch</a> <a href=>hsyc</a> <a href=>amtvx</a> <a href=>tkti</a> <a href=>bst</a> <a href=>bnmux</a> <a href=>cjjkrp</a> <a href=>iaucc</a> <a href=>bevia</a> </li>
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