Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/

 * sly 1.6.1 - 8th Aug 2015
 * Licensed under the MIT license.

;(function ($, w, undefined) {
	'use strict';

	var pluginName = 'sly';
	var className  = 'Sly';
	var namespace  = pluginName;

	// Local WindowAnimationTiming interface
	var cAF = w.cancelAnimationFrame || w.cancelRequestAnimationFrame;
	var rAF = w.requestAnimationFrame;

	// Support indicators
	var transform, gpuAcceleration;

	// Other global values
	var $doc = $(document);
	var dragInitEvents = 'touchstart.' + namespace + ' mousedown.' + namespace;
	var dragMouseEvents = 'mousemove.' + namespace + ' mouseup.' + namespace;
	var dragTouchEvents = 'touchmove.' + namespace + ' touchend.' + namespace;
	var wheelEvent = (document.implementation.hasFeature('Event.wheel', '3.0') ? 'wheel.' : 'mousewheel.') + namespace;
	var clickEvent = 'click.' + namespace;
	var mouseDownEvent = 'mousedown.' + namespace;
	var interactiveElements = ['INPUT', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON', 'TEXTAREA'];
	var tmpArray = [];
	var time;

	// Math shorthands
	var abs = Math.abs;
	var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
	var pow = Math.pow;
	var round = Math.round;
	var max = Math.max;
	var min = Math.min;

	// Keep track of last fired global wheel event
	var lastGlobalWheel = 0;
	/*$doc.on(wheelEvent, function (event) {
		var sly = event.originalEvent[namespace];
		var time = +new Date();
		// Update last global wheel time, but only when event didn't originate
		// in Sly frame, or the origin was less than scrollHijack time ago
		if (!sly || sly.options.scrollHijack < time - lastGlobalWheel) lastGlobalWheel = time;

	 * Sly.
	 * @class
	 * @param {Element} frame       DOM element of sly container.
	 * @param {Object}  options     Object with options.
	 * @param {Object}  callbackMap Callbacks map.
	function Sly(frame, options, callbackMap) {
		if (!(this instanceof Sly)) return new Sly(frame, options, callbackMap);

		// Extend options
		var o = $.extend({}, Sly.defaults, options);

		// Private variables
		var self = this;
		var parallax = isNumber(frame);

		// Frame
		var $frame = $(frame);
		var $slidee = o.slidee ? $(o.slidee).eq(0) : $frame.children().eq(0);
		var frameSize = 0;
		var slideeSize = 0;
		var pos = {
			start: 0,
			center: 0,
			end: 0,
			cur: 0,
			dest: 0

		// Scrollbar
		var $sb = $(o.scrollBar).eq(0);
		var $handle = $sb.children().eq(0);
		var sbSize = 0;
		var handleSize = 0;
		var hPos = {
			start: 0,
			end: 0,
			cur: 0

		// Pagesbar
		var $pb = $(o.pagesBar);
		var $pages = 0;
		var pages = [];

		// Items
		var $items = 0;
		var items = [];
		var rel = {
			firstItem: 0,
			lastItem: 0,
			centerItem: 0,
			activeItem: null,
			activePage: 0

		// Styles
		var frameStyles = new StyleRestorer($frame[0]);
		var slideeStyles = new StyleRestorer($slidee[0]);
		var sbStyles = new StyleRestorer($sb[0]);
		var handleStyles = new StyleRestorer($handle[0]);

		// Navigation type booleans
		var basicNav = o.itemNav === 'basic';
		var forceCenteredNav = o.itemNav === 'forceCentered';
		var centeredNav = o.itemNav === 'centered' || forceCenteredNav;
		var itemNav = !parallax && (basicNav || centeredNav || forceCenteredNav);

		// Miscellaneous
		var $scrollSource = o.scrollSource ? $(o.scrollSource) : $frame;
		var $dragSource = o.dragSource ? $(o.dragSource) : $frame;
		var $forwardButton = $(o.forward);
		var $backwardButton = $(o.backward);
		var $prevButton = $(o.prev);
		var $nextButton = $(;
		var $prevPageButton = $(o.prevPage);
		var $nextPageButton = $(o.nextPage);
		var callbacks = {};
		var last = {};
		var animation = {};
		var move = {};
		var dragging = {
			released: 1
		var scrolling = {
			last: 0,
			delta: 0,
			resetTime: 200
		var renderID = 0;
		var historyID = 0;
		var cycleID = 0;
		var continuousID = 0;
		var i, l;

		// Normalizing frame
		if (!parallax) {
			frame = $frame[0];

		// Expose properties
		self.initialized = 0;
		self.frame = frame;
		self.slidee = $slidee[0];
		self.pos = pos;
		self.rel = rel;
		self.items = items;
		self.pages = pages;
		self.isPaused = 0;
		self.options = o;
		self.dragging = dragging;

		 * Loading function.
		 * Populate arrays, set sizes, bind events, ...
		 * @param {Boolean} [isInit] Whether load is called from within self.init().
		 * @return {Void}
		function load(isInit) {
			// Local variables
			var lastItemsCount = 0;
			var lastPagesCount = pages.length;

			// Save old position
			pos.old = $.extend({}, pos);

			// Reset global variables
			frameSize = parallax ? 0 : $frame[o.horizontal ? 'width' : 'height']();
			sbSize = $sb[o.horizontal ? 'width' : 'height']();
			slideeSize = parallax ? frame : $slidee[o.horizontal ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight']();
			pages.length = 0;

			// Set position limits & relatives
			pos.start = 0;
			pos.end = max(slideeSize - frameSize, 0);

			// Sizes & offsets for item based navigations
			if (itemNav) {
				// Save the number of current items
				lastItemsCount = items.length;

				// Reset itemNav related variables
				$items = $slidee.children(o.itemSelector);
				items.length = 0;

				// Needed variables
				var paddingStart = getPx($slidee, o.horizontal ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingTop');
				var paddingEnd = getPx($slidee, o.horizontal ? 'paddingRight' : 'paddingBottom');
				var borderBox = $($items).css('boxSizing') === 'border-box';
				var areFloated = $items.css('float') !== 'none';
				var ignoredMargin = 0;
				var lastItemIndex = $items.length - 1;
				var lastItem;

				// Reset slideeSize
				slideeSize = 0;

				// Iterate through items
				$items.each(function (i, element) {
					// Item
					var $item = $(element);
					var rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
					var itemSize = round(o.horizontal ? rect.width || rect.right - rect.left : rect.height || rect.bottom -;
					var itemMarginStart = getPx($item, o.horizontal ? 'marginLeft' : 'marginTop');
					var itemMarginEnd = getPx($item, o.horizontal ? 'marginRight' : 'marginBottom');
							itemSize -= $item.find('td').eq(0).outerWidth();
					var itemSizeFull = itemSize + itemMarginStart + itemMarginEnd;
					var singleSpaced = !itemMarginStart || !itemMarginEnd;
					var item = {};
					item.el = element;
					item.size = singleSpaced ? itemSize : itemSizeFull;
					item.half = item.size / 2;
					item.start = slideeSize + (singleSpaced ? itemMarginStart : 0); = item.start - round(frameSize / 2 - item.size / 2);
					item.end = item.start - frameSize + item.size;

					// Account for slidee padding
					if (!i) {
						slideeSize += paddingStart;

					// Increment slidee size for size of the active element
					slideeSize += itemSizeFull;

					// Try to account for vertical margin collapsing in vertical mode
					// It's not bulletproof, but should work in 99% of cases
					if (!o.horizontal && !areFloated) {
						// Subtract smaller margin, but only when top margin is not 0, and this is not the first element
						if (itemMarginEnd && itemMarginStart && i > 0) {
							slideeSize -= min(itemMarginStart, itemMarginEnd);

					// Things to be done on last item
					if (i === lastItemIndex) {
						item.end += paddingEnd;
						slideeSize += paddingEnd;
						ignoredMargin = singleSpaced ? itemMarginEnd : 0;

					// Add item object to items array
					lastItem = item;

				// Resize SLIDEE to fit all items
				$slidee[0].style[o.horizontal ? 'width' : 'height'] = (borderBox ? slideeSize: slideeSize - paddingStart - paddingEnd) + 'px';

				// Adjust internal SLIDEE size for last margin
				slideeSize -= ignoredMargin;

				// Set limits
				if (items.length) {
					pos.start =  items[0][forceCenteredNav ? 'center' : 'start'];
					pos.end = forceCenteredNav ? : frameSize < slideeSize ? lastItem.end : pos.start;
				} else {
					pos.start = pos.end = 0;

			// Calculate SLIDEE center position = round(pos.end / 2 + pos.start / 2);

			// Update relative positions

			// Scrollbar
			if ($handle.length && sbSize > 0) {
				// Stretch scrollbar handle to represent the visible area
				if (o.dynamicHandle) {
					handleSize = pos.start === pos.end ? sbSize : round(sbSize * frameSize / slideeSize);
					handleSize = within(handleSize, o.minHandleSize, sbSize);
					$handle[0].style[o.horizontal ? 'width' : 'height'] = handleSize + 'px';
					var scrollbar = $($sb).closest('.wrapp_scrollbar');
						$($sb).parent().animate({'opacity': 1}, 50);
						$($sb).parent().animate({'opacity': 0}, 50);
				} else {
					handleSize = $handle[o.horizontal ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight']();

				hPos.end = sbSize - handleSize;

				if (!renderID) {

			// Pages
			if (!parallax && frameSize > 0) {
				var tempPagePos = pos.start;
				var pagesHtml = '';

				// Populate pages array
				if (itemNav) {
					$.each(items, function (i, item) {
						if (forceCenteredNav) {
						} else if (item.start + item.size > tempPagePos && tempPagePos <= pos.end) {
							tempPagePos = item.start;
							tempPagePos += frameSize;
							if (tempPagePos > pos.end && tempPagePos < pos.end + frameSize) {
				} else {
					while (tempPagePos - frameSize < pos.end) {
						tempPagePos += frameSize;

				// Pages bar
				if ($pb[0] && lastPagesCount !== pages.length) {
					for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) {
						pagesHtml +=, i);
					$pages = $pb.html(pagesHtml).children();

			// Extend relative variables object with some useful info
			rel.slideeSize = slideeSize;
			rel.frameSize = frameSize;
			rel.sbSize = sbSize;
			rel.handleSize = handleSize;

			// Activate requested position
			if (itemNav) {
				if (isInit && o.startAt != null) {
					self[centeredNav ? 'toCenter' : 'toStart'](o.startAt);
				// Fix possible overflowing
				var activeItem = items[rel.activeItem];
				slideTo(centeredNav && activeItem ? : within(pos.dest, pos.start, pos.end));
			} else {
				if (isInit) {
					if (o.startAt != null) slideTo(o.startAt, 1);
				} else {
					// Fix possible overflowing
					slideTo(within(pos.dest, pos.start, pos.end));

			// Trigger load event
		self.reload = function () { load(); };

		 * Animate to a position.
		 * @param {Int}  newPos    New position.
		 * @param {Bool} immediate Reposition immediately without an animation.
		 * @param {Bool} dontAlign Do not align items, use the raw position passed in first argument.
		 * @return {Void}
		function slideTo(newPos, immediate, dontAlign) {
			// Align items
			/*if (itemNav && dragging.released && !dontAlign) {
				var tempRel = getRelatives(newPos);
				var isNotBordering = newPos > pos.start && newPos < pos.end;

				if (centeredNav) {
					if (isNotBordering) {
						newPos = items[tempRel.centerItem].center;
					if (forceCenteredNav && o.activateMiddle) {
				} else if (isNotBordering) {
					newPos = items[tempRel.firstItem].start;

			// Handle overflowing position limits
			if (dragging.init && dragging.slidee && o.elasticBounds) {
				if (newPos > pos.end) {
					newPos = pos.end + (newPos - pos.end) / 6;
				} else if (newPos < pos.start) {
					newPos = pos.start + (newPos - pos.start) / 6;
			} else {
				newPos = within(newPos, pos.start, pos.end);

			// Update the animation object
			animation.start = +new Date();
			animation.time = 0;
			animation.from = pos.cur; = newPos; = newPos - pos.cur;
			animation.tweesing = dragging.tweese || dragging.init && !dragging.slidee;
			animation.immediate = !animation.tweesing && (immediate || dragging.init && dragging.slidee || !o.speed);

			// Reset dragging tweesing request
			dragging.tweese = 0;

			// Start animation rendering
			if (newPos !== pos.dest) {
				pos.dest = newPos;
				if (!renderID) {

			// Reset next cycle timeout

			// Synchronize states

		 * Render animation frame.
		 * @return {Void}
		function render() {
			if (!self.initialized) {

			// If first render call, wait for next animationFrame
			if (!renderID) {
				renderID = rAF(render);
				if (dragging.released) {

			// If immediate repositioning is requested, don't animate.
			if (animation.immediate) {
				pos.cur =;
			// Use tweesing for animations without known end point
			else if (animation.tweesing) {
				animation.tweeseDelta = - pos.cur;
				// Fuck Zeno's paradox
				/*if (abs(animation.tweeseDelta) < 0.1) {
					pos.cur =;
				} else {*/
					pos.cur += animation.tweeseDelta * (dragging.released ? o.swingSpeed : o.syncSpeed);
			// Use tweening for basic animations with known end point
			else {
				animation.time = min(+new Date() - animation.start, o.speed);
				pos.cur = animation.from + * $.easing[o.easing](animation.time/o.speed, animation.time, 0, 1, o.speed);

			// If there is nothing more to render break the rendering loop, otherwise request new animation frame.
			if ( === pos.cur) {
				pos.cur =;
				dragging.tweese = renderID = 0;
			} else {
				renderID = rAF(render);


			// Update SLIDEE position
			if (!parallax) {
				if (transform) {
					$slidee[0].style[transform] = gpuAcceleration + (o.horizontal ? 'translateX' : 'translateY') + '(' + (-pos.cur) + 'px)';
				} else {
					$slidee[0].style[o.horizontal ? 'left' : 'top'] = -round(pos.cur) + 'px';

			// When animation reached the end, and dragging is not active, trigger moveEnd
			if (!renderID && dragging.released) {


		 * Synchronizes scrollbar with the SLIDEE.
		 * @return {Void}
		function syncScrollbar() {
			if ($handle.length) {
				hPos.cur = pos.start === pos.end ? 0 : (((dragging.init && !dragging.slidee) ? pos.dest : pos.cur) - pos.start) / (pos.end - pos.start) * hPos.end;
				hPos.cur = within(round(hPos.cur), hPos.start, hPos.end);
				if (last.hPos !== hPos.cur) {
					last.hPos = hPos.cur;
					if (transform) {
						$handle[0].style[transform] = gpuAcceleration + (o.horizontal ? 'translateX' : 'translateY') + '(' + hPos.cur + 'px)';
					} else {
						$handle[0].style[o.horizontal ? 'left' : 'top'] = hPos.cur + 'px';

		 * Synchronizes pagesbar with SLIDEE.
		 * @return {Void}
		function syncPagesbar() {
			if ($pages[0] && !== rel.activePage) { = rel.activePage;

		 * Returns the position object.
		 * @param {Mixed} item
		 * @return {Object}
		self.getPos = function (item) {
			if (itemNav) {
				var index = getIndex(item);
				return index !== -1 ? items[index] : false;
			} else {
				var $item = $slidee.find(item).eq(0);

				if ($item[0]) {
					var offset = o.horizontal ? $item.offset().left - $slidee.offset().left : $item.offset().top - $slidee.offset().top;
					var size = $item[o.horizontal ? 'outerWidth' : 'outerHeight']();

					return {
						start: offset,
						center: offset - frameSize / 2 + size / 2,
						end: offset - frameSize + size,
						size: size
				} else {
					return false;

		 * Continuous move in a specified direction.
		 * @param  {Bool} forward True for forward movement, otherwise it'll go backwards.
		 * @param  {Int}  speed   Movement speed in pixels per frame. Overrides options.moveBy value.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.moveBy = function (speed) {
			move.speed = speed;
			// If already initiated, or there is nowhere to move, abort
			/*if (dragging.init || !move.speed || pos.cur === (move.speed > 0 ? pos.end : pos.start)) {
			// Initiate move object
			move.lastTime = +new Date();
			move.startPos = pos.cur;
			// Set dragging as initiated
			dragging.init = 1;
			// Start movement

		 * Continuous movement loop.
		 * @return {Void}
		function moveLoop() {
			// If there is nowhere to move anymore, stop
			if (!move.speed || pos.cur === (move.speed > 0 ? pos.end : pos.start)) {
			// Request new move loop if it hasn't been stopped
			continuousID = dragging.init ? rAF(moveLoop) : 0;
			// Update move object = +new Date();
			move.pos = pos.cur + ( - move.lastTime) / 1000 * move.speed;
			// Slide
			slideTo(dragging.init ? move.pos : round(move.pos));
			// Normally, this is triggered in render(), but if there
			// is nothing to render, we have to do it manually here.
			if (!dragging.init && pos.cur === pos.dest) {
			// Update times for future iteration
			move.lastTime =;

		 * Stops continuous movement.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.stop = function () {
			if (dragging.source === 'button') {
				dragging.init = 0;
				dragging.released = 1;

		 * Activate previous item.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.prev = function () {
			self.activate(rel.activeItem == null ? 0 : rel.activeItem - 1);

		 * Activate next item.
		 * @return {Void}
		 */ = function () {
			self.activate(rel.activeItem == null ? 0 : rel.activeItem + 1);

		 * Activate previous page.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.prevPage = function () {
			self.activatePage(rel.activePage - 1);

		 * Activate next page.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.nextPage = function () {
			self.activatePage(rel.activePage + 1);

		 * Slide SLIDEE by amount of pixels.
		 * @param {Int}  delta     Pixels/Items. Positive means forward, negative means backward.
		 * @param {Bool} immediate Reposition immediately without an animation.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.slideBy = function (delta, immediate) {
			if (!delta) {
			if (itemNav) {
				self[centeredNav ? 'toCenter' : 'toStart'](
					within((centeredNav ? rel.centerItem : rel.firstItem) + o.scrollBy * delta, 0, items.length)
			} else {
				slideTo(pos.dest + delta, immediate);

		 * Animate SLIDEE to a specific position.
		 * @param {Int}  pos       New position.
		 * @param {Bool} immediate Reposition immediately without an animation.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.slideTo = function (pos, immediate) {
			slideTo(pos, immediate);

		 * Core method for handling `toLocation` methods.
		 * @param  {String} location
		 * @param  {Mixed}  item
		 * @param  {Bool}   immediate
		 * @return {Void}
		function to(location, item, immediate) {
			// Optional arguments logic
			if (type(item) === 'boolean') {
				immediate = item;
				item = undefined;

			if (item === undefined) {
				slideTo(pos[location], immediate);
			} else {
				// You can't align items to sides of the frame
				// when centered navigation type is enabled
				if (centeredNav && location !== 'center') {

				var itemPos = self.getPos(item);
				if (itemPos) {
					slideTo(itemPos[location], immediate, !centeredNav);

		 * Animate element or the whole SLIDEE to the start of the frame.
		 * @param {Mixed} item      Item DOM element, or index starting at 0. Omitting will animate SLIDEE.
		 * @param {Bool}  immediate Reposition immediately without an animation.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.toStart = function (item, immediate) {
			to('start', item, immediate);

		 * Animate element or the whole SLIDEE to the end of the frame.
		 * @param {Mixed} item      Item DOM element, or index starting at 0. Omitting will animate SLIDEE.
		 * @param {Bool}  immediate Reposition immediately without an animation.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.toEnd = function (item, immediate) {
			to('end', item, immediate);

		 * Animate element or the whole SLIDEE to the center of the frame.
		 * @param {Mixed} item      Item DOM element, or index starting at 0. Omitting will animate SLIDEE.
		 * @param {Bool}  immediate Reposition immediately without an animation.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.toCenter = function (item, immediate) {
			to('center', item, immediate);

		 * Get the index of an item in SLIDEE.
		 * @param {Mixed} item     Item DOM element.
		 * @return {Int}  Item index, or -1 if not found.
		function getIndex(item) {
			return item != null ?
					isNumber(item) ?
						item >= 0 && item < items.length ? item : -1 :
						$items.index(item) :
		// Expose getIndex without lowering the compressibility of it,
		// as it is used quite often throughout Sly.
		self.getIndex = getIndex;

		 * Get index of an item in SLIDEE based on a variety of input types.
		 * @param  {Mixed} item DOM element, positive or negative integer.
		 * @return {Int}   Item index, or -1 if not found.
		function getRelativeIndex(item) {
			return getIndex(isNumber(item) && item < 0 ? item + items.length : item);

		 * Activates an item.
		 * @param  {Mixed} item Item DOM element, or index starting at 0.
		 * @return {Mixed} Activated item index or false on fail.
		function activate(item, force) {
			var index = getIndex(item);

			if (!itemNav || index < 0) {
				return false;

			// Update classes, last active index, and trigger active event only when there
			// has been a change. Otherwise just return the current active index.
			if ( !== index || force) {
				// Update classes
				$items.eq(index).addClass(o.activeClass); = rel.activeItem = index;

				trigger('active', index);

			return index;

		 * Activates an item and helps with further navigation when is enabled.
		 * @param {Mixed} item      Item DOM element, or index starting at 0.
		 * @param {Bool}  immediate Whether to reposition immediately in smart navigation.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.activate = function (item, immediate) {
			var index = activate(item);

			// Smart navigation
			if ( && index !== false) {
				// When centeredNav is enabled, center the element.
				// Otherwise, determine where to position the element based on its current position.
				// If the element is currently on the far end side of the frame, assume that user is
				// moving forward and animate it to the start of the visible frame, and vice versa.
				if (centeredNav) {
					self.toCenter(index, immediate);
				} else if (index >= rel.lastItem) {
					self.toStart(index, immediate);
				} else if (index <= rel.firstItem) {
					self.toEnd(index, immediate);
				} else {

		 * Activates a page.
		 * @param {Int}  index     Page index, starting from 0.
		 * @param {Bool} immediate Whether to reposition immediately without animation.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.activatePage = function (index, immediate) {
			if (isNumber(index)) {
				slideTo(pages[within(index, 0, pages.length - 1)], immediate);

		 * Return relative positions of items based on their visibility within FRAME.
		 * @param {Int} slideePos Position of SLIDEE.
		 * @return {Void}
		function getRelatives(slideePos) {
			slideePos = within(isNumber(slideePos) ? slideePos : pos.dest, pos.start, pos.end);

			var relatives = {};
			var centerOffset = forceCenteredNav ? 0 : frameSize / 2;

			// Determine active page
			if (!parallax) {
				for (var p = 0, pl = pages.length; p < pl; p++) {
					if (slideePos >= pos.end || p === pages.length - 1) {
						relatives.activePage = pages.length - 1;

					if (slideePos <= pages[p] + centerOffset) {
						relatives.activePage = p;

			// Relative item indexes
			if (itemNav) {
				var first = false;
				var last = false;
				var center = false;

				// From start
				for (var i = 0, il = items.length; i < il; i++) {
					// First item
					if (first === false && slideePos <= items[i].start + items[i].half) {
						first = i;

					// Center item
					if (center === false && slideePos <= items[i].center + items[i].half) {
						center = i;

					// Last item
					if (i === il - 1 || slideePos <= items[i].end + items[i].half) {
						last = i;

				// Safe assignment, just to be sure the false won't be returned
				relatives.firstItem = isNumber(first) ? first : 0;
				relatives.centerItem = isNumber(center) ? center : relatives.firstItem;
				relatives.lastItem = isNumber(last) ? last : relatives.centerItem;

			return relatives;

		 * Update object with relative positions.
		 * @param {Int} newPos
		 * @return {Void}
		function updateRelatives(newPos) {
			$.extend(rel, getRelatives(newPos));

		 * Disable navigation buttons when needed.
		 * Adds disabledClass, and when the button is <button> or <input>, activates :disabled state.
		 * @return {Void}
		function updateButtonsState() {
			var isStart = pos.dest <= pos.start;
			var isEnd = pos.dest >= pos.end;
			var slideePosState = (isStart ? 1 : 0) | (isEnd ? 2 : 0);

			// Update paging buttons only if there has been a change in SLIDEE position
			if (last.slideePosState !== slideePosState) {
				last.slideePosState = slideePosState;

				if ($'button,input')) {
					$prevPageButton.prop('disabled', isStart);

				if ($'button,input')) {
					$nextPageButton.prop('disabled', isEnd);

				$prevPageButton.add($backwardButton)[isStart ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](o.disabledClass);
				$nextPageButton.add($forwardButton)[isEnd ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](o.disabledClass);

			// Forward & Backward buttons need a separate state caching because we cannot "property disable"
			// them while they are being used, as disabled buttons stop emitting mouse events.
			if (last.fwdbwdState !== slideePosState && dragging.released) {
				last.fwdbwdState = slideePosState;

				if ($'button,input')) {
					$backwardButton.prop('disabled', isStart);

				if ($'button,input')) {
					$forwardButton.prop('disabled', isEnd);

			// Item navigation
			if (itemNav && rel.activeItem != null) {
				var isFirst = rel.activeItem === 0;
				var isLast = rel.activeItem >= items.length - 1;
				var itemsButtonState = (isFirst ? 1 : 0) | (isLast ? 2 : 0);

				if (last.itemsButtonState !== itemsButtonState) {
					last.itemsButtonState = itemsButtonState;

					if ($'button,input')) {
						$prevButton.prop('disabled', isFirst);

					if ($'button,input')) {
						$nextButton.prop('disabled', isLast);

					$prevButton[isFirst ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](o.disabledClass);
					$nextButton[isLast ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](o.disabledClass);

		 * Resume cycling.
		 * @param {Int} priority Resume pause with priority lower or equal than this. Used internally for pauseOnHover.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.resume = function (priority) {
			if (!o.cycleBy || !o.cycleInterval || o.cycleBy === 'items' && (!items[0] || rel.activeItem == null) || priority < self.isPaused) {

			self.isPaused = 0;

			if (cycleID) {
				cycleID = clearTimeout(cycleID);
			} else {

			cycleID = setTimeout(function () {
				switch (o.cycleBy) {
					case 'items':
						self.activate(rel.activeItem >= items.length - 1 ? 0 : rel.activeItem + 1);

					case 'pages':
						self.activatePage(rel.activePage >= pages.length - 1 ? 0 : rel.activePage + 1);
			}, o.cycleInterval);

		 * Pause cycling.
		 * @param {Int} priority Pause priority. 100 is default. Used internally for pauseOnHover.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.pause = function (priority) {
			if (priority < self.isPaused) {

			self.isPaused = priority || 100;

			if (cycleID) {
				cycleID = clearTimeout(cycleID);

		 * Toggle cycling.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.toggle = function () {
			self[cycleID ? 'pause' : 'resume']();

		 * Updates a signle or multiple option values.
		 * @param {Mixed} name  Name of the option that should be updated, or object that will extend the options.
		 * @param {Mixed} value New option value.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.set = function (name, value) {
			if ($.isPlainObject(name)) {
				$.extend(o, name);
			} else if (o.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
				o[name] = value;

		 * Add one or multiple items to the SLIDEE end, or a specified position index.
		 * @param {Mixed} element Node element, or HTML string.
		 * @param {Int}   index   Index of a new item position. By default item is appended at the end.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.add = function (element, index) {
			var $element = $(element);

			if (itemNav) {
				// Insert the element(s)
				if (index == null || !items[0] || index >= items.length) {
				} else if (items.length) {

				// Adjust the activeItem index
				if (rel.activeItem != null && index <= rel.activeItem) { = rel.activeItem += $element.length;
			} else {

			// Reload

		 * Remove an item from SLIDEE.
		 * @param {Mixed} element Item index, or DOM element.
		 * @param {Int}   index   Index of a new item position. By default item is appended at the end.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.remove = function (element) {
			if (itemNav) {
				var index = getRelativeIndex(element);

				if (index > -1) {
					// Remove the element

					// If the current item is being removed, activate new one after reload
					var reactivate = index === rel.activeItem;

					// Adjust the activeItem index
					if (rel.activeItem != null && index < rel.activeItem) { = --rel.activeItem;

					// Reload

					// Activate new item at the removed position
					if (reactivate) { = null;
			} else {

		 * Helps re-arranging items.
		 * @param  {Mixed} item     Item DOM element, or index starting at 0. Use negative numbers to select items from the end.
		 * @param  {Mixed} position Item insertion anchor. Accepts same input types as item argument.
		 * @param  {Bool}  after    Insert after instead of before the anchor.
		 * @return {Void}
		function moveItem(item, position, after) {
			item = getRelativeIndex(item);
			position = getRelativeIndex(position);

			// Move only if there is an actual change requested
			if (item > -1 && position > -1 && item !== position && (!after || position !== item - 1) && (after || position !== item + 1)) {
				$items.eq(item)[after ? 'insertAfter' : 'insertBefore'](items[position].el);

				var shiftStart = item < position ? item : (after ? position : position - 1);
				var shiftEnd = item > position ? item : (after ? position + 1 : position);
				var shiftsUp = item > position;

				// Update activeItem index
				if (rel.activeItem != null) {
					if (item === rel.activeItem) { = rel.activeItem = after ? (shiftsUp ? position + 1 : position) : (shiftsUp ? position : position - 1);
					} else if (rel.activeItem > shiftStart && rel.activeItem < shiftEnd) { = rel.activeItem += shiftsUp ? 1 : -1;

				// Reload

		 * Move item after the target anchor.
		 * @param  {Mixed} item     Item to be moved. Can be DOM element or item index.
		 * @param  {Mixed} position Target position anchor. Can be DOM element or item index.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.moveAfter = function (item, position) {
			moveItem(item, position, 1);

		 * Move item before the target anchor.
		 * @param  {Mixed} item     Item to be moved. Can be DOM element or item index.
		 * @param  {Mixed} position Target position anchor. Can be DOM element or item index.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.moveBefore = function (item, position) {
			moveItem(item, position);

		 * Registers callbacks.
		 * @param  {Mixed} name  Event name, or callbacks map.
		 * @param  {Mixed} fn    Callback, or an array of callback functions.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.on = function (name, fn) {
			// Callbacks map
			if (type(name) === 'object') {
				for (var key in name) {
					if (name.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
						self.on(key, name[key]);
			// Callback
			} else if (type(fn) === 'function') {
				var names = name.split(' ');
				for (var n = 0, nl = names.length; n < nl; n++) {
					callbacks[names[n]] = callbacks[names[n]] || [];
					if (callbackIndex(names[n], fn) === -1) {
			// Callbacks array
			} else if (type(fn) === 'array') {
				for (var f = 0, fl = fn.length; f < fl; f++) {
					self.on(name, fn[f]);

		 * Registers callbacks to be executed only once.
		 * @param  {Mixed} name  Event name, or callbacks map.
		 * @param  {Mixed} fn    Callback, or an array of callback functions.
		 * @return {Void}
		 */ = function (name, fn) {
			function proxy() {
				fn.apply(self, arguments);, proxy);
			self.on(name, proxy);

		 * Remove one or all callbacks.
		 * @param  {String} name Event name.
		 * @param  {Mixed}  fn   Callback, or an array of callback functions. Omit to remove all callbacks.
		 * @return {Void}
		 */ = function (name, fn) {
			if (fn instanceof Array) {
				for (var f = 0, fl = fn.length; f < fl; f++) {, fn[f]);
			} else {
				var names = name.split(' ');
				for (var n = 0, nl = names.length; n < nl; n++) {
					callbacks[names[n]] = callbacks[names[n]] || [];
					if (fn == null) {
						callbacks[names[n]].length = 0;
					} else {
						var index = callbackIndex(names[n], fn);
						if (index !== -1) {
							callbacks[names[n]].splice(index, 1);

		 * Returns callback array index.
		 * @param  {String}   name Event name.
		 * @param  {Function} fn   Function
		 * @return {Int} Callback array index, or -1 if isn't registered.
		function callbackIndex(name, fn) {
			for (var i = 0, l = callbacks[name].length; i < l; i++) {
				if (callbacks[name][i] === fn) {
					return i;
			return -1;

		 * Reset next cycle timeout.
		 * @return {Void}
		function resetCycle() {
			if (dragging.released && !self.isPaused) {

		 * Calculate SLIDEE representation of handle position.
		 * @param  {Int} handlePos
		 * @return {Int}
		function handleToSlidee(handlePos) {
			return round(within(handlePos, hPos.start, hPos.end) / hPos.end * (pos.end - pos.start)) + pos.start;

		 * Keeps track of a dragging delta history.
		 * @return {Void}
		function draggingHistoryTick() {
			// Looking at this, I know what you're thinking :) But as we need only 4 history states, doing it this way
			// as opposed to a proper loop is ~25 bytes smaller (when minified with GCC), a lot faster, and doesn't
			// generate garbage. The loop version would create 2 new variables on every tick. Unexaptable!
			dragging.history[0] = dragging.history[1];
			dragging.history[1] = dragging.history[2];
			dragging.history[2] = dragging.history[3];
			dragging.history[3] =;

		 * Initialize continuous movement.
		 * @return {Void}
		function continuousInit(source) {
			dragging.released = 0;
			dragging.source = source;
			dragging.slidee = source === 'slidee';

		 * Dragging initiator.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function dragInit(event) {
			var isTouch = event.type === 'touchstart';
			var source =;
			var isSlidee = source === 'slidee';

			// Ignore when already in progress, or interactive element in non-touch navivagion
			if (dragging.init || !isTouch && isInteractive( {

			// Handle dragging conditions
			if (source === 'handle' && (!o.dragHandle || hPos.start === hPos.end)) {

			// SLIDEE dragging conditions
			if (isSlidee && !(isTouch ? o.touchDragging : o.mouseDragging && event.which < 2)) {

			if (!isTouch) {
				// prevents native image dragging in Firefox

			// Reset dragging object

			// Properties used in dragHandler
			dragging.init = 0;
			dragging.$source = $(;
			dragging.touch = isTouch;
			dragging.pointer = isTouch ? event.originalEvent.touches[0] : event;
			dragging.initX = dragging.pointer.pageX;
			dragging.initY = dragging.pointer.pageY;
			dragging.initPos = isSlidee ? pos.cur : hPos.cur;
			dragging.start = +new Date();
			dragging.time = 0;
			dragging.path = 0; = 0;
			dragging.locked = 0;
			dragging.history = [0, 0, 0, 0];
			dragging.pathToLock = isSlidee ? isTouch ? 30 : 10 : 0;

			// Bind dragging events
			$doc.on(isTouch ? dragTouchEvents : dragMouseEvents, dragHandler);

			// Pause ongoing cycle

			// Add dragging class
			(isSlidee ? $slidee : $handle).addClass(o.draggedClass);

			// Trigger moveStart event

			// Keep track of a dragging path history. This is later used in the
			// dragging release swing calculation when dragging SLIDEE.
			if (isSlidee) {
				historyID = setInterval(draggingHistoryTick, 10);

		 * Handler for dragging scrollbar handle or SLIDEE.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function dragHandler(event) {
			dragging.released = event.type === 'mouseup' || event.type === 'touchend';
			dragging.pointer = dragging.touch ? event.originalEvent[dragging.released ? 'changedTouches' : 'touches'][0] : event;
			dragging.pathX = dragging.pointer.pageX - dragging.initX;
			dragging.pathY = dragging.pointer.pageY - dragging.initY;
			dragging.path = sqrt(pow(dragging.pathX, 2) + pow(dragging.pathY, 2)); = o.horizontal ? dragging.pathX : dragging.pathY;

			if (!dragging.released && dragging.path < 1) return;

			// We haven't decided whether this is a drag or not...
			if (!dragging.init) {
				// If the drag path was very short, maybe it's not a drag?
				if (dragging.path < o.dragThreshold) {
					// If the pointer was released, the path will not become longer and it's
					// definitely not a drag. If not released yet, decide on next iteration
					return dragging.released ? dragEnd() : undefined;
				else {
					// If dragging path is sufficiently long we can confidently start a drag
					// if drag is in different direction than scroll, ignore it
					if (o.horizontal ? abs(dragging.pathX) > abs(dragging.pathY) : abs(dragging.pathX) < abs(dragging.pathY)) {
						dragging.init = 1;
					} else {
						return dragEnd();


			// Disable click on a source element, as it is unwelcome when dragging
			if (!dragging.locked && dragging.path > dragging.pathToLock && dragging.slidee) {
				dragging.locked = 1;
				dragging.$source.on(clickEvent, disableOneEvent);

			// Cancel dragging on release
			if (dragging.released) {

				// Adjust path with a swing on mouse release
				if (o.releaseSwing && dragging.slidee) {
					dragging.swing = ( - dragging.history[0]) / 40 * 300; += dragging.swing;
					dragging.tweese = abs(dragging.swing) > 10;

			slideTo(dragging.slidee ? round(dragging.initPos - : handleToSlidee(dragging.initPos +;

		 * Stops dragging and cleans up after it.
		 * @return {Void}
		function dragEnd() {
			dragging.released = true;
			$ ? dragTouchEvents : dragMouseEvents, dragHandler);
			(dragging.slidee ? $slidee : $handle).removeClass(o.draggedClass);

			// Make sure that disableOneEvent is not active in next tick.
			setTimeout(function () {
				dragging.$, disableOneEvent);

			// Normally, this is triggered in render(), but if there
			// is nothing to render, we have to do it manually here.
			if (pos.cur === pos.dest && dragging.init) {

			// Resume ongoing cycle

			dragging.init = 0;

		 * Check whether element is interactive.
		 * @return {Boolean}
		function isInteractive(element) {
			return ~$.inArray(element.nodeName, interactiveElements) || $(element).is(o.interactive);

		 * Continuous movement cleanup on mouseup.
		 * @return {Void}
		function movementReleaseHandler() {
			$'mouseup', movementReleaseHandler);

		 * Buttons navigation handler.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function buttonsHandler(event) {
			/*jshint validthis:true */
			switch (this) {
				case $forwardButton[0]:
				case $backwardButton[0]:
					self.moveBy($ ? o.moveBy : -o.moveBy);
					$doc.on('mouseup', movementReleaseHandler);

				case $prevButton[0]:

				case $nextButton[0]:;

				case $prevPageButton[0]:

				case $nextPageButton[0]:

		 * Mouse wheel delta normalization.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Int}
		function normalizeWheelDelta(event) {
			// wheelDelta needed only for IE8-
			scrolling.curDelta = ((o.horizontal ? event.deltaY || event.deltaX : event.deltaY) || -event.wheelDelta);
			scrolling.curDelta /= event.deltaMode === 1 ? 3 : 100;
			if (!itemNav) {
				return scrolling.curDelta;
			time = +new Date();
			if (scrolling.last < time - scrolling.resetTime) { = 0;
			scrolling.last = time; += scrolling.curDelta;
			if (abs( < 1) {
				scrolling.finalDelta = 0;
			} else {
				scrolling.finalDelta = round( / 1); %= 1;
			return scrolling.finalDelta;

		 * Mouse scrolling handler.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function scrollHandler(event) {
			// Mark event as originating in a Sly instance
			event.originalEvent[namespace] = self;
			// Don't hijack global scrolling
			var time = +new Date();
			if (lastGlobalWheel + o.scrollHijack > time && $scrollSource[0] !== document && $scrollSource[0] !== window) {
				lastGlobalWheel = time;
			// Ignore if there is no scrolling to be done
			if (!o.scrollBy || pos.start === pos.end) {
			var delta = normalizeWheelDelta(event.originalEvent);
			// Trap scrolling only when necessary and/or requested
			if (o.scrollTrap || delta > 0 && pos.dest < pos.end || delta < 0 && pos.dest > pos.start) {
				stopDefault(event, 1);
			self.slideBy(o.scrollBy * delta);

		 * Scrollbar click handler.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function scrollbarHandler(event) {
			// Only clicks on scroll bar. Ignore the handle.
			if (o.clickBar && === $sb[0]) {
				// Calculate new handle position and sync SLIDEE to it
				slideTo(handleToSlidee((o.horizontal ? event.pageX - $sb.offset().left : event.pageY - $sb.offset().top) - handleSize / 2));

		 * Keyboard input handler.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function keyboardHandler(event) {
			if (!o.keyboardNavBy) {

			switch (event.which) {
				// Left or Up
				case o.horizontal ? 37 : 38:
					self[o.keyboardNavBy === 'pages' ? 'prevPage' : 'prev']();

				// Right or Down
				case o.horizontal ? 39 : 40:
					self[o.keyboardNavBy === 'pages' ? 'nextPage' : 'next']();

		 * Click on item activation handler.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function activateHandler(event) {
			/*jshint validthis:true */

			// Ignore clicks on interactive elements.
			if (isInteractive(this)) {
				event.originalEvent[namespace + 'ignore'] = true;

			// Ignore events that:
			// - are not originating from direct SLIDEE children
			// - originated from interactive elements
			if (this.parentNode !== $slidee[0] || event.originalEvent[namespace + 'ignore']) return;


		 * Click on page button handler.
		 * @param {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function activatePageHandler() {
			/*jshint validthis:true */
			// Accept only events from direct pages bar children.
			if (this.parentNode === $pb[0]) {

		 * Pause on hover handler.
		 * @param  {Event} event
		 * @return {Void}
		function pauseOnHoverHandler(event) {
			if (o.pauseOnHover) {
				self[event.type === 'mouseenter' ? 'pause' : 'resume'](2);

		 * Trigger callbacks for event.
		 * @param  {String} name Event name.
		 * @param  {Mixed}  argX Arguments passed to callbacks.
		 * @return {Void}
		function trigger(name, arg1) {
			if (callbacks[name]) {
				l = callbacks[name].length;
				// Callbacks will be stored and executed from a temporary array to not
				// break the execution queue when one of the callbacks unbinds itself.
				tmpArray.length = 0;
				for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
				// Execute the callbacks
				for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
					tmpArray[i].call(self, name, arg1);

		 * Destroys instance and everything it created.
		 * @return {Void}
		self.destroy = function () {
			// Remove the reference to itself

			// Unbind all events
				.off('.' + namespace);

			// Unbinding specifically as to not nuke out other instances
			$'keydown', keyboardHandler);

			// Remove classes

			if ($items && rel.activeItem != null) {

			// Remove page items

			if (!parallax) {
				// Unbind events from frame
				$'.' + namespace);
				// Restore original styles
				// Remove the instance from element data storage
				$.removeData(frame, namespace);

			// Clean up collections
			items.length = pages.length = 0;
			last = {};

			// Reset initialized status and return the instance
			self.initialized = 0;
			return self;

		 * Initialize.
		 * @return {Object}
		self.init = function () {
			if (self.initialized) {

			// Disallow multiple instances on the same element
			if (Sly.getInstance(frame)) throw new Error('There is already a Sly instance on this element');

			// Store the reference to itself
			Sly.storeInstance(frame, self);

			// Register callbacks map

			// Save styles
			var holderProps = ['overflow', 'position'];
			var movableProps = ['position', 'webkitTransform', 'msTransform', 'transform', 'left', 'top', 'width', 'height'];, holderProps);, holderProps);, movableProps);, movableProps);

			// Set required styles
			var $movables = $handle;
			if (!parallax) {
				$movables = $movables.add($slidee);
				$frame.css('overflow', 'hidden');
				if (!transform && $frame.css('position') === 'static') {
					$frame.css('position', 'relative');
			if (transform) {
				if (gpuAcceleration) {
					$movables.css(transform, gpuAcceleration);
			} else {
				if ($sb.css('position') === 'static') {
					$sb.css('position', 'relative');
				$movables.css({ position: 'absolute' });

			// Navigation buttons
			if (o.forward) {
				$forwardButton.on(mouseDownEvent, buttonsHandler);
			if (o.backward) {
				$backwardButton.on(mouseDownEvent, buttonsHandler);
			if (o.prev) {
				$prevButton.on(clickEvent, buttonsHandler);
			if ( {
				$nextButton.on(clickEvent, buttonsHandler);
			if (o.prevPage) {
				$prevPageButton.on(clickEvent, buttonsHandler);
			if (o.nextPage) {
				$nextPageButton.on(clickEvent, buttonsHandler);

			// Scrolling navigation
			//$scrollSource.on(wheelEvent, scrollHandler);

			// Clicking on scrollbar navigation
			if ($sb[0]) {
				$sb.on(clickEvent, scrollbarHandler);

			// Click on items navigation
			if (itemNav && o.activateOn) {
				$frame.on(o.activateOn + '.' + namespace, '*', activateHandler);

			// Pages navigation
			if ($pb[0] && o.activatePageOn) {
				$pb.on(o.activatePageOn + '.' + namespace, '*', activatePageHandler);

			// Dragging navigation
			$dragSource.on(dragInitEvents, { source: 'slidee' }, dragInit);

			// Scrollbar dragging navigation
			if ($handle) {
				$handle.on(dragInitEvents, { source: 'handle' }, dragInit);

			// Keyboard navigation
			$doc.on('keydown', keyboardHandler);

			if (!parallax) {
				// Pause on hover
				$frame.on('mouseenter.' + namespace + ' mouseleave.' + namespace, pauseOnHoverHandler);
				// Reset native FRAME element scroll
				$frame.on('scroll.' + namespace, resetScroll);

			// Mark instance as initialized
			self.initialized = 1;

			// Load

			// Initiate automatic cycling
			if (o.cycleBy && !parallax) {
				self[o.startPaused ? 'pause' : 'resume']();

			// Return instance
			return self;

	Sly.getInstance = function (element) {
		return $.data(element, namespace);

	Sly.storeInstance = function (element, sly) {
		return $.data(element, namespace, sly);

	Sly.removeInstance = function (element) {
		return $.removeData(element, namespace);

	 * Return type of the value.
	 * @param  {Mixed} value
	 * @return {String}
	function type(value) {
		if (value == null) {
			return String(value);

		if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') {
			return\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].toLowerCase() || 'object';

		return typeof value;

	 * Event preventDefault & stopPropagation helper.
	 * @param {Event} event     Event object.
	 * @param {Bool}  noBubbles Cancel event bubbling.
	 * @return {Void}
	function stopDefault(event, noBubbles) {
		if (noBubbles) {

	 * Disables an event it was triggered on and unbinds itself.
	 * @param  {Event} event
	 * @return {Void}
	function disableOneEvent(event) {
		/*jshint validthis:true */
		stopDefault(event, 1);
		$(this).off(event.type, disableOneEvent);

	 * Resets native element scroll values to 0.
	 * @return {Void}
	function resetScroll() {
		/*jshint validthis:true */
		this.scrollLeft = 0;
		this.scrollTop = 0;

	 * Check if variable is a number.
	 * @param {Mixed} value
	 * @return {Boolean}
	function isNumber(value) {
		return !isNaN(parseFloat(value)) && isFinite(value);

	 * Parse style to pixels.
	 * @param {Object}   $item    jQuery object with element.
	 * @param {Property} property CSS property to get the pixels from.
	 * @return {Int}
	function getPx($item, property) {
		return 0 | round(String($item.css(property)).replace(/[^\-0-9.]/g, ''));

	 * Make sure that number is within the limits.
	 * @param {Number} number
	 * @param {Number} min
	 * @param {Number} max
	 * @return {Number}
	function within(number, min, max) {
		return number < min ? min : number > max ? max : number;

	 * Saves element styles for later restoration.
	 * Example:
	 *   var styles = new StyleRestorer(frame);
	 * = 'absolute';
	 *   styles.restore(); // restores to state before the assignment above
	 * @param {Element} element
	function StyleRestorer(element) {
		var self = {}; = {}; = function () {
			if (!element || !element.nodeType) return;
			for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {[arguments[i]] =[arguments[i]];
			return self;
		self.restore = function () {
			if (!element || !element.nodeType) return;
			for (var prop in {
				if ([prop] =[prop];
			return self;
		return self;

	// Local WindowAnimationTiming interface polyfill
	(function (w) {
		rAF = w.requestAnimationFrame
			|| w.webkitRequestAnimationFrame
			|| fallback;

		* Fallback implementation.
		var prev = new Date().getTime();
		function fallback(fn) {
			var curr = new Date().getTime();
			var ms = Math.max(0, 16 - (curr - prev));
			var req = setTimeout(fn, ms);
			prev = curr;
			return req;

		* Cancel.
		var cancel = w.cancelAnimationFrame
			|| w.webkitCancelAnimationFrame
			|| w.clearTimeout;

		cAF = function(id){, id);

	// Feature detects
	(function () {
		var prefixes = ['', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms', 'O'];
		var el = document.createElement('div');

		function testProp(prop) {
			for (var p = 0, pl = prefixes.length; p < pl; p++) {
				var prefixedProp = prefixes[p] ? prefixes[p] + prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1) : prop;
				if ([prefixedProp] != null) {
					return prefixedProp;

		// Global support indicators
		transform = testProp('transform');
		gpuAcceleration = testProp('perspective') ? 'translateZ(0) ' : '';

	// Expose class globally
	w[className] = Sly;

	// jQuery proxy
	$.fn[pluginName] = function (options, callbackMap) {
		var method, methodArgs;

		// Attributes logic
		if (!$.isPlainObject(options)) {
			if (type(options) === 'string' || options === false) {
				method = options === false ? 'destroy' : options;
				methodArgs =, 1);
			options = {};

		// Apply to all elements
		return this.each(function (i, element) {
			// Call with prevention against multiple instantiations
			var plugin = Sly.getInstance(element);

			if (!plugin && !method) {
				// Create a new object if it doesn't exist yet
				plugin = new Sly(element, options, callbackMap).init();
			} else if (plugin && method) {
				// Call method
				if (plugin[method]) {
					plugin[method].apply(plugin, methodArgs);

	// Default options
	Sly.defaults = {
		slidee:     null,  // Selector, DOM element, or jQuery object with DOM element representing SLIDEE.
		horizontal: false, // Switch to horizontal mode.

		// Item based navigation
		itemNav:        null,  // Item navigation type. Can be: 'basic', 'centered', 'forceCentered'.
		itemSelector:   null,  // Select only items that match this selector.
		smart:          false, // Repositions the activated item to help with further navigation.
		activateOn:     null,  // Activate an item on this event. Can be: 'click', 'mouseenter', ...
		activateMiddle: false, // Always activate the item in the middle of the FRAME. forceCentered only.

		// Scrolling
		scrollSource: null,  // Element for catching the mouse wheel scrolling. Default is FRAME.
		scrollBy:     0,     // Pixels or items to move per one mouse scroll. 0 to disable scrolling.
		scrollHijack: 300,   // Milliseconds since last wheel event after which it is acceptable to hijack global scroll.
		scrollTrap:   false, // Don't bubble scrolling when hitting scrolling limits.

		// Dragging
		dragSource:    null,  // Selector or DOM element for catching dragging events. Default is FRAME.
		mouseDragging: false, // Enable navigation by dragging the SLIDEE with mouse cursor.
		touchDragging: false, // Enable navigation by dragging the SLIDEE with touch events.
		releaseSwing:  false, // Ease out on dragging swing release.
		swingSpeed:    0.2,   // Swing synchronization speed, where: 1 = instant, 0 = infinite.
		elasticBounds: false, // Stretch SLIDEE position limits when dragging past FRAME boundaries.
		dragThreshold: 3,     // Distance in pixels before Sly recognizes dragging.
		interactive:   null,  // Selector for special interactive elements.

		// Scrollbar
		scrollBar:     null,  // Selector or DOM element for scrollbar container.
		dragHandle:    false, // Whether the scrollbar handle should be draggable.
		dynamicHandle: false, // Scrollbar handle represents the ratio between hidden and visible content.
		minHandleSize: 50,    // Minimal height or width (depends on sly direction) of a handle in pixels.
		clickBar:      false, // Enable navigation by clicking on scrollbar.
		syncSpeed:     0.5,   // Handle => SLIDEE synchronization speed, where: 1 = instant, 0 = infinite.

		// Pagesbar
		pagesBar:       null, // Selector or DOM element for pages bar container.
		activatePageOn: null, // Event used to activate page. Can be: click, mouseenter, ...
		pageBuilder:          // Page item generator.
			function (index) {
				return '<li>' + (index + 1) + '</li>';

		// Navigation buttons
		forward:  null, // Selector or DOM element for "forward movement" button.
		backward: null, // Selector or DOM element for "backward movement" button.
		prev:     null, // Selector or DOM element for "previous item" button.
		next:     null, // Selector or DOM element for "next item" button.
		prevPage: null, // Selector or DOM element for "previous page" button.
		nextPage: null, // Selector or DOM element for "next page" button.

		// Automated cycling
		cycleBy:       null,  // Enable automatic cycling by 'items' or 'pages'.
		cycleInterval: 5000,  // Delay between cycles in milliseconds.
		pauseOnHover:  false, // Pause cycling when mouse hovers over the FRAME.
		startPaused:   false, // Whether to start in paused sate.

		// Mixed options
		moveBy:        300,     // Speed in pixels per second used by forward and backward buttons.
		speed:         0,       // Animations speed in milliseconds. 0 to disable animations.
		easing:        'swing', // Easing for duration based (tweening) animations.
		startAt:       null,    // Starting offset in pixels or items.
		keyboardNavBy: null,    // Enable keyboard navigation by 'items' or 'pages'.

		// Classes
		draggedClass:  'dragged', // Class for dragged elements (like SLIDEE or scrollbar handle).
		activeClass:   'active',  // Class for active items and pages.
		disabledClass: 'disabled' // Class for disabled navigation elements.
}(jQuery, window));