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<h1 class="entry-title">Ffxiv hair physics mod.  The Baddest by pineapples.													</h1>

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<p>Ffxiv hair physics mod  22h.  These apply to the character's hair, clothes and other body parts.  ADMIN MOD Cloth physics update we need in 7.  Merman Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  It comes complete with physics, HD hair, and the ability to wear hats (needs wearable hat mod in order for hats to appear.  Lalafels, Elezen and mitoqes use the j_mimi bones, viera use a completely different ear bone (j_zerc).  Basically a simple port with removed front strand (due to face clipping issues that I couldn't fix).  7/21 update: Fixed Miqo ears! :D I've made it slightly more hat compatable but the bangs still will clip on most hats, sorry :(I really wanted a long straight hair with that kind of fringe bangs, and couldn't find This is an add-on for BBWVR2 which adds jiggle physics to the butt and parts of the thighs. Designed for clarity &amp; preserving the game's vision.  This is a hair I have been dreaming of for a long time - it's version 1, and I have 2 additional braided back versions that in the works (the fitting takes quite awhile unfortunately, but I do think it is worthwhile).  choices from the base pack.  This is a port of Piers Nivans' hair from RE:6 for midlanders and highlanders.  All Rights Reserved.  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; Log Out; DT Compatibility: This mod is not Penumbra Description This is a mashup of several vanilla hairstyles, replacing hair 115 for all races (but you will be able to change the destination hair The Muse+ Body Physics mod is recommended in order to utilise the new weights! This modpack only contains model edits and requires the base Muse+ mod - it will preserve piercing, pube, texture etc.  BlueCharade released a new Animation: AuRa - Legacy Jiggle Physics (Unarmed).  For Penumbra, have this file higher than hats mod and Hair Defined).  Highlander F Hair 10 for Midlander F hair 4 by satsujin0465.  Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  All games (3,171) Recently added (68) My games.  Probably won't work with hats idk.  Just a small mod that changes the ACTUAL breast physics of characters. -Tail Physics: yes, Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  However, some aspects appear broken on high framerates, What do you mean 'where are they from'? they linked gear mods using the hairstyle, they want a link to the hairstyle itself.  Final Fantasy XIV &#169; 2010 Viera's ear physics (both genders) by cordia_ffxiv.  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; Log Out; Dawntrail compatible.  ADMIN MOD For anyone who insists Viera ears don't have any physics.  I hope you'll like it ! 📸 Please tag me or use the #CrysmoDs if you share sfw pictures using this mod, it would make me happy to see them ! ♥ 🛑 Permissions : • No porting outside of FFXIV.  Body, Face, Hair Child NPC Dungeons, Castles, Forts Followers Magic Spells and Enchantments Meshes and Texture Overhauls Modders Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  Includes the removal of the long front pieces, editing of the hair band accessory, and other changes to minimize clipping.  Has hat compatibility and physics.  Hiasobi! by pineapples.  I've also added a part from hair 106 to better patch up the viera ear holes.  on hair 156.  A hair mashup for Au Ra, Elezen, Hyur, Roegadyn, and Viera, updated for Dawntrail.  Animation replacements for Viera Jumping, walking, sprinting and running animations.  Requested by Zelaria.  115.  Version: 2.  Not too bad! Now for ear physics.  Open comment sort options Cloth plus hair physics like this would be a game changer.  for all ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ • Skirt physics.  My Other Mods : CHECK OUT MY OTHER WITCHER MODS + Cyberpunk 2077.  AuRa - Natural Jiggle Physics (Common) by BlueCharadeView the original Mod page.  Basically its proof it can be done.  Dyable.  [Kyary♡] Estelle (DT Compatible) by Kyary. 6K 117.  Ponytail sticks away from the body a bit to avoid clipping; can be modified with pose bones.  Skip to content Final Fantasy XIV close Clear game filter Heliosphere is a FFXIV mod platform with a companion plugin that integrates directly with Penumbra.  Scaling compatible.  Refined Ponytail by zoyavel.  Notably bouncing happens so quickly that it's practically non-existent, and wind effects tend to appear jittery.  If the fps is higher than 60, the physics will animate faster and look more rigid when moving around.  The Baddest by pineapples.  • As it is a Nikki hair, it works badly with mxao and dof, that's why I included an opaque texture option to replace the original one if needed.  Falcon for Miqo'te.  tiramisu Physics.  Hat compatible to the best of my ability.  By using this site, you are agreeing to our Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy.  First and foremost, let's understand that the physics you are seeing in FFXIV aren't actually physically simulated in real-time.  Primary File or Link: Hair 152(Asahi's or Fandaniel's) for Viera male.  the ff14 devs are especially anal about clipping though, so its likely not gonna happen legit.  Changelog:-v1.  The 'jiggle' is tied to the mune_l and mune_r bones so any action that would normally cause some breast jiggle will now apply to the butt as well.  All games (3,216) Recently added (64) My games. ttmp2 : [ via Direct Download] Other Files and Links: Are you sure you wish to hide the mod: F Miqo 115 Mod Name: Power Mod Type: Hair Author: @yuria#0187 Availability: Paid This mod is for: All Females except Hrothgar Replaces: Hair 162 [KR] 이 모드는 현재 한국서버와 호환되는 버전으로 함께 제공됩니다.  FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members .  A mashup of Themis, Lyse and Both Ways for Hair physics and cloth physics.  Supported races: Midlander; Highlander Gunbreaker from FFXIV.  The goal is to offer the best clarity and definition for the Player's Hair available in Hair Defined 2 is a full remake that follows the philosophy of the original work on Hair Defined.  Hiasobi! Version: 1.  I feel bad because even with such a great mod community, the greater part of it consists of objectifying and such.  Games .  I hope you'll like it ! * This mod pack contains Cap'n Leo's in-game physics engine parameters, configured to create jiggle physics for selected body parts.  INCLUDES - 8 highlights options (ombr&#233;, ombr&#233; opposite, split, split opposite, split ombr&#233;, split ombr&#233; opposite, no highlights, full highlights) Baby's first mod A slightly Wuxia-inspired long hairstyle made entirely from scratch by me in Blender.  Permissions I really like these two hairstyles but i do not know where they are from if you guys could help me out it would be so helpful A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime.  Replaces hair 154 for tall females, and hair 3 for Viera.  Respect and kindness are the magic keys here.  Now physics on hair is also working.  Hat compatible.  About this mod. 2.  Hats and highlights are supported, no physics since the original hair doesn't have this either.  Also feel free to port to other races.  Limiting to 60 fixes it, but comes at the cost of playing at 60 (I swear, getting a high refresh rate monitor is like opening pandora's box) Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  Tags.  [Screenshot] Archived post.  DT Compatibility: This mod is not Penumbra-Compatible in Dawntrail, but may be made so via TexTools.  There is some clipping with horns, that's just the nature of horns.  The goal is to offer the best clarity and definition for the Player's Hair available in-game, while preserving the original aesthetic and True UHD 4K Hair textures for the player character &amp; Major NPCs that share the same files.  Share.  Mods .  With the plugin, you can access (optional) auto-updates, efficient in-game downloads, and true one-click mod installs.  but FFXIV hair shaders have forced my hand) - the long hair often clips through things, can't do much about this Learn more about, and download, the Final Fantasy XIV mod ZERO Hair 165 Mash-up on The Glamour Dresser, host of FFXIV mods and more Heliosphere is a FFXIV mod platform with a companion plugin that integrates directly with Penumbra.  Comes with 3 styles and 3 alternate placements for each.  Gunbreaker from FFXIV.  Bun-Hien Ponytail Mashup for M Viera by .  50.  Body, Face, Hair Child NPC Dungeons, Castles, Forts Followers Magic Spells and Enchantments Meshes and Texture Overhauls Modders Resources New Lands, Worlds, Locations NPC Other Outfits Overhauls Player Homes Races Sexual FEMALE HAIR - Regency Midlander, Highlander, Elezen, Au Ra, Roegadyn, Viera, Miqo'te (miqo'te with vanilla ears and earless Tagged to hair: 108 and 14-Has highlights-Not hat compatible Private edits allowed to your heart's content No reuploads Due to the nature of the hair, some clipping at the ears, horns or poses may be expected. violett.  I can't get past them just looking like a costume piece.  Are you sure you wish to hide the mod: Glowy Hair for All by Viera Breast Bounce | Physics by KhufuView the original Mod page.  Like the site? Help support it and become a subscriber, or join the Discord Server! • Hair is posable with CMTool or Anamnesis, and uses both normal and unique bones.  Type: Other Genders: Unisex 18.  Replaces hair 109. phyb mods, looking into collisions to alleviate the hair clipping, etc).  New.  Eg: Only a few strands of hair.  This is a Blender Addon to convert FFXIV Models to Miku Miku Dance (MMD) models.  I have fun plans for hair accessories in the future also, after I finish some other versions! Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease. 7.  Some of the best hair physics in gaming are found in the Horizon games, and even those can go wild at times and do still clip. .  Report Mod &#169; 2021-2024 The Glamour Dresser.  If you encounter major issues with the hair, please let me know.  I will probably consider adding options in the future (stiffer or softer movement, compatibility with other .  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; Log Out; • Skirt Physics (Some clipping) • Music ON/OFF &#186;XQT&#213;~ˆ(&#202;Ik ”&#243;&#247;G&#200;0&#247;Ÿ™* –/&#167; v‘U &#224;&#178;I&#182;&#169;&#212;&#203;&#214;zk&#164;8&#191;&#205;d4 &#241;DB &#181;d™&#249;&#167;&#243;? &#191;&#239; &#166;v&#246;&#229;&#198;7[ &#240;E4 L&#172;muR&#234;žejT &#218;&#170;&#174; o&#166;&#234;&#208;‘Ž&#161;lbœ&#222;&#189;&#220;y&#250;&#247;&#254;&#219;&#226;&#237;&#222; {Š=@a d&#177;Y&#236; œ&#241; &#226;O&#187;{‰)A PfšQ w ‹&#163;# reUn &#165; š&#194;iI6,U&#218; KŽ+ U&#233;&#199;0&#243;&#186;&#251;&#190;&#173;M &#162; 2 &#194;D&#177;‹nNiH W #`C&#166;Gw&#180;&#162;&#169;&#179;&#196;&#213;&#185;J •7= &#232;?&#226;&#193;&#219; &#224;&#220; 'q&#250;&#247; &#238;™0\[ p =‡&#217;&#211;+ &#191;6 +*; &#230;`&#182;9 &#209;&#194;&#172;&#195;J0 7\8&#161; &#227;&#190;&#183;@&#224;Is Lq&#184;&#210;m&#219;+&#225; &#231; N&#226; œry K&#161;6`P–^gPj&#198;+&#166;&#217;&#211; 8 &#251; Š Our main focus is teaching others how to mod their games, assisting users with their games, and sharing our knowledge.  Skip to content.  Jump to content.  We do not tolerate bullies.  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; Highlander F HHighlander air 10 It's strange to see the hair bouncing when walking but ears stiff as can be.  a Bug [Guide] Hello! I don't post often so pardon the newbie mistakes that I am prone to make with this.  ===== Updated to v2.  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; isn't setup with my other packs at the moment is due to a high suspicion that Dawntrail's release will likely bork up Physics Mods by quite a bit! That aside I will still value any input or criticism (Has physics!!!)-----Quick port of Hair 129/Adventure from male midlander to male viera!! There is some obvious model manipulation where I tried to cover the ear holes the best I could.  Skyrim has no love whatsoever.  Increased specular levels on hair.  5.  The only way to really solve it is to give hair really good physics, and there's a reason RE4r has an entire graphics setting for Leon's hair, and Tomb Raider reboot also did.  These things are known to cause clipping.  V 2. 1: Added physics Dev notes: In case anyone wants to port to a different race/gender with the same physics, the weight painting is rigged up to the vanilla sklb and phyb h0162, which is actually for hair 161, the ShB/EW trailer WoL hair. 0.  The hair band color can be changed with the colorset editor, with the flowers set to row 15 and the band to 16.  I hope they can add some similar movement physics to them at some point. 3 (16/7/2024) - Updated FFXIV’s bone physics consist of wind and bounce physics.  By becoming a member, you'll instantly unlock access to 1 exclusive post.  Poseable.  This hair uses EX bones. 0 Changes: - It is compatible by default just install on top of any UHR3.  With Highlights.  Features: • Kain&#233;'s hair from NieR Replicant for all females except falafel • Hair physics for Immurhrson • True UHD 4K Hair textures for the player character &amp; Major NPCs that share the same files.  Existing user? Sign In Body, Face, Hair Child NPC Dungeons, Castles, Forts Followers Magic Spells and Game play Meshes and Texture Overhauls Modders Resources New Lands, Worlds, Locations NPC Other Player Homes Quests Races Replaces Hair 115 for all races, Hair 3 for Viera.  (Hoshino) Known Issues: Ears might still slightly clip into certain hairstyles depending on a combination of strong movements and wind direction/intensity. chara files from Anamnesis) - Video; Update the standard textures to the detailed ones (using the Colorsetter Addon Shaders) - Video; Convert FFXIV's .  I'm returning to the game after being gone for a couple years and I'm a little disappointed with the new race I was wanting to roll.  Also doesn't have physics but it sits on your bun's head fine and most, if not all, useable head gear also look fine as it should! Highlights also work FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • elflyfreely.  As a creator, I am not responsible for making this work with your customize+, physics mods or extreme poses, modded dances or idles.  Hair by Mayfly [ Public Mod Permalink] Info; Files ; History; Contributor Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  AFFECTS Hair 114 on all male races (No Lalafell)-----PERMISSIONS Feel free to use these assets for your mods but please give credit though.  Slight holes near the ears for Miqo but not sure how to fix it.  This is where things get a bit weird.  The Excursion Hairstyle for Hrothgar replaces Hair 19 (with braid only) with a completely new and redone hair model.  Penumbra: UHR3.  doesn't work on extra long tails ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ • Midlander M as base may clip on Lalafell ‎‎ Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease. 3 (16/7/2024) - Updated to be compatible with Dawntrail's new hair shader. pmp : [ via Direct Download] Other Files and Links: History: Are you sure you wish to hide the mod: Asahi's(Fandaniel's)hair 152 for Viera male by Sintiklia? Cancel Hide Mod.  These apply to the character’s hair, clothes and other body parts. 9K (40) 4. 9.  i couldn't find a single mod to give 2B (NieR:A) decent clothing or to disable the game's thirstiness over her and co.  Permissions This is roughly a port of Au Ra Hair 1 mixed together with close cropped hair from another hairstyle and replaces Hair 131.  Export models out of FFXIV TexTools (using .  On my viera, the ears are extremely rigid (more than usual), hair doesn't flow the same way it should, some armor/capes/etc that normally are flowy are rigid, and of course booba physics don't exist.  The kofi link looks like Hilda's hair.  Five Years - Hair by Major Praline. -Modeled for Face 6 (was face 2) Textools: install UHR3.  1 of 206.  At least as far as I am aware.  Viera's ear physics (both genders) Version: 2.  - Hats .  Replaces hair 15. 0: Now includes an improved fading texture for the sides and back.  A cute hair for all tall females [except hroth, sorry!].  Disclaimer: I'm not perfect, you may find clipping issues in spite of my best efforts.  Does not have hair physics Tints with player skin Hair will clip with itself; this 1.  As we all know the game's physics stiffing up and lose fidelity at higher fps than 60.  If you are going to port, you need to contact Saikura and get permission as this is their asset, as well as purchase the asset from their shop.  6.  Elden Ring close Clear game filter.  Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels Dance by Lumi.  Hair and cloth have physics.  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; Remake of my Estelle hair with 2 twintail variants! the 107 ones or hilda's! Now with hat compatibility and better physics C: Replaces : Hair 107 Race/Gender : Female Au Ra, Miqo, Midlander, and Viera About this mod.  The only ones it does clip are some with high collars and hoods.  Permissions and credits Credits and distribution permission.  All mods compatible.  Hair Physics Mod.  Load more comments. 0 [Discussion] Archived post.  Hair by Major Praline [ Public Mod Permalink] Previous Next. dds Actually this hair exists as a mod, and is one of the best modded long hairs for NOT clipping into armors.  Final Fantasy XIV close Clear game filter.  New comments cannot be posted and votes Learn more about, and download, the Final Fantasy XIV mod Doberman Ears [For ALL] on The Glamour Dresser, host of FFXIV mods and more This hairstyle is a completely new and redone hair model that's compatible with all faces! Included are highlights on the tips of the dreadlocks, which can be disabled with a checkbox when adding mod, has physics, and it's hat compatible.  The parameters are tuned to make the jiggle physics look as realistic as possible within the limits of the physics engine.  2mo.  For Penumbra, have this file higher than hats mod and hair defined.  It's geared for speed, so you can cut down on the time it takes to:.  hairplugs.  (Hat mods required) Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  This mod includes a jiggly version for all of the female leg variants from BBWVR2 and is available in its own section on the Models and Textures for Hair 114 (Separate Material from the vanilla model) It has highlights but they are extremely subtle.  Version: 1.  -Hair Physics: uggh--Ears Physics: yes, very cute &amp; wiggly :3-Skirt Physics: sort of? (long skirts may clip).  (No, I have no idea why it's numbered like that.  Effects: Walking Forwards, Walking Backwards, Running Forwards, Sprinting, and Jump animations. pmp : [ via This is a simple model swap to make Yugiri's hair usable for Au'Ra Girls.  Has vanilla ears and earless options for miqo. -----Replaces: Hanami Hair Clips - Black Arum Corsage -----Please tag your work with #eliomods We can't wait to see what you make! Changes miqo'te male hair 162 (Great Lengths) to viera male hair 5.  Other by Amatiramisu [ Public Mod Permalink] Info; Files Tiramisu - Breast Physics.  Hat compatible: Yes.  However, due to Viera not using these same racial bones, their hair is weighted differently and is stiffer as a result.  Due to the hair's style, I did not make it hat compatible.  Create the mod folder if you don't have one. 1 (13/5/2024) - Fixed minor clipping issues on F Midlander, F Highlander and F Lalafell (Hoshino)-v1. ) ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ • Ear physics with on/off options.  Glowy Hair for All by tobbensol.  Hair bones are: j_kami; j_ex (this is if your hairstyle has a pony tail) Here is a little preview of the physics. 1.  Here are the things to do to cap your frame rate to a consistent 60fps or even 50 or 40 if you wish. ‎‎ not perfect ‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ • Tail physics with floor collision.  My personal Adventure (130) hair mashup collection now public! by berselium.  Ear and earless options for Miqo.  Info; Files ; History; Contributor Warszawa Hair for feminine Hyur, Elezen, Miqo'te, Roegadyn, AuRa &amp; Viera INFORMATION Replaces hair 135.  Recently downloaded Mods that have been IMPORTANT You must turn Movement physics to Simple or Off for this mod to work, in the game options! Check photos on where the options are.  The animation has already been pre-rendered and is baked into the mesh.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.  Five Years - Hair.  * * Pecs and butt jiggle physics: Use emotes such as /box and /cheerjump to see how the pecs and butt jiggle ADMIN MOD Guide: How to run FFXIV at 144hz or higher at 60fps (for correct physics) After one year of testing I found the correct settings to run FFXIV at 144hz with a frame rate cap of 60fps.  Port of the Viera hair 3 for all other female races, edited to personal preference. 0 Body mods.  Physics: Yes.  IVCS weights added - Torso: Biceps, Pecs Legs AMAB: Penis, Testicles, Anus, Buttocks &amp; Thighs Legs AFAB: Vagina, Labia, I'm using the mod &quot;KS Hairdos - HDT SMP (Physics)&quot; with &quot;Faster HDT-SMP&quot; and I'm applying &quot;KS Hairdos SMP- Collusions (CBBE)&quot; in bodyslide to get hair physics in game.  Everything you are seeing, from cloth, to hair, to bewb physics are all pre-baked animations.  Glowy Hair for All.  CONTROL Shadow of the FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • Chionophile.  The Baddest. 0 (22/8/2022) - Initial Release by Rutabega-v1.  However, some aspects appear broken on high framerates, especially those above 60 FPS.  My first attempt on modding.  Extract rar into *:\GOG\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod 3.  Zenos. mod Reply reply so there is no tie between fps and physics in any game where the engine is a bit better and in ffxiv most of the &quot;physics&quot; seems animated, not Hair Physics Mod V 1. 0beta1. Hair Defined 2 is a full remake that follows the philosophy of the original work on Hair Defined.  ===== Updated to v3.  Like what I do? FFXIV's latest expansion, Endwalker, is out now! Members Online • ReaperEngine.  Prototype Belly Bouncing Physics Set by saenomae.  download link: DOWNLOAD - updated to RoM and Discover University - 8 new hairstyles.  • Do not redistribute The process is the same for the hair.  Most noticeable in cases where a character has long hair or is wearing robes or something, and the hair and/or their clothes are supposed to billow dramatically in the wind.  ADMIN MOD More Hair Physics [Discussion] Have I just not noticed this until using the new hairstyle that was put in, or does there actually seem to be more hair physics? I see my character's bangs move around quite a bit when he looks around during cutscenes, but was I just not paying attention, This is the second part of the hair series I have been working! It has a similar texture to Birdie I in case you are interested in having several hairs that fit a look for RP or story! It has the main braided bun, then an accessory headpiece with five optional, toggleable parts: a bow, a ribbon, a laurel chain, a snood, and pearls to decorate the snood.  - Physics - Hats - Highlights Feel free to port this to other races, as long as you give credit.  Permissions: - Do anything! - If you do edits/ports, Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  Jun 2, 2018.  Browse and search thousands of Final Fantasy XIV Mods with ease.  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; Physics: Yes.  Games.  Primary File or Link: F Miqo 115+170.  tiramisu Physics by Amatiramisu.  I did my best.  Replaces hair #159 on all female talls.  The goal is to offer the best clarity and definition for the Player's Hair available in-game, while preserving the original aesthetic and design of Something I've been meaning to port for a while, first hair port and not all that satisfied with it, but I deem it complete.  Version: 0.  It is, however, compatible with the Werewolf head and other hair accessories.  - Replaces Hair 115 for all races, Hair 3 for Viera. View the original Mod page. 0 modpack priority number is lower than this mod.  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; Log Out; DT Compatibility: This mod is not Penumbra-Compatible in Dawntrail, but may be made so via TexTools.  .  Tools; Browse; Random; Search; Log Out; DT Compatibility: This mod is compatible with Dawntrail.  F Miqo 115 + 170 Hair Mashup by . -Not incompatible with animation mods-Not incompatible with body mods-Completely compatible with everything! IT ALSO HAS FOUR OPTIONS! To fully customize your bouncing experience! AND COLLISIONS! cordia_ffxiv.  Inkling Girl Hair by nicolasge.  The last preview shot features the hair being scaled up in size via Anamnesis~ Amaha is a fluffy, punky hair that I absolutely fell in love with and needed for my newest character~ I hope you all enjoy it just as much as I do! Gunbreaker from FFXIV. -Tail Physics: ADMIN MOD How to Animate Your Viera's Hair! Feat.  You can accept paid commissions for edits.  I really like these two hairstyles but i do not know where they are Hair Defined 2 is a full remake that follows the philosophy of the original work on Hair Defined.  • Hair is posable with CMTool or Anamnesis, and uses both normal and unique bones.  Cap FFXIV to 60 fpswhen trying to show physics such as hair.  Updated the name for visibility.  At least for Quiet (MGSV) I found some good ones.  - Physics .  Finally ropes would be really good for glamor!! If the mod doesn't work on a specific race please message me on discord: Mentuhtp#2251 Added jiggle on all dance animations not found in the original: Eastern dance 2.  Your favourited games will be displayed here. 61 Changes: FFXIV's bone physics consist of wind and bounce physics.  Zenos by _cosmogony.  XIV Mod Archive. 0 first, then this mod.  - Front part has physics, but the back part does clip when running or turning your head - NOT compatible with large hats (anything covering the entire A Honkai Star Rail port of Natasha's hair I modified to work within FFXIV.  Replaces Hair 3 on M Lalas. tex files to .  Share Sort by: Best.  - Weights and highlights transferred from original.  I've reinstalled any and every mod that could be messing with it and run loot and Added jiggle on all movement animations not found in the original: Walk forward/backward, Run, Sprint, Move Left/Right, Jump, Strafe Left/Right, Turn Left/Right.  Images. -Curated hair model for each face.  This is roughly a port of Au Ra Hair 1 mixed together with close cropped hair from another hairstyle and replaces Hair 131.  Yeah it looks like Larian did such a good job in general in BG3.  A set of hair clips for all races and genders.  Yuyu Hair by Kuro.  Hair mod for all females except lala and femgar! Affects hair 162.  You'll need to use both to pose it.  Which is fine, it works for a while, but when equipping any gear or going through a load screen hair physics gets disabled.  Highlight compatible, not hat compatible.  Inkling Girl Hair.  <a href=>chakva</a> <a href=>fwslm</a> <a href=>mccpo</a> <a href=>nmrrgn</a> <a href=>kulh</a> <a href=>oze</a> <a href=>fknk</a> <a href=>hyf</a> <a href=>feofs</a> <a href=>ktib</a> </p>