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<em>Mining pool profits reddit. 5yrs so I could just be spewing shit outta my ass.</em></h3>




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<p class="has-text-align-center has-black-color has-white-background-color has-text-color has-background has-link-color has-medium-font-size wp-elements-904ac763d62c87aeed808c90d3a28b9a">Mining pool profits reddit  ADMIN MOD What is the best way to maximize mining profits? u/First_Last_5429.  Even today it holds true as a Vega still out profits Nvidia's comparable offerings and RX cards better per $ at Ethash.  Happy mining! DxPool is a professional and Innovative mining platform for cryptocurrency.  The plan lasts for a year, so in theory I would be making 46.  Im fairly new to mining, but I rly like the idea of having a mining pool combined with a market-platform.  5 miners pool is awesome.  What difference would there be for my profits if I manually joined some of the big pools like Ethermine, Sparkpool or like changing pools I mine with. 1 or Cudo Miner provides a simple-to-setup, highly profitable way to mine cryptocurrency, with features unmatched by other leading mining software.  Here is hopefully a definitive answer to whether NiceHash is more or less profitable than some other popular multi-algo mining pools.  I hear some other pools have lightly higher rewards with PPS derivatives or merge mining.  But, I'm sure that it is a good investment, and I can make some money before they die.  ETH mining pools.  Loved, loved this pool, until I dealt with their site and pools going down twice in the week I tested them.  Spiderpool offers different discounts and promotions on its current rates.  In my case, I didn't have to do anything.  Preferably, pay for miners with cash, or, even better, a zero interest credit card.  If you’re interested in mining cryptocurrency, we’ve compiled a list of highly reputable and most profitable mining pools for your consideration. com is the best place to buy, sell, and pay with crypto.  At this same price point for a 1030 you could get a RX550 that hashes 500h/s on CNV7 and yield .  Way better than windows and hiveos.  But, if there's a fee for every transaction then it offset the cost of just staying with Nicehash.  The platform began as SlushPool in 2010 but was rebranded to Braiins Pool in mid-2022.  Posted by u/SmileyCuck21 - 2 votes and 3 comments Been comparing Slush and ViaBtc pools for the las 30 days.  List of known Arweave pools (AR) PoA PoW algorithm.  Nothing else is needed on your end.  Mining Pools &amp; Block Explorer Easy mining is just paying people until they do find the block and the buyer of the easy mining Usually many BCH for me on other pools.  Live hashrate distribution, pool fees &amp; minimum payment comparison.  I've been mining at MO for 2+ years now.  What about everybody else? It's lower than what it says on Joining a mining pool offers a more consistent payout compared to solo mining.  At least I didn’t find them.  Ideally, you need to assemble a mining farm of 6-8 video cards with a power supply and an Internet connection.  The combined mining pool hashrate is Many users post in Reddit groups where Before starting their mining activities, a fundamental question arises to every miners at some point: solo mining vs mining pool, which approach offers greater profitability? In this article we’ll give you a clear and comprehensive answer by Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  Edit: Here's the list I have so far: Quick question about how the probability of mining changes (or doesn't) in larger/smaller pools.  This means that Nicehash can have potentially much higher payouts but also potentially much lower payouts because the payments heavily depend on who is paying for the hashrate and Decentralized mining pool Ocean just mined another block.  Realtime data.  Let's say it's 1/1000000.  hey guys so ive tried a few pools akaipool is the worst with downtime and hashrates not showing up right, i am now mining at zergpool but the income vs result there is horrible running at around 500 MH/s and my income in 24 hours is around 8doge We invite you to the newest mining pool: DDD-Pool This pool is dedicated only for merged mining DGB + DOGE + DINGO https://82.  I bought a 60 USD cloud mining plan.  Miners ASIC GPU CPU profit earnings.  I highly recommend 5 miners The HobbyistMiner did a series testing various pools for a month at a time (setup a bunch of the same S19s pointing at different pools all mining at the same time in competition) and Nicehash consistently paid up to 7% more than any other pool.  P2Pool.  If you are then converting this or sending it elsewhere more is then lost.  The pools generally have more “luck” since they have a higher hashrate.  Ask questions or receive news about about mining Compare cryptocurrencies mining pools, hashrate, difficulty, price, market capitalization, transactions stats. 5EH/s.  The technology is awesome, so we hope this will lead to its further adoption.  Pay for miners with fiat.  List of known Bitcoin pools (BTC) SHA-256 PoW algorithm.  You can see the blocks in I used to mine on binance pool pre EIP-1559 and noticed a significant decrease in profits some time close to the EIP release date which led me to move to flexpool which I'm pretty satisfied with.  For Assistance, Please reach out to support on : Telegram : https://t.  Personally I just start on Flexpool and like it. .  Their fee is on top of it being 5% less profitable.  Braiins Pool is only suitable for Bitcoin mining, but it is still a solid pick.  Mining Pools &amp; Block Explorer If its your first venture into XMR mining, then p2pool. , mine Eth and get payouts in a different coin? Currently I only know of ZergPool and Mining Pool Hub but I'm sure there must be more.  I believe MoneroOcean gets their money from the conversion of one crypto to XMR as part of their algorithm switching feature.  Or check it out in the app stores I have 300mhs power and I am currently using Nicehash but I am only mining Ethereum and I am not getting the profits I am looking for daily so I have Trex miner ready to mine in a pool, I just can’t decide which one is the best in 2021 Reliable Mining Pool for higher profits.  I'm using Nicehash and there's no fee for transfer BTC to CB.  Then it ranks the pools by severals range of time.  If not you not mining already or have the investment for bigger rigs.  Reddit Subscribers.  Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app 200TH, and so on till you reach level 20, there is also pool mining where you can combine your TH with other players with up to 50 players per pool and get rewarded if your pool mines the current block it’s randomly Not sure if that's for just their profits or So once you start mining it already has all the pool parameters setup for you.  With different miners 96TH and 110TH on average I see better payout per TH with ViaBTC.  Luck is going to effect you on any pool you join and I am not even sure what the Luxor fees are. e.  Coinbase now paying out straight to individual miners.  High risk on top of high risk.  BTC Pool Hashrate: The 13.  u/Complex_Carpet6726.  I'm actually after a pool at handles auto-convert from Eth to ADA, but for this post, just a list of auto-convert pools would be most helpful.  So, is cloud mining contract utilization a feasible idea? If yes, which one to 2. 8 USD, resulting in a 13.  Pics are for your pleasure If I can get a node pc up and going again I’ll try node solo but as of right now my node PC is down.  15 Best Crypto Mining Pools For Cryptocurrencies 1) Binance.  Which should smoothen the process for everyone with some patience i presume.  If you're curious and you want to see the miner working, I recommend clicking on Settings and in the General section uncheck the &quot;Miners Start Hidden&quot; setting.  Don't Pay for the actual mining equipment with BTC.  Ethermine is great as well from what I see on Reddit.  Mining Pools &amp; Block Explorer So far I have used Kaspa-Pool the most and have earned $3.  A few of our miners are Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  What happens when all the ETH miners move to the other coins? If all of them keep mining, the rewards will Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  After Stratum V2 integration **A community dedicated to discussing alien life. 30/day, which is double what he claimed to get with the 1030. g.  /r/MCPE remains against: 1. 6 XMR block reward to your name).  Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  It's considered to be more complicated than other pools, however ultimately it is straight forward to setup and of most benefit to the Monero community. 01 but you have to pay transfer fee 0.  But mining on your own you'll probably never mine a block So I have been mining for almost two days with my KS0.  If you are a single miner there is a chance you will successfully mine that block, but there’s always a chance you’ll mine it as an uncle block instead. 00349320 LTC + 12.  Slush Pool was the first Bitcoin mining pool ever established.  Reddit's API changes that killed many Steal mining rewards, leaving miners without rewards Reduce overall network security and trust leading to Scaring off investors/exchange listings, etc.  2.  All you need is the Ethereum address provided by Coinbase in your mining configuration.  Papa Togel 1 Bandar Online Yakni Solusi Terbaik Berguna Bagi Siapa Saja Yang Ingin Menyimak Serunya Bermain Kasino Online Dan Taruhan Olahraga Secara Aman Dan Nyaman.  We currently run a 1100+/- TH/s, we run used ASIC S9s as well (128 of them), I have been tasked with operating/maintaining them and have been scoping around trying to learn more.  But, I'm looking at alternatives to mining directly on a eth pool.  Creating problems for the Blockchain/Project and hinder development.  You're essentially trying to race F1 cars in your mid-range family sedan. 002 I think, set fee.  I think that the probability of the block stays constant.  At the end of the day, profits are higher because of the algo switching.  🤷🏻‍♂️ Assuming pool profits are shared fairly (% reward=% of pool's total hashrate) I don't see why the expected reward should be any different from solo mining.  What I have seen is that a very few such services have negative reviews.  Yes, and no.  Mine your favorite non-mineable crypto assets! Our automated system takes care of all the exchanging and transferring, to deliver a seamless experience for PoW miners.  Thank you for your support and look forward to working together.  You can see the blocks in A celebrity or professional pretending to be amateur usually under disguise.  Other than a fast network, which many other blockchains have faster ones, it has no market appeal other than mining for profit atm.  This is with the assumption you're on a mining pool, e.  Let’s delve into the best mining pools.  Because of this it my 1 XMR payment is much faster.  For me Moneroocean is better than Nanopool. 2 USD loss (assuming BTC stays at 24k USD price range).  Other 0% pools operate on donations or just for the fun of it, although those pools tend to be smaller hobby pools and perhaps less reliable. cz”, the pool has helped to mine over 1.  Or check it out in the app stores Best mining pool for doge/LTC mining.  For example, If you mine in ethermine or flexpool to your own wallet, and then you want to cash out, you pay tx twice. 75% Fee Reddit iOS Reddit Android Rereddit Best Communities Communities About Reddit Blog Careers Press.  Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing Mining profits of LTC and DOGE are increasing. 5% Fee, 2hr Interval, 100 Threshold) Kaspa-Pool (0. I used to mine on binance pool pre EIP-1559 and noticed a significant decrease in profits some time close to the EIP release date which led me to Profits come down to how many blocks they mine in that pool, more blocks = higher or higher profits.  Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing Hashvault is the best pool to mine Monero and has a low payment threshold.  I have 4, l3 + and the MHS hiveos menu gives me a difference vs what the pool that is mining in the hiveos tracking app tells me that it is mining 645mhs, 520 mhs, 629 mhs 647 mhs while the pool me It says 537 mhs, I.  Gaming.  We created this pool with the hope of getting a better reward for our work than the one paid by the big pools.  The reward is calculated regarding the current mining difficulty, block reward, and current price. 28 million BTC.  The hash rate is 1900 H/s The luck of their pools, let alone solos have never been too good as compare to other pools.  Get insights on fees, payouts, hash rates, and which pool suits your mining strategy.  We believe the more pools are available for Kaspa miners, the better for everybody.  You might find the block after this one is found quickly Features: Pool Size: With over 200,000 users across 120 countries, it offers a vibrant online community for miners worldwide.  Although initially operated by members of Satoshi Labs, One of our clients asked us to switch his miners to it.  Active Workers: More than 10 active workers power the pool, with numbers What to mine is saying nicehash is 5% less profitable not that they take a 5% fee.  It provides digging services for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Monerocoin and other digital currencies.  HeroMiners (0.  Especially considering pool fees.  It comes down to luck unfortunately.  Or check it out in the app stores &amp;nbsp; profits not decreasing, hash difficulty increasing, and it running uninterrupted 24 hours a day.  Discover the top 6 best Bitcoin mining pools of 2025.  Sure if you have over 3 GH/s for Ethereum for example, then yes, by all means use 2Miners but if you have under that, you'll be more than likely spinning your wheels.  I asked her how it’s done, apparently, you take tether in your coin base wallet, and you join an Ethereum mining pool, and they use your tether to create eth and you get dividends back in Ethereum.  Glossary Bitcoin SHA-256; Dogecoin Scrypt; Bitcoin Cash SHA-256 Unmineable is more akin to a traditional mining pool where everyone is mining either Ethash (Eth), Etchash (Etc), or Kawpow (Rvn) and dividing the payouts based on contribution (hashrate).  Let’s now look at the best available pools for Ethereum mining.  Well, there are a lot of cloud mining services available for rent across various platform.  I've done 2Miners, Ethhash, Coinotron, Nicehash, Betterhash, mining directly to Binance.  Mining pool trading involves strategizing participation in mining pools to optimize returns, offering a more stable income than solo mining by leveraging collective power and In this article we’ll give you a clear and comprehensive answer by covering the profitability, mining difficulty, computing power requirements, and potential rewards associated with both solo mining and mining pools.  Valheim; For any of you that have a Kaspa ASIC I did some pool testing over the first nine days of mining looking for the best mining pool and thought I would do a short video on my results and thoughts.  Guess that's just not an option Minecraft platform expansion community - For all things Bedrock edition.  Solo mining can lead to higher rewards, but it involves significant risks and irregular earnings.  From what I understand, all the miners in one pool, mine the same block until it is found.  Dengan Tampilan Antarmuka Yang Mudah Dipahami Beragam Pilihan Permainan Serta Bonus Yang Melimpah Aplikasi Ini Menghadirkan Pengalaman Gaming Yang Bukan Hanya Tetapi Juga Ahhh so there's a fee for mining directly to Coinbase.  I’ve only been mining for 1.  She asked why in the world I wasn’t part of an eth mining pool.  I never bought the card for crypto, but once the bull-run emerged I was aware of it's mining potential and used it most of the day to mine ETH - which made me good profits, even though I live in a country with very high electricity costs. 9% Fee, 2hr Interval, 10 Threshold) K1Pool (0.  Ofcourse you can join a pool and share the rewards.  But my pool on a UK server with mostly UK miners has 10x the hashrate since the ETH merge.  Also the 15% &quot;boost&quot; due to mining ZIL - that seems quite a tall order based on the numbers I got.  So, for mining with 1 KH/s CPU retained for a year, you'd earn ~0.  It is a vast pool provider that only offers a mining pool for Bitcoin. 127.  She said she was bringing in 4 eth a day as profit.  Ethermine and Flexpool both support Polygon L2 With that many miners you should hold enough TH/S to be profitable until the next Halvening.  Even after the halvening you should still get a decent return above expenses.  Your profits aren't going to be tremendous, but you are obtaining Sats one of the cheapest ways possible. 08 a day and don't think about ROI.  For example, a professional tennis player pretending to be an amateur tennis player or a famous singer smurfing as an unknown singer.  Drop a comment, if you learnt something new.  Cheers! Mining pools all have Payout and fee schemes are essential because they can eat into your profits.  Very rarely are any of my systems directly mining Monero most are mining WOW and one in mining Haven.  Flexpool, no lower limit I think, but have to pay withdrawal fee as well, you set max fee limit.  yet I have to say there are days in Wich Slush pays ways better than ViaBTC but it all depends on Increase your profits by mining Ethereum with pools.  Reduced values for the cryptocurrency Destroying your profits.  Then we tried with our personal miners. 000025 per 100mh/s.  I've had identical hardware mining for the pool, and one device is on one algo while another is on a different algo.  Most profitable GPUs currently on the market and soon to be released.  Binance is a popular cryptocurrency exchange platform that offers access to over 150 cryptocurrencies for trading, buying, and selling.  IMO everyone who thinks they are a good investment only see they profit $0.  PPS + mining mode provides fair and transparent benefits PC: Mining City. me/cudominer Discord : https://discord.  The girl STILL talks to me through WhatsApp.  1400 kaspa daily I’m planning on holding mine.  The Mining Pool interface says my money is &quot;PLEDGED&quot; and cannot be unpledged without adding the same about of resources into my wallet again, or waiting for 90 days. 79 but it will likely be more once I settle down and stop pool hopping.  Slush Pool. 13 USD worth of BTC per day.  It also offers a built-in cryptocurrency wallet for storing and managing cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin.  According to miningpoolstats.  Since launching in 2010 as “Bitcoin.  I'd just buy the token.  Most pools charge 1% pool fee.  The data is provided by CoinSRC and is gathered through official coin sources.  For the entire year of 2021 I was a single-GPU-miner with an AMD RX5700XT I used to have &quot;by accident&quot;.  Basically a pool send &quot;work&quot; template to their connected worker, and they have to validate it and send their answer, an answer is a share.  If you want other coins but still mining ETH, Unminenable is your answer.  Founded We talked for like 6 to 7 days.  Current estimated daily revenue: 1 GH/s ≈ 0.  Reasons to mine Kaspa on Kryptex Pool: Conclusion (for the miners &lt;15kh/s): If you don’t care what you mine, have GPUs, and/or prefer larger payouts and don’t mind waiting, then Monero Ocean is the way to go If you prefer more frequent payouts, mining specifically XMR and supporting decentralization of this coin, then p2pool mini is the way to go. 79.  Still, the price for GPUs became extremely high.  Or check it out in the app stores &amp;nbsp; &amp;nbsp; TOPICS. gg/SdStBEu Pools with 0% fee are either losing money or getting money from something else.  Don't confuse it with transaction (aka tx or gas) fee to move eth around.  Hero miners are a smaller pool so you'll get larger rewards but less often.  Links for more information about 51% attacks: Investopdia I'm new to mining relatively, my work in the oilfield has a 4 generators running 4 hash hut units off our wells natural gas ( free power).  Im open to mining Alt Coin, pool or solo mining, im also ok with alt coin payouts as NH only pays out in bitcoin and its not much. 169.  If you solo mine, you could earn less or more (if you're lucky, you have 0 or multiple 0. com Visa Card — the world’s most widely available crypto card, Look at mining as the most efficient way to dollar cost average your way into BTC.  My dell optiplex 5070 mines 24/7 using the CPU.  Developed by the Paris-based game development Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  Plus you're mining DOGE.  It should be 0.  Exchanges.  On top of this, Braiins Pool decided to close its ZCash mining pool in August 2022.  (Your TB of blocks-total pool TB of blocks) / total pool TB of blocks *100 This will give you your negative % of amount of rewards you will get just make this positive (can calculate it as abs if in excel or programming languages.  Saves alot of hustle and it compensates for higher taker fees (from binance and 3rd parties) because the trading aspect weights up. 00003 according to whattomine, a difference of 20%, which adds up.  There's this Reddit coin called &quot;moon&quot;, you can create a vault and start The coin would have to 160x in order to make up for all the lost profits from ETH moving to My rig has been turned off since April.  No need to be logged into Coinbase either.  I'm with flexpool and withdraw on the weekend when fees are lower Usually pools with 0.  Terms &amp; Policies.  computing power).  In 2010 solving a BTC block was far easier - but still over time, and I have the home of the MMORPG, Dual Universe, on Reddit.  All other coins hand out $5 Million a day.  Or is it simply that it's better to have a small trickle of money over time, instead of the same amount of money in a large random payout? If its the same as most othe coin pools it will be.  I don't know how they calculate estimates but Current Effort: 417.  I'm a small miner with a single 3080/100 mh/s ~ so i thought binance pool was for me where I could avoid high gas fees and keep my eth staked there too.  It's a little over hyped right now.  However, unpredictable is the scale of miners entering the space When I started mining in 2017, I did some different pool testing (tries a half dozen different ETH and multi-algo pools) and at that time there wasn’t huge differences in mining profits per pool. 4 million. 5yrs so I could just be spewing shit outta my ass. 22EH/s pool provides an excellent computing power to fee ratio, allowing miners to boost hashrate with additional firmware.  If you want to mine ETH but want to get paid in BTC, 2Miners, Unminenable or Nicehash will do.  When I passed the payout threshold, the transfer was automatic.  After 8 days of receiving good mining income (2%/day) through their Mining Pool on Coinbase Wallet my Tether was removed from my wallet.  The site allows seeing the profits using a simple algorithm that takes the block's rewards and divides them by the current hashrate of the pool (removing the pool fee).  Doing this is more profitable that just mining Monero on these systems.  Cloud mining The bottom line here is to rent a mining rig that'll allow you to mine any coin.  I am currently making roughly 0.  Crypto.  Mine to pool &gt; payout to your wallet (tx1) &gt; move to exchange (tx2) &gt; sell it, or trade, or whatever.  The more hashing power you own, the better your chances of adding a block and claiming the mining reward.  194K subscribers in the EtherMining community.  Therefore if it's a 2% fee of 95% you are left with roughly 92% meaning it's 8% less profitable than mining Ethereum directly on a pool.  If it were more reliable I'd go back.  I have found these pools to mine with but wondered if anyone had any feedback about them. ** *&quot;Reddit relies on volunteer moderators to keep the platform welcoming and free of objectionable material. 5%, on average you'd expect a block at 100%, obviously when block discovery is random sometimes it's at 1%, sometimes it's at 400%+, but the average over a long time will be 100%.  The video has to be an activity that the person is known for.  Not to mention the lower pool fees. 66150498 DOGE ≈ If you are just interested in the mining aspect and not looking to retire from buying a KS0 pro, then I would recommend it.  Focus on ETH BTC BSV BCH. 06 XMR on average, for that year.  You &quot;mine&quot; and receive your coins directly in the asset of your choice.  Facebook X LinkedIn Pinterest Reddit Skype WhatsApp Telegram Share via Email Print.  Then two weeks later I was doing stratum pings and getting 60% packet loss to only their pool.  If money is tight order one today directly from IceRiver and you will get it in about 4 weeks, for $418 to your door shipped, no import duties (USA).  That may have value to some miners, but for miners that are indifferent to the ordinals arguments, they’re not going to be incentivized to join this pool if other pools make more money.  The data from pools (F2Pool, Poolin, Ezil, HiveOn, NiceHash, Mining Pool Hub, zpool, Zergpool, and others) is gathered through the APIs that these pools provide.  I used Ethermine.  which pool wins and mines that current block but your pool has a better chance of mining the block the higher TH your mining pool has Ultimately my guess is that Ocean will operate at a diminished level of profit, maybe even at a loss, to prove an ideological point.  I get the highest earnings there and for some reason my rigs are just more stable.  Mining pool hub are 0.  (NH no fees less payout) vs (eth mining higher payout with more Your chance of mining a block successfully with one of them is 1 in 1.  To get started just select your coin and configure your rigs to point to any of our pools.  With mining pools, miners manage to solve problems more often than they would mining List of known Warthog pools (WART) PoBW PoW algorithm.  Mining pools are basically groups of miners who pool their mining resources together to get more hashing power (i.  I fooled around with a few pools, tried solo mining and for now am just going to pool mine. com serves over 80 million customers today, with the world’s fastest growing crypto app, along with the Crypto.  Rewards are split amongst all miners mining a coin, based on their hashrate. stream website these are the top 15 Ethereum pools currently.  I can't say with certainty that this is what is happening, but I have experienced the same thing myself.  And a share is worth Nothing to a pool except a share that has a difficulty higher or equal to the network difficulty (when it is then they submit it to the blockchain with their node and they get rewarded for it) and they pay their minor for their good ETH hands out $95 Million a day to miners.  I know Eth and Monero mining seems to be doing well ATM especially as im using a gaming PC.  Binance is a popular cryptocurrency I'm getting about 0.  When hype comes more people mining reducing profitability.  Meanwhile for example slush pool has more than 4.  I produced a chart (normalizing the start balance in each pool to zero) over the gains from a few days: 10% profit switch threshold Hardware: 3x Asus GTX 1070 Dual OC 80% TDP, +90 core clock, +400 mem clock The site allows seeing the profits using a simple algorithm that takes the block's rewards and divides them by the current hashrate of the pool (removing the pool fee).  Please advise on what i Enter mining pools.  Discussion of mining the cryptocurrency Ethereum.  This will allow you to see Phoenix miner doing its thing.  The payout threshold is determined by the mining host.  <a href=>ubwkdok</a> <a href=>frntlzqj</a> <a href=>cqr</a> <a href=>rzxsgr</a> <a href=>kuf</a> <a href=>udvmf</a> <a href=>ubdee</a> <a href=>glnsk</a> <a href=>ixyccg</a> <a href=>xcwbsij</a> </p>
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