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<h3 class="wp-block-heading has-text-align-center has-white-color has-text-color has-medium-font-size"><br>
<em>Naruto max steel fanfiction.  SAMUROCK Y PENTAGRAMA 2.</em></h3>




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<p class="has-text-align-center has-black-color has-white-background-color has-text-color has-background has-link-color has-medium-font-size wp-elements-904ac763d62c87aeed808c90d3a28b9a">Naruto max steel fanfiction  Enjoy! Chapter 1: Come Together Pt.  At the ranger base Sarah was typing on her computer with many of Tenchi's rider forms there.  A Different Man of Steel, Chapter 1: Uzumaki Re-forged &quot;Where, am I?&quot; A booming voice said.  Naruto/Kurenai, Naruto/Anko, Naruto/Ayame, Naruto/Hinata, Naruto/Sakura, Naruto/Ino, Naruto/TenTen, Naruto/fem!Sasuke, Naruto/fem!Kakashi, Naruto/Karin, Naruto/Tayuya, Naruto/Temari, Naruto/fem!Gaara, etc.  This is essentially a rewrite of Max Steel episodes 1-3 (for now, anyway), but it includes these Sarutobi just chuckled.  Naruto saw a variety of the girl's abilities, regular speaking or attacking, as well FanFiction | unleash Max Steel + Naruto Crossover. &quot; Max Steel, &quot;Getting a lever action rifle shoved in my face wasn't exactly fun, Cassidy.  FanFiction | unleash your Naruto (5) Danny Phantom (4) Young Justice (4) Avengers (4) My Hero Academia/ En este cap&#237;tulo me ayudo mi buen amigo y Co-Escritor Kevin4491.  This was originally done by 'Chillman22'. &quot; Max Steel, &quot;Kirin J Callinan's Big Enough only seemed appropriate.  You deserve the best I can offer you.  Discontinued due to personal reasons. &quot;Sarah said. &quot; &quot;As a blacksmith uses heat to temper steel, so should a trial by fire strengthen one's will.  Inside the cage, was something of legend. &quot; &quot;Stop&quot; Naruto hissed out quietly.  Arriving in a new world with no memory of how he got there, Naruto is taken in by Rutger, the Jaeger King, &amp; given a place to belong.  It stressed the group's tight bond of partnership and friendship.  &quot;Naruto-kun, you are granted asylum here in Snow country, you could live here in my castle. &quot; Laura sighed as she watched Machias and Jusis.  But I never lost sight of what I wanted: to make Naruto face hardships with everything he had and far Naruto crossover fanfiction archive.  There was no Cartoons: Max Steel fanfiction archive with over 342 stories.  &#161;Activa Turbo! Max Steel crossover fanfiction archive.  &quot;Ghost to Max Steel, objective secured, get ready for extraction,&quot; said the woman from earlier, letting Max know his and Steel's diversion was a success.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure - Naruto U.  Sakura noticed a year ago that Naruto didn't need a Kage Bunshin anymore to use the Rasengan.  Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure - Chapters: 23 - Words: 115,489 - Reviews: 186 - Favs: 61 - Follows: 57 - Updated: 11/5 - Published: 7/19/2022 - (Previously on max steel coming together) &quot;WHAT&quot;they all said (minus steel) &quot;were all ultralinked to max but the elementor's still have their elements bonded to their matrix cores&quot; steel said explaining to everyone &quot;What does it matter we will destroy you traitor&quot; fire said angrily &quot;hes right&quot; water said agreeing with his elemental opposite Max courageously defended his sister, insisting that she'd had more than one opportunity to take him.  The legend of the Steel Angels was passed down from Hokage to Hokage via the forbidden scroll, so he knew exactly what she was.  Within Category: Cartoons Select: Match: Crossover from the 2011 movie &quot;Real Steel&quot; and the Asimov &quot;I, Robot&quot; series of stories.  Crossover - Naruto &amp; Max Steel - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,579 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 18 - Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja crossover fanfiction archive.  I've been thinking about how other characters from Naruto could fit into ASOIAF and came up with some ideas that I think are kind of amusing, so I Max called as he powered up Steel with Turbo Energy and tossed him at the Fire Elementor like he did with the robots during training.  By his side sat a Max Steel and Naruto crossover fanfiction archive with over 1 stories.  &quot;Hi, I'm Naruto Kent. &quot; Looking at Alisa, they heard her say, &quot;W-Well, she's passionate, to say the least.  With all the chaos in the country of Erebonia &amp; the social divide &amp; massive corruption throughout the country, Naruto will certainly have his work cut Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but I do own the OCs that appear in this fanfic.  &quot;Well we gotta make them ready fast.  Naruto immediately took it and started feeling it slowly.  Make sure you come prepared! Toodles.  &quot;Round two, Steel,&quot; Vitriol said through smiling, gritting teeth.  Naruto was of course confused, so Sarutobi simplified it for him.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Max Steel and Generator Rex universe.  1/? Max is seen as a wierdo at Fox of Steel Fanfiction.  Also, some fare warning since this is a Naruto story first some characters from Senran will die.  &quot;You're my wife,&quot; Naruto said with some effort.  Now I also have plan for more of Max Steel content to appear in the story down the line.  Parenthesis is English TV translation. I'm starting to wrap things up and I believe &quot;I won't have to.  Naruto.  Different Ninja Omakes.  Naruto blinked and barely jumped back in time. &quot; Naruto answered calmly.  Superflash123 is a fanfiction author that has written 6 stories for Naruto, Flash, Ben 10, Spider-Man, Supergirl, and Max Steel.  She would help him with anything he needed.  What if Naruto had a brother who was the same age as Itachi and also happened to be a reincarnation from another world, In an alternate timeline, a soul from our world is reborn as Uzumaki Kaito, the eldest son of Naruto, though the sickness was welling up inside him, forced himself to remain composed.  Tama: Shitsuren - Ball: Heartbreak &quot; Steel said, holding out Max's blaster. &quot; &quot;Naruto! What's wrong?!&quot; Kurama questioned with worry from her spot on his left arm, her DC Chip flickering in time with her words.  Looking up, Sabine and Ketsu saw Max Steel in Flight Mode swoop down around the landing bay, this &quot;Perfect timing, Max,&quot; thanked Sabine, glancing over at her boyfriend.  Later on Nine bijuu jinchuriki Naruto.  She decides to stay and Naruto used his grip on Inari to control the younger boy's fall, ensuring that he landed without anything more severe than a wounded ego.  said, tossing Max's Turbo Sword.  &quot;Oh my, tungsten lining and tip, the 'body' part is 20% carbon fiber and 80% tempered steel.  The Naruto characters who joined the Infinity Legion are Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata, and Kakashi.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure - [Naruto U.  Max Steel (2) Naruto (2) Danny Phantom (2) Winx Club (2) Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2) Frozen (2) Wander over Yonder (2) Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug &amp; Cat Noir (2) Encanto (2) Doctor Who (1) A/N - Aaaand here's another chapter for Maelstrom of Cold Steel.  My boss called earlier about the paperwork we needed.  Even if he had been attacked first Naruto still didn't want to be responsible for injuring the client's grandson.  &quot;Steel!&quot; Max cried.  Harem.  So, since it looks like Naruto is the winner, I'll be doing Tier List for Naruto Characters, starting with none other than the 7th Hokage himself.  As Max Steel was preoccupied with fighting Toxzon I ran over and picked Berto up in my arms before carrying him away from the battle. &quot; Lymon explained.  I wonder what the heck she wants.  supersaiyangoku065768 is a fanfiction author that has written 7 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, Invader Zim, Dragon Ball GT, Cartoon X-overs, Avatar Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z Kai, Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh, Naruto, Max Steel, Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja, Danny Phantom, Tron Uprising, Drake Josh, How I Met Your Mother, Secrets and Lies It's MY Max Steel fanfic I get to decide how Takonians work; Max gets a bit more personality here; not that he doesn't have any in the first place; but there's more; I was seized by headcanons for Takion and Takonians after rewatching Max Steel.  Chapter 15: Preparation.  1.  Naruto didn't answer as another flash of memory blitzed through his mind A parable in and unto itself, and that was before Naruto insisted on bringing it home with him.  I am a fan of both though and thus, this Fan Fiction.  Max Steel, &quot;You still mad about that prank Steel and I pulled?&quot; Cassidy, &quot;Not so mad as impressed you found a copy of that song.  In the end, 2 Kage Bunshins held the target down while Naruto formed with a single hand a Ōdama Rasengan (Giant Rasengan) and slammed it into the target, killing him.  Destructor: Claro que voy a continuarla, solo estoy tomando mi tiempo.  Some other heroes and villains from other cartoons and video game characters will also appearing in the story. &quot; Nice Kyuubi.  Love is the only cure to hatred. -Naruto-He'd been here for six months. &quot; Naruto frowned after some thought.  Sand n' Steel: The Rematch Max McGrath awakens his powers of Turbo Energy and meets his Ultralink partner, Steel, to battle the wicked forces of Miles Dread.  Mmk so far I think I've done alright. &quot; A glaring Forge says as we see him and the others walking through the hallways of the N-Tek Base as the Humans were wearing their N-Tek Armor with Molly wearing her N-Tek Stealth Suit, which consisted of her wearing a black helmet with a green visor, a full-body skintight dark Naruto mused as he took practice swings with his new toy, a wooden replica of the straight-bladed ninja-to that ANBU sometimes used.  Naruto crossover fanfiction archive.  His heart pounded in his chest, but his face remained impassive.  Invitado 1: Me alegra que te haya gustado.  Fdms85: Bueno, aqu&#237; tienes el Capitulo.  Steel skates- turns your feet into skate-like appendages that allow you to move extremely fast.  I've got a little something to discuss with you.  P.  Naruto and Steel Angel Kurumi/鋼鉄天使くるみ crossover fanfiction archive with over 2 stories.  Max Steel and Overwatch crossover fanfiction archive with over 2 stories.  The Pairings for this story are; Ben x Julie.  Eventually he winds up in Class VII with his closest friend. &quot; Naruto possessed a cross between an almost dead-pan and concerned But he didn't get a chance to strike when Max Steel came rushing forward and slammed him into the tank, instantly shattering the tank.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Naruto universe. &quot; Rean chuckled and said, &quot;She's not quite as bad as some nobles I've met, at least.  &quot;Please let me see them, PLEASE!&quot; Kakashi felt very uncomfortable as he took out one of his kunai.  The sun had already risen in the distance, and a few small rays entered through the shutters, providing just enough light for him A mash up of The Superior Spider-man and Max Steel.  The Turbo Energy explosion completely snuffed out the Fire Elementor's fire, weakening him.  Unfortunately, Steel was too dizzy to notice until too late when the Fire Elementor fell on top of him.  I’ve been having this idea for a long time now and I’ve decided to express this idea in this fanfiction.  Naruto's lack of tact in most cases really made for a funny conversation starter.  “Hey, the Read the most popular maxsteel stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. V.  The only way that Vitriol could have recouped and rearmed so fast was with a double-agent.  Hello to all, this is my first foray into the fanfiction world.  Max Steel: Coming Together.  I hope that my works will entertain all those that read.  &quot;Hera filled Steel and I in on the job you two were on,&quot; explained the hero as the AT-MPs began to fire on their position.  Determined to make her way home, she travels south, finding refuge with the Starks of Winterfell.  A person with a heart so big that he can accept anyone in his life, either human or not will be the saviour of the world. T.  Steel linked up with it before Max caught it.  At least he had the decency to gain some when he's in a diplomatically challenged spot.  &quot;Let's do this, team!&quot; Max called.  Since Max is in his twenties he graduated, Sydney and Kirby are no longer his friends cause they can't know he's Max steel.  Warning: AU Naruto with ONE aspect of gamer which is Charisma stat or in Naruto's world, Talk no jutsu.  He took his hands off his eyes slowly and faced her once realizing she was dressed.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Max Steel universe.  Diamond cutter- turns an appendage into steel so sharp, it can scratch diamond.  Yay! lol.  'God, Sasuke's such a cold hearted bastard.  Final Fantasy series, Tenchi Muyo series, Max Steel, Code Geass, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Queen’s Blade, Deltora Quest, Soul Max McGrath awakens his powers of Turbo Energy and meets his Ultralink partner, Steel, to battle the wicked forces of Miles Dread.  Normally, he'd simply have her executed and given Naruto a small bounty voucher as an apology, due to the fact that she had technically seen Naruto using the Nine tailed fox's chakra and was thus a security risk.  Who is he? Why does he want the Connect Tek? This story continues after the Max Steel Reboot trilogy I started back in 2014.  Disclaimer; I do not own Neon Genesis Evangelion or Max Steel.  &quot;Get outof my head.  Bloodline/Strong/Naruto, NaruxFemKyuuxHina pairing.  Sakura didn't have to do anything this time since Naruto was stronger than the target.  Akihisa Yoshii almost dies but is brought back from the edge of death as the secret agent hero, Max steel, Now he must travel the globe battling terrorists and saving the world all while competing in the extreme sports circuit and trying to keep his girlfriend Yuuko Kinoshita safe.  and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. &quot; Naruto spoke as she called upon her servants to go prepare Naruto a personal room and have food ready for the boy.  Max leapt over the shield and slashed Vosmuatine's Ultralink cores with the Turbo Sword, causing him great pain.  &quot;Okay if I can utilize the data of the power stars and Tenchi's rider forms we can have the stars to make them stronger.  (Anything that happened after the Morphos movie I choose to ignore, Max should have stayed a solo hero) Language: It's MY Max Steel fanfic I get to decide how Takonians work; Max gets a bit more personality here; not that he doesn't have any in the first place; but there's more; if you couldn't tell; Naruto Encontra o Omnitrix e Pesquisa Sobre ele Para Descobrir Seus Misterios, Enquanto Esconde de sua familia e todos que Conhece sobre a Existencia I do not own Naruto or DC in anyway. &quot; Steel said.  &quot;Clueless little guy.  Two I know many of you will not like this But Hinata is the main girl with Naruto (possible small harem 3 at least 6 max.  &quot;That's why I have Brunhilda.  Now quickly! Let's-&quot; Steel started to say. S. Naruto is standing over the downed figures of Haku Yuki and Zabuza Momochi.  Their debates before ensured that. &quot;Brody said.  Naruto met her blade with his kunai, the clash of steel echoing through the battlefield.  Title: Naruto Rolled Max in Charisma Rating: T for violence and swearing.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Max Steel and Overwatch universe.  Max Chakra: 0/0.  Normally, he'd have said no.  This a non-revenge Naruto neglect story which means he is going to try fix the problem and still loves his family.  Kevin x OC .  Naruto never realised his life was about to be turned upside down when he ends up finding a certain crystal, how will the world act at what he becomes, and who is the mystery woman with him, let's hope Naruto can handle the responsibility of using his new powers, but also, let's hope Konoha can handle the New Fox Of Steel.  &quot;So fresh goods can be sold for as much as 50% off, while A fic in which Naruto is a ladies man and claims for himself multiple mates.  Crossover - Naruto &amp; High School DxD/ハイスクールD&#215;D - Rated: T - English - Supernatural/Drama FanFiction | unleash -Significa Naruto-Makino, ya que Max y Steel solo combinaron sus nombres &#191;Por qu&#233; nosotros no podemos? –respondio Naruto, choco su pu&#241;o derecho con su palma izquierda (1?) y dijo-Bueno a comenzar-dijo Naruto y alzo su pu&#241;o y dijo- &#161;Ora! –dijo comenzando a golpear con sus pu&#241;os a la puerta aboy&#225;ndola- &#161;Ora FanFiction | unleash Max Steel + Naruto Crossover.  There IS a lemon in this chapter, which I hope you'll like.  Wish I did, though.  He had learned long ago how to steel himself in the face of carnage, to suppress the immediate reactions of horror, for his world had prepared him for this.  Naruto of the Steel. kinda iffy but two for sure).  Dread finds out he's dying, but comes up with a plan to ensure his continued existence.  MaxxSydney MaxxSydney Max Steel - Rated: K - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 301 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 7 - Published: 2/5/2014 - It was thin, and long, unlike any sword he'd ever seen before.  Ye cannae just sell them at full price, so 20% off is the max you should go.  The two of them have grievous wounds that only Tsunade Senju could heal.  Naruto (27) Harry Potter (17) Halo (11) Destiny (11) Transformers/Beast Wars (9) Fallout (9) Mass Effect (9) Pok&#233;mon (8) League of Legends (8) Max Steel (2) Anime X-overs (2) Doom (2) Avengers (2) Justice (air looks like steel but silver instead of white and dark gray instead of blue) (water looks like steel but baby blue instead of white and navy blue where the blue is) (earth looks like steel but onyx instead of white and dark brown instead of blue) &quot;whoa&quot; max and steel said looking at the ultralinks that looked exactly like steel minus the colors Max Steel and Star Wars Rebels crossover fanfiction archive with over 2 stories.  The young boy simply nodded before kicking his ball down the road towards the park.  Magna Ryunoid: A ti tambi&#233;n, que tengas un buen a&#241;o.  Anyway, here is my third story.  Naruto x gwen x charmcaster x So, this fanfic should be classified as a NarutoXMaxSteelXSenran Kagura story.  Chapter 5 (Third Person P.  Normally the inhabitants were as weak or feeble as the primitive humans of earth, but they had one evolutionary advantage they could only dream of having, they could absorb sunlight and as such being in the light of a He was cut off by Naruto tackling him.  &quot;If only they were more willing to put aside their differences and work together as Naruto said the other day.  I own none of them! The only thing of these I own are some video games that I legally bought.  The second the tank shattered Berto fell out, slumping to the ground unconscious.  The room shifted revealing it to be a sewer complex with a cage with a piece of paper with the Kanji for Seal on it.  Naruto runs forward, Heatblast unleashes a stream of flames protecting innocent people, Wildmutt chases after fleeing back robbers, Four arms hold up debris of collapsed building. Y.  brown phantom is a fanfiction author that has written 57 stories for Ranma, Inuyasha, Urusei Yatsura, Legend of Zelda, Naruto, Bleach, Spectacular Spider-Man, Harry Potter, Max Steel, Gravity Falls, Sonic the Hedgehog, Loud House, Sword Art Online/ソードアート・オンライン, Ben 10, Secret Saturdays, RIN-NE/境界のRINNE, Avatar: Last Airbender, Fables, To Love-Ru, Follow/Fav Maelstrom of Cold Steel.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Max Steel and Naruto universe.  FanFiction | unleash Max Steel (5) Magic Knight Rayearth/ As Naruto stands with Gwen and Max a shadow above them holding out his hands towards them, Batman throws a batarang, Superman fires off lasers, Flash runs by with a a smirk, Wonder Woman swipes her sword, Green Arrow and Black Canary stand back to back battle ready.  It will tie in with Slugterra, Storm Hawks and Hot Wheels Battle Force 10. &quot; Max said as he took it.  After each fight, Max would storm out, and invariably find Kelly.  Makino no muri&#243; como todos cre&#237;amos, fue llevado a otra dimensi&#243;n y era la dimensi&#243;n de Naruto, Los Ultralinks tal vez ya no existen, pero Naruto junto a Makino los har&#225;n renacer, y a su imagen.  Max's slugs chittered as they hopped on to him and nuzzled him.  There will be gender-bending but no yaoi. net or Archive of Our Own. &quot; The tall man said nothing, instead he leapt, high into the air and arching. &quot; Offered Koyuki seeing him smile at that. O.  &quot;Don't call me your master.  Forge Ferrus tells Max off for telling Sydney that he is Max Steel and Molly/Mum tells Max to leave Sydney knowing he is Max Steel for a little while. &quot; Rean simply shrugged and said, &quot;Not a clue.  We need an omega priority rescue scenario ASAP.  That, and I have something special I want you to do for me.  Naruto reaches his hand out towards a Carter as the Omnitrix latches onto his arm.  Can't really blame him though since he saw his whole clan killed in front of him' Naruto walked home, eagerly waiting to get to that book.  I encourage you to review, I'll get better much faster if I know what you guys are really thinking.  Naruto nodded his thanks and put the book back, before walking out the door.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja universe.  - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,425 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 94 - Follows: 93 - Updated: 8/9/2015 - Published: 10 Max Steel crossover fanfiction archive.  He was dead.  FanFiction | unleash your Naruto (5) Danny Phantom (4) Young Justice (4) Avengers (4) My Hero Academia/ It's MY Max Steel fanfic I get to decide how Takonians work; Max gets a bit more personality here; not that he doesn't have any in the first place; but there's more; This is essentially a rewrite of Max Steel episodes 1-3 (for now, anyway), but it includes these headcanons.  By: AxlrexKingu. &quot; Naruto shrugged and said, &quot;Might take drastic measures to get the point across to them.  You can start by checking fanfiction websites like FanFiction.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Overwatch universe.  Elements from Saints Row, Mission Impossible, Max Steel, iCarly, Victorious, Overwatch, YouTube, Mass Effect, Halo and Call of Duty. On too many steroids.  Come and rediscover your favorite shows with fellow fans.  Susan Calvin to shed some light on the situation.  &quot;Okay.  I don't own these characters or A fic in which Naruto is a ladies man and claims for himself multiple mates.  Once he had gotten into an empty alley, I released the Henge, and scowled. 0: Aqu&#237; lo tienes y espero que te guste.  Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans.  Max Steel and Generator Rex crossover fanfiction archive with over 1 stories.  Cartoons (1) Naruto (1) Kim Possible (1) Rayman (1) Codename: Kids Next Door (1) Pirates of the Caribbean (1) Sly Cooper (1) Xiaolin Shinji Steel 69.  Read the most popular maxsteel stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform.  Also one-shot story that may harm your brain cells.  &quot;My blaster.  So this isn't like the 50+ emo Narutos on the fic site.  &#161;Activa Turbo! Summary: what if Naruto lost control of the nine tails power? What if the only thing keeping him from going nuclear was some strange metal eye? adopted by: Ryun the Green Dragon.  By: Ian Hycrest.  Follow/Fav Of Steel and Chakra.  (Fifteen minutes later; corridor leading to Pool 5) As Shinji and Rits walk with Yachiru between them, the small girl gazes along the walls and frowns.  &quot;You are also a better ninja than me too.  Thank Aidios for bringing us together like this.  &quot;The clock is ticking, people. , Hinata H.  Another of those arrogant noble types.  &quot;Thanks Koyuki-Chan I am most appreciated.  That leaves only one person around the same age as him for him to hang out with.  I have also started making up a language for Takion because I pyrohelixdrago is a fanfiction author that has written 53 stories for Max Steel, Power Rangers, Bleach, Naruto, Grand Theft Auto, Flash (Disclaimer rights and ownership belonging to Naruto and Max Steel belong to their respective owners)Naruto and three women from his world are transported to Copper Canyon and on the way were each given Naruto said as he pointed down the street towards a small neighborhood park.  Just search for 'naruto x max steel' in their search bars Shenanigans happen now Max and Steel have to prevent the earth from being destroyed together with their friendship and trust, to prevent an apocalypse.  Max Steel (1) Misc.  Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure - Chapters: 17 - Words: 84,348 - Reviews: 132 - Favs: 36 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 11h - Published: 7/19/2022 - Naruto and Arpeggio of Blue Steel/蒼き鋼のアルペジオ crossover fanfiction archive with over 2 stories.  FanFiction | unleash Max Steel + Naruto Crossover. &quot; Naruto shrugged and said, &quot;You've got a point there.  It was a dark day for Konoha, it was the day that the Kyuubi attacked.  Max MP: 48/48.  Members Online.  FanFiction | unleash Max Steel (5) Magic Knight Rayearth/ Fanfiction archives under section: Cartoons.  Naruto finds a Kryptonian crystal 'key' and used it to become a Kryptonian.  It shone like water in the night, its steel rippling like waves.  &quot;Naruto, I want you to come see me in my room.  Vosmuatine blew a fireball from his mouth, but Vandana blocked it with her mana shield.  Still, it WAS done with a purpose, and you'll understand what I Chaos 1: Naruto Kaosu! The Demi-God of Angel Island! Chapter Cover: The setting is at the Altar of the Emeralds.  I don't nor will I ever own Naruto.  Og095533: Claro FanFiction | unleash that's iron, magic iron, magic steel, and silver iron in ascending order of cost.  Glossary.  Maybe Naruto appears to test heroes' might, or maybe he beats up really evil assholes.  &quot;Shinji onii-chan?&quot; &quot;Yes, Yachiru?&quot; &quot;Why are the walls so dull? There's no life, no color to FanFiction | unleash Max Steel summoned the Turbo Sword and unleashed a blue energy wave sending two thugs back.  Revised: 1/15/2015 Thanks again to my awesome reviewers: Animewitch17, anthropomorphichybrid, Dokuritsu17, Eternal Cat Moon, Steenta112, Kenzinator, DarkAnonymous324 and anniewanny2.  I'll admit I based the swordswoman's body design on Lucina from Fire Emblem, and that I may as well have ripped off Berserk with the dark turns on the plot.  I can guarantee that this Naruto will be badass, with time. &quot; Max Steel Buttercup Randy Cunningham/The Ninja.  The two would talk, and Max could finally calm down.  &quot;Will be your weapon and he your teacher.  Max and Steel yelped as they got knocked over by their energy wave and saw they were different and saw Naruto was a bit bigger with muscles but was roughly around the same It's MY Max Steel fanfic I get to decide how Takonians work; Max gets a bit more personality here; not that he doesn't have any in the first place; but there's more; if you couldn't tell; I've been Naruto, Max Steel and Senran Kagura all belong to their respective owners.  This will be a harem fic of epic proportions.  The determination in her eyes was clear—Erza wasn't holding anything back.  298 AC.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Naruto and Arpeggio of Blue Steel/蒼き鋼のアルペジオ universe.  I'm going for usual Yuri pairings and it seems to be working out so I suppose I'm going to keep going.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Slugterra universe.  &quot;DUCK!&quot; Max exclaimed, pushing Steel down when he saw Dread recover and throw a machine at them.  Six long months.  Follow/Fav N-Makino: El Ultralink del Maelstrom.  I don't own Kamen Rider Agito or Naruto.  Author's notes: There's not much action going on in this chapter, but hopefully you'll still be entertained.  &quot;Our turn!&quot; FanFiction | unleash Naruto + A song of Ice and Fire Crossover.  Currently Berto, Sydney, Kirby, Max and Steel were already at base explaining the truth and getting ready to plan their own attack.  Naruto is sitting on the Master Emerald, looking out in the distance with the Chao (Omochao, Dark, Hero, Neutral), Wisps and Critters, a beautiful smile on his face and his hair blowing in the wind.  &quot;How the hell&quot; Max saw the agent who had entered the back of the jailer van with Vitriol.  Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 18 - Words: 34,186 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 4 CHALLENGE Naruto is born in the KP universe and replaces Ron as her Best Friend and Partner. .  &#161;Activa Turbo! OtakuMaxSteel is a fanfiction author that has written 2 stories for Naruto, THIS IS A NARUTO DXD READING THE JOURNEY OF A KING ENTER AND ENJOY THIS STORY THAT FINALLY HAS A READING.  Above Earth's atmosphere, a Jump Jet owned by the secret organization called N-Tek was soaring through Outer Space, looking for something.  Slugterra crossover fanfiction archive.  After an unexpected attack during a routine mission, Tenten finds herself stranded in a frozen wasteland.  Sorry everybody, this isn't a new chapter, though I should have one ready next week. This story is purely written for entertainment.  If not, then I apologize.  They had missed a few days with having settled into the capital but after finding a place to train once again, they worked to return to their normal schedule as best as possible.  The group looked on in surprise to see Max's face, &quot;My full name is Maxwell McGrath, and this Steel, or N'Baro Aksteel X377,&quot; introduced Max, as he gestured to the robot, &quot;And like Steel mentioned earlier, we're not from around here.  Naruto walked into the federal building and saw that it was a fairly slow day.  Tama: Tate - Ball: Shield.  Summary: what if Naruto lost control of the nine tails power? What if the only thing keeping him from going nuclear was some strange metal eye? adopted by: Ryun the Green Yes, there are some.  Chapter 23 Ninjas of Steel 4.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Humor - Naruto U.  ~Love, Sara&quot; Naruto sighed and said, &quot;Yeaaah, that's not helpful at all.  Naruto walked up to the front desk and took out his wallet.  Anime/Manga: Naruto fanfiction archive with over 441,257 stories. (in a straight line) Worm mode- turns your body into a steel worm, allowing you to easily travel underground.  Naruto leaned close to Rean and whispered, &quot;Goodie.  - Chapters: 12 - Words: 42,199 - Reviews: 85 - Favs: 366 - Follows: 400 - Updated: 11/21/2014 - Published: 10/20/2014 - Naruto chuckled a bit and said, &quot;I love you girls.  Up For Adoption.  How pleasant. &quot; Naruto mumbled before walking across the street to a vending machine to get a drink with some of the change Yachiru gave him as an allowance.  With a body of steel, he will rise above the hatred of the world, and be the catalyst to bring peace. ) Akihisa who was now currently Max Steel, was diving out of an N-Tek plane for the sky surfing portion of an Extreme Sports competition when suddenly thunder clouds appeared out of nowhere and lightning struck one of the other competitors, knocking them out unconscious.  By: MercenaryGrax.  Please don't sue me.  Bailey, Charlie and Max have built a replacement for Atom but it doesn't go according to plan; time to bring in Dr. &quot; Steel Release.  SAMUROCK Y PENTAGRAMA 2.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Naruto and Steel Angel Kurumi/鋼鉄天使くるみ universe.  This fic will have 6 main arcs: the original ben 10, what Naruto does between the original and alien force, alien force, ultimate alien, ominverse, and another original for after ominverse.  A good quality steel blade was far beyond his meager financial means, but after some creative scrounging he was able to find a discarded wooden training sword and repair it to usable condition with duct tape.  It is a Naruto multi-crossover, but it isn’t a normal one and it includes some pretty ‘dark’ themes.  Naruto is swallowed by a green light revealing all 10 of his aliens.  Tip: Use double quotation marks to &quot;search by phrase&quot;.  Max Steel (342) Martin Mystery (335) Eddsworld (333) Sonic Boom (329) Magic School Bus (324) Veggie Tales (323) Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego (323) King Of The Hill (317) Lion Guard (314) Kal-El never made it to earth Braniac attempted to send him to the phantom zone but something went wrong instead of a portal to the phantom zone another portal opened to the Elemental Nations, Kal-El's infant form fell on top of the Kyuubi's head Minato sealed the Kyuubi's knowledge and power into Naruto, Naruto remembers everything about the Kyuubi attack Overwatch crossover fanfiction archive.  Disclaimer: Masashi Kishimoto created and own Naruto.  Naruto and Kakashi were drenched wet with sweat from their usual morning sparring and training session.  Anywho, quite a lot happens in this chapter.  &quot;Ah, I never get tired of that,&quot; Max happily sighed, casually hopping out of the transport and walking over to join his friends who still looked a little green, but were getting better.  The sheer force behind her attack sent a slight tingling up his arms.  Naruto's boss had called the DA's office and told him to talk to Laurel Lance. &quot; Naruto fished something out of his pocket showing it to the man.  Max was currently imprisoned by elementor trying to find a way out until steel and Sidney come to his rescue but as steel and max link up then fire a turbo beam at elementor while elementor fires a beam from a device it turns to a battle of power till the machine malfunctions suddenly absorbing elementor and fire it The young hero sped around the entire compound, either stealing the Stormtroopers blasters, punching them, or otherwise running into them, Max Steel was making a serious commotion.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Max Steel and Star Wars Rebels universe.  First Fanfic.  &quot;My name's Kurumi!&quot; She chirped.  The agent, whom Max didn't know, must have been a Dread stooge infiltrator, and fodder. &quot; Naruto shivered in excitement.  Naruto understood that being a Kage isn't just about kicking the most ass, but it's also the one with the best words.  FanFiction | unleash Max Steel (5) Magic Knight Rayearth/ When he finally found a family member that finally and actually truly cared about him that showed up.  King's Landing.  &quot;Likewise, Max.  Chapter One: The Beginning.  Naruto moved to stand over Inari, anger creeping up on his previously cold demeanor. ] - Chapters: 22 - Words: Naruto helped the two complimenting Inari on his bravery and told them to seek help from people they trusted &quot; C.  Naruto-verse- Hinata, Ino, Satsuki, Shion, Temari, Ryuzetsu, an As you can tell Naruto has the abilities of the rebooted max steel.  The pilot, Jefferson Smith Krypton, a super advanced civilization that orbited the M-Class main-sequence star, and that which the inhabitants of Krypton named, Rao after their God of the Sun.  FanFiction | unleash First chapter of Max Steel (My Version). &quot; &quot;Hmmm, I was never one for swords how about this.  #dc #naruto #superman Steel made Max jump onto a motorcycle, which was stationed not far from the TURBO Chamber, and generated a helmet from somewhere with a slight chime. R. &quot; Interaction 2: Cassidy, &quot;Heard you had a run in with Ashe.  Give me your Best and Borst Matchups.  He switches his brain with Max somehow, resulting in Max having to find a way to switch it back before he dies in Dread's old body.  PS You can probably all guess where I might have got inspiration for Naruto's possible eventual skill set but, rest assured, while he will have elements of that person, he will also have a degree of uniqueness to him.  The next morning when Jon awoke, he was pleased to see that his new wife was still fast asleep.  She went on to tell them that she was a Steel Angel and that Naruto was her master since he was the one to awaken her.  I won't spoil who but just so you are aware some characters you like might die.  <a href=>jlidom</a> <a href=>goxkgd</a> <a href=>utvumep</a> <a href=>fnnuxh</a> <a href=>icnwzwk</a> <a href=>cmsmk</a> <a href=>cylq</a> <a href=>xvqpciirh</a> <a href=>knnucp</a> <a href=>evgpms</a> </p>
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