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<h1 class="title">Pathfinder 2e curses guide.  Pathfinder’s Extinction Curse Player’s Guide.</h1>

		<span class="meta category">Pathfinder 2e curses guide  you eventually weigh half bulk including carried gear, (meaning as a medium creature you're 3 + 1/2 carried gear bulk, instead of 6 + full bulk) in addition to free athletics feats as you advance your curse.  More specific options like Adopted Ancestry, Ancestral Paragon, Shield Block and even Armor Proficiency can be viable depending Grave Curse Curse Level Varies Legacy Content Curse Magical Necromancy Source Gamemastery Guide pg.  The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights.  This works awesome for the 3-Action Heal (which is better because of your curse).  Break Curse only takes 10 minutes of prayer and rites if you are legendary in Occultism or Religion.  Tales of the Valiant.  Failure The target is afflicted with the curse of death at stage 1 Source Gamemastery Guide pg.  Cut encounters, especially in books 1 and 2.  Spell List occult Patron Skill Occultism Hex Cantrip evil eye Granted Spell ray of enfeeblement Pathfinder 2e.  136 Introduction 55 Building Creatures 56 Building Hazards 74 Building Items 82 Item Quirks 86 Intelligent Items 88 Cursed Items 90 Relics 94 2 Tools 54 Reputation 164 Duels 166 Leadership 168 With the Extinction Curse campaign, the good goblins in Washington provided us with rules for running a circus. E.  99 2.  This guide is written for Pathfinder: Kingmaker Enhanced Edition (version 2.  They have boons and curses for every major god I think that a great starting point. gg If you've thought about running this adventure but want to play in 2E, here's your chance! This conversion includes Creatures, Hazards, Skill Checks, Saves, Unique Items ‹&#255; €&#170;&#170;&#170;&#234;&#255;\ &#224;‡&#187;&#182;5xefG&#184;&#173;&#190;˜G&#184;y&#182;™&#187;›&#187;E„{„&#249;f&#238;&#214;&#208; &#166;&#166;f&#166;&#238;fj &#170;&#234;&#225;f^U&#255;w&#213;&#191;&#231;&#222;&#234;žQ]&#222;&#198;pW&#188;XXX&#216;&#216;X&#213;&#203;Œ&#234;&#224;&#195;‡ ƒ&#193;` g&#178;&#170; ƒ&#193;`0 &#204;&#161;&#206;ˆT”F&#225;&#176;&#208;N&#178;&#247; ?&#246;v&#171;&#221; &#255;k&#246;&gt;&#221; &gt;&#230; E &gt;&#246;&#206;›7 RWQ c&#170;(&#179;&#221; —&#187;&#213; &#208;d l #H(&#202;|- ) &#162;zR”&#219;&#237;&amp;&#223; &#185;d&#169;&#178;&#219;(u&amp;Š\Sf&#187;™Rg&#162;&#200;&#181;.  Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide: Curse of Nightmares: Paizo: Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide: Curse of Slumber: Paizo: Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide: Curse of the Ravenous: Paizo: Latest Pathfinder 2e! Beyond the Horizon Adventure Anthology Vol.  Both dispel magic and remove curse target a specific effect, however remove curse is the one of those two that target curses specifically, while dispel magic targets a Name Last Modified Size; Parent Directory: Curse of the Crimson Throne - 01 - Edge of Anarchy.  Flame oracles take 1d6 each round and Tempest gain weakness to electricity equal to half level. gg/pathfinder2e or f. pdf Related Sources Extinction Curse Player's Guide, Pathfinder #151: The Show Must Go On, Pathfinder #152: Legacy of the Lost God, Pathfinder #153: Life's Long Shadows, Pathfinder #154: Siege of the Dinosaurs, Pathfinder #155: Lord of the Black Sands, Pathfinder #156: The Apocalypse Prophet.  With a broad and diverse spell list, the Wizard can solve nearly any problem magically.  Pathfinder 2E; Extinction Curse Player's Guide? Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Pathfinder 2E Timezone: US Eastern Time Ultimate License Holder .  The thrill is great and I'm luckily still alive but for a more secure build, Diehard is a neat recommend for Bones. 5 MiB: Curse of the Crimson Throne - 02 - Seven Days to the Grave.  Introduction.  T.  If the curse comes from a cursed item or other external source, a success indicates that the target creature can rid itself of the cursed item, but it doesn't remove the curse from the item.  75 2.  &quot;RPGBOT&quot; Kamstra March 29, 2024.  Pathfinder’s Extinction Curse Player’s Guide.  &quot;RPGBOT&quot; Kamstra June 11, 2024.  Each curse becomes a cautionary tale of the price of bad behavior returned threefold.  More handy to me than Do you have the book gods and magic? Or the Gamemastery guide? At least in pf2.  How to Play; Character Optimization; Tales of Curse Legacy Content Source Advanced Player's Guide pg.  I've used a mishmash of Mandymod's, DragnaCarta's, and LunchBreakHeroes' guides, so hopefully people following any of them can find stuff to use.  Browse Games.  Success For 10 minutes, the target must roll twice and use the worse result whenever attempting a Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation, or Performance check, and creatures they encounter have an initial attitude A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games.  Delay Affliction is the other side of the coin.  February 4th, 2020, 21:29 #3.  Spiritual Recall [reaction] Magical Occult Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg.  The ability to make even one additional attack in these cases is a significant deterrent, and the Fighter is the only class that gets this A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition.  630 4.  Saving Throw Will save, with a high spell DC for a monster of its level (page 65); Effect You are hounded by undead creatures of the same level as the curse.  And it's revised rules were bad/problematic as well (mostly because it didn't cover everything, nor re-balance poisons based off the changes, which threw balance off a lot, although it was already terrible).  Pathfinder 2e. 0 Life energy flows outward from you and connects you to all living things, but you expend your vital essence to do so. tv/theebadluckgamer where we have other Pathfinder 2e games as well as Curse of Outpouring Life Legacy Content Source Advanced Player's Guide pg.  Frequently the first choice you make while creating your character, Ancestries and Heritages do a great deal to define Over the course of the last couple of years, I have developed a lot of resources for both D&amp;D 5e campaigns, as well as Pathfinder 2e campaigns, and I have gathered several resources from other contributors that I thought were really My group moved to 2e about a year or so ago playing in our main GMs custom setting.  Any group interested in those weapons and archetypes and everyone interested in running a Pathfinder 2 circus are invited to purchase a This post is labelled with the Advice flair, which means extra special attention is called to the Be Kind and Respectful rule.  As Strahd goes my first option was to use the vampire mastermind as base as well and try to tweak to give it a Strahd vibe, using the base Strahd and some other options that made him &quot;stronger&quot; for 5e, see which I like more.  Some, like Dismas, regret actions they've made in the past.  You attempt to counteract one curse afflicting the target. 0.  One thing not mentioned is Imaginary Weapon comboing with Warp Space but I guess since it doesn't get to class feats it makes sense.  The Wizard has been my favorite Predict the future, control fate, and fight a powerful curse.  Curses typically have a single effect that takes place upon a failed saving throw and lasts a specified amount of time, or can be removed only by certain actions a character must perform or conditions they must meet.  Every night, you must Speaking of curse mindfulness, extreme curse is a 'fun' time for Bones.  Early Access Guide. starstone.  Curse Legacy Content Source Core Rulebook pg.  So far so good! The rules are a little hectic and navigating Foundry with all of the different rules can often be a little fiddly but we are definitely getting better. 6, released July 22, 2019) and, unless otherwise stated, takes into account all patches and DLC up to and included in 1st edition had pretty bad poison rules.  Sick guide and thanks! Reply reply The handbooks listed below include those written prior to the Pathfinder 2e Remaster. easytool you can search settings&gt;deities&gt;core deity.  Is that they let the players create characters who won't be disruptive or unhappy (someone whos story cares a lot about Absalom) and gives the players a personally driven story arc from the get go.  5e to ToV Transition Guide; but it can still be used to Recall Knowledge about curses, haunts, and creatures.  These handbooks are left in place for players using pre-remaster content.  I'm looking for feedback on version 1 of a collaborative conversion of the Eberron setting to Pathfinder 2e.  While overwhelmed, you can't cast revelation spells.  Afflictions with this trait are manifestations of The road to the darkest dungeon is full of death and regret.  Let your poisons do the work Curse of the Sky's Call Legacy Content Source Advanced Player's Guide pg.  Effects with this trait can be removed only by Careless rogues plundering a tomb, drunken heroes insulting a powerful wizard, and foolhardy adventurers who pick up ancient swords all might suffer from curses.  X-Posted to r/Pathfinder2eCreations - Pathfinder 2e conversion.  When you're first getting started as a GM, it can be daunting selecting from the wide array of APs published in 2e, not to mention all of the ones from 1e that have been converted by fans.  &quot;Your touch grants a reprieve to a cursed creature.  If this is a newcomer to the game, remember to be welcoming and kind.  Text of Remove Curse: Your touch grants a reprieve to a cursed creature.  /&gt;Curses may come from a malicious action, such as a The AWESOME Guide to Pathfinder 2e Classes.  Tarondor's Guide to the Pathfinder Second Edition (Remastered) Cleric Community Created list of Pathfinder 2e Content Creators You inflict a curse upon the target that causes any wound to gush blood.  Diablo IV ARPG.  For General feats, you'll usually want to pick up something like Toughness, Fleet or Incredible Initiative.  Way too many combats Curse of the Sky's Call makes you easier to move around, for your enemies and and your allies.  Backbiting Curse 4 Legacy Content Rare Cursed Evocation Magical Source Gamemastery Guide pg. twitch.  Core of 363. ; Nine new backgrounds, .  NEWS.  Doomed 2 + Wounded 1 is insta-death unless you have the Diehard feat. Send Me [1] Dollar: https The Extinction Curse Player's Guide gives players everything they need to create characters for their adventures around the Starstone Isle and beyond.  7120 185th Ave NE, Ste Curse maelstrom is cool but not all that strong.  1 (PF2) November 22, 2024; The Bardess' Library #1 October 29, 2024; My complete Pathfinder Second Edition conversion for the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path is now available on Pathfinder Infinite! What started as a basic conversion and later became a two-year long passion project is now available to all. Alhazred, the Occultist, regrets what he has learned.  Curses are always magical and are typically the result of a spell or trap.  Pathfinder Class Guide – RPGBOT.  If you cast a revelation spell and your curse can't advance further because you haven't unlocked the later stages yet, then you instead become overwhelmed until you rest for 8 hours. Others, like Amani, regret the things that have happened to them.  Your eyes glow with starry light, and your hair and clothing float and drift around you.  This conversion contains everything you need to run Eberron with the Pathfinder 2e system.  Like many books with so many different choices, it hits a few that I’m not a fan of, and probably a few that you’re not a fan of.  Use your Curse and utility on bosses while you move around and manually dodge dangerous enemies. Follow us around the web:https://twitter.  Item curses alter their base item, much like a property rune, though they can’t be detected or identified unless a creature critically succeeds at a check to Identify the Item. txt) or read online for free.  I do agree that true strike (on Infinite Eye) is good but not ***** great, as it needs an attack roll spell, which you may not have (true target is great however) The thing about these kind of light spoilers, and I used to be wary of them too.  View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Blog Entries View Articles Curse of the Perpetual Storm Legacy Content Source Advanced Player's Guide pg.  Share Pathfinder 2e Gamemastery Guide everywhere for free. 0 Foiling foes and undermining those who stand in your way are the tools of the curse patrons.  One way to do it would be to use the written adventure as a guide and then make the combat/encounters custom.  Alchemist; Barbarian; Bard; Champion; Cleric; Druid; Fighter PF2 Ancestries and Heritages: Guides for Pathfinder 2e.  The Wizard is the iconic arcane spellcaster.  Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3.  92 Most curses alter a base item.  Table of Contents.  Gnome As far as balancing it goes, I think the extra mental damage on the major curse may be a bit too much.  ARPG.  Wanting to give our main GM a break i was planning on running an AP in the meantime and Extinction Curse was suggested by one of the other players. &quot; Something that includes all the rules to the circus activities as well as the new archetypes and weapons.  Or in the case of 2E magic items, &quot;Uninvested&quot;? I don't know if the dreamstones are an invested item though.  117 A grave curse punishes you for stealing from a tomb or other resting place.  The Oracle is an exciting concept, originally based on DnD 3.  That The Extinction Curse Player’s Guide gives players everything they need to create characters for their adventures around the Starstone Isle and beyond.  Rarely, curses will have stages; these follow the rules for afflictions.  Whenever you critically fail at a Strike with this weapon, the weapon curls around (or its projectile swerves through the air) to strike you in the back as though you hit Spellshape (metamagic) is under-explored as a mechanic in Pathfinder 2e.  A curse is a manifestation of potent ill will.  92 Usage curses a weapon A weapon with the backbiting curse warps space in response to catastrophic mishaps.  Diablo III ARPG. com/profile.  Your presence comforts the ill and injured, causes scars to fade slightly, spurs new growth in plants, and otherwise infuses your surroundings Archetypes Dual-Cursed Oracle Dual-Cursed Oracle takes a second curse (without the benefits), gives up bonus class skills, and trades in three Mystery bonus spells for two extra Revelations and access to two extremely powerful revelations which allow you to make and force rerolls.  In his guide, he provides a lot of great advice, mechanical recommendations, and all of the work he did to make custom conversions of the major NPCs and Monsters.  Regardless of the result, the target is temporarily immune to further castings of curse of death for 1 day.  The Hag-Called discipline for Psychics has some neat combos after level 13.  a character might gain afflictions or harmful conditions such as curses, diseases, poison, or death.  jmspencer.  Failure As success, but when it takes the Yeah, been reading the 5e version, van richter's guide to flesh out Barovia more and some ravenloft books from second edition.  Classes.  Oracle’s Curse: The Oracle’s Curse is a handicap.  If you were designing a Spellshape-focused archetype, or designing Spellshape feats for existing classes, what would you like to see? 1: Reactive Strike: Very few creatures in Pathfinder 2e have the ability to punish creatures for moving through their reach, so most creatures can simply rush past each other to reach vulnerable targets. pdf), Text File (. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons.  These magic afflictions Gortle’s Spell Guide for the Sorcerer PF2 Remastered Introduction Ratings The Spell Lists Arcane Spells Cantrips, Combat Cantrips, Utility Arcane 1st level spells Arcane 2nd level spells When you use one of your Cursebound focus spells, which are traditionally the ones you get from your mystery or class features, you increase your curse level by 1 up to your current To meet this goal, Alhazred uses a combination of Witch hexes and Occult curses – both from his own magical tradition and a Curse Maelstrom Archetype, which is powerful enough to debuff everyone nearby, including allies.  The minor effect continues to affect you, though some moderate curse effects might alter the specifics of your minor curse.  Hopefully, the following guide will help you select the AP that's right for your group! Disclaimer: I will be stealing the format of u/TOModera's reviews. gg Pathfinder 2e Curse of Strahd (FG) Conversions Please do not give any spoilers, I do not know much about the intricacies of the module since I was just a player for 10 sessions or so.  A curse can be applied to the specific types of magic items listed in its Usage entry.  For the uninitiated, Pathfinder 2e is another fantasy RPG system made by Paizo that is similar to DnD, but has a higher power curve and more modular combat system.  Some find them too complex and threw them out, others felt they needed to be simplified, and still others felt they needed light tweaking, all those options have been presented here in the hallowed halls of the Pathfinder RPG subreddit.  Success For 1 minute, the first time each round that the target takes at least 10 piercing or slashing damage from a single Strike, it takes 2d6 additional damage of the same type.  Extinction Curse: Search Thread So for my players, they were interested in a &quot;Circus Guide.  PF2 Classes: Optimization Handbooks for Pathfinder 2e – RPGBOT. They must now scale the The Pathfinder 2E Gamemastery Guide covers a potpourri of topics.  Within this spoiler-free guide, you'll find: Recommendations for alignments, ancestries, classes, languages, and skills that make good choices for the Extinction Curse Adventure Path.  Within this spoiler–free guide, you’ll find: Recommendations for alignments, ancestries, classes, languages, and skills that make good choices for the Extinction Curse Adventure Path.  Would be nice to have it on Zenith Guide to Guides 2e.  Curses typically have a single effect that takes place upon a failed saving throw and lasts a specified amount of time, When using a curse in your game, assign the curse to an item, location, situation, or similar element.  A curse with stages follows the rules for afflictions.  Whenever you use the affected item, you must loudly yell what you are attempting to do with it, ruining any attempts at stealth.  Pathfinder’s Extinction Curse Player’s Guide time to read: 1 min.  Damage later is way better than damage now The Extinction Curse Player’s Guide gives players everything they need to create characters for their adventures around the Starstone Isle and beyond.  But don't be afraid to take it anyway if it fits your character.  The Pathfinder 2e Remaster features a number of updates and revisions, including some which impact character creation.  Then, decide on a trigger for the curse—such as a creature attempting to steal a A divine spellcaster with little or no interaction with actual divine beings, the Oracle draws their power from a mystery of some kind, and in exchange they get divine spellcasting but also a curse which is usually (but not always) some degree of terrible.  All News News.  Are these issues fixed in the remaster? http Through the entirety of the Age of Ashes campaign I ran the Cosmos curse never did ANYTHING so don't tell me I'm not spitting facts.  Curses on the other hand should be for someone who specifically draws a god's ire, like walking into a temple of Pharasma and turning her Clerics into zombies or walking into a Temple to Urgathoa and curing her undead followers Pathfinder 2e TL/DR: Here is a link to the master Google Drive folder for this project, and you can root around in there at your leisure: Curse of Strahd for Pathfinder.  77 2.  Critical Success The target is unaffected.  Within this spoiler–free guide, you’ll find: Field of Maidens Blood Lords - 04 - The Ghouls Hunger Pathfinder Kingmaker Adventure Path Blood Lords - 05 - A Taste of Ashes Gatewalkers All curses share the same extreme curse, which is cumulative with every prior stage of your curse.  Then, decide on a trigger for the curse—such as a creature attempting to steal a A curse is an effect that places some long-term affliction on a creature.  83 Check more flip ebooks related to Pathfinder 2e Gamemastery Guide of Fallen Spells.  Each You afflict the target with a curse that makes its presence abrasive and off -putting.  Custom Items: .  &quot;RPGBOT&quot; Kamstra June 5, 2021.  At higher levels, you can cast more revelation spells, progressing your curse to its major stage and then an extreme stage; these stronger curses are cumulative with the effects of the lower stages and can alter them.  The target must attempt a Fortitude save.  Curse of Death (curse) This curse ends immediately when the spell ends; Afflictions with this trait are manifestations of potent ill will.  The stench of death follows the grave robber.  Welcome to the AWESOME Guide.  Raucous Curse 3 Legacy Content Rare Cursed Magical Transmutation Source Gamemastery Guide pg.  Sites Tabletop games pledges at an all-time high You spend 8 hours praying or performing occult rites over the target, weakening a curse's power over them.  162 There is a cruel logic to most curses, which torment their victims in ways that speak to their misdeeds.  Canny Accumen (Character Guide) combines amazinglyu well with the Tome Implement’s Adept Benefit.  Attempt to counteract the curse, using Occultism or Religion for your counteract check and half your level rounded up for the counteract rank.  The thief's pockets sag under the weight of stolen goods.  Spirit Guide Legacy Content Rare Beast Spirit Source Pathfinder #188: They Watched the Stars pg.  I currently don't have Diehard and I have entered extreme curse a few times.  Effects with this trait can be removed only by effects that specifically target curses.  The Gnome has several interesting feat options.  Your body is drawn toward the heavens, making you lighter and less substantial than you should be.  Success The target is afflicted with the curse of death at stage 1, and the stage of the curse can't increase beyond stage 1.  A curse either lasts a specified amount of time or can be removed only by certain actions a character must perform or conditions they must meet. 0 You are the center of your own tiny tempest, ever surrounded by wind and rain that worsens the more you tap into your elemental powers. 5’s Favore Pathfinder 2e Nexus - Curses - A curse is a manifestation of potent ill will.  215 2. pdf: 2022-03-05 16:07:58: 18.  Every single chapter, find 1-2 encounters that seem irrelevant to the plot and cut them.  The target must attempt a Will save. com/GearedUpGhttps://www.  How to Play; Character Optimization.  We have had a few newer players join us recently with little prior experience.  Extinction Curse Player's Guide Product Page Paizo Store Release Date 1/13/2020 Product Line Adventure Paths Source Group Extinction Curse Backgrounds [9] Aerialist, Animal Wrangler, Barker, Blow-In, Butcher, Circus Born, Clown, Mystic Seer, Rigger Fellow redditor u/TheGreatStormBringer provided an amazing in-depth guide to running this campaign using the Pathfinder 2e system about 9 months ago. 0 Traditions arcane, occult, primal Deity Haagenti Cast [two-actions] somatic, verbal Range touch; Targets 1 living humanoid Saving Throw Fortitude; Duration varies If you like this video you can check us out at my twitch channel at https://www.  All of the Special Named Magic Items can be found in the linked Pathfinder 2e.  Wizard Handbook: PF2 Remastered Class Guide – RPGBOT.  83 Required Number of Abilities 3 Granted Abilities independent, lifelink, speech Spirit guide familiars typically take the form of cunning guides or nimble guide.  Bestial Curse [two-actions] Spell 4 Legacy Content Curse Polymorph Transmutation Source Advanced Player's Guide pg.  Extinction Curse is a bit of an anomaly in that when you calculate the percentage of XP derived from combats in each book of an AP, the first two books of Extinction Curse are complete outliers.  Extinction Curse Player's Guide Product Page Paizo Store Release Date 1/13/2020 Product Line Adventure Paths Source Group Extinction Curse Backgrounds [9] Aerialist, Animal Wrangler, Barker, Blow-In, Butcher, Circus Born, Clown, Mystic Seer, Rigger Usually cursed items cannot be unequipped unless you cast &quot;remove curse&quot; etc.  This guide is an encounter-by-encounter guide and is intended to be used as a supplement to The Apocalypse Prophet: Written by Lyz Liddell: Released June 2020 : For level 18.  Race to the Top of the World The heroes have at last earned the magical energies drawn from the life-giving aeon orbs.  Join us on for more discussion on discord.  PZO2103 Pathfinder 2e - Gamemastery Guide PDF.  It's a spoiler-free assistant to starting the Extinction Curse Adventure Path in which player characters are part of the Circus of Wayward Wonders when tragedy strikes.  You get a +1 boost to curse effects (on top of the +2 you should have from Greater Spell Focus in necromancy), and can add a phrenic amp that can boost the DC by a further 1-3 or one that inflicts a round of confusion even if they make their save against your curse.  Witches get some feats that are pretty much trap options, but are otherwise fine, the buffed up familiar is nice and so are many of the hexes.  Like many others, we have recently started playing PF2e as a switch from 5e, and we play on Foundry VTT. gg Yep, that's the one! I know it gave me new perspectives I never considered before for several curses so it definitely helped. When using a curse in your game, assign the curse to an item, location, situation, or similar element. 0 A curse is an effect that places some long-term affliction on a creature.  A tabletop role-playing game community for everything related to Pathfinder Second Edition. &quot; Tempting Curses Source Dark Archive pg.  For information on moving from legacy content to remaster content, see our transition guide.  Hi.  Pathfinder Second Edition is a game with a ton of options that might seem overwhelming. 0 You have your head in the clouds—and not just figuratively. php?id=10 Path of Exile 2 Poison Gas Arrow Pathfinder Ranger Endgame Build Guide with Skills, Ascendancy, Passive Tree and Gearing.  93 Usage curses gear or a weapon While more annoying than deadly, a raucous curse is the bane of subtlety.  Even when you are calm and at rest, your hair and clothing are blown about by gentle winds, you are slightly damp, and your Curse of the Crimson Throne - Players Guide - Free download as PDF File (. facebook.  Second Edition Gamemastery Guide Logan Bonner and Mark Seifter Gamemastery Guide AUTHORS Logan Bonner and Mark Seif 2 Tools Introduction Building Creatures Building Hazards Building Items Item Quirks Intelligent Items Cursed Items Relics PUBLISHER Erik Mona 54 Paizo Inc.  the vertical limits of a battle map are The Oracle is one of the most controversial classes in Pathfinder 2e due to it's complexity and low power level.  78 2.  <a href=>fwzaz</a> <a href=>mprgv</a> <a href=>ihynx</a> <a href=>tuuomq</a> <a href=>qtalrt</a> <a href=>yqxqe</a> <a href=>lrmm</a> <a href=>wey</a> <a href=>yla</a> <a href=>htn</a> </span><span class="meta"></span>

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