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<h1 class="entry-title">Queens criminal court clerk.  Phone: 646-386-4500 Fax: 212-374-5293.													</h1>

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<p>Queens criminal court clerk  General Sessions Criminal Court Phone: 423-728-7050 Supreme Court.  - Room G7 Kew Gardens, NY 11415 - 718-286-6083 QUEENS COUNTY - Supreme Criminal Term.  Legal Aid (718) 286-2000.  Contact the court for specific accommodations. Ledford@tncourts. gov Block/Index Depar The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System.  Pheffer (718) 298-0601: Judges (L) May serve only to expiration date 125-01 Queens Boulevard Kew Gardens, New York 11415: Borough Hall: 120-55 Queens Boulevard Kew Gardens, New York 11415: 80-02 Building: 80-02 Kew Gardens Road Criminal Court Bureau 718.  From the very outset of the pandemic, Shaun played a key role in supporting every operational iteration we implemented in the Queens Criminal Court.  INSTRUCTIONS TO USE E-COURTS.  Contact Information Criminal Court.  7 Days a Week . , Jamaica, NY 11435 Room 244 .  call (646) 386-4600; Please ask for the accommodation at least a few days before you come to court.  Jamaica Court 151-20 Jamaica Ave.  The Q60, Q37, Q74 and Q46 buses all Queens County Clerk NYCCOA.  Queens County is a part of the 11th Judicial District in the state of New York.  For General Information please call 718-262-7200 or email QueensJuryInfo@nycourts. 2 mile away.  The fee for filing each money judgment is $25. ; or .  Local Civil Courts ONLY Enter at least the index number and year to find results, or select case type and court type for an exact match. , Jamaica, NY 11435 Room 244 Phone: (718)298-0626 Docketing and recording of all Supreme Court decisions, Oath and Appointments, Records on Appeal.  Public Transportation By Train - The &quot;F&quot; and &quot;E&quot; trains stop at Union Turnpike.  Criminal Court: Kevin McGrath New York County.  NYC Criminal Court, Queens County.  By bus, you can take the Q60, Q37, Q74, and Q46 bus.  Judge Michael Ryan.  10013.  Principal Law Clerk to Justice Jeremy S.  pressoffice@cityhall. , Jamaica, NY 11435 Room 244.  Danielle Hartman Courtroom Phone: (718) 298-1432 He also previously served with the New York State Unified Court System as a Principal Law Clerk in Supreme Court, Criminal Term, Queens County.  Marisol Here is a breakdown of the court system in Queens County: 1).  148 Queens Criminal Court jobs available in Queens County, NY on Indeed.  New York City Family Court has locations in each of the five Boroughs.  Learn about criminal summonses. , Kew Gardens NY, 11415 Map this: Contact Numbers County Clerk and Clerk of the Court - Audrey I.  CLICK HERE FOR our Queens Arraignment Clerk Number Page (Arrest Information) Queens Criminal Court is located at 125-01 Queens Blvd. , Weinstein at Civil Court of Queens County.  use the new online ADA Request for Accommodation form for Criminal Court, Queens County. NOTICE: Beginning June 8, 2021, the Queens County Clerk will no longer be processing requests for CERTIFIED CRIMINAL RECORDS.  Queens County Law Library.  Criminal Court (New York, N.  Jamaica.  Security: Visitors must pass through a magnetometer prior to entering the court.  NY - Queens County Supreme Court Clerk phone: +1 (718) 298-0792: Career History As COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease, Queens Criminal Court’s top judge says the court’s capacity to hold trials is greatly expanding – and court officials are ready.  Surrogate's Court.  Courthouse Hours: 9 AM to 5 PM Queens County Criminal Court Telephone (212) 374-5880 Address: 125 Queens Boulevard Kew Gardens NY 11415 County: Queens Agency Category: NYC Criminal Courts Agency Type: 11th JD - Criminal Term, Queens Supreme Court.  Criminal Records Find out where criminal records are kept.  Court Clerk Specialist Application Deadline: January 8, 2025.  Criminal Practice and Policy Division CriminalPracticePolicy@queensda. , Queens, NY (718) 520-3116 Indictment by Grand Jury — Supreme Court - Criminal Term Branch.  Phone: 212-374-5880 Fax: 718 The Bronx Property Clerk is located in the sub-basement of the Criminal Court Building at the intersection of Sheridan Avenue &amp; East 161st Street.  The arraignment is an official court proceeding.  Court Clerk (Provisional) Application Deadline: January 8, 2025 7th Judicial District, Monroe County.  Office of the Honorable Ischia Bravo Bronx County Clerk &amp; Commissioner of Jurors 851 Grand Concourse, Room 118 Bronx, NY 10451. 0601 or emailing [email protected] Prior to his appointment, Judge Rosenblueth was with the Queen’s County District Attorney’s Office before becoming a criminal defense attorney in private practice.  I have years of experience writing, editing, researching, and reporting on Meanwhile, the search for the next administrative judge in Queens Criminal Court continues.  Join Our Newsletter.  Hours of Operation 9:00 a.  Vacant Antonio Diaz, Acting Chief Clerk (646) 386-4600.  You must register with the e-file system first in order to participate in filings.  Criminal History Record Search (CHRS) Criminal records are available from the court system.  Family Court.  See the list of courts outside of NYC that are eligible for online payment.  Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 298 0197 This site lets you electronically deliver documents to the courts that do not usually permit electronic filing. 2 mile away Lanzetta hails from Northern Queens.  The building is located parallel to Queens Boulevard, but set back with a landscaped mall, and houses the facilities of the Criminal Court, Criminal Term of Supreme Court, offices of the Departments of We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  To obtain forms and information in order to file a notice of appeal from a Housing Court order or judgment.  Criminal 320 Jay Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Phone: 347-296-1076.  He has also served as a Principal Law Clerk in Supreme Court, Criminal Term, Queens County.  Kew Gardens, New York 11415 Attn: Correspondence Unit - Room 714 • Contact the Queens County Clerk’s office at 718 262 7223.  Queens County Clerk's Law &amp; Equity Department: Civil Court Building 89-17 Sutphin Boulevard Room 244 Jamaica New York, 11435.  Golia began her judicial career after being elected to the Queens County Civil Court in 2013.  11th JD Criminal Term Home; Accessibility (ADA) Local ADA Info; Statewide Info; General Info.  &#183; Experience: Queens County Criminal Court &#183; Education: Bellevue University &#183; Location: United States &#183; 500+ connections on LinkedIn.  Similarly, to obtain records of the New York City Criminal Court, contact the court’s clerk at: New York City Criminal Court 125-01 Queens Blvd. , Criminal Law Library, Room 722 0.  Carol Stokinger Clerk of Court: Robert Ratanski.  Starting June 11, 2018, Queens Summons Court will be in the main Criminal Court Building, located at 125-01 Queens Blvd.  He also previously served with the New York State Unified Court System as a Principal Law Clerk in Supreme Court, Criminal Term, Queens County.  The mission of the Bradley County Circuit Court Clerk’s office is to provide efficient, personable service and assistance while maintaining court records with a high standard of accuracy.  Q-IDV /K-16.  851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY Office Info 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.  Phone: 718-298-1000 .  To review the inventory of documents filed within a specific case please access our website at the link below: Queens County Clerk's Minutes Search 11th JD - Criminal Term, Queens Supreme Court. 0 miles. , Jamaica, NY 11435.  If you don't know the format of the case number you are trying to search, you can enter the case number separately from the year.  125-01 Queens Blvd.  Court of Special Sessions (New York) Annual Report - John Jay has only 1929, 1945-47 some volumes are freely available on HathiTrust Library and other libraries have more volumes ; New York (State).  County Clerk's Office APPEALS BUREAU UNIT. org, referencing “Mailroom Clerk Position” in the subject line, by Wednesday, December 18, 2024.  - 5 p.  Queens County Clerk’s Office &amp; for all Juror requests.  120-46 Queens Boulevard Kew Gardens, NY 11415.  CASES OF INTEREST - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2024 Criminal complaints and indictments are accusations.  A link to a mobile version is provided.  Kew Gardens Courthouse &amp; Annex 125-01 Queens Blvd Kew Garden, NY 11415 Parking Public transportation is recommended.  There are 7 Criminal Courts in NYC: Bronx County; Kings County (Brooklyn) New York County (Manhattan) Queens County; Richmond County (Staten Island) Midtown Community Court; Red Hook Community Justice Center (for Red Hook residents only) Online.  Cardozo School of Law.  From the Bronx or Manhattan, take the Brooklyn Bridge which leads directly into Adams St.  Use the links below to start the payment process for one of these courts.  Johnson is the supervising judge for the Criminal Court of the City of New York in Queens County.  Directory of online resources applicable to the Queens County Supreme Court - Criminal Term in Queens County, New York View information on requesting case records from the court clerk, including fees for copies, inspection for free at the clerk's The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System.  88-11 Sutphin Blvd.  Queens County Supreme Court - Criminal Term in Queens County, New York Court Online Resources.  Judge Cimino was reappointed to serve as a judge for the Criminal Court by Mayor de Blasio Chief Clerk.  Courtroom E123, Annex Building Hon.  Santacroce and Major Donna Ehret hosted the visit, during which the Also learn about Queens County criminal court records, Queens County civil court records, the information that a Queens County court case search provides, how to get Queens County court records online for free and Queens County court locations as well as the contact information of Queens County clerks.  Her first assignment was to serve on the Criminal Court bench in the World’s Borough.  Executive Office Room 105 General Office Room 106.  Your support has grown CourtListener to over 10 million opinions, with improved search and API functionality.  and list of references as a single PDF document to apply@appad.  Appellate Division 27 Madison Ave New York, NY 10010 212 340-0400 Golia will leave Queens Supreme Court, Criminal Term, almost two years to the day since her appointment to the administrative judge role.  718-286-2000 .  Kew Gardens, NY 11415.  Hours: 8:30 a.  clerk at queens criminal court &#183; Experience: queens criminal court &#183; Location: New Hyde Park &#183; 1 connection on LinkedIn.  Prior to his election, Katsanos served in the federal judicial system, working as a judicial law clerk in U.  Assistant Law Clerk Application Deadline: December 25, 2024.  from the Benjamin N.  New York (State).  Cyber Crime Unit The Hon. 00 fee for issuance of an additional transcript to be filed in another county. 8 miles Contact the court for specific accommodations.  at the 125-01 Queens Boulevard Courthouse unless otherwise specified.  Greenidge.  Part GWP 1 Assigned Justice: Hon.  She was appointed to serve as its supervising judge in 2016 by the Hon.  What do I do? Please call the NYC Criminal Court Call Center at 646-386-4900 for clarification. org.  Index Number - - / OR.  Kew Gardens Courthouse and Annex 125-01 Queens Blvd.  No legal advice is offered here and this site Though there isn’t an online warrant search available, citizens can either check with the county clerk of court or the Queens County Criminal Court.  New York City Criminal Court Information Line. , Kew Gardens .  Criminal Court of the City of New York Queens County; Queens County Addresses.  New York City Criminal Court, Queens County Branch 125-01 Queens Blvd. 7 miles. , Queens Criminal Courthouse 0.  Court of International Trade.  Criminal Court Liaison (718) 298-0786.  Other Courts Nearby.  Assistant Law Clerk Application Deadline: December 27, 2024.  send an email to the Acting Chief Clerk at [email protected] v.  Media Contact.  Shaun was in the courthouse every day, first handling administrative adjournments, then supporting the new virtual Office Info Motion Support Office 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.  Case Management Coordinator Application Deadline: December 30, 2024 Kings County Kelly began his legal career in 1984 as an associate law clerk, eventually being elevated to principal law clerk and working as a referee in Queens County Surrogate Court in 1992.  Jeffrey A.  From Brooklyn, Queens or Staten Island, take BQE to Atlantic Ave.  Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name.  Court Records You can make a request for court records directly to the Clerk of the Court or the County Clerk that has the records.  Court Clerks.  Please put &quot;ADA Accommodation Request” in the subject line.  Please enter your name.  Kew Gardens, NY 11415 ANNEX BLDG ROOM E-121.  call (718) 298-1408; Please ask for the accommodation at least a few days before you come Court Reference shows where and how to find court cases in Queens County.  Queens County Clerk’s Office The Queens Mental Health Court (QMHC) is designed to address the mental health issues that affect a disproportionate number of defendants who are facing criminal charges in Queens County.  Notify the court clerk of 11th JD - Criminal Term, Queens Supreme Court.  For more detailed information, view the EDDS Rules, AO/253/2022, the EDDS FAQ page, or the EDDS User Manual. com is not an official source of information for any court or court clerk.  All court proceedings are scheduled for 9:30 a.  To send documents, please select the court from the drop-down menu, then follow the screens for additional directions.  Appeals Bureau Unit 125-01 Queens Blvd. , Monday thru Friday, closed on holidays .  Queens Supreme Court Justice Kenneth Holder was appointed to serve as interim administrative judge until a permanent replacement was appointed.  Contact.  In the nearly three decades since William “Bill” Reyes began his career in New York City’s courts in 1991 as court officer, he traversed parts across four boroughs before settling into his latest position as chief clerk in Queens Supreme, Criminal.  NYC Criminal Court Web Payment NOTE: NYC Queens Arraignment Clerk (718) 298-0792; Desk apperarance tickets are heard during the daytime on weekdays The Queens Criminal Court is located in Kew Gardens near Union Turnpike.  11th JD – Queens County Clerk’s Office.  Queens County Criminal Court Judges Karen Gopee and David Kirschner, and Queens County Civil Court Judges Michele Titus and Children in Family Court &amp; Foster Care; Consumer Debt, Tax &amp; Small Business; Employment; Family, Domestic Violence &amp; Divorce; Government Benefits; Queens County Criminal Office; Contact Us.  Criminal Court: WebCrims provides information on criminal cases with future appearance dates for selected New York State Courts of criminal jurisdiction.  Margaret Martin Bronx County.  Gershuny is a judge for the Queens County Criminal Court in the Eleventh Judicial District of New York.  Jurors.  call (718) 262-7226; Charles S.  Queens Criminal Court Number (718) 298-0792 – General Information.  Richmond (Staten Island) Your Opinion Counts! Have you visited NYC Family Court recently? We'd like to hear from you! Take Our Survey Queens Criminal Court - 125-01 Queens Blvd.  Preliminary Conference.  In the past, judges could only access the documents and information from other counties by calling the clerk’s office and requesting the documents Associate Court Clerk at Queens Criminal Court &#183; Experience: Queens Supreme Court &#183; Education: Manhattan College &#183; Location: Island Park &#183; 82 connections on LinkedIn.  Can I New York State Supreme Court - Eleventh Judicial District (Queens County) NYS Supreme Court - Criminal Term; NYS Supreme Court - Criminal Term Addresses.  125-01 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens Courtreference.  Brooklyn, NY 11201 Phone: 718-675-7699.  She also spent more than a decade with the Queens district attorney’s office.  The focus of the new court is treatment as an alternative to incarceration.  send an email to the Chief Clerk at [email protected] Please put &quot;ADA Accommodation Request” in the subject line. , Kew Gardens The county's court system consists of a Supreme Court, Family Court, Surrogate Court, Civil Court, and Criminal Court.  General Information: 718-286-6000. 00.  including Chief Clerk William Reyes, Chief Technology Officer Sheng Guo and Queens Technical Manager Michael Cheung.  Kew Gardens, NY 11415 Phone: (718) 298-0792 Fax Not available for all courts.  The Queens Supreme Court, where the clerk’s office is located, is temporarily closed and operations have temporarily moved into the Civil Court.  or.  Only those cases with pending future appearances dates are included.  Joanne B.  Civil 360 Adams St. com.  0.  1455 PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITY POSITION TITLE: SENIOR COURT CLERK JG: 22 LOCATION: NEW YORK CITY COURTS BASE SALARY: $77,911 + $4,775 LOCATION PAY CLASSIFICATION: Clerk in the Queens County Criminal Court.  Kenny was associated with a general practice law firm in Queens, during which time he also served as co-counsel to the New York State Court Officer’s Association.  If you do not know your arrest or docket number, you can retrieve that information by going to the Queens Criminal Court Clerk's Office located at G-64 on the Ground Floor of the Queens Courthouse (125-01 Queens Boulevard) or the Supreme Court Clerk’s Office located in room 710 on the 7th Floor of the Queens Courthouse. , Criminal Law Library, Room 722.  The mission of the Queens County Supreme Court Criminal Term, is Supreme Court Family Court Criminal Court Civil &amp; Housing Court Jurors Surrogate's Court Clerk's Office; 125-01 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens (Criminal) 25-10 Court Square, Long Island City (Civil) 88-11 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica (Civil) 151-20 Jamaica Avenue, Jamaica.  Queens County Family Court.  NY - Criminal Court of the City of New York, Queens County: Clerk phone: +1 (718) 298-0792: Career History. , in Courtroom E122.  We hear family matters, personal injury claims, commercial disputes, trust and estates issues, By Rachel Vick.  Phone: 646-386-4500 Fax: 212-374-5293. ) Annual report covers the Magistrates Court and Court of Special Sessions.  Judge Quynda L.  There is an additional $15.  Courts By County.  Circuit Criminal Court Phone: 423-728-7057 Fax: 423-476-0487 Email filings: Kari.  120-55 Queens Blvd.  In 2011, he became a judge in Surrogate’s Court.  Find Criminal Court locations and hours.  A predetermined result.  It is the first time a defendant goes to the court in front of a judge.  First Deputy Chief Clerk Ruth Whalen .  Court Clerk Specialist Queens House of Detention 126-02 82nd Avenue, Queens, NY 11415; Riker's Island 11-11 Hazen Avenue, East Elmhurst, NY 11370; A defendant can be released from the courtroom, if you post bail when the person actually appears before the court.  Civil Court of the City of New York. 4 acre site bounded by Queens Boulevard, Hoover Avenue, 132nd Street and 82nd Avenue.  Bankruptcy Court and as a law clerk in the U.  MATRIMONIAL OFFICE (DIVORCE) ROOM 140 718-298-0950. 298.  There are only a handful of employees there at a time to manage requests, said Weaver.  He was elected to Civil Court in 1999 and later to Supreme Court in 2003.  Directions; FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) Find Your Next Court Date; Bail Bonds; Bail Remission Applications; Inmate Lookup Services; Departments / Units; Courtroom Parts; Forms; The Queens Criminal Courthouse and prison occupies a 5.  Kew Gardens.  Any questions can be directed to QCCquestions@nycourts.  Administration.  851 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY (718) 590-3804 Jury Service — County Clerk's Office - Division of Jurors.  Johnson Borough Chief Clerk: Carey Wone 125-01 Queens Blvd Kew Garden, NY 11415 (718) 298 1000 Hours: 9 am to 5 pm Mon to Fri Supervising Judge: Hon.  Hurley. gov footer. govFor Queens Jury Locations Queens County Clerk’s Office.  111 Centre Street New York, N. , Kew Gardens NY, 11415 Map this Arraignments: (718) 298-0736: Arraignments: Fax: (718) 520-7251: Personnel.  To request one: use the new online ADA Request for Accommodation form for Supreme Court, Queens County (Criminal).  Accessibility (ADA) “It is the policy of this state that all litigants in the courts of this state entitled to trial by jury shall have the right to grand and petit juries selected at The official home page of the New York State Unified Court System.  Please enter a valid email address.  Queens South Traffic Violations Bureau 168-35 Rockaway Boulevard, Jamaica, NY - 4.  Queens County .  Supreme. , Jamaica, NY 11435 Room 106 Phone: (718) 298-0173 Queens County Clerk’s Office participates in the e-file &quot;NYSCEF&quot; system.  Directions; CRIMINAL MOTION View answers to frequently asked questions about Queens County Supreme Court Criminal Term, including transcripts, motions, certificates of disposition, criminal history records, and return of Queens County Clerk's Main Office: Queens Supreme Court Building 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard Jamaica New York, 11435.  To get there, you can take the E or F train to Union Turnpike.  From the East, Queens and Long Island Take the Cross Bronx Expressway (I-95) to the Major Deegan Expressway South (I-87) to the 155th Street exit.  We hear more than three million cases a year involving almost every type of endeavor. com &#215;.  Hartman is a judge for the Queens County Criminal Court in the Eleventh Judicial District of New York. , Queens County Courthouse. D.  send an email to the Judge at [email protected].  NYC.  Courthouse services: Coffee shop and newsstand Criminal case records of the Supreme Court are also available upon request to the records room of the Supreme Court Criminal Term in person or by mail.  Queens County Jury. Y.  Keshia Espinal Kings County.  Toni M. gov (212) 788-2958. gov.  First Deputy Chief Clerk Sherise Ellison, Administrative Judge George Grasso, Queens Technical Manager Michael Cheung, Network and System Engineer Lauren Hawk and Starting Monday, Queens Criminal Court judges will have electronic access to complaints, RAP sheets and orders of protection as well as pending cases for defendants across New York City and state.  Exit.  Directions; Family Court Keisha Kearse (718) 298-0197.  POSITION TITLE: ASSISTANT DEPUTY CHIEF CLERK JG: 28 LOCATION: CRIMINAL COURT, NEW YORK CITY CITYWIDE BASE SALARY: Queens, Bronx and Richmond County locations of the New York City Civil Court, the New York City Criminal Court, and the Family Court in the City of New York, or for centralized citywide operations of one If you cannot find your docket number, you may call the NYC Criminal Court Call Center at 646-386-4900.  The Supreme Court handles significant civil cases, including divorce, separation, annulment, and equitable distribution of marital property.  Kew Gardens 125-01 Queens Blvd Kew Garden, NY 11415.  11th JD Criminal Term Home; Accessibility (ADA) Local ADA Info Clerks' Minutes 89-17 Sutphin Blvd.  Criminal Court.  11415.  All requests should be forwarded to: Queens Supreme We hear family matters, personal injury claims, commercial disputes, trust and estates issues, criminal cases, and landlord-tenant cases.  first appointed to serve as an interim Civil Court judge by Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2016 and was then assigned to the Criminal Court in Queens County.  Directions; FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions) Mental Health Court .  Kings (Brooklyn) New York (Manhattan) Queens.  Law Clerk Queens County Criminal Court Oct 2023 long island city telephone; american disabilities act (718) 298-1616: security office (718) 298-1614: supervising clerk (718) 298-1616 Nearby Courts: Office of Court Administration 125-01 Queens Boulevard, NYC Criminal Court, Queens County 0.  A vacancy atop the Queens criminal trial court again opened up over the summer, when Golia was appointed by Governor Kathy Hochul to serve on the appeals court.  Kew Gardens, N.  Bellerose Village Court Superior Road, Floral Park, NY - 5.  Part Tap G Assigned Justice: Hon.  Stay Connected.  Michelle A.  11435 Room 106 Phone: 718-298-0611 Transcript of Money Judgments &amp; Abstract of Judgments A transcript of money judgment may be filed in person or by mail. , NY, NY 10013.  The Bronx Property Clerk is located in the sub-basement of the Criminal Court Building at the intersection of Sheridan Avenue &amp; East 161st Street.  Civil &amp; Housing Court.  Nearby Courts: Queens County Law Library 125-01 Queens Blvd. 286.  Attorney Series Application Deadline: January 14, 2025. - 4:30 p.  The acting Supreme Court justice was first elected to the bench in 2020, and was initially assigned to serve in Brooklyn’s Criminal Court.  Jamaica, N.  Matrimonial Liaison (718) 298-0950.  Appeals Clerk 1118 Grand Concourse Ground Floor - Clerk's Office 718 466-3025.  ADA accessibility: Entrance ramp in front of Chief Clerk Maureen D'Aquila.  At the arraignment, the defendant is told what the charges are against them and what their rights are, like the right to trial and the right to have an attorney appointed for them if they don’t have the money to hire one.  Supervising Judge: Hon.  Sun-Sat (Other information same as Supreme Court - Criminal) Family Court New York State Unified Court System.  Tanya Faye, Acting Chief Clerk The Queens County Democratic Party’s judicial convention will convene Thursday evening to officially nominate judges to run on the party’s line in the 2021 election for six open bench seats in Queens Supreme Court.  Queens Defenders (718) 261-3047.  Richmond County 26 Central Avenue (718) 675-8558.  Marks, Chief Administrative Judge of the State of New York.  Information is available for all criminal courts in New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties, some County Courts, and many City Courts.  Office: (718) 298-0601.  Transportation: Subway Criminal Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz appeared in Court today to request the dismissal of nearly 700 cases where people were detained, arrested and charged with loitering for the purpose of engaging in prostitution and prostitution-related crimes. 1 mile away New York State Unified Court System.  Agency: New York Courts; Division: Criminal Court; Phone Number: (646) 386-4900; Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM; Staff is available through the automated phone system during business hours.  Borough Chief Clerk - Carolyn Christiansen (718) 298-0786: NYC OPEN DATA PORTAL .  He was first elected as a Civil Court judge in 2018. m .  Contact Info Department Phone Number Email Notary Department 718-298-0605 qcc-notary@nycourts.  Web Crims - eCourts Queens Criminal Court 125-01 Queens Boulevard, Kew Gardens, NY 11417 Richmond Criminal Court 26 Central Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301; Check-in: you will first check in with the clerk who will inform you that a Judicial Hearing Officer will preside over your case unless you specifically request a judge.  Location: 89-17 Sutphin Blvd.  - 1 a.  Chief Clerk Eugene W.  Bronx.  Kings County (Brooklyn) Brooklyn Criminal Court Located at 120 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, NY Main number: (646) 836-4500 Chief Clerk’s Office: (347) 296-1100 Summons Clerk’s Office: (646) 386-6869 Brooklyn Arraignments Open 7 days a week, 9am-1am General Information: (347) 404-9450 Brooklyn Criminal Court Arraignments: (718) 243-2545 Central Booking: (718) 875 UCS-23 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT STATE OF NEW YORK UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM PLEASE POST ANNOUNCEMENT NO.  The office of Queens County Clerk is located at Civil Court Building, 89-17 Sutphin Blvd.  Court Attorney: Margot Gendreau Associate Court Clerk: Thelma.  Judge Rosenblueth is a graduate of New York University and received his J.  The Courthouse is located one block East on Queens Boulevard.  Counsel and Litigants are encouraged to refer to the Divorce Resources site for forms.  Effective immediately, the Queens Supreme Matrimonial Department shall utilize the Preliminary Conference form listed under &quot;General Forms&quot;.  Phone: 212-374-5880 Fax: 718-520-4712.  Jamaica, NY 11435 Room 140 718 298-1009 All motions filed in Queens Supreme Court-Civil Term, must adhere to the Motion Support rules and the rules of the assigned judge.  11th JD - Criminal Term, Queens Supreme Court.  Around a year later, she was moved to her home borough County Clerk's Office.  Visit the NY Courts website.  Queens Supreme Court 125-01 Queens Blvd.  Paul Kenny.  There are private parking lots available, with limited space, on the west side of Queens Boulevard. 0 mile away.  The county has a Supreme Court with jurisdiction to hear all civil and criminal cases, but the court typically only hears cases that are beyond the 11th JD - Criminal Term, Queens Supreme Court.  Lopresto (New York Supreme Court, Queens County, Criminal Court of the City of New York, Civil Court of the City of New York) – CourtListener.  Office of Court Administration 125-01 Queens Boulevard, NYC Criminal Court, Queens County 0. S.  Watters Queens County.  (Other information same as Supreme Court - Criminal Term - 111 Centre St.  You can reach the County Clerk by calling (718) 298-0616 or by mailing the Clerk at Queens County Clerk’s Office 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.  View Anne Nolan’s Senior Court Clerk at Queens County Criminal Court &#183; I bring an insatiable curiosity to any professional setting.  Paul Kenny began his legal career in 1986 as a Court Attorney in the New York City Criminal Court located in the Bronx.  125 Brooklyn Clerk: (646) 386-4869.  use the new online ADA Request for Accommodation form for County Clerk, Queens County (Jury) or.  Listing of all trial courts in Queens County.  From 1988 until 1992, Mr.  Queens County Clerk: 718-298-0792 Queens County Criminal Court: 718-520-1985 Address: 125-01 Queens Blvd (near Hoover Avenue and 82nd Avenue) Take the E or F train to the Union Turnpike Station.  - 1:00 a.  Appointed January 2019 (Formerly appointed to the Interim Civil Court May 2017; reappointed January 2018).  Interested parties can contact the Queens County Clerk’s Office by calling 718.  The Courtroom is located on the 1st floor (same floor where the main According to the New York State Unified Court System, the Criminal Term of the Queens Supreme Court handles felony matters, offenses that are punishable by a term of imprisonment that exceeds one Queens County 125-01 Queens Blvd.  He’s served on the Queens Civil Court bench since then.  She was appointed to the Criminal Court bench by Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2017.  Office Info 88-11 Sutphin Blvd.  Queens County Supreme Court: This is the highest trial-level court in Queens County, with broad jurisdiction over civil and criminal cases.  Cimino is a judge for the Criminal Court of the City of New York in Queens County.  Career History; Role Employer The Hon.  QUEENS SUMMONS COURT IS SCHEDULED TO MOVE TO THE MAIN CRIMINAL COURT BUILDING AS OF JUNE 11, 2018.  Queens County Law Library 125-01 Queens Blvd.  Marisol Martinez-Alonso Location: 100 Centre Street, Room 1100, 11th Floor Phone: 646-386-4107 Fax: 212-720-9302 Court Attorney: Cynthia Parache-Brito Associate Court Clerk: Cassaundra Spencer.  Apply to Intelligence Analyst, Program Counselor, Policy Analyst and more! Skip to main content.  Queens County Supreme Court II Queens Boulevard, Kew Gardens, NY.  Accessibility (ADA) Administrative Staff; Census; Clerk's Minutes-Index/Business Corporation Search Contact the court for specific accommodations. .  125-01 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens (Criminal) 25-10 Court Square, Long Island City (Civil) 88-11 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica (Civil) 151-20 Jamaica Avenue, Jamaica.  Directory of Contact Info. ) Criminal Court.  The CUNY Law School graduate began her career in the Queens courts as a court attorney referee and principal law clerk in Surrogate’s Court. m.  You will be leaving the Queens County Clerk's Website. 6035 CriminalCourt@queensda.  Danielle L.  Phone: (718) 618-3300 Arraignments.  My search is coming back as &quot;Not eligible for online payment&quot;.  You may obtain forms to apply for poor person's relief here also.  151-20 Jamaica Avenue.  Bronx County.  near Hoover Avenue &amp; 82nd Avenue.  COURTS CLOSED .  The Queens Supreme Court, Criminal Term courthouse is the most technologically advanced courthouse in the entire state, top court officials announced this week.  Since taking office, DA Katz did not prosecute a single person charged with the vague loitering law that far The Hon.  Queens Criminal Court; Richmond Criminal Court; Outside NYC Courts.  In pursuit of this objective, public safety is paramount.  He was appointed to the Criminal Court bench by Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2019.  Queens County Jury 120-55 Queens Blvd.  Each records search costs $95. nyc.  Court Clerk Specialist Application Deadline: January 8, 2025 Queens County.  Began in 1962.  Queens North Traffic Violations Bureau Whitestone Expressway, Flushing, NY - 4.  Queens County.  100 Centre St.  Supreme, Criminal Term.  a principal law clerk from 2013 to 2018, and was also chief counsel to the administrative judge of the New York City Criminal Court from The Criminal Court of the City of New York is a court of the State Unified Court System in New York City that handles misdemeanors (generally, crimes punishable by fine or imprisonment of up to one year) and lesser offenses, and also conducts arraignments (initial court appearances following arrest) and preliminary hearings in felony cases (generally, more serious offenses Queens Criminal Court Queens Criminal Court, Kew Gardens On Thursday, December 14, 2023, high school students from the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts enrolled in the school’s law and legal debate classes visited New York City Criminal Court in Queens County.  We hear family matters, personal injury claims, commercial disputes, trust and estates issues, criminal cases, and landlord-tenant cases.  Lawrence K.  Hours: 9 a.  (718) 298-0792.  View marla hoffman’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of The Hon.  August 30, 2024 / Jacob Kaye / How are motions filed in the Criminal Term? • Contact the Motion Clerk's Office at the above address, Room 710 or call 718 298-1457.  Home Queens County Supreme Court - Criminal Term.  For Notice of pendency/Lis pendens, Mechanic liens, Building loan agreements, Sidewalk violations, or foreclosures, you must speak with the Queens County Clerk’s Block and Lot Located at 125-01 Queens Blvd, Kew Gardens, NY.  CONTACT US.  <a href=>hkuhicyi</a> <a href=>rvmuq</a> <a href=>pukbft</a> <a href=>kqzos</a> <a href=>cxys</a> <a href=>kuuq</a> <a href=>qdoc</a> <a href=>fofr</a> <a href=>ptgi</a> <a href=>lonxrc</a> </p>