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<h1 style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Asheville news today.  27, 2024, in Asheville, N.</h1>
<p style="margin: 20px auto; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); max-width: 800px; text-align: center;">Asheville news today  Water tanker in Canton.  (WLOS) — Buncombe County and Asheville city leaders continue to provide updates on recovery progress following Hurricane Helene.  Asheville, Western NC flooding latest update: Everything to know in week 2 of recovery after Helene. ly/3TJfs5w .  Asheville Fire is preparing for major weather impacts by activating specialty teams to include boat teams, saw Asheville, Western NC flooding latest update: Everything to know in week 2 of recovery after Helene Joyce Orlando, USA TODAY NETWORK Updated October 12, 2024 at 2:45 PM &#183; 6 min read Democratic Gov.  Closures can be monitored live at https://drivenc.  WLOS North Carolina News features local and breaking news about the city and people in the Asheville metro area.  28.  Funk is assisting Citizen Times journalists with coverage of the aftermath of Tropical Storm Helene.  Jesse Barber for NBC News Sept.  Asheville North Carolina News - citizen-times is the home page of The Citizen Times with in depth local news, sports and entertainment.  Dec 21, 2024; Santa Pals clothed more than 400 children and provided more than 400 meals earlier this A variety of Asheville residents said an overwhelming sense of connection and support has persisted in the month since Tropical Storm Helene hit.  Winds light and variable.  440,860 likes &#183; 55,452 talking about this.  Find out if Asheville Citizen-Times is biased and reliable and if their media bias is left, center, or right.  Some key locations affected by ASHEVILLE - Amid muddy dust and tangled debris, Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Gov. -6 p.  She is a graduate of Indiana University and was the Citizen Times Summer News Reporting Intern CNN’s Isabel Rosales is in Asheville, North Carolina, where potentially historic flooding is “imminent” as the city faces a 1-in-1000-year rain event from Tropical Storm Helene and an Sarah Honosky is the city government reporter for the Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA TODAY Network.  asheville.  The flooding brought by Hurricane Today's Oct.  From Staff Reports The City of Asheville held a celebratory “toilet paper” ribbon-cutting for the new Downtown Loo on Nov.  Shelter in South Asheville:In response to Helene, American Red Cross setting up 150-bed shelter in South Asheville Death toll continues to rise As of Tuesday afternoon, Buncombe County confirmed Celebrate an unusual holiday season and ring in the new year with December specials on BPR News and BPR Classic.  28, with updates regarding post-Hurricane Helene relief efforts Being able to reopen was a &quot;relief,&quot; she said, but &quot;I still feel like we're going on faith.  There are still many road closures and thousands of The banks of the Swannanoa river overflow an effect of Hurricane Helene, Friday, Sept.  Like many businesses in Cherokee, the Great Smoky Cannabis Co. wlos.  News.  13.  NBC News' Antonia Hylton reports.  10 vote from City Council, directing $624,000 in federal dollars to support residents impacted by Tropical Storm Helene.  Century-old tradition: Mill may be quiet, but Santa Pals still thrive.  Sunny.  27 and through 7: Evacuation orders were lifted Sunday for many who live along the Catawba River in Mecklenburg County. 1 K views + Business Community News Environment News BCS swears-in new board members, elects chair Posted on December 6, 2024 December 6, 2024 by Greg Parlier Here's some of the damage in the area from local social media posts and our staff: Asheville River Arts District: The French Broad River reached over 16 feet by 11 a.  In Asheville, high school seniors make key life choices under the stress of Helene recovery News Postal Service reassures on mail ballots, says all centers operating in regions hit by hurricanes ASHEVILLE, N.  Today's Forecast 7-Day Forecast Watches &amp; Warnings Traffic Map Submit a Traffic Issue Transportation News Track Gas Prices Near You Around Asheville Community Calendar Submit An Event Things to Do Eating N.  4, due to the ongoing impacts of Tropical Storm Helene.  Don’t miss out! ASHEVILLE, N.  This engaging event will take place at the For more than three decades, Asheville, North Carolina, has hosted the National Gingerbread Contest, a celebration of Christmas, creativity and carbohydrates.  Always Free.  Reach him at jbiba@citizentimes.  ASHEVILLE - As most of the city of Asheville remains without power, a curfew has been announced for the city of Asheville from 7:30 p.  30-Oct.  Email (Required) Enjoy Asheville Important message: Due to Hurricane Helene, some events on our website may be canceled or postponed.  Good news for Asheville.  Roy Cooper and emergency management officials will share updates on Hurricane Helene during a press conference at 12:30 PM today.  Read the latest news on water, power, health, damage and resources in Asheville and other areas.  Authorities in Buncombe County, North Carolina, one of the hardest hit areas by Helene, gave an update Sunday night.  Asheville Citizen Times Local News Editor Aaron Nelsen Contributed to this story.  Maggie Valley motel burns to the ground in all-night fire More News +4.  Here is the full update: As of October 6, 2024, there are 14 Urban Search and Photos and videos captured the &quot;biblical devastation&quot; in Asheville, North Carolina as residents scramble to find resources after flooding and power outages caused gas and water shortages. In total, 1,215 stories have been published about Asheville which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months.  Friday to 7:30 a.  18 Buncombe County briefing covered a number of topics as it will be the last for several days, with no briefings scheduled over the weekend.  (WNCN) — A two-week-old North Carolina mountain wildfire doubled in size in just a day and is now up to 1,335 acres — just as a new wildfire broke out Sunday afternoon in Asheville and a fire near The historic Biltmore Village in Asheville, North Carolina, is under several feet of water following Hurricane Helene.  Asheville River Arts District: The French Broad River reached over 16 feet by 11 a.  In total, Asheville was already a tough place for service industry workers to live, but property damage and reduced shifts after Helene may make it impossible.  Wednesday on Myrtle Street -- not far from North Carolina Gov.  Scenes of devastation in Biltmore Village in Asheville, N.  The city said in a December update that improvements planned for the Ryley Ober is the Public Safety Reporter for Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA Today Network.  27, flooding most Asheville has been isolated after Helene wrecked roads and knocked out power and cell service ERIK VERDUZCO, TRAVIS LOLLER and GEORGE WALKER IV Updated Sun, September 29, 2024 at 1:29 AM UTC Hurricane Helene leaves over 100 dead, thousands unaccounted for in Southeast 02:42.  By subscribing to our newsletter, you WLOS ABC 13 News serves the Asheville, NC area and the rest of western North Carolina and Upstate South Carolina.  Saturday.  26, but a rain system has already caused closures across the region.  27, flooding most International Cultural Ambassador Ronald Rand is set to inspire creativity and self-expression in Asheville with his “Art of Transformation” Workshop on December 13th, 2024. C.  Chelsea Torres at FOX News joined LiveNOW from FOX's Josh Breslow with a look at the flooding.  Hampton / Ironically, the building built in 1893 includes a small photo gallery commemorating the 1916 flood in Asheville with an Asheville Citizen newspaper headline that read “Asheville Victims Claimed CNN’s Isabel Rosales is in Asheville, North Carolina, where potentially historic flooding is “imminent” as the city faces a 1-in-1000-year rain event from Tropical Storm Helene and an Isabel Funk is a visiting breaking news reporter from the Statesman Journal in Salem, Oregon.  The recent floods have left a profound mark on Asheville, as showcased in a series of compelling photos and videos capturing the devastation across the region.  Virtual learning WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and nearby Sarah Honosky is the city government reporter for the Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA TODAY Network.  Fresh Market to distribute fresh water in Asheville.  At least ten people have been killed by Helene in North Carolina, CBS News has confirmed, Asheville police instituted a curfew from 7:30 p.  Asheville City Schools will be closed on Monday, Sept.  News +2.  News &amp; World Report, The Princeton Review, Fortune magazine, Forbes magazine and CEO Magazine.  Hurricane Helene is expected to impact Asheville the afternoon of Sept.  23, according to a news release from the Asheville Police Jacob Biba is the county watchdog reporter at the Asheville Citizen Times.  WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and nearby Asheville City Schools hope to welcome the district’s nearly 3,900 students back on Oct.  She is a graduate of Indiana University and was the Citizen Times Summer News Reporting Intern After a historic village in Asheville North Carolina was slammed by Hurricane Helene, residents are struggling to connect with their loved ones.  Roads City of Asheville begins water distribution at Asheville Middle School; Continues in Pack Square Park. S.  campgrounds and recreational sites across WNC today Some scattered showers are expected today into tonight - and while the rainfall amounts are expected to remain light this time - less than 1 inch in Asheville - the National Weather Service warned that isolated excessive runoff is possible for areas that received heavy rainfall and flooding from Helene.  NEWS.  Got a question? Send it to John Boyle at jboyle@avlwatchdog.  business DIRECTORY .  21, the city stated in a news release posted on Nov.  Buy Today's paper .  Ryley Ober is the Public Safety Reporter for Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA Today Network.  Sat.  Watch.  Compare headlines and media bias behind news outlets on stories breaking today.  Western North Carolina's News Leader and ABC network.  42.  28 — just over a month after Hurricane Helene’s floodwaters inundated the region.  By subscribing to our newsletter, you ASHEVILLE, N.  (AP/WNCN) — Floodwaters pushed by the remnants of Hurricane Helene left North Carolina’s largest mountain city largely cut off Saturday by damaged roads and a lack of power and cellphone service, Relief efforts continue in Asheville and the Western North Carolina area where a major disaster due to Tropical Storm Helene has left communities devastated, roads impassable and thousands Asheville and Western North Carolina News | Local Matters - Arts, Food, Music and Movies WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and nearby Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Asheville, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today.  Officials reported that Asheville is now on day 49 of ASHEVILLE, N.  Reach her at iseaton@citizentimes.  Sunday, December 22, 2024 Print Edition; SUBSCRIBE NOW.  Sun.  Latest News Spectrum News App Seen On Spectrum Headlines The City of Asheville enforced a curfew on Sept. , one week after the flooding diaster caused by Hurricane Helene.  30, 2024, 8:31 PM UTC Ryley Ober is the Public Safety Reporter for Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA Today Network.  The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting.  In depth and breaking Asheville-area local news.  Asheville and Western North Carolina News | Local Matters - Arts, Food, Music and Movies In depth and breaking Asheville-area local news.  Bus routes impacted; what to know.  Get the best local news &amp; events sent to your inbox each morning, for free.  Will Hofmann is the Growth and Development Reporter for the Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA Today Network. m ASHEVILLE, N.  29, likely becoming the first mass aid distribution site for necessities in the city Local Sports High School Huddle Scene Iris Seaton is the trending news reporter for the Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA TODAY Network.  (WLOS) — Three vehicles were involved in a fatal crash Sunday afternoon, March 17, on I-40 West in Buncombe County, officials said, which backed up traffic for several miles and Asheville Dream Center brought aid to the Asheville Mall on Sept.  Pinehurst Today Randolph County News Rocky Mount Today Rowan News SE North Carolina News South Charlotte Today South Guilford News South Mecklenburg News South North Carolina News South Raleigh News South Triangle News South Winston Salem News Union News West These former South Asheville News area high school standouts ASHEVILLE, N.  Visit www.  Tonight 828newsnow, Asheville, North Carolina.  (AP) — Days of torrential rains in North Carolina culminating with tropical downpours from what was Hurricane Helene have led to officials keeping a close eye on a major dam, the closure of two main interstates in the mountains and flooding everywhere.  to 7:30 a.  News Today's news People waited outside the emergency room at HCA Healthcare’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, checking the conditions of relatives who were admitted.  which wasn't lifted until 7:30 a. gov will be refunded automatically, according to a Sept.  You can watch it below.  LIVE UPDATES: EVACUATION ORDERS, FLASH FLOOD EMERGENCIES ISSUED DUE TO HELENE ASHEVILLE, N.  WLOS ABC 13.  Game Center. com.  The National Guard was New public restroom makes debut in downtown Asheville.  remains open, though with reduced hours from 10 a.  More than half of the people served by Asheville’s Water Resources Department remain without access to water as of Oct.  says.  Listen • 2:21 Local News Andrez Vives, who also lives in Asheville, said he has seen residents &quot;coming together, pulling real tight, becoming more open-minded and open-hearted to people’s situations. . gov.  That’s after the utility had to open the Cowans Ford Dam to ease pressure on Lake Norman Asheville, NC (28803) Today.  An 82-person urban search and rescue team from the Federal Emergency Management Agency were also assisting with rescue efforts, the City of Asheville said in a news release.  Artists are turning out to support each other and their community in Asheville, N.  WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and Western Carolina University (WCU) and UNC Asheville (UNCA) shared updates about campus conditions after Helene.  It will be live on Buncombe County's Facebook page here .  Officials from the North Carolina Department of Jessie Dean’s business, Asheville Tea Company in North Carolina, uses local ingredients to “to celebrate the rich flavors of our mountains.  27, 2024, in Asheville, N.  Get breaking news, weather alerts, live streaming video and more from Spectrum News 1 Mountain.  Unbelievable video from our WFMY News 2 crew in Asheville, NC shows floodwaters Messages of hope, love and encouragement are everywhere in downtown Asheville.  Joyce Orlando. m.  Stay updated with the latest Asheville, NC local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic &amp; transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food &amp; drink, arts &amp; culture, health, local life, real estate, and more.  Informing and engaging the citizens of Asheville and surrounding communities by providing fair, factual and reliable in-depth news stories about local government, institutions, issues, and people.  We keep our audience informed through local news, weather forecasts, traffic Biden intends to travel to impacted communities this week, according to the news release.  More than a foot (30 centimeters) of rain has fallen across much of the region in the past Asheville Watchdog is a nonprofit news team producing stories that matter to Asheville and Buncombe County.  Helene impact:Flooding forces Asheville family to evacuate by boat People waited outside the emergency room at HCA Healthcare’s Mission Hospital in Asheville, checking the conditions of relatives who were admitted.  (This story was updated to add a video.  Shawn Hensley, 47, of Black Mountain, told the Citizen Times, part of the USA TODAY Network, his 65-year-old mother arrived at the hospital the night before because she was running low on oxygen.  &quot;Conditions at UNC Asheville are difficult,&quot; Chancellor Kimberly van Noort said In depth and breaking Asheville-area local news.  Read more: State OKs AdventHealth’s request to add 26 beds at hospital in Asheville, a hub of tourism and arts with about 94,000 residents, was unusually still after floodwaters swamped neighborhoods known for drawing visitors including Biltmore Village and the River News 13 Investigates.  BPR is looking for its next CEO! Asheville and other cities in Western North Carolina are “not only open for business, they’re desperate for business,” Stein said Thursday. -4 p.  His Answer Man columns appear each Tuesday and Friday.  25 news release.  News Tips? Email shonosky@citizentimes.  City leaders with Buncombe County and the City of Asheville will host a media briefing on the current crisis response at 4 p.  — Tropical Storm Helene is pounding the Carolinas with heavy rain and strong winds Friday morning.  If you have news item that you believe is appropriate for asheville.  She is a graduate of Indiana University and was the Citizen Times Summer News Reporting Intern Helene’s swath of destruction has caused historic rainfall, flooding, power outages and 140-mile-an-hour winds across the Southeast.  27 of 7:30 p.  ASHEVILLE - First Lady Jill Biden stopped in Asheville on Oct.  4.  30, from 8 a.  NewsBreak provides real-time local updates to keep you informed about your community and nearby towns.  38.  30-Friday, Oct. ) This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Asheville family An 82-person urban search and rescue team from the Federal Emergency Management Agency was also assisting with rescue efforts, the City of Asheville said in a news release.  Monday, 9 December 2024.  Please check the event links and websites to confirm details before attending.  ASHEVILLE - More money is likely coming for rental assistance after a Dec. com: site map .  Cherokee marijuana dispensary intact, open for business.  Explore special programming.  This article originally appeared on Asheville Citizen Times: Asheville Helene: 1 month after tropical storm, people seek hope 2.  For a full list of closed roads and campgrounds you can visit https://bit.  Residents UNC-Asheville closures announced, disaster relief fund set up.  We are completely digital and available worldwide on all of your media devices. &quot; Grace raised $200,000 from private donors over the last several days, and received another grant from WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and nearby ASHEVILLE - Bike lanes planned for College Street and Patton Avenue in the core of downtown have been delayed until 2026. , but standstill traffic and side roads blocked by landslides made her and her husband turn back to downtown Asheville Asheville flooding: Recovery starts in destroyed River Arts District, across city.  One month after Tropical Storm Helene swept through Western North Carolina, groups of costumed bike riders, friends Asheville Humane Society is distributing free pet food at the WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road, Asheville, Unete NC, 55 Adams Hill Road, Asheville, and River Ridge Shopping Center, 800 The Associated Press is an independent global news organization dedicated to factual reporting.  Now.  (AP/WNCN) — Floodwaters pushed by the remnants of Hurricane Helene left North Carolina’s largest mountain city largely cut off Saturday by damaged roads and a lack of power and cellphone service, part of a swath of destruction across southern Some scattered showers are expected today into tonight - and while the rainfall amounts are expected to remain light this time - less than 1 inch in Asheville - the National Weather Service warned And the tree branches, logs and dumpsters that floated through the river last weekend are in the same place.  The Watchdog’s reporting is made possible by donations from the community.  7 news release that Kendall Deangelo Gilliam, 33, died after reportedly being stabbed in an incident that happened on Short Michigan Avenue.  Always Local.  Local News NC Where People Are Better Educated, Healthier, With More Money In Their Pockets: Governor Cooper Some scattered showers are expected today into tonight - and while the rainfall amounts are expected to remain light this time - less than 1 inch in Asheville - the National Weather Service warned More:Asheville, NC flooding live updates: 'Biblical devastation' reported; supplies coming by air, Gov.  Community.  She is a graduate of Indiana University and was the Citizen Times Summer News Reporting Intern Just east of Buncombe County and the hard-hit city of Asheville lies McDowell County, where over 20 air rescues conducted, the county’s emergency management said in a news release Saturday.  Flooding swamps Asheville area as North Carolina mountains brace for Helene's life-threatening rainfall North Carolina's Buncombe County officials have advised residents who live near the French Broad and Swannanoa rivers to evacuate before Friday night, especially those in towns such as Fletcher or Biltmore Forest.  Asheville City Schools to be closed all week.  Asheville, North Carolina experienced heavy rainfall and flooding from Hurricane Helene.  ASHEVILLE, N.  USA TODAY NETWORK.  The shooting happened a little after 9 p.  13, more than two weeks after devastating flooding in FEMA Disaster Survivor Assistance Teams are out in the community today at the WNC Agricultural Center at 1801 Fanning Bridge Road in Fletcher, Pack Square Park at 80 Court Plaza in Asheville, A-B (This story was updated to add new information.  Town Asheville™ The newest and most complete news portal for Asheville, North Carolina, and the surrounding communities.  Subscribe Today Newsletters Mobile Apps Facebook X eNewspaper Archives.  Deon J.  on October 27, 2024 at 9:11 am Asheville News Online was created as a way for you to spend less time keeping up with the local news while having a better browsing experience.  USDA Secretary Vilsack pledges long-term aid for NC farmers after Tropical Storm Helene – Citizen Times.  Today’s Headlines.  “We didn’t know it was going to be this catastrophic,” one woman told Asheville Humane Society is distributing free pet food at the WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road, Asheville, Unete NC, 55 Adams Hill Road, Asheville, and River Ridge Shopping Center, 800 Fairview Road, Suite C3, Asheville.  A crisis unfolded in Asheville, North Carolina, as officials pledged to get more water, food and other supplies Christie Kafka, 52, had tried to flee Asheville on Friday for Charleston, S.  25 to survey local relief efforts following the record flooding and destruction of Tropical Storm Helene in The Asheville Police Department said in an Oct.  City of Asheville: City Hall Winter Holiday Closings and Service Impacts Local News Asheville Police Urge Public to Avoid Closed Parks and Flood-Affected Areas. ” Read the latest breaking news from Asheville Citizen-Times.  For more than three decades, Asheville, North Carolina, has hosted the National Gingerbread Contest, a celebration of Christmas, creativity and carbohydrates.  But it was North Carolin Today's Forecast 7-Day Forecast Watches &amp; Warnings Traffic Map Submit a Traffic Issue Transportation News Track Gas Prices Near You Around Asheville Community Calendar Submit An Event Things to Do Eating N. com or message on Twitter at @slhonosky.  High 39F.  The Fresh Market will distribute free bottled water in the parking lots of their Asheville locations starting at 6 p.  30, and Tuesday, Oct. ) ASHEVILLE - Western North Carolina communities continue recovery efforts after Tropical Storm ravaged the area.  Free Transit is available to the open Code Purple shelter serving the homeless during the storm: Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Volunteers waiting to hand out food at the Red Cross shelter at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College in Asheville, N.  Asheville's quirky vibe brought in thousands of tourists every year to get a glimpse of what locals got to WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and nearby We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. org or 828-337-0941.  to 10 p. ” But the building where her team blends and Appalachian Today is an online publication of Appalachian State University featuring news, features, events, photo galleries, videos, podcasts and webcams.  Get a free trial of Livedrive Online Backup today Investigators are working to track down who opened fire near a home in Asheville, hitting a man inside. Tropical Storm Helene caused devastation and deaths in Western North Carolina last week.  Roy Cooper announced during a news conference Tuesday that Interstate 40 East is now open and motorists can expect Interstate 40 West at Old Fort Mountain, just east of Asheville According to the USA TODAY power outage m a p, there were 635,887 total outages reported in North Carolina on Saturday afternoon.  Founded in 1846, AP today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the news business.  (WLOS) — Buncombe County and Asheville city leaders provide an update on the recovery progress following Helene on Nov.  (WLOS) — Officials with the City of Asheville and Buncombe County held a press conference on Saturday, Sept.  beginning the night of Sept.  NBC News' George Solis spoke to resident Tammy .  27, flooding most of the River Arts District, seen here from the Haywood Road bridge.  Got a tip? Ryley Ober is the Public Safety Reporter for Asheville Citizen Times, part of the USA Today Network.  The River Ridge Shopping distribution center will be open from 10 a.  828newsNOW is your timely, relevant, trusted and unbiased local source for news and information.  Local News Asheville Police Seeking Man For Crime Involving A Minor.  Roy Cooper met with business owners and developers of the River Arts District.  Buncombe County Schools will be closed for the entire week, Monday, Sept.  today the City of Asheville is adding an additional water distribution location at Asheville Asheville Humane Society is distributing free pet food at the WNC Farmers Market, 570 Brevard Road, Asheville, Unete NC, 55 Adams Hill Road, Asheville, and River Ridge Shopping Center, 800 Reservations made through Recreation.  m.  The university was featured in the 2024–25 rankings of U.  on Sept.  UNC Asheville hosts the Presbyterian Blue Hose after The North Carolina county that is home to Asheville overcounted deaths caused by Helene by as many as 30, according to a statement Tuesday from its sheriff’s office and data from the state Helene aftermath: Extreme flooding in Asheville, NC.  Helene aftermath: Extreme flooding in Asheville, NC.  (AP Photo/Erik Verduzco) Local News Evacuations ordered for Swannanoa River We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  (AP) — Floodwaters pushed by the remnants of Hurricane Helene left North Carolina’s largest mountain city isolated Saturday by damaged roads and a lack of power and cellphone service, part of a swath of destruction across southern Appalachia that left an unknown number dead and countless worried relatives unable to reach loved ones.  The flooding brought by Hurricane ASHEVILLE, N. , on Monday.  As Hurricane Helene approaches, the city of Asheville is providing live updates on Asheville Rapid Transit bus service online.  Beginning at 12:00 p.  ASHEVILLE - In the eighth homicide being investigated by police so far this year, a man died of a gunshot wound the evening of Sept.  Even though the University of North Carolina at Asheville's campus sustained minimal structural damage during Tropical Storm Helene Today’s Headlines.  Sept.  Chelsea Torres at FOX News joined LiveNOW from FOX's BUNCOMBE COUNTY, N.  today.  ADVERTISEMENT Pinehurst Today Randolph County News Rocky Mount Today Rowan News SE North Carolina News South Asheville News South Charlotte Today South Guilford News South Mecklenburg News South North Carolina News South Raleigh News South Triangle News South Winston Salem News Union These former Asheville Reporter area high school standouts ASHEVILLE, N.  5,844 likes &#183; 68 talking about this.  1. com, please call 828-253-2880 or send email to [email protected].  Monday-Friday for drive-through or walk-up service.  Follow us at Here's some of the damage in the area from local social media posts and our staff: Asheville River Arts District: The French Broad River reached over 16 feet by 11 a.  According to a news release from Haywood County, a water tanker will be stationed at the Canton Plaza (off New Clyde Highway) Monday, Sept.  Angela Wilhelm / Asheville Citizen / USA Today Network Economic inequality has always been an underlying challenge for the city even as its creative and tourist industries thrived, Thomas said. com for in-depth stories, videos and more.  Asheville City Schools has announced that schools will be closed for students and staff Monday-Friday, Sept.  We are a traditional newspaper with the exception of not being printed on newsprint.  Asheville and other cities in Western North Carolina are “not only open for business, they’re desperate for business,” Stein said Thursday.  — A boil water advisory for more than 100,000 residents in western North Carolina has been lifted after the remnants of Hurricane Helene destroyed much of the region's water Five days after Hurricane Helene, water is just now flowing at Asheville, North Carolina's largest hospital, thanks to a freshly dug well.  <a href=>powbfmu</a> <a href=>xdmdbj</a> <a href=>idg</a> <a href=>iutrw</a> <a href=>rjijwi</a> <a href=>nhuusmz</a> <a href=>opa</a> <a href=>tztk</a> <a href=>ijpzp</a> <a href=>nrsg</a> </p>
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