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margin-top: 10px; color: #0073aa; text-decoration: none; } .author-posts-link:hover { text-decoration: underline; } </style> </head> <body class="home page-template-default page page-id-49 wp-custom-logo wp-embed-responsive post-image-aligned-center slideout-enabled slideout-mobile sticky-menu-fade no-sidebar nav-below-header one-container header-aligned-left dropdown-hover" itemtype="" itemscope=""> <span class="screen-reader-text skip-link"><br> </span> <div class="site grid-container container hfeed" id="page"> <div class="site-content" id="content"> <div class="content-area" id="primary"> <div class="inside-article"> <div class="entry-content" itemprop="text"> <div class="homepage-content"> <h1 style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Banco azteca account number. Account type (savings account, checking account, etc.</h1> <br> <p style="margin: 20px auto; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); max-width: 800px; text-align: center;">Banco azteca account number Banco Azteca, S. You can't send money to Ba General Information - The ABM Code or Bank Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Tijuana Branch is : 127 Click to Copy The Branch Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Tijuana Branch is : 027 Click to Copy Bank Operational Time - Payment Tracking. Search Find the BIC / SWIFT code for BANCO AZTECA, S. Access your account with your username and password. , a financial services company owned by Have the Banco Azteca App downloaded and installed. Enjoy ease with competitive exchange rates, low fees and access to providers worldwide. 0018. Somos el banco mexicano en el que 34 millones de personas han confiado para ayudarlos a alcanzar las metas que se proponen. INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE in Mexico. The SWIFT / BIC code for Banco Azteca Sa Institucion De Banca Multiple is AZTKMXMMEKT. Rogelio Garcia Cabrera brings experience from previous roles at Banco Azteca and Grupo Elektra. mx) and phone number at RocketReach. EST Here you’ll find answers to the most common questions about Mexican peso (MXN) transfers. Banco Azteca. C. 0016. Receiving money in Mexico has never been easier! Your loved ones can choose cash pick up at any of the more than 1,890 Elektra and Banco Azteca branches or receive bank deposit to a Banco Azteca account instantly. Caja Huancayo. 2. 8. Marco Antonio Salazar Osnaya, based in Mexico City, CDMX, MX, is currently a Ejecutivo de cuentas at Banco Azteca. The complete list of all Mexican banks to find all Mexican Bank ABM Bank Codes / Locality Number, CLABE Number & Branch Codes & others details. BANCO DEL BAJÍO, SA . Top Banco Azteca Employees Juan Carlos Reyes Soto CFO at Banco Azteca Mexico City, Mexico Sign up for a free account. Paano Malalaman ang Aking Account number Banco Azteca The SWIFT code for BANCO AZTECA, S. Double-check with your receiver to make sure you have the correct one. David García Santillana holds a 2007 - 2009 Master en administración de negocios in Finanzas @ Universidad Interamericana de Panamá. The process to receive the money sent from the US is: Save Chatbot "My money transfer" in your contacts (+525541653230) or scan the QR code General Information - The ABM Code or Bank Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Acapulco Branch is : 127 Click to Copy The Branch Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Acapulco Branch is : 261 Click to Copy Bank Operational Time - "In March 2002, Banco Azteca was formed when Grupo Elektra received the required financial services licence. This code is used to sending and With Western Union, you can easily send money directly to accounts at major Mexican banks like Banco Azteca, Banamex, or BanCoppel. Check your IBAN number is correct before sending money. A SWIFT code — sometimes also called a SWIFT number — is a standard format for Business Identifier Codes (BIC). Up to Sending Money to Elektra in 5 Easy Steps. They need to provide the recipient’s bank details, which typically include the account number and the bank’s Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (or CLABE, a standard 18-digit banking code in Mexico). Where to find bank code in Peru. Open a Wise account and save up to 6x on international bank transfers. Access personal loan options and choose the best option that suits your needs 2020 - now Mi Negocio Azteca Director @ Banco Azteca; 2018 - 2020 Transformation Director @ Banco Azteca; 2016 - 2018 Empresario Azteca Chief Operating Officer @ Banco Azteca; see more 2012 - 2016 Chief Operating Officer @ Broxel; 2011 - 2012 Deputy General Manager @ enConfianza, S. which allows you to receive or send money using just your cell phone number. International money Get Rogelio Garcia Cabrera's email address (r*****@bancoazteca. Forbes Lists. Country/area code A-Z 2 letters representing the country the bank is in. Manuel Forey holds a 2019 - 2019 General Management Program in Business Administration and Management @ Harvard Business School. S. INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE SWIFT Code Details. Kung wala kang access sa iyong account statement o kung nawala mo ito, huwag mag-alala, mayroon ding iba pang mga paraan upang makuha ang impormasyong iyon. How to Find Your CLABE Number? Your CLABE number will A CLABE Number (Clave Bancaria Estandarizada) is a standard bank account number in Mexico. Desde nuestra fundación en 2002, Multi-currency account. 16. 128 AUTOFIN Banco Autofin México, S. Banco Azteca digital account: Guardadito Digital. Home ; Bank Code. Find Bangladesh Routing Number; List of All Banks in Bangladesh; Validate Bangladesh Routing Number as well as the account number. Get Luis Enrique Fuentes Duarte's email address (l*****@bancoazteca. Rafael Villanueva holds a 2018 - 2018 Programa Alta Dirección @ IPADE Business School. Rogelio Garcia Cabrera holds a 2003 - 2004 Diplomado in Desarrollo de mexico d. ICBC PERU BANK. Your account number will be there. The weight factor of a given digit is: 3 if its position (starting at 0) modulus 3 is 0; 7 if its Open your Guardadito Amigo Refugiado en México account and receive free Medical, Legal and Psychological Assistance services wherever you are Banco Azteca and Mexico will always be your home. SOFOM ENR; 2008 - 2011 Financial Services Director Localiza en el mapa tu sucursal más cercana de Banco Azteca en Zacoalco de Torres y podrás acceder a toda la información de contacto, cajeros automáticos disponibles, consultar su horario y teléfono de atención al cliente. is a standard bank account number in Mexico. App functionality With your digital banking Banco Azteca collects remittances using the reference number (MTCN) and access the money from your mobile banking app. Banco Azteca: Part of Grupo Elektra, a major General Information - The ABM Code or Bank Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Compostela Branch is : 127 Click to Copy The Branch Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Compostela Branch is : 564 Click to Copy Bank Operational Time - Create a Guardadito Digital account in minutes from the Banco Azteca App without having to go to the branch. In branches. Verify AZTKGTGC SWIFT / BIC code details for international money transfer transactions. Douglas, sent money from the US to Columbia. Send money with Wise Receive money with Wise Validate your IBAN number. Head into an Get Martín López Castañeda's email address (M*****@bancoazteca. Get Angelica Ortega's email address (a*****@bancoazteca. The money goes directly to the recipient’s bank account. Banco Azteca S. In this case, the IIN of 402766 indicates that this card was issued by Banco Azteca in Mexico. Validate IBAN. Up to 5 free lookups / month. Plan ahead before sending money to Mexico Account number (Number of characters varies by bank), CLABE (18 digits) or debit card. INSTITUCION DE BANCA, MULTIPLE you need an UETR code, Reference #, Amount Value, Payment Date and a Currency. You’ll need to provide Find the BIC / SWIFT code for BANCO AZTECA, S. Explore the account used by 16 million people to live, work, travel and transfer money worldwide. [1] A CLABE When making payments within Mexico or transferring international wires to Mexican accounts, a CLABE number is required. Here are a couple of examples of what your Banco Azteca account number would look like: 4. 2 Km - General Information - The ABM Code or Bank Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Mazatlan Branch is : 127 Click to Copy The Branch Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Mazatlan Branch is : 744 Click to Copy Bank Operational Time - Wells Fargo & Company (NYSE: WFC) has expanded its ExpressSend remittance network through an agreement with Mexico City-based Banco Azteca, S. Sending money to your loved ones with Remitly is simple. Check your movements whenever you want in your app, request your Banco Azteca account statement and open it with your RFC. BANCO INMOBILIARIO MEXICANO, SA, INSTITUCIÓN DE General Information - The ABM Code or Bank Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Oaxaca Branch is : 127 Click to Copy The Branch Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Oaxaca Branch is : 610 Click to Copy Bank Operational Time - Banco Azteca Company Stats. Find out more information about this Bank or Institution Open a Wise account and save up to 6x on international bank transfers. Institución de Banca Multiple Email address, User IDs, Address, Phone number, and Other info. Now, you can send a deposit to an account using the beneficiary's cell phone number associated with the account. In the accounts To find your Banco Azteca account number, visit the Banco Azteca website, log in with your credentials, and you will find your account number in the section My Finances. Digits 7-15 of the credit card number contain the Primary Account Number, or PAN, issued by the bank to uniquely identify the account holder. Banks Enter the Banco Azteca website: To begin, open your web browser and enter the official Banco Azteca website. Find the BIC / SWIFT code for BANCO AZTECA, S. South America. Industry Banking Founded 1999 Headquarters Mexico City Country/Territory Mexico CEO Alejandro Valenzuela del Río Employees 58,000. 4. INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE in Mexico here. Bank code A-Z 4 letters representing the bank. bringing experience from previous roles at Banco Azteca and BBVA Bancomer. Sending money is How to Use SWIFT Code AZTKMXMMEKT, BANCO AZTECA, S. David García Santillana, based in Panama, is currently a Director de Banca Consumo at Banco Azteca Panama, bringing experience from previous roles at ALLBANK, BBVA, Wunderman Panama and BAC Credomatic Network. Email address · Optional. How can I find my account number at Banco Azteca? Go to the Banco Azteca website or download the app. is currently a IT Manager at Banco Azteca. Banco Azteca: Max amount per transfer = MXN 49,000. These 8 digits are the most important part of the credit card number. expand_more. If you are selected, you can also request a Gold credit card online or from your cell BANCO AZTECA, SA, ZACATECAS Mexico Clabe Interbancaria (CLABE Number), Bank ABM Code, Branch Code details. The CLABE replaces the Mexican account numbering scheme where the account A CLABE number is an 18 digit unique identifier which contains details of the bank brand and location, as well as the individual account number. Caja Cusco. Initiate your transfer in minutes Banco Azteca issues credit and debit cards in Mexico under a total of six different Issuer Identification Numbers, or IINs (also called bank identification numbers, or BINs). As of April 2021. Max amount per month = MXN 65,000 . Caja Arequipa. based in Zacatecas, Mexico, is currently a ejecutivo at Banco Azteca. You'll also need to input the amount you want to transfer and select the General Information - The ABM Code or Bank Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Guadalajara Branch is : 127 Click to Copy The Branch Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Guadalajara Branch is : 320 Click to Copy Bank Operational Time - Conoce los pasos para enviar dinero de celular a celular sólo con el número de teléfono desde la App. Account Number Account numbers in Honduras can be up to 19 characters long. 0017. Your receiver can enter their transaction number and the money is directly deposited in their Banco Azteca account. Have your loved ones receive money using the Banco Azteca or baz mobile apps! Account Number; Was this helpful? Payout API; Bank Code; Bank in Peru. – Step by step ️ Paano Malalaman ang Aking Banco Azteca Account Number. The bank began operating on October 30, 2002. SWIFT payments don't have to be expensive. Paano Malalaman ang Aking Account number Banco Azteca Kung wala kang access sa iyong account statement o kung nawala mo ito, huwag mag-alala, mayroon ding iba pang mga paraan upang makuha ang impormasyong iyon. mx) and phone number (52667161. Usually you can find all this info in a MT103 form. Marco Antonio Salazar Osnaya has 1 emails on RocketReach. In addition, the transfer must be confirmed in the corresponding payment section. Digits 7-15 — The Account Number. INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE in Mexico is AZTKMXMMXXX. It usually looks like a shortened version of that bank's name. Initial registration: 2013-11-08: Last update: 2024 Loans*, digital payments, transfers and all your finances at Banco Azteca BANCO AZTECA, S. - Gradatim Ut cognoscat mea Banco Azteca Ratio Number Quomodo cognosce My Ratio numerus Marc azteca Reprehendo tuum contract: In Banco Azteca numerus rationis inventus est in contractu quem tu signasti cum rationem aperuisti. ) COMPANY NAME: BANCO AZTECA SA INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE REGISTERED AS: BAI0205236Y8 LEI: 549300180D5WNOPAQP68 ADDRESS: Mexico, Ciudad de México, FFCC DE RIO FRIO 419 A10, Real del Moral, Iztapalapa, 09010 LEI number: 549300180D5WNOPAQP68: Status: Issued . Check your bank’s SWIFT code and get all details you need for international money transfer. Account type (savings account, checking account, etc. ¡Así de fácil, rápido y seguro! Descarga la App Banco Azteca in Honduras is a significant branch of the larger Banco Azteca chain, which operates across multiple Latin American countries. Previous Bank in Panama Next Bank in Uruguay. You can request loans and have the money in your account in minutes in an easy and agile way. Institución de Banca Múltiple. Banks General Information - The ABM Code or Bank Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Cancun Branch is : 127 Click to Copy The Branch Code of Banco Azteca, Sa , Cancun Branch is : 691 Click to Copy Bank Operational Time - Fitch Baja a Banco Azteca a ‘A+(mex)’; Perspectiva Negativa Rating Action Commentary / Thu 23 Jan, 2020 Fitch Afirma Calificación de Banco Azteca en ‘AA-(mex)’; Perspectiva Estable Create a Guardadito Digital account in minutes from the Banco Azteca App without having to go to the branch. Mobile number. Last updated 1 month ago. Can you report a Mercado Pago account? (Also, don't fall for the counterfeit money taxi scamjust take Uber. Step 3: After entering your personal information, select the type of account you want to open. . Formation of CLABE Code. Send money fast from the United States to Banco Azteca in Mexico with Remitly. LÍNEA AZTECA CDMX y Área Metropolitana: 5447-8810 Interior de la República: 01800-040-7777 Create a Guardadito Digital account in minutes from the Banco Azteca App without having to go to the branch. ) The SWIFT Code of BANCO AZTECA DE GUATEMALA in GUATEMALA, Guatemala is AZTKGTGC. insurgentes sur 14000 Have the Banco Azteca App downloaded and installed. Banco Cencosud. If you're making an international transfer to a Banco Azteca bank account, or if someone is transferring you cash to your Banco Azteca bank account in Mexico, you'll be asked for a BIC/SWIFT code along with details like the bank address. ; Select deposit to a Banco Azteca account Banco Azteca: Max amount per transfer = MXN 49,000. TLALPAN LA JOYA, CIUDAD DE MEXICO You'll need the recipient's full name, bank account number, and bank name, and in some cases, the bank's address. de C. INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE Country Code MX - code belongs to Mexico Location Code MM - code represents Enter the Payment Details: Input the recipient's bank details, including their SWIFT/BIC code and bank account number. International money Step 2: Once you have downloaded and installed the application, open it and select the “Create account” option on the screen major. This product does not require the payment of commissions for opening or managing an account and, unlike the previous one, it is not necessary to go directly to a Banco Azteca branch for the procedure, since you can request it through the Banco Azteca Móvil application. Select Mexico as your destination country and decide the amount of U. This financial institution has been active in Honduras for 16 years, focusing on financial inclusion by offering accessible banking products and services to populations typically underserved by traditional banks. We ask for a contact number in case we need to provide any important updates. dollars (USD) or Mexican pesos (MXN) you wish to send. •Make purchases of airtime from Claro and Tigo Buy internet packages BIC means Bank Identification Code, or Bank Identifier Code. BANCO COMPARTAMOS, SA . Martín López Castañeda has 1 emails on The details of BANCO AZTECA, SA, LORETO CLABE Number, ABM Bank Code & Branch Code & other details. V. Bangladesh Routing Number . All you need to get started is: Your Mention the number of the debit card or the Banco Azteca account, that belongs to the person in charge of receiving the money. 2,011,243 likes · 46,076 talking about this. Check your balance in the App or by calling Linea Azteca at . is required to be deposited in a Banco Azteca account, the recipient must be the owner and indicate the correct bank account number All you need is their account number and they will be able to check their balance using the Banco Azteca App. INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE; Address AV. Banco Azteca offers different options, The SWIFT code for Banco Azteca is AZTKMXMMXXX. However, using traditional banks to send money abroad can be slow and expensive. Click on the “Customer Access” option : Once on the main page, search and click on the option that allows you to access your Banco Azteca account. Apps. You will need to provide your personal information, such as your full name, phone number, and email address. Account Number: Supply the recipient's account number for precise fund allocation, minimizing the likelihood of errors. The first step, if you haven’t done so already, is to download the app and create an account. INSURGENTES SUR 3579 TORRE ESMERALDA II COL. Create a Guardadito Digital account in minutes from the Banco Azteca App without having to go to the branch. All you need is their account number and they will be able to check their balance using the Banco Azteca App. For banks 1. com. Send money; Send large amounts a code; Branches for BANCO AZTECA, S. com) and phone number at RocketReach. m. Caja Maynas AZTK - code assigned to BANCO AZTECA, S. SWIFT codes are 8 to 11 characters long and include specific bank, country, and branch identifiers. BANCO AZTECA, SA Branches; BANCO COMPARTAMOS, SA A CLABE number is an 18-digit identifier that includes information about the bank's brand and location, as well as the account number. Once inside your profile, look in the account information section to find the corresponding number. This code is used for direct electronic fund transfers to our account. Locate your account number: Once logged in, go to the account summary or account details section. Get 5 free searches. The recipient should provide all this information. insurgentes sur 14000. Access online banking: If you are registered in Banco Azteca online banking, you can log in to your account to check your account number. Account Statement Printing at Banco Azteca agencies Debit card replacement due to loss or damage Bounced deposited checks from other banks In order to request it, you have call to the telephone number for the country where you are located: Panama | +507 205 0217; Honduras | +504 2216 1784; BANCO AZTECA, SA Mexico CLABE Number (clabe interbancaria), ABM Bank Code (Locality Number), Branch Code list. Send money to thousands of locations in Honduras. BANCO INBURSA, SA . The complete list of BANCO AZTECA, SA all branches ABM Bank Code, CLABE Number & other details. 55 5447 8810. No credit card required. 0021. Examples. The details of BANCO AZTECA, SA, ZACATECAS CLABE Number, ABM Bank Code & Branch Code & other details. INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE in Mexico Subsequently, in order to initiate a conversation from WhatsApp, a text needs to be sent via Chatbot from the telephone number registered with the Banco Azteca account. Marco Antonio Salazar Osnaya holds a 2013 - 2017 Lic en relaciones conerciales in Relaciones coemrciales @ Instituto Politécnico Nacional. International money Get Manuel Forey's email address (m*****@gruposalinas. Bancoppel: We need your recipient’s bank name, and account number (clabe). Sign in to your Banco Azteca account: Log in to your Banco Azteca account using your username and password. Make transfers to other banks, pay your personal loans*, review your movements 24/7 and request your Banco Azteca account statement. You can’t currently send money from MXN. International money The Banco Azteca app is the number one financial application on Google Play and serves more than 16 million digital customers Por Newsroom Infobae 25 Mar, 2022 08:53 p. Remember that having the most up-to-date and correct information in your Banco Azteca account provides you with greater security and makes it easier to manage your banking transactions. Your account Find the BIC / SWIFT code for BANCO AZTECA, S. torre esmeralda ii, pb: 3579, av. Multi-currency account. Remember to bring all the necessary documents with you, such as your official identification and updated proof of address. Douglas C. 0015. Institución de Banca Múltiple The first 17 digits of the CLABE are, as mentioned above, the Bank Code, the Branch Office Code and the Account Number. More than 2,000 Elektra and Banco Azteca branches open from 9 am to 9 pm, 365 days a year. A. The SWIFT code AZTKMXMMEKT is applicable for the Mexico location in Mexico. Banco Azteca, Iusacell and TV Azteca. BANCO CREDIT SUISSE (MEXICO 3RD ), SA . 0019. Send a message via Chatbot from the telephone number associated to the Banco Azteca account at which the money will be deposited in seconds. Banco Azteca: Mon to Sun 09:00 a 21:00 hrs CST: Same Day: Bancoppel: 24/7/365: Realtime: 2. AZTKGTGCXXX SWIFT / BIC Code for BANCO AZTECA DE GUATEMALA in GUATEMALA, GUATEMALA. Martín López Castañeda holds a 2004 - 2008 Licenciatura @ Universidad Autónoma de Fresnillo, A. Address – City, State; Note: Make sure that the details being provided are accurate to avoid delays. The great growth of this banking entity has not been only in the Aztec country since it also has a considerable number of branches within other Central American countries such as; Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, on the other hand, Banco Azteca opened its doors in the southern part of the continent, such as Peru, for this reason it can be said that it already has more than 4. 3. Sending reason. The transaction number and Discover our new APP that will revolutionize your Banco Azteca experience! Discover our new APP that will revolutionize your Banco Azteca experience! Games. Below you can find the local branches for BANCO AZTECA, S. INSTITUCION DE BANCA MULTIPLE . A SWIFT/BIC is an 8-11 character code that identifies your country/area, city, bank, and branch. Miguel Arana. Banco de la Nación. •Make purchases of airtime from Claro and Tigo Buy internet packages using your Guardadito account and play online, access your email, watch movies and don't stop chatting. Now, you can get a faster checkout when you send money to Banco Azteca bank accounts in Send Money to Mexico from Canada and Send Money to Mexico from the United States. Once you have entered, search the area My Finances and you will see a summary of your account. Send money directly to your receiver’s card with immediate availability. Banco Azteca: AZTKMXMMEKT: Real time: Banco Base: BBSEMXMXXXX: 0-1 business days: Banco del Bajio: BJIOMXML: 0-1 business days: Banco Monex: MONXMXMMXXX: 0-1 business days: BBVA Bancomer (formerly Bancomer) BCMRMXMMPYM: They identify a bank’s location and an individual’s account number. You'll also need to input the amount you want to transfer and select the In this case, the IIN of 551238 indicates that this card was issued by Banco Azteca in Mexico. An IBAN account number format consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters so it would be wise to check the IBAN number prior to making a transfer. Cuenta Guardadito Amigo Refugiado en México. 0020. This code is used to sending and Direct deposit in their Banco Azteca account. mexico d. No credit Send money directly to major banks in Colombia such as Banco Davivienda, Banco Azteca, and Banco Occidente S. 000 Find your account number. AZTK - code assigned to BANCO AZTECA, S. – Step by step ️ How to Know My Banco Azteca Account Number. Data collected and for what purpose Advertising or marketing, Fraud prevention, security, and compliance, Personalization, Account management. ) at RocketReach. Create an account using your email address through our website or our app on the App Store or Google Play. Go to a branch: You must go to the Banco Azteca branch closest to your home and request the phone number change procedure. Sign up for a free account. Institucion De Banca Multiple: Mexico: AZTKMXMM: 11: Banco Azteca, S. Top Banco Azteca Employees Juan Carlos Reyes Soto CFO at Banco Azteca Sign up for a free account. By including these specific details, you ensure a secure and efficient transfer through Remitbee, facilitating a smooth and successful transaction. Every Mexican bank account has a unique CLABE Number. In this case, the IIN of 421364 indicates that this card was issued by Banco Azteca in Mexico. BANCO AZTECA, SA . plus the recipient's IBAN number. In order to track a SWIFT cross-border payment to/from BANCO AZTECA , S. It is an 8 to 11-character number that is used to identify a specific bank when you make an international transaction. Opt for Level 3 verification for substantial transfers to a Banco Azteca The details of BANCO AZTECA, SA, LORETO CLABE Number, ABM Bank Code & Branch Code & other details. Important considerations when changing your phone number at Banco Azteca Changing your phone number at Banco Azteca is a simple and convenient process Get Rafael Villanueva's email address (r*****@bancoazteca. Institucion De Banca Multiple: Mexico: receive a one-time $500 bonus that will automatically be credited to your Bank BANCO AZTECA, S. Banco Azteca en Miguel Arana. For international transfers, additional information such as SWIFT/BIC codes are usually required. Are there other SWIFT codes for BANCO AZTECA DE GUATEMALA? 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