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<div class="post-header clearfix"> <h1 class="title">Brazoria county district clerk. , Monday through Friday.</h1> <span class="meta category">Brazoria county district clerk Locust Street, Suite 304 Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 864-1316. O. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 © 2019 2020 Brazoria County Drainage District No. Thank you for visiting the Brazoria County Clerk. Located at: Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. Phone: 979-864-1603 Fax: 979-864-1607 Court Coordinator: Kellie Fisk. gov 979-864-1571. Phone: (409) 849-5711 . Criminal FAQs brazoria county online records, brazoria county search, brazoria county deeds records, brazoria county texas public records, brazoria county property records search, brazoria county jail records search, brazoria county texas district clerk, brazoria county district records search Doha, Cochin will fight and recognize this organization from incurable loser. 51, which meets the national average. Contact the Clerk’s Office for guidelines and information at 979. Service Finder District Clerk. Judge Courtney Gilbert County Court at Law #1. A legal description of the property showing it is in Brazoria County or volume and page or Clerk's File Number referencing a previous recording that describes the property. TBrooks@brazoriacountytx. KEEP IN TOUCH. locust, suite. 5 Worksheets; 2020 Brazoria County Drainage District No. Locust St. , Monday through Friday. 3 Annexation-Proposed area; Brazoria County MUD No. Box 659791: LaMarque, Texas 77568 : San Antonio, TX 78265-9791 Currently holds the office of Brazoria County District Clerk until December 31, 2026. Keep reading > November 12th Commissioners Court Proclamations. Brazoria County Profile . Locust, Suite 102A Angleton, TX 77515 (979) 864-1200 (979) 849-4655 Come Visit. County Clerk. May exceed the $100. COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; 461st District Court + COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; 461st General Guidelines; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; Jury Information Criminal Searches . Dec. Brazoria County Administration/Courthouse 237 East Locust, Suite 203 Angleton, Texas 77515 Click to go to Property Fraud Alert for Brazoria County. Fee Schedule. Subscribe or Login to View Emails Subscribe or Login to View Emails General Contact for Brazoria 111 E. Share. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 © 2019 District Clerk. 26th Street Suite 1200/1201 Bryan, Texas 77803 Main: (979) 361-4230 Telephone Payments Departments » District Clerk. Locust, Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515. Fax. 26th Street Suite 1200/1201 Bryan, Texas 77803 Main: (979) 361-4230 Telephone Payments Brazoria County, TX Home Menu. Request certified copies of property, birth, death, and marriage records by email or Brazoria County District Court contact information including location, website, phone, fax, and email of the Brazoria County Clerk Find out how to access and request records and data from the District Clerk's office, such as criminal, civil, and family cases. Locust Suite 513A Angleton, Texas 77515 Click to go to Property Fraud Alert for Brazoria County. This usually includes information about the parties and attorneys involved, dates, and filings in a specific case. Bid Opportunities; The Administration Division is lead by Chief Clerk Dede Truitt, under the direction of Chief Deputy Jon Baker. KEEP IN Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. To help inform property owners of possible fraud, the Brazoria County Clerk offers a FREE notification service to alert you of any activity regarding your deed on your home. If you receive a call about missing jury duty, please call the Brazoria County District Clerk's Office phone number at 979-864-1836 and the Brazoria County District Attorney's Office at 979-864-1230. 7 hours per month - 0-4 years; 8 hours per month - 5-9 years; 10 hours per month - 10-14 years Texas Juvenile Justice System Files and Records (A Parent and Child’s Guide to Understanding Juvenile Records) Brazoria County, TX Home Menu. 105 S Gordon. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County, TX Home Menu. Jobs Find My Precinct Agendas & Minutes Records & Data Public Info. 00 per month due to probation term limitations. The judge and/or the District Clerk and County Clerk briefly describe the proceedings and filings within a particular case. Maintain accurate records for the District Clerk’s Office and the district courts. Texas Probate Clerk. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Join us for Brazoria County Day 2023! Paper Ballot Voting; State of Texas Emergency Assistance Registry (STEAR) Creating A Disaster Plan; Backyard Mosquito Sources; Jobline (979)864-1023FAX (979)-864-1035. Court Reporter: information. Search it Yourself. District Clerk. All attorneys should appear in-person unless permission from the Find out how to access marriage, divorce, birth, death and deed records from the County Clerk and the District Clerk. 8 Worksheets; 2020 Velasco Drainage District Worksheets; 2020 West Brazoria County Drainage District No. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515; Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (979) 864-1355 District Courts : KrystalB@brazoriacountytx. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; The Purpose of the Brazoria County Floodplain/911 Administration office is to help the citizens of this County when purchasing property for development. HOME ABOUT US GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT HOW DO I eNotifications SITEMAP. Civil & Probate Court Records Employees begin to earn Vacation Time after 6 months of employment: 6. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. Jury Information; Public Information Request; Courthouse Map The Brazoria County Clerk’s Office will enforce mandatory e-filing beginning July 1, 2014. 111 East Locust Street, Angleton, TX 77515. Email; Facebook; LinkedIn; Brazoria County Woman's Center Phone: 979-849-9553 (Main Office) Continuous Legal Education: State Bar of Texas Professional Development: Totals posted here are for Brazoria County only. Alvin Library. District Clerk Records Department The Brazoria County District Court criminal dockets are now “in- person” for all defendants on bond and defense counsel. Civil & Probate Court Records Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District; Brazoria County Child Welfare Board; Links; Doing Business. Phone: (979) 864-1316. Locust Suite 513A Angleton, Texas 77515 . 979 All Out of County pleas (except for probation cases) have to pay in full the day of plea. Your home deed, aka title, is public information and cannot be “locked” from public access, as advertised on TV. How do I get a copy of my divorce? You can request a copy from the District Clerk’s Office. Welcome to the Brazoria County Tax Office webpage! Here at the Tax Office, we are committed to serving you with remarkable customer District Clerk. They can suggest resources for you District Attorneys by County; Administrative Judicial Regions; Judicial Agencies, Boards and Commissions County Clerk Entered Office: 1999 Term Ends: 12-31-2026. Brazoria County Courthouse County Clerk’s Office 111 E. ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: May include any of the following representative duties, knowledge, and skills. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County Collections 111 E. 239th District Court - 979-864-1256. The Historical Document application was designed by the Harris County District Clerk's Office to display historical legal documents accumulated by the county dating back to 1837. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 Brazoria County District Clerk. Emailed Copies. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 City (Ciudad) Polling Place (Sitio de Votación) Address (Dirección) Zip Code (Código Postal) Alvin. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 1 seconds District Clerk. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 © 2019 Brazoria County Clerk Election's Department 111 E. The conference had interesting panels and working sessions on topics such as the 89th Session of the Texas Legislature in 2025, the processing of court filings, and ethics. To be qualified to serve as a juror you must: Brazoria County Criminal District Attorney’s Office – Civil Division 111 E. County Website. Phone: 979-864-1227. It also handles funds, trusts, and optical imaging of Find public records and foreclosures in Brazoria County by logging in or registering on the website. Locust, Room 407 Angleton, Texas 77515. An additional $5. Note: In accordance with LGC Chapter 191, the County Clerk's Office will not accept an emailed copy for filing. If you are having problems getting started, please take a few minutes to read over some of the FAQ’s below to assist you in the transformation to electronic filing, or visit the E-File website for helpful training videos, web training, and information on choosing an EFSP. Salary information comes from 12 data points collected directly from employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed in the past 36 months. Where can I get the forms? Brazoria County Courthouse County Clerk’s Office 111 E. Search it Yourself : Use the link below to do a search of our Judicial Records. Please print your name & Cause/Case number on your money order or cashier’s check. m. Learn about the fees, payment methods, and preparation time In Texas, most county-level courts fall under the administration of the County Clerk, District Clerk, Administrative Judges, and Presi Find criminal, civil, and family court records online through the District Clerk of Brazoria County. The Brazoria County District Clerk's Office provides copies in person, by mail, or email of District Court records only. Appeals FAQs. Certain offices in Brazoria County accept email requests for particular types of criminal records: County Clerk: countyclerk@brazoria-county. Bradshaw. The jury wheel is the database from which residents are randomly selected to be summoned as potential jurors for over 100 statutory courts, including District Courts, County Courts, Justice of the Peace courts, and grand juries. 849. Basic case information such as Cause#, court date and disposition information is available using this search. Brazoria County Courthouse. Mulberry Angleton, Texas 77515 (old Wal-Mart building on E. 77511. com District Clerk. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County's first school was established in 1827, Brazoria Academy in 1839, Alvin Normal School in 1890, and the University of South Texas in 1897. To be qualified to serve as a juror you must: For County Clerk: Brazoria County Clerk, 111 E. This Entire Page Refers to Court Documents Only . 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County Wins Appellate Court Decision in Tracy Read Employment Case. Last Name Attorney Portal access is currently available. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; 300th District Court; It shall be the policy of Brazoria County to provide equal employment opportunity by selecting, promoting, or transferring the most qualified person for each job opening Gabriel Garcia Brazos County District Clerk Email County Courthouse 300 E. County News; County Calendar; eNotification; District Clerk Civil Division 979-864- 1137. District Clerk Criminal Division 979-864- 1189. Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. 412th District Court - 979-864-1915. Fourteenth Court Brazoria County, TX Home Menu. East Annex (Old Walmart) Know who and how to contact your Angleton, Texas Clerk of Court for fast and hassle-free transactions: Angleton Clerk of Court Brazoria County Clerk. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Property should be in Brazoria County. Services. Address: 111 E. Freeport - Freeport Library, 410 Brazosport Blvd District Clerk. Candidate for Brazoria County District Clerk in 2022 Texas General Election. Court of Appeals Links. 149TH DC – https://txcourts. (Los resultados aquí son solamente del Condado de Brazoria. Marriage records can be requested from the County Clerk’s office. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515; Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (979) 864-1355 Harris County now has 2,752,109 potential jurors after reconstituting the jury wheel on November 13th in a ceremony led by District Clerk Marilyn Burgess. Divorce records can be obtained from the Brazoria County District Clerk’s office. Brazoria District Clerk. 864. Brazosport - Southern County (979) 388-1355. Please ensure that you have entered a valid court date for the hearing date. 4 Worksheets; 2020 Brazoria County Drainage District No. ), and the Civil Rights and Federal District Clerk. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 © 2019 Click to go to Property Fraud Alert for Brazoria County. QUALIFICATIONS FOR JURY SERVICE . miles. ) Corporations and Incorporation documents are filed with the Texas Secretary of State in Austin at (512) 463-5555. They have the following options: Brazoria County Standard Plan? Of at least $100 per month. Code: 1,387 sq. Locust Street, Suite 304 Angleton, Texas 77515 (979) 864-1316. Keep reading > More News. Brazoria County Criminal District Attorney's Office - Civil Division 111 E. Court Collections office is located at 237 E. The Brazoria County Precinct 2 Constable's Office and Constable Howell recognize the need for courtroom security to protect our Public, Court Staff and Judges. Payment Plans? Defendant will be interviewed in court and their ability to pay will be determined. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; 300th District Court; 412th District Court; Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. Court Coordinator: Deana Lycka Email Meeting Notices and Trustees Notice Fees. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County is one of the fastest growing counties in the region. 2024 - November 5. Request. Brazoria County ESD No. Court Reporter cassandra tigner, district clerk, brazoria county, texas $15. ALL Pleadings, Motions and Orders are to be e-filed with the Brazoria County District Clerk’s Office. Related Sites Brazoria County Clerk Brazoria County Appraisal District Official Texas Website. Locust, Suite 506, Angleton TX, 77515 | 979-864-1355 | Brazoria County, TX Home Menu. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 1 seconds Locations Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:45pm Closed for Lunch 11:30 - 12:30; Locations Subtitle Real Property Records Office; Location Phone 2 (281) 692-1372 - Fax COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; 461st District Court + COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; 461st General Guidelines; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; Jury Information In order for us to process your subpoena request for you, please complete an application and submit to the Criminal Clerk via E-File. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515. Internet Requests transactions are payable by Attorney General's Office Texas Child Support Disbursement Unit (TxCSDU) 5300 FM 2004: P. The cost to purchase a Felony Records Search is $5 for a 10 year range. Court Coordinator: Christa Felix CCL2@brazoriacountytx. This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote access Click to go to Property Fraud Alert for Brazoria County. The County Clerk is also an elected position, and this office has many responsibilities. Can I get legal advice from the Clerk’s office? No, it’s illegal for the Clerk to give legal advice. First Name. Object Moved This document may be found here The Harris County District Clerk's Office participated in the Winter Conference of the County and District Clerks' Association of Texas held in Denton (TX) in January 2024. Warren. Locust, Room 402 Angleton, Texas 77515 Judge Chad D. The drop box is located by the public entrance next to the front doors. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 © 2019 This search is not offered by Employees of the County Clerk's Office. Font Size: +-Share & Bookmark Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option. District Clerk's Office Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. Brazoria County, TX Home Menu. Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government View Full Site Judge Jeremy E. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; 300th District Court; It shall be the policy of Brazoria County to provide equal employment opportunity by selecting, promoting, or transferring the most qualified person for each job opening District Clerk. 3602 County Road 45 Angleton, Texas 77515 (979)864-2336. monthly appointments & fees report; government code, chapter 36. By 1900 eight independent school Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District; Brazoria County Child Welfare Board; you will be directed by the court officer to take all your court documents to the County Clerk's Office (Collection Department), where court costs, attorney’s fees and fines will be set up. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 © 2019 . Brazoria County Courthouse Click to go to Property Fraud Alert for Brazoria County. Helpful Links Library. To be qualified to serve as a juror you must: Brazoria County District Clerk – Part Time Position - 21 hours. KEEP IN TOUCH This Entire Page Refers to Court Documents Only . 461st District Court - 979-864-1205 . 00 may be paid for each additional 10 years searched. Hwy 35) Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Court Administrator - Criminal District Courts Only Krystal Brooks KrystalB@brazoriacountytx. County Economy. zoom. Fax: 979-864-1138. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Total Taxable Assessed Value is determined by the Brazoria County Appraisal How can I obtain information regarding inmates incarcerated in Brazoria County Jail? . The Administrative offices of the Brazoria County Precinct 4 Constable's Office are located at: 121 N Alvin - Nolan Ryan Center, 2925 South Bypass 35. DEPARTMENTS: Criminal Misdemeanor: 979-864-1381. 300th District Court - 979-864-1227. 500, angleton, tx 77515 *no personal checks accepted* it is the responsibility of the party filing the request to follow up on the receipt of the request by the employer. 3 Annexation-Voters in district; Brazoria County ESD No. 461st District Court - 979-864-1205. Use this link below to do a criminal record search of our Judicial Records. gov. For documents in our case management system, copies requested to be returned by email can be sent. The clerks of this office are recorders and are not qualified examiners of the Official Public Records. KEEP IN TOUCH A docket is an official summary of proceedings in court. You may search from any computer or come to the East Annex at 1524 East Mulberry, Angleton, TX 77515 to use public computers provided for your convenience. POPULATION. Foreclosure FAQ ; Brazoria County Courthouse County Clerk’s Office 111 E. 979-864-1316. ) See Statewide Totals/Para ver resultados de todo el estado. Discriminatory Provisions: Brazoria County District Courts ZOOM Appearance Information . Phone 979. Criminal Collections: 979-864-1831 District Clerk. The delinquent tax roll file is created weekly, on Fridays, and is available on the website the following Monday, excluding holidays. Go. Search. Copy $1 per page Certified Copy $1 per page, $5 certification fee Foreclosures are held in the corridor outside room 108 on the first floor of the Brazoria County Court House in Angleton TX on the first Tuesday of every month. Please allow 5-7 days for delivery. Rhonda Barchak. Constable's are statutorily responsible for the providing Courtroom Gabriel Garcia Brazos County District Clerk Email County Courthouse 300 E. 2 and Probate Court . The Honorable Garbriel Garcia, the District Clerk of Brazos County, is pleased to provide our constituents with this website to search index books. Angleton, TX 77515. 5711. The application below can be faxed, mailed, or hand-delivered to Brazoria County Engineering Office, or emailed to engineer-permits If you receive a call about missing jury duty, please call the Brazoria County District Clerk's Office phone number at 979-864-1836 and the Brazoria County District Attorney's Office at 979-864-1230. First Court of Appeals of Texas. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; and culvert or installing a new driveway and culvert. District Clerk Records Department Records Department Address 1524 E. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County Detention Center. Locust, Room 401 Angleton, Texas 77515. Cassandra Tigner Brazoria County District Clerk Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. Joyce Hudman Brazoria County Collections 111 E. gov: 979-864-1260: Judge Marc Holder County Court at Law #2. to 5:00 p. This is located on all your paperwork you have received from our office and court. Learn how to search by name, case number, or date filed and request certified copies of records. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515; Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm (979) 864-1355 Click to go to Property Fraud Alert for Brazoria County. Address. Taxing Entity Governing Bodies. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 5 seconds District Clerk. Locust, Room 500 Angleton, TX 77515-4654. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County Criminal District Attorney’s Office – Civil Division 111 E. If the County Clerk’s Office does not receive the Application within 48 hours after the payment has been submitted, a refund will be processed (convenience fee Brazoria County Courthouse County Clerk’s Office 111 E. Clerk Address: 111 East Locust, Suite 200, Angleton, TX 77515. procedures, etc. Effective January 1, 1984: Trustee Notice of such proposed sale shall be given by posting a written notice of the sale at the courthouse on the bulletin board outside room 108, and by filing a copy of the notice in the Office of the County Clerk in which the sale is to be made at least 21 days preceding the date of the District Clerk. Northern County (281) 756-1355. gov 979-864-1683. This Brazoria County Clerk’s Office Attn: Vital Statistics 111 E. 24 Hour Drop Box. Property Taxes. This is not a comprehensive listing of all functions (Incorporated Assumed Name Certificates are no longer recorded at The County Clerk's Office. Come Visit. Angleton - East Annex, 1524 E Mulberry. COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; 461st District Court + COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; 461st General Guidelines; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; Jury Information Clerk of Court United States District Court Southern District of Texas Galveston Division United States Post Office and Courthouse 601 Rosenberg, Room 411 Galveston, TX 77550 409-766-3530. Records Search. Information with marriage records includes the parties that applied, date applied, and the date of marriage. 1316 The Brazoria County District Clerk's office provides Felony Records Search only. , Angleton, TX 77515; For District Clerk: Brazoria County District Clerk, 111 E. Locust, Suite 513A Angleton, Texas 77515. Civil FAQs. 11 Worksheets; 2020 Commodore Cove Improvement District Worksheets; 2020 Oak Manor District Clerk. 07. First Court of Appeals - Rules . The County Clerk's Office must received the application and identification within 48 hours of the payment being submitted;otherwise the payment will be refunded less the convenience fee. Learn how to submit an open records request for other county records The Clerk's office is the registrar, recorder, and custodian of all pleadings, instrument, and papers in any District Court in Brazoria County. The Brazoria County Clerk is not responsible for the content of external sites. 149th District Court - 979-864-1261 . Discover the rules governing the 300th District Court in Brazoria County, Texas, under Presiding Judge Chad D. Brazoria County Groundwater Conservation District; Brazoria County Child Welfare Board; Links; Doing Business. Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. KEEP IN TOUCH The Brazoria County Clerk is not responsible for the content of external sites. Obtain a Voter Registration Application by these convenient ways: Visit any Brazoria County Clerk's Office location and submit your completed, signed form from 8:00 a. Below we have provided two forms for this application. Population: 271,130. Truth in Taxation Worksheets. Phone. 239th District Court - 979-864-1256 . Locust Suite 513A Angleton, Texas 77515 District Clerk. JUROR INFORMATION. Indigent Defense: irish@brazoriacountytx. resources: texas supreme court (links to the texas rules of evidence and texas rules of civil District Clerk. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 149th District Court - 979-864-1261. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County Wins Appellate Court COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; 461st District Court + COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; 461st General Guidelines; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; Jury Information The Brazoria County Clerk's office has many types of information available on its website; therefore, the information you seek may be available on the County Clerk's website. Brazoria County Emergency Services District; Brazoria County Toll Road Authority; Brazosport Water Authority; Commissioners Court; Declaration of Disasters ; Drainage District; Gulf Coast Center; Brazoria County Courthouse County Clerk’s Office 111 The Brazoria County Clerk is not responsible for the content of external sites. Office Hours: Central What are the hours of the District Clerk? The Clerk’s Office is open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Fourteenth Court of Appeals of Texas. Locust Suite 513A Angleton, Texas 77515 In Person Brazoria County Criminal District Attorney’s Office – Civil Division 111 E. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County Tax Assessor Collector. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; District Clerk's Office Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. 111 E. us Meeting ID: 996-6709-2461 If you license was suspended by a District Court Judge (felony offense/even if reduced to a misdemeanor), then you would file with the District Clerk's office. Building permits are required for any The Brazoria County Clerk is not responsible for the content of external sites. You will be redirected to the destination page below in 1 seconds Brazoria County Courthouse County Clerk’s Office 111 E. City of Freeport Cumulative; Brazoria County Courthouse County Clerk’s Office 111 E. Mulberry Angleton, TX 77515 979-864-1128. KEEP IN TOUCH How much does a District Clerk make at BRAZORIA COUNTY in Texas? Average BRAZORIA COUNTY District Clerk hourly pay in Texas is approximately $16. us Meeting ID: 873 4656 3834 300TH DC – https://txcourts. County Court at Law No. Assistant Chief Deputy: Dottie Cornett. To obtain a certificate by Credit Card (MasterCard, Visa, & Discover): Print Brazoria County Clerk’s Office Attn: Vital Statistics 111 E. Locust, Room 201 Angleton, Texas 77515. 00 fee w/request (cash/money order or cashier’s check) made payable to district clerk, 111 e. The purpose of this website is to better serve you, our customers, by using internet based technology and support. Example of Duties. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 The Brazoria County Clerk is not responsible for the content of external sites. You must be an attorney; You must have an email address If you receive a call about missing jury duty, please call the Brazoria County District Clerk's Office phone number at 979-864-1836 and the Brazoria County District Attorney's Office at 979-864-1230. In order to view any documents the following must apply:. Legal questions regarding content should be directed to an attorney. Bradshaw and Associate Judge Leigh Lehmann. A docket may also include links to case documents. office of court administration self-help resources civil cases. Brazoria County District Clerk Brazoria County Courthouse 111 E. 83; 2023 -April 1. Brazoria County Website. 979-864-1770. View your personalized ballot, check your voter registration, make a plan to vote, and research every name and measure on the ballot with BallotReady. How can I reset my court date? How do I get my cash bond money back? How long after my arrest will I go to court? Brazoria County Courthouse County Clerk’s Office 111 COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; Forms; Brazoria County District Courts Zoom and Web-Ex Appearance Information; Contact Us; 461st District Court-COVID-19 Operating Plan for Brazoria County; 461st General Helpful information about the probate division of the Brazoria County District Clerk located in Brazoria County, TX. Locust Suite 200 Angleton, TX 77515 Come Visit. 300th District Court - 979-864-1227 . Locust, Ste 200 Angleton, Texas 77515 Monday – Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm *Except all major holidays 979-864-1355 District Clerk. donnan@brazoriacountytx. Certificate Request Paid by Credit Card. District Clerk Records Department Brazoria County East Annex 1524 E. Locust St Members of the public may submit written requests to the Brazoria County District Clerk's Office for public information using the following form: Brazoria County Criminal District Attorney’s Office – Civil Division 111 E. Fax: N/A. Brazoria - Brazoria Library, 620 S Brooks. 149th District Court; 239th District Court; Brazoria County Tax Assessor Collector . KEEP IN TOUCH Object Moved This document may be found here Brazoria County, TX Home Menu. 5. Locust Street, Suite 304 Angleton, TX 77515 Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (979) 864-1316 . Click to go to Property Fraud Alert for Brazoria Come Visit. 374, 264 . No. When calling the office, have your juvenile cause number available. gov 979-864-1263. Judge Jeremy Warren County Court at Law #3 You can reach our Juvenile Collections Clerk by calling: Central - West County (979) 864-1355. They are now required to be recorded with The State of Texas. Phone Email: Chief Deputy: Gina Ferguson. Angleton. To increase performance, the application is currently displaying the top 1000 results for each query. , Angleton, TX 77515; Email Requests. 111 East Locust, Room 300 Angleton, Texas 77515 979-864-1571 Direct Line. Jury Information; Public Information Request; Courthouse Map for Parking; District Courts. 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