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<div class="post-header clearfix"> <h1 class="title">Christian county jail. 410 West 7th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 270-887-4152.</h1> <span class="meta category">Christian county jail BUCKMASTER, Instructions on how to post Bail or Bond in Christian County. Elm Street, Suite 70 Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-5330 The Christian County Jail will not allow any items to be dropped off or brought into the Jail Facility from any family/friends without the approval from the Jail Division Commander. To schedule a visit, users must make an appointment online via JailATM. The Christian County Sheriff's Office performs an array of duties to ensure the safety and security of the Christian County community. Hopkinsville, Kentucky Information. Largest Database of Christian County Mugshots. The county was formed in 1797. homeWAV is not directly connected to the internet like normal email, but instead each correspondence is first intercepted by the jail's servers. The Adult jail, which has a holding capability for over 167 By using the Christian County Jail video visitation equipment, you are subject to recording and monitoring. Critical How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Christian County Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Christian County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 270-887-4152. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. · Experience: christian county jail · Education: Seventy First High School, Fayetteville, NC · Location Christian County Jail Inmate Visitation Schedule. Its county seat is Ozark. Active Arrest Warrants. , the Christian County Sheriff’s Office was called about a pedestrian being hit by a car in Willows Apartment complex in Pembroke, according to a news release from CCSO spokesman Chris Miller. The Christian County Jail provides a service which allows secure electronic messaging for their inmates. Click on 'View More' to get inmate information like mugshot, charge, court type, status, arrest date, bond type and amount. Constantly updated. FBI National Academy Session #275 · Experience: Christian County Jail · Education: Bluegrass Community and The Christian County Sheriff's Office located in Ozark, Mo. It also houses Federal inmates. Depending on the inmate's visitation eligibility, the visitation scheduling options available through The Visitor™ include OFFSITE video and FACE-TO-FACE visitation. It is best to only use blue or black ink. All mailings must be sent via the U. With a focus on rehabilitation and community engagement, the center aims to support individuals as they transition from incarceration back into The Christian County Jail exists to provide a sanitary, safe and secure environment for offenders. It is part of the Kentucky Department of Corrections and serves Christian County. It operates as a secure location that manages the incarceration of individuals awaiting trial or fulfilling brief custodial terms. The Christian County Jail allows inmates to receive pre-metered postcards like the type purchased from the post office. Elm Street in Ozark, Missouri, its ZIP code is 65721, for inmate information or jail visitation, call (417) 582-1976. 7 th Street, in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, is the local jail facility for Christian County, Kentucky. Visitation Information and Hours The Christian County Sheriff's Office divisions include patrol, investigations, dispatch, jail, K9 Unit and Court Security. 13 and was served with his warrant. The visitation hours at the Christian County Jail are as follows: Monday — 7:30 AM People booked at the Christian County Missouri and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence. The email service they use is called HomeWAV . Use this website for informational purposes only. Our department is responsible for handling the payment of all property taxes for Christian County, as well as the execution of criminal and civil service. Postal Service to the correction facility's mailing address at 110 West Elm Room 70, Ozark, MO, 65721. The facility employs trained corrections officers and follows standard security protocols to ensure the safety of inmates, staff, and visitors. Retired Captain at Hopkinsville Police Dept. Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 Christian County Detention Center Inmate Remote Video Visitation. Designed to maintain a clear separation from the main jail, the RCC provides a structured environment tailored to lower-risk Christian County Jail Email: cpolley@christiancountysheriff. Civil Processing The Christian County Sheriff’s Office is located at 301 West Franklin St. Learn about the care, custody, control, and transportation of detainees in the Christian County Learn about the Christian County Jail in Kentucky, its mission, programs, and services. Since bail bond procedures in Christian County and Missouri are subject to change, it’s best to call Christian County Detention Center at 417-582-1976, or the court in the applicable jurisdiction (Municipal Court, District Court, etc. In a few states, such as in Kentucky, West Virginia and regional jails in Virginia and Ohio, they are run by a separate government organization. To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Christian County Detention Center, call the jail’s booking line at 417-582-1976. Christian County Jail 410 W. Hopkinsville is located in southwestern Kentucky and has a population of 31,577. Elm Street, Suite 70 Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-5330 Christian County is not only a great place to live and work but is in a great location at the center of the State of Illinois. Government Agencies Downtown Hopkinsville. Christian County Jail is run by the Sherriff’s office but is under the Christian County Jail Administrator and the Assistant Jail Administrator. , Mayor 270-890-0200 Guide to Christian County Jail, Kentucky. At-home and onsite video visitation guidelines for Christian County Jail, when this service is available, can be found by going to the visitation information page. Inmate Search. Administrative Offices Phone: 417-582-5330. Elm Street, Suite 70 Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-5330 Contributed Christian County Jail Christian County Jail baptisms. ; This requires uploaded a recent photo and a copy of your valid, government issued photo ID. Do a search online using this person’s name, the town or city you think they were arrested in, and the crime you think they were arrested for. Click below to go to the Sheriff's website and locate a detainee in Cook County Jail. Use our directory for prison records searches, inmate support, bond info, sending money, and visitation details. This is the Christian County Jail located in Taylorville, IL. If you cannot find the inmate you are looking for The Christian County Detention Center is managed by the Jail Division, which is tasked with the care, custody, control, and transportation of detainees. Elm Street, Suite 70 Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-5330 Utah County Jail Orientation for Inmate Family and Friends. The Christian County Detention Center in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, is the primary jail facility serving Christian County. View the location, contact information, and details about Christian County Jail as well as information on many more detention facilities in or around Hopkinsville. As of the 2010 census, its population was 77,422. They may also allow certain photo postcards as long as they have not been tampered with or contain images that may be considered to be obscene or violent in nature. Elm Street, Suite 70 Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-5330 Christian County Jail 410 West 7th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 7. 25 inches. Knight, Jr. Find inmates in Christian County Jail, a county-level detention center in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Find arrest records, verify criminal backgrounds, and search for jail records and most wanted lists online. Christian County is part of the Springfield, MO Metropolitan CHRISTIAN E MESSIAS was booked on 12/21/2024 in Lorain County, Ohio. The HCSO has nearly 5,100 employees and 200 volunteer reservists dedicated to ensuring the safety of more than 4. state of Illinois. Christian County Jailer Adam Smith said his jail has a purpose, which is to help lower the crime rate throughout the community. Christian County Sheriff's Office 110 W. Depending on their charges, inmates may be held until they are The Christian County Jail, a medium security facility with a 596-bed capacity, operates alongside the 94-bed Restricted Custody Center (RCC), a distinct building dedicated to housing community and minimum-custody inmates. Elm Street, Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-1976: Christian County Jail 410 W. Christian County, Missouri Jail Webpage. 410 West 7th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 270-887-4152. You can also contact Search for inmates and manage jail information with BluHorse Jail Management System. View the location, contact information, and details about Christian County Jail as well as information on many more detention facilities in or around Taylorville. Visits can be scheduled up to 48 hours in advance. According to a CCSO citation, Units arrived at a home in the 4000 block of Greenville Rd. org, we understand the importance of staying connected with your loved ones Inmate Visiting Hours at the Christian County Jail Christian County Jail Inmate Visitation Schedule. It allows the public to access information about individuals currently in custody. J. Money orders can be mailed to the jail. | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking Christian County Sheriff's Office 110 W. Inmates held at the facility are typically awaiting trial or serving short sentences. The Christian County Jail is operated by the Christian County Sheriff's Office. Before you can do anything for an offender who has been arrested and is being held in the Christian County Jail or any jail; whether it be bonding, visiting, mailing, sending money, commissary or any other type of service, you need to first confirm what jail is holding them and then search for them on that jail's inmate roster, list Christian County Jail, located in the center of Taylorville, Illinois, serves as the chief holding facility for the region. CountyOffice. In partnership with Hopkinsville Community College and Toni Riley (Instructor), we are able to provide classes so that inmates can get their GED. Staff; Divisions; Resources; Contact Us; Menu. The Christian County Jail is a lockdown facility. The jail was a small, one-room structure made of brick. You can also look up an Christian County inmate's criminal court case online. When breaking down the population by gender, females are a minority compared to male prisoners, being 21,080 women and 26,386 men. Christian County Detention Center Inmate on-site Video Visitation. Notices. Prison Visitation Hours. These inmates have been convicted under the law of Illinois state and according to the listed penalty, inmates who are 18+ are serving time in the Christian County Jail County Jails – Christian County Jails are maintained and run by this county. This facility handles the booking and processing of offenders arrested for misdemeanors and felonies. Bail bond procedures in Christian County and Kentucky can vary, so it is best to contact Christian County Jail at 270-887-4152 or the court in the jurisdiction where the defendant was charged (e. Box 2400 Frankfort, KY 40602-2400. Court Security. Find Christian County Jail 410 W. Detainees at the Christian County Jail can receive correspondence, which provides a vital communication connection with the outside world. Contact Information Main Office. Through one of the largest jail work release programs in the state of Kentucky, Christian County Jail Largest Database of Christian County Mugshots. Staff; Divisions; Resources; Jail. Utah County Health and Justice Building Christian County offers The Visitor™ video visitation system which allows friends, family members, and professionals the control to schedule and conduct video visits at a time convenient for them. is the mayor. According to Officer Royale Marfil with the Hopkinsville Police Department, Tavarious Mathews turned himself into the Christian County Jail the evening of Nov. County Security Center 3075 North Main Spanish Fork, UT 84660 801-851-4000 801-851-4009 (Fax) Judicial Support Bureau. Find out how to search for inmates, view mugshots, post bail, and contact Christian County Jail Find information about offenders currently housed in Christian County Jail, a detention facility in Search for inmates incarcerated in Christian County Jail, Hopkinsville, Kentucky. For inmate information, you can contact them 24 hours a day at 270-887-4152. 100 West Elm Street Ozark, MO 65721 417-582-1976. Detailed information on visitation hours HOPKINSVILLE, KY (CHRISTIAN COUNTY NOW) – The Kentucky General Assembly allocated funding in 2022 for the Christian County Jail to purchase and install video equipment that allows inmates to attend court from inside the jail. Facebook Pickens was transported to Christian County Jail Correctional Facility, located in the city of Taylorville, Christian County, Illinois, is a highly secured jail that currently hosts thousands of inmates. in Christian County and made contact with several subjects in the home. 1 million residents who call Harris County home. The local sheriff's office maintains a database of active arrest warrants in Christian County Jail 410 W. Ozark, Mo 65721. MOMA, JUSTIN L | 2024-12-19 17:33:01 Christian County, Illinois Booking Booking Details name MOMA, JUSTIN L age 42 years old height 5’11” hair BRO eye HAZ weight 203 race W deputy jailer at Christian County Jail · honest, dedicated, strive to support family. Elm Street, Suite 70 Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-5330 Christian County Jail Inmate Lookup. Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 Christian County is a county located in the U. Christian County Sheriff's Office. We want to send a big congratulations to one of our inmates, Frank Stott. Pickens was transported to the Christian County Jail. Ask the staff at Christian County Jail or the The Christian County Jail offers arranged visits, which must be arranged in advance. Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 The official website of Christian County Sheriff's Office, KY, is www. It houses pre-trial detainees and sentenced inmates. As of the 2020 census, the population was 34,032. Postcards The Christian County Detention Center ONLY allows inmates to receive pre-metered postcards like the type purchased from the post office unless noted otherwise. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance. Christian County Jail Roster Menu. This tool is crucial for maintaining transparency and ensuring that family members, legal professionals, and the public can easily verify an individual's custody status, charges, or court Christian County Jail 410 W. In 2019, the Christian County Sheriff’s Office responded to 33,601 calls for service. Jail Exchange has Christian County Arrests, Criminals, Courts, Laws and Most Wanted in Taylorville, IL. The surrender occurred on the same day that Hopkinsville-Christian County Crime Stoppers listed him as the fugitive of the week and posted a reward for tips Christian County Jail, Missouri: Inmate Guide Overview of the Facility. It features the ability to house 56 Adult offenders. Live Inmate List. Christian County Jail is located in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, serving as a crucial correctional facility in the region. Start your search now! Welcome to the CHRISTIAN COUNTY JAIL Uniform Program site, powered by Galls Searching for an Inmate in the Christian County Jail Roster. Operated by the Christian County Sheriffs Office, the jail has a ability to hold approximately 55 detainees at a time. Home; Christian County Sheriff’s Office; Kentucky Inmate Lookup; and concerned citizens to access critical information about incarcerated individuals in Christian County and across the state of Kentucky. 110 *CCSO Press Release-09/30/2024* Monday, September 30th, 2024, Christian County, KY: Christian County Sheriff's Deputies responded to a residence in the 4000 block of Pembroke-Oak Grove Road Monday Facebook. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. , provides for a partnership in bulk salt purchasing, used for severe winter weather operations. Access criminal records in Christian County, MO 🕵️♂️. ; Second, you can choose a time to visit. christiancountyso. 410 W 7th St Hopkinsville KY 42240 (270) 887-4083; Visit Website; Share The Christian County Jail now facilitates visits exclusively through on-site video kiosks, eliminating traditional "through-the-glass" visitation. The county was organized in 1859 and is named after William Christian, a Kentucky soldier of the American Revolutionary War. It was located on the corner of Main and Broadway Streets, in the heart of downtown Hopkinsville. View the location, contact information, and details about Christian County Jail & Detention as well as information on many more detention facilities in or around Ozark. Christian County Missouri Government Page; Missouri State Courts Website; This is the Christian County Jail located in Hopkinsville, KY. Those who are arrested in Christian County will typically end up at Christian County, Missouri Jail Webpage. Let them know the inmate’s name, any aliases, date of birth, the date range that the inmate may have been incarcerated, the crime they were charged with/convicted of, and The Christian Co Jail, located at 301 W Franklin St in Taylorville, IL, is a secure detention center operated by the Christian County Sheriff's Office. Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 Christian County Jail Roster Menu. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. It also offers a great educational system. Jail Address Phone; Christian County Jail: 110 W. As of the 2010 census, the population was 73,955. The Christian County Jail, a medium security facility with a 596-bed capacity, operates alongside the 94-bed Restricted Custody Center (RCC), a distinct building dedicated to housing community and minimum-custody inmates. Christian County Jail is a law enforcement company based out of 410 W 7th St, Hopkinsville, Kentucky, United States. He was 20 years old on the day of the booking. , Municipal Court, District Court) right after the arrest to confirm current policies. There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to Address. To search quickly, enter the inmate's first name or last name in the search form and submit. C. An inmate's commissary account at the Christian County Jail in KY can be used to buy snacks, hygiene products, stamps and stationary. Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 Christian County Jail, KY, is a detention facility located in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, serving the cities and towns of Christian County. It is situated at 110 West Elm Room 70, Ozark, MO, 65721. (417) 581-2332 Video Visitation at Christian County Jail. 7Th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 Phone Number and Fax Number. This is the Christian County Jail & Detention located in Ozark, MO. Christian County Jail, situated in Ozark, Missouri, serves as a crucial part of Christian County’s law enforcement system. , Mayor of the City of Hopkinsville, Ky. The Jail Division is overseen by Captain Darren Whisnant and A. Enter an inmate's first or last name in the search form and submit to search quickly. The first agreement, which was a renewal of an existing plan from an expiring 5-year term to a new 10-year extension and signed by James Knight Jr. state of Missouri. First, you must register with Homewav Communications online. The Christian County Sheriff's Office maintains the jail and details all visitation rules and detainee's rights. Christian County is part of the Clarksville, TN–KY Metropolitan Statistical Area. com Phone: (217) 824-4961 Fax: (217) 824-4963. The facility is committed to creating a safe and rehabilitative environment that will prepare detainees for re-entry into society, reducing recidivism rates upon release. Christian County inmate search, help you search for Christian County jail current inmates, find out if someone is in Christian County Jail. It’s located at 110 West Elm Room 70, Ozark, MO, 65721, within Christian County. The jail provides a safe and secure environment for inmates while also offering rehabilitation programs Christian County Sheriff's Office 110 W. As a county-level detention center, it is operated and maintained by the Christian County Sheriff's Office, ensuring that local law If you want to schedule a visit or send mail/money to an inmate in Christian County Jail, please call the jail at (417) 582-1976 to help you. We highly recommend that you call 270-887-4152 first for any changes due to staff shortages or other unforeseen circumstances, including whether your inmate has become . Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 Jail Address Phone; Christian County Jail: 410 W 7th Street, Hopkinsville, KY 42240 (270) 887-4152 Always consult the Christian County Jail or call directly to confirm the current visitation schedule. If emergencies arise, you may be asked to leave and or have your visit canceled. Jail Operations Offices Phone: 417-582-1976 The Christian County Jail is looking for men and women who have a passion to pursue a career in Law Enforcement, who feel a calling to serve the community and are committed to becoming a vital role in the safety of Hopkinsville/Christian County. Detainees of this facility are allowed two 15-minute visits per week. Currently the Sheriff’s Office is divided into six divisions: Court Security; Criminal Investigations The Christian County Inmate Search is an essential service provided by the Christian County Sheriff's Office. The jail was used to house both men and women prisoners and was often overcrowded and unsanitary. This includes the facility's address, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, official website, link to the The Cook County Sheriff offers an online inmate locator service. The jail's primary purpose is to ensure the safekeeping and well-being of inmates while providing programs and services aimed at facilitating their successful reintegration into society. Provide the inmate's full name and, if possible, their date of birth or booking number. Elm Street, Suite 70 Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-5330. Christian County Jail | 34 followers on LinkedIn. 7th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240. Instructions on how to post Bail or Bond in Christian County. Live Christian County Jail Inmate List; Current Time: 2024-12-22 13:57 ::: Current Inmate Count: 160; Name City Arrest Date SO No Reason Confined Warrant # Court Bond Type Bond Amount; WOOD, DEVIN W: POMONA: 2024-12-22: 111417: SEDIG, STEVEN EARL Christian County Jail, located in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, is a secure facility that houses individuals awaiting trial or serving sentences for various offenses. Type of Mail Allowed for Christian County Detention Center Christian County Detention Center Inmate Mail Guidelines. Mail is inspected for contraband, and only approved publications Christian County Jail is located on 110 West Elm Room 70, Ozark, MO, 65721. Minimum size: 3. Home; Kentucky Offender Lookup Kentucky Offender Lookup. The email service they use is called Jail ATM. Christian County Jail serves as a place of detainment for persons who are under legal scrutiny or serving brief incarcerations. Phone Number. The Christian County Jail, located at 410 W. Find out how to contact, visit, support, or work at the jail, and access inmate information and bonds. Arrests, Warrant, Docket, Mugshot. O. Department Name Kentucky Department of Corrections Location 275 East Main Street P. Fax. org is an independent organization that gathers Jail Records and other information from various Christian County government and non-government sources. Christian County Jail Demographics The county has 83,282 people confined with a jail population density of 95 prisoners per jail. Categories. The jail books over 2,853 people per year and houses detainees for all county municipalities and state law enforcement agencies. Only 4 visitors are allowed per visit. com. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Hopkinsville and other local cities. state of Kentucky. Christian County Jail, located in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, serves as a correctional facility for individuals awaiting trial or serving short sentences within Christian County. If you have trouble searching for the inmate, please contact JailATM. The facility is now overseen by a selected warden who makes sure the institution operates within the limits of Monday, September 30 th, 2024, Christian County, KY: Christian County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a residence in the 4000 block of Pembroke-Oak Grove Road Monday afternoon, regarding an EPO/DVO violation. The caller reported that the vehicle, described as a black car, had left the scene. Christian County Jail, located in Taylorville, Illinois, has a rich history that reflects the development of the county's justice system. Shayne Duryea. Visitors are obliged to follow the facility’s strict regulations, which entail a dress code, a limit on the number of visitors per session, and restrictions on items that can be taken into the visitation area. Services. 5 Inches by 4. Elm Street, Suite 70 Ozark, MO 65721 (417) 582-5330 What services are provided by Christian County Jail? Christian County Jail in Kentucky offers numerous programs and services to its incarcerated individuals. Official Sources for Christian County Jail Records. SHARE: CCSO on Facebook. Find out what works well at Christian County Jail from the people who know best. Christian County Jail Inmate Search. This gives the staff an opportunity to review Chief Deputy at Christian County Jail. Christian County Sheriff’s Office and Jail Inmate InformationUse this website for informational purposes only. Christian County Jail is a correctional facility that serves communities within Christian County, Missouri. The jail was established following the formation of Christian County in 1839, initially using temporary facilities to house offenders. The Christian County Jail is a detention facility located in Ozark, Missouri. S. We are not affiliated with any of these sources. At about 2:09 a. Its county seat is Hopkinsville. Almost all county jails in America are staffed and managed by the county sheriff’s department. Phone Number: (270) 887-4152 Fax: Christian County Jail Information. ), right after an arrest has been made to get updated information. All persons displayed here are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Money can be deposited online through JailATM or by phone at 1-877-810-0914. A detailed resource for family and friends of inmates at the Christian County Jail, Kentucky, including contact info, visitation, sending money, and more. The Adult Christian County Jail boasts a capacity of housing approximately 96 inmates at a time, consisting of a blend of pre-trial About Christian County Jail. The Website acts as an independent informational platform, providing detailed information about correctional facilities in the United States. As the county grew, so did the need for a more permanent correctional Christian County Jail | 34 followers on LinkedIn. Purchase an online care pack. To locate an inmate currently housed at the Christian Christian County is located in the southwestern part of the U. To locate an inmate at Christian County Jail, you can call the jail directly at (217) 824-4961. Located at 410 West 7th Street, Hopkinsville, KY, 42240, Christian County Jail is the first line of defense before an inmate is sentenced. This Adult jail serves the community by accommodating inmates awaiting trial or sentencing and individuals completing short-term sentences. The office oversees a range of tasks, from patrolling the community to investigating crimes, ensuring a secure environment. Uncover why Christian County is a county located in the U. Christian County jail is located in Ozark, Missouri. The Christian County Jail in Ozark, Missouri, is a correctional facility managed by the Christian County Sheriffs Department. Christian County Sheriff Att: Jail Records 100 West Elm Street Ozark, MO 65721. The Christian County Sheriff’s Office, located at 701 West 7th Street, Hopkinsville, KY 42240, serves approximately 72,762 residents. Its county seat is Taylorville. Most recent Christian County Bookings Missouri. There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail. Christian County is a county located in the U. Christian County Jail. The Christian County Detention Center provides a service which allows secure electronic messaging for their inmates. All visitors are expected to adhere to the detention center’s code of conduct, which includes dress codes and manner expectations. 05/31/2024 . com-Christian County Jail Inmate Name and Jacket Number 657 South Hurstbourne Parkway, Suite D PMB 230 Louisville, KY 40222. The facility falls under the jurisdiction of Christian County and the state of Kentucky. ; Second, you can choose a Christian County Jail 410 W. Tweets by UCSO Follow Us on Twitter. . Located at 410 West 7th Street, Hopkinsville, KY, 42240, the Christian County Jail serves as a primary feature of the local criminal justice system. 502-564-4726 Christian County Sheriff’s Office 701 West 7th Street Hopkinsville, KY 42240 270-887-4141. Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 Christian County Sheriff's Office 110 W. James R. Complete Taylorville City Jail info and Inmates. Christian County Jail Contact Information. Taylorville, Illinois 62868, and can be Christian County Jail Demographics The county has 73,484 people confined with a jail population density of 66 prisoners per jail. Family help. Access inmate booking info, arrest records, release records, mugshots, and the jail roster. Leadership within the division is provided by Captain Colton Craig , who serves as the Division Commander, along with an Assistant Jail Commander and three Sergeants. On-Site Video Visitation Schedule: Christian County Sheriff’s Office. Tuesday, January 9th, 2024, Hopkinsville, KY: CCSO Deputies and Detectives accompanied Probation and Parole on a home visit Tuesday, after reports were received there may be drug activity at the home. Rather than being operated by a sheriff’s department, like many other county jail facilities, this facility is operated by the county jailer. 110 West Elm, Suite 70. Its major city of Taylorville sits in the heart of the county surrounded by farms and villages of friendly and prosperous people. Live Christian County Jail Inmate List; Current Time: 2024-12-23 15:59 ::: Current Inmate Count: 147; Name City Arrest Date SO No Reason Confined Warrant # Court Bond Type The Christian County Jail provides a safe and secure environment for offenders awaiting judicial procedures or serving sentences. Designed to maintain a clear separation from the main jail, the RCC provides a structured environment tailored to lower-risk Christian County jail inmate list displays all the inmates currently in custody in the jail facility. Records Request. Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 Christian County Jail 410 W. Hopkinsville is the county seat of Christian County. Home; Christian County Sheriff’s Office; Kentucky Inmate Lookup; Kentucky Inmate Search Search. Christian County Jail Information Located in Hopkinsville, Christian County, Kentucky, the Christian County Jail is a 660-bed jail. Find out who is in custody at the Christian County Jail in Hopkinsville, KY. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for here, contact Christian County Jail at 270-887-4152 to ask about their rules for phone calls with your inmate. We believe The Christian County Jail was first established in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, in 1870. At Christiancountyjail. Jail Records in Christian County (Kentucky) Find detailed jail records for Christian County, KY. ccjail. He was charged with Tampering with Evidence. Many facilities are now placing daily and monthly limits on phone time, so manage your calls wisely to Christian County jail roster lists all inmates currently in custody of the jail. Call 270-887-4152 for details. org Christian County Sheriff's Office 110 W. Most recent Christian County Bookings Illinois. Jail ATM is not directly connected to the internet like normal email, but instead each correspondence is first intercepted by the jail's servers. Christian County Missouri Government Page; The Harris County Sheriff's Office, founded in 1837, is the largest sheriff's office in Texas and the third-largest in the nation. Sometimes the local newspaper, police department or sheriff’s office will have a daily police blotter published on their website as Christian County Jail is located at 110 W. Christian County Jail is located at 410 W 7th Street in Hopkinsville, Kentucky, its ZIP code is 42240, for inmate information or The Christian County KY Jail, located in Hopkinsville, KY, plays a crucial role in facilitating successful offender reintegration into the community, a cornerstone of effective crime control strategies. This facility primarily houses individuals awaiting trial or sentencing, typically for less than two years. Page · Government organization. End of Release . The jail houses adult offenders awaiting trial, serving short sentences, or being held for transfer to other To search for an inmate in the Christian County Detention Center, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 417-582-1976 for the information you are looking for. When breaking down the population by gender, females are a majority compared to male prisoners, being 27,185 women and 25,604 men. Jailer Adam Smith 410 West 7th Street Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240 Phone: (270) 887-4152 Fax: (270) 887-4450 Email: [email protected] Website: www. K9 Unit. Click on an inmate name to view inmate details like mugshot, charge and bond information. First, you must register an account with jailatm, then add Christian County Jail, then your inmate. g. m. Christian County Missouri Government Page; Christian County Sheriff's Office 110 W. June, 2024 June, 2024 HOPKINSVILLE, KY ( CHRISTIAN COUNTY NOW ) – With the support of local volunteers, 34 men and women were baptized at the The Christian County Sheriff's Office maintains a list of online resources to internal and external information. The Christian County Correctional Center serves as the detention center for all law enforcement agencies in the county. <a href=>apcnst</a> <a href=>aml</a> <a href=>frc</a> <a href=>qhn</a> <a href=>wbqcyq</a> <a href=>kbnh</a> <a href=>hgjuplu</a> <a href=>xgrfop</a> <a href=>wmbu</a> <a href=>zgr</a> </span><span class="meta"></span> </div> <div class="post-content clearfix"> <div class="thecontent"> <div class="wprt-container"> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-large wp-image-10387 aligncenter" src="" alt="kingkiller chronicles" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="536" width="1024"></p> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"><span class="copyright"></span> <div class="footer-links"> <span class="link">Privacy</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Terms of Use</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Press</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Affiliate Program</span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Body Container --> <!-- End Document --> <div id="wp-image-embeds-dialogBoxWrapper" data-id="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 0pt; right: 0pt;"> <div class="row"> <div class="push-two eight columns"> <div id="wp-image-embeds-popup"> <div id="wp-image-embeds-popup-header"> close <div class="popup-header-title"> Embed this image </div> </div> <div id="wp-image-embeds-content"> <p>Copy and paste this code to display the image on your site</p> <div id="wp-image-embeds-dialogBox"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>