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recipient of a money transfer. You can use Citibank Australia BSB numbers to send money between Australian accounts, Address: LEVEL 23 2-26 PARK STREET SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, 2000 Australia See other locations Phone: ? Website: www. Address FLOOR 14, CITYGROUP CENTER, 2 PARK STREET; Money Transfer Use Wise for cheaper SWIFT payments. Chief Financial Officer. Citibank, N. A network of Citibank and non-Citibank ATMs where you can use your Citibank® Banking Card to get cash and account information. Australia. Bendigo and Adelaide Bank. Address FLOOR 14, CITYGROUP CENTER 2 PARK STREET, SYDNEY; Save on international fees by using Wise. AU Country Code. VIC 8008. Wealth Management . By submitting this form, you consent to us collecting, storing and disclosing your personal information. in SYDNEY, Australia is CITIAU2XICE. a. au/dine Important Information Citigroup Pty Limited ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL No. CITI - bank code, known as CITIBANK LIMITED, MELBOURNE; AU - country's ISO code, (Australia); 3X - the code for the city where the bank is located - this part is optional and it helps us identify National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. New The Citigroup Pty Limited bsb codes are six-digit numbers used to identify the individual branches of the Australian financial institution Citigroup Pty Limited. Get Directions. address & more. ID Bank City Branch BSB Number; 1: Citibank: Sydney: BMW Australia Finance Limited: 248-089: 9: Citibank: Sydney: BMW Australia Finance Limited: 248-090: 10: Citibank: Sydney: BMW Melbourne Pty National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. , including:. Citibank provides you a secure and smarter way to the bank with Citi Mobile App. to 8p. com The Citibank Dining Program. City: SYDNEY: Country: Australia: The SWIFT Code of CITIBANK N. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Sign on to Citibank Online and select 'My Profile' from the 'Services' menu (located in the top menu bar) Select 'Personal Information' from the left hand menu, then select 'View / update details' from the available options; Click 'Edit' then update your email address. com. We have tried to collect and display the most accurate and latest information of banks. The table below shows the address and BSB Number for all Citibank branches in Australia. branches in Australia. Citi does business in nearly 160 countries and jurisdictions, providing corporations, governments, investors, institutions and individuals with a broad range of financial products National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. Bank Details: Bank details of Citibank. Bank CITIBANK N. In the table below you'll find the BSB Numbers for all Citibank N. Head of Markets. AUSTIN, TX 78717 Find local Citibank branch and ATM locations in Texas, United States with addresses, opening hours, phone numbers, National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. Our vision is to be the preeminent banking partner for corporate, commercial, investor, and public sector clients with cross-border needs. Check the status of your application : If you have already applied for a Citibank Plus, Citibank Online Saver or Citibank Ultimate Saver and you want to check the status of your application, then please enter the application reference number and your email address (for a joint application, please use the email address of Citibank N. Citibank provides 24/7 customer service, making it easy to get help when you need it. David Livingstone. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Our Live Chat service is available from 8AM-10PM Australian Eastern Standard Time Monday-Sunday. Citibank Global Transfers available from Citibank Australia to eligible Citibank accounts in selected countries/destinations. Head of U. Chief Client Officer. SWIFT Code CITIAU2XICE Breakdown Citibank is located in Citigroup Centre 2 Park St, Sydney, NSW 2000. Users also search: coin machines in Bendigo. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Citigold's branding, advertising additional benefits for customers with $200,000 at the firm. CEO of Citibank, N. City: Sydney City / Suburb / Town name: State: NSW Australian State Code attached to the City/Suburb/Town by Australia Post. Who is Citi Australia. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed BSB Address: Level 24, 2 Park Street: City/Suburb/Town: Sydney: State: NSW: Postcode: 2000: Payment Systems: PEH: Map & Directions . Personal Banking. 238098, Australian credit licence 238098 (Citibank). In 1977, Citicorp Australia Holdings was formed and acquired 100% of Industrial Acceptance Corporation. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Citi's next-generation award-winning banking platform CitiDirect ® provides one-click access to global transaction capabilities using an intuitive and user-centric workflow. Head of Services. The SWIFT Code of CITIBANK N. Financial Services. It came after decades of mistrust between the Australian labour Find the BIC / SWIFT code for CITIBANK N. We can help set up your banking with a range of options to suit your needs. Australia and New Zealand’s preeminent banking partner for corporate, investor and the public sector Head of Australia, New Zealand and Banking. of Sydney, NEW SOUTH WALES. Click 'Update' Then click 'Confirm' to confirm your changes. Citibank in Australia is part of Citigroup, one of the worlds largest financial services organisations. CITI Bank Code. It is one of the few banking groups in Australia with a full range of services and the Meet your new Citi Mastercard. Citibank Global Transfers are available from all Australian Dollar accounts with access to Citibank Online, excluding Term Deposits and Citibank Online Saver. Citi Australia Retail Address: LEVEL 23 2-26 PARK STREET SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, 2000 Australia See other locations Phone: ? Website: www. Cheques. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. Citi's two major business divisions, Global Consumer Bank and Institutional Clients Group, operate in Australia. Phone number (02) 8225 1860. Fax (310) 878-9290. You earn unlimited 1% cash back on purchases made with your cash back credit card, plus another 1% cash back as you pay for those purchases, whether you pay in full or over time. [2]In 1985, Citibank was one of a group of 16 foreign banks to be granted the first foreign banking licences in Australia. Address: FLOOR 14, CITIGROUP CENTRE, 2 PARK STREET: City: SYDNEY: Branch: CITIBANK SYDNEY CUSTODY DEPARTMENT: Postcode: 2000: Country: Find out details of BSB Number 242-000 for Citibank in NSW. Click on the BSB number link in the table cell to navigate to the BSB code's details page and find out the bank details, address & more. Search for available jobs at Citi here. Our scale enables us to tap in to our global expertise, in order to deliver quality investment products, pricing and potential returns. Citi Australia Offices Find your nearest Citibank ATM, Branch, or Citigold Centre anywhere in Australia or in the Asia-Pacific region. People Also Viewed. Click through for driving directions on Whereis®. Branch address: FLOOR 14, CITYGROUP CENTER, 2 PARK STREET: Branch code: ONE: Bank name: CITIBANK N. Some request types may only be available to certain accounts. Citibank Gold Credit Card account number. or email us at customerservice@citibank. There are thousands of fee-free ATMs Footnote 2 in the US. City: SYDNEY: Country: Australia: When calling Citibank, you will be required to enter your Citibank card number or account number and your Telephone Pin (TPIN). NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Head office’s address: 2 Park St. au Bank Network: Branches and ATMs. The SWIFT Codes for Citibank Limited Melbourne in Australia is CITIAU3X. Daily transfer limit applies. With a presence in more than 160 countries, Citibank is one of the few banking groups in Australia with a full range of services. . This means that NAB is your product provider and references to 'we', 'us', or 'our' in relation to Citi branded products and Citi Australia is headquartered in Sydney, 2 Park St, Australia, and has 2 office locations. or its affiliates, used and registered throughout the world. Aspley Jandera Mortgages. ICE Branch Code. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Address Opening Hours; Melbourne CBD Level 5 120 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000: Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. Branch address: FLOOR 14, CITIGROUP CENTRE, 2 PARK STREET: Branch code: XXX: Bank name: CITIBANK N. In addition, on this page are collected phones of hot lines of Citibank. Sort by: Popularity . With Talking ATMs, visually impaired Find the BSB number for Citibank Australia. Search Australia Jobs at Citi here. Upon the expiry date of your current Citi credit card, your renewal card will be a Mastercard. Hours. Addresses and locations of Citibank branches in 2024. What You Get. sg Document Upload is available for Credit Cards, Ready Credit and Citi Personal Loan Plus. The integration is a significant step towards a simpler, more digital customer experience. Suggest an edit. Location and Schedule. The SWIFT code consists of: CITI AU 2X. The SWIFT code consists of 8 to 11 characters (letters and numbers) , each group of digits and letters gives information about the bank branch. Search SWIFT Codes Bank CITIBANK N. 3X Location Code. CITI - bank code, known as CITIBANK LIMITED SYDNEY; AU - country's ISO code, (Australia); 2X - the code for the city where the bank is located - this part is optional and it helps us identify the In 2022, we announced National Australia Bank Limited had acquired the Citi consumer banking business (Citi) in Australia. to your registered email or postal address. S. Citi, Citi and Arc Design and other marks used herein are service marks of Citigroup Inc. This exchange rate includes a commission As part of one of the world's largest financial services companies with a presence in nearly 100 countries, Citi Australia has been providing financial services to Australian corp Random address in Australia. 2 Park St Sydney New South Wales 2000 Australia. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Bank CITIBANK N. BSB Number : 242-200. As part of one of the world's largest financial services companies with a presence in nearly 100 countries, Citi Australia has been providing financial services to Australian corp National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. The company employs 1,800 people, and has Citibank Australia Limited Category : Foreign Subsidiary Banks SWIFT Code : CITIAU2X Address : Citigroup Centre 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Telephone : +61 2 8225 1000 CITIBANK AUSTRALIA - HEAD OFFICE in Sydney, reviews by real people. If you're new to Australia and interested in applying for a credit card, you've come to the right place. The SWIFT Codes. Validate BSB Number BSB Numbers are used in Australian Paper Clearing System (APCS) and National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. Gonzalo Luchetti. ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL No. Brent McIntosh. Print this Page. Popularity Alphabetical. Citibank: Sydney: NSW: 242-200: 7: CTI - Citigroup Pty Citi Australia. com List of banks Citibank in Sydney: addresses, phones, opening hours, location on the map Today Citi counts more than one million Australians and one thousand local corporate and institutional clients as valued customers. citibank. Location Code: 2X - This represents the location code, and the second SWIFT Code CITIAU3XXXX Breakdown SWIFT Digits: 8 - The short 8-letter swift refers to the PRIMARY Office of CITIBANK N. Address : Citigroup Centre 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia Telephone : +61 2 8225 1000 Website : www. Citi Australia. Following the sale of the Citi consumer banking business in Australia to the National Australia Bank ‘NAB’, as of the 31 March 2023, we no longer offer Citi branded home loans to new customers. 1. coin machines in Canberra. in SYDNEY, Australia is CITIAU3X. SWIFT Code CITIAU2XXXX Breakdown SWIFT Digits: 8 - The short 8-letter swift refers to the PRIMARY Office of CITIBANK N. Swift code is used while transferring money between banks, particularly for international wire transfers. A. BSB number in the table below. Update your address, mobile number and email; Set up or reset ATM pin; Manage Finances. We also recommend using a map, with which you can quickly and easily find the You need a valid email and Australian residential address: If applying for a joint account, you'll need your joint applicants details as well: Citibank Australia does not charge Citibank Plus everyday account holders a fee when they withdraw funds from an international ATM or use their Visa Debit card to make in-store purchases overseas National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) (“NAB”) is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded financial and credit products. Contact us on 13 24 84 and we can arrange for an interpreter to help you (subject to availability). CITI AUSTRALIA. The integration of NAB and Citi is a significant step towards a simpler, more digital customer experience. Search SWIFT Codes CITIBANK N. Find the BIC / SWIFT code for CITIBANK N. Citibank has a strong online presence and offers convenient online banking services. Note: You must submit an address proof document to update your residential address, and there is no need to submit any proof for your office address. 347 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2001. au: SWIFT Code CITIAUSXXXX Breakdown SWIFT Digits: 8 - The short 8-letter swift refers to the PRIMARY Office of CITIBANK N. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian credit licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Citi to provide Find the BIC / SWIFT code for CITIBANK N. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Find the BIC / SWIFT code for CITIBANK N. Money Transfer Find local Citibank branch and ATM locations in Singapore with addresses, opening hours, phone numbers Paragon Citigold Center and ATM location Partner Branch with ATM Address 290 Orchard Road Paragon Citigold Centre :#14-07/09, Citigold Private Client Centre :#06-25/26, Instant Issuance Services Counter :#01-25B Singapore, Central 238859 Update your address and click on ‘Next’ to confirm. GPO Box 3319, Sydney NSW 2001. 242 200. Australia: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: CITIBANK N. Earn cash back rewards in every purchase with the Citi Double Cash ® Card. Working at Citi is far more than just a job. * Learn more about the Mastercard benefits you will have access to, while still enjoying the current card benefits Address on the map, phones, opening hours of Citibank, Citigroup Centre, 2 Park St, Sydney, Sydney. Chief Legal Officer & Corporate Secretary. Institution / Bank Code: CITI - This is the institution / bank code assigned to CITIBANK N. com Find a Code . NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Ltd (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) (“Citi Address 6350 CAMP BOWIE BLVD FORT WORTH, TX 76116 Services. SWIFT Code CITIAU2XGCB Breakdown SWIFT Digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of CITIBANK N. We will confirm your application and send your electronic notices to this e-mail address. No Suburb or City Branch Street Address BSB Number; 1: Citibank: NSW: Sydney: Alibaba Singapore E com PL: Level 24 2 Park St: 248-043: 2: Citibank: NSW: Sydney: Alipay SG Ecom Pte Ltd Citi Australia. Location Code: SX - This represents the location code, and the second National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the issuer of Citi branded credit products. Citi Clear Card – 0% p. Location Code: 2X - This represents the location code, and the second Citi Australia. Click on the BSB Number to find out the bank details, address & maps. Home. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Citibank One-Time PIN (OTP) gives you peace of mind knowing that your personal information is protected online, it's a single use PIN that you enter when you transact online. banking subsidiary of Citigroup, a financial services multinational corporation. Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. BSB Numbers are used in Australian Paper Clearing System (APCS) and Bulk Find the BIC / SWIFT code for CITIBANK N. Contact center and Access . If you are an existing customer, you will be able to manage your home loan as you do today, and our dedicated team will remain available to support you. Filter by rating. Head office address: Citigroup Centre 2 Park Street Sydney 2000, NSW, Australia Phone number: 13 24 84 Overseas call: +61 2 8225 0615 Website: www. There might be Find the BIC / SWIFT code for CITIBANK N. If you would like to share with us your concerns or feedback relating to investment/insurance products or services received from the Bank, please call our CitiPhone Banking at (65) 6225-5225 or (65) 6224-5757 (for International Personal Bank Clients), from Mondays to Fridays, between 8a. Citigold Citigold Private Client. citigroup. SWIFT Code CITIAU3X Breakdown CITIBANK, 141 Queen St, Brisbane Queensland 4000, Australia, Mon - 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Tue - 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Wed - 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Thu - 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Fri - 9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Sat - Closed, Sun - Closed If I could give them Details of BSB Number # 242-200. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Find local Citibank branch and ATM locations in California, United States with addresses, opening hours, phone numbers, Address 501 Santa Monica Blvd Santa Monica, CA 90401 Phone (800) 627-3999. Country Code: AU - This is the 2-letter country code associated with AUSTRALIA (AU). You may wish to talk to them via social media using the National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) (“NAB”) is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded financial and credit products. Explore a Career with us. Address : CITIGROUP CENTRE FLOOR 14 2 PARK STREET. Citibank has a large network of ATMs and branches, making it easy to access your account. You will earn 40,000 Citibank Reward points on first spend of your Platinum Card. Attention of visitors of the site is offered reference and contact information about offices and branches of the Citibank, which offers its services to the population and business in the cities of Australia. Learn more; Online Authorisation Code (OAC) is a security feature of Citibank Online that provides added protection when transferring funds to a new payee. If you are depositing cash you can use a National Australia Bank deposit slip. Mexico 3,839 Branch and ATM Locations Citibank GPO Box 749F Melbourne VIC 8105: Mortgages: Citibank Mortgages PO Box 540 Melbourne VIC 8060 : Deposit Products: REPLY PAID 105 Citibank GPO Box 5298 Sydney NSW 1005: Please make your cheque payable to your Citibank account number and specify your account type e. Check your bank’s SWIFT code and get all details you need for international money transfer. *All fields are mandatory. Save as favorite. 2X Location Code. 0. m. SWIFT Code CITIAU2X Breakdown Citibank: Address: 2 Park Street Address of BSB as advised by the Financial Institution. Wise is the cheaper, faster way to send money overseas. City : SYDNEY. Branch address: FLOOR 14, CITYGROUP CENTER, 2 PARK STREET: Branch code: XXX: Bank name: CITIBANK N. What document file types are accepted? Valid file types are – PDF, JPEG (or JPG) and PNG. Location Code: 2X - This represents the location code, and the second ATM Locator, Branch Locator, Citibank ATM, Citibank Branch, Asia Pacific, Australia, Citi ATM, Citi Branch, Citigold Center, Citigold Centre, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, the address or city and we will find what you are looking for in no time at all. 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. Mark Woodruff is a Citi veteran with more than 20 years of experience at the firm, jo Head of Australia, New Zealand and Banking. Cheque Please be advised that this site is not optimized for use with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. Investing with Citibank. 2. Location Code: 2X - This represents the location code, and the second You could be the first review for CitiBank Australia - Head Office. Postcode: 2000 Australian Postal Code attached to the City/Suburb/Town by Australia Post. for 24 months on balance transfers commenced 20 November 2024. Save Find the BIC / SWIFT code for CITIBANK N. Please check with the local Citibank you are transferring from before sending. Phone: 61-2-8225-0615. Bank of Melbourne. Zip code National Australia Bank. in SYDNEY, Australia is CITIAUSX. 238098, Australian credit licence 238098. Get driving directions to Corporate Banking of Citigroup Pty Limited in Sydney, NSW A Bank State Branch (BSB) number is the name used in Australia for a bank code, which is a branch identifier. Banks; ATMs; IFSC Code; MICR code, Bank address, ATMs, locations and contact information. Country : Australia. Shahmir Khaliq. XXX Branch Code. Address: FLOOR 14, CITIGROUP CENTRE 2 PARK STREET: City: SYDNEY: Branch: CITIBANK SYDNEY CUSTODY DEPARTMENT: Postcode: 2000: Country: Australia: Money Transfer: Save on international fees by using Wise: CITIBANK N. United States 64,870 Branch and ATM Locations usa. au. A. Use the "Search" box to filter by city, branch or BSB number. 13 24 84. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Citi Premier Card – $600 cashback commenced 20 November 2024. Contact Citi customer service for immediate support with your account, card, loan, or service via phone, mail, or live chat. Street: 14 Correa Place City: Moil State/province/area: Northern Territory Phone number: (08) 8910 7627 Zip code: 0810 Country calling code: +61 Country: Australia Street: 67 Wright Street City: Cooroy State/province/area: Queensland Phone number: (07) 5329 0796 Zip code: 4563 Country calling code: +61 Country: Australia We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. ING Bank. Mark Woodruff is a Citi veteran with more than 20 years of experience at the firm, jo Apply now for one of Citi's best cash back credit cards, with no caps and no category restrictions. Citibank offers competitive interest rates on its products and services. Is there a limit on the size of files? Find out details of BSB Number 242-200 for Citibank in NSW. Andrew Morton. Download now to make investment, transaction and account management easily. Citi's Institutional Clients Group includes banking, capital markets and advisory, markets and securities services and treasury and trade solutions. Citibank Australia was opened in 1985 and was one of the first foreign banks to be granted a banking license in Australia, besides being one of the largest international banks in the country. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Ltd (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) (“Citi The SWIFT code consists of 8 to 11 characters (letters and numbers) , each group of digits and letters gives information about the bank branch. Close Citigroup Pty Limited ABN: 88 004 325 080 I AFSL No: 238098 I Australian credit licence: 238098 I BSB: 242 200 I SWIFT code: CITIAU2X I Biller Code: 49502 The advice given on this website was prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs, so before acting on it, you should consider the appropriateness of the advice having regard to your National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Citibank Australia. Web-site: www. citi. Address Opening Hours; Melbourne CBD Level 5 120 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000: Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm The table below are the address and BSB Number for all Citibank branches in Australia. Address : Level 24, 2 Park Street, Sydney, NSW 2000. Swift Code: SWIFT CODE:CITIAU2XXXX, SWIFT Codes, BIC codes for all the banks and financial institutions in CITIBANK LIMITED, SYDNEY, SYDNEY, Australia and around the World Find your Citibank N. Get quotes from your local Australian Businesses. Branch Name Address BSB Number; Citibank: 2 Park Street Sydney NSW 2000, Australia: 242 200: 40290-1037 If you need to send a payment by overnight mail, you can use this address: Citibank Express Payments 6716 Grade Lane, Building 9, Suite 910 Louisville, KY 40213. Contact center: 13 24 84. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed In 2022, we announced our acquisition of the Citi consumer banking business in Australia. Branch address: 1 MACQUARIE PLACE: Branch code: RTG: Bank name: The SWIFT Code of CITIBANK N. Citigroup Centre, 2 Park St. Citibank commenced consumer operations in Australia in 1985 when it was the first foreign bank to be granted a banking licence. Search reviews. City: SYDNEY: Country: Australia: National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. [2] Citibank was founded in 1812 as City Bank of New York, and later became First National City Bank of New Address: Level 24 2 Park Street Address of BSB as advised by the Financial Institution. National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) ("NAB"), is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded credit products. City: SYDNEY: Country: Australia: Citibank Headquarters Address: 399 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022, USA Citibank Headquarters Phone Number: 1-800-285-3000 Citibank Headquarters Email: There is no direct email to the Citibank headquarters, but you can use their official contact page to interact with them electronically. Address BSB Number; Citibank. Financial Institute Name : Citigroup Pty Limited . 44,127 likes · 53 talking about this. At Citi, you’ll have the opportunity to grow your career, give back to your community and make a real impact. Address: FLOOR 14, CITIGROUP CENTRE 2 PARK STREET: City: SYDNEY: Branch: Postcode: 2000: Country: Australia: Money Transfer: CITIAUSX or CITIAUSXXXX Bank Code CITI - code assigned to CITIBANK N. and Head of North America. Contact Us. Mail address: 2 Park St, Sydney New South Wales. You can change your TPIN through self service banking by choosing option six on the main menu. can be found in the NAB branded communication sent to your registered email address. Hume Bank. BSB is used to identify an individual branch of a financial institution in Australia Address: Level 24 2 Park Street: City: Sydney: State: NSW: Postcode: 2000: System: PEH: Find BSB Number Search. Location Code: 3X - This represents the location code, and the second Address. Click on the BSB Number for bank details, address, and map. Branch address: FLOOR 14, CITIGROUP CENTRE, 2 PARK STREET: Branch code: ICE: Bank name: CITIBANK N. Get free quotes Our new tool powered by In 1916, National City Bank (now Citibank) applied to open an office in Australia. View Location Get Directions N ATM 7ELEVEN-FCTI Partner ATM Address 14016 FM 620 N. SWIFT Code (ISO 9362) is unique identification code for a particular bank. If you Details of SWIFT Code # CITIAUSX. Return your completed application to your nearest Citibank Branch, Fax to 1300 301 249 or Post to Citibank Credit Cards GPO Box 1625, Sydney NSW 2001. Mark Mason. The fees and charges and the terms and conditions that apply are available from citibank. " stands for "National Association"; stylized as citibank) is the primary U. Further information and our dispute resolution process is available at www. Country Code AU - code belongs to Australia Location Code SX - code represents the institution location Code Status X - X means SWIFT Code CITIAU2XICE Breakdown SWIFT Digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of CITIBANK N. Citi Premier Card – $750 Luxury Escapes Gift Card commenced 20 November 2024. To safeguard your personal data, please send your account-related requests through our Secure Mailbox via Citi Online. 238098. Citibank Plus is issued by Citigroup Pty Limited ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL 238098, Australian Credit Licence No. in Australia here. au or by phone on 1300 137 931. Citi Country Officer and Banking Head, Australia. BSB is used to identify an individual branch of a financial institution in Australia Address: 2 Park Street: City: Sydney: State: NSW: Postcode: 2000: System: PEH: Find BSB Number Search. More than 2,400 ATMs in over 700 Citibank branches ; Thousands more ATMs; Talking ATMs. Talking ATMs. ("N. The SWIFT code consists of: CITI AU 3X. Skip to main content Skip to Search Results Skip to Search Filters. Please click here for NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed Citi to provide transitional services. g. Set your home and work address and access your most frequently used addresses easily. Find out more information about this Bank or Institution. Your TPIN should be kept private and secure to ensure that your account information is protected. Address FLOOR 14, CITIGROUP CENTRE 2 PARK STREET, SYDNEY; Save on international fees by using Wise. Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Sydney and beyond. The Bank accepts deposits, makes loans, investment, credit card, lending, saving account, checking account, inter-institution transfer, and other services. Join over 320,000 Citibank customers and get your statement securely and instantly delivered to your inbox. City: SYDNEY: Country: Australia: You need a valid email and Australian residential address. in SYDNEY, Australia is CITIAU2X. This page shows all the cities in which the bank is represented. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed The nature of the personal information we collect and hold, and where it comes from, will vary according to the circumstances in which we are dealing with you (for example, if you When sending a Citibank Global Transfer to Australia, the overseas Citibank may charge a transfer fee. Citi Premier Card – 150,000 bonus Citi reward Points commenced 20 November 2024. Update Your Address Through a Find Citibank branch and ATM locations worldwide with addresses, opening hours, phone numbers, directions, and more using our interactive map and up-to-date information. You could send us a secure email via our Online service Centre (OSC). BSB Name : Citi for NAB . City: SYDNEY: Country: Australia: Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for CITIBANK, N. of Sydney operates as a full service bank. CITIBANK N. I consent to receive statements, notices and disclosure documents electronically for all my Citibank accounts. In this guide we collected address, location, work schedule of this branch. Address FLOOR 14, CITIGROUP CENTRE, 2 PARK STREET; Money Transfer Use Wise for cheaper SWIFT payments. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Limited (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) ("Citi") and has appointed National Australia Bank Limited (ABN 12 004 044 937, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 230686) (“NAB”) is the credit provider and issuer of Citi branded financial and credit products. NAB has acquired the business relating to these products from Citigroup Pty Ltd (ABN 88 004 325 080, AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 238098) (“Citi SWIFT Code CITIAU2XRTG Breakdown SWIFT Digits: 11 - This swift code references a branch office of CITIBANK N. Funds are converted to the destination account currency at the exchange rate specified to you on Citibank Online before you confirm your transaction. National Australia Bank accepts deposits into your Citibank everyday transaction accounts and home loan accounts: Cash payments will reach your account the next business day (or Saturday if deposited on Friday). Monday: 10:00 - 5:00: Tuesday: 10:00 - Home > Australia > MELBOURNE > CITIBANK LIMITED, MELBOURNE: SWIFT/BIC Codes Find SWIFT Codes or BIC Codes across all the banks in the world. citibank. The CitiDirect experience was designed to help users manage accounts, payments, receivables, liquidity, trade, foreign exchange and reporting across the globe and supports multiple transaction types Residential address, contact details (for all account holders if applying for a joint account) and your current e-mail address. Citibank in social networks: More about Citibank . 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