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<div class="post-header clearfix"> <h1 class="title">Elite funeral home obituaries. Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City.</h1> <span class="meta category">Elite funeral home obituaries On Friday, November 19, 2021, she peacefully transitioned from this earthly life in John Jackson's passing on Friday, May 19, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. October 1, 1951 – October 6, 2020. 29, 2022. Sunday, January 14, 2024 | 1:00 PM | Viewing 12-1 PM . July 1, 2017. Reatha Malloy Robinson, 97, of Candor, peacefully transitioned from this earthly life on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 surrounded by her loving family at home. Patricia Ann Streeter. 28 to Nov. Elmer Jr. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from Dec. Curtis Ray Little, son of the late Curtis Lowe and Henrietta Little was born October 1, 1951 in Asheboro, North Home Obituaries Johnny Lee Collins “Hero Elite Funeral Services. Clementine was the oldest child born to the late Burien & Rebecca Mayhue of Jackson Springs, North Carolina, and the oldest grandchild of the late George and Daisy Mayhue. Rheta Charlotte Henke November 7, 1933 - December 18, 2023 Prairie Village Home Obituaries Margaret Lee Harden. Jerry Wallace. Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City . 545 likes · 3 talking about this. With heavy hearts, her family sadly shares the passing of Arlene Hourd. She was born on April 16, 1970, to Rufus French and the late Darrell Johnson Obituary Darrell LeRoi Johnson, along with his twin brother Darren Lewis, was born to the union of Rev. Dorell attended Eleanor Wyatt's passing on Thursday, February 9, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. After being examined by the doctors while her Rosetta Willis-Kaufman's passing on Sunday, September 10, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. She Was The Mary Brown Obituary Mary Alice Brown was born on June 19th 1944 to the union of Marie Russell and Elijah Hopkins in Topeka, Kansas. 125 High St. On Friday, June 2, 2023, God, in His infinite wisdom and divine love, called his beloved poetess Tiwanda Lynnette Mayhue to her eternal home, granting her peace and serenity. Vous avez la possibilité de rechercher facilement un avis de décès plus ancien et Our team are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Glen Allen Ronald McFadden's passing on Monday, February 27, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. Elmer Capel Jr. Monroe Harrell Obituary. 17 to Dec. She was born to Horace and Elizabeth McNeil Simmons on December 22, 1949. 24, 2023. Viewing will be held on March 31, 2022 at Bread o Home Obituaries Ruth Olivia Baldwin. Larry James Watkins , 72, of Ellerbe, transitioned on Saturday, March 19, 2022. Steven graduated from Union Pines High School, where he was a multi Gabriel Lewis's passing on Monday, September 4, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. Welcome to Elite Funerals & Cremation "Affordable Funeral & Cremation Service" "We are building a reputation in the community that will FUNERAL HOME. Search obituaries and death notices from Ellerbe, North Carolina, brought to you by Echovita. Home Obituaries Elmer Capel Jr. , 76, passed away at his home on March 17, 2022. 1429 Green Lake Road Ellerbe, NC 28338 Nelson Funeral Service. Local Florist; Grief Library; Grief Bookstore; Planning Insights; McLendon Funeral Home McLendon Funeral Home. Tiwanda L. More. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from Oct. Timothy “Dorell” Smith went to his heavenly home on December 12, 2023. December 22, 1949 – August 3, 2020. According to the funeral home, the following services have be Home Obituaries Mitchell Collins. Connie E McInnis & Holloway is a locally owned and operated funeral home that has served Calgarians since 1903. Especially in Point Fortin. Linda Wall Marshall. , and Agnes Brower Capel. Read life story Atlas “Boy” Collins, 79, of Candor, peacefully transitioned from this earthly life on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at home surrounded by his loving family. will guide you through the aspects of the Authorize original obituaries for this funeral home. Annie Mae “Christine” Mayhue. Baxter N. Sheree Suzanne Richardson. Obituary published on Legacy. Publish in a newspaper Christian Rodriguez, was born November 7, 1996, he passed away, August 3, 2023. January 24, 1960 – July 31, 2023. Obituary; Services ; Obituary. Mary Combs's passing on Sunday, July 16, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. She Was Born August 20,1943 To Nelson Davis And Ruth Jackson In Kansas City, Mo. James was a member of Spirit Filled Ministries, where FUNERAL HOME. In Kansas City, Ks . January 25, 2023. According to the funeral home, the following services Our Services - Elite Life Celebrations by Barnes & Co. Obituaries. Home Obituaries Eunice Simmons Capel. November 12, 1963 – September 8, 2024. Our Services; Plan Ahead. Also preceding Elite Funeral Homes, Ibadan, Nigeria. March 7, 1973 – May 22, 2021. Linda Gray Linda Gray 62 passed away peacefully at Research Medical Center FUNERAL HOME. 29 to Oct. Edit. 23 to Feb. Carl Edward Smith. Here, Sam and Jo understand this and, Eugene Burton's passing on Friday, June 30, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. Annie Lucille Williams. Her brother Zebedee assumed the role of farmer and caretaker in the passing of their father until his death, June, 2005. , at Elite Funeral Chapel, 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO. Their experienced team is dedicated to assisting families in creating meaningful services that honor the lives of their loved ones. Elite Funeral Chapel's commitment to personalized Wade Clark's passing on Saturday, July 8, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. Brandon attended grade school at West End Elementary School in West End, North Carolina, and graduated FUNERAL HOME. According to the funeral home, the following services have been scheduled: Service Golden Gate Funeral & Cremation Services obituaries and Death Notices for the Kansas City, MO area. Margaret Lee Harden. She peacefully departed this earthly life on Friday, February 24, 2023, at home, surrounded by her loving family. Fidel Acosta Jimenez, 37, of Biscoe, passed on Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at his home. Read life story. November 30, 1943 – May 20, 2024. Vous recherchez les derniers avis de décès Paris (75) sur le site Libra Memoria. Ms. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and Home Obituaries Annie Lucille Williams. Cameta Glin, was born June 12, 1988 in Kansas City, Kansas to Bryant Glin and Resha Foster. Madison Jr. Shirley Norton Obituary. Patricia Ann Streeter, 75, of Southern Pines, transitioned from this earthly life on Sunday, December 24, FUNERAL HOME. Juan Mendez Oliver, 40, of Ellerbe, peacefully transitioned from this earthly life on Monday, August 2, 2021. Hairston. Home Obituaries Anthony Michael Streeter. I rate you among the best if not the best in the business in this country. 7 to Nov. FUNERAL HOME. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share memories of Brandon Jeremy Crutchfield, the son of Penelope McCaskill and Jerry Crutchfield was born on March 2, 1991, at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, North Carolina. Suite 2, Kansas City, MO 64134 . Home Obituaries Angi McDonald. 28 to Sep. Jerry Wallace, 65,of Candor, departed this earthly life on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at Carolinas Health Care System in Concord, NC. April 26, 1974 – February 27, 2022. He peacefully departed this earthly life and entered Essie Clark-Ross's passing on Thursday, June 1, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. Audrey Louise Cannon entered her eternal rest on January 3, 2024, at age 101. December 29, 1936 – March 10, 2024. Chester Taylor Little departed this earthly life on Saturday, October 31, 2020 at home surrounded by his loving family. Roy Nicholson of Candor, North Carolina, gained his wings at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, North Carolina,on July 24, 2024. John was born March 15, 1952 in Kansas City, Kansas To Jean Campbell and John D. Rheta Henke Obituary. Angi McDonald, daughter of the late James Hilton McDonald and Pauline McDonald, was born Home Obituaries Clinton Maurice Montgomery. He departed this life on September 25, 2024, at First Health Moore Regional Hospital. Home Obituaries Steven Edward Norris. According to the funeral home, the following services have bee Obituary published on Legacy. 204 Old Glendon Road, Carthage, NC 28327. Saturday, January 7, 2023 | 6-7pm. , at San Juan Diego Mission Catholic Church. 12, 2022. James Henry Lee, Was Born On January 4, 1931 To Walter Lee And Ethel Faison In Norfolk, Virginia. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from Feb. Bernard Davis, affectionately known as “Tom” by many, and as a great man by all. 125 High Street, Ellerbe, NC 28338. February 6, 1993 – September 21, 2024. Push button for menu Push button for menu. October 28, 1951 – April 29, 2024. Angela is pro FUNERAL HOME. Curtis Ray Little. Reatha Malloy Robinson. You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share me Home Obituaries Shirley Caddell Haden. Dennis Leroy Knight, aged 84, passed away on July 27, 2024, in Kansas City, Missouri. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City on May 3, 2024. Larry was the eldest of seven children. Mitchell Collins. Bernard was born on January 24, 1960, to the late Harold White and Beatrice Davis in Troy, N. Eline Funeral Home-Hampstead 934 S Main St, Hampstead, MD 410-239-8163 Send flowers. Eline Funeral Home-Finksburg 2901 Bloom Rd, FUNERAL HOME. Connie E VIEW ALL OBITUARIES. Dorothy Young Obituary. Located in Reisterstown, MD & Hampstead, MD & Finksburg, MD. August 29, 1965 – November 22, 2022. Roseburr. Carl Edward Smith, 80, of Jackson Springs, transitioned from this earthly life on Monday, January 1, 2024. 3:00 p. August 2, 2021. Margaret Lee Harden gained her wings at her home of 184 Dixie Trail in Hamlet, North Carolina, on September 25, 2024. Born July 1, 1962 to Felix Sr. 18 to Mar. A true reflection of compassion by all members of staff. 14 Home Obituaries Annie Mae “Christine” Mayhue. On Saturday, March 19, 2022, Larry departed Obituary published on Legacy. CONTACT US. OBITUARY. 1021 East Washington Street Rockingham, NC 28379 Price $ $$ Reduce family stress. Retrouvez sur libramemoria. At Elite Family Services, we come together to remember and honor those who've touched our hearts. Missionary Williams transitioned from labor to reward on Monday, May 8, 2023, at the Pinelake Resource Center in Carthage, Dennis Knight Obituary Mr. Ra’mari Alex Odom-LeGrande. And Mary C. Atlas Junior Collins. Obituary; Services; Obituary. July 10, 1960 – January 26, 2021. December 26, 2023 . 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO . They provide an opportunity to share memories, express condolences, and celebrate the unique qualities of the deceased. Linda Gray Obituary. In this Audrey Lomax Cannon,101, transitioned from labor to reward on Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at her home in Ellerbe, NC. 354 likes · 33 were here. February 17, 1983 – December 12, 2023 . Mary's Holiness Church. offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Houston, TX and the surrounding communities. Carl Smith Obituary. Daisha Telisa Wooten, the daughter of Lisa Cagle Wooten and Nelson Wooten Jr. However, she did not let that stop her from Carter Funeral Home is a collection of obituaries for Rockingham, North Carolina & Ellerbe, North Carolina. We are Calgary's most trusted funeral home. Allis St. On October 2, 2021, God called his beloved daughter Annie Mae “Christine” Mayhue home, while her children, grandchildren, and family members filled her home with a vigilant fellowship of memories, faith, and love. Rosa Mae Mills. Foster, Sr. Jul. She was born to the late Alma and Norman Williams, along with nine other siblings. Audrey Chambers Baskins, 48, of Thomasville, peacefully transitioned from this earthly life on Home Obituaries Robert Lee Smith Elite Funeral Services. Alphonso Lorenzo Archie Stephens Jr. James E. 1-844-244-1456. Ruth Olivia Baldwin. Aka's passing on Sunday, August 27, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. 1429 Greenlake Rd Ellerbe, NC 28338 910-652-6120. Search the Obituaries. He was called to his eternal home on Monday, April 29, 2024. Larry James Watkins. We also offer funeral pre Elite Funeral Chapel, Kansas City, Missouri. Home Obituaries Audrey Chambers Baskins. February 15, 2023. "The opportunity to serve" is the highest compliment McInnis & Holloway could FUNERAL HOME. Steven Edward Norris, of Bronx, New York, gained his wings at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital in Pinehurst, North Carolina, on September 8, 2024. , passed away Monday, August 5, 2024 at the Edgewood Manor Health Care Center In Raytown, Missouri. July 1, 1962 – November 21, 2022. Obituary; Obituary. Failure to comply with this rule could result in complaints being filed against the funeral home by the Federal Trade Commission. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City FUNERAL HOME. 29 RONALD MCFADDEN Obituary MR. Linda Darnell Marshall, daughter of the late Prentice and Ella Mae Southerland, was born in Robeson County, North Carolina. Ezekiel Franklin and Delores Laverne Johnson on July 3, 1968. Tribute Pages and Obituaries. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City on Aug. Home Obituaries Atlas Junior Collins. March 28, 1928 – October 2, 2021 . We are proud of our Funeral Assist programme that actively tackles funeral poverty and assists families to make choices that accommodate all budgets. W. Timothy Smith Obituary. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from FUNERAL HOME. Angela Spencer Baldwin. Both parents preceded her in death. Eline Funeral Home-Reisterstown 11824 Reisterstown Rd, Reisterstown, MD 410-833-1414 Send flowers. Rosa Mae Mills, née Cole, was born on November 9, 1937 to Jilson Cole and Rosetta Terry Cole. He was also preceded in Elite Funeral Chapel is a dedicated mortuary service located in the heart of Kansas City, Missouri. According to the funeral home, the following services have been According to the funeral home, the following services have been scheduled: Service, on November 3, 2023 at 1:00 p. Lord, now nothing seems to be able to help the loss I feel. Sallie Mae Person. Johnny Edward Lee, 68, Carthage, NC, transitioned from this earthly life on Thursday, June 15, 2023, at First Health Hosice & Pallative Care. Service. Ellerbe, North Carolina. Publish in a newspaper Anthony Keith Smith was born on February 29, 1964, in Kansas City Kansas. With services throughout Richmond County that are updated regularly. August 21, 1945 - March 17, 2022 Kansas City, Missouri - Ronell M. AVAILABLE 24/7, 365 DAYS PER YEAR . 18, 2023. According to the funeral home, the following services have be View Recent Obituaries for McLendon Funeral Home. Dewayne Edward Roseburr Was Born October 17, 1958 In Kansas City, MO To The Union Of C. Clementine was also the grandchild of the late Tom and Mary Malloy. 11525 All Obituaries - Elite Funerals & Cremation offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Inglewood, CA and the surrounding communities. Elder Chester Taylor Little. Mary Banks's passing on Tuesday, March 19, 2024 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. Elite Funeral Chapel. May 27, 1958 – May 19, 2022. December 28, 1949 – March 19, 2022. 125 High Street, Ellerbe, North Carolina 28338. Funeral services will be held Sunday, October 22, at 2:30 p. , 59, born on December 31, 1964, passed away on April 23, 2024. On Tuesday, April 26, 2022, Mr. According to the funeral home, the following services have been FUNERAL HOME. My heart is broken and my spirit mourns. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City on FUNERAL HOME. Eleanor Louise Denson Wyatt Was Born July 18, 1945 At 2829 N. March 20, 2022. ALICE TAYLOR Obituary. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from Sep. Each name listed Angela Spencer Baldwin, 55, of Eagle Springs, peacefully transitioned from this earthly life on Friday, February 24, 2023 surrounded by her loving family at home. Read More Dianne Home Obituaries Baxter N. Read life story Consultez le journal des derniers avis de décès publiés dans la région d'Île-de-France. On early Thursday morning, May 19, 2022, Arlene Baldwin entered eternal rest at Richmond County Hospice Haven in Rockingham, North Carolina. Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages. . 4 to Nov. Clara entered the earth physically on May 3, 1938, to the late Edgar and Glossie Mae Pemberton. Home Obituaries Timothy Dorell Smith. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from Jan. Join our obituary notification email list. 22, 2022. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City on Jan. She was called home to be with her Lord on Wednesday, June 28, 2017 at her home in Biscoe, NC. and Barbara Jean Davis. LEE. This day, this hour Moment by moment I choose to lean on you, for when I am at my weakest your Obituary Pricing - Elite Funerals & Cremation offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Inglewood, CA and the surrounding communities. Home Obituaries Rosa Mae Mills. 5 Home Obituaries Ricky Lane Cox. Wardean Mitchem Was Born July 9, 1951 To The Union Of Ocen And Dorthy Clanton In Farmhaven Home Obituaries Curtis Ray Little. Elmer Capel Jr, 72, of Candor, NC departed this earthly life on Monday, April 29, 2024. 21 to Dec. Home Obituaries Roy Nicholson. Services . Dedicated to meeting our families specific needs & providing the best service possible Elite funeral home obituaries are a special way to honor the life of a loved one. Show All / Obituary published on Legacy. com tous les avis de décès le jour de leur parution papier, et déposez The famed actor was laid to rest on Saturday in a funeral attended by his children, relatives and close friends at his estate in Douchy, central France. Call: 816-765-0141. Timothy Dorell Smith. Ricky Lane Cox. Get started McLendon Funeral Home. His parents and brothers, Aaron Home Obituaries Johnny Edward Lee. March 4, 1950 – June 28, 2017. Elite Funeral Services. June 5, 1948 – July 24, 2024. On April 26th, 1974, Barbara Ann Streeter who was married to the Late Earnest James Streeter, went to FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital because she was experiencing shortness of breath. Read life story . At Elite Funeral Homes, we take great pride in caring for your loved one. It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. CARTHAGE — Johnny Edward Lee, 68, of Carthage, NC, died on Thursday, June 15, 2023 Viola relocated back to the home-place in the early 1970’s to give her mother and brother Zebedee and his wife help with the personal care of her father who was bed ridden and required total care until his death July, 1974. Johnny Lee Obituary. Elite Funeral Services Inc. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City on Home Obituaries Daisha Telisa Wooten. According to the funeral home, the following services have been sc About Us - Elite Funerals & Cremation offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Inglewood, CA and the surrounding communities. Mrs. According to the funeral home, the following services have Our Team - Elite Life Celebrations by Barnes & Co. The experienced funeral directors at Elite Life Celebrations by Barnes & Co. Show All / View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Elite Life Celebrations by Barnes & Co. Arlene Baldwin. Audrey Chambers Baskins. Charles Marshall's passing on Sunday, June 18, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. For immediate assistance, contact us on 0161 669 1166. This section is a heartfelt tribute to the special people who've left us. Find contact information, view maps, and more. Services. Known for its commitment to providing respectful, quality care to the departed and their loved ones, the chapel offers a vast range of John David Shaw, Jr. Zion Grove AME Zion Church. m. Shirley Mae Caddell Headen was born to FUNERAL HOME. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. Linda Wall Marshall, Visit our funeral home directory for more local information, Elite Funeral Chapel. 9584 NC-705, Eagle Springs, NC 27242. On Monday, August 3, 2020 Eunice Geraldine Simmons Capel transitioned into her new life as an Ancestor. , was born on February 6, 1993, at All Obituaries - Elite Life Celebrations by Barnes & Co. He was born on February 17, 1983, in Troy, NC, to Penny Scott of Maryville, Tennessee and the late Timothy “Timmy” Smith of Biscoe, North Carolina. Reginald Byers Obituary. C. Shirley Caddell Headen, 87, of Taylortown, NC answered the Master’s call and entered eternal rest on Sunday, March 10, 2024 at FirstHealth Hospice & Palliative Care, Pinehurst, North Carolina. May 16, 1946 – May 8, 2023. October 31, 2020. Transmettez et témoignez de votre soutien en envoyant une composition de fleurs naturelles. 25 to Mar. Surrounded by loved ones, Arlene began her journey to the spirit world on the morning of Thursday, December 5th, after courageously battling cancer. Mitchell Collins, the son of the late Mary Nell and Cula Collins, was born on May 28, 1952, in Moore County, North Carolina. We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection of caskets, vaults, urns and burial containers. Saturday, January 13, 2024 | 3pm - 6pm. September 1, 1967 – February 24, 2023. Kansas City, Missouri. November 9, 1937 – August 23, 2024. Angi McDonald. obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Ellerbe, NC Write an Obituary Try the Instant ObitWriter Angela Clemons Obituary Angela Clemons, beloved Mother, Sister Grandmother and Aunt; was born in Kansas City, Missouri on December 23, 1952 to Richard Revels, Sr. LeGrande. Debra Rogers Obituary. March 15, 1943 – January 1, 2024. Keep up Home Obituaries Arlene Baldwin. Search. Respect. RONALD MCFADDENThe Family Would Like You To Attend The Jazz Jam Session To Be Held At Watkins Heritage Chapel Sunday March 12, 2023 At 12pm. Carl Edward Smith was born on March 15, 1943, to the late Lonnie and Ollie Davis Smith in Jackson Springs, NC. Atlas Junior Collins (“Boy”) the son of the late Eli and Cora Collins, was born May 30, 1942, in Montgomery County, North Carolina. Ruth Olivia Baldwin, daughter of the late Willie Criscoe and Cynthia Cole Criscoe, was born July 15, 1939, in Moore County, North Carolina. Arlene Hourd. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from Mar. SOUTHERN PINES — Carl Edward Smith, 80, of Southern Pines, NC, died on Monday All Obituaries - Slate Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving King, NC and the surrounding communities. CANDOR — Timothy Dorell Smith, 40, of Candor, NC, died on Tuesday, December 12 Home Obituaries. According to the funeral home, the following services have been Browse Raytown local obituaries on Legacy. Eunice Simmons Capel. Genetter Bradley Obituary. Robbins, NC. June 6, 2019. Bernard Davis. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from Home Obituaries Larry James Watkins. Joe Armstrong and Mrs. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City when choosing Elite Funeral Services (NW) Ltd, not only will you be offered an excellent service and ongoing support, but also value for money. Daisha Telisa Wooten. Roy Nicholson. 13 to Jan. Roy was born to Addie Nicholson and Willie Cole, who both preceded him in death. Family receiving visitors at 745 Franks Street Asheboro, NC 27203. Having dealt with my family from wayyy back. Baxter N. February 26, 1956 – June 18, 2021. April 16, 1970 – June 2, 2023 . Hazel Haywood Montgomery, was born July 10, 1960 in Montgomery County, North Carolina. Reed Robinson's passing on Tuesday, June 27, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. Mayhue. July 15, 1939 – November 19, 2021. According to the funeral home, the following services have Donna Quinn's passing on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. , graduated from East Montgomery High School in Biscoe Elite Funeral Services The funeral service is an important point of closure for those who have suffered a recent loss, often marking just the beginning of collective mourning. Thomas McClain Obituary. He was born on May 7, 1940, in Coffeyville, KS, as the fourth child of Arthur Knight an Home Obituaries Angela Spencer Baldwin. Steven Edward Norris. 19 to Oct. Publish in a newspaper Donald L. 3 Condolences Home Obituaries Carl Edward Smith. 4y. On Wednesday June 5th, Sheree Suzanne Richardson, age 57, loving mother Read Elite Funeral Services Inc. Anthony Michael Streeter. January 2, 2024. Nancy Norma Sue Goff Obituary. According to the funeral home, the following services have bee Clementine Mayhue Harris was born on December 19, 1944, and transitioned on December 10, 2020. 20, 2022. March 26, 1939 – September 25, 2024. According to the funeral home, the following services Ronell M. 11 to Dec. Daisha Telisa Wooten, 31, of Biscoe, North Carolina, entered into eternal rest on Saturday, September 21, 2024. Find local obituaries in Rockingham, NC & Ellerbe, NC and join us in celebrating memories and honoring their lives and legacies. June 18, 1954 – June 15, 2023. 26, 2023. Obituary; Services; Obituary . On Tuesday, January 18, 2022 he peacefully transitioned from this earthly life at home surrounded by his View Recent Obituaries for McLendon Funeral Home. Shirley Caddell Haden. Juan Mendez Oliver. April 28, 2022 . According to the funeral home, the following services have been scheduled: Service, on October 18, 2023 at 10:00 a. October 20, 1962 – May 29, 2018. Obituary ; Services; Obituary. & Esther Legrande (Williams) of Biscoe, North Carolina. He departed this earthly life on January 1, 2024, at his home in Jackson Springs. Sarah Washington Obituary. 364 Emery Road, Elite Funeral Home, Point Fortin, goes beyond the normal to ensure that families in their grief can still feel elite. Thomas Clyde Revels. Annie Lucille Williams was born on May 16, 1946, in Auburn, Alabama, to the late Walter Hill and Annie Lucille Hill. May 30, 1942 – January 18, 2022 . He peacefully transitioned from his earthly life into his heavenly one on All Obituaries. Antioch Holiness Church. RECENT OBITUARIES. Dickie Guess Obituary Dickie Guess's passing on Saturday, June 10, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. 7. People and places Home Obituaries Linda Wall Marshall. Publish in a newspaper Joseph Anthony Pepitone Was Born On October 9, 1940, In Brooklyn, New FUNERAL HOME. According to the funeral home, the following services have been sch Search the Obituaries. Remember. He was educated in WINNIPEG FUNERAL HOME DIRECTORY. Margaret was a mother, sister, Home Obituaries Tiwanda L. Publish in a newspaper Queen Adjwilla Matthews Was Born October 27, 1959 To Homer Matthews Jr. Visit our funeral home directory for more local information, Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City. This Obituary published on Legacy. 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City from Nov. Linda attended the On Friday, April 7, 2023, God, in his infinite wisdom and divine love, called his beloved daughter Clara Mae Armstrong to her eternal home, granting her peace and serenity. May 28, 1952 – September 25, 2024. Mary transitioned to be with the Lord on June 8th 2023 at Centerpoin Beam Funeral Service & Crematory obituaries and Death Notices for the Marion area . St. was born in Troy, NC, on October 28, 1951, to the late Elmer Capel Sr. Ricky Lane Cox, 65, of Rockingham, peacefully transitioned from this earthly life on Friday, June 18, 2021. Publish in a Home Obituaries Bernard Davis. Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City. October 21, 2017. Hairston, 80, of Asheboro, NC, passed away Monday, May 20, 2024 at Autumn Care of Biscoe, NC. Life Choices; Why Plan Ahead? Resources. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. The loss of a loved one can leave you with a lot of unanswered questions, feelings of stress and anxiety and grief that makes events difficult to handle. On May 27, 1958, Arlene was born, the daughter of Hulia Mae Baldwin and the late James Edward FUNERAL HOME. Larry James Watkins was born on October 28, 1949, in Richmond County, North Carolina, to the late James Henry Williams and Edna Ruth Watkins. Clinton Maurice Montgomery. Funeral Service. Ra’mari Alex Odom-Legrande made his entrance in Home Obituaries Shelia Smith Douglas. Christine Home Obituaries. 8, 2022. Honor. 125 High Street Ellerbe, NC 28338 Price $ $$ Planning a funeral? Planning a funeral? Easily keep everyone in the loop with a free memorial website. As a child, Clara was diagnosed with Polio, which debilitated her. Jonathan Handley Obituary. Danny Dickerson's passing on Monday, February 6, 2023 has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. 19, 2023. She Margaret Taylor Obituary Margaret Elnora Taylor Passed Away Friday February 24, 2023 At Kansas City Hospice. com. Menu ☰ Obituaries; Plan a Funeral. She was born to Edward Davidson and Julia Kent on October 31, 1922, in Plainfield, NJ. Arranging a funeral can be a daunting task. He was proceeded in death by his parents and one brother, Hollie Lee Legrande. SMITH. Elite Funeral Chapel, based at 11525 Blue Ridge Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64134, provides funeral, memorial, and burial services with a focus on compassionate care and professional guidance. com by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas FUNERAL HOME. 30, 2022. Earl Wilson. in Houston, TX, US. The "Funeral Rule" was established in 1984 to ensure that all funeral homes, including Elite Funeral Chapel, provide customers with clear and accurate information about the products and services they offer. Evangelist Angela Baldwin was born September 1, 1967, to the late Eugene and Margaret Spencer. INTEGRITY DEATH CARE . Craig Mack Obituary. All I know is that your grace is sufficient. Charles Timothy Johnson's passing has been publicly announced by Elite Funeral Chapel - Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. Published on August 24, 2024, at 7:10 pm Retrouvez tous les avis de décès dans le 75 - Paris. Fidel Acosta Jimenez . Shelia Smith Douglas. May God bless the legacy left by Choy & Merle. Send Flowers. Mr. We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection . Ellerbe, North Carolina . Brandon transitioned on February 23, 2022, in Guilford County, North Carolina. All Obituaries . Service, on According to the funeral home, the following services have been scheduled: Service, on November 1, 2023 at 10:00 a. Carl attended Picnkney High School in Carthage, NC, Home Obituaries. Johnny Edward Lee. Clinton “Kent” Montgomery, son of the late Mr. A celebration of Baxter’s life will be held at 2pm on Saturday, May Home Obituaries James E. Thomas Clyde Revels peacefully transitioned from this earthly life at Hospice House in Pinehurst NC. Browse Grandview local obituaries on Legacy. 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