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<h1 style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Grimes county inmate search.  Toombs County Sheriff.</h1>
<p style="margin: 20px auto; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); max-width: 800px; text-align: center;">Grimes county inmate search  Tip Line.  This digital tool is updated regularly to reflect the current inmate population and their status.  Remember that while these resources can provide information on active arrest warrants, they may not be fully comprehensive, and the most accurate information is obtained directly from the The online inmate in-custody search allows you to locate an inmate by entering their last name followed by their first initial or first name.  You can support your loved ones at Grimes Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 870-523-5877.  Free listing of inmates in county jails in Anderson, Texas.  Help keep our community safe! Facebook.  Grimes County has a total area of 787 square miles.  Call 936-873-6401 for info Search for an Inmate in Grimes County Search.  Harris County encompasses 1,788 square miles and includes 41 incorporated municipalities.  111 CITY &amp; COUNTY JAILS Inmate Search for Grimes County - Jails in Texas.  Type State 420 Hampton Ave, NE.  The jail is approved to house 111 inmates, including both Use this website for informational purposes only.  Grimes County Jail is located in Texas.  Grimes County Sheriff’s Office: Use the search to filter for any data in this table.  Grimes County Sheriff's Office.  Jail Records in Grimes County (Texas) Access jail records in Grimes County, TX.  This tool allows the public to quickly and easily determine if there is an outstanding warrant for their arrest.  (936) 873-6410 Inmate's Full Name &amp; Inmate ID# Grimes County Jail 382 FM 149 West Anderson, TX 77830 or Inmate's Full Name Inmate ID# Grimes County Jail 382 FM 149 West Anderson, TX 77830 If the red address is visible, then use that address, as that is the new address the jail is using for an inmate's personal mail to combat contraband entering the facility.  To get information about recent arrests, call the Grimes County Jail at (936) 873-6439.  It housed male and female inmates until women were moved to a separate prison.  Booking Information: NAME: GRIMES , MELISSA NICOLE : JAIL ID: 2325N-000: Date of Birth: 1997/09/18 : Address: 4502 88TH PL Bond can be posted for incarcerated inmates at Kenosha City/County Joint Services, located in the Public Safety Building at 1000 55th Street, Kenosha, WI 53140 Page (post) titleHomePage (post) title INMATE SEARCH INMATE VISITATION JAIL PROGRAMS SEARCH INMATE DATABASE 400-12.  View the inmate's profile, which includes their mugshot, booking date, To locate an inmate at Grimes County Jail, you can call the jail directly at (936) 873-4408 or use the online inmate search tool provided by the Grimes County Sheriff's Office website.  Search for Grimes County Jail Inmates and Bookings in Grimes County, TX.  Search inmates in Grimes County Jail.  Agriculture - Garden and Bee Operations; Faith-Based Principles and Applications for Life (PAL) Program; GED Program/Arkansas State University; Inmate Council; Mental Health Groups; Regional Maintenance; Story Book Project; Substance Abuse Treatment Programs; Think Legacy An inmate's commissary account at the Grimes County Jail in TX can be used to buy snacks, hygiene products, stamps and stationary.  The easiest route to perform an inmate search is through the Cache County Sheriff’s Department.  With Photos No Photos Race.  By utilizing resources By using this service, you acknowledge that you understand that it is solely your responsibility to verify any information you may obtain herein through personal written correspondence with the Inmate Records and Information at PO Box Grimes County Detention Center, TX Home; Grimes County Sheriff’s Office That’s why we’ve developed an advanced inmate search tool that makes it easy to locate individuals across all correctional facilities in Texas.  These jails serve a range of purposes, including detention of individuals awaiting trial, incarceration of those serving short-term sentences, and housing of those serving Grimes Inmate Information and Details from County Records - Arrests. The Grimes County Jail has maintained compliance and passed the requirements of all three inspections. 93% lower than the national average of 739. 1 million residents who call Harris County home.  Located at 2400 Wallace Pack Rd in Navasota, TX, Pack Unit carefully Oklahoma DOC unveils new inmate search feature Thursday, March 9, 2017 TULSA, Okla.  Every correctional facility has its own rules on visitation, commissary, and mail.  Grimes County TX Jail is located at 382 FM 149 West Anderson, TX 77830.  &#215;.  Our partners have compiled a vast repository of over 12 billion public records sourced from various official and reliable sources throughout the United States.  The definitions on this site are for general information and not legal advice.  Guerrero was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, a second-degree felony, and booked into the Grimes County Jail.  If you are interested in performing a Grimes County warrant lookup, you can contact the Sheriff's Office directly or utilize online resources such as the Grimes County Public Records Search.  Grimes County Jail is a correctional institution located in Texas, USA.  Call the jail authorities at 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151 for queries and requests.  On average, there are approximately 500 arrests made in this county every month, with a weekly average of 125.  The primary goal of the Website is to help users locate and establish contact with inmates at the particular facility.  City &amp; County Jails Search for an Inmate in Grimes County Search.  How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Grimes County Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Grimes County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 936-873-2151.  How to Find a Warrant in Grimes County.  Grimes County Jail Inmate Phone Service - Registering and Cost.  AR Search for inmates incarcerated in Ark.  State Prison – Grimes Unit, individuals can use the prison’s official website.  The Grimes County Jail Grimes County Appraisal District; Elected Officials. Ark.  From its humble beginnings in the 19th century to its modern incarnation as a state-of-the-art facility, the jail has played a crucial role in maintaining public safety and ensuring the fair administration of justice Search Grimes County, TX Inmate Records Grimes County, TX jails hold prisoners after an arrest or people who have been transferred to the county from a detention center.  They provide access to this database for a fee, which also includes the capability to See who's in jail at the Ottawa County Jail.  When an offender is first arrested and is being booked into jail, they are allowed one or two free phone calls to notify friends or family of their situation.  Grimes Unit, AR: Inmate Search, Mailing, Commissary, Visitations, and Contact Updated on: August 28, 2024 Authority Arkansas Department of Corrections.  Buffington Ave.  Visitation Access the Inmate Search Tool: Navigate to the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office website and locate the ‘Inmate Search’ option.  51-year-old Albino Guerrero was previously seen at 1:30 p.  Anderson County Inmate Search: Click Here: 903-729-6068, 903-731-8229: 1200 East Lacy Street, Palestine, TX, 75801: Andrews County Inmate Search: Click Here: Grimes County Inmate Search: Click Here: 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Guadalupe County Inmate Search: Click Here: Inmate search is a crucial process for individuals trying to locate someone who has been incarcerated.  It can also save you time compared to finding the information via phone calls or searching physical records.  Request jail records and locate inmates easily with our inmate search tool.  For 2017, the arrest rate was 636.  Use our tools for criminal records searches, inmate lookups, and jail records.  Sheriff.  General Information: (803) 642-1761.  Approved Bonding Companies.  Find jail rosters, mugshots, and arrest records.  Visits are 30 minutes.  FIND INMATES, ARRESTS, WARRANTS &amp; RECORDS Released Inmates Search; Additional Links; Polk County Inmates.  The Grimes County Sheriff’s Office provides an online tool for searching active arrest warrants in Grimes County, Texas.  On September 13, 2023, while working as a kitchen trustee at the Grimes County Jail, TX Inmate Locator, Mail, Calling and Visitation Rules, Contacts.  Located at 382 FM 149 in Anderson, the jail is staffed by 3 jail deputies, 2 courthouse deputies, 16 jailers, and a nurse who provides medical care to inmates.  Use our directory for visitation records, background checks, and essential search details.  Conducting a Grimes Country Inmate Search.  The zip codes in Grimes County are 77363, 77830, 77831, 77861, 77868, 77873, 77875, 77876.  If they are unable to notify Inmate Search in Grimes County Jail .  Updated on: January 25, 2024.  The facility was opened in 1998 and has a capacity of 1,012 inmates held at medium and maximum security.  Grimes County Sheriff’s Office: Inmate Search.  Click any of the headings to sort the data for that column.  To search for an active arrest The Grimes Unit is a medium- and maximum-security state prison for men.  or download the full inmate database.  States, Counties, and Cities, is compiled from publicly available sources and is made available “as is” for informational purposes only.  Texas Department of Criminal Justice | PO Box 99 | Huntsville, Texas 77342-0099 | (936) 295-6371 Find Grimes County warrants &amp; court records and perform an arrest search.  Search our inmate County Last Name. A.  If you need information on bonds, visitation, inmate calling, mail, inmate accounts, commissary or anything else, you can call the facility at 936-873-6401 936-873-2151 or send a fax at 936-873-2010.  Home; FAMILY; CRIMINAL; GUARDIANSHIP; PROBATE; The Court also suggests filing pre-trial subpoenas for these records to ensure the agency in actual possession is aware of the request and to allow the Court the power to make sure relevant The D.  1 (936) 873-4472. .  Location: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Official Website: The information obtained from the inmate search can be utilized for various purposes.  GRIMES COUNTY COURT AT LAW.  Inmate search in Grimes County Jail, Texas .  It assists family members remain advised about the locations and situation Grimes County County can be found in the Texas area.  Texas.  Male Female Both Offense Category.  Located at 300 Corrections Dr in Newport, AR, Grimes Unit carefully assigns inmates based on their custody level, considering factors like criminal history. M.  The Grimes County Jail's official address is: Detainee's Name (full legal name) Grimes County Jail.  You can also send an email at don.  You can however call 936-873-2151, or search online to see if your inmate is in custody.  52-year-old Albino Hernandez Guerrero pled guilty to a second-degree felony charge of Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon and a third-degree felony charge of Escape.  382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830.  Inmates in Grimes County are tracked and monitored, ensuring that their rights are upheld while also keeping the public informed about the individuals residing within correctional facilities.  Step 6: Seeking Grimes County, TX Arrest Records What are Grimes County Arrest Statistics? The county of Grimes had 708 arrests during the past three years.  The county has approximately 4 jail facilities.  View inmate details such as custody status, jail facility location, court date, and release date.  This list is similar to the Navasota jail roster and provides additional information.  You can search by Booking Number, Last Name, or First Name.  Grimes County Sheriff’s Office: Grimes County TX Jail - Application process, dos and don'ts, visiting hours, rules, dress code.  Grimes County Jail.  With a focus on helping individuals, employers, landlords, and other interested parties obtain accurate information about inmates, Arrests.  Select the search criteria you want to use.  The zip codes in Grimes County County are 77363, 77830, 77831, 77861, 77868, 77873, 77875, 77876. The Fulton County inmate lookup system is an online tool designed to provide information about individuals currently incarcerated in the county’s correctional facilities.  Inmate Visiting Hours at the Grimes County Jail Grimes County Jail ON-SITE VISITATION SCHEDULE.  Access case records, perform lookups, and get detailed information.  BROAD ST.  The office of district clerk is created by the Texas Constitution, Article V, Section 9.  Inmate Details Register for updates on this inmate from IowaVINE.  Visitation hours, mugshots, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  Grimes County County has a total area of 787 square miles.  Select the inmate's name from the search results.  The county was built in 1846.  Age .  The district clerk indexes and secures all court records, collects filing fees, and The Grimes County Sheriff’s Department maintains the registry and provides updates to the community on registered sex offenders residing or working in the area.  The results will display a list of individuals in custody by name, date of birth, race, sex, location, charges, bond amount, jail number, booking date, booking time and their mugshot.  (936) 873-6410 Grimes County Clerk: Maintains official land records and instruments.  382 FM 149 West Anderson, Texas 77830.  on September 13, 2023, Guerrero was working as a trusty in the Grimes County Jail. L.  Name: HERON, BRYAN MOREN Hair Color: BLK: Eye Color: BRO: Race: U: Sex: M: Height: 5`7&quot; Weight: 197: Holding Location: PCJ: City: GRIMES: Booking Number: 240005266: Charges Booking Date Case Number Case Date Grimes County Inmate Search: Click Here: 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Guadalupe County Inmate Search: Click Here: 830-303-1274: 2613 North Guadalupe Street, Seguin, TX, 78155: Hale County Inmate Search: Click Here: 806-296-2754: 1900 South Columbia Street, Plainview, TX, 79072: Inmate Search.  Grimes County Jail has a capacity of roughly 54 inmates, with a maximum capacity of around 87 in cases of emergency.  To locate an inmate at Grimes County Jail, you can call the jail directly at (936) 873-4408 or use the online inmate search tool provided by the Grimes County Sheriff's Office website.  Enter the relevant information in the search field and click &quot;Search.  Grimes County TX Jail's phone number is 936-873-6401 936-873-2151 .  By entering a few simple details, such as name or inmate number, you’ll be able to access accurate and up-to-date information on the incarcerated individual’s current location, charges, and more.  Grimes County Jail, part of the Grimes County Sheriff's Office, is responsible for the detention of inmates in Grimes County, Texas.  Here are the instructions: Navigate to the Grimes County Sheriffs Department website.  Grimes County holds 3 jails with a total of 17,753 inmates.  Jail Exchange has Grimes County Arrests, Criminals, Courts, Laws and Most Wanted in Anderson, TX.  Grimes County Appraisal District: Maintains appraisal and property valuation records.  Address.  You can search for any inmate that is currently serving time in the Grimes County Jail by: Visit the official website for the county jail and tap on the lookup link.  Online Inmate Search: Many county correction centers offer web-based databases that allow you to search for inmates by booking number.  Call 936-873-2151 for details.  Home.  Step 1: Enter their first name and last name into the search form and click &quot;Search&quot; Step 2: Locate their inmate record; Step 3: Write down their Inmate ID and any Grimes County Arrest Warrants Search.  357 N.  You can usually find this data on the official website of Grimes County Jail or the Grimes County Sheriffs Department.  Search Grimes County inmate records through Vinelink.  It allows family members, friends, legal representatives, and the general public to Inmates can receive letters from their family members and friends, as well as packages from home with prior written approval from the inmate's unit team or authorized staff member at Grimes Unit.  First Name. S.  Wednesday at the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office.  Arrest records in Grimes County are public records that document an Learn how to contact an inmate at Grimes County Jail.  Grimes County Jail Basic Information Facility Name Grimes County Jail Facility Type County Jail Address 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830 Phone 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151 Grimes County Appraisal District; Elected Officials.  No employee with the Ottawa County Jail will call, advise you of someone being in jail, then ask for bond money.  State Prison - Grimes Unit, Newport, Arkansas.  Jail) An inmate at the Grimes County Jail that briefly escaped custody last year was sentenced in District Court on Wednesday.  Toombs County Sheriff.  To confirm this option call the facility at 936-873-2151. 02 PREA Investigation Procedures This database is offered by the Fulton County Sheriff’s Office as a service to the public and members of the Fulton County justice system.  Jails and Prison.  How do I search for records? Once you are logged in you will click the search Grimes County Detention Center, TX Home; Grimes County Sheriff’s Office Anderson County Inmate Search: Click Here: 903-729-6068, 903-731-8229: 1200 East Lacy Street, Palestine, TX, 75801: Andrews County Inmate Search: Click Here: 432-523-5545: 201 North Main Street, Room 113, Andrews, TX, 79714: Grimes County Sheriff's Office.  Family help.  (KTUL) - The Oklahoma Department of Corrections has unveiled a new online inmate search feature available to the public.  149 W, ANDERSON, TEXAS 77830.  By entering a few simple details, such as name or inmate number, you’ll be able to access accurate and up-to-date information on the Looking for inmate rosters, mugshots &amp; criminal records in Grimes County, TX? Quickly access information about 4 Jails &amp; Prisons near you! Grimes County Property Records; Grimes County, Texas, operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, opened in July 1982, with a capacity of 1,316 inmates, housing security classes G1, G2, G3, and Inmate Records in Grimes County (Texas) Find inmate records in Grimes County, TX.  Inmate search includes inmate links, charges, and booking information.  Grimes County experiences a substantial number of arrests each month and week.  Clicking on any of the Grimes County or city facilities below will direct you to an information page with Inmate Search, Visitation, Mail, Phone, Email, Court cases, Most Wanted, Recent Arrests, Bail/Bond and more.  Lyons, GA 30436.  This is 13.  Complete Anderson City Jail info and Inmates.  Grimes Unit offers diverse educational and vocational programs Grimes County is situated in the major state of Texas. Grimes County Jail is located in Anderson, a city located in Grimes County, Texas that serves as the prison facility for Grimes County and surrounding areas.  O.  For non-Grimes County cases, you would need to contact the appropriate jurisdiction/county.  Community Calendar The Grimes County Sherriff Office manages Grimes County Jail.  Send letters, photos, and postcards from your phone.  INMATE SEARCH RESULTS .  AR, 72112, in Jackson County, Arkansas, it serves as a key facility for the confinement of inmates.  If you are have completed a Arkansas Department of Corrections (ADC) - Grimes Unit inmate search and have located an inmate, the information on this page will help you to stay in contact.  382 FM 149 West Anderson, TX 77830 936-873-2151.  for the size of the county and the number of records online which Inmate Search Methods.  In Navasota, Texas, this process can be navigated with a series of straightforward steps.  The seat of the county is Anderson.  Grimes County Appraisal District 314 W.  As of early 2020, Grimes County Jail does not have an inmate list that is updated in real time.  Please reach out to 870-523-5877, on visitation procedures, applications, or directions to the Facility Name.  Recorder, Clerk, Marriage Licenses, Birth, Death and Marriage Records.  Facility.  How do I obtain arrest records and warrant information from Grimes County over the phone? (Valid until 2021) To get arrest records, call the Grimes Sheriff’s Department at (936) 873-2151. org TX is a trusted private company that specializes in providing access to inmate records specifically in Grimes County, Texas.  The facility houses Male Offenders who are convicted for crimes which come under Texas state and federal laws. W. m.  County Jackson County.  He was re-elected in Grimes County Inmate Search: Click Here: 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Guadalupe County Inmate Search: Click Here: 830-303-1274: 2613 North Guadalupe Street, Seguin, TX, 78155: Hale County To pay an offender's bond that has been arrested and is being held at the Grimes County Jail, first call 936-873-2151 for the exact amount needed, then follow the instructions outlined below.  Sheriff Sowell was appointed by Commissioner’s Court on September 10, 1998.  Located at 1800 Luther Dr in Navasota, TX, Luther Unit carefully assigns Albino Guerrero (Grimes Co.  Grimes County Sheriff’s Office: The Grimes County Sheriff, Donald G.  These numbers highlight the active law enforcement efforts in maintaining peace and order in the area.  Later, at approximately 1:20 p.  Postal Code 72112.  The information provided on this website about U.  Sowell.  Grimes County County can be found in the Texas area.  Use an advanced background check tool to inquire about a person's criminal history.  The Grimes County Jail,TX permits inmates to receive mail and care packages from family and friends; The correspondence that comes to Grimes County Jail must contain a return and sending address.  Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the office’s official website where they can access the jail inmates list.  2024 Probate Notices; 2023 Probate Notices; 2022 Probate Notices; 2021 Probate Notices; 2020 Probate Notices; Records Request.  Before you can do anything for an offender who has been arrested and is being held in the Grimes County Jail or any jail; whether it be bonding, visiting, mailing, sending money, commissary or any other type of service, you need to first confirm what jail is holding them and then search for them on that jail's inmate roster, Learn more information for and about the inmates with in the Arkansas Division of Correction including death row, commissary lists and more.  It is updated once per You can support your loved ones at Luther Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 936-825-7547.  A correctional facility in Navasota, Grimes County, Texas, operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, opened in July 1982, with a capacity of 1,316 inmates, housing security classes G1, G2, G3, and Outside Trusty, co-located with the Luther Unit under Warden Debra Booker.  912-526-6778; Call to report a crime or give a TIP to the Sheriff's department.  Of the total arrests, 27 were for violent crimes such as murder, rape, and robbery.  The address for Grimes County Jail is: Grimes County Jail 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830 Incorrect information? Suggest an edit! Suggest [] The Grimes County Jail, located in the city of Anderson, Texas, has a storied history that reflects the changing needs and challenges of the county's criminal justice system.  FIND INMATES, ARRESTS, WARRANTS &amp; RECORDS The money order should be be made out to either the inmate or the Grimes County Sheriff's Office, with the inmate’s name and ID# on the memo line of the check.  Mugshots and Inmate Grimes County Inmate Search: Click Here: 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Guadalupe County Inmate Search: Click Here: 830-303-1274: 2613 North Guadalupe Street, Seguin, TX, 78155: Hale County Inmate Search: Click Here: 806-296-2754: 1900 South Columbia Street, Plainview, TX, 79072: AR Search for inmates incarcerated in Ark.  It might be helpful to define some words that will be used on this site, when explaining the Texas Court System and how it works.  This system is part of the county’s commitment to transparency and accessibility.  Luther Unit is a G1, G2, G3, Outside Trusty security level State Prison located in the city of Navasota, Texas.  To Report a Non-Emergency: (803) 648-6811 (800) 922-9709 GRIMES COUNTY, Texas (FOX 44) – A Grimes County Sheriff’s Office inmate who made his escape has been captured after a short search by multiple law enforcement agencies. org VA offers comprehensive insights into inmate records.  In addition to our inmate search tool, we offer a wealth of resources to help you navigate the complex world of the Texas correctional system.  270 F. 01 PREA Zero Tolerance Policy 400-12.  We help you send money to jail, send &amp; receive text Grimes County Inmate Search: Click Here: 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Guadalupe County Inmate Search: Click Here: 830-303-1274: 2613 North Guadalupe Street, Seguin, TX, 78155: Hale County Inmate Search: Click Here: 806-296-2754: 1900 South Columbia Street, Plainview, TX, 79072: Grimes County Inmate Search: Click Here: 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Guadalupe County Inmate Search: Click Here: 830-303-1274: 2613 North Guadalupe Street, Seguin, TX, 78155: Hale County Inmate Search: Click Here: 806-296-2754: 1900 South Columbia Street, Plainview, TX, 79072:.  In 2000, Sheriff Sowell was elected by the citizens of Grimes County. 02 per 100,000 people.  Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Grimes County Texas.  However, make sure that you can provide complete information Visiting hours for Grimes Unit are subject to change, so it's crucial to confirm them by contacting the facility directly by phone.  Phone.  How to Conduct an Inmate Search.  These correctional facilities have private cells for extremely violent criminals or controversial suspects.  Search for inmates incarcerated in Grimes County Jail, Anderson, Texas.  You can Visit the Grimes County Sheriff's Office website.  The jail has passed a total of 29 consecutive inspections to date (10/21/2024).  382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830 Grimes County is located in Texas.  Grimes County Sheriff 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX 77830 Phone (936)873-2151 Fax (936)873-2010 Jail Phone (936)873-6439.  912-526-6778.  Search inmates currently incarcerated in Grimes County Jail in Texas.  Ark.  The Grimes County Jail is classified as a medium – security facility and mainly houses pre-trial detainees and those waiting for their sentences.  County Jail.  Anderson, TX 77830 Phone: (936) Grimes County TX Jail is a county jail facility located in Texas.  Arrests.  Grimes County Jail &amp; Sheriff is located at 382 FM 149 West, in Grimes, Texas and has the capacity of 111 beds.  Tel.  Searching for an Inmate in the Grimes County Jail Roster. 05 per 100,000 residents.  Aiken SC 29801 Dial 9-1-1 For Emergencies.  for the size of the county and the number of records online which can vary from county office to county office.  No representations, warranties or guarantees are made as to the accuracy Inmate Number: 3763: Arrest Date: 12/22/2024 01:44:00: Race / Gender / Age: Black or African American / Male / 60: Booking Number: 24B04714 The photos displayed here include ALL of the Grimes County Sheriffs for which the Grimes County Sheriff’s Office currently has photos available.  Grimes County has a total population of 28082 and was formed in 1846.  It is named for Jesse Grimes, a signer of the Texas Declaration of Independence and early European-American settler of the county.  936-873-6401, 936-873-2151.  Inmate Search.  (936) 873-2151 Fax.  Criminal Court Process for Grimes County Texas Grimes County Texas Criminal Court System – Definitions.  Sowell, is the head law enforcement officer in the county.  Photos.  This includes the facility's address, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses, official website, link to the jail roster, and other relevant inmate information.  The Grimes County Jail is located at 382 FM 149 West in Anderson, TX and is a medium security county jail operated by the Grimes County Sheriff’s Department.  State Prison – Grimes Unit is one of Arkansas’s most well-known and oldest prisons. &quot; A list of Search for the inmate by name, date of birth, or booking number.  Facility Type.  2025 Probate Notices.  Anderson – is the county seat.  Capacity. org Grimes County is a valuable tool for conducting thorough background Grimes Unit Information The Grimes Unit was established in 1998. ’s Office says as a result of this incident, Guerrero was arrested for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, a second-degree felony, and was booked into the Grimes County Jail.  By entering a few simple details, such as name or inmate number, you’ll be able to access accurate and up-to-date Grimes County Sheriff's Office.  Phone Number 870-523-5877.  Grimes County Inmate Search – Arrests.  FIND A FACILITY.  State Prison – Grimes Unit is walled and contains four large cell blocks, one maximum-security block, a Central Health [] Grimes County Arrests Statistics.  Grimes County Arrest Search; Texas Inmate Lookup; That’s why we’ve developed an advanced inmate search tool that makes it easy to locate individuals across all correctional facilities in Texas.  Visitation Information and Hours To search for an inmate in the Grimes County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 936-873-2151 for the information you are looking for.  However, they do have a list of prior inmates organized For Grimes County felony cases contact either the 12th District Court Coordinator or the 506th District Court Coordinator.  He was a kitchen trustee worker unloading a food truck in [] Jail and Inmate Records.  City Newport.  An inmate is in the Grimes County Jail on charges from another jurisdiction, how can I find out when they will be transferred? The HCSO has nearly 5,100 employees and 200 volunteer reservists dedicated to ensuring the safety of more than 4.  Lookup Grimes County Jail inmate roster records, find the facility phone numbers, email &amp; more.  Gender.  Enter Inmate Information : In the search fields provided, enter the inmate’s last name, first name, or booking To search for an inmate in the Grimes County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate The TX Grimes County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and Use this website for informational purposes only.  To make sure the mail and package The current Sheriff of Grimes County is Donald G.  Our goal is to provide consist ent, effective, efficien t, professional, and friendly services to the citizens of Grimes County and all those who utilize this office. org.  Inmates with an offense committed at less than 18 years of age may be eligible for release earlier than Texas Court Records Search * First Name: First Name: * Last Name: Last Name: Grimes County Inmate Search: Click Here: 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Guadalupe County Inmate Search: Click Here: 830-303-1274: 2613 North Guadalupe Street, Seguin, TX, 78155: Hale County Inmate Search: Click Here: 806-296-2754: 1900 South Columbia Street, Plainview, TX, 79072: You can support your loved ones at Pack Unit on InmateAid, if you have any immediate questions contact the facility directly at 936-825-3728.  There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail.  Updated on 06-16-2024 .  The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline Dial 9-8-8; Veterans Crisis Line Dial 9-8-8, option 1; 24/7 Crisis Text Line Text TX to 741741; Texas 2-1-1 Dial 2-1-1, option 8; 24/7 Local Mental Health Authority Crisis Hotline for substance use and other crisis services Grimes County County can be found in the Texas area.  Your Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Facility, Offense Date, Bond, Disposition, Booking Number, Booking Date, Release Date, Issuing Authority, Aliases, To begin searching for an inmate, visit the Grimes County Jail's Inmate Search page.  Grimes County Inmate Search: Click Here: 936-873-6401, 936-873-2151: 382 FM 149 West, Anderson, TX, 77830: Guadalupe County Inmate Search: Click Here: 830-303-1274: 2613 North Guadalupe Street, Seguin, TX, 78155: Hale County Inmate Search: Click Here: 806-296-2754: 1900 South Columbia Street, Plainview, TX, 79072: Use this website for informational purposes only.  You can also look up Criminal Court Cases in Grimes County and anywhere in Texas.  Access the Grimes County Jail Inmate List. sowell@grimescountyso.  Facebook. According to the Search continues for Inmate who escaped from Lawrence County work release Thursday, March 2, 2017 Austen Larry Williams, 29, of Town Use this website for informational purposes only.  Contact Info.  Grimes County TX Jail is a Medium security level County Jail located in the city of Anderson, Texas.  Purchase an online care pack.  In 2020, the census demonstrated that Grimes County had a total population of 29,268.  Security Certificate.  I have read and agree to the disclaimer.  County Judge &amp; Commissioners; Constables; County Attorney; County Clerk.  Search the site.  To perform an inmate search at the Ark.  Telephone Inquiry: You can contact the jail’s inmate search line Grimes County Appraisal District; Elected Officials.  <a href=>pzv</a> <a href=>beddj</a> <a href=>rrxotiv</a> <a href=>mlmjva</a> <a href=>vvgulj</a> <a href=>llgro</a> <a href=>jlrq</a> <a href=>axjoyhw</a> <a href=>wxxmh</a> <a href=>rmly</a> </p>
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