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<div class="post-header clearfix"> <h1 class="title">High commission in malay. OFFICE CLOSURE : THURSDAY, JULY 4TH, 2024.</h1> <span class="meta category">High commission in malay id. High Commission of India in Malaysia . Royal Thai Embassy in Kuala Lumpur organised a Special Talk on “IGNITE THAILAND: A Premier Destination for High Profile Film Production”, a Flagship Activity of the HRH Crown Prince Congratulates King of Malaysia on Riyadh, August 30, 2020, SPA --&#160;His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, has sent a Selamat Datang, which means in the Malay Language welcome. High Commission of Pakistan in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, located at 132 Jalan Ampang. com and fokkukfai@gmail. The high commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. New to investing? Versa makes it simple—sign up High Commission of Canada in Malaysia. za and adamkhos@dirco. She began her career as a trade policy officer, working on market access barriers and supporting Canada's Free Trade agenda, before moving to support the North American trade and investment relationship. Manu Bhalla has served as the Deputy Chief of Mission at the U. Dollars, Malaysian Ringgit or by The embassy of Malaysia in Stockholm is located at Karlavägen 37 and can be contacted by telephone on 8 440 84 00 and by email mwstockholm@kln. Embassy is to advance the interests of the United States, and to serve and protect U. consul@mae. All the major Canadian embassies and High Commissions are located in the capital of the host country. bn and kualalumpur. 1. FAQs | Privacy Policy | Security Policy | Site Map Contact details for the Nepalese embassy in Kuala Lumpur. The consular section, which shares premises with the high Contact the embassy of Morocco in Kuala Lumpur. 6, baridhara diplomatic enclave dhaka bangladesh. gov. Contact Us +675-3251506 +675-3252076-mwportmoresby[at]kln[dot]gov[dot]my High Commission of Malaysia, Wellington . S. The high commission of Malaysia in Accra is open Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00. govt. 2. Ms. 2, Jalan Diplomatik 2/5, Presint 15. Working Hours Chancery Working Hours: Monday to Friday, 0900 - 1300 & 1400 - 1700 Hrs Consular Services Hours: Monday to Thursday, 0900 - 1230 Hrs Living in Malaysia; New Zealand documents; Studying in New Zealand; SafeTravel; Visas; High Commission services for New Zealanders; Working in New Zealand; High Commission for Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Sri Lanka; Taiwan; Thailand; Timor-Leste; Viet Nam; Australia and Pacific; Europe; Middle East; Intergovernmental organisations Contact the embassy of Cuba in Kuala Lumpur. I am honoured to represent the United Arab Emirates in this culturally rich country and look forward to continuing to The High Commission of India may ask for additional documents if required for processing the OCI application form. ** Citizens of Afghanistan, Iraq, and North Korea will also need at least 45 days to be processed, even if they Contact the high commission of Australia in Kuala Lumpur. 30 pm. bn. QuickLinks. Always contact the embassy before a visit. Consular Notice: Identity Card (MyKad) Collection at the Consulate General of Malaysia in New York 27. Change in Accreditation, 1963. Opening Contact the embassy of Indonesia in Kuala Lumpur. 100020014413 in the Affin Bank Contact the embassy of Libya in Kuala Lumpur. Name. Contact information and opening hours. so. tj No. Contact the embassy of Bahrain in Kuala Lumpur. 1, Jalan Wisma Putra, Presint 2, 62602 Putrajaya Tel 03 - 8889 4000 Fax 03 - 8889 2720 (Protocol) Contact the high commission of Brunei in Kuala Lumpur. 5B & 5C (Lot No. The consular section, which shares premises with the high commission, can be contacted can be contacted by telephone High Commission of Malaysia, London, London, United Kingdom. INTRODUCTION A Malaysian Passport is a valid Travel Document issued to a Malaysian citizen for the purpose of traveling out of the country. The high commission of Malaysia in Colombo is located at No. S. The High Commission of Brunei Darussalam in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is also accredited to: Republic of Iraq; Kingdom of Eswatini Malaysia Embassies & Consulates. Menara TCM 216, 50450 Kuala Lumpur; kundukl@kundukl. 63 jalan ampang 50450 kuala lumpur, malaysia and can be contacted by telephone on +60 3 In 1896, the post of High Commissioner for the Federated Malay States was created; the High Commissioner represented the British Government in the Federated Malay States, a federation of four British protected states in Malaya. Her Excellency Ms Mazita Marzuki, High Commissioner (15 March 2023) Mr Mohd Zaki Bin Md Noor . citizens in Malaysia. my and mwlon@btconnect. ke and admin@kenyahighcom. 18 of 1948 Canadian representations in Malaysia. Prior to its separation and independence from the High Commission of India Kuala Lumpur organized an exclusive Dinner and Networking Session "India-Malaysia Audio-Visual Connect- Enhancing Partnership through WAVES" in Kuala Lumpur on 11 December 2024. Business Hours. High Commissioner; Officers in the High Commission; Bangladesh-Malaysia Bilateral Relations; About Bangladesh; List of Holidays; Passport. Friday 8. The consular section is open weekdays from 09:30 to 12:30. Official Facebook page of the High Commission of Malaysia in London, UK Contact the embassy of Chile in Kuala Lumpur. (Passport Matters/Visa/Entry Exit to • "Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia". In this website, we offer all possible information on bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Malaysia including multifarious services provided by the High Commission. ca. The high commission of Papua New Guinea in Kuala Lumpur is located at Unit 13-1, Level 13, Menara TCM, 216 Jalan Tun Razak and can be contacted by telephone on 3-2181 7973 / 7974 / 7976 and by email kundukl@pnghicomkl. gh and info@ghanacom. Featured Topics. Mission, as well as with a wide range of Malaysian public and private organizations to encourage broader understanding of the United States and its relationship with Malaysia through educational exchange. EMBASSY CONTACTS. The consular section, which shares premises with the high BRIEFING SESSION GIVEN TO SIX(6) NAMIBIAN INTERNS TO BE ATTACHED WITH SBM OFFSHORE MALAYSIA, 20 DECEMBER 2024 By High Commission of Malaysia, Windhoek, 12/20/24 9:53 AM. ly/brNK50P4Nr0 In order to facilitate and improve the reception of the public, the consular team receives you only by appointment for all the formalities of daily life which are not of an emergency nature. Bangladesh High Commission, Information Bangladesh High Commission, General Information, Malaysia Location: No-5, Lot 9 & 10, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia. Useful Links. Italy and Malaysia; Consular Services and Visas; News. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Pakistan, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, Facebook page, Twitter, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). Embassy works closely with the other elements of the U. 00 am to 4. Contact the high commission of Malaysia in New Delhi. au. ly and eolkl@libyan-embassy. 63 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Office Tel No. 14. breakfast meeting with mr tuikila kaiyamo, desk officer for malaysia at the ministry of international relations relocation of the high commission of malaysia – from 2 december 2024. About Us. The embassy of Malaysia in Colombo is located at no. History; Client Charter; Honorary Consul(s) Location Map; Public Holidays; Our Staff . The Mission aims to The high commission of Malaysia in Accra is located at 87, Noi Petreke Street, West Airport Accra and can be contacted by telephone on 30-2763-691 and by email mwaccra@kln. Opening hours and holidays Papua New Guinea High Commission in Malaysia. com is not responsible for any errors or omissions contained contained on this page and accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors. High Commission of Malaysia, No. 8. 233 Jalan Tun Razak and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2116 4016 / 4017 and by email kualalumpur. A birth of a child born in Malaysia may be registered by the parents (Sri Lankan Citizens) at the High Commission in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) on production of the following documents: A. Opening hours and holidays High Commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, located at No. Police Training Center (Pulapol), 54100 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory Of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: Phone: +6- 032 604 0946: Fax: +6 0326 040 934: Email: mission. VISA INFORMATION Welcome to the Visa Section of the Ghana High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. na and secretary@namhckl. Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, hosts 99 embassies and high commissions, and in addition there are a total of 71 consulates and another two representations located in Malaysia. The embassy of Libya in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. News On 25 November 2024 the High Commission of Malaysia hosted a luncheon for the Malaysian Sepak Takraw team that competed against Thailand in a Special Exhibition Match a day earlier, in Bandar Seri Begawan. Mission | Monday - Thursday: 09:00 - 14:00 Consular Section | Monday - Thursday: 09:00 - 14:00 . Opening hours and holidays Embassy/High Commission Location Neighbourhood Image Notes Albania 33 St George’s Drive. "The priorities of Georgia's foreign policy are focused on the peaceful restoration of the country's territorial integrity and the strengthening of its sovereignty, ensuring stability and security, Only through a firm, pragmatic, and results-oriented policy will it be possible to achieve the goals defined by Georgia's Constitution" - the candidate for Minister of Foreign Affairs, For Indian national seeking emergency services, viz. sg. The High Commission of India in Malaysia is located at the following address: High Commission of India in Malaysia . Ambassadors were accredited to the federation of Malaysia, and resident at Kuala Lumpur. Operational Hours: Mon - Fri: 9. Malaysia established its diplomatic relations with Kenya in 1965 with the opening of a Trade Office in Nairobi, which was under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry. 00 pm Foreign Embassy in Malaysia / Foreign Representatives in Malaysia [ Download Here ] Choose Your Color . 03. 18 of 1948 Colombia's embassy in Kuala Lumpur is the only Colombian representation located in Malaysia. High Commission of Brunei Darussalam in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. my [General]; islamabad@imi. Disclaimer. high commission of malaysia and malaysian palm oil council (mpoc) south africa host malaysian palm oil trade and networking programme in ghana. lk and slhckl@mea. Welcome to Bangladesh High Commission in Kuala Lumpur Welcome to the website of the Bangladesh High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. bd. 24. Home; About Us . kl@mfa. The Embassy-info for Malaysia list all foreign embassies and consulates in Malaysia and all Malaysia embassies and consulates abroad. The mission of the U. Welcome to the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia! The Embassy of Sweden in Kuala Lumpur does not handle migration issues - visas or other permits - for travelers from Malaysia to Sweden. Amna Baloch. com provides a full list of foreign embassies and consulates located in Malaysia in alphabetical order. 11. The consular section, which shares premises with the embassy, can be reached by email kualalumpur. embassymy@gmail. Contact the high commission of Eswatini in Kuala Lumpur. The consular section, which shares premises with the high commission, can be reached by email Contact the embassy of the Philippines in Kuala Lumpur. No. The Embassy of Sweden in Bangkok is responsible for these matters. 00am - 5. Address. kualalumpur@mofa end of year lunch hosted by the high commission of malaysia in collaboration with the perwakilan windhoek namibia, 19 december 2024. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Papua New Guinea, or find information about the address, phone, office hours, official website, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). kualalumpur@maec. Kagan Ambassador U. The consular section is open weekdays from 09:00 12:00. Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia. General Guidelines:. All Exchange Programs . Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. The high commission of Eswatini in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. Opening hours and holidays Contact the embassy of Romania in Kuala Lumpur. 09. Tanzania High Commission 6 Jalan Taman U Thant 1 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Tel: +603-42517603/4 Fax: +603-42515641 Email: kualalumpur@nje. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Canada, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, Facebook page, Twitter, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). Then, it was one of only four ministries established by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman. nz. Level 1, Wisma HRIH Lotus, 442, Jalan Pahang, Setapak, 53000 Kuala Lumpur. The Colombian embassy is one of 172 foreign representations in Malaysia, one of 123 foreign representations in the city of Kuala Lumpur and one of 160 Colombian diplomatic and consular representations located abroad. All Singaporeans residing in Malaysia are encouraged to register with the High Commission. Subscribe to Spokesperson Office Register with Embassy. Contact details for the Malaysian high commission in Dhaka. malaysia palm oil trade and networking programme. 2, Jalan Diplomatik 2/5, Presint 15 and can be contacted by telephone on (3) 8888 77 77 and (3) 8888 98 98 and by email sjtkl@mfa. The high commission of Pakistan in Kuala Lumpur is located at 132 Jalan Ampang and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2161 8877 / 78 / 79 / 80 and by email pahickualalumpur@mofa. In 1963, the Federation of Malaya joined with Singapore, Sarawak, and Borneo to form the Federation of Malaysia. 19, Road No. Mian Atif Sharif. High Commission of Brunei in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, located at No. malaysia@mfa. The high commission of Malaysia in Port Moresby is located at Lot 16, Section 531, Rosewood Executive Residence Savannah Heights and can be contacted by telephone on 325 2076 and 325 1506 / 7703 5933 and by email mwportmoresby@kln. Opening hours and holidays Consular Matters. Contact the high commission of Ghana in Kuala Lumpur. Many embassies in Malaysia require an appointment before you visit. The Ghana High Commission in Kuala lumpur, Malaysia is one of 34 Ghana diplomatic and consular representations abroad. O Box : 4105 Safat Kuwait Here is Our Team of Pakistani embassy at Malaysia. The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office and the British High Commission in Malaysia are keen to ensure that their buildings and services are fully accessible to disabled members of the public. The appointment must be requested directly online. A different procedures will be applied The High Commission of India in Malaysia is located at the following address: High Commission of India Level 28, Menara 1 Mon't Kiara, No. Malaysia, Deputy Assistant Secretary in the State Department’s Bureau of East Asian Citizens of specific countries who are non-residents in Malaysia need at least 45 days to process a visa. Embassy officials Address: S04B2, 4th Floor, South Block, Wisma Golden Eagle Realty, 142A, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Phone: +603-2181-4696 Mobile: +60 (0) 17 662 4899 Contact the high commission of Malaysia in Singapore. The high commission of Malaysia in New Delhi is located at 50 M, Satya Marg in Chanakyapuri and can be contacted by telephone on 11 2415 9300 / 9310 / 1297 and 11 2611 1291 / 92 / 93 and by email mwdelhi@kln. fj. 00pm Contact Us +88 02 4108 1892 ; +88 02 4108 1895 ; +88 018 4708 2528 (General enquiries); +88 018 4179 8077 (For emergencies) +88 02 4108 1893 mwdhaka[at]kln[dot]gov[dot]my / dhaka[at]imi[dot]gov[dot]my (Visa Section) Malaysia has 80 embassies and high commissions abroad, as well as 77 consulates and five other representations. np nepalconsular. President in Malaysia and Brunei, charged with the primary duty to promote cordial relations between Nigeria and Malaysia with the concurrent accreditation of Brunei. Address Tel Hotline Fax Email: High Commission of Brunei Darussalam. In addition to the Canadian Consulate in Kuala Lumpur, Canada also has 1 other representation in Malaysia: Canadian Consulate in Penang; Malaysia representations in Canada. OFFICE CLOSURE : THURSDAY, JULY 4TH, 2024. Opening hours and holidays The high commission of Tanzania in Kuala Lumpur is open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00. Contact details for the Ghanaian high commission in Kuala Lumpur. 142-C Jalan Ampan and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2161 6203 and 3 2161 6214 and by email echile. 67, Jalan Raja Chulan and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2728 3300 and by email kualalumpur. kbri@kemlu. The High Commission of Canada in Kuala Lumpur is on the lookout for qualified and motivated individuals to serve as Honorary Consul in Penang, Malaysia. Opening hours and holidays The EmbassyPages for Kuala Lumpur list all embassies, high commissions and consulates in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 99, Jalan U Thant – A comprehensive contact information for the High Commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia with phone number, address, email, website and working hours. Opening hours and holidays Contact the high commission of New Zealand in Kuala Lumpur. mission@mofa. Please deposit the fees for Passport in High Commission of Pakistan A/C No. of Malaysia in Singapore or Malaysia Immigration Department, at such any letter requested by the airline from the High Commission of Malaysia or Malaysia Immigration Department cannot be issued. Opening hours and holidays Copyrights © 2023 All Rights Reserved. 00pm Consular: Tues-Thurs: 10. The application will be forwarded to the Immigration Department in Colombo where a machine-readable passport is issued. . Henceforth all U. Asia; Europe; North America 132 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia: Phone: +60 3 2161 8877 and +60 3 2161 8880: Fax: +60 3 2164 5958: Email: pahickualalumpur@mofa Address, phone number, and email address for the Malaysian High Commission in Nairobi, Kenya. The high commission of Zambia in Kuala Lumpur is located at Jalan Sultan Ismail and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2145 3512/ 3507 and by email kualalumpa@grz. Consular hours: 9. 524 Jalan 6, Taman Ampang Utama, Ampang 68000, Selangor D. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, Wisma Putra, No 1, Jalan Wisma Putra, Precinct 2, 62602 PUTRAJAYA +603 Address. History; Client Charter; Honorary Consul(s) Art and Calligraphy Exhibition in Conjunction with the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Malaysia and China. Tel: +603 4251 6001 / 6002 Fax: +603 4251 0552 Email: tajembmy@mfa. 00 pm. Wright was placed in charge of the Embassy as Charge d’Affaires. Ambassador welcomed the Prime Minister and Thai delegation on the Official Visit to Malaysia in conjunction with the 7th Annual Consultation during 15 - 16 December 2024. Previous ; Next ; Quicklinks Quicklinks. 2024 DINNER HOSTED BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER OF MALAYSIA TO KENYA TO CELEBRATE AIRASIA X’S INAUGURAL FLIGHT TO NAIROBI Copyrights © 2023 All Rights Reserved. Opening hours and holidays Email the High Commission at [email protected]. 2023. gc. The High Commission issues a Statement in lieu of certificate of non-impediment as required by the National Marriage Registration Department in Malaysia. Contact the high commission of Namibia in Kuala Lumpur. High Commission of Malaysia in Dhaka, Bangladesh, located at House No. To request a Statement in lieu of certificate of non-impediment, make an appointment online. my [Visa & “Defence industry collaboration, and defence research and development with Malaysia are beginning to take roots in a firm manner,” he said in his speech at the event which was also attended by Human Resources The high commission is closed during the weekend and on Singaporean and Malaysian official holidays. 30 am - 2. and can be contacted by telephone on +88 018 4708 2528 as well as by email [email protected]. Traffickers exploit Malaysian orphans and children from refugee communities in forced begging. This is to enable the High Commission to stay in touch with Singaporeans and provide High Commission of Namibia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, located at Suite 15-01, Level 15, Menara HLA, No. The high commission of Uganda in Kuala Lumpur is open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 & 14:00 to 17:00. Embassy in Kuala Lumpur since August 2023. Kenya established its resident High Commission in Malaysia in 1997, and Malaysia reciprocated by establishing its resident High Commission in Nairobi on 30 September 2005. The high commission of Sri Lanka in Kuala Lumpur is located at Jalan Sultan Ismail and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2034 1705 / 1706 and by email slhc. The embassy of Ghana in Kuala Lumpur is located at 14, jalan ampang hilir, taman u thant, 55000 kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan kuala lumpur, malaysia and can be contacted by telephone on +60 3-4257 9703 as well as by email [email protected]. 11. TEL: + 6 03-2162 0261 + 6 03-2163 0261 FAX: + 603-2164 0261 e-mail: emb. Plot 5, Yemen Street, Area 5 Diplomatic Enclave, Daiya P. 17 Aug 2024. 9 & 10), Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra and can be contacted by telephone on 3-4252 2652 and by email mission. High Commission of Papua New Guinea in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, located at 11, Suite 13-1, Level 13 Menara TCM 216, Off Jalan Tun Razak. The high commission of Malaysia in Windhoek is open Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 16:00. The embassy of Chile in Kuala Lumpur is located at Wisma Selangor Dredging, 8th Floor West Block, No. High Commission of Australia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, located at 6, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng. 6, Jalan Madge, Off Jalan U Thant and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2141 1293 and 3 2148 2112 and by email info@embmy. The embassy of Indonesia in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. Country of Malaysia has 2 other representations in Canada: Malaysian Consulate in Vancouver; Malaysian Consulate in Ottawa Please email our support center at support-malaysia@usvisascheduling. Contact Us +92 51 283 3201 [Visa Enquiry] ; +92 51 207 2900 ext. Embassy during your Visa appointments, please note: Payment in U. On November 25, the Embassy of France in Malaysia, in partnership with the Alliance Française de Kuala Lumpur, the EU delegation to Malaysia and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Kuala Lumpur, marked the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with an inspiring evening dedicated to addressing this critical issue. Welcome to the online portal of the South African High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The embassy of Morocco in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. my and dhaka@imi. Time difference with Mauritius : +4 hrs Official hours of work : 9. To commemorate this milestone, the Australian High Commission in Malaysia is organising a logo design competition. ma and morembkl@gmail. ug. 84 Jalan Damai, Off Jalan Ampang and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2113 0701 / 05 / 08 and by email ambkualalumpur@maec. loss of Passport while on tourism in Malaysia and Malaysian national seeking emergency visa, may approach High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur directly : During office hours: 006 03 6205 2350 to 54 (5 lines) After office hours and holidays 006 0102550612 (Mobile phone) The Ghana High Commission, Kuala Lumpur-Malaysia, represents the Republic of Ghana, its interests, citizens and nationals that wish to travel to Ghana. 30 am - 12. Map Phone Headquarters +60 3 21 48 06 22. Malaysia does not currently have an The Royal Thai Embassy in Kuala Lumpur launched an inaugural Networking Programme between Thai Youths from Southern Boder Provinces and Thai Students in Malaysia this year THAILAND: A Premier Destination for High Profile Film Production”, a Flagship Activity of the Thai Film Festival in Malaysia 2024. Under the terms of the agreement, the Hungarian government would offer 40 scholarships The Malaysian high commission is one of 140 foreign representations in Kenya, one of 116 foreign representations in the city of Nairobi and one of 162 Malaysian diplomatic and consular representations located abroad. WASPADA Contact the high commission of Malaysia in Port Moresby. Ghana has 1 Diplomatic Missions in Malaysia. 12. EN . Choose Your Color . 19 road no. If your name is automatically displayed in the name box, make an appointment for passport collection through Paz Laju. On the official website of the Nepalese embassy in Kuala Lumpur you will find information on opening hours and how to book appointments. The consular section shares location as well as telephone number and email address with the embassy. The high commission of Canada in Kuala Lumpur is located at 207 Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2718 3333 and by email klmpr@international. ch Visa: see links below bangkok@eda. pk and pahickl@gmail. There are currently 124 foreign representations in Kuala Lumpur. Note: Applicants under 18 years of age should submit an original RG-II Registration (From-B) along with a photocopy. A Canadian embassy is usually divided in certain departments with the Consular services. The embassy of Cuba in Kuala Lumpur is located at 142B, Jalan Ampang and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2141 1710 / 1495 / 1654 and by email admin@cubaemb. For questions regarding trading regulations, passport and VISA requirements please contact directly the High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. 30 am-4. The consular section, which shares premises with the high commission, can be reached by email info. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Brunei, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). 00 pm (Weekdays) No. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia. Embassy of Malaysia Level 3A - 5A, Shelbourne House Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge IRELAND. my and info@swazilandkualalumpur. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Malaysia, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, Facebook page, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). LAUNCHING CEREMONY OF THE LOGO AND THEME OF ASEAN-MALAYSIA CHAIRMANSHIP 2025 22 OCTOBER 2024. FAQs | Privacy Policy | Security Policy | Site Map High Commission of Malaysia, Pakistan, within 6 months after the marriage has been approved in Pakistan. Opening hours and holidays Address. Phone No. consular@dfat. za. E. The embassy is closed during the weekend and on Malaysian and Irish official Contact the Gambia's high commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Several other countries accredit ambassadors from other capitals. org. Asia; Europe; North America Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia: Phone: +60 3 2161 6277: Fax: +60 3 2161 6343: Email: singhc_kul@mfa. The winning design will be used as an official logo for all commemorative events throughout 2025. hcmsl@gmail. 07. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Australia, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, Facebook page, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). PERMOHONAN UNDI POS KATEGORI 1B (LUAR NEGARA) BAGI PRK DUN N. Embassy of United Kingdom City: Kuala Lumpur Address: British High Commission 185 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur Telephone: (+60 3) 2170 2200 Fax: (+60 3) 2170 2303. my & for consular inquiry please email to: riyadh. my (Official) doh. Home; Our Sections; Information Center Appointed High Commissioner of Canada to Malaysia on October 21, 2024, Jodi Robinson first joined Global Affairs Canada in 2003. The high commission of Malaysia in Singapore is located at 301 Jervois Road and can be contacted by telephone on 6235 0111 and by email mwsingapore@kln. 3, Jalan Kia Peng. The embassy of Malaysia in Dublin is open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00. (+60) 3-4251 8512 complaints@nigeria. ENGLISH; ESPAÑOL; FRANÇAIS; High Commission of the Gambia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia This page is not the official webpage for the Gambian High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. Find out more on our UK and Malaysia The high commission of Malaysia in Windhoek is located at 98, Nelson Mandela Avenue in Klein and can be contacted by telephone on (61) 259 342 and by email mwwindhoek@kln. 123 or 125 [Consular] +92 51 283 3210 Twitter: MYHCIslamabad mwislamabad@kln. 67, JEPAK, SARAWAK. This page is not the official webpage for the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur. Contact Us +353-1-6677280 +353-1-6677283 mwdublin@kln. The High Commission of Kenya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The embassy of Romania in Kuala Lumpur is located at 114, Jalan Damai (Off Jalan Ampang) and can be contacted by telephone on 3-2148 2065 and by email kualalumpur@mae. The high commission of Brunei in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. Find Our Embassy Abroad Regional Office Foreign Embassies in Malaysia. ASEAN Ladies Circle (ALC) Tea Gathering. 9 & 10), Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra. The Australian High Commission in Malaysia does not sponsor applicants for Malaysian work visas. Kagan, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, was most recently the Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for East Asia and Oceania at the National Security Council. es. Counsellor/Deputy Chief (+60-3) 21642751. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs started with a staff of eleven British and Australian Citizens of Sri Lanka with residence in Malaysia can apply for a passport at the High Commission. Westminster [2] Angola 22 Dorset Street Traffickers also exploit some men and children, including Malaysians, in commercial sex. This listing excludes See more Malaysia maintains diplomatic relations with countries and international organisations through 111 missions in 85 countries abroad. Welcome to the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Malaysia. 00 966 11 488 7098 ; 00 966 11 488 7100 ; Emergency (after office hours) Please contact the relevant officer. Assignments Then Consul General Thomas K. The consular section, which shares premises with the high Address Wisma Paradise (Level 1, 3 and 9) No. Opening hours. While we strive to keep information up-to-date, EmbassyPages. High commissioners represent member states of the Commonwealth of Nations and ambassadors Embassies, high commissions and consulates in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. As the diplomatic representatives of the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Secretaries of the military departments, and the The high commission of Mauritius in Kuala Lumpur is open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 12:30 & 13:00 to 16:00. 24,359 likes · 87 talking about this · 535 were here. > Both parties are required to be present during registration at the High Commission; > Malaysia whose marriage was solemnised by the Registry of Marriage (ROM) Singapore should report their marriage at the High Commission of Malaysia within the period of six months from the date of marriage. Services at the Singaporean high commission in Kuala Lumpur The Singaporean high commission in Kuala Lumpur may offer consular assistance and a range of services to Malaysian and Singaporean citizens, including: A birth of a child born in Malaysia may be registered by the parents (Sri Lankan Citizens) at the High Commission in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) on production of the following documents: A. Opening hours and holidays The Defense Attaché Office (DAO), consisting of attachés and a professional support staff, represents the United States Department of Defense to the Government of Malaysia and the Malaysian Armed Forces. I am very pleased to introduce our newly designed website which we hope will serve as a one-stop portal and link between the High Commission and the wider host community in Malaysia. All the Malay documents need to be translate in English by legal/court translator and must attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Putrajaya (Consular Division) High Commission of India, Kuala Lumpur Level 1 Contact the high commission of Pakistan in Kuala Lumpur. Box 11673 A comprehensive contact information for the High Commission of Singapore in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia with phone number, address, email, website and working hours. About the Australian High Commission in Malaysia Head of Mission. au and ahckl. tz Operational Hours. United States non-citizen nationals are also eligible for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, The High Commission of Nigeria in Malaysia with concurrent accreditation in Brunei is the seat of authority and Chancery of the High Commissioner as the sole representative of Mr. ph and webmaster@philembassykl. Please immediately report a lost or stolen passport to the Consular Section. Please note that embassy opening hours can vary. Malaysia's foreign ministry started in 1956 - a year before the country's independence - when Malaysia's Father of Independence established its offices at the Sultan Abdul Samad Building in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian citizens are encouraged to register with Malaysian Missions abroad. The Malaysian Consulate in Dhaka supports Bangladeshi citizens through its consular services, if Contact details for the Malaysian high commission in Colombo. Contact the high commission of Malaysia in Colombo. ch. Welcome to the website of the Embassy of Spain in Malaysia The nearest Metro Station (LRT) is Ampang Park and it is five minutes walk away from the Embassy. The embassy of Malaysia in Stockholm is open Monday to Friday from 08:30 16:30. Kenya maintains a high commission in Kuala Lumpur. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Malaysia, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, Facebook page, Twitter, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). The high commission of Malaysia in Dhaka is located at House No. Italian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur. The position has the rank and status of an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary and is based in the High Commission of the United Kingdom, Kuala Lumpur. The Australian High Commissioner to Malaysia is Ms Danielle Heinecke. 23. Working Days/Hours During Ramadhan: Monday - Thursday. The high commission is closed during the weekend and on Malaysian High Commission of Singapore in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, located at 209 Jalan Tun Razak. 07. 6 in Baridhara and can be contacted by telephone on 2 882 7759 and 2 882 7760 and by email mwdhaka@kln. Select Country (USA) HIGH COMMISSION OF PAKISTAN FOR KUALA LUMPUR – MALAYSIA. Important Links. my and mwsuva@connect. Emergency consular assistance is available 24/7. 00pm (submission) | Immigration Mon - Thurs: 9. The high commission of Australia in Kuala Lumpur is located at 6, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2146 5555 and by email public-affairs-klpr@dfat. Visa application forms can be filled online, a copy must [] Welcome to the Official Website of Papua New Guinea (PNG) High Commission, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The Official Website aims to provide a wide range of information on Papua New Guinea and its relations with Malaysia, the Kingdom of Thailand, Cambodia, and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic on investment, trade, information and communication technology, MAURITIUS HIGH COMMISSION - KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA. 00 966 11 482 4177 mwriyadh@kln. Addresses, telephones numbers, email addresses, websites, opening hours, head of mission. Includes a forum where you can discuss the High Commission. ro. ; Under email subject, include the visitor’s last day in the UK followed by his/her name in the “YYYYMMDD NAME” format — For example, 20240805 ABU BIN ALI if the last day is August 5, 2024, and the name is Abu bin Ali. If you are required to make payment at the U. Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora held bilateral meetings with Malaysian officials during his visit to Malaysia 2024-10-12 Azərbaycan Respublikasının Diasporla İş üzrə Dövlət Komitəsinin sədri A Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) is a formal document certifying the acquisition of United States citizenship at birth for a person born abroad to a U. Opening hours and holidays With nearly 16,000 Britons living in Malaysia and over 401,000 visiting every year, the High Commission supports British nationals if they need assistance. 165 Jalan Ampang and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2163 2511 / 2848 and 3 2164 3150 / 3157 / 3158 and by email eswatinikl@swazihicom. *Both parties (Malaysian national and Pakistan national /Foreign national) are required to come to the High Commission (fee: RM20 – please pay in Pakistani Rupees) High Commission of Malaysia in London, United Kingdom, located at 45-46 Belgrave Square. AIRE. 40-2 Jalan 2/109E, Desa Business Park, Taman Desa and can be contacted by telephone on 3-7983 8088 and by email hlp@edasu. A TALK ON GOVERNANCE AND CONSTITUTIONAL MATTERS IN MALAYSIA WITH H. my and mwspore@singnet. For more information about this, visit our page Going to Sweden and choose the right page with information. 45, rosmead place colombo 07 colombo sri lanka and can be contacted by telephone on +94 11 755 7711 as well as by email [email protected]. Designation. Website Headquarters Contact Us +974 44836463 +974 44836493 +974 4483 6453 mwdoha@kln. Embassy Kuala Lumpur . pe@dfa. kualalumpur@mofa. O. The Cultural Affairs Section of the Public Affairs Office of the U. The consular section, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Working Hours for High Commission of Brunei Darussalam. Visa for Nepal H. CONTACT NUMBERS. Search on site Search on site. Locations . Opening hours and Hungarian Ambassador to Malaysia Attila Kali in February inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on cooperation in higher education. egyptkl@gmail. Following documents are required to submit to the High Commission together with the Notice of Marriage: Passports of both Contact the embassy of Egypt in Kuala Lumpur. Manu Bhalla Deputy Chief of Mission U. my; Monday-Friday: 8. admin. my (Consular appointment only) Malaysia maintains a high commission in London. Foreign Policy Framework - Change In Continuity; Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Malaysia, Wisma Putra, No 1, Jalan Wisma Putra, Precinct Passport Application. The Australian High Commission in Malaysia will not be responsible for any costs incurred for relocation costs, travel expenses, personal effects, transportation, cost of living and accommodation in Malaysia. The embassy of Egypt in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. The high commission of Malaysia in Suva is open Monday to Friday by appointment. Headquarters kualalumpur@eda. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoyev Qatar Davlati Amiri Shayx Tamim bin Hamad Ol Soniy bilan 17-dekabr kuni qilgan telefon orqali suhbatda oliy darajadagi kelishuvlarni amalga oshirish va investitsiya loyihalarini ilgari surish masala A comprehensive contact information for the High Commission of Pakistan in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia with phone number, address, email, website and working hours. Malaysian citizens are entitled to seek help from Malaysian Missions The following is the list of ambassadors and high commissioners of Malaysia. Government of Pakistan; Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of the mission is High Commission . 00 am to noon and 1. In 2025, Malaysia and Australia will celebrate 70 years of Australia's diplomactic presence in Malaysia. High Commissioner (+60-3) 21614985. 36 Jalan Mengkuang, Ampang Hilir, 55000 Kuala Lumpur. Applicants are advised to keep track of the OCI status in the Online Status Enquiry. While we strive to keep information up-to-date High Commission of Canada in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, located at 17th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan, 207 Jalan Tun Razak. Edgard D. Opening hours and holidays About High Commission of Malaysia, Dhaka. Malaysian Consulate in Dhaka runs an inclusive range of consular services to local, Malaysia, and international citizens in Bangladesh. High Commission of the United Republic of Tanzania Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 61, Simpang 336, Jalan Kebangsaan. + (603) 8888 7777 + (601) 92120114 + (603) 8888 6666 sjtkl@mfa. 8, Jalan Taman U-Thant and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2603 3900 and 3 2146 1163 and by email kualalumpur@mfa. 19. 2 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, MALAYSIA (WISMA PUTRA) Address No. 30 pm; Menara TCM 216, 50450 Kuala Lumpur culture and tourism. 29. Opening hours and holidays. His Majesty's Installation as The 17th King of Malaysia. 15,885 likes · 141 talking about this · 753 were here. foreign. zm Message from the High Commissioner. The high commission of Namibia in Kuala Lumpur is located at No 3, Jalan Kia Peng and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2164 6520 and 3 2162 8950 and by email kualalumpur@mfa. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Malaysia, or find information about the address, phone, office hours, official website, Facebook page, Twitter, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). We are closed on weekends and Public Holidays. 2024 Online Appointment for Identity Card (MYKAD) and Other Personal Identification Services in the USA Proof of residence in Malaysia. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Singapore, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, Facebook page, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). com with your concern and we will investigate. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Namibia, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, Facebook page, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). cl and reception@embassyofchile. A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, his prior assignment was the Director of the Office of Economic Policy and Alternate Senior Official for APEC in the Bureau of East Asian and Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Malaysia. Embassy Kuala Lumpur. The embassy of the Philippines in Kuala Lumpur is located at 1 Changkat Kia Peng and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2148 4233 / 4654 / 4682 / 6528 and by email kualalumpur. Processing time: It is not possible for the High Commission to give exact processing time but it may take approximately 60 days. Telephone: (60-3) 2718-3333 Fax: (60-3) 2718-3399 Email: klmpr. The embassy of Bahrain in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. Malaysia, alongside Contact Us +97715445680 / +97715445681 (General) +97715445689 (Consular & Immigration) (Emergency Only / Duty Officer) +977-9801008000 +97715445679 The high commissioner of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Malaysia is the head of United Kingdom's diplomatic mission to Malaysia. 2024. 2, Jalan Diplomatik 2/5, Presint 15, 62050, Putrajaya, MALAYSIA. Opening hours and holidays Bangladesh- Malaysia Bilateral relations Labour Wing Travel Permit (TP) ENG & BANG information on bilateral relations between Bangladesh and Malaysia including multifarious services provided by the High Commission. No. 112, Barnes Place and can be contacted by telephone on (11) 755 7711 / 2 / 3 and by email mwcolombo@kln. Form I: Ceylon Citizenship Act No. The high commission of Malaysia in London is located at 45-46 Belgrave Square and can be contacted by telephone on 20 7235 8033 and 20 72424308 / 39316199 Immigration and by email mwlondon@kln. Malaysia Embassy/Consulate reserves the right to For emergency consular assistance, call the High Commission of Canada in Malaysia and follow the instructions. 63 Jalan Ampang and can be contacted by telephone number on 03-2020 1898, 03-2020 1899 or by email eonkualalumpur@mofa. Contact the high commission of South Africa in Kuala Lumpur. Opening hours and holidays Contact the high commission of Canada in Kuala Lumpur. The High Commissioner's official residence was King's House (now part of a hotel, Carcosa Seri Negara), located inside the Perdana Lake Gardens The High Commission of Canada in Malaysia : Canadian Embassies and High Commissions are bilateral missions abroad and represent the government of Canada in foreign countries. Ms Salwa Izani binti Kamarzaman, Counsellor pg. The fact that an application for a visa has been received by the eVISA system does not guarantee that the eVISA will be issued. The Malaysian government has reported since 2020 that children are vulnerable to online sexual exploitation, including some instances of child sex trafficking. For more info, please visit https:// ow. The consular section is open weekdays from Visa: 08 For attestation of Malaysian documents, the documents must be attested by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Putrajaya (Consular Division). gob. The high commission of Uganda in Kuala Lumpur, Jalan Ampang can be contacted by telephone on 3 2078 2420 and by email malaysia@mofa. Embassy of Italy in Kuala Lumpur. net. 2168 5000 Fax: Embassy of United The High Commission of Malaysia in Singapore has limited its consular services to 70 cases per day since yesterday due to recent system limitations and manpower shortages. The Passport can be collected on third working day from the High Commission between 1630hrs to 1700 hrs. This is a list of diplomatic missions in Malaysia. Contact the high commission of Zambia in Kuala Lumpur. This includes 66 embassies, 18 high commissions, 2 High Commission of Malaysia, Singapore . The consular section, which shares premises with the high commission, can be contacted can be Contact the high commission of Papua New Guinea in Kuala Lumpur. 03. lk. Also, a Pakistan National Identity Card with photograph is required for all women. 3. The Embassy of Nepal in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia located at Wisma Paradise (Level 1, 3 and 9), No. Consulate of Republic of the Gambia 15th Floor, West Block Wisma Selangor Dredging 142C Jalan Ampang Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 50450 Office hours Monday-Friday: 9:00AM-12:30PM and 2:30PM-5:00PM Bangladesh High Commission, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia To find out whether your passport has arrived at the High Commission from Dhaka, enter your passport delivery slip number in the delivery slip number box and search. Contact the high commission of Uganda in Kuala Lumpur. 00am - 12. The high commission is closed during the weekend High Commission of Pakistan. The high commission of New Zealand in Kuala Lumpur is located at 8, Jalan Sultan Ismail and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2075 8998 and 3 2078 2533 and by email nzhcklenquiries@mfat. The consular section, which shares premises with the high Embassy Appointments. 1, Jalan Mon't Kiara, 50480, Kuala Lumpur Tel: (00-603) 6205 2350, 6205 2351, 6205 2352,6205 2353 & 6205 2354 Fax: (00-603) 6143 1173 The June 2024 edition of the Embassy newsletter is now available. consular@international. Address, directions, telephone, email, office hours. High Commission of Malaysia in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, located at No. my Embassy of Switzerland 16, Persiaran Madge 55000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Embassy 376 Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Telephone: 6. bh. Countryaah. The high commission of Kenya in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. The high commission is closed during the weekend and on Mauritian and Malaysian official holidays. Forms. The embassy of Malaysia in Dhaka is located at house no. The offices and Contacts. Citizens of Malaysia and other ASEAN countries excluding Philippines and Thailand, who are travelling to Ghana for the purposes of Tourism, Business transit must first obtain the requisite Ghanaian visa. The high commission is closed during the weekend and on Tanzanian and Malaysian official holidays. View a location map, get driving directions to the High Commission of Bangladesh, or find information about the address, phone, fax, office hours, official website, Facebook page, consular services, visa list, and head of mission (HOM). Useful links Register as a Canadian abroad Read our Traveller’s Checklist Contact the high commission of Malaysia in London. Pimlico [1] Algeria 1–3 Riding House Street. 12, Jalan Rhu, Off Jalan Ampang Hilir and can be contacted by telephone on 3-4256 6684 / 43 4256 8184 and 3 4256 8745 and by email embassy. If you plan to travel from Malaysia to other countries, this Get the latest on visa requirements and travel advisories from MFA Malaysia. Processing of emergency travel documents can begin the next business day. Website: PUTRAJAYA, July 19 — The Foreign Ministry through the High Commission of Malaysia in Dhaka, is closely monitoring the situation following student protests in Bangladesh. Contact the high commission of Sri Lanka in Kuala Lumpur. Applicants desiring Tatkaal (Emergency) Passport Services may submit their completed application along with required documents directly at the High Commission of India between 0930 hrs to 1200 hrs on any working days. Book an appointment VISAS OFFICE Embassy officials also discussed the unilateral conversion of children by one parent without the permission of the other and the continued disappearances of Amri Che Mat, Pastor Raymond Koh, and others from prior years including Pastor Joshua Hilmy, and Ruth Sitepu, with SUHAKAM commissioners and the Malaysian Bar Council. The embassy of Nepal in Kuala Lumpur is located at wisma paradise (level 1, 3 and 9) no. 10. go. com Contact the high commission of Kenya in Kuala Lumpur. my and ambpa@cubaemb. It is therefore no longer necessary to contact the consulate by email for these formalities. South Africa provides exciting opportunities for investment in a market that boasts a stable democracy, a strong judiciary, incredible infrastructure and world class financial systems and services. The consular section shares location as well as telephone number and Contact Us + 263 242 33 44 13/14 (General enquiries) +263 77 500 1441 (For emergencies) + 263 242 33 44 15 mwharare[at]kln[dot]gov[dot]my Address. com. The consulate of Lithuania in Kuala Lumpur is located at No. One of the services provided by the High Commission of Malaysia in Wellington is for Malaysian nationals residing in New Zealand to submit their passport application. High Commission of Malaysia, Colombo . Passport 2. 1007, Francis Baard Street (formerly known as Schoeman Street), Arcadia, Pretoria 0083 Postal Address: P. Contact the consulate of Lithuania in Kuala Lumpur. info@kln. Travel Advisory For Travellers Visiting MPOX Affected Countries. my. The High Commission will process the application and submit it to the Malaysian Immigration Department Headquarters in Putrajaya, Malaysia. sg: Website: https://www Contact the high commission of Malaysia in Dhaka. kl@gmail. DATO' SERI MOHAMED NAZRI ABDUL AZIZ, AMBASSADOR OF MALAYSIA. Embassy of United States of America City: Kuala Lumpur Address: U. — Picture by Yusof Mat Isa. 6, Baridhara Diplomatic Enclave. The Consular Section, Bangladesh High Commission in Kuala Lumpur attests various documents of repatriated Bangladeshi nationals staying in Malaysia upon received on the basis of Attestation Rules and Guidance of the Government of Bangladesh such as Married/unmarried Certificate, Driving License, Letter of Introduction (LOI), Power of The Embassy of Somalia in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia located at 32, Jalan Mesra, Ampang and can be contacted by telephone number on +60 3 2181 0736or by email kualalumpurembassy@mfa. 03-2020 1898 Extension Numbers: Consular: 1, Passport: 2, Jail & Detention: 3, Labour: 4, Insurance & Deaths: 5 & Visa: 6 03-20201901 (Labour Section) हटलाइन मोबाइल नम्बर ०१६-२४७२७७७ ( कृपया कार्यालय The Singapore High Commission's Consular Section is open from 9 am to 12 pm and 2 pm to 4 pm from Mondays to Fridays. Welcome to the official website of the High Commission for the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to Malaysia. The Australian High Commission No 6, Jalan Yap Kwan Seng, 50450 Kuala Lumpur General line: 603 2146 5555 General fax: 603 2141 5773 © 2023 High Commission of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka All Rights Reserved. 00 am-12. Read more. At any time, you may also contact the Emergency Watch and Response Centre in Ottawa. The website also provides information on the services offered by the High Commission to Papua New Guinea and Malaysia citizens, including links to dinner hosted by the high commissioner of malaysia to kenya for malaysians in dar es salaam 18. The ASEAN (Malaysia All eVISA applications are considered on individual merit, and the Malaysia Embassy/Consulate has the right to seek additional information at any stage of processing. bn: Malaysia is also accredited to: Staff details. The consular section, which shares premises with the Contact Us. The publication comprises news from Argentina, as well as a summary of the activities carried out by our Embassy during the month High Commission of Sri Lanka Explores Enhanced Cooperation with Ipoh, Malaysia 18/12/2024 Sri Lankan High Commission in Malaysia Meets with Under-19 Girls Cricket Team Ahead of Asia Cup Tournament The high commission of Malaysia in Suva is located at Butt Street and can be contacted by telephone on 331 2166 and by email mwsuva@kln. The high commission of South Africa in Kuala Lumpur is located at Jalan Kia Peng and can be contacted by telephone on 3 2170 2400 and 3 2161 7629 and by email chandrak@dirco. 7 Perth Avenue, Yarralumla ACT, 2600 ACT (Consular and Immigration matters through gate at 129 Empire Circuit) Embassy of Malaysia, Beijing . ca During a large-scale emergency, hours of operation may change. We have also made an effort to depict a few aspects of Bangladesh and its social, cultural and economic emancipation. Mr. The consular section, which shares premises with the high commission, can be reached by email The embassy of Malaysia in Dublin is located at Shelbourne Road in Ballsbridge and can be contacted by telephone on 1-667 7280 and by email mwdublin@kln. The high commission of Ghana in Kuala Lumpur is located at 14 Ampang Hilir, Off Jalan Ampang and can be contacted by telephone on 3 4252 6995 and 3 4257 9703 and by email kualalumpur@mfa. Operation Hours. 85, jalan ampang hilir, desa pahlawan 55000, kuala lumpur, wilayah persekutuan kuala lumpur, malaysia. At present, the capital city of Kuala Lumpur hosts 97 embassies and high commissions, while Putrajaya, the new federal administrative center, is host to one high commission. Contact the high commission of Bangladesh in Kuala Lumpur. 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