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<h1 style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Huntsville times obituaries.  Kathryn (North) Powers, a.</h1>
<p style="margin: 20px auto; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); max-width: 800px; text-align: center;">Huntsville times obituaries  Thomas Aaron McKenzie III, of Sandy Springs, Georgia, formerly of Huntsville, Alabama, passed away at Mellina Ready Hudgins, 76, of Huntsville passed away on December 9, 2021.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Jefferson County, Alabama.  Byron Wallace Vann, 68, of Huntsville, Alabama, passed away at his home on July 22nd, 2024.  Taylor graduated from Huntsville High School and the University of North Alabama with a degree in Business and Entrepreneurship.  Skip to main content (800) 896-5587. com (Huntsville) obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial.  Jarvis, 77, of Bellefontaine, Ohio, passed away Monday morning, December 16, 2024.  Mass of Christian Burial will be Monday Visitation will be held on Saturday, May 6 from 12 to 2 p.  Newspaper.  Explore The Huntsville Times obituary, marriage, and birth articles in 2024 .  Recent Results (38) Applied Filters: John Oliver Dimmock.  Garrett, Sr.  The largest online newspaper archive, established in 2012.  This collection will grow The Huntsville Times is proud to offer We Remember memorial pages.  Tue 10 Dec.  2320 Bob Wallace Ave.  Arrangements are in the care of Guare Celia A.  Celebrate the life of Melissa Riopka Crowe (1976-2024) from Huntsville, AL.  Pat G.  Lois Jean Rurode View Recent Obituaries for Royal Funeral Home, Inc.  Hunsville, Alabama .  Search by name of the deceased, cemetery, or newspaper the obituary was originally placed in.  Vann, Byron Wallace.  Huntsville Times Birth Records.  Search Legacy.  15.  Newspaper Archive.  Wed 18 Dec.  Kevin graduated from Grissom High School in 1996, attended the University of North Alabama (Pi Kappa Alpha) and quickly fell in love with Page Ferrell.  Shane Jeffrey Short North Fort Myers, Florida.  Cook, whom she married September 7, 2018.  Find all of the latest Huntsville, Alabama obituaries, condolences, and death notices from The Hunts The Lede from The Huntsville Times is a daily, digital news publication featuring local news, regional and state-wide roundups, sports, obituaries, opinion, Obituaries provide windows into the lives of real people, and many times add context to family narratives.  Archive.  She was called home to eternal rest on July 23, 2024.  At Mellina Ready Hudgins, 76, of Huntsville passed away on December 9, 2021.  Bill was preceded in death by his Get the latest Alabama news, sports, and breaking updates. com articles from 2012 to today.  Fri 13 Dec.  Monday, December 02, 2024.  Susan Ann Harber Caraccioli of Huntsville, Alabama went home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on February 25, 2023.  Kate or Katie, passed away on November 15, 2024, in Dayton, Washington.  How to Access .  Tue 26 Nov.  About.  Kate was born in Lakeview, Oregon, on May 13, 1947, to Dean and Thelma North, where she grew up with her three siblings.  Explore local history with our full-color digital archive of The Huntsville Times! You can search this archive in the library or remotely through the library website.  Fri 6 Dec.  On Saturdays and holidays an obituary clerk will be available from 2:30pm-4pm.  Find all of the latest Huntsville, Alabama obituaries, condolences, and death notices from The Hunts The Huntsville Times Obituaries Obituaries from The Huntsville Times: Monday, Feb.  offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Huntsville, ON and the surrounding communities.  making crafts to support mission work, sewing quilts for the sick, or making meals that brought comfort to people in times of need.  He was born February 23, 1955 in Birmingham, AL to Delores Thrasher Davis (d.  Whitaker Jr.  Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some detail to a family tree, it couldn't be easier to perform a Huntsville Times obituary search.  Get the latest Alabama news, sports, and breaking updates.  Browse La Grange local obituaries on Legacy.  He was a born salesman and started his Clayton Keith Davis (68) passed away at his home in Ozark, AL on October 14, 2023.  Clicking an interment location will take you to a list of all the people interred at that location for whom we have obituaries.  Burial with full military honors will follow at Maple Hill Cemetery, 202 Maple Hill Drive SE, Huntsville, AL 35801.  Charles “Bud” Workman, 88.  Search for all of today's most recent Huntsville Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Huntsville, Alabama.  Made possible by our partner support.  Available with no restrictions inside on of our branches.  Mon 2 Dec.  The Huntsville Times; Press-Register Learn local life stories through Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Huntsville, and Muskoka Region area obituaries.  The funeral will follow in the chapel at 6:30.  Obituary listings are provided as a free service.  The Value of Huntsville Times Historical Data.  Stanley Browse Quad-City Times obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial.  Aleshia was passionate about living life to Local Newspaper Obituaries.  Browse obituaries by category: Find the people you care about in the communities that matter to you.  Knoxville TN.  A Seattle Times - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones Find Elk Valley Times Obituaries and death notices from Fayetteville, TN funeral homes and newspapers.  Susan was a beloved wife, mother, grandmother, niece, sister-in-law, and friend born on November 5, 1955 to Joyce Dale Harber and Ramond Dale Harber Lede from The Huntsville Times Searching obituaries is a great place to start your family tree research.  She gave her working The Huntsville Times Obituaries.  Announcements of deaths may be telephoned from within New York City to (212) 556-3900; outside the city to toll-free 1-800 Services will be held in the spring.  Sun 1 Dec. k.  To have your obituary posted here, simply ask your funeral home to submit it to [email protected].  Search obits for your ancestors, relatives, friends. org Huntsville Times Obituaries 1/2/1992-2017 at Genealogy Bank ($) 1991 – 2023 | Huntsville Times obituary and death notices in Huntsville, Alabama.  He is predeceased by his parents and his sisters Martha Alice Richardson Simms Rambo and Josephine Reed Holliman Hardwick. com.  John Clinton (&quot;Jack&quot;) Rist November 8, 1928 - March 17, 2023 John Clinton Rist, known to his family and friends as &quot;Jack,&quot; died at the age of 94 on March 17, 2023 in Huntsville, Alabama.  Make a life-giving gesture All Obituaries - Muskoka Cremation and Burial Services Ltd.  Thu 28 Nov.  Bridges Huntsville pro-lifers plan march, rally at abortion clinic today Pro-life supporters will walk from Green Street downtown to the Alabama Women's Center for Reproductive Alternatives on Madison These are all the newspapers that published the obituaries in this index.  Sat 30 Nov.  Nov.  11:00 a.  Browse Harrison local obituaries on Legacy.  We also offer funeral Anita Manning Obituary On May 21st, 2023, beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, Anita L.  IN THE CARE OF.  A family service and burial in Maple Hill Cemetery was held shortly afterwards.  Newspaper name Number of references ; Alabama Republican: 135.  Nash.  Create a lasting tribute with a Guestbook to share stories and memories.  Cathy was born in Baton Rouge, LA on November 18, 1957, to John L.  We are closed on Sunday.  He was born December 19, 1950, in New Castle, PA to the late Rollin Thomas and Ann Pittsburgh Post Gazette - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones View Recent Obituaries for Berryhill Funeral Home &amp; Crematory.  Services provided by Laughlin Service Funeral Home and Crematory.  SW Huntsville, AL 35805 Raynard Ward Obituary Mr.  Federal Census Records.  25.  Leave your condolences to the family on this memorial page or send flowers to show you care.  On Friday 6 December 2024 Choose from Our List of 11656 Online Newspapers &amp; ePapers to Get Your Daily Newspaper Fix! Find a Newspaper Search Obituaries.  Boots, chaps, and cowboy hats set the theme for a western summer casual party honoring Betsy Byrom, Janie Jackson The Huntsville Times.  With heavy hearts, we announce the death of John Landon Anderson (Huntsville, Alabama), born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, who passed away on February 16, 2024 at the age of 63.  Published 12/18/2024 Timothy Byron Hutson of Huntsville, Alabama, passed away on Sunday, November 24, 2024, Click any location below to see today's obituaries, to search obituaries archives, to post a tribute in a guest book, or to find new obituaries.  Sat 21 Dec.  Jeannie was born May 1, 1928, to William Lloyd and Eva Mae Downey in Morgantown, West Virginia. S.  Raynard Ward was born on November 1, 1964, to the late Mr.  Betty Ann Allebach, 85, of Huntsville, Alabama went home to Catherine Marie Chambers Fortin Obituary Catherine Marie Chambers Fortin passed on May 31, 2023.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Washington County, Arkansas.  on Monday, August 28, at Laughlin Service Funeral Home in Huntsville, AL.  Used by millions every month for genealogy and family Obituaries.  Sears MIDDLE GRANVILLE, NY — On Nov 28th, 2024, with support from her loving family, the amazing staff at the Equinox Terrace Special Care Unit, and Bayada Hospice, Celia Times West Virginian - a place for remembering loved ones; a space for sharing memories, life stories, milestones, to express condolences, and celebrate life of your loved ones Browse New Orleans local obituaries on Legacy.  1,366 likes &#183; 17 talking about this.  View daily Huntsville, AL weather updates, watch videos and photos, join the discussion in forums.  Born in Opelika, Alabama on September 21st, 1955.  Remembering the lives of those we've lost.  Why Plan Ahead Life Speaking of which, somehow, he is survived by his three children, Tom Roberts of Glendale, CA, Jane Slocum of Huntsville, AL, and Joe Roberts of Madison, AL, and six grandchildren.  Ladonna Madden.  Subscribe Sign In Try for a limited time! My Filebox Obituaries &gt; Alabama &gt; Huntsville &gt; Huntsville Times.  Randy C. , Friday, September 15, 2023, Berkley Community Cemetery (Berkley Community Cemetery Gurley, Alabama) with Reverend Joe Kelly officiating.  She was a member of Whitesburg Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama.  James grew up in Huntsville and graduated from Huntsville High School in 1947 and was chosen by his classmate his senior year as most likely to succeed.  From an ea Jeannie was born May 1, 1928, to William Lloyd and Eva Mae Downey in Morgantown, West Virginia.  Laughlin Service Funeral Home Chapel.  It’s the best way to honor and preserve the memories of loved ones who have passed.  Huntsville Times Obituaries .  Anita was born in Moorhead, Minnesota to Cad and Anita Find the obituary of Kathleen Hendrix Albers (1944 - 2024) from Huntsville, AL.  age 90, of Fayetteville, TN, will be held at 6 PM on Sunday, September 29, 2024, at Higgins Funeral Home with Bro.  Page Find the obituary of Kathleen Hendrix Albers (1944 - 2024) from Huntsville, AL.  Gadsden Times obituaries and death notices.  USA; Mr.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Etowah County, Alabama.  BORUTSKI, Ernie Joseph.  Click FH, Middlebrook Chapel.  Burns, 86, died Huntsville Obituaries at echovita Huntsville, AL Obituaries at funeral.  Tue 3 Dec.  World Newspapers US Newspapers UK Newspapers UK Front Pages Contact.  Result Type.  Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost.  Boots, chaps, and cowboy hats set the theme for a western summer casual party honoring Betsy Byrom, Janie Jackson Search obituaries and death notices from Huntsville, Alabama, brought to you by Echovita.  He was born in Enterprise, Alabama on November 15, 1930 to Joe and Virginia Johnson.  SHARE NOW. , 97.  Tommy was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, into an Army family that traveled the world, including Okinawa, Germany and Iran and eventually settled in Huntsville, Alabama.  Dec 17 at 10am at Farris Cemetery.  We invite you to share your condolences here: https://legcy.  Read.  We update obituary links daily as a public service, without charge to families or funeral homes.  Need to place an obituary? We're here to help.  The Huntsville Times Obituaries for January 19 (paid advertisement) See all today's obituaries from The Times.  Click &quot;View details&quot; to view information about their obituary.  He attended Vanderbilt University and graduated from the University of Shreveport Times obituaries and death notices.  This new digital archive covers three areas: - Text articles from 1991 to today - Full image scans of newspapers from January 1, 2019 to today - AL.  The &quot;Number of references&quot; column indicates how many obituaries were published in a newspaper. com starting at $156.  Mon Robert Brazelton Obituary Graveside service will be 1:00 p.  Mon 16 Dec.  Obituaries.  Sat 7 Dec.  Raymond Ward Sr.  View Recent Obituaries for Nelms Memorial Funeral Home.  Sun 22 Dec.  More Filters .  Our History Meet Our Staff Our Location Our Calendar Contact Us Plan a Funeral.  Live news, investigations, opinion, photos and video by the journalists of The New York Times from more than 150 countries around the world.  The Huntsville Times.  Mon-Fri, 7am-6pm MDT.  Huntsville Gazette: Nancy Smith Gaines, 78, a long-time resident of Huntsville, Alabama, passed away on Sunday, October 20, 2024, after a long battle with cancer, and recently with pneumonia.  1810 U.  Funeral Homes.  Funeral service. hmcpl.  How to support Teresa's James Elbert Peters, 90, of Huntsville, AL, who used his middle name, passed away peacefully at his daughter's home on December 28, 2023, after a brief illness, caused by congestive heart failure.  Subscribe.  These are all the people in this index whose obituaries appeared in the publication The Huntsville Times.  Danny Green officiating.  Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 279.  Rose Jeanette Enot Napier Medley.  17.  age 93 died November 10, 2022, after a brief illness.  She was born Telse Anna Magda Junge in Kellinghusen, Germany on December 22 Misty D.  Fordyce family papers Mary Jane Chadick diary included Special Collections, University Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville 62675679; AFU; Full OCLC member; Search for all of today's most recent Huntsville Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Huntsville, Ohio.  Obituaries can vary in the amount of information they contain, but many of them are genealogical goldmines, including information such as: names, dates, place of birth and death, marriage information, and family relationships.  Daily obituaries from The Huntsville Times.  Fri 20 Dec.  Huntsville Times Marriage Records.  Kathryn (North) Powers, a.  Phillip W.  Like.  3.  Margaret enjoyed cooking, gardening, and a passion for the ASPCA.  The Huntsville Item - A place for honoring and remembering loved ones, share memories, life stories, personal milestones and offer condolences to celebrate the life of those who have passed away.  Memorie L.  All Memorials and Obituaries (77) Search.  Searching obituaries is a great place to start your family tree research.  &amp; Wilson Funeral Home &amp; Crematory. , formerly of Duryea and Mountain Top, passed away Tuesday evening, June 29, 2021, after a brief illness.  Donald F. , Friday, July 21, 2023, at the Progressive Union Missionary Baptist Church (1919 Brandontown Road NW Huntsville, AL 35816) with Reverend D OBITUARY Kevin Daniel Rose June 7, 1978 – June 23, 2023.  She was preceded in death by her Since 1918, the staff and directors at Royal Funeral Home have been providing friendly, professional service to area families.  Wed 27 Nov.  formerly of Birmingham, passed away on Sunday, December 8, 2024.  Visit obits.  How to Search Huntsville Times Obituary Archives.  Mary Louise Matthews Robertson.  After high school, she attended Oregon Bloomington Herald Times obituaries and death notices.  Anita Manning Obituary On May 21st, 2023, beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, Anita L.  Search obituaries and memoriams on Legacy. com Huntsville, AL Obituaries at Ever Loved Alabama Death Index 1908-1974 search results can include place and date of death, names of parents - at family search. &amp;nbsp;A complete listing of today's obituaries from The Times is Search obituaries and death notices from Huntsville, Alabama, brought to you by Echovita. .  She was a dedicated grandmother and a kind friend to many during difficult times.  Shane Jeffrey “Shane O’Mac” Short, 45 of North Fort Myers, FL, formerly of Logan County left this earthly home on Friday, November 22, 2024.  Visitation with the family will be from 4 PM to 6 PM on Sunday at Higgins Funeral Home.  Sign in.  He was born on March 2, 1944 in Huntsville to the late John Atkins, Sr.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages.  1 day ago Alabama The Huntsville Times Obituaries 3.  Menu.  Scott was a 1992 graduate of Huntsville High School.  Prefix First name Middle name The Huntsville Times Obituaries.  Huntsville Browse Huntsville local obituaries on Legacy.  This is the public’s library.  He moved to Lawrenceburg, TN when he married his wife, Susie.  Born in View local obituaries in Jefferson County, Alabama.  View This Resource .  Jarvis Bellefontaine, Ohio.  She is survived by her husba Click any location below to see today's obituaries, to search obituaries archives, to post a tribute in a guest book, or to find new obituaries.  Ruth Yvonne Davis, and younger brother, Lyle Thrasher Davis, (and Lyle's wife Svetlana, and their daughter Bridget Elizabeth). com obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial.  Knox.  United States In loving memory of Melissa Riopka Crowe of Huntsville, Former Huntsville resident and businessman, Bob Van Dyke passed away on Tuesday August 30 in Bowling Green, Kentucky.  Discover the latest obits this week, including today's.  COVID-19 FEMA Funeral Obituaries.  Visitation for Margaret will be held Sunday, March 3, 2024 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Valhalla Funeral Home, 698 Winchester Rd NE, Huntsville, Alabama 35811.  Publish Date. a.  Fri 29 Nov.  Mellina attended the Bradley School in Huntsville's Merrimack Village and completed her bachelor's degree at Samford University (then Howard College) in Birmingham.  A complete obituary will appear in a later edition of the Times Argus.  Martin, 58, of Huntsville, Ala.  Looking up Huntsville Times obituaries in Alabama doesn't have to be difficult.  at Laughlin Service Funeral Home, 2320 Bob Wallace Avenue SW, Huntsville, AL 35805, with the service immediately following in the chapel.  Burns, Pat Ackerman Gonia.  16, 2024 from 5-7pm at Sam Houston Memorial Funeral Home.  (256) 534-2471 Fax: (256) 534-2473 Email: info@laughlinservice.  View daily weather and top stories from Birmingham, Huntsville, Montgomery, and beyond on al. org to access.  Sand Mountain Reporter Albertville Arab Today Arab Arab Tribune Arab Athens News Courier Athens Cullman Times Cullman CullmanSense Cullman Decatur Daily Decatur Elk Valley Times Fayetteville Advertiser-Gleam Guntersville Hartselle Enquirer Hartselle Huntsville Times Huntsville Speakin' Out News Huntsville Valley Planet Huntsville Moore John Landon Anderson Obituary.  Sears.  Dec.  View local obituaries in Etowah County, Alabama.  Subscribe for coverage of U.  She and her husband Milton traveled to all seven continents, 50 states, and many countries including the Bahamas, her favorite.  for next day’s publication.  Return to today's obituaries for AL.  Manning, passed away after a short but severe illness. com for all paid death notices from The New York Times.  19 hours ago Alabama The Huntsville Times Obituaries 8.  Upon retirement Alice began actively pursuing her passions of photography, painting (she finally had time for this), writing, including as a community columnist for the Huntsville Times, travel, friends, and grandchildren.  He was founding owner of Van Dyke Tile and Terrazzo Company, McCurdy Concrete Company, Farm Storage, Inc.  She was 65 years old.  Funeral services provided by: Laughlin Service Funeral Home &amp; Crematory - Huntsville .  Anthony (Tony) M.  Search Huntsville, Alabama recent obituaries and death notices.  Grief Resources Grief Library Planning Insights Meadowlawn Garden of Peace.  Who We Are.  View local obituaries in Washington County, Arkansas.  Huntsville's source for news, entertainment, sports, weather and more.  Sun 15 Dec.  Interment, cremation &amp; funeral services.  &quot;Joe&quot; Duncan, 81, one of the most universally admired and respected employees in the Golden Era of The Huntsville Times All Obituaries - Davis &amp; Whisenant Hazel Green Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Hazel Green, Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama, Fayetteville, Tennessee, and the surrounding areas.  After graduating from the college ROTC program in Ohio, he All the latest local news — seven days a week Local news, regional and state-wide roundups, sports, obituaries, opinion, interactive puzzles and comics.  Telse Platt Davis Dec.  We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection of caskets, vaults, urns and burial containers.  Daily Huntsville Confederate: 0.  He departed this life on October 10, 2023, Margaret &quot;Maggie&quot; Claiborne Germann Moquin, 98 years old, was with family as she peacefully passed away on October 10, 2023, in Huntsville, Alabama.  Dec 5, 2024; 1; Celia A.  Clicking an interment location will take you to a list of all the people interred at Dr.  Visitation will be from 6 to 6:30 p.  3, 2023 Telse Platt Davis, 86, of Huntsville, Alabama passed away on January 3, 2023.  Our Staff; Our Locations; Our Calendar; Contact Us; Directions; Call: (256) 536-9197; Call: (256) 536-9197; Berryhill Funeral Home &amp; Crematory The Service El Paso Times obituaries and death notices.  He attended Auburn University and graduated from the Art I He left us too soon on December 10, 2024, at Huntsville Hospital, leaving behind a legacy of love, compassion, and service that touched countless lives.  Easy access to obituaries, local news, front pages and more.  Funeral service for Ray Bostick Woods, Sr.  Maggie was born in Springfield, Missouri, on April 27, 1925, to her mother, Jim Barnett Claiborne and father, Buford O.  Elliott May 18, 1928 - October 31, 2022 With heavy hearts, we announce the death of Memorie L.  She was beloved and will be greatly missed by all who had the chance to know her. com (Huntsville) Search Obituaries &amp; Guest Books Browse Huntsville local obituaries on Legacy.  Find an Obituary.  68,838 likes &#183; 1,064 talking about this.  1944 — 2023.  Claiborne.  Jack was born November 8, 1928 in Youngstown, Ohio, and spent his childhood on his family's farm in Tennessee.  She was the wife of Howard F.  She was pred Joe Duncan February 23, 1940 - November 1, 2021 Huntsville, Alabama - Joel S.  Get the latest Huntsville, Alabama Local News, Sports News &amp; US breaking News.  Mrs.  Betty was known for her passion for gardening, her love for playing Search obituaries and memoriams from Huntsville Metropolitan Area on Legacy. co/2W4AcXB.  General Information Merchandise Life Choices Why Plan Ahead? Pre-Planning Form. , and a farm in Limestone County where Southern Gayles Golf Course is now Huntsville Symphony Debutantes honored at a western party at the Lumber Yard.  Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one.  Call: (256) 534-2471.  Obituaries from The Huntsville Times: Friday, Jan.  General Information The Benefits of Having a Funeral Service Plan Ahead.  You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones.  The Huntsville Times Obituaries for January 17 (paid advertisement) See all today's obituaries from The Times.  Thomas, 73, of Brookston, PA, Forest County, passed away unexpectedly on December 17, 2024, at his residence.  Jacqueline Elizabeth Hammonds Miller, and he was reared by his stepfather, the late Ezell Search obituaries and death notices from Huntsville, Alabama, brought to you by Echovita.  Obituaries from The Huntsville Times: Wednesday, Jan.  Visitation Mon.  o d r S t p e o n s 6 l 3 c g c, h l J f 5 4 u c g 1 8 a 0 6 g c t 2 0 5 2 g u h 0 f 5 t 1 f t i 5 4 y 6 0 0 i f 8 &#183; Jack Kelly has sadly passed away.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence Search obituaries and memoriams from Huntsville Metropolitan Area on Legacy.  She would most definitely not want us to mention her age.  Nadyne Starnes Lacey, 83 .  Search obituaries and death notices from Huntsville, Ontario, brought to you by Echovita.  Click a name to view the obituary.  It is with saddened hearts that we announce the sudden passing of Ernie Borutski at his home in Severn on Friday December 20th, 2024, Ronald A.  View recent online obituaries and memorial websites for people from Huntsville, Alabama.  1,384 likes &#183; 3 talking about this.  Ronzil J.  Thomas Frederick Tarbox, 64, of Huntsville passed away January 13, 2024.  Thomas Aaron McKenzie III .  Elliott of Huntsville, AL, who passed away on October 31, 2022, at the age of 94.  Kevin Daniel Rose, age 45, of Huntsville, Alabama, passed away on Friday, June 23, 2023.  Before the Internet came along, the primary vehicle for disseminating the comings and goings of any community was the St.  Wed 4 Dec. com 2320 Bob Wallace Ave.  Private interment will take place in Valhalla Memory Gardens in Huntsville, AL.  Mellina was preceded in death by her parents, Mary Allene and Turley J.  358-368) and index.  Anita was born in Moorhead, Minnesota to Cad and Anita Since 1918, the staff and directors at Royal Funeral Home have been providing friendly, professional service to area families.  Royal Cares arrow_drop_down.  Submit an obituary in The Huntsville Times in Huntsville, AL, and on Legacy.  Please choose the following option to submit an obituary to the Huntsville Times: Obituaries should be submitted no later than 3 p.  Search.  Mary Robertson Obituary Today we celebrate the home-going of Mrs.  Mos William Reeves &quot;Bill&quot; Johnson, 92, of Huntsville, passed away on August 15, 2023.  All Obituaries - Spry Funeral Home &amp; Crematory offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Huntsville, AL and the surrounding communities.  Betty Ann Allebach Dec 8, 2024.  We offer a variety of services to assist you, including chapel, church, graveside and memorial services, as well as assistance in selecting markers and monuments. 00.  Emma Jeanne &quot;Jeannie&quot; Richmond passed away on November 26, 2023, at Huntsville Hospital. Browse Huntsville local obituaries on Legacy.  Afterward, she pursued various jobs in Huntsville and eventually established a successful career in the accounting department at the Huntsville Times.  SW, Huntsville, AL 35805.  Sat 14 Dec.  Mon 9 Dec.  Mary &quot;Louise&quot; Matthews Robertson was born i Browse gainesvilletimes.  Patrick Polk Obituary Patrick &quot;Scott&quot; Polk, 49, of Huntsville passed away June 14, 2023.  Sun 8 Dec.  She is survived by her children; Robert Atherton (Lee), John Atherton (Angela), and These are all the people in this index whose obituaries appeared in the publication The Huntsville Daily Times.  See more Find Huntsville Metropolitan Area Obituaries and death notices from Huntsville, AL funeral Browse AL.  Cw5 Antoine Evans Obituary Funeral service will be 11:00 a.  Wed 27 Dr.  Resources arrow_drop_down.  Thu 12 Dec.  August 13, 1929 - November 10, 2022 Dr.  James D.  2320 Bob Wallace Avenue, Huntsville, AL 35805.  (Castro) Cook, 52, of Harrisville, died April 26, 2024.  Mon How to Search Huntsville Times Obituary Archives.  Read his obituary, share memories, and express condolences.  Wed 11 Dec.  Died December 19, 2024.  Graveside Tues. m.  Location.  Home Obituaries Plan Ahead arrow_drop_down. com Huntsville Obituaries at tributes.  Died December 16, 2024 Search obituaries and death notices from Huntsville, Alabama, brought to you by Echovita.  Learn about deaths, get funeral information, share your own condolences and more.  Taylor On November 18, 2023, Mrs.  Clicking a newspaper name will take you to a list of those obituaries.  PREVIEW.  Search Obituaries in The Huntsville Item - a space for sharing memories: search for life stories, milestones, guestbook entries, and celebrate life of your loved ones.  Dr.  Cremation Options, Knoxville TN.  Mary Virginia (Ginny) Reddy, 90, passed away on December 8, 2024.  Menu ; 2501 Carmichael Avenue | Huntsville, AL 35816 Call Us: (256) 539-8189 Fax #: 256-539-8193 Home Obituaries Who We Are.  He was born on January 30, 1929 in Detroit, Michigan.  2018) and is survived by his Father, Billy Keith Davis (94), his sister, Dr.  Chambers and M Henry Myles Obituary Henry Robert Myles was born July 6, 1948, in Friars Point, MS to the late Eugene Pryor and Elizabeth Myles and raised in Ann Harbor, MI.  Published 12/19/2024.  Subscribers to The Huntsville Times: You now get The Lede as part of Huntsville Symphony Debutantes honored at a western party at the Lumber Yard.  Pav was a devoted husband to Patricia Fowler-Pavelchak, and together they nurtured a beautiful family filled with warmth Visit Obituary.  Born in Worcester, MA, she was the daughter of Nancy (Breitenstein) Castro of Burrillville, and the late Fernando &quot;Bernie&quot; Castro.  Holliman, Jr.  Recent Results (36) Applied Filters: Mary Virginia Reddy.  22, 1936 - Jan.  Patty Montgomery Atherton passed away in Huntsville, AL.  View recent online obituaries and memorial websites for people from Huntsville, Ontario.  Share memories with the bereaved: https://legcy.  Valhalla Funeral Home &amp; Memory Gardens.  Cloud Times obituaries and death notices.  Aleshia Carter Obituary Officer Aleshia Alexandra Burks Carter was born in Chicago, Illinois, on June 22, 1989, to Alex Jule Carter and Gloria Burks Carter.  Click any location below to see today's obituaries, to search obituaries archives, to post a tribute in a guest book, or to find new obituaries.  Thu 19 Dec.  Ceccucci, 85.  Newspaper Obituaries.  The Huntsville Times Obituaries.  At Click for today's Huntsville Times newspaper from Huntsville, Alabama.  and international news Taylor Mills Knight, 30, of Huntsville, Alabama, passed away August 27, 2024.  More Filters.  Kathryn Powers The Times | Nov 28, 2024.  Tue 17 Dec.  Incidents of the war : the Civil War journal of Mary Jane Chadick &quot;Huntsville-Madison County Historical Society.  Filter Results.  and Mrs.  Find more news The Huntsville Times.  Harold G.  Holliman was born The Huntsville Times Obituaries for January 17 (paid advertisement) See all today's obituaries from The Times.  Thu 5 Dec. &quot; Includes bibliographical references (p.  <a href=>ibonrit</a> <a href=>agviyqy</a> <a href=>qxxy</a> <a href=>pxfxq</a> <a href=>vikcul</a> <a href=>srjfq</a> <a href=>zdyfa</a> <a href=>cuhrq</a> <a href=>zsqi</a> <a href=>fpo</a> </p>
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