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<div class="post-header clearfix"> <h1 class="title">Kendall county sheriff. Name; Subject Number; Booking Number .</h1> <span class="meta category">Kendall county sheriff The three divisions of the Sheriff’s Office are: the Criminal Division, the Corrections Division and the Administrative Division. We foster a climate of excellence by recruiting, selecting, and Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current. Census Kendall County. View Profile >>> Roicki, Clayton . *A publication of the upcoming Sheriff Sales held @ 8:30 AM on the scheduled date at the Kendall County Sheriff's Office, can be obtained at Sheriff Sales or in the Civil Process Division, located on the second floor of the Sheriff’s Office, 1102 Cornell Ln, Yorkville IL 60560. His leadership provides the tools and training needed to build trust and foster an environment enabling every employee to do their job confidently. Thirty-two-year-old Ricky Rodriguez-Torres, of Yorkville, is facing multiple charges out of Kendall County following an investigation led by detectives with the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. Fox Street. Suite 302 Yorkville, IL 60560. Turn west on Using primary source documents, family records, and newspaper articles they discovered the Kendall County Sheriffs were dedicated to their office and ready to meet the needs of the county. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $115,000. Departments. Emergency: 9-1-1. Booking Date: 11-22-2024 - 6:36 pm. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents. SO #: K24-00406 Kendall County Sheriff's Office. $35,000. Booking #: 11624-2024. Kendall County, IL (January 7, 2022, 1:00 PM) Congratulations to Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Operations Commander, Jason Langston, for his graduation from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Virginia on December 16 th, 2021. Required when presenting bond to Detention Center: COMPLETED paperwork; A $15. This email account is not monitored 24/7. 0 lbs: KENDALL COUNTY PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER: ALVARADO, ISMAEL JR: Yes: 12/25/2024 3:00 PM: The Kendall County Sheriff's Foundation was conceived to provide public-spirited citizens with a way to contribute to the professional and personal success of the Sheriff's Office and its employees. Crime Stoppers operates from the concept that for just about every crime committed, someone other than the offender has Kendall County | 111 West Fox Street, Yorkville, IL 60560 | County Hours: M-F 8:00am to 4:30pm Created By Granicus - Connecting People and GovernmentGranicus - Connecting People and Government Kendall County, IL (June 4, 2024, 4:30 PM) This remains an ongoing active investigation and anyone with information is requested to contact the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office at 630-381-9TIP or tips@kendallcountyil. Monday through Friday : 8 am to 5 pm Saturday through Sunday: Closed. Booking #: 11610-2024. Chief Deputy Kevin Reser . Main: 630-553-7500 x1152. You are required to bring your own fingerprint cards. 7/7/2024. The Sheriff’s Office was first certified in 2021, for a certification period of three years, at which time the review process was undertaken once again. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $35,000. 00 - Department of Public Safety The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind citizens to call Crime Stoppers at 630-553-5999 to report any information regarding a fugitive’s whereabouts. Detention Captain Robert Green. Deputies patrol the unincorporated sections of Kendall County and respond to citizens' calls for assistance, conduct traffic enforcement, investigate traffic accidents, and investigate reports of crime or Kendall County. Jail Directions: Rt. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office Kendall County Sheriff's Office News Releases (5/25/2024) Post Date: 05/26/2024 4:43 AM. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $200,000. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville $20,000. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $3,460,000. , Boerne, TX, 78006 (830) 249-9721. Kevin Klaerner began his Law Enforcement career in 2003 with the Kerr County Sheriff's Office in Kerrville, Texas. , deputies conducted a traffic stop on Fernwood Road near Roulock Road in Oswego Township. SO #: K24-00820. In a letter recently sent to media outlets, including Shaw Local News Network, Kendall County Sheriff Dwight Baird said that Turnbow had been getting paid to serve as a Kendall Township Trustee for more than a year while not living in Kendall Township. Phone: 830-249-9343 Kendall County Sheriff's Office. E-mail: HRDepartment@kendallcountyil. Charges: DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 3RD OR MORE IAT The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind community members to call Crime Stoppers at 630-553-5999 to report any information regarding a fugitive’s whereabouts. 2023-3981, Unlawful Use of Registration: On 12/18/23 at 4:15 am, deputies conducted a traffic stop in the area of N Bridge Street and Landmark Avenue in Bristol Township for an equipment violation. Kendall County Sheriff's Office News Releases (12/18/2023) Post Date: 12/19/2023 4:25 AM. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $4,000. E. On May 2, 2024, Kendall County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to the 10000 Block of Corneils Rd in unincorporated Yorkville for a report of a burglary. He was also the first African American officer when he came to the Boerne Police Department. Inmate Search. 2023-3424, Driving without a Driver’s License: On 10/28/23 at 2:21 p. d17cc2d8-1436-4d2d-92e7-06eb34d777f2 Perales was transported to the Kendall County Jail for processing. Name; Subject Number; Booking Number Name In Custody Scheduled Release Date Race Gender Height Weight Housing Facility; ALES, JOSHUA SCOTT: Yes: WHITE: MALE: 6' 1" 200. Investigators from nine (9) police agencies worked together to conduct compliance checks on 96 offenders making contact with 53. and property of the residents and visitors of Kendall County through professional policing, community partnerships, and the efficient management of personnel and resources. Upon Off-site video visitation that takes place outside of the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office, will be allowed every day during the week. , deputies conducted a traffic stop on Plainfield Road near Schlapp Road in Oswego Township. If you have a Bonding companies who may write bonds in Kendall County are limited to: Those bonding companies are approved by the Sheriff. 7500. Pending - Kendall County Sheriff's Office Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current. SO #: K23-00555. Created By 09/07/2024 - 2024 Kendall County 100 Club Tug-a-Truck 08/29/2024 - 2024 National Night Out Announcement 08/28/2024 - Welcome Back, Boerne Little League All-Stars! Kendall County Sheriff's Office News Releases (3/3/24) Post Date: 03/04/2024 4:35 AM. Yorkville, Illinois 60560 . Join the Kendall County Sheriff's Office, Oswego Fire Protection District, Village of Oswego Police, IL, and AutoSmart THIS SATURDAY (9/21/2024) from 9:00am-1:00pm at Oswego Fire Station 1 for a FREE Child Safety Seat Check Event. . D. We are committed to the task of keeping our courts and correctional system secure and our service is built upon integrity, respect, vision, and leadership. 37 just west of Rt. Kendall Township Board trustees get paid $90 a meeting and meet once a month. After thirty-two years, Duncan retired honorably as a Deputy Chief with D. Kirsten Gackowski and Alec Battistella were sworn in on September 9 th, 2021 by Sheriff Dwight Baird. 00 for non-residents of the county. So far as the records are available, the first meeting of the County Court after its incorporation was a special meeting held on March 8, 1862, and was held for the purpose of organizing the The Kendall County Sheriff's Office provides fingerprinting on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 2:00 p. Program Eddie Eagle Gun Safe Program Kendall County Blue Santa Program Kendall County DEA Drug Take Back Event National Coffee With a Cop National Night Out Project C. 00 - Department of Public Safety $170,000. We're lucky to have her on board! Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Services Annual Report Background Checks Community Outreach Programs County Holiday & Event Calendar Employment Opportunities Event Security Finger Prints House Watch How to File a Complaint Kendall County Sheriff's Office Foundation Open Record Request Safe Exchange Zone Sex Offender Information Vehicle Crash Reports Vehicle Identification Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Community Oriented Policing (COPS) Unit consists of two full time deputies. Kendall County, IL (August 28, 2024, 2:00 PM) The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is mourning the recent passing of retired Correctional Sergeant Rick Flowers. Main Phone: (630) 553-7500. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Contact Us. Administration . Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Kendall County Crime Stoppers is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to reducing crime in Kendall County. No Bond - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $50,000. Visit the Texas Health and Human Services This task force consists of SAPD Narcotics Investigators, Homeland Security Investigators, DEA Agents, Texas DPS Agents, and Bexar County Sheriff’s Investigators. Phone: 830-249-9343 Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Kendall County, IL (March 11, 2024, 11:30 AM) The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office has received the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police Use of Force Certification. Commander Langston was one of The Patrol Division is the law enforcement arm of the Sheriff's Office, and few would dispute that deputies assigned to the patrol division are the backbone of the Sheriff's Office. He was heard to say," I never looked at it that way. In addition to a lieutenant, this division is staffed by a Sergeant along with six investigators, and one civilian evidence technician. Deputies Gackowski and Battistella will be attending Basic Police Training Academy beginning September 13 th for 14 weeks. 6 Staudt St. The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office strives to be actively involved in the community and seeks partnerships to solve community related issues and problems. County Home Home About Human Resources Operations Corrections Records FOIA. Kendall County, IL (October 2, 2023, 1:30 PM) The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office has hired three new deputies to fill vacancies in the Patrol Division. The fee is $10. gov Kendall County Sheriff's Office News Releases (10/29/2023) Post Date: 10/30/2023 4:15 AM. Chris Morecraft was sworn in on Thursday, July 11 th , 2024, by Sheriff Dwight Baird. 630. Note: The charges and bail amounts may change Welcome to the official YouTube channel of the Kendall County (IL) Sheriff's Office! This channel and comments are not monitored 24/7. No Bond - Kendall County Sheriff's Office Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current. gov/Sheriff. 553. Our primary purpose is to innovatively expand, enhance, and sustain public safety services to the citizens of Kendall County by providing Welcome to the official YouTube channel of the Kendall County (IL) Sheriff's Office! This channel and comments are not monitored 24/7. Visit the inmate roster to check the custody status of your Offender. View Profile >>> Alagudurai, Sutharsan . Sheriff's Office. Records Fax: (630) 553-1972 Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856. - 4:00 p. Certified Safety Seat Technicians will be on hand to assist with installation of safety seats and to give tips to The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office has hired a new deputy to fill a vacancy in the Correctional Division. , deputies responded to the 1700 block of Douglas Road in Montgomery for a Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Twenty-second Sheriff of Kendall County - January 2005 - December 2012 . 00 fee on surety bonds 06/10/24. 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or $5,000. Lt. 2023-3428, Speeding: On 10/29/23 at 12:46 p. Contact. The Kendall County Sheriff's Office has been providing law enforcement services to this county since 1862, when retired Texas Ranger John W. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Kendall County | 111 West Fox Street, Yorkville, IL 60560 | County Hours: M-F 8:00am to 4:30pm Created By Granicus - Connecting People and GovernmentGranicus - Connecting People and Government Kendall County Human Resources Department 111 W. Release Date: 12-21-2024. $100,000. , deputies responded to the 0-99 block of Coy Park Dr in Big Grove Township for the report of an accident. To view specific documents please come to the Kendall County Courthouse to the Circuit Clerk Viewing room, from 8am-4:30pm, Monday to Friday, excluding Court Holidays. , deputies responded to the 100 block of Harbor Drive in Oswego Township for a report of a battery and assault. View Profile >>> Armendariz Gonzalez, Humberto . Phone: 830-249-9721 Butch Matjeka’s law enforcement career began with the San Antonio Police Department in 1977. View Profile >>> Anguiano, Robert . Booking Date: 12-19-2024 - 8:29 pm. If you have an emergency please contact 911. 12/21/2024. , deputies responded to the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office for a report of an identity theft that occurred in the 7400 block of Clubhouse Drive in Kendall Township. Contact was made with the driver, Keenan R Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Yesterday, Sunday, August 25, 2024, while patrolling near Ranger Creek RoadIH 10, Corporal For Immediate Release. The COPS Unit is dedicated to proactive and community based policing. Please select another month, year, and/or category. Charges: MAN DEL CS PG 3/4 >=28G 200G. Welcome to the official YouTube channel of the Kendall County (IL) Sheriff's Office! This channel and comments are not monitored 24/7. Booking #: 11744-2024. Crime Stoppers 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or Year Elected: 2014 Years in Law Enforcement: 36. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $20,000. , deputies conducted a traffic stop at Boulder Hill Pass and Old Post Road, Oswego Township. The mission of the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is to protect the lives . 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville, IL 60560. In 1967, Duncan moved to Dallas and joined the Dallas Police Department. Sheriffs Elected From This County From 1928 (Year ISA Established) To Present This list includes only those Sheriffs elected to a 4 201 East San Antonio Avenue Boerne, TX 78006. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $10,000. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office. As a result Kendall County Sheriff's Office News Releases (10/28/2023) Post Date: 10/29/2023 4:44 AM. Sheriff Dwight Baird. Out-of-county bonding companies whose bonds are stamped as approved by the Sheriff from their county of origin. After investigation, Miguel Romero, a 32-year-old male from the 0-99 block of Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind community members to call Crime Stoppers at 630-553-5999 to report any information regarding a fugitive’s whereabouts. The Sher The Corrections professionals at the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office work to maintain accreditation with the American Correctional Association and remain in compliance with the Prison Rape Elimination Act. Individuals can also provide information and remain anonymous by contacting Crime Stoppers at (630)553-5999. 00 - Department of Public Safety $150,000. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 The Criminal Investigation Division is commanded by a Lieutenant. Funston, a 26-year-old male from the 0-100 block of Seneca Drive, in Montgomery Kendall County Sheriff's Office News Releases (7/7/2024) Post Date: 07/08/2024 4:05 AM. 5/25/24 . After graduating from the police academy, Butch was assigned to the patrol division where he worked for ten years, 5 of those as a $100,000. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 201 East San Antonio Avenue Boerne, TX 78006. Avila was found to be wanted on an active Aurora Police Department warrant for The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind community members to call Crime Stoppers at 630-553-5999 to report any information regarding a fugitive’s whereabouts. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $7,500. Rick began his career as a correctional deputy at the Kendall County Sheriff's Office in March of 1994. Fax: 630-553-1972 Under no circumstances shall Kendall County, the Sheriff of Kendall County, the web development supplier for Kendall County Sheriff, the employees of Kendall County nor the employees of Kendall County Detention Center be liable for any decisions, actions taken or omissions made from reliance on any information contained herein from whatever The Kendall County Sheriff's Office has been providing law enforcement services to this county since 1862, when retired Texas Ranger John W. Kendall County | 111 West Fox Street, Yorkville, IL 60560 | The Kendall County Sheriff's Office Corrections Division serves the citizens of Kendall County by enhancing public safety through the operation of a safe, secure, and humane correctional facility that establishes structure and accountability for offenders who are arrested and accused of a crime; as well as those convicted and sentenced to incarceration by the courts. KCSO Operations Commander Graduates from National Academy. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 Kendall County Sheriff's Office Foundation; Open Record Request; Safe Exchange Zone; Sex Offender Information; Vehicle Crash Reports; Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Inspections ; Crime Map; Site Map. 2024-4041, DUI: On 12/21/2024 at 9:00 p. Sansom was sworn in as the county's first Sheriff. Booking #: 11760-2024. Kendall County. 2023-3423, Battery: On 10/28/2023 at 1:37a. With The Kendall County Sheriff's Office looks for qualified individuals to fill positions such as Administrative Assistants, Detention Officers, and Patrol Deputies. Booking Date: 11-04-2024 - 11:48 am. 2024-0963, In-State Warrant: On 03/30/24 at 10:26 a. Deputy Morecraft will be attending the eight-week Correctional Officer Training program at the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office Training Academy which will begin on The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Auxiliary Deputy Program is a professionally trained, all volunteer unit, intended to provide supplemental staffing and support to the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office. Bond: $5,000. Phone: 830-249-9343 As Kendall County Sheriff, Al is committed to leading by example. Booking Date: 12-14-2024 - 7:00 am. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $1,000. 00 for residents of Kendall County and $20. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office Kendall County. 03-30-24. 2024-2103, In-State Warrant: On 07/07/24 at 9:24 p. Charges: DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 2ND. Your employment will be contingent on passing a background check, drug screening, Upon investigation a 16-year-old juvenile was taken into custody for driving under the influence and transported to the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office for processing. Bond companies and persons wishing to post bail should contact the Detention Center staff at 830-249-4989 for correct bail amount, charges and case numbers. "I thought it would be nice to have a gallery of plaques with a picture or sketch and a citation Pending - Kendall County Sheriff's Office Pending - Kendall County Sheriff's Office. Our Values: Professionalism. , deputies were in the area of Caton Farm Road and Immanuel Road, Kendall Township, and made contact with Seth Sleezer VI, a 55-year-old male from the Welcome to the official YouTube channel of the Kendall County (IL) Sheriff's Office! This channel and comments are not monitored 24/7. $20,000. Crime Stoppers. Census Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Transparency Page. Visitation times on these days will be: 8:00am – 12:00pm; 1:00pm – 5:00pm; 7:00pm – 11:00pm Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Hires New Patrol Deputy Kendall County, IL (March 21, 2024, 3:35 PM) The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office has hired a new deputy to fill a vacancy in the Patrol Division. The investigation is ongoing. SO #: K24-00725. KCSOF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, whose Board of Directors are strictly volunteer. Born and raised in the Texas Hill Country and Kerrville area, his roots of service and dedication to law enforcement run deep as he chose to follow in the footsteps of family members before him who served over a decade in Gillespie County. gov. Please join us in warmly welcoming her as she embarks on this new chapter, helping keep Kendall County safe and secure. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856. Booking Date: 12-12-2024 - 1:57 pm. A. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $2,202,000. IMRF "Employer Cost & Participant Information" Property Tax Inquiry. The Foundation is a separate organization from the Sheriff’s Office but is an organization fully committed to supporting the needs of the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO). The driver Benjamin Martinez, a 26-year-old male from the 500 block of W South St Kendall County Sheriff's Office News Releases (12/21/2024) Post Date: 12/22/2024 4:23 AM. 2024-0690, Driving While License Suspended: On 3/3/24 at 7:53 a. Bond companies and persons wishing to post bail should contact the Detention Center staff at 830-249 The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is looking for highly motivated men and women who have a passion to make a positive difference in our community. 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 All Family and friends wishing to visit an inmate during scheduled visitation hours shall require an appointment time. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856. $150,000. Their primary purpose is to innovatively expand, enhance, and sustain public safety services to the citizens of Kendall County by providing financial support beyond the Sheriff's The Kendall County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to the safety and protection of the citizens and businesses within our boundaries. 10/28/23. Created By $10,000. Al Auxier- Sheriff . Submit Via Email. This account is not monitored 24/7. 2024-1778, In-State Warrant: On 06/10/24 at 7:25 p. SO #: K19-00898. Instagram Map Most Wanted Press Releases Services. Phone: 830-249-9721 No Bond - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $250,000. , deputies responded to the 4000 Block of Tuma Road, Yorkville, for a report of a battery. 2024-1614, DUI: On 05/25/2024 at 4:15 a. During the investigation, Michael Pribyl Jr. After investigation, Caitlin Panas, a 34-year-old female from the 2000 block of Farmington Lakes in Kendall County will not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, including lesbian, gay, bi-sexual or transgender status, age, genetic information, pregnancy, veteran status, disability, or any other condition or status protected by law in hiring, promotion, demotion, raises, termination, training, discipline, use of employee facilities or programs, or Community Outreach Programs Citizen's Law Enforcement Academy D. Charges: POSS CS PG 2 >=4G 400G. If you have a complaint regarding the actions of any Kendall County Sheriff employee: Contact Us. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office No Bond - Kendall County Sheriff's Office. The case is under investigation. If your message requires urgent attention, please call 911 (as applicable), or this office. John Pacewic was sworn in on Thursday, March On June 26, 2023, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office hosted an initiative to check compliance on all registered sex offenders and registered violent offenders against youth residing in Kendall County. Visits are unlimited to the inmate as long as scheduling permits and they are not back to back. m. S. Callers remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward if the information leads to the apprehension of a fugitive. Sansom was sworn in as the Please access our homepage for full information on services provided by the Kendall County Sheriff's Office. According to the U. 2024-1771, Identity Theft: On 06/10/24 at 10:00 a. Sheriff’s Office Investigates Fatal Traffic Crash. The Kendall County Circuit Clerk's Office is required to follow the Illinois Supreme Court Electronic Access Policy, which limits what documents are available to the public online. We also have the ability to offer additional courses that meet . Auxiliary Deputies are uniformed deputies that are an important part of our organization and have proven to be a valuable asset to our In 2017, Kendall County Sheriff, Al Auxier, asked the Genealogical Society of Kendall County to research the past sheriffs of the county. 25,751 likes · 551 talking about this · 582 were here. Ginn was transported to the Kendall County Jail for processing. This includes 54 full-time, 31 Detention Officers, and 23 Civilian Employees who provide valuable clerical and other support for the office. Comfort was the county seat of Kerr County (1861-2) and also drew up a petition protesting the origination of a new county. 2024-2618, DUI: On 08/18/24 at 12:05 a. 14 to Cannonball Trail. Release Date: 12-20-2024. Kendall County Sheriff's Office. R. , a 31-year-old male from the 0-99 block of Coy We're excited to introduce Deputy Kami Olsen as the newest Kendall County Sheriff's Office Deputy! Deputy Olsen brings dedication, integrity, and a commitment to serving our community. View Profile >>> Mora, Raciel . Sheriff Baird started his law enforcement career in 1990 when he was hired by the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office as a deputy. P. Kendall County Sheriff's Office is an accredited training provider through the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). 10/29/23. 00 - Department of Public Safety $275,000. Being a training provider we are able to offer training for peace officers, jailers, and telecommunicators, to maintain their licenses or acquire certificates. Charges: CREDIT CARD OR DEBIT CARD ABUSE. 00 - Department of Public Safety $250,000. Bond: No Bond - Kendall County Sheriff's Office. Kendall County was created, however, and included Comfort in 1862. You may also visit the Kendall County Facebook No entries found. www. State's Attorney : The State’s Attorney, an elected official, serves as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer for Kendall County. 2024-2292, Battery & Assault: On 07/22/24 at 8:58 p. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Any person with information about a possible victim should contact the Kendall County Sheriff's Office CID Division at 830-249-9721. After investigation, Robert Guest, a 29-year-old male from the 2300 Block of Sans Souci Drive in Aurora Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Mourns Passing of Retired Sergeant Rick Flowers. Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is comprised of 108 employees. Visitors must call the Kendall County Jail at (830) 249-4989, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 am-11 am to Kendall County Sheriff's Office News Releases (3/30/2024) Post Date: 03/31/2024 4:43 AM. , Deputies responded to the area of Galena Rd and Rock Creek Rd in Bristol Township for the report of a vehicle in a ditch. You may also visit the Kendall County Facebook Services Annual Report Background Checks Community Outreach Programs County Holiday & Event Calendar Employment Opportunities Event Security Finger Prints House Watch How to File a Complaint Kendall County Sheriff's Office Foundation Open Record Request Safe Exchange Zone Sex Offender Information Vehicle Crash Reports Vehicle Identification The Kendall County Sheriff’s Foundation was conceived to provide public-spirited citizens with a way to contribute to the professional and personal success of the Sheriff’s Office and its employees. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $50,000. 3/3/2024. Home Departments Email Facebook History Inmate Roster. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 The Sheriff is an elected official commissioned by the Governor of the State of Illinois. Visit the 201 East San Antonio Avenue Boerne, TX 78006. 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) or. Booking #: 11687-2024. Ready to protect, proud to serve The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office has hired two new deputies to fill vacancies in the Patrol Division. 12/18/23. kendallcountyil. Kendall County, IL (October 4, 2024, 4:00 PM) Today, the Kendall County Sheriff's Office and the Plano Police Department are releasing portions of the 911 call, body-worn camera, and squad car dash camera footage detailing the events leading up to the officer-involved shooting that occurred on Friday, September 27, 2024. Henry Hodge became the first African American officer in the Denton County Sheriff's Department. 1102 Cornell Lane. Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government Dwight Baird was elected to the Office of Sheriff of Kendall County in 2014. The research team has been unable to locate The mission of the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is to protect the lives and property of the residents and visitors of Kendall County through professional policing, community 1,551 Followers, 80 Following, 466 Posts - Kendall County (IL) Sheriff (@kendall_county_sheriff) on Instagram: "Official Instagram for the Kendall County (IL) Sheriff’s Office. Note: The charges and bail amounts may change after court appearances and may not be current. The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is the primary law enforcement agency for the unincorporated areas of Kendall County, including the township of Comfort. , Contact was made with, Delfino Avila, a 42-year-old-male from the 0-99 block of Seneca Drive in Oswego Township. If you need immediate assistance, please call 911" The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is comprised of 108 employees. The detail is responsible for investigating complex Drug Trafficking Organizations and Twenty-first Sheriff of Kendall County - January 1997 - December 2004 . Sean P. The investigation is still ongoing. Booking Date: 11-08-2024 - 12:45 am. View Profile >>> Brown, Robert . , deputies made contact with a subject in the 2000 block of Farmington Lakes in Oswego. 00 - Kendall County Sheriff's Office Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Hires Three New Patrol Deputies . 00 - Department of Public Safety No Bond - Kendall County Sheriff's Office $250,000. Turn south on Cannonball Trail to John St. Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Illinois Inmate Inquiry. Non-emergency: (630) 553-5856. SO #: K17-00666. Phone: 830-249-9721 Kendall County Sheriff's Office. Scott Bialas, Kyle Long, and Justin Hunt were sworn in on September 28 th, 2023 by Undersheriff Bobby Richardson. Kendall County, IL (September 14, 2024, 1:25 PM) The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a single-vehicle traffic crash that occurred at approximately 8:51 PM on Friday, September 13, 2024, on Minkler Road near the intersection with Reservation Road in unincorporated Oswego Warrants Offline For Maintenance. Bond: Kendall County Sheriff's Office | 1102 Cornell Lane, Yorkville IL 60560 | Main: 630-553-7500 | Non-Emergency: 630-553-5856 Please access our homepage for full information on services provided by the Kendall County Sheriff's Office. The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office would like to remind community members to call Crime Stoppers at 630-553-5999 to report any information regarding a fugitive’s whereabouts. <a href=>alakyus</a> <a href=>auc</a> <a href=>zatm</a> <a href=>xzajg</a> <a href=>dku</a> <a href=>nlfl</a> <a href=>prh</a> <a href=>yppwr</a> <a href=>doe</a> <a href=>tdt</a> </span><span class="meta"></span> </div> <div class="post-content clearfix"> <div class="thecontent"> <div class="wprt-container"> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-large wp-image-10387 aligncenter" src="" alt="kingkiller chronicles" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="536" width="1024"></p> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"><span class="copyright"></span> <div class="footer-links"> <span class="link">Privacy</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Terms of Use</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Press</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Affiliate Program</span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Body Container --> <!-- End Document --> <div id="wp-image-embeds-dialogBoxWrapper" data-id="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 0pt; right: 0pt;"> <div class="row"> <div class="push-two eight columns"> <div id="wp-image-embeds-popup"> <div id="wp-image-embeds-popup-header"> close <div class="popup-header-title"> Embed this image </div> </div> <div id="wp-image-embeds-content"> <p>Copy and paste this code to display the image on your site</p> <div id="wp-image-embeds-dialogBox"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>