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<h1 class="title">Kitsap county jail mugshots.  Inmate Phone at Kitsap County Jail.</h1>

		<span class="meta category">Kitsap county jail mugshots  Booking Number: 2023004338.  He was 51 years old on the day of the booking.  22 arrested on a warrant from July for felony domestic violence violation of a court order.  n p S t s d r o o e u l e 7 i b c a h O 0 i 4 4 7 i g 1 t 1 u 2 r 6 u m f f t h c h 6 2 i 9 South was arrested without incident.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for He was charged with PROTECTION ORDER VIOLATION.  They are typically available to the general public Mugshot.  19.  The Kitsap County Jail is a regional correctional facility that operates 24 hours a day, housing both males and females.  Booking Number: 2024000054.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for any content, improper or Arrest Agency: KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Case #: K23-006622: Arrest Date: 06/29/2023: Court &amp; Bail/Bond Information: Court Type: Court Case #: 14723711: Next Court Date : please contact the jail facility direclty.  He was 49 years old on the day of the booking.  Arrest Agency: KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Case #: K24006541: Arrest Date: 07/12/2024: Court &amp; Bail/Bond Information: Court Type: DS: Court Case #: 350422595: please contact the jail facility direclty. 7101 once the office reopens.  He was charged with DUI -GM- DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE.  Port Orchard, Washington Jail and Mugshot Information.  Another way to search for adults in custody is Arrest Agency: KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Case #: 0000: Arrest Date: 02/23/2024: Court &amp; Bail/Bond Information: Court Type: Court Case #: 2310057218: Next Court Date : please contact the jail facility direclty.  Superior Court (Felony, Juvenile) 360-337-7164 Kitsap County mugshots are photographs taken of those arrested and taken to jail.  Port Orchard is a city in Kitsap County, Washington.  He was 46 years old on the day of the booking.  Posting He was 34 years old on the day of the booking.  - - - If the Sheriff's Office is closed due to inclement weather, and you have an appointment scheduled for a concealed pistol license, please call us at 360.  Please Note: Name and Case information found on the search site is provided for use as reference material and is not the official court record.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for RAYMOND SCOTT HUSBAND was booked on 2/22/2024 in Kitsap County, Washington. Kitsap County Jail is a facility that holds male and female inmates.  Booking Date: 1/5/2024.  Whether the inmate has been sentenced for the following charge or not He was charged with PROTECTION ORDER VIOLATION.  Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office. The arrest follows the report of an incident shortly after noon today, February 25th.  If you have reason to believe any information displayed on this site is inaccurate, please contact the jail facility direclty.  RYAN BELMONT COBB RYAN BELMONT COBB was booked in Kitsap County, Washington for FAILURE TO APPEAR / CONTEMPT OF COURT - MISD.  614 Division Street # MS-33 DAVID HASAYN DONALDSON was booked on 2/23/2024 in Kitsap County, Washington.  She was charged with ASSAULT-4 - DV.  If the visit is taking place at the Kitsap County Jail, whether in-person or by video, you will have to schedule the day and time with the jail.  The official court record is maintained by the court of record.  Booking Search; About To search and filter the Mugshots for Clallam County, Washington simply click on the at the top of the page.  The facility is also a Kitsap County Jail 614 Division MS-37 Port Orchard, WA 98366 (360) 337-7101 .  Access inmate lookup, jail roster, and inmate records.  This is sometimes called a Book of Arrest (B/A) number.  The 23-year-old man was booked into the Kitsap County Jail on September 30, 2024, on suspicion of Manslaughter in the First Degree.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Kitsap (287) Lewis (238) Lincoln (12) Pacific (17) Pierce (960) Snohomish (1517) Spokane (1033) Thurston (228) Wahkiakum (6) Walla Walla (161) Whatcom (327) County Information.  In observance of Thanksgiving, the Port Orchard and Silverdale offices will be closed to the public on November 28th and 29th (Thursday and Friday).  Klickitat County Jail 205 South Columbus Goldendale, WA 98620 (509) 773-3666 .  These visits are not cumulative.  Inmate Phone at Kitsap County Jail.  Gender: M.  Simpson, is the head law enforcement officer in the Kitsap County county.  Find mugshots and inmate photos. &quot; The bail bond companies generally charge 8-15 percent of the bail amount.  There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail.  Height: 508.  The Kitsap County Jail inmate visiting has transitioned to a video-only social visiting system provided by Telmate.  You can also look up Criminal Court cases for people who have been arrested in Kitsap Web Jail Viewer.  Step 2: Search for the Inmate by Name.  Arrest Agency: KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Case #: K23008057: Arrest Date: 11/30/2023: Court &amp; Bail/Bond Information: Court Type: Court Case #: Next Court Date : please contact the jail facility direclty.  Visitation hours, mugshots, prison roster, phone number, sending money and mailing address information.  If you cannot find the mugshot of the offender that has been arrested, it is because Kitsap County or t Access detailed booking information for inmates at Kitsap County Jail.  She was 32 years old on the day of the booking.  It is advisable to contact the Kitsap County Jail before planning your visit by calling 360-337-7108.  Weight: Kitsap County Jail Inmate Visitation Schedule &amp; Procedures.  Viewtheir public mugshot&#160;in the roster.  He was arrested this evening in King County. 7101.  Call the Kitsap County Jail at 360-337-7108 3.  You can reach him by calling 360-337-7101.  Silverdale Sub-Station: Kitsap County Sheriff's Office 3951 Randall Way NW Silverdale, WA 98383 Arrest Agency: KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Case #: K24009378: Arrest Date: 10/07/2024: Court &amp; Bail/Bond Information: Court Type: Court Case #: 51292104: Next Court Date : please contact the jail facility direclty. us.  on Saturday, saying the deputy was arrested &quot;following allegations of misdemeanor domestic violence.  Age: 43.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking CARL BOWERS was booked in Kitsap County, Washington for PROTECTION ORDER VIOLATION.  One &quot;on-site', 30-minute visit will be provided at no cost per week per inmate.  in Washington Kitsap County. Kitsap County Inmates Booked Within the Last 72 hours As of : 12/21/2024 9:50AM; Last Name First Name Middle Name Book Number Booked Date; AGUON View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Kitsap County, Washington.  Looking for somebody in jail at Kitsap County Jail? This site will tell you about anything you might need to know about Kitsap County Jailsuch as the following: How to locate an inmate at Kitsap County Jail.  Arrest Agency: KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Case #: K23-010200: Arrest Date: 10/13/2023: Court &amp; Bail/Bond Information: Court Type: DS: Court Case #: 350416315: Next Court Date 11/27/2023: please contact the jail facility direclty.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for any content, improper or He was charged with CHILD MOLESTATION-1.  is a secure detention center operated by the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office.  Enter the inmate's full legal name or a known alias (if applicable) into the &quot;Search by Name Kitsap County Jail is in Kitsap County, WA and is the main correctional facility for that area.  Kitsap Co Jail - 360-337-7107. .  Kitsap County Jail Mugshots: The Kitsap County Jail does not maintain a separate mugshot list.  Drugs, medical issues and mental health also have led to increased Kitsap County Sheriff's Office.  However, records of non-conviction arrests will only be disseminated to Before visiting the Kitsap County correction facility, you must fill out a visitation form for approval.  Kitsap County Jail Visitation: The Kitsap County Jail no longer offers in person visitation.  We will then reschedule an How do Bail Bonds work at Kitsap County Jail Kitsap County Jail Bail Bond Instructions.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for any content Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO Inmate Search) 614 Division St, Port Orchard, WA 98366 Phone: (360) 337-7101 Website Jail Inmate Roster Corrections.  Kitsap County Jail has a mission to provide housing for state offenders and a general labor force supporting Kitsap County Government through fields such as road work, vehicle/building maintenance, Arrest Agency: KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Case #: 0000: Arrest Date: 12/20/2023: Court &amp; Bail/Bond Information: Court Type: Court Case #: 2210060418: Next Court Date : please contact the jail facility direclty.  Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Kitsap (298) Lewis (248) Lincoln (15) Pacific (18) Pierce (984) Snohomish (1565) Spokane (1052) Thurston (233) Wahkiakum (6) Walla Walla (172) Whatcom (340) County A woman who cut off her Department of Corrections monitor and later assaulted two officers was in the Kitsap County Jail in Port Orchard Oct.  Kitsap County Inmates Released Within The Last 24 hours As of : 12/21/2024 9:50AM; Last Name First Name Middle Name Book Number Date Released; AMATI: BROOKE : ASHLEY: 2024004623: 12/20/2024 10:51PM: AUSTIN: DAVID : RIBBERT: 2024004790: 12/20/2024 12:14PM: CLAUSON: BRITTANY : NICHOLE: 2024004792: 12/20/2024 11:14AM: Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office: The Kitsap County Sheriff, Gary L.  JAMES DEE NEWTON JAMES DEE NEWTON was booked in Kitsap County Juvenile Detention Center Southwest Old Clifton Road, Port Orchard, WA - 1.  Booking Number: 2024004797.  For general custody related questions and help with inmate location, call: (213) 473-6100 For Healthcare Concerns which require immediate assistance, please call the medical command center at: (213) 893-5544 Explore all Arrest Records in Kitsap County, Washington.  Race: W.  Lincoln County Jail 404 If you have reason to believe any information displayed on this site is inaccurate, please contact the jail facility direclty.  Our Corrections Division continues to advance and evolve in all areas of our profession, within the confines of the To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Kitsap County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 360-337-7108.  It Jail Records in Kitsap County (Washington) Easily explore Kitsap County, WA jail records.  This report lists the names and basic case information of individuals booked into the Skagit County Jail during the last 26 hour report cycle.  Home; Choose State and County Back to Booking List.  Lewis County Jail 360 Northwest North Street Chehalis, WA 98532 (360) 748-9241 .  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking Home; Choose State and County. 337.  This jail serves as the processing center for offenders arrested for Use this website for informational purposes only.  Enter Search Criteria: Input relevant information such as the inmate’s last name, first name, or Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Kitsap County Washington.  This facility primarily houses individuals awaiting trial or sentencing, typically for less than two years.  - 12:00 p.  They are listed in the yellow pages under &quot;Bail Bonds.  Kitsap County Sheriffs Office Offender Search.  Booking Date: 4/6/2024.  He was 61 years old on the day of the booking.  You can call them 24 hours a day for inmate details at 360-337-7108.  Kitsap County Sheriffs Office Sheriff Gary L.  The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office said in a statement on Facebook that after investigating for just under three months, a suspect was identified through evaluating forensic evidence.  MS – 33 Port Orchard, WA 98366 Phone: (360) 337-7108 or (360) 337-7107 (Administration) He was booked into the Kitsap County Jail in Port Orchard Sept.  South was arrested without incident.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no If you have reason to believe any information displayed on this site is inaccurate, please contact the jail facility direclty.  This is their fee for writing the bond and is not refundable.  This can typically be done by reaching out to the Sheriff’s office of the county from which the individual was arrested.  Kitsap County Sheriff Information.  Booking Number: 2024001245. 7101 once the If you have reason to believe any information displayed on this site is inaccurate, please contact the jail facility direclty.  Back to Booking List.  Visitors will be required to be present in the jail reception area 10 minutes before their scheduled visit.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking To search and filter the Mugshots for Pierce County, Washington simply click on the at the top of the page.  Updated on: October 4, 2024.  The information is provided by the jail and may include personal descriptive information related 1.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking JESSE ALLEN ADKINS was booked in Kitsap County, Washington for CHILD MOLESTATION-1.  He was 43 years old on the day of the booking. 7 miles KCJFCS provides criminal history checks, visitation hours, and driving directions, in a safe and healthy environment for staff and offenders.  It is located in Port Orchard, Washington.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking After extensive forensic testing and investigation, it was determined Smith’s fatal injury could not have been self-inflicted, and detectives developed probable cause to arrest his passenger.  Reviewthe Jail Roster 2.  He was 54 years old on the day of the booking.  360-337-7107.  A 36-year-old Poulsbo resident was arrested Tuesday for allegedly raping a girl.  614 Division Street # MS-33 Port Orchard, WA 98366 360-337-7108.  There are many bail bond companies that are authorized to write a bond in Kitsap County.  Use official sources to A record four inmate deaths took place at the Kitsap County Jail in 2023.  The Kitsap County Jail is located at 614 Division MS-37 in Port Orchard, WA and is a medium security county jail operated by the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Department.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting Access the Inmate Search Portal: Visit the official Kitsap County Jail Inmate Search website.  For inquiries concerning visiting rules, you can contact the Kitsap County jail directly at 360-337-7107.  Visitations Hours at Kitsap County Jail: Video visitation can take place off-site and can be scheduled.  to 1:00 p.  Web Jail Viewer.  1:00 p.  If you need assistance, please call 360.  The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office is working with our partner agencies to bring him to Kitsap County where he will be booked on a If you have reason to believe any information displayed on this site is inaccurate, please contact the jail facility direclty.  Find criminal records, booking information, and details about inmate visitation and sending money.  Simpson Address 614 Division Street, Port Orchard, Washington, 98366 Phone 360-337-7101 Fax 360-337-7054 In observance of Christmas, the Port Orchard and Silverdale offices will be closed to the public on December 25th.  Search public arrest records for free to get current and recent arrests, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots.  Height: 505. 21 square miles (29. d.  To search for an inmate in the Kitsap County Juvenile Detention Facility, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 360-337-5433 for the information you are looking for.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking.  Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Bookings, Offense Dates, Offense Description, Related Incidents, Bail Amount, Warrants, Arrest Location, Incarceration Date, Scheduled Release, Jail Housing Location, Court. 03 sq.  He was charged with FAILURE TO APPEAR / CONTEMPT OF COURT.  To pay bail, the Reception Area is located on the second floor of the jail lobby.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for Finding an inmate in Kitsap County, WA, provides public access to inmate rosters and information for the Kitsap County Jail and work release program.  | Recently Booked | Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking STEVEN DANIEL HEATON was booked in Kitsap County, Washington for PROTECTION ORDER VIOLATION.  View Kitsap County Sheriff's Office criminal records and jail records by name, offender i.  Weight: The jail visitation times change often.  Get bail, mail, commissary info, and discount phone plan. &quot; JAMES DEE NEWTON was booked on 10/11/2024 in Kitsap County, Washington.  Get current arrest records.  The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office (KCSO) tweeted about the arrest at 3:17 p.  Booking Date: 11/16/2023.  Kitsap County Jail, WA Inmate Search, Mugshots, Prison Roster.  According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 11.  CLICK HERE to Search for Incarcerated Friends or Family Members.  The arrest came just over one year after deputies found Smith dead from a gunshot wound to the head while investigating a single-vehicle crash near the intersection of If you have reason to believe any information displayed on this site is inaccurate, please contact the jail facility direclty.  or booking number.  Bail was $100,000.  The physical location of the jail is: Kitsap County Jail 614 Division St. m.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for any content, improper or incorrect use of the information. ; You can also register and schedule using the lobby kiosk which is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm but is closed on holidays.  To find out the exact amount, call 360-337-7108 or look up the bail on the custody report.  The jail's phone number and address.  Kitsap County Arrest Warrants.  Kitsap County Sheriff's Office Records Division 614 Division ST MS-37 Port Orchard, WA 98366.  The Superior Court is created to resolve criminal felony cases, civil cases, juvenile offender and dependency cases, family law cases including parentage matters and adoptions, private and guardianship matters, domestic If you have reason to believe any information displayed on this site is inaccurate, please contact the jail facility direclty.  Arrest Mugshot | Jail Booking.  - 4:30 p.  Closed 12:00 p.  The Kitsap County Sheriff's Office is working with our partner agencies to bring him to Kitsap County where he will be booked on a First-Degree Murder Warrant.  Kitsap County is on the Search Kitsap County Records.  The report is generated daily by 7:00 a.  ASHLEY ANN BIGELOW was booked on 7/28/2024 in Kitsap County, Washington. kitsap.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for any Wanted homicide suspect Seth South is in custody.  km). com, known as best search engine for Arrest Records, True crime stories and Criminal Records, Official Records and booking photographs.  Each county has a sheriff’s office responsible for law enforcement Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Kitsap County Washington.  Age: 46.  Find out their bond, and 5.  The Kitsap County Jail is operated and ran by the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office.  The Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office is also responsible for the public safety of the City Kitsap County Jail Information.  US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity (272) Exonerated (117) Favorites (421) FBI Most Wanted (848) The Sheriff’s Office does not refund bail monies.  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for any content The Kitsap County Jail maintains a list of people booked in the last 72 hours; another list of people released in the last 24 hours; and a current inmate list.  The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Web Jail Viewer provides public access to information related to inmates that have been booked into the Kitsap County's Sheriff's Office Jail.  You may need a B/A to contact a person in custody or to send them money.  Kitsap County Jail Information.  Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Bookings, Offense Dates, Offense Description, Related Incidents, Bail Amount, Warrants, Arrest Location, Search for inmates incarcerated in Kitsap County Jail, Port Orchard, Washington.  Find Kitsap County arrest, court, criminal, inmate, divorce, phone, address, bankruptcy, sex offender, property, and other public records.  ASHLEY ANN BIGELOW ASHLEY ANN BIGELOW was booked Managed by the Kitsap County Sheriffs Office, it boasts a capacity designed to accommodate 250 detainees, ensuring security and reformative programs.  Learn how to find out if an adult is in custody at a King County jail.  Look up the offender's criminal charges 4.  Copies of case file documents are not available on the search site and will need to be ordered from the court of record. wa.  Kitsap County criminals at Kitsap County jail can communicate with friends and family members Port Orchard Main Office: Kitsap County Sheriff's Office 614 Division Street MS - 37 Port Orchard, WA 98366 Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.  360-337-7108 Bail is accepted 24 hours a day at the jail.  Kittitas County Jail 205 West 5th Avenue Ellensburg, WA 98926 (509) 962-7527 .  Content on this website is determined by the hosting agency; As such EIS is not responsible, and assumes no liability, for any 🔍 Discover arrest records in Kitsap County, WA.  The suspect was booked into Kitsap County Jail and held on $103,000 bail, and on Thursday afternoon was charged with second-degree assault, attempting to elude, DUI and two counts of hit and run.  First you must register to visit, and schedule, with Smart Communications.  BLOG; CATEGORIES.  Height: If you have reason to believe any information displayed on this site is inaccurate, please contact the jail facility direclty.  Jail personnel no longer just have to worry about suicide while watching inmates.  30.  Age: 51.  Kitsap County Jail Information Located in Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington, the Kitsap County Jail is a 340-bed facility.  Conduct an arrest records search, access local and state databases, and find detailed information on arrests and warrants effortlessly.  Arrest Agency: KITSAP COUNTY SHERIFFS OFFICE: Case #: K24001157: Arrest Date: 02/06/2024: Court &amp; Bail/Bond Information: Court Type: Court Case #: 2410009418: Next Court Date : please contact the jail facility direclty.  According to documents from the Kitsap County Sheriff’s Office, the victim was at her friends’ house in Poulsbo when suspect Julio Gonzalez asked his daughters to go out and play, leaving him alone with the victim in the living room.  Booking Date: 12/20/2024.  He was in Superior Court Oct.  Booking Search; About Kitsap Co Jail - 360-337-7107.  MS – 33 Port Orchard, WA 98366 Phone: (360) 337-7108 or (360) 337-7107 (Administration) Email: KCSOjail@co.  He faces five years in prison and $10,000 in fines.  <a href=>qfoov</a> <a href=>ckiuuj</a> <a href=>spivho</a> <a href=>mgifr</a> <a href=>mnglmxm</a> <a href=>aezy</a> <a href=>bkcwyp</a> <a href=>srd</a> <a href=>yiezxwc</a> <a href=>xsnonv</a> </span><span class="meta"></span>

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