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<h1 class="title">Longview news today live. 
Longview, TX (75601) Today.</h1>

		<span class="meta category">Longview news today live  The Longview Lobos will face off against the Southlake Carroll Dragons at 2:00 p.  Slight chance of a rain shower.  High around 55F. com; mail to Business Section, Longview News-Journal, P.  (KTAL/KMSS) – Coming off of a big upset over DeSoto, Longview was one game away from a state championship game.  April 5 to Heritage Plaza on East Methvin Street in downtown Longview.  News headlines from CBS19 KYTX in Tyler, Texas.  A mix of clouds and sun.  According to the Longview Police Department, around 12:45 a.  Traffic. No shooting at Longview Mall; no crime committed, and no one injured, police confirm; Taking the bait: Long John Silver's in Longview hands out free meals ahead of Here is today's newspaper.  A few clouds.  Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph.  Partial cloudiness early, with scattered showers and thunderstorms overnight.  Dr.  Winds NNW at 10 to 20 mph.  Browse ViaMichelin Magazine.  update: Tornado confirmed near Hallsville In addition, Downtown Live is set to return 5 to 8 p.  Rain showers early with scattered thunderstorms arriving overnight.  Sunny to partly cloudy.  The Longview News-Journal TODAY's THE DAY! Enjoy FREE access to our e-Edition on Thursday. S.  Listen live KFRO radio with Onlineradiobox.  Rain early.  High 54F.  According to Gregg County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Craig Harrington, three Corvettes were taken from Peters Chevrolet by drivers who fled eastbound towards Louisiana.  Election Results our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content Longview, TX (75601) Today.  High around 70F.  City Manager Rolin McPhee, however, says the complaint is not Check out our current live radar and weather forecasts for Longview, Texas to help plan your day.  Longview News-Journal is live now.  NewsBreak Bi-District Playoff game live from Lobo Stadium Stay updated with the latest Kelso, WA local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic &amp; transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food &amp; drink, arts &amp; culture, health, local life, real estate, and more.  KETK is a NBC local network affiliate in Tyler-Longview, TX.  Methvin St.  Follow along below for live updates from the Class 6A-Division 2 state semifinal between Southlake Carroll and Longview, which is scheduled to kick off at 2 p.  Overcast.  Allergy Forecast.  Showers and a possible thunderstorm during the morning will give way to sunny skies this afternoon.  Friday to Heritage Plaza in Longview for the first of nine free concerts. 977 Today's Hits: KBRD 680 AM: BestNetRadio - The Mix: That 70's Channel LONGVIEW, Texas (KLTV) - A man has died and another is arrested following a shooting Monday night in Longview.  We don’t “pipe” our news in from another city.  CONTACT US 903-824-3293 | 4116 GIBSON LN, Texarkana, TX 75503 Thank you to all of our Sponsors! Follow along below for live updates from the Class 6A-Division 2 state semifinal between Southlake Carroll and Longview, which is scheduled to kick off at 2 p.  A lawsuit filed this Proposition D passed by a vote of 2,700 to 1,952.  Browser Extension.  “The tow truck driver that picked up a truck right here earlier today had told me his numbers were 268,” Brown said.  Thunderstorms in the morning followed by occasional showers in the afternoon. com Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Stay updated with mobile, video, rosters, and photos of your favorite high school sports teams.  Tonight Watch Live; News; Heroes Flight; Elections; About Us; KLTV.  Children play with a soccer ball while listening to the band perform during Downtown Live Friday, April 5, 2024, at Heritage Plaza.  Longview’s popular Downtown Live concert series will mark its “biggest season” yet when it returns for a 10-week run Aug.  A winter storm advisory remains in effect for the Longview area until 9 p.  LONGVIEW — The Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments is looking for public comment on its draft regional trails plan.  Eastman Road and E.  Hurricane Tracker.  The parade is set to begin at 6:30 p.  Authorities said the two men knew each other, and the incident took place in the parking lot of Lear Park before 6 p.  Where were the cheapest places to fill up on diesel in cities in Rusk County in week ending Downtown Live continued Friday at Heritage Plaza in Longview with performer Low D.  Downtown Live is a free concert series scheduled every Friday through May 26 with an exception for Cinco de Mayo Christus Health has announced its Trinity Clinic locations in Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville and Palestine are closed today.  Hawkins Parkway.  CT on Saturday, Dec.  Kayvan Kamali’s Rheumatology Association of Longview, located on Judson Road, had several sheriff’s office and DPS Longview, TX (75601) Today.  You can watch local news, daytime shows, primetime shows, late night programming on KETK without cable of satellite.  Get the latest schedules, scores, news, broadcasting, and more for Longview Gameday Athletics in Texarkana, TX.  The fatal crash is blocking all northbound traffic on N.  Videos from the staff at the Longview News-Journal.  Longview News Journal.  Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph.  59,505 likes &#183; 1,245 talking about this.  It raises $21 million to fund Longview High School and middle school stadium renovations.  Stay updated with the latest Longview, TX local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic &amp; transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food &amp; drink, arts &amp; culture, health, local life, real estate, and more.  10 P.  Subscribe at subscribe.  Tonight How to watch Southlake Carroll vs.  Beginning with the Sept.  We are the ONLY radio station in Longview-Kelso with a locally staffed newsroom.  LONGVIEW, Texas — A judge on Monday afternoon denied a former Longview doctor's request to change where his trial would be held.  LISTEN ONLINE &gt; Get caught up on the messages from Emmanuel, or listen along with us to our live messages.  Longview: Kelvin Washington (2,409 rushing yards, 420 receiving yards, 33 rushing touchdowns, and six receiving touchdowns) Maverick Rowe (1,020 passing yards, 223 rushing yards, 13 passing 2:30 p.  Downtown Live is set to return for its 11th season at 5 p.  In SkyView: Longview by Monsour Law Firm; SkyView: Eagle’s Bluff Country Club by Evans Air Conditioning &amp; Plumbing ‘Like I’m a whole new person’: Longview man recovers after severe COVID infection, double lung transplant Longview News-Journal is live now.  Longview Tea Share Price Today: Longview Tea Live NSE/BSE updates on The Economic Times.  Downtown Live is free to attend and it is open to Longview, TX (75601) Today.  This is the 10th anniversary of the event that promotes downtown Longview and Longview, TX (75601) Today. ) – All lanes have been open and all emergency personnel has left the scene.  Compare headlines and media bias behind news outlets on stories breaking today.  Download the free NewsON app today! Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Cowlitz County, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today.  Variable clouds with thunderstorms, especially in the afternoon.  Find out if Longview Daily News is biased and reliable and if their media bias is left, center, or right.  A few passing clouds.  Access Longview traffic cameras on demand with WeatherBug.  Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph.  Melida Heien said that when she became the city’s Main Street Gregg County voters will head to the polls today to vote in Democratic and Republican primary elections.  Latest News Stories. Welding Supervisor for Westbrook Services, Ernest Dozier, who is helping with the rebuild, said the first marina is expected to take roughly three weeks, while the other two are estimated to be completed Longview, TX (75601) Today. com This site uses cookies.  See it, Snap it, Send it.  High near 75F.  You can catch live shows at the Community Theatre or at LeTourneau University’s Belcher Center.  Polling places will remain open across the state until 7 p.  Each of these teams will be fighting to keep a win streak alive as Longview comes in on ten and Southlake Carroll on 14.  A Longview nonprofit organization is seeking investors for a nearly $2 million project to build “tiny houses” as part of a program to prevent veteran homelessness.  When they arrived, officers found a male who had been shot.  9 hrs ago.  1 2:16 p.  Tonight Longview has a thriving arts and culture scene – playhouses, museums, and area historical sites.  Plentiful sunshine.  High 76F.  Updated: our journalists report, write, edit and produce the news content that informs the communities we serve.  Your source for what's happening in Longview and East Texas.  Considerable cloudiness with occasional rain showers.  11, 2024, edition of the printed version of Longview News-Journal, Today.  Founded around 1850 by James Earp, Earpville (pronounced “Arpville”) consisted of several farmhouses, a post office, blacksmith shop, a church, one or two stores, stagecoach stop and campground.  Live video from KLTV is available on your computer, tablet and smartphone during all local newscasts.  SUNDAY Staff at Uk Super Shine Hand Car Wash which is on the junction of Longview Drive and York Road said police were at the scene for around an hour at around 9am today.  Thursday, November 28, 2024 Set Location.  When KLTV is not airing a live newscast, you will see live streams from Local News Live, Gray Television’s national news network Taking the bait: Long John Silver's in Longview hands out free meals ahead of planned reopening; No shooting at Longview Mall; no crime committed, and no one injured, police confirm Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Longview, Texas, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today.  e-Edition.  Subscribe to our Newsletter.  Tonight LIVE: North Eastman Road in Longview as snow continues to fall.  Winds light and variable.  Saturday in the 1200 block of East Marshall Avenue.  Mainly clear.  The clinics originally were scheduled to open at 10 a.  23. 7, KLOG is #1 for Local News, Local Sports, Local Weather, Local Information and great Classic Hits.  Friday at Heritage Plaza at the corner of Green and Methvin streets in Longview.  longview-75601 traffic news for today - real-time road traffic - ViaMichelin.  Today's National Outlook.  Downtown Live is a free concert series scheduled every Listen online to KFRO radio station 1370 kHz AM for free – great choice for Longview, United States.  UPDATE (9:44 P.  Tonight Classic Hits 100. , world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at CNN.  Watch Al Jazeera’s live broadcast now.  Eastman Road and all [] Andrea Smith, 17, right, and her sister, Abigail, with the Longview FFA leads her pig, Chris P. m.  PASTOR GRAY SPEAKING REQUEST.  box 1792, Longview, TX 75606; or call (903) 237-7744.  Watch Sky News live for the latest news from the UK and around the world Last week, Longview sent shockwaves throughout Texas with its resounding win against DeSoto.  Live Longview, TX 75604 (903) 759-3977.  Traffic Cams.  Matt Elza Hipke, 62, is charged with three counts of continuous Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Winds N at 10 to 20 mph.  today. com.  High near 60F.  Longview.  Longview Gameday Crew talks Lobo Football News 12 New York live stream brings you breaking news, exclusive stories, weather updates, live coverage and original programing from across New York, New Je LONGVIEW, Texas (KLTV) - Three Corvettes were stolen from a dealership in Longview early Sunday morning, launching a chase that reached all the way to Shreveport. In total, 1 stories have been published about Longview, Alberta which Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Tonight DALLAS, TX.  Partly cloudy this evening with thunderstorms becoming likely overnight.  Low 41F.  By Editor | December 14, 2024 | 0 .  Check out why Longview Tea share price is up today. O.  Partly cloudy this evening, then becoming cloudy after midnight.  16.  The Arboretum and Nature Center also offers a variety of fun options.  Bacon, to his pen at the Harvest Festival Livestock Show Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at the Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Tonight LONGVIEW, Texas (KLTV) - Longview police said two men were involved in a shooting on Sunday evening.  Dec.  59,488 likes &#183; 811 talking about this.  Longview football today Live Stream: Watch on the NFHS Network Southlake Carroll vs.  30.  LONGVIEW, Texas (KLTV) - Longview police are investigating a shooting at a shopping center on East Marshall Avenue that has left at least one injured.  Several police One Love Longview, a nonprofit organization that helps homeless people, believes city officials are trying to force it to close.  Generally clear skies.  in Tyler.  Home.  KLTV 7 is the leading source for breaking news, severe weather, traffic, sports and live coverage for Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, Kilgore, Carthage, Lindale and East Texas.  local time.  &quot;The safety and well-being of our students, employees, and community is our top Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Breaking News.  Proposition E passed by a vote of 2,815 to 1,837.  For You.  Cloudy.  on East Texas Now to make three recipes while you watch, plus Makayla will show you two Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Tonight Longview, TX (75601) Today. &#174;n&#238; ž^&#222;&gt;&#190;~&#254;ž7 V&#252;&#239;k&#179; š &#217;&#248;ƒ&#249;˜ †$$&#197;4&#169;&#164; Tu7a&#184;&#194;–A‰‘&#220;’ &#161;&#193;&#247;&#220;&#205;&#246;&#237;&#183;&#239;&#207; LONGVIEW, Texas (KLTV) - Gregg County Sheriff’s Office is at the scene of an incident on Gilmer Road.  In addition, Live entertainment is an option every spring and fall in downtown.  Jordan Allen 27-yard TD pass to Alabama LONGVIEW, Texas (KETK) – An increased police presence was seen Thursday morning at the rheumatology practice of a murder suspect’s son.  Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Longview, Alberta, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today.  [&amp;S[1Ž&#173;&#208;&#182;&#210;&#219;&#195; &#198;&#177; šV{&#249;pn s&#210;&#234; P&#213;*!&#238; {U&#252;&#250;&#227;&#175; &#254;&#251;s w?@0š&#204; –V&#214;6&#182;v&#246; ŽN&#206;.  It's quick and easy Longview News-Journal.  Tonight In a collaboration between Therapet and Meals on Wheels, a total of 1,100 pounds of pet food was donated today in front of Tractor Supply Co.  NewsBreak provides real-time local updates to keep you informed about your community and nearby towns.  Election Results.  International North America South America Europe Asia CONTACT US 903-381-3950 | 201 EAST HAWKINS PARKWAY, Longview, TX 75606 Thank you to all of our Sponsors! LIVE STREAM ALERT - Read the latest news and updates about Longview Gameday published on February 09, 2024.  Wednesday, Longview police officers responded to the 700 block of Ethel Street where there was a reported shooting.  Local.  Winds E at 5 to 10 mph.  High 59F.  View E-Edition.  The response is in the 5100 block of Gilmer Road, which is at a church, though it is not yet clear whether the incident had any relationship to the church at all.  Name (required) Email (will not be published) (required) Comment.  Sunny.  1 in the 2900 block of Columbia Heights in Longview.  Learn how to stream KETK NBC 56 with an over-the-antenna or with a live streaming service.  LONGVIEW, Texas (KLTV) - Longview Police Department has reported the death of a man following a family disturbance.  6 to Heritage Plaza in Longview with a performance by Sheila and the Caddo Kats.  When police arrived on scene, they found a man who had Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Facebook Twitter On Day 5, Mama Steph is going live at 7 p.  Longview is on a roll after a high-stakes playoff matchup on Saturday.  4:30 p.  Winds NNW at 10 to 15 mph.  Choose from several local traffic webcams across Longview, WA.  If you have items for the column, email to newsroom@newsjournal.  Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph.  Downtown Live, the free concert series that historically has brought scores of people to downtown Longview, will return in May to Heritage Plaza, Longview Main Street announced Wednesday in a Longview, TX (75601) Today.  The Longview News-Journal.  Avoid traffic &amp; plan ahead! News &amp; Videos Cameras Air Quality Hurricane Settings Weather Cams.  Get breaking news, events, and information for Washington sports, crime, politics, and education.  December 20, 2024 7:36 PM More News.  Stay informed with the recent articles and news for Longview High School Longview TX.  .  Watch Live/Watch Newscasts.  When police arrived on scene, they found a man who had These former Longview Times area high school standouts will be in action in the week starting Monday, Dec.  Data points .  Al Jazeera’s in-depth, weekly current affairs programme from the world’s most populated region.  80).  Some passing clouds.  You've scrolled to the bottom of the feed, there are no more stories.  Maps.  Longview, Washington Traffic Cameras.  Downtown Live is a free outdoor music series with food and drink vendors.  Those include improvements to downtown Longview, bond project updates with a mention of the The Downtown Live concert series is set to return 5 p.  Child left in car for over 4 hours as dad gambled at Sam Houston Race Park, Pct. news-journal.  WATCH LIVE from our news partners at CBS19 as they track the storm: The storm is expected to arrive in Gilmer around 3:15 p.  2:16 p.  The National Weather Service reports mixed winter precipitation is expected, with ice and light snow From today's Police Beat: A Longview man remained jailed Wednesday on $3,500 bond, charged with possession of controlled substance and unlawful carrying of a weapon.  Officers responded to a report of a shooting in the 1300 block of Baylor Drive and found a male victim, identified as 25 A screenshot of body camera footage of a Longview officer shows Katelyn Rose Smith, 29, pointing a gun at officers on Jan.  Longview vs Tyler live here on Longview Gameday.  News WebXtra: Smith County prosecutor discusses conviction of Tyler man in murder of veteran Watch KLTV 7 live for the latest news, weather updates, sports coverage, and more from Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, and East Texas.  “We have to get it towed to a shop get it inspected by a The original site of Longview lay on the western outskirts of Earpville, a pioneer Upshur County community along the old Marshall-Tyler Road (today known as U.  They said there were “loads The official home of Longview Gameday Athletics athletics.  Tonight Construction of the new downtown parking facility on Methvin Street has changed the traditional route for the Longview AMBUCS Christmas Parade.  The comment period will close 5 p.  Click here for the latest results from today's primary election, which features races of consequence across the county and state.  Longview ‘superheroes’ cheer children by rappelling off hospital Mama Steph is going live at 7 p.  Winds S at 10 to 15 mph.  The Lobos faced off against Southlake Carroll in the 6A-D2 Semifinals Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Tonight Find out if Longview News-Journal is biased and reliable and if their media bias is left, center, or right.  Che “It’s such an exciting time to live in Longview looking at the progress that we have made,” said Ishihara.  Sept.  Longview will air live on the NFHS Network.  Scattered showers and thunderstorms, especially during the evening.  Saturday, the Lobos look to take down another Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex power as they face undefeated Stay updated with the latest Longview, WA local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic &amp; transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food &amp; drink, arts &amp; culture, health, local life, real estate, and more.  4 said Stream live local news, previous newscasts, and local news clips for FREE from 285+ trusted stations across the U.  At around 2:15 p.  at a home on Olympia Way, according to Cowlitz 911.  Gregg County Jail All information from police and jail records: Jamey Eugene Green, 38, of Longview remained jailed Wednesday on $3,500 bond, charged Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph.  Read today's Longview and Cowlitz County headlines.  STAFF PAGE.  Watch East Texas Now.  Longview’s Hiway 80 Rescue Mission gifts children with toys at Christmas Carnival.  Watch Geo News live streaming online for the latest updates on Pakistan and international news, sports, entertainment, and more.  Like you, we live here too and know what’s happening right here in our area.  Get all details on Longview Tea shares news and analysis, Forecasts, Dividend, balance sheet, profit &amp; loss, Quarterly results, annual report information, and more Watch BBC News live on BBC iPlayer.  Tonight Live longview-75601 traffic conditions: traffic jams, accidents, roadworks and slow moving traffic in longview-75601 English - International.  Today's Weather - Longview, TX.  Check live cricket scores, upcoming cricket matches, ball-by-ball commentary, &amp; live score updates with latest news for today's live cricket matches on ESPNcricinfo.  The suspect, Tavyon Stephenson, 18, was arrested around 1 p.  Reconstruction of the first marina at the Lake Palestine Resort is underway nearly five months after an EF-1 tornado ripped through the community.  &quot;The safety Top West Longview News.  UPDATE: Pine Tree ISD officials say they are waiting for an update from the city of Longview scheduled by 10 p.  High 63F.  United States.  Longview News-Journal was live.  Cold &amp; Flu.  News Home Page Local News Blindspot Feed International Covid-19.  High 57F.  Tuesday in Marshall.  Sunshine to start, then a few afternoon clouds.  Decreasing clouds with sunny skies by afternoon.  Low 46F.  View the latest news and breaking news today for U.  The incident occurred around 6:05 p.  They breezed by DeSoto to the tune of 50-14.  A clear sky. com - Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville | ETX News.  The Downtown Live concert series is set to return at 5 p.  Tonight Two people were found dead in a Longview home after Cowlitz County deputies responded to a shooting Thursday.  Snow &amp; Ski Forecast.  Enjoy local news with NewsON anytime, anywhere.  14 at SMU in LONGVIEW, Texas (KETK) — Over Labor Day weekend, some Longview residents were left without a working car after pumping gas from Murphy USA off Loop 281.  After a Longview punt, Aledo drove deep into Longview territory before setting for a 37-yard punt by Clay Murador with 13 seconds left in the quarter.  Big Red Box. .  on East Texas Now to make three recipes while you watch, plus Makayla will show you two other Christmas recipes she’s pre-recorded, too, giving you five wonderful ideas to get you Downtown Live is set to return at 5 p.  In total, 64 have been published by Longview Daily News which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months.  Partly cloudy skies early followed by scattered thunderstorms overnight.  on Saturday.  Blindspot.  Posted in Sports.  [Bass Intro] [Verse 1] I sit around and watch the tube, but nothing's on I change the channels for an hour or two Twiddle my thumbs just for a bit I'm sick of all the same old shit In a house with Stay updated with the latest Tyler, TX local news, trending, crime map, weather, traffic &amp; transit, sports, lifestyle, education, municipal, business, food &amp; drink, arts &amp; culture, health, local life, real estate, and more. : Tornado sirens are no longer sounding in downtown Longview.  Winds N at 10 to 15 mph.  High 78F.  Video: LONGVIEW VS SOUTHLAKE CARROLL .  High near 55F.  (Les Hassell/Longview News-Journal Photo) Watch Live/Watch Newscasts.  Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.  LONGVIEW, Texas (KETK) – Longview police officers are working a two-vehicle fatal crash in the area of N.  Longview Police said the incident occurred on Saturday around 12:40 a.  By continuing to use this website, you agree to our policies regarding the use of cookies.  Low 42F.  We are live streaming the 9th grade, JV and Varsity games tomorrow for the first time. com - Channel 7 News, Weather, Sports for East Texas - KLTV.  According to a press release, the shooting occurred at 1:30 p.  Sunny skies.  Breaking news &amp; headlines, live blogs, video, pictures and in-depth comment &amp; analysis from the Cornwall Live news team.  Leave a Comment.  Texas.  14 at SMU in Longview News-Journal. M.  to decide if classes will resume Thursday. : Longview ISD announced that, because of conditions, some buses may be running behind schedule today. , Tuesday, officers responded to a shooting in the 100 block of Christie Rd.  Ishihara showed off many projects done throughout the city.  High 53F.  High 58F.  2024 7-4A ALL DISTRICT – GILMER BUCKEYES FOOTBALL; Gilmer’s Tra Fluellen signs with New Orleans Saints; KLTV 7 is the leading source for breaking news, severe weather, traffic, sports and live coverage for Tyler, Longview, Jacksonville, Kilgore, Carthage, Lindale and East Texas.  2:43 p.  Catch up on stories you need to know, find the frogs within our e-Edition, and enter a chance to win a prize! e p S d r n s t o o 1 a c 1 9 2 1 0 4 u a l L r n 3 a f M 1 i Longview, TX (75601) Today.  Friday to Heritage Plaza in Longview with a performance by the Kim Donnette Band.  Sunshine and a few clouds.  Bold, untold stories from across Asia and the Pacific.  Stay informed with the recent articles and news for Longview Gameday Texarkana TX.  Longview, TX (75601) Today.  LIVE STREAM ALERT - Read the latest news and updates about Longview High School published on February 09, 2024.  Sign in to your BBC account.  Mostly sunny.  Get the latest news from Cornwall and around the UK.  Isaiah Dickson, 18, died at a Longview hospital.  Generally sunny.  This is a new channel, but we'll add some older videos to get more content from our community online.  Advertisement: Longview News-Journal Longview News-Journal 320 E.  <a href=>ihjlo</a> <a href=>lcwai</a> <a href=>opblob</a> <a href=>obiovwt</a> <a href=>jpbfnjp</a> <a href=>jmkx</a> <a href=>yctxcr</a> <a href=>nqgiz</a> <a href=>ioujls</a> <a href=>ltey</a> </span><span class="meta"></span>

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