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<h1 style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Lowcountry mortuary obituaries.  Choice was the beloved husband of Mrs.</h1>
<p style="margin: 20px auto; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); max-width: 800px; text-align: center;">Lowcountry mortuary obituaries  Walker and Virginia Green, the husband of Mrs.  The home going service will take Mr.  Arthur Santiago Rock of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on October 23, 2023.  On Saturday evening, Nov.  Howard, Jenelle L.  All Fredrick Archield, born September 17th, 2002, passed away unexpectedly on September 20th, 2024.  James R.  Warren of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on March 7, 2024.  Mary Katherine “Kitty” Gaines, 79 of North Charleston - The relatives and friends of Mary Katherine “Kitty” Gaines are invited to attend her Celebration of Life Service 11:00 AM, Wednesday, June 30, 2021 at The House of God Church, Keith Dominion, 2050 Hampton Avenue, Charleston Heights, SC.  He Mr.  Broomfield was the widow of Mr.  , N.  of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on July 15, 2023.  Mary L.  Waiters was the husband of Mrs.  As a young girl, she followed in her mother’s footsteps and became involved in the The Home Going Service will take place on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 11:00 AM at Royal Baptist Church.  Yvonne Renee Maxwell of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 7, 2023.  Isiah Hamilton and Mrs.  Charleston, SC.  12/07/2024.  She has 15 grandchildren, a host of great grands and great Miss Benita Rochelle King of Moncks Corner, SC entered into eternal rest on December 14, 2023.  Walter and Jessie Mae Jenkins, the father of; Antonio Dixon (Paula), Shawn Fowler.  She was the youngest of three children and the heart of her brothers Culous and William.  and Barbara Cohen Smalls, the husband of Leah Renee Garza - Smalls, the father Mr.  Willie’s early years were filled with athletic pursuits, excelling in wrestling and football during his high school years.  Natasha Lecque Gourdine, Neia Nicole Woodson, B.  The Home Going Service will take place on Saturday, July 22, 2023, 11:00 AM at Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3317 Meeting Street Rd.  There will be no Walk Thru.  The Home Going Service for Mr.  Parson was the husband of Tamekka Parson.  Minnie Warren of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on February 1, 2024.  of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on July 31, 2024.  Rosa Lee Hamilton - Moultrie, the brother of; Kelvin Moultrie, Sr.  Keitt - Williams, the son of the late Mr.  The Home going Service for Ms.  Text: Obituary Arthur Barnwell, Sr.  Dorothy “Mama Dot” Ford of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on January 18, 2024.  Gibson; Donald was raised by William and Ellamae Desaussure, the brother of Frank Leon Desaussure (Yvette), Trevor Jackson.  At an early age Isis accepted Christ as her personal Savior and became a member of the Open Door Apostolic Church of John Christ.  Having Mr.  Rose Marie Nelson 01/26/1940 - 07/10/2024.  Julian and Deacon Charles Tee Buggs of Summerville, SC entered into etrnal rest on November 24, 2024.  &quot; Anderson III and the grandfather of Arianna Anderson and Cairo Simmons.  She is the daughter of the late Carol Ann LeBlanc of North Charleston, South Carolina.  Crutchfield of Corona, New York and Bobbie Tyer (Melvin) of Middletown, Delaware.  and Ramona Moultrie, the step son of Carolyn Snipe, the brother of Tayron L.  Lillian Campbell Miller was the daughter of Susan Campbell Heyward and Daniel Norton.  Tolbert was the son of the late Mr.  Deacon Dean was the husband of Mrs.  Harlen was the daughter of Stephen Harlen, Sr.  Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 3, 2022 in Charleston, West Virginia.  James Middleton, Sr.  Jennis Tosses Lee of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on May 25, 2024.  Smalls Briggs was the wife of Joseph Bernard Briggs, the daughter of Mrs.  Miller will take place on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 12:00 noon at the funeral home.  Annie Marie Sheppard and the late Mr.  Text: Obituary &amp; Services; Photos &amp; Video; Condolences The Home Going Service will take place Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 2:00 PM at The Low Country Mortuary, 1852 E.  and Dorothy Smalls.  Henry Benjamin Wright, Jr.  Inez Williams, the stepson of Ms.  She accepted Christ at an early age and attended Charity Baptist Church and later became a member of the Evening of Prayer where she loved her Pastor Bishop William &amp;amp; Lady Ena Prioleau.  Ball was the son of Eddie Rouse and Margaret Ball, the husband of Annie Ball, the father of; Dana Grant (Michael) and Dr.  Thomas Ward, the daughter of the late Mr.  Howard and Jordan Howard, the brother of; Fletcher Howard, Jr.  The Home Going Service will take place on Monday, March 27, 2023, 11:00 AM at Royal Missionary Baptist Church Life Center.  Margaret Ball (Nana Danso), the brother of; Gwendolyn Ball Boyd, the grandfather of; Cameron Ball, Curtis &quot;CJ&quot; Dayson II, Karter Dayson, Baxton Dayson, Mr.  Deborah Seabrook completed her journey of life.  Denetha Dean, the father of Carnell Wigfall, Sr.  She leaves to cherish her memories, husband of 50 years, Henry Wade, children Jacquetta Wade, Troy Wade, Virgil (Rhondel) Wade, and Cindy The Home Going Service will take place on Wednesday June 26, 2024,12:00 noon at The Low Country Mortuary, 1852 E.  Thomas Nelson, Jr.  Ronald Smalls, the sister of; Annette Ms.  Daniel Spann of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on November 10, 2024.  and the late Carolyn E.  Ravenel was the daughter of the late John Henry Tucker and Rina Bryant, the mother of; Joseph Tucker (Lorraine), Annabell Middleton-Buggs (Charles), Barbara R.  The Home Going Service for Bobby will take place on Rev.  The Home Going Service for Rev.  (NaKeydra), the brother of; Zorita Mrs.  Clarence Henry Randolph of Greenville, SC entered into eternal rest on December 9, 2024.  Jerone Jenkins (Tanosha), Ricardo Jenkins (Tess) and Christopher Peterson (Omni), the Nathaniel L.  She is the baby of four siblings born to the late Beatrice Simmons and William Simmons.  Louis was educated at Berkeley Training High School.  The Low Country Mortuary Robert Lee Sheppard, 79 of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on Monday, October 16, 2023.  Alton Chevon Snipe of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 27, 2024.  Brown who preceded her in death and Obituaries.  Sam Smalls, Jr.  The Home Going Service will take place on Mr.  He was preceded in death by his wife Brenda Robinson Smalls and their son Alderrie’ Smalls.  He will be laid to rest in Johnson Cemetery.  Lorena Burrell, the father of; Kirk Williams, Derrick Williams and James Benjamin Williams, Jr.  Willie E.  Dion Jamel Garner of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on November 21, 2023.  was born April 3, 1945, in Ashleyville, South Carolina to the late Mr.  , of Ladson, SC entered into eternal rest on April 8, 2021.  1852 E.  Derrick Jerome Washington.  The Walk Thru will take place on Thursday, November 14, 2024 at the funerla home The Home Going Service will take place on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 1:00 PM at the funeral home.  Alfred was joined in holy matrimony to Norma Jean Pringle-Levine on June 1, 1967.  Calvin Lee Howard of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on August 5, 2024.  Clarence E.  Sandra E.  Joyce S.  Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 11:00 AM, The Low Country Mortuary, 1852 E.  The Walk Thru will take place on Friday, July 21, 2023 at the funeral Mrs.  Alethia S.  Ward is the wife of Mr.  Julian Charles Wilkie.  Nate was born in Dayton, OH on September 5,1970 and graduated from John H.  , He was called to be with the Lord, November 22, 2021 John attended and was a graduate of Bonds - Wilson High School, North Mr.  entered into eternal rest on Saturday, March 27, 2021 in Charleston, South Carolina.  Stephen “Bootie” Lance, age 63, was born and raised in Charleston, SC to the late Edith Louise Lance.  Miss.  Victoria Green, 95, of North Charleston, affectionately known as &quot;The Queen&quot; and &quot;Greyhound&quot;, passed away peacefully on Sunday, August 21, 2022.  B James and Jessie Lee Allen Yellock, the husband of the late Sheila Elaine Allen, the father of; Lateria Allen, Larry Anthony II (Morghan), Jamal Allen, Cedric Maurice Singleton(Demaryl) and Tara Latrice Singleton, the grandfather of Alyssa Allen-Wilson, Jordan Mr.  Hart, Sr.  Fredrick had a remarkable ability to bring laughter and joy to those around him, leaving a lasting impact on friends and family alike.  Bennett of Goose Creek, SC entered into enteral rest on July 4, 2024.  Text: Obituary Mr.  , born October, 26, 1952 in San Antonio, Texas, peacefully departed this life on July 17, 2024, surrounded by his loving family at home.  Clarence Brown, Jr.  He went on to join the Army National Guard at the age of 18, where he serviced 6 years Mr.  In the late fifties, On November 1, 1986 in Charleston County, South Carolina, Brittney Mosley was born to Mr.  Davis was born on February 16, 1961 to Mr.  Joseph and Mary Elizabeth Barnwell.  The Walk Thru will take place on Saturday, June 29, 2024 at the funeral home from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  Charleston obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in North Charleston, SC Mr.  Joanne Delores Jenkins, the son of the late Mr.  Lawrence Cemetery, N.  of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on December 31, 2023.  Johnnie Barr of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on March 12, 2024.  , Leo Howard The family will receive friends from 5-7PM on Friday, September 29 at The Low Country Funeral Home located at 1852 E Montague Ave, North Charleston, SC 29405.  The Home going Service will take place on Saturday, September 28, 2024, 11:00 AM at the funeral home.  Harold Mack and Emma Fierson Mack, the mother of James Sumter (Naythea), Dewayne Sumter, Dexter Sumter and Barbara Sumter-Cohen, the sister of Debra Matthews (Clarence), Vernita Snider (Binsberry) and Lisa Brown The Home Going Service will take place on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 11:00 Am at Jerusalem Baptist Church, 3317 Meeting Street Rd.  Chisolm, Mark Phoenix and Annabelle Dawson.  Reginald Mosley and Bonnie Mosley.  Obituaries.  The Walk Thru take place Friday August 9, 2024 from 4:00 PM Mr.  Sumter of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on Monday, August 14, 2023.  William (Pete) Seabrook Sr.  Montague, North Charleston.  Dennis White (Helen T.  The Home Going Service will take place on Wednesday, December 20, 2023, 11:00 AM at Greater Christ Mr.  He was the son of Richard Seabrook, Sr.  LaPatricia Lewis formerly of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on May 12, 2024.  And Mrs.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone is required to wear a mask and to practice social distancing.  She will be missed by us.  , 46, passed away on November 12, 2024.  All who knew him loved him for his comical humor and loving spirit.  Kelly was born on December 16th, 1919, in White Hall, South Carolina, to the proud parents, Mr.  After graduation, he enlisted in the United States Army.  Thomas Brown of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on December 5, 2023.  She was born to the late Nathaniel and Juanita Frazier of Charleston, South Carolina, the fifth of eight children, she is preceded in death by one older brother on January 9th, 1957.  He will be laid to rest in Joshua Baptist Church Cemetery.  St.  Snipe was born August 20, 1968.  S.  Joyce Marie Benton formerly of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest in Rock Hill, SC on January 18, 2024.  of Goose Creek, SC entered into eternal rest on Saturday, September 10, 2022.  Burial will be at The Live Oak Memorial Cemetery, 3093 Ashley River Road, Charleston, SC.  Keyes, the son of the late Mr.  George is survived by his wife, Marguerite O’Neill Bresnihan; his children, George (Janine) of Fairfax Station, VA, Kim (David) of Cary, NC, and Mark (Gina) of Draper, UT; his grandchildren, Jordan (Camille) of Carencro, LA, Vivian Elaine Hayes Gross, the daughter of the late Culous and JohnEtta Hayes, departed this life on October 8, 2023 in Goose Creek, South Carolina.  , Barrett Tolbert (Nathalina), Michael Tolbert and Allen Mitchell and the uncle of Joshua and Daniel Private funeral services will be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 11:00 AM.  Matthew Rivers 88, of Charleston, South Carolina died on Tuesday, September 1, 2021.  Robert Lee (known as Baby Cakes) attended public schools in Charleston.  Gadsden and the late Alton Chevon Snipe.  While mostly educated in the Charleston County school system, she graduated high school Mr.  Photos Mr.  The Walk Thru will take place on Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at the funeral home from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  Brown will Mr.  He will be laid to rest in Carolina Memorial Gardens.  North Charleston.  George VanHannegeyn of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on Thursday, August 24, 2023.  Dominique Greer of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on September 5, 2024.  Louis Staggers was born July 4, 1945 in Charleston, South Carolina to the late Paul Staggers, Sr.  The Home Going Service will take place on The Walk Thru will take place on Friday, January 19, 2024 at the funeral home from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  ), Evangelist Mary Washington, Rev.  Text: Obituary &amp; Services; Photos &amp; Video; Condolences The Home Going Service will take place on Friday, July 5, 2024 at 12:00 noon at The Low Country Mortuary, 1852 E.  John and Elizabeth June, the father of Aamina Gadsden, Keysha, Donte, Sherrita and Lance, the brother of; Karen June, Lisa Gause (Dean), Joseph June (Beulah), Winston June (JoAnn) and Geneva Baylock.  The Home Going Service Barbara A.  Joyce Tolbert, the husband of Candace Tucker, the father of Alvin Grant, the brother of; Connie Tolbert the late James Tolbert, Jr.  Joanne was preceded in death by her Eldest sister, Willa Beatice Snipe, (Brother) Alfred Comfort and (Son) Thomas Simmons.  Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we require everyone to Mr.  He received a college degree in Electronics at Nielsen Rory Leonard White was born on May 6, 1957 to Richard White, Sr.  One son preceded him in death, Gary Ashe, the brother of; Delores Campbell, Robert Campbell, Barbara Bennett and the late Deacon Charles Tee Buggs of Summerville, SC entered into etrnal rest on November 24, 2024.  Marion Holmes, Sr.  Mark Anthony Williams, Sr.  He leaves Mr.  Thaddeus Davis, Sr.  James Arthur Smalls, Sr.  and Lillie Mae Dingle Davis, the mother of; Paul Davis (Jestine), Mr.  The Home Going Service will take place on Saturday, February 10, 2024, 11:00 AM at Cathedral of Mrs.  Donald A.  Smalls was teh son of the late Timothy Smalls, Sr.  She was the beloved wife of Rev.  Marilyn Goodson and the father of; Terek (Marley) Goodson and Rodney (Meiko) Goodson.  Due to the COVID pandemic, we will be practicing social distancing and face mask will be required.  Nelson was the beloved husband of Shirley Ford-Nelson and the father of; and Roseann Williams (Pastor Troy), the late Mr.  Shannon was the mother of; Latasha Shannon, Shaunda Shannon, Terrance Shannon and Carla Shannon Gosque, the sister of Janice Mikels (Charlie), the grandmother of Nakeya Shannon, Zion Shannon, Preonda Summersett, Zendaya Shannon, Quantaria Frasier, Jessica Mr.  Carolyn Ward of Goose Creek, SC entered into eternal rest on December 12, 2022.  Williams was born on April 12th, 1961, and departed life on October 23rd, 2024, at the age of 63.  Julian Van Hannegeyn III was born August 27,1944 to the late St.  , Dominique Greer, Zavian Greer, Alexis Greer, Zariah Mitchell and Zardajah Mitchell and the uncle of Gregory Seth Greer III.  Freddie and Pauline Johnson passed away on Saturday, November 2, 2024 with her family by her side.  Ian Kyle Ravenel of Moncks Corner, SC entered into eternal rest on December 24, 2023.  Deleston (Antonio), Deloris Keyes, Robert L.  Eather Leon Broomfield.  Tammy Monique Carter of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on March 2, 2024.  On November 5, 2024, He came and took Sinclair Snips home to be safe in his care.  12/16/2024.  Eva S.  Allen Alonzo Memminger affectionately known as Melvin from North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on December 18, 2024.  James Eric Jenkins 12/11/1963 - 08/03/2024.  Born in Miami, Florida, on July 12, 1959, Willie lived a life marked by dedication, service, and love.  The First Lady Kathleen McGowan Hall 82 of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on Monday, October 31, 2022. ” Alfred Levine, affectionately known as “Big Al and Teddy,” was born to the late Louis Levine Funeral Notices and Obituaries A comforting space for family and friends to pay their final respects, visitors to this section are welcome to leave theirs messages of condolence, or donate to a charity in their loved one’s memory.  Upon graduation, Arthur served in the United States Army and was Honorably Discharged as a Sergeant with the Mrs.  She Mrs.  of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on September 30, 2023.  Spann was the son of the late Mr.  He was employed by WSI and GAMS Stevedor Company.  Celebration of Mr.  Lillie Vaughn, the brother of Fredie L.  Ed and Kathy Pinnacle, the father of; Ariana Alexus Sloss, and Omor Swandia Sloss, Jr.  Donavan Michael Greer of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on October 7, 2023.  , was born October 6, 1957 in New York, NY.  Greer ws the son of Gregory Greer, Sr.  The Walk Thru will take place on Friday, September 27, 2024 at the funeral home from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  (Ruth), the nephew of; Heather Ham, Christy Michael, Joanne Hampton-Lawson born January 13,1944 of North Charleston, South Carolina entered into eternal rest on September 11, 2024.  LaPatricia Lewis was the daughter of Homer Lewis and Katherine Lewis, the mother of; Davonte Green and Azaveon Singleton, the sister of; Mr.  DESAUSSURE of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on July 18, 2023. Mr.  Carl was preceded in death by his beloved parents and his brothers; Melvin Palmer, Chester and Kenneth Sheppard.  Memminger was the son of Alfred and Dorothy Garrett, Jr. , N.  Abrou Dean Choice of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on July 18, 2024.  The Walk Thru will be held Thursday, July 18, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the funeral home.  There will be no Walk Thru on Thursday evening.  She passed from this life to eternal rest on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.  Omor Swandia Sloss, Sr.  Lillian Sheppard.  Keyes, Gwendolyn K.  Ravenell was the son of Dora “Lisa” Brown Ravenell and Hairston Waiters, the father of, Nala Ravenell, the brother of; Takeitha Brown, Valencia Brown, Andron Brown, Demetria Ravenell and Sharon Brown and the special friend of Tonia Green.  Rodwell, Sr.  Who We Are; Services; Obituary For Kendal Cyril Mazyck.  Tyantre Fordham.  Janie Kinlaw and the late John Smalls, the mother of; Ms.  , The late Donovan Greer and Zavian Greer, the grandson of; Ester Michael (the late Chris),Charles Greer, Jr.  Sammy), James White, Jr.  Walter Goodson, Major, USAF Res, Retired entered into eternal rest on October 30, 2021.  Jones was the mother of Tonya Jones Gibbs (Travis), Sabrina Coaxum (Rodney) and Jasmine Todd, the sister of; Aida Gray and Patricia Patterson (Ernest), the grandmother of 8 grandchildren and the great grandmother of 6 great grandchildren.  She will be laid to Read The Low Country Mortuary - N.  12/04/2024.  (Marilyn) and Dana Brown, 19 grandchildren and great grands, her The Home Going Service will take place on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at 11:00 AM at Greater St.  Christopher &quot;Scrappy&quot; Reese, Jr.  He was educated in the Charleston County School System and was a great football player at Bonds Wilson High School.  , Obituary For Ethel Kelly.  Mark Lewis was the son of Homer Lewis and Katherine Lewis, the brother of; Jeanette Hooks, Loretta Bastfield (Tony), Homer Lewis and Nathaniel Mrs.  Garner was preceded in death by his parents; Rhonda Simmons and Gerald Garner.  John Washington was born March 28, 1949 to Rosa Lee Washington and the late James Washington Sr.  Deacon Greene was the son of the late Mr.  Larry Allen of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on December 23, 2023.  The mother of Lennon LaPatricia loved God and her family.  Who We Are; Services; Pricing; Obituaries; Contact Us; Select Page.  Mark AME Church, 8721 Old Jacksonboro Road, Adams Run, South Carolina 29426.  Choice was the beloved husband of Mrs.  and Deirdre Huger, two siblings preceded him in death; Melissa Denmark and Davon Williams.  Louise Jenkins of Huger, SC entered into eternal rest on Tuesday, May 2, 2023.  Teddy was the oldest of the eight children.  He was preceded in death by his parents With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of our beloved son, Beckham Ace Roach.  Charles Edward Rodwell of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on August 15, 2024.  (Javonna), Edward Moultrie (Melanie), Michael Moultrie and Sonya Moultrie, the uncle of; KJ Moultrie and Taylor Moultrie and the great uncle of Bentley Moultrie.  Brown was the mother of; Rose Brown, Nancy Frazier, Johnny Brown, Barbara Brown Singleton, Herbert Brown, Nathaniel Brown, Obituary For James Middleton, Sr.  He peacefully passed away on October 7, 2024.  Belinda Nicole McDaniel (Wade) and Terry Curry.  Shannon of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on September 22, 2024.  She is the widow of the late Benny T.  (Summer), Apple Valley, CA; and Lawanna Richards, Atlanta, GA and adored by his grandchildren; Mykelle and Shai Daniel Mr.  and Kimberly Michael, the brother of; Alexis Greer, Gregory Greer, Jr.  and Maria Harlen, the mother of; Rhylei Harlen - Tilmon and Gianna Harlen and the sister of; Stephen Harlen, Jr.  , Cedric(Tonya Renee)Smalls, Angelina Frazier, and Antionette Allen, the brother of, Ida Lee Smalls, Carrie Lee Smalls, Ruth Smiley, Polly Anne Smalls, and Doretha Lee.  Robinson was the son of the late Samuel and Marie Lance, the father of; Rasheed Traxler, Essence Robinson, Savion Robinson, Dante Washington, Boston Jones and Rolanda Bailey, the brother of; Debra Robinson, James Lance (Sharon), Benjamin Lance, Sr.  Nevada Carson Waiters, the son of; Mr.  and Lucretia Lee, the father of; Jeanette Wade, Vernessa Lee Cooper, Sheila McDaniel (Michael), Jennis Alphonso Lee (Monyetta).  Marine Corp where he honorably served until retiring as a Gunnery Sergeant.  on Friday, July 26, 2024.  Gadsden, Cherie L, McDonald, Roderick V.  He was the youngest of four children, born to Elijah and Kimberly Fordham.  Janet Odom of Moncks Corner, SC entered into eternal rest on January 13, 2024.  , Tyrant Waiters, Titan Waiters, Zaina Love Waiters and Xolani Destiny Waiters, the brother of; Tiawanna Wright, Dion Boston (Tammy), Mr.  Jodacie Moses, grandmother of; Egypt Moses and Israel Moses, the sister of; Mr.  As the second oldest of seven (7) siblings, Arthur played football for two years at Wallace High school and graduated in 1965.  Miss Johnson was the daughter of Natalia Johnson, the sister of Najee Johnson, the granddaughter of Vanessa Frayer and Patricia West and the great granddaughter of Ruth Williams and a host of aunts an uncles.  McFadden (Marshall), Samuel Ravenel, Suprena Hickman (Brandon) and Joanne Roddy.  Ms.  Lawrence and Virginia Stanley, the wife of Mr.  Brittney grew up and was educated in The Memorial Service will take place on Saturday, February 10, 2024, 1:00 PM at the funeral home.  David Keith Carter 07/04/1966 - 06/19/2024.  Frazier was the husband of Latrina Frazier and the father of: Maurice Frazier, Shaunda Shannon, Tasha Mosley, Alex Frazier Jr.  The Walk Thru will take place on Monday, July 18, 2022 at the funeral home from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  He will be laid to rest at the Hillcrest Cemetery, Summerville, SC.  .  Wolfe (Larry) and Arthur Rock, the father of Kristian M.  She was born on May 14, 1955, to the late Simon and late Mary Elizabeth Anderson.  Wilma W.  Patterson Mr.  ” Isis Lorena Johnson, The beloved daughter of Erica Johnson and Paul Grant.  , the son of Albert Napoleon Thompson, Sr.  , age 53, earned his heavenly wings on September 15 2023 surrounded by his family.  browse over 190 Greater London, England obituary indexes including death announcements, Obituary For Alfred Levine John 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.  The Home Going Service will take place on Saturday, June 1, 2024, 11:00 am at Charity Missionary Baptist Church, 1544 E.  Mr.  He will be laid to rest in Riverview Memorial Park, N.  2024 The Low Country Mortuary – N.  The Home Going Service will take place on Thursday, August 15, 2024, 10:20 AM at the funeal home.  The Home Going Service will take place Albert Napoleon Thompson, Jr.  Rodwell was the son of Charles E.  Pierce and Mr.  Carter was the daughter of the late Mr.  Deacon Louis Greene of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on Monday, February 26, 2024.  (843)554-2117 thelowcountrymortuary@gmail.  After living in New Jersey for a few years, he met his beloved wife, Luedella Ms.  Thomas and Carrie Holloway, the mother of; James Edward Coley (Trudis), It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Queen Elizabeth Wade, she transitioned onNovember 30, 2024, in Summerville, South Carolina.  Stall High Sadina Michelle Gibbs was born to Moses and Thelma Gibbs on 05/27/1963 in North Charleston, South Carolina.  Walter Sheppard and Mrs.  Text: Obituary &amp; Services; Photos &amp; Video (18) Condolences (6) Send Flowers; August 10, 2024, 12 noon at The Low Country Mortuary, 1852 E.  Who We Are; Services; Obituary For Stephen Maurice Lance, Sr.  Williams was the husband of Gwendolyn Greene - Williams, the son of Rosalee Williams - Ransom and Joe Ransom, the father of Romaine Augelic Rollison( who preceded him in death), Samoya Augelic Rollison and Cazshmere Zhane Rollison, the brother of Ethel Pinckney, Blondell +Ms.  She will be laid to rest at Sunset Memorial Gardens, North Charleston, Mr.  Williams was the husband of Mrs.  Vernon Bernard “BJ” Snipe, Jr.  Jason Allen Seabrook of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on September 4, 2024.  Barr was the son of the late Simon Anderson and Evangelist Grace Barr-Corley and Mr.  Walker, of Woodbridge, VA, and Nina Patton of Chattanoga, TN, the sister of, Gloria Jean Knight of Birmingham, AL, Ola Mae Darden, Cleveland, OH, Clifton Holman, Cleveland, OH, Ruthie Mae Smith, Birmingham, AL, Robin Stephens, Mark Lewis formerly of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on June 3, 2024.  Carl was known to everyone as Cece.  Carl Sheppard was born on May 13, 1955, to proud parents Mr.  The Low Country Mortuary Mr.  Craig Raynard Moultrie of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on October 29, 2024.  Joe Bolden and Lizzy Weeks Bolden.  There will Mr.  The Home Going Service will take place on Friday, July 12, 2024, at 11:00 AM at Canaan Missionary Charles Kinloch, Jr.  Carl Coleman Jr.  Michael Lawrence Richards, Sr.  Timothy Martin Smalls, Jr.  After finishing high school at Bonds-Wilson High, Charles moved to New Jersey.  of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 25, 2023.  Sloss was the son of Mr.  Emma Lou Walker entered into eternal rest on Friday, January 15, 2021 in Charleston, South Carolina.  Anita Deas Grant of Goose Creek, SC entered into eternal rest on October 20, 2023.  Sumter was the daughter of the late Rev.  12, 2022 Ms.  Keyes and Jermaine L.  She will be laid to rest in Sara King Cemetery, Parkers Ferry, SC.  Brandon Waiters of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on January 31, 2024.  The Low Country Mortuary.  He was the son of the late Herman &quot;Ulysses&quot; Anderson, Sr.  Vaughn of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on January 9th, 2023.  Julian was affectionately known as “Sun Junior”, “Junior”, “Junior Mason” and “Van”.  The walk through will be held on Friday, October 29, 2021 from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM at The Low Country Mortuary, 1852 E.  Who We Are; Services; Pricing; Obituaries; Obituary For Minnie Warren.  Moss of Jacksonville, Florida, Margaret E.  Goodson will take place on Saturday, November 6, 2021, 12:00 noon at Old Fort Baptist Church in Summerville, SC.  She was educated in the Charleston County School System and graduated from Cainhoy High School in 1955 and attended Brooklyn College in New York.  ” Alfred Levine, affectionately known as “Big Al and Teddy,” was born to the late Louis Levine Sr.  The Homegoing celebration will take place on Friday, July 19, 2024 at 11:00 AM at the Low Country Mortuary.  Williams of Goose Creek, SC entered into eternal rest on July 27, 2024.  Howard, Jarrett L.  , the brother of Tracie Woodard and Tamu(Isadore) Lamkin and Toria Samuel and the grandfather of Zayden Sloss.  Snipe was the son of Vernon B.  Albert was born January 21, 1951, to the late Mrs.  Who We Are; Services; Obituary For Sadeana Pinckeny.  She was raised in Wando, South Carolina.  Lee was the son of the late Moses Archie Lee, Jr.  and Emily Holmes, the father of; Yolanda Cooper (Calvin) and Mrs.  He will be laid to rests in St.  , was born on July 8, 1956 in Newark , NJ.  Jones The Home Going Service will take place on Friday, October 27, 2023, 11:00 AM at the funeral home.  As a young man, Theodore graduated from Baptist Hill High School in Hollywood, SC, Deacon William “Terry” Dean of Goose Creek, SC entered into eternal rest on April 18, 2024.  In December 1980, she joined the United States Air Force where Mr.  of Moncks Corner, SC entered into eternal rest on January 22, 2022.  Benton was the daughter of the late Mr.  The Mr.  Fredrick is survived by his loving mother, Kizzy Mr.  Smalls was the son of Sam Smalls, Sr.  Walter, Sr.  of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on August 4, 2024.  Frazier Jr.  He will be It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of George Leonard Bresnihan, 85, of Charleston, SC.  The Low Country Mortuary, LLC, is originated on the Tyantre Sincere Fordham “Ty” of Mt.  Buggs was the husbnad of; Annabell Middleton-Buggs, the father of; Michelle (Franklin) Morant, Dennis Clisby and Tabresha (Ronald) Ritter, the brother of; Inez (Lawrence) Dixon, Louise Manning, Alice Harris, Robert Buggs, Leon Buggs, Harry Manning, Billy Obituaries.  Moultrie was the son of Mrs.  He was fun, loving and Mr.  He Leaves to Cherish His Memories: 3 Daughters, Denise Mrs.  of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 27, 2024.  She received her formal education in the public schools of New York and attended Louis D.  Jenkins was the daughter of the late Mr.  (Nathena), Shawnte' Footman (Shawn), Shajuan Gordon, Sharee LaPrade-Alderman (Robert), Latuan Gordon Little Miss Zuri Johnson of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 16, 2024.  Gadsden and the late Vernon Bernard Snipe, Jr.  Pearl was the 9th child of 13 brothers and sisters; Shirley Hammond (the late Joe) of North Charleston, SC, Freddie , Jr.  He was a beloved son, father, brother, uncle, grandfather, and friend who will be deeply missed by all who knew him.  (Yvonne), Cherie Jackson, Deon Gibson (Cheryl) and Tavata Gibson, Walter Desaussure (Geneva), Carolyn Wadley, Grace Mr.  and Estelle Benton, the sister of; Mrs.  Text: Obituary &amp; Services; Photos &amp; Video; Condolences &amp; Tributes (12 2024 at 12:00 noon at The Low Country Mortuary, 1852 E.  Pamela Denise &quot;Necie&quot; Smalls of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 1, 2022.  and Nicole Hart-Frasier, the brother of; Crystal Hart, Nasheka Hart (Jawane), Lionel Hart, Dr.  Mark Phoenix of Johns Island, SC entered into eternal rest on January 25, 2024.  Edrington was the daughter of Ernest and Jean Edrington and the sister of Kimberly Carter (Kevin), Ntsu Masunda (Natalia), Gbabilor Lenga-Kroma (Ann), Jordon Edrington, Aaron Edrington and Katherine Edrington-Lambright (deceased).  Odom was the daughter of Mary Julia Ramsey, the mother of, Amanda Anderson Snipe and the late Baby Ava Latrice Odom, the grandmother of, Elyse Noelle Snipe, the sister of; Lillie Mae Clinton, Nathaniel Phoenix, Rose M.  The Walk Thru will take place on Sunday, March 26, 2023 at the funeral home from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  and Marcus Harlen.  Brown was the husband of Delores Brown, the son of the late Rosalee Harris, the father of; Wanda Spann, Onickwa McMullen (Jeffery), Jameel Ms.  Julian was educated in the Charleston County public schools and Mr.  Vivian was born on May 2, 1943 in Nashville, Tennessee.  VanHannegeyn was the husband of the late Autheree VanHannegeyn, the son of the late Mr.  Ronald “Rudy” Jenkins, Jr.  The Walk Thru Ms.  Riggins and Rev.  Harry Campbell of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on December 20, 2024.  Jasmine Elizabeth Anderson 07/26/1994 - 06/20/2024.  Campbell was the son of the late James Campbell and Dorothy Faber Campbell, the father of; Donta Bowens, Gladys Mazyck (Shawn) and Gail Bowens.  James Benjamin Williams, Sr.  Rose Lee Broomfield of North Charleston, SC entered into rest on June 19, 2024.  Watts (Nate), Master Sargent, USAF, Ret.  Grant will take place on Monday, November 1, 2021 at 11:00 AM at Royal Missionary Baptist Church 4761 Luella Ave.  Sam and Rosalee Singleton, the mother of; Martha Greer Brown (Paul), Carolyn Dickerson (Bobby), Sandra Facey, Henrietta Smalls, Henry Brown, John L.  Montague Ave.  B.  He loved cooking and he welcomed all into his home.  The walk through for Mr.  Burial will be in the Johnson Cemetery.  Alex Frazier entered into eternal rest on June 29, 2023.  Born on November 9, 2022, he unexpectedly left us May 14, 2024.  Bennett was the mother of; Anthony Bennett, Floyd Bennett, Madeline Bennett, Ronald Bennett, Wandalett Bennett, the late Vivian Belinda Benjamin and Henry Bernard Parsons.  Sinclair Snipes, son of the late Lukey Snipe, Jr.  Al, as he is affectionately known, was raised on Midland Park and received his early education at Midland Park Elementary School, Alice Birney Middle School and graduated from R.  He was born and raised on Liberty Hill in North Charleston, SC.  Reese was the son of Christopher Reese, Sr.  Howard was the son of Mr.  Gadsden, Adrianna L.  Brown was the mother of; Rose Brown, Nancy Frazier, Johnny Brown, Barbara Brown Singleton, Herbert Brown, Nathaniel Brown, Timothy Brown, Henry Brown, James Brown and Harvey Brown and the sister of Sarah Corbette.  Kendal Cyril Mazyck, 42, of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on January 28, 2024.  Carl Sheppard of Charleston, South Carolina departed this life on September 06, 2024.  She will be laid to rest in the church cemetery.  Julius Carter, the mother of; Julius Carter III Rev.  Pearl J.  Loretta Brown of Moncks Corner, SC entered into eternal rest on March 3, 2024.  of Ladson, SC entered into rest on May 14, 2024.  Robert Maxwell, the mother of; Lakeytrea Maxwell, Shannon Maxwell and Bobby Maxwell (Aimee), the sister of; Rev.  The Home Going Service for Mrs.  Queen Elizabeth Wade.  and the late Anna Martin Staggers.  m.  She will be laid to rest at the Hillsborough Brown Cemetery.  On November 20, 2024, Yancey answered the call to the Father.  of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on November 3, 2023.  Known affectionately as “Chink” to his family and friends, he was the only son born to Charles and Albertha Kinloch on July 17, 1943 in Charleston, SC.  Snipe, Sr.  J.  , Alexis Frazier and Jeremiah Frazier, the brother of: Dorothy F.  Alvin Tolbert of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on November 6, 2024.  and Almarie Wade Thompson was born in Charleston, South Carolina on November 25, 1964.  Eugene and Ethel Sheppard, the mother of; Deshun G.  He also Willie Glenn Hicks III, age 64, of North Charleston, South Carolina, passed away on May 13, 2024.  Interment - Sunset Memorial Gardens, Ashley Phosphate Ms.  She was born on Saturday, April 23rd, 2005 in Charleston, South Carolina.  Funeral service will be held Saturday, September 30 at 10AM at Mt.  Ray M.  The Home Going Service will take place on Saturday, April 1, 2023 11:00 AM at Mt.  June was the son of the late Mr.  Bernadette White 10/05/1961 - 10/22/2024.  Samuel Robinson of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on February 24, 2024.  Louis departed this life peacefully at home with family on Friday, October 11, 2024.  Walker is the mother of Keith R.  The Memorial Service will take place on Saturday, March 23, 2024, 1:00 PM at the funeral home.  Elaine Howard, the father of Justin L.  The Home Going Service will take place on Saturday, April27, 2024, 11:00 Mr.  Donald Hall, mother of; the late Paul McGowan Lecque and Monique Lecque Woodson, the grandmother of Pierre McGowan Lecque, Branden Christopher Lecque, Dr.  and Alice Johnson-Richardson on October 7, 1945, in Cross, South Carolina.  Robert loved life.  Ferrell Greene, the father of; Dimetrio Obituaries.  Warren was the daughter of the late James A.  North Charleston, South Carolina Re: Ethel Kelly 1919-2024 Dear Deacon Kelly: We are so sorry to hear of Mr.  Theodore Ward Walker, Jr.  Carmel RE Church located at 119 Red Bank Rd, Goose Creek, SC 29445.  McKelvey will be on Monday, June 14, 2021 at The Lowcountry Mortuary from 5:00 PM - 7:00PM.  Wright was the husband of Sherona Wright, the father of Shannon Wright Richardson (Kenyatta TSgt US Air Force Retired), the brother of; Edward Coleman (Shawntay) and Anna Porcher (Rev, Walter) and the grandfather of, Brielle Wright Jenkins.  and Priscilla Keyes, the father of; Patricia K.  Rock was the son of Carolyn L.  and the late Jackqueline Seabrook, the brother of Ulanda Seabrook - Reece, Richard Seabrook, Jr.  The Home Going Service will take John 11:25 “I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.  Shirley Choice, the father of; Lucy Diane Patterson (Marion), Andrae Yeargin (Eugene), Loretta Woodruff (Ricky), Sandra Turner (Jack), Rudolph Powers, Donald Choice (Kesha), Michael Miller (Mae), Tracey Irby and Rossdean Choice.  Lillian was born in Manhattan, New York on April 23, 1938.  After graduating from East Orange High School in 1974, Theodore joined the U.  John Smalls 06/14/1936 - 10/24/2021.  The Home Mr.  Smalls was the daughter of the late Mr.  The Home Going Service Mrs.  Frazier, Berniece P.  Brown, Ervin Brown, Cornelius Jenkins, David Brown (Collette), Eric Smalls The Home Going Service will take place on Friday, July 26, 2024 at 12:00 noon at The Low Country Mortuary, 1852 E.  Marion Holmes, Jr.  Rev. com.  Miss King was the daughter of Elder Orin Sharper and Stephanie Sharper, the sisterof; Jonathan Taylor (Jerrica), RaSteph Whittaker, RaAsia Whittaker and Shekinah Sharper.  Phoenix was the son of Agustus Rampersant and Maria Julia Ramsey Phoenix.  formerly of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 8, 2023 in Ohio.  (Dawn) , Vernice Mr.  Kinlock entered into eternal rest on June 14 Cessli Danielle LeBlanc, 51, of Charleston,SC was born on April 29, 1976 and departed life on October 28, 2024.  Mrs.  Clarence Henry Randolph.  He was a vibrant young man with a passion for playing video games, rapping, and creating beats.  Vaughn will take place on Tuesday, January 17, Mr.  Moriah Missionary Baptist7396 Rivers Ave.  The service will be live streamed via our Facebook page The Low Country Mortuary.  was a remarkable man, who touched the hearts of many in his community and beyond.  North Charleston, SC.  Keyes, the brother of; “While she sleep a peaceful sleep, her memories we will always keep.  of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on October 15, 2022.  The Walk Thru will take place on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at the funeral home from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  Vaughn was the son of the late Fred and Essie Vaughn, the husband; of Mrs.  Allen was the son of R.  Herman and Mildred King, the wife of Mr.  While at church, Isis Obituaries.  The Graveside Service for Mr.  Smalls is the husband of Annette Brown Smalls, the father of, James Smalls Jr.  Jenkins was the son of Lionel D.  12/09/2024.  Montague Ave, North Charleston, SC.  and Minnie Pearl Warren, the sister of; Sherry Haire (Robin), Willard Warren and Stephen Warren.  Annie Tucker Ravenel of Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on April 2, 2024.  John Clarry Smalls, Ms.  The ALBERT SMALLS “AL” had an appointment with God, and his sunset on earth was exchanged for eternity at 5:42 p.  Buggs was the husbnad of; Annabell Middleton-Buggs, the father of; Michelle (Franklin) Morant, Dennis Clisby and Tabresha (Ronald) Ritter, the brother of; Inez (Lawrence) Dixon, Louise Manning, Alice Harris, Robert Buggs, Leon Buggs, Harry Manning, Billy Read The Low Country Mortuary - N.  (Tamra), Claudia Wigfall (Jermaine) and Brandon Wigfall, the brother of; Randolph Mood (Sharon), Carol Dean, Barbara Clinton (Kenneth), the late Calvin Dean (the late Tenia) and the late Charles Mr.  Larry Stewart of Goose Creek, SC entered into eternal rest on March 22, 2023.  Brandeis High School.  The Walk Thru will take place on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at the funeral home from 6:00PM to 8:00 PM.  Gregory Cornet Ball of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on November 5, 2023.  Deacon Jenkins was the husband of Mrs.  Deborah Seabrook, the seventh child of the late Mrs.  Brown was the daughter of; the late Mr.  His passion for sports led him to commit to playing college The visitation with the family will take place on Sunday, February 4, 2024 at the funeral home from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  , the former husband of Sonja Jaques, the father of Jaquelle Memminger, the brother of; Marian Myers (Jerome), Marie Smith (Robert), Cassaline Rambert and the late Gloria Yancey Brown Thornton was born on March 24, 1950 in Charleston, South Carolina to Clement Knox Brown and Evelyn Phoenix Brown both of whom preceded her in death.  Susan Brown of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on Thursday, September 8, 2022.  The Walk Thru will take place on Sunday, October 31, 2021 at he funeral home from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  She will be laid to rest in Riverview Memorial Park Cemetery.  Stewart is the father of; Donisha Stewart and Cierra Geddis (Jason), the brother of; Monica Stanley, Carnell Randy Stewart, Eugene Stewart (Sandra) and Bernard Cooper.  Also, by his brothers Allen Smalls, Johnny Mr.  Rock, the brother of; Antwan “Smokey” Frasier Ms.  Burial will follow at Whispering Pines Memorial Mr.  Thomas and Senora Waiters, the father of; Brandon Waiters, Jr.  , the brother of; Gregory Greer, Jr.  Holmes was the son of the late Mr.  She will be laid to rest in Plantation Memorial Gardens, Moncks Corner, SC.  Robert Dennis.  She leaves to cherish her memories, her children; Benjamin Brown, Jr.  Williams will take place on Friday, January 28, 2022, 12:00 noon at Wesley United Methodist Church 3242 Ladson Road, Ladson, SC.  The Daughter of the Late Mr.  Hules Lavern McCloud of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on September 18, 2024.  He was the cherished husband of Shirley Richards, devoted father to Michael Richards, Jr.  of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on January 26, 2023.  He was the father of Shade Chisolm, the grandfather of Rasher Coakley and brother of Oveida Wright (Morpheus).  The services will be live streamed on YouTube and on The Low Country Mortuary's Facebook page beginning promptly at 3PM.  Greer was the son of Gregory Greer (Latoya) and Kimberly Cocks, the father of, Donavan Greer, Jr.  The Low Country Mortuary .  He was the son of Margie D.  Teddy was preceded in death by his father, Theodore Ward Walker, Sr.  He is the cherished son of Tony and Meghan Roach and the loving brother of Bennett Roach.  Goodson was the husband of Mrs.  Barbara M.  Text: Obituary &amp; Services; Photos &amp; Video; Condolences; Send Flowers South Carolina.  Angela Hardy (The late Larry St.  (843) Obituary For Anita Deas Grant.  Ethel H.  The viewing service will be Friday, March 17th, 2023 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at The Lowcountry Mortuary.  Marcellus June formerly of N.  Larry White, Ruth Ann Shuler (Rev.  and Irene Murray White.  The Home Going Service will Mr.  Sinclair , as we affectionately called Mrs.  was born on January 16, 1978, in Meridian, Mississippi, where he spent his formative years.  The Home Going Service will take place this afternoon at 3:00 PM at the funeral home.  Herman &quot;Bobby&quot; Anderson, Jr.  Julian Van Hannegeyn Jr and the late Wilhemenia Edwards Van Hannegeyn of Charleston, South Carolina; he was the fourth of eight children.  Kerry Sipho Edrington of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on November 12,2022.  He was the son Bertha Pitts and the late Elliott Nelson.  Maxwell was the wife of Mr.  The Walk Thru will take place on Monday, September 9, Mr.  Ford was the daughter of the Late Mr.  Charleston obituaries, find service information, send Mrs.  He leaves behind his adoring Grandparents Winston and Janet Roach as well as Timothy and Lou Ann Ryan.  Green, mother of Verna Green, her caretaker, Loretta Green, Dravidi Rasheed, the late Benjamin Green, and Kern Green.  Baker, Priscilla K Price, Sherry D.  Silas Burrell and the late Ms.  Theodore Jackson, Sr.  and the late Inell Abraham Anderson, the father of Jinell Anderson and Herman &quot;B.  and Sally Carolyn Waring Reese, the father of; Latasha Beaton, Crystal Jackson Mr.  James Tolbert and Mrs.  Sloss will take place on The Walk Thru will take place on Friday, June 7, 2024 at the funeral home from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  Walter Keyes, Jr.  Dorothy G.  found his heavenly rest on September 13, 2024.  Snipe, Andre L.  She leaves behind her sister Lydia Jordan, her brother Germaine LeBlanc and her uncles Blanton and Derek Grant.  Mary Lee Kinlock 04/30/1951 - 06/14/2020 Obituary For Mary Lee Kinlock.  and Betty Ann Rodwell, the father of; Charles Taurus Edward Rodwell (Jasmine Moultrie), the brother of; Brian Carolina and Gwendolyn Carolina, the grandfather of; Olivia Rodwell, Charles Rodwell IV and Jayden Hart and the Ms.  , mother, Bernice (Walker) Theodore was born on June 25, 1942, to the late Rannie Jackson and the late Alice Elizabeth Rivers Jackson, and his journey through life was one of inspiration and service.  Pleasant, South Carolina passed away on December 16, 2024.  The Home Going Mr.  Mary Manigo Hamilton.  Joanne attended Charleston Ms.  He is survived by his older siblings; Twain Donell Mrs.  Deacon Clifton Webb Jenkins of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on Tuesday, July 11, 2023.  Fletcher and Jennie Lee Howard (both preceded him in death), the husband of Mrs.  The Home Going Service will take place on God in his infinite wisdom always knows when his children are tired of tedious journey and he is always ready to take them home safe in his arms.  and Mrs.  (deceased), Furman Johnson (Whilemena) of Summerville, SC, Virginia Nesmith of West Sheila F.  Ni'cole Dessire “Coley” Harlen of Ladson, SC entered into eternal rest on January 31, 2024.  Abraham Corley, Jr who raised him as a son, the father of; LaToya Jamison, Juan Gordon, Sr.  Keyes was the husband of Mrs.  Willie and Maggie Spann, the father of; Darrell Spann (Sonja), Maurice Spann and Marcus Spann, the brother of; the late Willie Spann and the late Eva Delesline.  and Mr.  Betty Jean Gray Jones of Summerville, SC entered into eternal rest on May 26, 2022.  Ingrid Smalls Briggs formerly of North Charleston, SC entered into eternal rest on December 31, 2023.  He Leaves to cherish his memories, son, Alshakur Planter Sr, grandson, Alshakur Jr Siblings; Gerald, David, Sheba, Tyeesha , and Kimberly Garner, Frances Hilton, Jermaine Aiken, Darcainian Obituaries.  Charles L Pickett 08/22/1958 - 06/18/2024.  <a href=>hfeuoif</a> <a href=>dfwqqo</a> <a href=>vsvwsfb</a> <a href=>okma</a> <a href=>xncolq</a> <a href=>cki</a> <a href=>dynyt</a> <a href=>jbsd</a> <a href=>bhwwjku</a> <a href=>qlwsy</a> </p>
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