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<div class="post-header clearfix"> <h1 class="title">Nanny jobs london ontario. Over 200,000 families trust CanadianNanny.</h1> <span class="meta category">Nanny jobs london ontario Notify me when new ads are posted . Full-time +1. Job Location: we are located in the East part of London, next to a transit access point. Required experience. London. £65k+ gross pa doe. We are a young, active family with 2 school age children, a toddler and we are expecting our 4th baby in July. I am looking for a child care giver job in London, Ontario. With a passion for working with infants, newborns, and primary school-age children, I am dedicated to providing full-time, live-in or live-out, and part-time childcare services. Details: We're hoping our care provider will be available do simple meals and light clean Hello, lovely families! My name is Richelle, and I am an experienced and loving nanny/ babysitter based in London, Ontario. Company reviews. I also have my Security Licence and enjoy music. Duties will include chil Nannies who receive job placements from an agency are likely to be on their best behavior, because they know that if they do something wrong, you will report them and that will impede future job placements. Part Time Nanny. With our search tools, you can look beyond your immediate area to find the perfect nanny ready to relocate and live with your family. Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Brampton, Ontario. School starts at 8:30 and 9am. About my family: We are a family of 4 - one 2 year old and a newborn. Ontario . Search. Find the perfect job and apply today. $60,000–$70,000 a year . About Us; Clients. Please feel free to get in touch, and let's discuss how I can be of NannyServices. I am looking for someone who is available to work full-time or part-time. 2. Traffic Ticket. Category. New London, Ontario, Canada jobs added daily. Safe. Preferably someone with ECE or first aid etc accreditations. I was a Lifeguard for over ten years and worked with children everyday and helped with the summer camps. Would use our car. I aim to be a professional candidate. Thomas, ON N5P 0B6. New Photography jobs added daily. Get a Job Today! My name is Tia, and I am an ECE with 3. Filters. See the most recent U. As a nurturing caregiver, I offer a range of services including housekeeping, meal prep, and pet care to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for your family. Post your profile. I 269 Nanny jobs in London. With a great range of Nanny jobs in London available, you're sure to find the perfect role for you. The role will involve not only looking after the kids but also handling light housekeeping duties, meal preparation, and pet Here's how much you should pay babysitter or nanny in London Ontario. Childcare & Nanny (9) Location. Secure Find Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in London. They ideally would love a proactive, reliable, gentle, trustworthy nanny who can join and Babysitting job in London wanted? Babysits provides the most comprehensive list of babysitting jobs in London. I have personal transportation available. ca to find child care that fits their needs. It would also be a huge asset to my family if the helper could watch the children occasionally, clean the house, do laundry, help with outdoor yard work, and errands. Browse Profiles. My Spider Scam Awareness Contacting Us F. ca provides access to the best nanny Jobs in London, Ontario, Canada and all across Canada! Visit us to find the most qualified nanny for your family who need experience with infants! Part time weekends and weekday mornings Two kids. Register or Sign In. You will also be able to search through our list of posted housekeeper vacancies, and apply to whichever ones apply to you. To hire a babysitter, a nanny, in London has never been so easy, efficient, and inexpensive. London Clients; UK Clients; International Young professional couple with 3 wonderful children currently in full time school (8:45 till 4pm). Save search. This estimate is based on a comprehensive, real-time analysis of thousands of nanny and babysitter profiles in London, Our family in Niagara Falls, Ontario is seeking a full-time, live-out nanny to join our loving home. Full-time Job Title: Full Time Live In OR Live Out Nanny Address: Central London & occasionally SW London Hours: Thurs - Mon or Fri - Tues three times a month, 4th week weekend off Start Date: ASAP Salary: £38,000 - £45,000 gross pa Live Out / £26,000 - £3 Nanny Jobs. If you are passionate about childcare and have the necessary qualifications, we would love to hear Are you a compassionate individual with a love for caring for infants and young children? Our family in London, Ontario is seeking a full-time live-in nanny to join our family. En English. Details: We have a 2 year old and a 6 year old and need assistance on Monday afternoons (2:45pm) starting in January. 1. Skip to main content. Hello! We are looking for full time childcare for our 9 year old child. Are you a nurturing and responsible nanny looking for a full-time live-in , live out position in London, Ontario? Our family is seeking a dedicated individual to care for our infant and help with our early school-aged child. 5 years of experience, a loving and dedicated nanny with a passion for caring for infants and children of all ages in St. 00 per hour. Live-in Nanny Jobs in London, Ontario. London, Ontario Nanny Agency free job posting service. Search 321 Nanny, Lmia jobs now available in Ontario on Indeed. And once you've found them, how much does it cost to hire a nanny in Ontario? From our research, the average nanny in Ontario charges 20. I am looking for occasional nanny jobs for date nights or weekends. Company reviews . Our live-in nannies have a wide range of experience with children, from newborn to older age groups. We are offering a competitive hourly rate of $17. • Looking after the children’s needs & supervision of Search 15 Jobs For 15 Year Old jobs now available in London, ON on Indeed. I am Mariana, a family in London, Ontario, looking for a nanny to join our family and help care for our infant. Jobs. Find Help Today! Ontario Canada Caregiver Search Results. Over 3 million people use Sitter. The London Nanny Agency dedicated to finding the perfect match. GreatAupair Caregiver Agency offers the easiest, most direct way to find Caregivers in Ontario. 30 October 2018 Experienced Kitchen Porter Wanted We are looking for a parttime Kitchen Porter for a small Japanese restaurant in Shoreditch On Jobspotting, you can find one available Find a housekeeping and cleaning job in London Ontario ON today! Sign up to NannyServices. Browse profiles. We need 20-40 We are offering $20. We have 2 beautiful dogs and 1 cat Nanny jobs in Greater London Search results 188 jobs. JOB BOARD ABOUT. Must have own car and willing to pick up from school. ca is the ultimate online resource, where thousands of nannies and caregivers are listed in our online database. Daycare experience, CPR, First aid and own car is a plus. I can alter my schedule to meet your needs. Because Nanny London will have stayed in contact with you throughout the duration of your nanny's job, we will know what your family needs and will be able to assist you in finding a new nanny in London, Ontario. I have my FILLED – LIVE-OUT NANNY JOB| ISLINGTON, LONDON | ITALIAN SPEAKING NANNY NEEDED | JANUARY 2025 START. Driving is an The premier online service for Canadian families seeking qualified live-in or live out nannies, local babysitters, caregivers, and housekeepers. Request More Information. 61 / hr. Date posted; Pay; Within 25 kilometres. At Nanny London, we value our clients' relationships and take our responsibilities seriously. Dear prospective Nanny, We are pleased to write this letter to introduce ourselves and provide information on our family. Hello my name is Sarah. Thomas, Ontario! Visit Canada's largest & most trusted source of ChildCare Jobs. Find a sitter job now. I'm an. And you cannot hold your friend Our family in London, Ontario is seeking a loving, reliable and thoughtful nanny to look after our baby when we resume work. London, Ontario Pet Sitter Agency free job posting service. View jobs . ca is a reliable platform for finding caregiver and companion jobs in London, Ontario ON. Our family: We are a family of three with 1 year old. 0 hourly pay to the right candidate. Being Hired for a job in London, ON should be simpler than the media convinces you to believe. Search our jobs! Skip to content . Call us on +44 (0) 20 8638 7288 Nannies, governesses & maternity nurses | London & Overseas | High profile Nanny & Governess Agency Call us on +44 (0) 20 8638 7288 Available nanny jobs. Compare jobs near you, and choose the ones you like. Etobicoke, ON. New Nanny Nanny jobs added daily. We arrive by 6pm. Q. Exact location Looking for Au Pair and Live-in Tutor jobs in the City of London, Ontario, Canada. Find a nanny job now. 50 hourly 40 hours per Week • Terms of employment: Permanent employment-Full tim . LIVE-IN PSW/CAREGIVER. Free Caregiver background checks available to all subscribed parents. Typically responds within 1 day . We supply live in nannies, live out nannies and Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in London, Ontario. Latest Nanny, Mother's Help, Maternity Nurse and Housekeeping Jobs in London. Set up your job alerts now and don't miss out on your next opportunity. 0 out of 9,380. For over 25 years we have handpicked the best childcare staff on behalf of the families we work for. Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in London, Ontario. All Categories. LIVE OUT OR IN NANNY MARYLEBONE Job Ref: LNKan. ca: The Most Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Kawartha Lakes, Ontario! Visit Canada's largest & most trusted source of ChildCare Jobs. Apply today and get hired quickly! Employers willing to Sponsor. 3. My spouse and I are looking for a caregiver to get our 6 year-old son from the school bus after school at 2:45 and look after him in our home until 5-5:30. 75+ jobs. Search and find a live-in nanny jobs in London Ontario ON. With 40+ yrs of London experience, we know what to look for! We ask the right questions. Jennifer looking for a babysitter or nanny - babysitting London. View all Diamond Group jobs - London jobs - Babysitter/Nanny jobs in London, ON; Salary Search: Full-time Nanny salaries in London, ON; View similar jobs with this employer. We’ll get you noticed. city searches for child care providers and child care jobs. Registered / Non-Registered Early Childhood Educator. With a strong background in early childhood education and Contact live-in nannies in London, Ontario with our services. I’m looking for someone to help with homework, and supervising playtime and activities. Canada's largest & most trusted Nanny Service. The ideal candidate should be reliable, trustworthy and able to provide a safe and engaging environment for our youngest child. ca: The Most Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Woodstock, Ontario! Visit Canada's largest & most trusted source of ChildCare Jobs. Related searches live nanny , housekeeper nanny , Nanny in W8, Job ID J19FB0 19 November 2024 Little Ones UK Ltd - Holland Park, West London; £15 to £18 per hour ; On-site only; Permanent; Full time; A lovely family in Holland Park, London is looking for a Full-time Nanny to help them in taking care of 15 years jobs in London, ON. He is at home for online school, so a large part of the role will be supporting him with school. Monday - Friday 730am to 4/5pm. Ages include: Infant. Contact & Get hired. I'm searching for a care worker job opportunity in London, Ontario. 2,000+ jobs. I am looking for a live in or out house manager to help me with driving my 3 children in the evenings when I have them (part time) and on weekends as well as run errands. Assists with preparing and facilitating year-end review with accounting firm. The successful candidate will be primarily responsible for looking after two young children, a boy and a girl aged 10 months and 7 months, respectively. Urgently: I’m a 37 year old mom (using a wheelchair) living with my husband, 6 year old daughter and a newborn. I am really good with children, i have my own car to get bavk and forth to your home. Date posted. My name is Wendy and I'm a live in nanny jobs in Ontario. The ideal candidate will have experience in providing nurturing and loving care, as well as meal prep and CPR training and have references. London (9) Price. Type in a job title: Find salary. List your salary expectation, qualifications, and availability for employers to see. London, ON. I am seeking a nanny job. Helping Families find great Childcare since 2002. Whether you need full-time or part-time Find trusted local nannies and babysitters in your area on CanadianNanny. I am a special needs kiddo so please be patient with me, I’m still learning words but I also generally point at what I want and can say yes or no when offered two choices. Up One Level We have the complete source for total information and resources for Nanny Job London Ontario online. I am passionate about providing exceptional care for children on a live-out, part-time basis. The nannies and maternity nurses we choose to represent us are professional, experienced, Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Kingston, Ontario. You can search and apply for positions that match your skills, experience, and availability, making it Search 285 Nanny jobs now available in Ontario on Indeed. We have a variety of positions listed for part-time (morning, evening, after school care), full-time, live out or live in. However particular your requirements; we’ll find I am Leena, a family in Burlington, Ontario looking for an experienced, part-time, live-out nanny. Nanny Job in London, Ontario. I am a Registered Early Childhood Educator. Find Nannies Jobs in London, Ontario. The Most Babysitters & Nannies in Nepean, Ontario. Contact & Get hired Childcare & Nanny in London. Sign in. Nanny Ninja. Live Out or In: Own bedroom & bathroom Start: ASAP Rate: Live out: £46 800 Gross per annum. childcare , nanny jobs in London, ON. Individual. Est. I'm aiming to hire someone with experience with pre school and primary school age children. New Online jobs added daily. We moved from Boston, Massachusetts to Brantford, Ontario last year and were looking for a great full-time live-in Nanny for our lovely 8-year-old twin boys. Assistant Manager, Accounting. Post. Hello! My name is Lindsay. ca provides access to the best nanny Jobs in London, Ontario, Canada and all across Canada! Visit us to find the most qualified nanny for your family including criminal record check! London Ontario make an average of $55,782 / year in Canada, or $28. Find Your Nanny today! We are two professional families located in London Ontario looking to hire a full time nanny (expected to work 8 hour shifts 5 days a week) to work in a nanny share placement starting in August of 2025. Notify me when new ads are posted +1 Filters. 50/hour. Hence, you'll have your personal space while still perfectly blending into our daily Hire London, Ontario Nanny. Results 1 - 9 of 9. With Babysits, you can quickly find a babysitter in London. ca: The Most Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Sudbury, Ontario! Visit Canada's largest & most trusted source of ChildCare Jobs. Live in: £40 000 & rising Gross per annum Days: Monday – Friday Two giggly little girls aged 1 & 3 years are looking for a daily Nanny who is native English for language development as well as holding an early year’s Search 26 Nanny jobs now available in Ottawa, ON on Indeed. 0. Monday to Friday +3. Get a Job Today! Canada's largest & most trusted source for nanny service jobs! We help you get hired fast. Childcare & Nanny. She has been a partner in not only making sure my daughter grows up safe and healthy, but Urgently: I'm a private individual residing in South London, Ontario, seeking a full-time nanny for my two little ones, aged between The ideal start date would be on the 1st of October, 2024, requiring attendance from mornings to mid-afternoons, Monday through The position is for a live-out nanny. Whether you want to negotiate a salary, plan your career or track employment trends, you should know how much workers earn in your region. New Nanny jobs added daily. St. London & Overseas +44(0)20 7795 6220. One thing I am confident about is that I can assure you of my dedication and commitment to providing the best childcare for your family, as your Nanny, Virtual Babysitter, Nanny/Tutor, Mother's Helper, Babysitter, Special Needs Caregiver, Home daycare provider, ECE, or Nanny/Housekeeper. 25+ jobs. Thomas and Aylmer) is looking for3 full-time Child Care Educators. Find Cleaning & Originally starting out as “Eden Nannies” we are a London-based Nanny & Maternity recruitment agency and one of the leading providers of private childcare in the UK and overseas. 55 per hour and requires someone who is available for part-time hours. Create a profile JOB TYPE LIVE IN WAGES START DATE; NEW! LOCATION, DAYS/HOURS Neuchâtel - Neuchâtel 5 days a week Monday- Friday - 40 hours per week . Find a Nanny Why use Kindred? We understand nannying. This nanny ece jobs in Ontario. Hello there! I am Tina, an experienced nanny in London, Ontario, with a passion for caring for infants and children of all ages. As well as Police foundations and Law and Security. Connect with 5-star nannies and babysitters. NEXT TO MOM INC 3. With a background in primary school education and a talent for nurturing young minds, I am dedicated to providing outstanding care and support for your little ones. They need picking-up at 4pm, help with homework, and feed dinner. Search jobs Search salary Tax calculator Fr En For employers . Find Help Today! 615 Childcare jobs in London on totaljobs. Despite what the stock market is doing, there are indeed jobs in London, Ontario. ABOUT FEES. Find jobs . This position will involve helping with school and home work, providing meals and overseeing our child's activities. Hire a local Nanny, Babysitter or Au Pair Caregiver in Ontario Canada. 833333333333332 per hour or approximately $2800 per month. Individuals. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. 9. Hundreds of open jobs in over 3,000 Canadian Cities. My passion for working with children drives me to seek a full-time position as a live-out nanny with a lovely family. I am 25 years old and born and raised in London, Ontario. Foreign nannies are also available to live in Hello families in North York, Ontario! My name is Fatima, and I am an experienced and caring nanny currently seeking a new family to join. NEW! LOCATION, DAYS/HOURS Zurich - Affoltern am Albis Wednesday 12m - 7pm and Thursday 3pm -7pm Friday 3pm -6pm . Hello,my name is Ilboudo Bintou,I am 22years Old,a burkinabese. I have a lot of availability as I am going to university at the moment. We would offer full time and expect work one or two weekends per month. With a jobs in London, ON. ca to find child care that fits their needs . Part-time. I am booking a live out nanny working in London, Ontario. Nanny in London, Ontario. WAGES Market rate . Salary guide . I would make sure your child or children are well taken care of. $25–$28 an Join our family in London, Ontario as a part-time live-out nanny for our infant. 37. Bath & the Country +44(0)1225 484222. Hi my name is Breann I love children and animals. After drop off if interested we would be happy to pay for a few hours of tidying etc around the house. ca provides an easy way to find tutoring jobs in London Ontario, whether you're a math, English, music, or any other subject tutor. Find your Nanny Job today! Babysitting Jobs and Nanny Jobs in your area - directly available. References required. 00 as compensation for your exceptional care and expertise. ca. To get started: 1 . How it works. Annual. Find a great babysitting job! Nanny Jobs in London, Ontario. Job Seekers: Search Jobs: Browse Jobs: Post a Resume: Job Alerts : Employers: Search Resumes: Browse Browse through 452 jobs for a Nanny in Ontario. Register for free, pay no agency fees, and contact employers directly by phone or chat. Find a provider Find a provider Find a job Find a To hire a nanny in London, ON, you should expect to pay around $18. London, ON N6N 1K9. Also if available for the Hello my name is Tiffine. Here is the list of available Au Pair and Live-in Tutor jobs in the City of London, Ontario ☰ Register Login. Job Description: Nice to meet you! My name is Samantha. Full time - Looking for a Nanny Job in London? Visit Canada's largest & most trusted database of Nanny Jobs in London. Work schedule: Live out. Related searches live nanny , housekeeper Temporary Nanny, Job ID J1A3B0 10 December 2024 Little Ones UK Ltd - Primrose Hill, North West London; £600 to £750 per week; On-site only ; Temporary; Full time; A Temporary Nanny is needed by this wonderful family in Primrose Hill, London to help them look after their school-aged child. ca: The Most Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Peterborough, Ontario! Visit Canada's largest & most trusted source of ChildCare Jobs. Full-time. Jobs in London UK Nanny Job London Ontario . 00. Black Fly Beverage Company 3. TEAM Owner Operators - AZ - Cross-Border. Home. The Licensed by the Ministry of Education for 117 children (ages Infant through to age 12), Next to Mom Child Care in Belmont (Just 7mins South of the 401 on Hwy 74; 20 mins from London, St. Cleaning & Housekeeping and more jobs on Kijiji, Canada's #1 Local Marketplaces - Apply Today! Skip to main content. Employers / Post Job. The position also includes light housekeeping duties while our son is at Personal Profile: Hey my name is Emily. The hours we require are 3:00-630pm starting October 2024. Mixer. Just need someone to play with them and feed them, take on walks and do some fun summer activities with them :) $125 - $161 8 Looking to hire a Ontario Nanny or Babysitter? Visit Canada's largest, safest & most trusted service for finding Ontario Nannies. 5/hr, Friendly Family Seeking Ca. My husband and I are working professionals in London, Ontario and we require some help with taking care of our growing family. London, ON Nanny Job: Loving Family Seeking Experienced Nanny - London. For Au Pairs Find your Host Family Register as Au Pair Become an Au Pair in 7 steps Requirement for Au Pair Au Pair Destinations Jobs by country Au Pair Experience reports Learn a language. Our Services; The Process; People working as a nanny in Ontario usually earn between $$17. Mini Me Posted 14 Dec Position Nanny Location London Live in / out Live out Start date 01/2/2025 Salary Full / Part time Full time Duration Temporary A warm family is looking for a Full Time Temporary Nanny for their 4 months old baby. Type of Provider. Start of main content. Police check required. Fr Français. JOB TYPE Nanny/Housekeeper . Calling all experienced nannies in London, Ontario! The Rehab family is seeking a dedicated and nurturing caregiver to join our household as a part-time, live-out nanny. Browse the local tutor job listings in London. Salary: Neg. Today’s top 6,000+ Nanny Nanny jobs in London, England, United Kingdom. I specialize in caring for newborns, primary school children, as well as doing some light housekeeping and meal prep! I'm a live-out, part-time nanny and I'm excited to Nanny Agency London Ontario We have extensive experience of matching nannies and families, Find a nanny or babysitter , or get a nanny job in London Online! Nanny Agency London is a professional accredited childcare agency which specializes in recruiting childcare to families across London. Previous nanny experience strongly preferred. I am Chantelle from Burlington, Ontario and I'm looking for a nanny or sitter for my toddler. I also have some experience in child care and I am looking for providing child care support where I can look after kids, help them in doing homework, prepare light meal for them and help the family in household works. From $45,000 a year. This is a live-out position with a competitive hourly rate of $20. Sign up for free, and filter to see the perfect job near you. I have just graduated from Fanshawe College's Early Childhood Education program. We are looking for a responsible and reliable individual to care for our child aged 6 who is in primary school. Cleaning & Housekeeping; Cleaning & Housekeeping Jobs in London. Require own car, police check. View jobs. We want you to feel comfortable through Find Jobs in London Ontario . I have a lot of experience with children as I have been babysitting since I was 12 and then worked for 3 summers at a kids sailing camp where I was the manager and ran the Beach Kids program (4 PLEASE I need a nanny only in LONDON ONTARIO. Duties may include some house keeping and to do a grocery run once per week. Find local, in-home child care near you. The hours are from 8:30 am-4:30 pm (with some flexibility if needed). Light housekeeping duties such as his laundry and tidying up his bedroom and p Today’s top 119 Photography jobs in London, Ontario, Canada. New Nanny jobs posted daily so visit us regularly so you don't miss out! Home; About Us ; Services. 9 jobs. Opportunity for more travel, based on the nanny's interest. FR. Verified Background Check . Find jobs. I love music, dancing, ABC’s, reading books (errrr turning pages), and playing peekaboo. Typically responds within 1 day. Service Abilities: I will take care of facilitating educational activities, reading books, and swimming supervision. We help you get hired fast. com, the world's largest job site. French not required; Easily apply. Since we are working professional we are looking for a nanny that can work part time hours - Monday to Friday and that can live outside of our home. We are excited to announce that we have an opening in our London location for an experienced Registered Psychotherapist - child therapy focused to join our team. Canada. Koru Kids. I will be returning to work in the new year and would like someone to start fulltime between January and March, with the option to start part time now. Get instant job matches for companies hiring now for Childcare jobs in London like Nursery, Management, Nursing and more. Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Linkedin. Hiring multiple candidates. View all YMCA of Southwestern Ontario jobs - London jobs - Program Instructor jobs in London, ON; Salary Search: Instructor, nanny jobs in Ontario. The Most Babysitters & Nannies in Waterloo, Ontario. Our mission is to provide a safe and supportive environment for clients, clinicians, and staff. ca for free, and make your resume available to potential employers and cleaning services. Find all Nannies available near London, Ontario. Hello! My name is Katrina. I am seeking an in home child care provider work opportunity in London, Ontario. 20/hour and $$27. Over 200,000 families trust CanadianNanny. We tailor every search. Details: Our family requires help with facilitating educational activities, live in care provision, and children's crafting. Post a Job. LIVE IN No . What we are looking for: Ideally, we'll find a part time caregiver to watch our daughter a few times a month for short periods of time. Monday to Friday +4. Assists with reconciliation of month end and year-end inventory counts. Attention caregivers in London, Ontario! Our family is looking for a reliable and experienced nanny to join our household on a full-time, live-in basis. I'm currently looking for a full- A warm and loving household of 5 plus two cats, who live on a farm (they have other animals including sheep and alpacas!) based in Epping CM5, a semi-rural part of Essex but only 20 miles from central London and a 5-minute drive to Epping Station (central line), are seeking a nurturing and reliable live-in Nanny (inc light housekeeping and home management) to join their family. Dorchester, Exeter, Ingersoll, Are you an experienced and caring nanny looking for a part-time live-out position in London, Ontario? Our family is seeking a reliable and nurturing individual to care for our infant. Home; Nannies Search for nannies Live in nanny Daily nanny Bilingual nanny Holiday nanny Emergency on-call nanny Nanny for twins Babysitter in London wanted? See all babysitters in London. Certified Nanny London, ON Nanny Job: Loving Family Seeking Experienced Nanny - London. A. About me: Nice to meet you! My name is O and I have entered my 4th year residency in “life studies”. I have worked with multiple families and have cared for children ages newborn-10 years of age. With years of experience and CPR certification, I am committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment for your little ones. I am currently seeking a full-time, live-in or live-out position with a loving family who is looking for a nurturing caregiver to tend to their little ones. To save you the difficult conversations. Takumi Stamping Inc 3. 6k. ca: The Most Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in Kitchener, Ontario! Visit Canada's largest & most trusted source of ChildCare Jobs. By registering, you will have access to a diverse range of job opportunities, including full-time, part-time, and temporary positions. Our Nanny & Governess Jobs Agency match the best Nannies worldwide to busy, Executives, HNWI, VIP's, A-List Celebrities & Royal Families. $60,000–$70,000 a year. Salary guide. Share This Profile. If you have any questions please feel free to call or email me Thanks sarah Today’s 2,000+ jobs in London, Ontario, Canada. Thomas and London, Ontario. I'm a nanny based in London, Ontario and I'm here to help your family. S. I do not have a license and am a single Search 47 Childcare jobs now available in London, ON on Indeed. • Work Location: 2795 ORIOLE DR, London, ON, N6M 0G9 • Salary: $18. It is preferable if you have a drivers license. We are looking for a live-out, part-time nanny with experience caring for infants. 1 new update. London, Ontario. Salary rate. 5. Hire trustworthy Ontario Caregivers with confidence. 4. Visit Job Bank to learn more about prevailing wages throughout Canada. In fact, at this very moment there are 26 London, ON job openings ready for your cover letter today. Please note that I DO NOT drive and will be taking the bus. Require assistance in the mornings to get them ready for school and to drop them off. ca: The Most Nanny & Babysitting Jobs in St. Rather have people reach out to you? Creating a profile allows others to reach out to you, or letting you reach out to them. We have a dog who is quite friendly. Exact location Are you an experienced nanny in London, Ontario? Our family is seeking a caring and responsible individual to provide part-time care for our newborn. New Nanny jobs posted daily so visit us regularly so you don't miss out! Latest Nanny, Mother's Help, Maternity Nurse and Housekeeping Jobs in London. Moreover, if you hire a nanny because she was recommended by a friend, and then the nanny turns out to be a disaster, you are stuck. Employer Nanny Jobs in Ontario, Canada including sponsorship required | CanadianNanny. Post your Job. CanadianNanny. Paid live load (except at Mill Creek yard). Mill Creek Motor Freight Ltd 3. Weekly pay by direct deposit and emailed pay-stubs. The primary responsibilities include childcare, meal Nanny Job in London, Ontario. Whether you want to find work, change jobs or advance your career, you can find thousands of opportunities on Job Bank. nanny jobs in London. We are a loving family Shifts available: - Weekdays : 7am – 5pm (10 hr shift) - Weekend: 7am – 5pm (10 hr shift) - Overnight Duties: - Provide Personal Care: dressing/undressing, bathing, grooming, toileting, and transferring - Provide homemaking Nanny jobs in West London 37 Nanny jobs in West London. As the top nanny agency in London, Diamond Personnel is proud to offer our award-winning service to families in the area! For live out nannies and caregivers in all major Canadian centres, call 1-888-886-8209 today! Samantha C. We are looking for someone to help out now and then with some evenings and weekends to care for our 9 month old son :) Availability. Golders Green. Get a Job Today! Nanny job. Children: One Child. We are looking for someone who is patient, kind and has great We are looking for a full-time (live out) nanny in Guelph, Ontario to care for our infant (1 year old) starting February 1st, 2025. Two kids in daycare/school. Connect With Facebook. I am offering min $18 an hour and will to neogiate based on e CanadianNanny. NannyServices. 50+ jobs. FT Permanent Nanny - 2 year old twin boys. Agencies/Companies. Create your profile and have families come to you. Our 9-year-old son attends primary school, and we require assistance with before and after-school care, including pick-up and drop-off. Instead of trying to peer through the glassdoor of your current manager, apply to a position in Ontario About The Job: Hello my name is Kpana. 2002. Posted by a parent Posted 22 Dec Position Nanny Location London Live in / out Live out Start date 01/1/2025 Salary 70,00-80,000 GROSS Full / Part time Full time Duration Permanent A family based in London is looking for an experienced, and flexible live OUT nanny. How it CanadianNanny. Our ideal candidate is responsible, nurturing, and reliable, with a genuine love for working with children. Ashley | London From $ 16 per hour /hr Age: 28 Experience: 6 Years London Qualified ECE, and Hello! My name is Rebecca Pardy. Services . I am seeking a caregiver living in London, Ontario. Wasaga Beach, ON. I have a 10 year old boy with Downs Syndrome who needs help with learning and play, someone who is fun and firm. Active over a week ago. Travel Today’s top 26,000+ Nanny jobs in London, England, United Kingdom. com's salary tool and search thousands of salaries in your industry. The ideal candidate will have a passion for childcare and be able to accommodate new. We have two adorable children in primary school who need caring and nurturing support during the day. We are offering $20. Verified: Phone number confirmed. I have my first aid and cpr training. The position offers $16. Recent searches for local caregivers, work and child care jobs. My last job was in London Ontario taking care of 2 beautiful children. Hire London, Ontario Pet Sitter. PLEASE I need a nanny only in LONDON ONTARIO. Location: Islington, LONDON. Get a Job Today! Today’s top 258 Online jobs in London, Ontario, Canada. New. The place for finding Live-in Nanny & Au-Pair Jobs in Ontario! Helping nannies find great families since 2002! View Job Opportunities! Apply Directly! Post Your Profile! Find a Job Today! Hi there! I'm Nayshona, a warm-hearted and experienced nanny based in London, Ontario. Hire an Au Pair, Search 332 Nanny, Lmia jobs now available in Ontario on Indeed. Nanny London. Post jobs and contact candidates directly. The Nanny Needed in London, ON: $15. We can offer 40 hours a week and potentially more or less if you are interested. Start: January 2025. Get a Job Today! Nanny Jobs Call: 0203 983 6629 Kindred Nannies. With the flexibility to teach online or in-person, at your home or the child's home, you can find the perfect tutoring opportunity that suits your preferences. I have also worked at Babysitting & Nanny Jobs in Toronto, Ontario. I would like to get the opportunity to work with your family. If you are passionate about childcare and have experience working with infants, we'd love to hear from you. com to find the perfect sitter for their family. Find all Pet Sitters available near London, Ontario. The ideal candidate will provide attentive care, assist with housekeeping 🌟 Seeking a part-time, live-out nanny in Ottawa, Ontario! 🌟 Our family is in need of a nurturing and responsible individual to care for our 2 wonderful children occasionally on weekends/evenings. Ref. Find a nanny job now Nanny jobs in London Search results 323 jobs. Hi there I am a 30yr old mother of 2 looking for a nanny job. I aim to chat with a professional, skillful individual with part-time availability. The bus stop is located a few hundred metres from our home in Old South. ca provides access to the best nanny Jobs in London, Ontario, Canada and all across Canada! Visit us to find the most qualified nanny for your family including swimming supervision!. Try Talent. START DATE April 2025 . Compare jobs near Join the team at Archways, in partnership with NuVista Mental Health and True North Psychological Services. Are you looking for a rewarding position as a nanny in London, Ontario? Look no further! Our Search and find nanny jobs, babysitting jobs, childcare jobs, or au pair jobs in London Ontario Search and find nanny jobs, babysitting jobs, childcare jobs, or au pair jobs in London Ontario ON. Keyword : all jobs &nbsp; Edit location input box label. 200+ jobs. Get a Job Today! Finding a nanny is hard. You’ll receive free, online nanny training, first aid training, an enhanced DBS check and insurance | My name is Ashley, I am 33 years old and living in Downtown London. I was a lifeguard for over ten years and have my Bachelors degree in Sociology and Psychology. The primary responsibility of this role will be I'm Randi, a family in Barrie, Ontario looking for a live out nanny to care for my toddler and primary school children (ages 7, 5, 2) . Are you a nurturing and responsible nanny looking for a full-time live-in , live out position in London, Ontario? Our family is seeking a dedicated individual to care for our infant and Apply for Care Giving jobs in London job Ontario job. I am open to hiring someone to live in or live out. Post jobs for all your care needs. Last 24 hours; Last 3 days; Victoria is a family in London, Ontario welcoming applications for a part-time live-out nanny. : Available nanny jobs Log in Registration. Looking for Summer Nanny for 2 Children (2 and 3) by Melissa • London Looking for someone to be a full time nanny for most of the summer in our home. Trusted since 2001. Looking for someone to come at 7am to get the kids ready and off to school. Other aspects of the role would involve, making and feeding kids dinner, maintain grocery list, shop, prep meals, and tidy house. We are offering a generous hourly rate of $30. Sort by: relevance - date. 1. London Ontario average salary in Canada, 2024 Find out what the average London Ontario salary is . 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