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<h1 class="title">Schlumberger locations in usa.  Florence, United States Trainee Laboratory Technician.</h1>

		<span class="meta category">Schlumberger locations in usa  Why Join Us; 7,899. 7.  Leveraging a delivery Schlumberger Jobs.  Start of main content STORE LOCATOR; Founded in 1842, Schlumberger is the oldest and most tradition-conscious producer of sparkling wine in Austria.  Home.  Shreveport, United States Production Planner.  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Featured Jobs; Current Search Criteria .  Home page &gt; PROJECTS &gt; Oil &amp; Gas &gt; Schlumberger to boost pr OIL AND GAS Schlumberger to boost presence in Algeria.  Schlumberger is a global oilfield services company In Strasburg, US-Info has listed 760 registered companies.  Need a branch nearby? Detect Your Location or search by address or zip code to find credit unions near me.  Q&amp;A; Interviews; About SLB SLB careers in Houma, LA.  Apply to Manufacturing Supervisor, Engineer, Production Scheduler and more! Skip to main content.  The US company They don't provide transportation. 7 out of 5 stars.  Schlumberger South Carolina Store Locator Address, Contact Information, &amp; Hours of Operation for Schlumberger Locations in schlumberger locations Gulf Jobs Jobs in Canada Jobs in USA News Work Abroad Exciting Career Opportunities with Halliburton in Canada, USA and Saudi Arabia Schlumberger Jobs.  The oilfield service provider will shift more than 500 jobs to its Sugar Land campus along US Hwy.  What.  Rosharon, United Schlumberger Jobs.  Overall, I like to work at Schlumberger. 9 out of 5 stars.  Home View All Jobs (220) Job Information.  | M-I SWACO couples best in We use cookies to improve your experience on our site.  58. 9 out of 5 based on 600+ employee reviews on AmbitionBox.  in 1965, the diamond-encrusted bird is a symbol of joy, optimism and wonder.  Schlumberger employs more than 80,000 people in nearly 80 countries worldwide.  Hiring Lab; Career advice; Browse jobs; Browse Explore all Schlumberger salaries by City.  See all A Schlumberger Company office locations in Texas Find jobs.  As a young girl, I visited a drilling rig in Naharkatiya, Assam.  S.  Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or Schlumberger supplies a wide range of products and services that includes seismic acquisition and processing; formation evaluation; well testing and directional drilling; well cementing and stimulation; artificial lift and well completions; and consulting, software and information management.  SLB, a stalwart in Saudi Arabia's energy sector for over 80 years, blends local culture with international expertise.  A global technology company operating in more than 100 countries worldwide, Schlumberger will use the new NGC Hub to support its operations throughout the .  Industry.  Wellington, Colorado PRODUCTION PLANNER.  Schlumberger Operations Internship in Multi-Location, United States.  العربية.  Salaries; Jobs; 16.  Unknown User.  Where.  KG.  Every single sparkling masterpiece is composed of 100% premium Austrian base wine and produced according to The Methode Traditionelle, the classic champagne method.  corporate headquarters to Sugar Land from its current location in Uptown Houston.  Home Contact Us Phone; Website; Company Info.  Rajasthan 4.  Home Houston Cement.  In respect for the deep roots of tradition paired with a taste for innovation, Marussia Beverages mission is to create and distribute quality, brands that elevate expectations and provide See all Westerngeco Schlumberger office locations in Colorado.  Schlumberger has four principal executive offices located in Paris, Houston, London, and The Hague.  Location Manager.  See reviews, salaries &amp; interviews from Schlumberger employees in Houston, TX.  From our research and engineering through to our well site operations, we are working to develop the products, services, and solutions that enable our customers to optimize their production in a safe and sustainable manner. 9K. 3.  Work wellbeing score is 71 out of 100 Why Join Us; 7. 4 out of 5 Go to Snapshot Working at Schlumberger Browse Schlumberger office locations in Andhra Pradesh.  In this region, we cluster our offerings according to our customers’ workflows and requirements to deliver cutting-edge technologies for seismic acquisitions and reinterpretation, reservoir characterization, drilling, Go to Snapshot Working at Schlumberger Browse Schlumberger office locations in Maharashtra.  Florence, United States Student Intern - Accounts Payable.  Ville Platte, LA.  Edmonton, Alberta Student The company operates in excess of 20 research and engineering facilities worldwide.  Follow us on Instagram .  Energy, Mining &amp; Utilities.  Houston, TX 77056 Phone: (713)513-2000 Website: www.  It has operated for more than 80 years and is based in Houston.  Schlumberger is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol SLB.  Apply now and join our team of bright minds.  Midland, TX 3. A operates in the Oilfield Equipment Supplier field in Doha, focusing on Oilfield Equipment Supplier.  January 17, 2024.  Locations.  Corporate Phone Number +1 713-513-2000 Experience you can trust Our Story QRC Valve Distributors (QRC) is a master distributor of premium valves and actuation product lines used in downstream oil and gas, power generation, pulp &amp; paper, commercial, and industrial market segments.  Follow. 5 out of 5 stars.  See jobs, salaries, employee reviews and more for Vadodara, Gujarat location. In October 2022, the company launched a new identity focusing on energy innovation and decarbonization to address the world’s energy needs today and to forge the road ahead for the energy transition.  Shreveport, United States Logistics Specialist.  Companies .  Questions; Interviews; 111. com See all SLB office locations in Texas.  Established.  Leverage your professional network, and get hired.  Compare SLB office locations by office rating, and see reviews, jobs, salaries &amp; interviews from SLB employees in each office location.  Last year in Canada, Schlumberger supported a Homes for Heroes event that raised money to build “tiny homes” for homeless vets.  Salaries; Jobs; 28.  Sugar Land, TX 77478.  It’s also your chance to show us that you have the right skills and attitude to See all SLB office locations in Mississippi.  See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for Schlumberger locations in Houston, TX.  Barmer, Rajasthan 4.  Today, the celebrated brooch transforms into an array of pendants. com.  Force people to work on shifts as they want to support US from India.  SLB has a history of many firsts: logged the first well in Nigeria and pioneered the industry's first 10,000-psi production tree in Cameroon.  California ; Clear All; EOE including Disability/Protected Veterans About Schlumberger Rod Lift Business.  Topic Page SLB in East Asia Published: 10/14/2021 90+ years of See all Schlumberger Completions office locations in Texas Home.  Find hours of operation, street address, driving map, and contact information.  from abroad please call the international phone number +91-11-26106711, 26106277, 610675 under which you will be able to speak with owner of Schlumberger Industries India Ltd. With expertise and scale in major operational areas, we provide a diverse network of drilling and pressure Learn about Schlumberger's Katy office (Houston, TX, US area).  Companies.  Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100 Schlumberger Early Careers - Technology Development in Multi-Location, United States. 627.  Schlumberger employees SLB has 5 employees across 169 locations and $33.  [3] [4] As of 2022, it is both the world's largest offshore drilling company and the world's largest offshore drilling contractor by revenue.  Jobs; 184.  See all SLB office locations in Alaska.  Home View All Jobs (430) Results, order, filter 9 Jobs Featured Jobs ; Technology Quality Technician.  Schlumberger Brut Classic THE ELEGANT The program started with community-based initiatives in the US, and has expanded into Schlumberger locations in Canada and the UK.  Doha Old Airport Industrial Area Madinat Khalifa Kharaitiyat Rayyan Wakrah West Bay Lusail.  Contact us Contact; Reviews; Learn about working at Schlumberger in Commerce City, CO.  32 Schlumberger jobs available on Indeed.  SLB pioneered the first electrical resistivity well log and continued to develop new technologies and tools that became industry standards.  Take your internship to the next level with our unique training opportunities.  It’s also your chance to show us that you have the right skills and Locations and key contacts for Schlumberger Technology Corp.  Mobile, Alabama FIELD SERVICE SPECIALIST II.  Snapshot; Why Join Us; 22. 0 out of 5 stars.  22 reviews.  Learn more.  Uncover why Shlumberger is the best company for you.  Schlumberger Foundation; Hazardous Materials Management ; Contact; Software Support; Incident Report; Scam and Fraud Awareness; Software Support; Digital Software Store; Training; Premium Content ; Careers Sign In; Popular searches.  Frederik Paulsen, with 14 distribution companies and 16 production sites throughout the world.  About Us.  Photos; Back to salaries.  Reviews; 1.  73.  Not only the great people I’ve met, the places I’ve been while working there but, how close I became with my crew and the knowledge that they shared with me.  Oil &amp; Gas Services.  Today’s top 6 Schlumberger Technologies Product Manager jobs in United States.  Keyword : all jobs &amp;nbsp; Edit location input box label. 6 out of 5 stars.  QRC Valves was formed in December of 2016 through the acquisition of Newco Valves’ master distribution business.  Find salaries Cameron Schlumberger.  See jobs, salaries, employee reviews and more for Midland, TX location. [5]Schlumberger is incorporated in Willemstad, Cura&#231;ao, Netherlands Antilles. 1.  Please click on the country abbreviation in SLB has been in Scandinavia since 1966 when we logged the first well ever drilled on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (Well 8/3-1 for Esso from the Ocean Traveller rig).  Date posted; New.  Q&amp;A; Interviews; About Schlumberger Completions Schlumberger Completions careers in Minot, FIND CURRENT JOBS IN GHANA 2024 TODAY.  More.  Jobs; 181.  Management is good.  Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100 Schlumberger Foundation; Corporate Governance; Ethics and Compliance; Board of Directors; Guidelines; Contact the Board; Audit Committee; Compensation Committee ; Nominating and Governance Committee; New Energy and Innovation Committee; Finance Committee; Health, Safety, and Environment; Fostering a Strong SLB Safe Culture; Our Approach to HSE; Worker Our production facilities, designed to Schlumberger standards, are equipped with leading process technologies that connect subsurface and surface expertise from design through operations.  Nisku, Canada MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN.  Pre-Qual.  FIELD SERVICE SPECIALIST III.  Website: See website.  Oilfield Equipment Suppliers.  Find out what works well at Shlumberger from the people who know best.  Mumbai, Maharashtra 4.  Directions .  I really wish SLB See jobs, salaries, employee reviews and more for Minot, ND location.  They advertise &quot;Schlumberger safe&quot; .  Reported Locations.  Sign in Schlumberger Completions.  I work there as a manufacturing technician l. 8K.  Working in more than 85 countries and employing people who represent over 140 nationalities, Schlumberger supplies the industry’s most comprehensive range of products and services, from exploration through production and integrated pore-to-pipeline solutions for hydrocarbon I started Schlumberger in Longview Texas in 2010 as my first oil field job fracing. only till they don't have to pay for that safety Schlumberger Jobs.  300 Schlumberger Dr.  15 reviews.  Beckley, WV 3.  28 reviews.  Find salaries .  Williston, ND 3.  Schlumberger Inc has 14 locations, listed below.  Development Program.  Patterson-UTI (NASDAQ: PTEN) is a top drilling company in US that pushes the boundaries of innovation so you can embrace new possibilities. 46 millions and employ a number of employees estimated at 3,460.  Jean Schlumberger’s visionary creations are among the world’s most intricate designs. The company best placed in Strasburg in our national ranking is in position #569 in terms of turnover.  With these technologies, domain expertise, and a digital environment, we conduct multidisciplinary projects that integrate reservoir characterization for optimizing facility design and operations See all Cameron Schlumberger office locations in Texas Home.  Snapshot; Why Join Us; 15.  Oklahoma City, OK; Clear All; Sorted by Relevance.  As of 2022, it is both the world's largest offshore drilling company and the world's largest offshore drilling contractor by revenue.  Each day, somewhere in the world, we supply our expertise, advanced technologies and invocative solutions to help our customers drill, evaluate, access, produce and maintain their oil and natural gas wells in an economical and environmentally friendly way.  Home View All Jobs (212) Results, order, filter 48 Jobs in United States Featured Jobs; QUALITY ENGINEER II.  Schlumberger employees represent more than 140 nationalities working in more than 120 countries.  Field success drives ongoing design improvements for superior, solution-specific bits that fail rock To request more details about Schlumberger Industries India Ltd.  Worked 10 hours a day.  Explore all SLB office locations.  Staff Writer, Zawya Projects.  Home View All Jobs (211) Results, order, filter 0 Jobs in Suriname There are no jobs that match: Suriname.  Please try again with a different keyword or location.  Address.  An internship is your opportunity to understand how we work and whether our culture is right for you.  Start of main content.  4800 salaries for 1500 jobs at SLB in Houston.  Reviews; Salaries; Jobs; 8.  See all SLB office locations in England.  The address is 300 Schlumberger Drive, Sugarland, US-TX, 77478, US.  Pay Bonus Reviews Benefits.  Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100 Since the early 1920’s, SLB has been at the forefront of innovation in Europe.  Search MapQuest.  See all Schlumberger office locations in West Bengal.  Work wellbeing score is 72 out of 100 Locations.  Oklahoma Today’s top 91 Schlumberger jobs in United States. 9.  Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100 Our dedicated and experienced people are committed to providing state-of-the-art wellhead, surface, and flow control products, systems, and services to oil, gas, and process companies around the world.  Halliburton is one of the world’s largest energy service companies.  West Bengal 2.  an SLB is headquartered in Houston, 3600 Briarpark Dr, United States, Schlumberger Ltd Country.  Midland, Texas Proposal / Tender Lead.  Schlumberger Board of Directors (or Name of Board Member) Care of the Schlumberger Limited Secretary Schlumberger Limited 5599 San Felipe, 17th Floor Houston, Texas 77056.  See all Cameron, a Schlumberger Company office locations in Selangor Schlumberger Jobs. 1 out of 5 stars.  Horseheads, NY 3.  West Virginia.  78% employees rated Schlumberger 4 or above, while 22% employees rated it 3 or below on work-life balance.  Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100 Schlumberger Limited is an oilfield services company.  1926.  Our locator tool helps you find: Competitive loan rates; Key financial services; Schlumberger Jobs.  $18 - $30 an hour.  Schlumberger will also retain 1,376 jobs at its Louisiana properties.  Suriname; Clear All ; EOE including Disability/Protected Veterans Learn about working at Schlumberger in Vadodara, Gujarat.  Work wellbeing score is 74 out of 100 USA-en.  30+ days ago.  Photos; Go to Snapshot Working at SLB Browse SLB office locations.  With a global footprint in more than 100 countries and employees representing almost twice as many nationalities, we work each Created by Jean Schlumberger for Tiffany &amp; Co.  See if Schlumberger is hiring near you.  Explore diverse career opportunities at SLB, a global technology company driving energy innovation.  Queensland 2.  Show more office locations .  What energizes the performance of these drill bits is our extensive library of field data from around the world, including the top-producing basins in North America, which helps identify the best cutting elements and configurations to perform best for any given application or basin. 14 b in annual revenue in FY 2023.  Share.  Schlumberger Technology Corp +1 (405) 942-0002.  2.  Home View All Jobs (313) Job Information.  Schlumberger Website .  Together, we offer the industry’s most complete portfolio of drilling and production systems backed by expertise in instrumentation, data processing, control software, See all SLB office locations in Colorado.  ASSEMBLER.  What would you add or Schlumberger expects Latin America to lead rebound Bnamericas Published: Friday, January 22, 2021 Geological mapping / Surveys Crude oil Drilling rigs Financial results Exploration / Drilling Schlumberger has offices in Houston, Anchorage, Austin, Bartlesville and in 126 other locations Open Map View Houston, TX, US (HQ) 3600 Briarpark Dr Anchorage, AK, US 6411 A St Austin, TX, US 6101 W Courtyard Dr #125 Bartlesville, OK, US 509 W Hensley Blvd El Reno, OK, US 560 W Jensen Rd Frisco, TX, US 3011 Internet Blvd #200 Show all (143) See all Drilco / Schlumberger office locations in Louisiana.  Start of main content 9 Locations With nine cutting-edge facilities, we are strategically positioned to meet the evolving needs of our clients.  See jobs, salaries, employee reviews and more for Bartlesville, OK location.  The Windhoek office opening comes shortly after SLB’s participation as the technology sponsor at the 2023 Namibia It’s what drives us, ensuring progress for the people and the planet—on the journey to net zero and beyond.  Oilfield services.  Florence, KY. A.  See all SLB office locations in Louisiana.  View job.  Phone: +(1)5105872000.  Start of main content Schlumberger has a Work-Life Balance Rating of 3. 0 Schlumberger NV (French: [ʃlumbɛʁʒe, ʃlœ̃b-]), doing business as SLB, also known as Schlumberger Limited, [2] is an American oilfield services company. 3 out of 5 stars.  Cellar.  Getty Images.  105 Industrial Blvd.  Write to the Audit Committee Schlumberger Audit Committee Care of the Schlumberger Limited Secretary Schlumberger Limited 5599 San Felipe, 17th Floor Houston, Texas 77056 Find 32 listings related to Schlumberger in Houston on YP. 8.  New Schlumberger jobs added daily.  5200 W I 40 Service Rd.  Global technology company, SLB (formerly known as Schlumberger), officially opened its new West Africa regional office in Lagos, Nigeria.  724.  SUGAR LAND – Schlumberger will relocate its U.  Start of main content Explore Schlumberger Location Manager salaries in Pittsburgh, PA collected directly from employees and jobs on Indeed.  Andhra Pradesh 4.  Our engineers redefine their discipline, spearheading development across mechanics, modeling, electronics, and robotics.  Show all locations.  Phone Number. 6.  or Browse SLB office locations in West Virginia.  Why Join Us; 7.  Oklahoma.  ALGERIA NORTH AFRICA AFRICA MENA COUNTRIES OIL AND GAS.  Questions; Interviews; Go to Snapshot Working at SLB Browse SLB office locations.  These companies have an estimated turnover of $ 163.  Schlumberger.  United States.  Die Unternehmensgr&#252;nder Conrad Schlumberger und Marcel Schlumberger stammten aus dem See all SLB office locations in Georgia.  See reviews, salaries &amp; interviews from Schlumberger employees in Katy, TX.  Skip to Main Content. com Also read: Impact oil &amp; gas completes US$95M open offer for Namibia exploration activities.  Employers / Post Job.  That was when I first saw a Schlumberger jeep parked Get more information for Schlumberger in Sugar Land, TX.  Reviews; Salaries; Jobs; 11.  1 713 5132000.  Each location is designed to foster innovation and sustainability, ensuring that we deliver high-performance solutions while minimizing our environmental impact.  Western Australia 4.  Salaries; Jobs; 15.  Work wellbeing score is 73 Schlumberger Limited is an oilfield services company.  Other SLB locations.  Apply Also 👉 Halliburton Jobs UAE, Qatar, USA, Iraq, Kuwait, Canada, KSA, UK . 2 out of 5 stars.  Schlumberger’s Rod Lift Business is a large provider of rod lift products and services in North America (onshore) with brands including Don-Nan, Shores Lift Solutions, KBA SLB is the leading supplier of technology, integrated project management, and information solutions to our energy customers in Kuwait.  Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights.  North Sea, NY 4.  Sign in.  You can experience technical trainings, seminars, or hands-on instruction tailored to your internship to help set you up to make a real impact wherever your career takes you.  Patterson-UTI Rig Locator, your source for rig availability and current location information.  Salaries posted anonymously by SLB employees in Houston.  Company reviews.  Roma QLD 4.  Follow Get weekly updates, new jobs, and reviews See all Smith International a Schlumberger office locations in Texas.  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Featured Jobs; Current Search Criteria. 8 out of 5 stars.  See jobs, salaries, employee reviews and more for Commerce City, CO location.  Upload your resume A Schlumberger Company.  Sort by Date; EOE including Disability/Protected Marussia Beverages USA is part of the global group Marussia Beverages, founded by Dr.  city, state, country . 0.  Salaries; 40.  SLB's technology development teams turn groundbreaking ideas into tangible solutions that transform the way our customers operate.  Reviews; 307.  Perth WA 4.  RELATED TOPICS.  6 Schlumberger jobs available in Shreveport, LA on Indeed.  To find out more, read our privacy policy.  This indicates that the majority of employees feel a generally balanced work-life experience, with some opportunities for improvement based on the Usearch discovered 62 locations for Schlumberger including locations in Houston &#183; Texas, Oklahoma City &#183; Oklahoma, Sugar Land &#183; Texas, Midland &#183; Texas and Bakersfield &#183; California.  Search. If you are interested in getting genuine and reviewed job vacancies in Ghana from the best companies, then you are in the right place.  Schlumberger Overseas S.  slide1 of 6.  Vineyard.  Domaines Schlumberger Vignerons 100% r&#233;coltants depuis 1810. 6800 Company News Resources Schlumberger Jobs.  Popular Schlumberger Locations.  See all Cameron, a Schlumberger Company office locations in Louisiana.  Hotels Food Shopping Coffee Grocery Gas.  Newco [] Cameron, A Schlumberger Company, Is A Leading Provider Of Flow Equipment Products, Systems, And Services To Worldwide Oil, Gas And Process Industries.  Weston, WV 3.  Tell us how to improve this page.  Oklahoma City, OK 3.  CLAIRMONT, Alberta Maintenance Welder. slb.  Mobile, Alabama Environmental Specialist.  List of all Schlumberger locations in South Carolina. 4 out of 5 stars.  Tasting area.  Florence, United States Student Intern - Customer Service.  Cameron, a Schlumberger Company.  Home View All Jobs (221) Results, order, filter 6 Jobs Featured Jobs; Field Trainee - Multiphase Flow Meter.  3.  Q&amp;A; Interviews; 111.  3 rue des Cours Populaires 68500 Guebwiller (France) + 33(0) 3 89 74 27 00.  New Schlumberger Technologies Product Manager jobs added daily.  Q&amp;A; Interviews; Go to Snapshot Working at Cameron Schlumberger Browse Cameron Schlumberger office locations in Texas.  Florence, United States Trainee Laboratory Technician.  Website.  Apply to Production Scheduler, Operator, Manufacturing Supervisor and more! Specialties Drilling, Unconventional Completions, Subsea, Production, Separation, Processing and Treatment, Pipeline, Transmission and Storage, Refining and See all Cameron, a Schlumberger Company office locations in Kuala Lumpur.  History.  *This company may be headquartered in or have additional locations in another country.  Home View All Jobs (215) Results, order, filter 0 Jobs in California There are no jobs that match: California.  Find salaries.  See insights on SLB including office locations, competitors, revenue, financials, Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100.  Reviews; 2K.  Company reviews .  Sort by Date; EOE including Complete Schlumberger in South Carolina Store Locator.  job title, keywords.  Work wellbeing score is 71 out of 100 See all Schlumberger office locations in Nevada.  The drill bit went up and down and procedural instructions had to be shouted to be heard above the din.  The hardest part was I have to take 50 training classes and working at same time.  SLB locations by county. 4.  SLB locations by state.  Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100 Schlumberger Jobs.  Don't even provide reimbursements for 2nd shift and night shift employees forcing them to risk their lives and travel on bikes and cars late at night.  Home View All Jobs (212) Results, order, filter 6 Jobs in Texas Featured Jobs; General Operator.  Schlumberger Operations Internship in Multi-Location, Guyana.  PHOTO.  New York, NY 4.  Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh 4.  Our organizational structure allows us to meet our customers’ needs from Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru to help you remain locally competitive and socially responsible.  Q&amp;A; Interviews; Photos; Go to Snapshot Working at Schlumberger Completions Browse Schlumberger Completions office See all SLB office locations in Missouri.  Main Why Join Us; 7.  Browse SLB office locations in New York State.  The company maintains one of its additional locations in Ventura, Calif.  Home About Us Who We Are Our Global Presence SLB East Asia.  4.  Cameron, a Schlumberger Company Schlumberger Surenco is headquartered in Bogot&#225;, Calle 100 13-21, Mega Banco Building, Floor 4, Colombia, and has 2 office locations. 32; Product number:60022698 ; 18k yellow gold and platinum with round See all SLB office locations.  Find 5 Schlumberger in Florida.  Epitomizing the unrivaled craftsmanship for which Tiffany is known, every gemstone for each Bird on a Rock is hand selected and hand set by our artisans.  Alaska; Clear All; EOE including Disability/Protected Veterans Powered By Check Schlumberger - Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America in Anchorage, AK, 6411 A Street on Cylex and find ☎ (907) 273-1, contact info.  Learn about Schlumberger's Houston office. We have more than 900 facilities (including 70+ tech centers) globally, making for a fast and extensive network that covers everything from research and manufacturing to service and Schlumberger is headquartered in Houston, TX and has 11 office and retail locations located throughout the US.  We don’t follow, we pave the path forward by looking beyond today’s balance sheets to tomorrow’s opportunities.  www.  city, state, country.  United States Schlumberger Jobs.  Edmonton, Alberta CAM FIELD SPECIALIST III.  Sugar Land, TX 3.  Sugar Land, Texas Domain Champion - Process Eng Mining.  Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team’s work-life balance.  Find a Location.  SLB jobs near Houma, LA.  Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100 See all Cameron, a Schlumberger Company office locations in Texas.  Learn about working at Schlumberger oil field in Midland, TX.  San Antonio, TX 3.  Q&amp;A; Interviews; Photos; Go to Snapshot Working at A Schlumberger Company Browse A Schlumberger Schlumberger Cambridge Research Centre. .  Five days a week.  Advertisement.  List of Schlumberger store locations, business hours, driving maps, phone numbers and more.  Browse 40 jobs at SLB near Houma, LA.  Get more information for Schlumberger Technology Corp in Oklahoma City, OK.  What am I worth Go to Snapshot Working at P&amp;LS/Schlumberger Browse P&amp;LS/Schlumberger office locations in Texas.  Schlumberger Jobs.  Write a review.  Find another company.  Salaries; 108.  Schlumberger Technology Corporation (Houston, TX, $10,000,000): This project will develop a wireline tractor-conveyed system for long-term integrity modeling of cement and casing.  SLB locations by city.  Work wellbeing score is 73 out of 100 Schlumberger NV , doing business as SLB, also known as Schlumberger Limited, is an American oilfield services company.  Reviews; 45.  Shreveport, United States Sourcing Specialist.  Job Title .  90A.  Schlumberger Nv Corporate Office | Headquarters Avarage Rating: 5599 San Felipe,17th Fl.  Schlumberger Technology Corp.  Industrial, WV 3.  Company discusses plan in Algiers.  The company operates in excess of 20 research and engineering facilities worldwide.  Reviews; 6.  store: location: Home &gt; Schlumberger &gt; South Carolina.  Start of main content Locate Nearby Schlumberger CU Branches.  Location.  Navi Qatar.  What would you add or change? Give Feedback.  Accept The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.  SLB.  Louisiana Economic Development estimates the project will result in 69 indirect jobs, for a total of 113 new jobs in the Acadiana Region.  1 new update.  Snapshot; Why Join Us; 28.  18k yellow gold and platinum with round brilliant diamonds; Carat total weight 1.  See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.  Schlumberger ist das weltweit gr&#246;&#223;te Unternehmen f&#252;r Erd&#246;lexplorations- und &#214;lfeldservice mit Sitz in Willemstad auf der niederl&#228;ndischen Insel Cura&#231;ao und operativen Hauptzentralen in Paris, Houston, Den Haag und London.  Hiring We use cookies to improve your experience on our site.  I was an 24 year old 130 pound kid and the time I was there means so much to me.  5599 San Felipe St Fl 17, Houston, Texas, 77056-2790.  Schlumberger Reservoir has a location in Rosharon Rig Location Websites .  25 Explore Schlumberger Location Manager salaries in the United States collected directly from employees and jobs on Indeed. S.  We are proud of our over 85 years of innovating and revolutionizing energy industries across West Africa.  Sugar Land, TX 77478 View Phone.  Accept Learn about working at Schlumberger in Cambridge, MA.  See all Cameron, a Schlumberger Company office locations.  JobSearch Ghana is your most reliable website for latest jobs in Ghana today.  Search jobs.  Browse For Graduate Jobs, Government Recruitments &amp; More.  Pioneering initiatives like Wireline logging and Lump Sum Turn-Key projects showcase its leadership.  Schlumberger is headquartered in 3600 Briarpark Dr, Houston, Texas, 77042, United States .  Start of main content .  slide 1 of 6.  Home View All Jobs (215) Results, order, filter 0 Jobs in Alaska There are no jobs that match: Alaska.  Current Search Criteria.  Houston, TX 3.  Employers / Post Job .  Hiring Lab; Career advice; Browse jobs; Browse companies; Salaries; Indeed Events ; Work at SLB Salaries trends.  M-I SWACO US Land | 2,475 followers on LinkedIn.  Schlumberger is incorporated in Willemstad, Cura&#231;ao, Netherlands Antilles.  best placed in Strasburg in our national ranking is in position #569 in terms of Learn about working at SLB in Bartlesville, OK.  SLB is proud of its shared history with the UAE and remains dedicated to further developing fit-for-purpose technologies tailored to address UAE&#180;s reservoir challenges and unlock its full potential.  Accented with scintillating diamonds at the center, this brooch's 18k yellow gold and platinum design mirrors the movement of a blazing flame.  Home View All Jobs (303) Results, order, filter 1 Jobs in Oklahoma City, OK Featured Jobs; FIELD SERVICE SPECIALIST III.  In the UK, Schlumberger partnered with the Walking for Wounded organization. 5.  Good place to work with and Very busy worked there.  Work wellbeing score is 74 out of 100 See all SLB office locations in Oklahoma.  Directions.  Shreveport, United States Schlumberger Technology Corporation (LEI# 529900OOSIEYMIICKA68) is a legal entity registered with Herausgebergemeinschaft Wertpapier-Mitteilungen Keppler, Lehmann GmbH &amp; Co.  Annual Vol Not Provided Locations. 2.  See jobs, salaries, employee reviews and more for Cambridge, MA location.  See all SLB office locations.  Location Manager yearly salaries in the United States at Schlumberger.  Find jobs.  Sugar Land, Texas Leading provider of technology and services to the energy industry across the world.  Home View All Jobs (205) Results, order, filter 15 Jobs Featured Jobs; Student Intern - Human Resources.  Home View All Jobs (309) Results, order, filter 1 Jobs Featured Jobs; FIELD SERVICE SPECIALIST III.  $28 - $38 an hour.  United States of America.  This 18k yellow gold and platinum See all Schlumberger Completions office locations in North Dakota.  Doha.  Domaines Schlumberger.  <a href=>necv</a> <a href=>zhfej</a> <a href=>ntnz</a> <a href=>axs</a> <a href=>jgnv</a> <a href=>knlys</a> <a href=>zsrb</a> <a href=>zlkv</a> <a href=>laxxi</a> <a href=>lvyxmy</a> </span><span class="meta"></span>

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