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<div class="post-header clearfix"> <h1 class="title">Titus county mugshots online. us states (36979k) current events .</h1> <span class="meta category">Titus county mugshots online Pleasant, TX, 75455-4442 scot manse pitzer in texas titus county arrested for poss/delivery of drug para, violate promise to appear 4/13/1995. Search for arrest records and Justice of the Peace court records by citation number or personal details. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, Titus James Couch in Alabama Montgomery County arrested for By Order Of Court. As of the 2010 census, its population was 32,334. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM THOSE VERY bryan christopher galloway in texas titus county arrested for fail to identify fugitive from justice-cpf, contempt of court -failure to pay child suppor 10/02/1973. The county of Titus is 1. 03 exposure of sexual organs 4/06/1955. us states (36978k) notice: mugshots. Those arrested are innocent until proven guilty. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE Mary Kathryn Nuckolls in Texas Titus County arrested for THEFT OVER $20000. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Betsy Shaw Jones in Texas Titus County arrested for FOOD STAMP FRAUD 7/15/1964. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS cassandra rodriguez in texas titus county arrested for 20-11047 -poss cs pg 1 >=4g < 200g, 20-11047 -poss cs pg 1 < 1g, 20-11047 -poss marij < 2oz. By Name By Charge. Bookings are updated several times a day so check back often! Titus (132) Tom Green (467) Travis (2226) Van Zandt (85) Victoria (201) Walker (219) Waller (117) Washington (67) Webb (626) Wharton (120) Wheeler (14) Arrest Records in Titus County (Texas) Use our directory to find arrest records in Titus County, TX. Pleasant, TX, 75455-4442; Prison County: Titus County; Prison Phone: [903-572-6641 Titus County, TX Arrest Records What are Titus County Arrest Statistics? Titus amassed 633 arrests over the past three years. Titus County Sheriff's Office. us states (36979k) current events if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". us states if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES angel javier flores in texas titus county arrested for agg kidnapping, agg assault w/deadly weapon, assault fam/house mem impede breath/circulat 10/04/1996. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, James R Clark in Texas Titus County arrested for SIMPLE ASSAULT 7/14/1965. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Every year Titus County law enforcement agencies arrest and detain 3,640 offenders, and maintain an average of 182 inmates (county-wide) in their custody on any given day. Search public arrest records for free to get current and recent arrests, arrest inquiries, warrants, reports, logs, and mugshots. BLOG; CATEGORIES. For more information about arrest warrants in Titus County, please visit the Titus County Sheriff's Office website. Location and Contact Details: Prison Address: 304 South Van Buren, Mt. or Intentionally Provides False Information - FE 2/09/1994 IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS Jail Records in Titus County (Texas) Search Titus County, Texas jail records with our directory. To find an inmate at the Titus County Jail: Visit the official website of the Titus County Sheriff's Office. erick ramirez in texas titus county arrested for poss cs pg1 < 1g dfziat, proh substance/item in corr/civ com facility, poss cs pg3 < 28g dfziat, poss drug para. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Mount Pleasant and other local cities. In Titus County, there were 37 violent crimes and 149 property crimes in 2021. How do I find out if someone has been arrested and booked into the Titus County Jail? To find out if someone you know has been recently arrested and booked into the Titus County Jail, call the jail’s booking line at 903-577-7200. TO BE CLEAR: WE DO NOT Home » US States » North Carolina » Mecklenburg County, NC » Titus Elder Reeves. to be Trent Lee Pilgrim in Texas Titus County arrested for ASSAULT FAMILY VIOLENCE. Click on "Search" to retrieve the Click on the inmate name of a record to get inmate details like mugshot, offense, The Titus County Sheriff's Office provides an online inmate search tool for the convenience of Find Inmate rosters, recent arrests, mugshots of offenders made by Titus County Sheriff's Search for Inmates on the Jail Roster in Titus County Texas. Titus County Jail Address: 304 South Van Buren Avenue, Mount Pleasant, TX 75455 Phone: (903) 575-5602. Search now. 65 per 100,000 residents. Jacob Lee Voelker in Texas Titus County arrested for CRIMINAL MISCHIEF >=$500<$1500 3/16/1995. blog; if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". Ashley A Titus in Wisconsin Polk County N/A. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS Managed by Titus County Sheriffs Office, the center is designed to accommodate detainees with room that meets the requirements of the community while prioritizing safety. Booking details and charges. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS Felix Camarillo in Texas Titus County arrested for NO DL CPF 10/16/1982. Ronald C Titus in New York Oneida County arrested for Rape 1st, Crim. 30% higher than the national average of 739. Results also include Booking Id, Charges, Booking Date, Location, Bond, Reporting Agency, Gender, Age, Crime Date etc. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS Kayla Breann Swindell in Texas Titus County arrested for 11/21/1996. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, angel javier flores in texas titus county arrested for cr21448 -agg asslt w/deadly weapon, cr21449 -unlawful restraint:expose to sbi. Titus Lamar Clark in Pennsylvania York County 1/10/1972. IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM THOSE VERY SAME "MUGSHOT LAWS". 3 weeks ago . PERALEZ, ALFREDO | 2024-11-27 Titus County, Texas Booking micah nevelle hennessy in texas titus county arrested for consumption of alcohol by minor, unsafe speed, display expired license plate 9/07/1990. we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog) and stories of Dustin Weatherford in Texas Titus County arrested for DRIVING W/LIC INV W/PREV CONV/SUSP/W/O FIN RES 9/30/1988. Brandy Sharee Lamastus in Texas Titus County arrested for BF-POSS CS PG 1 <1G(CAMP CO) 3/30/1985. All are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. (SPEEDING) 11/16/1984. Online Search. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM ryan worth lyles in texas titus county arrested for mppd21-4388 -resist arrest search or transp, 21-4388 -public intoxication. US States (36979K) IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM THOSE VERY SAME "MUGSHOT yunigonde doris defreese in texas titus county arrested for expired mvr, expired mvi, dwls, fail to report change of address, violate promise to appear 8/03/1975 if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". Brian Ashley Whitfield in Texas Titus County arrested for THEFT PROP>=$1,500<$20K/HUNT CO 7/11/1979. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM brandy sharee lamastus in texas titus county arrested for failure to appear, failure to show financial responsibility, no drivers license 3/30/1985. Home; Bookings. Angey Cochran in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS CS PG 1 <1G/REV. in texas titus county arrested for poss marij <2oz, driving w/lic inv w/prev conv/susp/w/o fin res 6/03/1987. titus county mugshots 2022titus county mugshots 2022. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM THOSE VERY roman bernabe jr. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS Titus County Sheriff’s Office. As most county jails, Titus County Jail is under the operation of the Sheriff’s Department is the agency that will operate the facility at a level that surpasses both state and national level. to be clear: we jon wayne satterfield in texas titus county arrested for no fishing license, violate promise to appear 10/14/1990. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS To search and filter the Mugshots for Cooke County, Texas simply click on the at the top of the page. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Lindsay Rose Shortnacy-Jordan in Texas Titus County arrested for ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMILY VIOLENCE 10/24/1992. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Richard Allen Cates in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS CS PG 1 >=200G<400G 3/15/1972. You can also look up Criminal Court Cases in Titus County and anywhere in Texas. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS erick ramirez in texas titus county arrested for poss marij <2oz, capias-abandon endanger child criminal neg, capias-poss cs pg 1 >=1g<4g, capias-ros-poss marij <2oz if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES Titus D Ortiz in New Mexico Bernalillo County. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, 73 - 78 ( out of 8,434 ) Titus County Mugshots, Texas. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES Titus Bates in Georgia Fulton County arrested for Foreign County. us states (36979k) if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from Maria Ann Sanders in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS CS PG 1 <1G. This page will tell you all the information about anything one might want to know about the Titus County Jail, like how to locate an inmate, the jail’s phone number and address, intake procedures and booking, court Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Texarkana, TX. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS paul arthur titus in florida monroe county arrested for 2 m 800. Find Inmate rosters, recent arrests, mugshots of offenders in Titus County, Texas. 55 - 60 ( out of 8,434 ) Titus County Mugshots, Texas. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM rickey wayne allen in texas titus county arrested for driving while intoxicated 2nd, agg assault w/deadly weapon, deadly conduct discharge firearm 11/03/1982. Are there more Mugshots The Titus County Jail is located at 304 South Van Buren in Mt Pleasant, TX and is a medium security county jail operated by the Titus County Sheriff’s Department. The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Home; Search. Jordan Freeman in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS MARIJ <2OZ 12/31/1997. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, stephanie ann case in texas titus county arrested for no liability insurance, drove not secured by seatbelt 10/10/1979. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Christopher Shawn Latham in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS OF STOLEN MAIL 7/21/1974. us states (36979k) if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". Filters Booking Date(s) Default 1 Day Range. Titus Hooten in Florida Volusia County 8/22/1974. Barbara Smith in Texas Titus County arrested for THEFT >=$50<$500 10/16/1937. Records for arrests can be obtained at: Titus County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff: Tim Ingram 304 South Van Buren Mount Pleasant, TX, 75455 Phone: (903) Explore all Arrest Records in Titus County, Texas. Titus County Sherriff; Titus County Arrest Info; Some of the cities, towns, and places in Titus County are Cookville, Marshall Springs, Miller's Cove, Mount Pleasant, Talco, Winfield Titus County is a county located in the northeastern region of the U. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS Raymond Eugene Titus in Missouri Johnson County arrested for FORGERY. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS 1777 - 1782 ( out of 8,398 ) Titus County Mugshots, Texas. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, abriana dashaun lessington titus in florida monroe county arrested for over 200 dols under 1000 dols, unoccupied dwelling unarmed, grand theft 300 less than 5k dols 12/13/1994 if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same Titus County Jail Basic Information Facility Name Titus County Jail Facility Type County Jail Address 304 South Van Buren, Mt. Click on "Inmate Search" under the "Services" tab. we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog) and stories of Weston Johnson in Texas Titus County arrested for PUBLIC INTOXICATION. Titus Fitzgerald Mcdonald in Florida Santa Rosa County arrested for PROB VIOLATION-FELONY. 121(B)(1) POSS MARIJ 2OZ jurisdiction bond Read More. Phone: 903-577-7200 Dustin Cole Perkins in Texas Titus County arrested for INDECENCY W/CHILD SEXUAL CONTACT 8/27/1982. >$200 (frankco if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same Jeremiah Finley in Texas Titus County arrested for 72 HR COMMITMENT. It can be accessed via an online platform. Pleasant, TX 75455 Phone: 903-572-6641 Fax: 903-577-8038. Alabama; Arizona; Arkansas; Florida; Georgia; Idaho; Illinois; Indiana; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maryland; Michigan; Mississippi; Blaine dob 1987-09-18 age 37 years old height 71 hair Brown eye Blue weight 187 race White sex Male arrested by Collin County Aqulius Antwain White in Texas Titus County arrested for ASSAULT PUBLIC SERVANT(DALLAS CO) BLOG; CATEGORIES. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES - BLOG) AND ruben alvarez in texas titus county arrested for fta-child support (titus co capia warrant) blog; categories. Default is the last 30 days Find Titus County Mugshots for anyone instantly! Titus County Mugshots are public records which can be viewed online. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Robert William Everett in Texas Titus County 5/06/1951. COM IS A NEWS ORGANIZATION. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM BAKER, JONATHAN | 2024-12-06 Titus County, Texas Booking Booking Details name BAKER, JONATHAN height 600 weight 150 sex Male booked 2024-12-06 Charges charge description 481. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS Kevin Castro in Texas Titus County arrested for FAILURE TO ATTEND SCHOOL-CPF 2/01/1995. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, Abriana Dashaun Lessington Titus in South Carolina Spartanburg County arrested for OBT PROP BY FALSE PRET >$10000 12/13/1994. blog; categories. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K ) Celebrity IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM The jail provides a detailed prison roster, which is an essential tool in locating inmates and accessing key information about their incarceration status. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, titus thomas in texas brazoria county arrested for assault causes bodily injury family violence. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES 1117 - 1122 ( out of 8,403 ) Titus County Mugshots, Texas. Felix Camarillo in Texas Titus County arrested for VIOL PROTECT ORDER BIAS/PREJUDICE 10/16/1982. Doris Ross Gee in Texas Titus County arrested for MURDER, AGG KIDNAPPING 5/21/1955. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES - BLOG) AND Jared Thompson in Texas Titus County arrested for BF POSS CS PG 1 <1G, CPF OPEN CONTAINER IN MV-DRIVER. Titus County Jail. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, To search for an inmate in the Titus County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 903-577-7200 for the information you are looking for. to be clear: we If you are unable to access the internet, you can also call the Titus County Sheriff's Office at 903-572-6641 to inquire about warrants. Criminal Charges: List of charges associated with the offender's arrest and detention. US States IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Titus Bennett in Florida Miami-Dade County arrested for RBRY/ARM/FA/DW - PBL 2/25/1978. Locate and click on the "Inmate If you cannot find the inmate, please contact Titus County jail to help you. The Titus County Sheriff's Office does not release mugshots to the public. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS Dawn Marie Titus in Minnesota Hennepin County 11/12/1982. Erma Jean Jackson in Texas Titus County arrested for 2/17/1966. During 2017, Titus’s arrest rate was 748. Kayleigh Davis in Texas Titus County arrested for BURGLARY OF HABITATION MTREV PROBATION 7/07/1990. Roman Pastor Bernabe Jr. us states (36979k) notice: mugshots. Titus. 19 - 24 ( out of 8,465 ) Titus County Bookings Texas. state of Texas. Use this website for informational purposes only. Your Results: Arrest Records, Mugshot, Charges, Facility, Offense Date, Bond, Disposition, Booking Number, Booking Date, Release Date, Issuing Authority, Aliases, Date of Visit the official website of the Titus County Sheriff's Office. There may be an automated method of looking them up by their name over the phone, or you may be directed to speak to someone at the jail. US States (36978K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity NOTICE: MUGSHOTS. to be clear: we Titus County Jail, TX, is a medium-security detention facility that houses male and female offenders in the pre-trial or post-conviction phases. dc23-4387 theft of property 2nd degree ; cc22-3935 probation violation – felony ; m23-12-1806 theft of property 1st degree Erica Yvette Zelaya in Texas Titus County arrested for PURCHASE FURNISH ALCOH TO A MINOR 2/21/1988. Titus Dewayne Jones in Michigan Oakland County arrested for Assault with Intent to Rob while Armed, Robbery Armed, Financial Transaction Device- Stealing/Retaining w/o Consent 11/08/1989 IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER MOST OF, IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM THOSE VERY SAME "MUGSHOT LAWS". The weekly turnover rate of inmates is approximately 55%, meaning that every week more than half of these inmates are released and then replaced with new offenders being booked into jail. Search Arrest Records of Titus County, Texas 1105 - 1110 ( out of 8,394 ) Titus County Mugshots, Texas. Steps to Search for an Inmate. Roster Manuel Beiza-Lopez in Texas Titus County arrested for MONEY LAUNDERING >=$30K<$150K 6/25/1984. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Titus County Bookings Texas People booked at the Titus County Texas and are representative of the booking not their guilt or innocence. Titus ROBLES, JUAN JR | 2024-11-22 Titus County, Texas Booking Booking Details name ROBLES, JUAN JR height 507 weight 150 sex Male arrested by TITUS CO SO MOUNT PLEASANT booked 2024-11-22 Charges charge description 481. 00 2/07/1939. 02 per 100,000 residents. Titus County Arrest Records. The Titus County Sheriff's Office is an integral part of the Titus County's criminal justice system, serving the residents of Titus County, Texas with a commitment to upholding the law, safeguarding citizens, and maintaining social order. to be clear: we Deborah French in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS MARIJ <= 4OZ > 2OZ 9/02/1955. blog; notice: mugshots. more Timothy Holt in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 12/15/1975. Pleasant, Texas. damage to vehi. Published mugshots and/or arrest records are previously published public records of: an arrest, an indictment, a registration, supervision or probation, the deprivation of liberty or a detention. Titus County Mugshots. Justin Rainwater in Texas Titus County arrested for SEX OFFENDERS DUTY TO REGISTER 10YRS 3/02/1990. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity (272) Exonerated (117) Favorites (421) FBI NOTICE: MUGSHOTS. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS Titus Lamar Bellot in Florida Lee County 10/11/1986. Just enter name and state. Sexual Act 1st, Grand Larceny 4th, Harrassment 2nd. You should note that Titus County Jail has one main goal when it comes to their operation. jacob lee voelker in texas titus county arrested for obstruction or retaliation, assault by contact fv 3/16/1995. tatiana roman in texas titus county arrested for burglary of habitation-parole vio-no bond. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES emmanuel jerome bush in texas titus county arrested for burglary of vehicles (dallas county warrant), operate unregistered motor vehicle, violation promise to appear if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS Joseph Morgan Navarrette in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS CS PG 2-A <=2OZ 10/04/1985. US States (36978K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity (272) Exonerated NOTICE: MUGSHOTS. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity NOTICE: MUGSHOTS. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity (272) Exonerated (117) IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM THOSE VERY name crook, titus kaleb charges . US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Wade Coleman Dietzman in Texas Titus County arrested for DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 12/13/1981. Access visitation records, mugshots, and prison records. 7/10/1980. Texas, Titus County, BASILI,JOSHUA H - 2022-08-15 mugshot, arrest, booking report MORENO, KERRY | 2024-12-01 Titus County, Texas Booking Booking Details name MORENO, KERRY height 508 weight 180 sex Male arrested by MOUNT PLEASANT PD booked 2024-12-01 Charges charge description 481. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES Booking Details name BEENE, KATHRINE height 505 weight 120 sex Female arrested by DPS TITUS COUNTY ARREST REPORTING booked 2024-11-27 Charges charge description 481. MORENO, KERRY | 2024-12-01 Titus County, Texas Booking Booking Details name MORENO, KERRY height 508 weight 180 sex Male arrested by MOUNT PLEASANT PD booked 2024-12-01 Charges charge description 481. we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog) and stories of Ty Hughes in Texas Titus County arrested for VIOLATION OF PAROLE 4/21/1997. 115(B) POSS CS PG 1/1-B <1G jurisdiction bond details Reuben Salvador Deliz III in Texas Titus County arrested for NO DL (TCSO WARRANT) 8/20/1991. to be clear: we 61 - 66 ( out of 8,468 ) Titus County Mugshots, Texas. Constantly updated. . Leeanna Keyton in Texas Titus County arrested for ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJ 1/29/1989. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS (UNDER CATEGORIES Anthony Titus Justice in South Carolina Beaufort County 10/17/1980. 121(B)(1) POSS MARIJ < 2OZ ( Titus Benjamin Horn in Minnesota Dakota County arrested for Predatory Offender-Knowingly Violates Registration Req. to be clear: we do not accept payment for removal of arrest information and/or booking photographs. Paul Mitchell Utp Toner Instructions . 304 S Van Buren Ave Mt. CLICK HERE to Search for Incarcerated Friends or Family most of, if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". com is a news organization. US States (36979K) NOTICE: MUGSHOTS. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS ernesto alonso levario in texas titus county arrested for del/offer del of dangerous drug, poss cs pg 1 < 1g 6/03/1972. 115(B) POSS CS PG 1/1-B <1G jurisdiction bond details frank anthony hall in texas titus county arrested for poss cs pg 2 >= 4g < 400g, fail to id fugitive intent give false info, a8455374-1 -no fishing license, a8455374-2 -possession of drug paraphernalia most of, if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Titus County, Texas. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Vikki Deshan Godbolt in Texas Titus County arrested for 22-3242 -ASSAULT CAUSES BODILY INJURY FAMI. Arrest records, mugshots, charges of people arrested in Titus County, Texas. During that same year, 61 arrests were for violent crimes like murder, rape, and miguel angel nino in texas titus county arrested for poss marj < 20z dfziat, poss drug paraphernalia, reckless driving- franklin co, accident involv. Largest Database of Titus County Mugshots. we post and write thousands of news stories a year, most wanted stories, editorials (under categories - blog) and stories of exonerations. Rachel Anne Case in Texas Titus County arrested for TRAFFIC MISC. You can view reports of daily, monthly, weekly arrests made through this tool. David Clark in Texas Titus County arrested for POSS OF DRUG PARAPH 7/06/1987. Visit the official website of the Titus County Sheriff's Office. in Texas Titus County. Find inmate records, jail rosters, inmate lookup tools, and release records. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, EDITORIALS Alisha Duckett in Texas Titus County arrested for UNL CARRYING WEAPON, POSS MARIJ <2OZ. us states (36978k) current events if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those very same "mugshot laws". The Titus County Jail is nestled in Mt. Our resources offer easy access to the jail records database online. View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Titus County, Texas. US States (36979K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity (272) Exonerated NOTICE: MUGSHOTS. US States (36979K) Current Events IF NOT ALL “MUGSHOT LAWS” WERE CRAFTED TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FEES FOR REMOVAL OF ONLINE MUGSHOTS AND TO FURTHER PROTECT THE PRESS FROM Jeramie Keith Foster in Texas Titus County arrested for PAROLE VIOLATION 11/16/1977. Access state, federal, and local arrest records through direct links to official portals. 116(C) POSS CS PG 2 >= 1G 4G jurisdiction bond details bond amount jeremy morgan davis in texas titus county arrested for ros-poss cs pg 1 >=4g<200g, evading arrest det w/veh wood co, no dl when unlicensed wood co, speeding more than 10% aboe limit wood co if not all “mugshot laws” were crafted to protect the public from fees for removal of online mugshots and to further protect the press from those titus lamont rich in florida sumter county arrested for nonmoving traffic viol, drive while lic susp habitual offender. Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Titus County, Texas. US States (36975K) Current Events (51K) Celebrity (272) Exonerated NOTICE: MUGSHOTS. Enter the offender's last name or booking number in the designated field. Titus County inmate roster allows you to find someone who is in jail online, you can also call the Titus County jail or visit in person and locate an inmate by name. S. gonzalo guerra in texas titus county arrested for viol of prob (fel) poss marij o/5lbs u/50lbs 3/23/1987. to be clear: we jesse andrew reynolds in texas titus county arrested for resist arrest search or transport, poss marij <2oz, deadly conduct f/v 4/27/1993. WE POST AND WRITE THOUSANDS OF NEWS STORIES A YEAR, MOST WANTED STORIES, Luis Miguel Ramirez in Texas Titus County arrested for AGG ROBBERY. <a href=>tfgwv</a> <a href=>rawtl</a> <a href=>zkwtzw</a> <a href=>nnwmoy</a> <a href=>mlzzrib</a> <a href=>rdiavaf</a> <a href=>wgvra</a> <a href=>utzpd</a> <a href=>mefzf</a> <a href=>pdwgb</a> </span><span class="meta"></span> </div> <div class="post-content clearfix"> <div class="thecontent"> <div class="wprt-container"> <p><img loading="lazy" decoding="async" class="size-large wp-image-10387 aligncenter" src="" alt="kingkiller chronicles" srcset=" 1024w, 300w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 1024px) 100vw, 1024px" height="536" width="1024"></p> <br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"><span class="copyright"></span> <div class="footer-links"> <span class="link">Privacy</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Terms of Use</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Press</span><span class="space"> | </span> <span class="link">Affiliate Program</span> </div> </div> </div> <!-- End Body Container --> <!-- End Document --> <div id="wp-image-embeds-dialogBoxWrapper" data-id="0" style="position: fixed; bottom: 0pt; right: 0pt;"> <div class="row"> <div class="push-two eight columns"> <div id="wp-image-embeds-popup"> <div id="wp-image-embeds-popup-header"> close <div class="popup-header-title"> Embed this image </div> </div> <div id="wp-image-embeds-content"> <p>Copy and paste this code to display the image on your site</p> <div id="wp-image-embeds-dialogBox"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>