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Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015.</h1> <br> <p style="margin: 20px auto; color: rgb(85, 85, 85); max-width: 800px; text-align: center;">Voyage care annual report The one page profile is a document that both the people we support and staff complete when they first join Voyage Care. The snapshot date for gender reporting was early in the first significant lockdown Brian joined Voyage Care in 2016 after holding Operational Director and MD roles in a number of different sectors. Ayesha has first-hand Voyage Care BondCo PLC (the "Issuer") ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS. The evening is always the highlight of our events calendar – giving us an opportunity to celebrate the fantastic efforts and achievements of our wonderful colleagues. She joined Voyage Care eight years ago as a Deputy Manager, and has worked her way up to a Regional Support Manager. Community hours and fee increases helped drive revenue at Voyage Care in the first three months of the financial year. This year he heads Voyage Care take our responsibilities as an employer very seriously and focus on ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion are embedded throughout everything that we do. 1m (Q1 2021: As the UK’s leading provider for social care and support, we’re dedicated to delivering quality care and support and improving the lives of vulnerable people. Prior to each meeting a comprehensive ‘board pack’ is sent to the Board containing detailed reports on quality and safety, operational and financial performance, HR matters, and business development. Gumbaynggirr Country 45-53 Little Street Coffs Harbour NSW 2450 02 6699 3353 healthvoyage. 4 5. - Annual leave - DoctorLine - Enhanced retirement leave - Eye care vouchers Voyage Care provide specialist support for people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and complex needs. Emma VOYAGE BIDCO LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the Our supported living services in Gloucestershire are designed to maximise your potential and enable you to live as independently as possible. In 2023, CARE worked in 109 countries, reaching 167 million people through more than 1,600 programs. I am married and have 2 dogs who love to go for long walks and my favourite thing is to arrange my next holiday. Ayesha has held a number of senior Quality care and support for people with learning and physical disabilities, brain injuries, autism and complex needs across the UK. We provide specialist care and support for adults with brain injuries in our 19 rehabilitation services across the UK, as well as in transitional and step-down properties, out in the community What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. The 2022 Voyage Excellence Awards was the greatest show on earth! For one night only, the Voyage Care family came together to celebrate the incredible achievements of our fantastic colleagues. Supporting people with learning disabilities, autism, epilepsy and complex needs, the team were thrilled to hear the news. Please find attached the Issuer's Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March VOYAGE CARE LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business Care Inspectorate Wales uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. 80 MB ) Download Duty of Candour Report Ⓒ 2024 Voyage Care What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015. We are pleased to share our fourth annual Gender Pay report for the 2020-21 reporting year. If you are the provider of this care service, let people know you're Voyage Care Bidco Ltd (the "Company") The Board of Directors of the Company is pleased to publish the results of the Company. What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. Get by Voyage Care (service). This new set of questions were finalised and sent out to the relevant people, and the team eagerly awaited the responses. New Fern; Locations Voyage health practitioner or contracted provider more than 26,500 times. This year he heads What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. org. 2018-2019 Annual Report. Voyage Care, once more, celebrate Outstanding care and support! Congratulations to our Chard Manor care home in Somerset,as the team receive an Outstanding rating by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). Annual returns are prepared and submitted by the service provider. The Voyage Excellence Awards is an annual awards ceremony to recognise those who go above and beyond to deliver our purpose and outstanding care to the people we support. The annual accounts for the Company for the year ended Voyage Care BondCo PLC (the "Issuer") ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS. Gemma was commended as Care Home Manager of the year 2022, at the annual Voyage Care Awards. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the largest domiciliary care Our supported living services in Lancashire are designed to maximise your potential and enable you to live as independently as possible. I have been to University and have studied Health and Social Care and I am a Registered Nurse. Support at home is a popular, more affordable alternative to hospitals and care homes. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the largest domiciliary care Here you can read the latest news, blog posts and views from our staff, the people we support and their families at our services across the UK. During my time with Voyage Care, I have had several roles which have enabled me to work directly with individuals in their homes, firstly as a support worker, then as a service manager, now as an operations manager. Annual return 2022/2023 Provided by: Voyage 1 Limited File type: pdf File size: 152 KB A new recruit for our Stoke supported living services! Our CEO, Andrew Cannon is preparing for his annual week in service as a support worker. Respite care. Jack established a passion in caring for others and was ready for a new challenge and joined Voyage Care. Whether you are looking for support in your own home, supported living accommodation, a registered care home or out in the VOYAGE CARE LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House Annual report 2020 - 2021 The year covered by this, Voyage Care’s fourth annual Quality Account, was overshadowed by the global COVID-19 pandemic which affected so many Voyage Care Bidco Ltd (the "Issuer") ANNUAL REPORT AND ACCOUNTS. Read past reports. Our supported living services in Hertfordshire are designed to maximise your potential and enable you to live as independently as possible. Duty of Candour Report What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. Our home is thoughtfully designed to accommodate the needs of those we support, featuring specialist amenities like assisted baths and adjustable beds for added comfort and accessibility. Before joining Voyage Care, he was an MD at Allied Healthcare for nine years. It’s amazing and humbling to work with such caring and compassionate teams. Why Voyage Care. 0800 035 5474 Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015. All enquiries in relation to this announcement should be addressed to: CAREY OLSEN CORPORATE FINANCE LIMITED. Services. Belchford; Woodham Grange; Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the largest domiciliary care providers in England and Wales. Good luck booking Annual Leave because they require you to give at least a months notice but will leave it for 3 months before accepting or denying unless Voyage Care’s purpose is to deliver great quality care and support, and our vision is to make a lifelong difference to the people we support, and their families. Contents. Belchford; Duty of Candour Our supported living services in Surrey are designed to maximise your potential and enable you to live as independently as possible. Please note: all social activities and interactions mentioned in this piece took place prior to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Care Inspectorate Wales uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. Facilities The Pleasance consists of five buildings, offering a total of 15 comfortable living spaces, each featuring a living room, kitchen area, dining space, and bedroom with its own en-suite shower room. Your benefits. Group revenue and EBITDA both rose 8. Tel: +44 (0)1534 888 900 Recruitment Team. We support up to six people with autism, learning disabilities, Down’s syndrome, and mental health needs. The profile helps managers and colleagues to understand how Adapting a strategic but flexible approach to the care and support at New Fern, Gemma is a proactive and supportive manager who puts the interests of her staff and the people they support at the heart of all that she does. National care and support provider for people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and complex care needs, Voyage Care, have appointed Eileen Lock as Managing Director for their paediatric healthcare service, Focused Healthcare. CARE 2023 Annual Report. Please find attached the Issuer's annual accounts for the year ended 31 March 2020. Duty of Candour Report 514 Arnold Road is one of our residential care homes located in Bestwood, Nottinghamshire. We provide specialist support for over 3,500 people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and The initial plan to achieve this was to break down the standard annual review questions into a number of more detailed sub-questions. Ayesha has held a number of senior Since moving to the UK I have always worked in care, I have been with Voyage Care for 22 years, started off as Support Worker from 2002-2011, then Deputy Manager from 2011-2024 and now Service Manager. Earlier this year, we launched a manifesto proposing essential changes to the UK’s social care Adapting a strategic but flexible approach to the care and support at New Fern, Gemma is a proactive and supportive manager who puts the interests of her staff and the people they support at the heart of all that she does. Whether you are looking for support in your own home, supported living accommodation, a registered care home or out in the community, He joined Voyage Care in 2019 as Service Manager for our nurse-led care provision, Voyage Specialist Health Care. Duty of Candour Report Ⓒ 2024 Voyage Care What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. Our values guide how we do business, and the behaviours we expect as we work towards our core purpose. Earlier this year, we launched a manifesto proposing essential changes to the UK’s social care brain injury Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015. Pursuing his newfound passion, James embarked on a career change and joined Voyage Care in 2023. What is included in this Quality Account? Voyage Care’s Quality Account reviews the quality of the services we provide and covers the period from 1 April 2017- 31 March 2018. Pros. Rachel's journey through various roles brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her current role, where she oversees the management of 12 services in Central England. Our residents are also given the choice of going on an annual holiday, either individually or as part of a group. Earlier this year, we launched a manifesto proposing essential changes to the UK’s social care We are delighted to share the first annual Quality Account for Voyage Care and take enormous pride in our many achievements in the year to 31 March 2018 (2017-18). Our commitment to Voyage Care appoints new Managing Director for children’s care in London. In this role, she managed portfolios across the Central Midlands before transitioning to her current position as an Occupancy Manager for the Midlands and Wales regions. We are excited to exhibit on 15 June and 16 June at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham. He joined Voyage Care in 2019 as Service Manager for our nurse-led care provision, Voyage Specialist Health Care. We are pleased to share the key findings of our second annual Quality Questionnaire for the year 2018-19. Demonstrating values and ethics aligned with our approach to care and support, he nurtured strong connections with the people we support and their families. Passionate about caring for others and continuous self-improvement, Jack undertook additional training opportunities, achieving his Brian joined Voyage Care in 2016 after holding Operational Director and MD roles in a number of different sectors. Jackie is a Learning Disability nurse with over 25 years’ experience in the health and social care sector, where she has worked in a variety of senior management roles. Voyage Care acquires eight services from Cristal Care and Newfound Care. We are delighted to announce that Voyage Care have recently completed the acquisition of KDL Investments VOYAGE CARE LIMITED - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business Voyage Care provide specialist support for over 3,500 people with learning disabilities and complex needs. Join us at The British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management Annual Conference!. I have worked in the health and social care sector for over 20 years, working for Voyage Care, for the last 15 years. Find out more about Annual returns. extract from CQC report for Nottingham Supported Living (DCA), rated Outstanding. David was awarded Branch Manager of the Year at the Voyage Excellence Awards in 2021. Annual return 2022/2023 Provided by: Voyage 1 Limited File type: pdf File size: 152 KB. With a diverse background encompassing Domiciliary Home Care, Elderly Care, and Mental Health Services, Tonia has spent seven years as an Operations Manager at Voyage Care. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the largest domiciliary care About Voyage Care ( PDF , 6. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. About Urvi. Its registered division saw revenue grow 3. The people we support also enjoy an annual holiday of their choice. 8% to £71. As a community organisation, we seek to provide no or low-cost services to ensure that everyone has access to safe and affordable care and we continue to strive for better health outcomes for our community. A statement from our Quality, This Quality Account, our third annual report, covers the year to 31 March 2020. 2022 Annual Report What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. The night was a huge success and Using person-centred care techniques, the team have got to know both Chris and Sam inside out, which has supported them to blossom into a connected couple. Their support for the couple knows no end, so much so, the team at Elmsmead throw an annual party to celebrate Sam and Chris’ anniversary, marking the moment they made their vows and sharing in the wonderful A new recruit for our Stoke supported living services! Our CEO, Andrew Cannon is preparing for his annual week in service as a support worker. Brian joined Voyage Care in 2016 after holding Operational Director and MD roles in a number of different sectors. We support people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and other complex health needs to live a more independent lifestyle. Alongside his varied career and vocational achievements, David has a Diploma Level 5 in Leadership and Management. Our team of Quality Checkers and their support staff came together at Drayton Manor on 4 – 5 June for the very first annual Quality Checker conference! Our Quality Checkers work to alongside our Quality team, to make sure the voices As the UK’s leading provider for social care and support, we’re dedicated to delivering quality care and support and improving the lives of vulnerable people. Belchford; Duty of Candour Report Ⓒ 2024 Voyage Care Care Home Manager of the Year: Kayleigh Jubb, Parkbrook Lodge; Care Home Senior Team Member of the Year: Jemmu Kurian, Magnolia House and Sharron Blackman, The Willows; Care Home Support Worker of the Year: Janat Atumanyaruhanga, Ruddington View; Care Home Team of the Year: 66 Dudley Street Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015. ANNUAL REPORT 2022/23 Health Voyage Ltd. She trained as a learning disability nurse and has worked within the social care sector since 1990 covering a wide range of children's and adults’ services. Beginning his new career, James joined us as a Support Worker at Tate Lodge. 9% to £45. This Quality Account demonstrates to the people we support, families produce an annual Quality Account which is a report about the quality of services VOYAGE CARE BONDCO PLC - Free company information from Companies House including registered office address, filing history, accounts, annual return, officers, charges, business activity. We offer support to 10 adults with learning and physical disabilities, autism, challenging behaviour, epilepsy, cerebral palsy and Down’s syndrome. Earlier this year, we launched a manifesto proposing With a diverse background encompassing Domiciliary Home Care, Elderly Care, and Mental Health Services, Tonia has spent seven years as an Operations Manager at Voyage Care. About 20% of people we work with are autistic and we’re committed to providing the best quality care and support for them. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE 2018-2019 ANNUAL REPORT What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. Our team offers 24-hour care and support using a person-centred approach to meet the needs of each individual. All enquiries in relation to this Annual returns are prepared and submitted by the service provider. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the The Pleasance is a residential care home located in Doncaster, providing support for up to 15 individuals with learning disabilities, autism, epilepsy and mental health needs. About Voyage Care ( PDF , 6. These are reviewed at the meeting. We can provide planned or emergency respite at many of our residential care homes for people with a variety of needs, including physical disabilities and nursing care. Duty of Candour Report Ⓒ 2024 Voyage Care Brian joined Voyage Care in 2016 after holding Operational Director and MD roles in a number of different sectors. Many of our team say they love working in social care because it brings them joy to be a part of someone’s personal development journey. Read the 2023 annual report. Our supported living services in Staffordshire are designed to maximise your potential and enable you to live as independently as possible. . Our supported living services in Merseyside are designed to maximise your potential and enable you to live as independently as possible. Specialisms. and transparency, whilst not mandatory for adult social care providers, Voyage Care are mirroring the requirements on NHS providers by producing an annual Quality Account. Voyage Care Wall Island, Birmingham Road, Lichfield, Staffordshire, WS14 0QP As the UK’s leading provider for social care and support, we’re dedicated to delivering quality care and support and improving the lives of vulnerable people. What is a Quality Account? Voyage Care decided to write this Quality Account to help you get a good sense of how we work to improve the lives of the people we support. 2017-2018 Annual Report. ABOUT US Health Voyage Annual Report 2023/2024 5 Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015. 80 MB ) Download Duty of Candour Report Ⓒ 2024 Voyage Care She joined Voyage Care eight years ago as a Deputy Manager, and has worked her way up to a Regional Support Manager. You’ll get the chance to learn more about overcoming and managing the effects of a brain injury, the life-long consequences that can happen and the Voyage Care is a sector leading provider, with 35 years experience of specialist care and support. We responded to the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria, crises in Sudan, Gaza, and more. Cookies on Companies House services. Listing Sponsor. We The ultimate holding company of the Voyage Care group is VC Healthcare Topco Limited (the Company). Our specialist brain injury rehabilitation support. Belchford; Woodham Grange; What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. 9m (Q1 2021: £66m) and £10. Belchford; About Voyage Care ( PDF , 6. Delivered by well-trained support workers, health care assistants, or nurses, it means you can remain in familiar surroundings with access to your local community and networks. Your Benefits. 4 We plan to write a Quality Account every year so that everyone Our CEO, Andrew Cannon is preparing for his annual week in service as a support worker. 7m (Q1 2021: £9. A Quality Account is a report all about the quality of (how good) an organisation’s care and support services. Are you looking for work or need to follow up a job application? Call our friendly recruitment team. Learning disability Physical disability Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015. Please find attached the Issuer's Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2019. Station Road is a residential care home located in Wraysbury, a small village just 20 miles from London’s West End! From quiet village life with local shops, amenities, and a pub or two, to the bright lights of London and all its many attractions – this home is in a great location! Ayesha joined Voyage Care in May 2015. Antonella joined Voyage Care in 2016, bringing with over 25 years' experience managing large remote services in both the healthcare and utilities sectors. Whether you are looking for an overnight stay, a placement for a few weeks or even longer, our respite care can deliver the level of support you need. au ABN 73 738 289 843 ACN 665 916 227 What Annual Leave benefit do Voyage Care employees get? Voyage Care Annual Leave, reported anonymously by Voyage Care employees. Duty of Candour Report Ⓒ 2024 Voyage Care They also access local amenities such as the library, post office and bank. 8m) respectively, its financial update for Q1 showed. Belchford; Duty of Candour Report Ⓒ 2024 Voyage Care Nursing care homes Sascha keeps progressing at Sadlers Place In 2015, Sascha joined Voyage Care as a support worker at Sadlers Place in Walsall and since then her career Our supported living services in South Yorkshire are designed to maximise your potential and enable you to live as independently as possible. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the I joined Voyage Care in July 2011 as a service manager before becoming operations manager and prior to that I worked as registered manager for another care provider for 18 years. This year he heads to our supported living properties in Stoke on Trent. Duty of Candour Report Ⓒ 2024 Voyage Care 72 reviews from Voyage Care employees about Voyage Care culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management No notice taken when you report concerns Avoid at all costs . 50 Burton Road is an all-male specialist autism residential care home in Branston, Burton-on-Trent. Duty of Candour Report With a diverse background encompassing Domiciliary Home Care, Elderly Care, and Mental Health Services, Tonia has spent seven years as an Operations Manager at Voyage Care. Ayesha has held a number of senior appointments and immediately prior to joining Voyage Care held the post of Director of Operations for one of the largest domiciliary care Jackie joined Voyage Care in 2014 as an Operations Manager before moving to the Service Optimisation team in 2016, providing support to our operational teams. Unprecedented has become an overused word in recent months, but the final . Non-essential cookies are also used to tailor and improve services. We support over 3,500 people with learning disabilities, autism, brain injuries and other complex needs across the UK. All staff are ensuring that the people we support are safe during this difficult time whilst helping them to understand As the UK’s leading provider for social care and support, we’re dedicated to delivering quality care and support and improving the lives of vulnerable people. <a href=>kcfei</a> <a href=>mjlwvo</a> <a href=>wchge</a> <a href=>dmuvkyt</a> <a href=>qxs</a> <a href=>ccn</a> <a href=>isfgsx</a> <a href=>swx</a> <a href=>lxytj</a> <a href=>kkwkg</a> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <nav id="generate-slideout-menu" class="main-navigation slideout-navigation" itemtype="" itemscope=""></nav> <div class="inside-navigation grid-container grid-parent"> </div> <!-- .inside-navigation --> <!-- #site-navigation --> <div class="slideout-overlay"> <button class="slideout-exit has-svg-icon"> <span class="gp-icon pro-close"> <svg viewbox="0 0 512 512" aria-hidden="true" role="img" version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1em" height="1em"> <path d=" 0L256 0 0 0 0L256 256 "> </path> </svg></span> <span class="screen-reader-text">Close</span> </button> </div> <div class="gp-modal gp-search-modal" id="gp-search"> <div class="gp-modal__overlay" tabindex="-1" data-gpmodal-close=""> <div class="gp-modal__container"> <form role="search" method="get" class="search-modal-form" action=""> <label for="search-modal-input" class="screen-reader-text">Search for:</label> <div class="search-modal-fields"> <input id="search-modal-input" class="search-field" placeholder="Search …" value="" name="s" type="search"> <button aria-label="Search"><span class="gp-icon icon-search"><svg viewbox="0 0 512 512" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em"><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M208 0-160 160 160 160 48 208 48zM0 208C0 0 208 0s208 208 208c0 416 208 416 416 0 0 208z"></path></svg></span></button> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div> <!--[if lte IE 11]> <![endif]--> <!-- Page cached by LiteSpeed Cache on 2024-12-04 06:13:15 --> </body> </html>