Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } use Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use Bitrix\Landing\Hook\Page\Settings; use Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Catalog; class StoreCatalogDetailBlock extends \Bitrix\Landing\LandingBlock { protected $catalogIncluded; /** * Set cart position (top, left, ...). * @return void */ protected function setCartPosition() { if (!isset($this->params['CART_POSITION'])) { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'left'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'bottom'; } else { switch ($this->params['CART_POSITION']) { case 'TC': { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'hcenter'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'top'; break; } case 'TR': { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'right'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'top'; break; } case 'CR': { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'right'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'vcenter'; break; } case 'BR': { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'right'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'bottom'; break; } case 'BC': { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'hcenter'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'bottom'; break; } case 'BL': { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'left'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'bottom'; break; } case 'CL': { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'left'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'vcenter'; break; } case 'TL': { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'left'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'top'; break; } default: { $this->params['CART_POSITION_HORIZONTAL'] = 'left'; $this->params['CART_POSITION_VERTICAL'] = 'bottom'; } } } } /** * Method, which will be called once time. * @param array Params array. * @return void */ public function init(array $params = []) { $this->catalogIncluded = Loader::includeModule('catalog'); $this->params = Settings::getDataForSite( $params['site_id'] ); $this->setCartPosition(); $this->params['SITE_ID'] = $params['site_id']; $this->params['LANDING_ID'] = $params['landing_id']; // calc variables $variables = \Bitrix\Landing\Landing::getVariables(); $sectionCode = $variables['sef'][0] ?? ''; $elementCode = $variables['sef'][1] ?? ''; // set default view (for edit mode) if (!$sectionCode && !$elementCode) { $res = \Bitrix\Iblock\ElementTable::getList(array( 'select' => array( 'CODE' ), 'filter' => array( 'IBLOCK_ID' => $this->params['IBLOCK_ID'], '!CODE' => false ), 'limit' => 1 )); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $elementCode = $row['CODE']; } } // actions for edit mode $editMode = \Bitrix\Landing\Landing::getEditMode(); $setTitle = $editMode ? 'N' : 'Y'; $setStatus404 = $editMode ? 'N' : 'Y'; $siteId = null; if ($editMode && isset($landing)) { $siteId = $landing->getSmnSiteId(); } if (!$siteId) { $siteId = Manager::getMainSiteId(); } // check for show cart and compare $showCart = false; $this->params['SHOW_PERSONAL_LINK'] = 'N'; if (!$editMode && ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('sale')) { $syspages = \Bitrix\Landing\Syspage::get( $params['site_id'], true ); if ( isset($syspages['compare']) && $this->params['DISPLAY_COMPARE'] != 'N' ) { $this->params['DISPLAY_COMPARE'] = 'Y'; } else { $this->params['DISPLAY_COMPARE'] = 'N'; } if (isset($syspages['cart'])) { $showCart = true; } if (isset($syspages['personal'])) { $this->params['SHOW_PERSONAL_LINK'] = 'Y'; } } else { $this->params['DISPLAY_COMPARE'] = 'N'; } $this->params['ELEMENT_CODE'] = $elementCode; $this->params['SECTION_CODE'] = $sectionCode; $this->params['SHOW_CART'] = $showCart; $this->params['SET_404'] = $setStatus404; $this->params['SET_TITLE'] = $setTitle; $this->params['SITE_ID'] = $siteId; } /** * Method, which executes just before block. * @param \Bitrix\Landing\Block $block Block instance. * @return void */ public function beforeView(\Bitrix\Landing\Block $block) { if (!defined('LANDING_TMP_CATALOG_SHOWED')) { define('LANDING_TMP_CATALOG_SHOWED', true); $this->params['FIRST_TIME'] = true; } else { $this->params['FIRST_TIME'] = false; } $this->params['ACTION_VARIABLE'] = 'action_' . $block->getId(); $this->params['ADDITIONAL_FILTER_NAME'] = 'elementFilter'; $this->setElementListFilter(); } private function setFilter(string $name, array $filter): void { $currentFilter = $GLOBALS[$name] ?? []; if (!is_array($currentFilter)) { $currentFilter = []; } $GLOBALS[$name] = array_merge( $currentFilter, $filter ); } private function setElementListFilter(): void { $filterName = $this->get('ADDITIONAL_FILTER_NAME'); if ($filterName === null || $filterName === '') { return; } $elementFilter = []; if ($this->catalogIncluded) { if (class_exists('\Bitrix\Catalog\Product\SystemField\ProductMapping')) { $elementFilter = Catalog\Product\SystemField\ProductMapping::getExtendedFilterByArea( $elementFilter, Catalog\Product\SystemField\ProductMapping::MAP_LANDING ); } } if (!empty($elementFilter)) { $this->setFilter($filterName, $elementFilter); } } }