Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } use Bitrix\Landing\Hook; use Bitrix\Landing\Landing; use Bitrix\Landing\Site; use Bitrix\Landing\Folder; use Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use Bitrix\Landing\Rights; use Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type; use Bitrix\Landing\TemplateRef; use Bitrix\Landing\Internals\TemplateRefTable; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass('bitrix:landing.base'); class LandingLandingsComponent extends LandingBaseComponent { /** * Count items per page. */ const COUNT_PER_PAGE = 23; /** * Adds new folder. * @param string $folderName Folder name. * @return bool */ protected function actionAddFolder(string $folderName): bool { $siteId = $this->arParams['SITE_ID']; $folderId = $this->request($this->arParams['ACTION_FOLDER']); $res = Site::addFolder($siteId, [ 'PARENT_ID' => $folderId, 'TITLE' => $folderName ]); if (!$res->isSuccess() && $res->getErrors()[0]->getCode() === 'FOLDER_IS_NOT_UNIQUE') { return Site::addFolder($siteId, [ 'PARENT_ID' => $folderId, 'TITLE' => $folderName, 'CODE' => \CUtil::translit( trim($folderName), LANGUAGE_ID, [ 'replace_space' => '', 'replace_other' => '' ] ) . '_' . rand(100, 999) ])->isSuccess(); } return $res->isSuccess(); } /** * Copy some landing. * @param int $id Landing id. * @param array $additional Additional params. * @return boolean */ protected function actionCopy(int $id, array $additional = []): bool { $siteId = $additional['siteId'] ?? null; $folderId = $additional['folderId'] ?? null; if (mb_strpos($siteId, '_')) { [$siteId, $folderId] = explode('_', $siteId); } $landing = Landing::createInstance($id); $landing->copy($siteId, $folderId); $this->setErrors($landing->getError()->getErrors()); return $landing->getError()->isEmpty(); } /** * Move the page. * @param int $id Landing id. * @param array $additional Additional params. * @return boolean */ protected function actionMove(int $id, array $additional = []): bool { $siteId = $additional['siteId'] ?? null; $folderId = $additional['folderId'] ?? null; if (mb_strpos($siteId, '_')) { [$siteId, $folderId] = explode('_', $siteId); } if (!$siteId) { $this->addError('ACCESS_DENIED'); return false; } $landing = Landing::createInstance($id); $landing->move($siteId, $folderId); $this->setErrors($landing->getError()->getErrors()); return $landing->getError()->isEmpty(); } /** * Get previews from folder. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @param int $folderId Folder id. * @return array */ protected function getFolderPreviews(int $siteId, int $folderId): array { $previews = []; $urls = []; $pages = $this->getLandings(array( 'select' => array( 'ID', 'DOMAIN_ID' => 'SITE.DOMAIN_ID' ), 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $siteId, 'FOLDER_ID' => $folderId, '==AREAS.ID' => null ), 'order' => array( 'ID' => 'DESC' ), 'limit' => 4 )); if ($pages) { $landing = Landing::createInstance(0); $urls = $landing->getPublicUrl(array_keys($pages)); } foreach ($pages as $page) { $previews[$page['ID']] = $landing->getPreview( $page['ID'], $page['DOMAIN_ID'] == 0, $urls[$page['ID']] ?? null ); } return $previews; } /** * Returns true, if this site without external domain. * @return bool */ protected function isIntranet() { return isset($this->arResult['SITES'][$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]) && isset($this->arResult['SITES'][$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]['DOMAIN_ID']) && $this->arResult['SITES'][$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]['DOMAIN_ID'] == '0'; } /** * Detect areas and requests some additional info. * @return void */ protected function prepareAreas() { if (!isset($this->arResult['SITES'][$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]['TPL_ID'])) { return; } $tplIds = []; $areas = []; $templates = $this->getTemplates(); // get areas in current set $res = TemplateRefTable::getList([ 'select' => [ '*' ], 'filter' => [ 'LANDING_ID' => array_keys($this->arResult['LANDINGS']) ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if (!isset($tplIds[$row['ENTITY_TYPE']])) { $tplIds[$row['ENTITY_TYPE']] = []; } $tplIds[$row['ENTITY_TYPE']][$row['ENTITY_ID']] = 0; $areas[] = $row; } // entities $entityTypes = [ TemplateRef::ENTITY_TYPE_SITE, TemplateRef::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING ]; foreach ($entityTypes as $entityType) { if (isset($tplIds[$entityType])) { $class = TemplateRef::resolveClassByType($entityType); if (!$class) { continue; } $res = $class::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'TPL_ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'ID' => array_keys($tplIds[$entityType]), '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'] ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if (isset($templates[$row['TPL_ID']])) { $tplIds[$entityType][$row['ID']] = $row['TPL_ID']; } } } } // combine areas with entities foreach ($areas as $row) { $tplId = $tplIds[$row['ENTITY_TYPE']][$row['ENTITY_ID']]; if ($tplId > 0) { $landingRow =& $this->arResult['LANDINGS'][$row['LANDING_ID']]; $landingRow['IS_AREA'] = true; $landingRow['AREA_CODE'] = $templates[$tplId]['XML_ID'] . '_' . $row['AREA']; } } } /** * Returns sites and folders array. * @deprecated * @param array $sites Sites array. * @return array */ protected function getTreeForCopy(array $sites = []): array { $sites = $this->getSites(['filter' => ['=SPECIAL' => 'N']]); $tree = []; // only for backward compatibility foreach ($sites as $site) { $tree[] = [ 'TITLE' => $site['TITLE'], 'SITE_ID' => $site['ID'], 'FOLDER_ID' => 0, 'DEPTH' => 0 ]; } return $tree; } /** * Returns array of landing ids with 'delete' locked. * @param array $ids Landing ids. * @return array */ protected function getDeleteLocked(array $ids): array { $statuses = []; if ($ids) { $res = \Bitrix\Landing\Lock::getList([ 'select' => [ 'LANDING_ID' => 'ENTITY_ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'ENTITY_ID' => $ids, '=ENTITY_TYPE' => \Bitrix\Landing\Lock::ENTITY_TYPE_LANDING, '=LOCK_TYPE' => \Bitrix\Landing\Lock::LOCK_TYPE_DELETE ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $statuses[] = $row['LANDING_ID']; } } return $statuses; } /** * Base executable method. * @return void */ public function executeComponent(): void { $init = $this->init(); if ($init) { $request = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest(); $deletedLTdays = Manager::getDeletedLT(); $pictureFromCloud = $this->previewFromCloud(); $landing = Landing::createInstance(0); $this->checkParam('SITE_ID', 0); $this->checkParam('TYPE', ''); $this->checkParam('ACTION_FOLDER', 'folderId'); $this->checkParam('TILE_MODE', 'edit'); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDING_EDIT', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDING_DESIGN', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_FOLDER_EDIT', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDING_VIEW', ''); $this->checkParam('DRAFT_MODE', 'N'); $this->checkParam('~AGREEMENT', []); $this->forceUpdateNewFolders($this->arParams['SITE_ID']); Hook::setEditMode(true); Type::setScope( $this->arParams['TYPE'] ); // check agreements for Bitrix24 if (Manager::isB24()) { $this->arResult['AGREEMENT'] = $this->arParams['~AGREEMENT']; } else { $this->arResult['AGREEMENT'] = []; } \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass( 'bitrix:landing.filter' ); $filter = LandingFilterComponent::getFilter( LandingFilterComponent::TYPE_LANDING, $this->arParams['TYPE'] ); $this->arResult['TREE'] = []; $this->arResult['IS_DELETED'] = LandingFilterComponent::isDeleted(); $this->arResult['SITES'] = $sites = $this->getSites(); $this->arResult['IS_INTRANET'] = $this->isIntranet(); $siteId = $this->arParams['SITE_ID']; // types mismatch $availableType = [$this->arParams['TYPE']]; if ($this->arParams['TYPE'] === 'STORE') { $availableType[] = 'SMN'; } if ( !isset($sites[$siteId]) || $sites[$siteId]['SPECIAL'] === 'Y' || !in_array($sites[$siteId]['TYPE'], $availableType) ) { \localRedirect($this->getRealFile()); } \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Version::update($siteId, $sites[$siteId]['VERSION']); // make filter & get folder $folderId = $this->arResult['FOLDER_ID'] = $request->get($this->arParams['ACTION_FOLDER']); $this->arResult['FOLDER'] = $folderId ? Site::getFolder($folderId) : null; $this->arResult['FOLDER_PATH'] = []; if ($this->arResult['FOLDER']) { $this->arResult['FOLDER_PATH'] = Folder::getBreadCrumbs($folderId, $siteId); } else { $folderId = $this->arResult['FOLDER_ID'] = null; } $filter['SITE_ID'] = $this->arParams['SITE_ID']; if ($folderId) { $filter['FOLDER_ID'] = $folderId; $this->arResult['TITLE'] = $this->arResult['FOLDER']['TITLE']; } else { $filter['FOLDER_ID'] = false; $this->arResult['TITLE'] = $sites[$siteId]['TITLE']; } $this->arResult['FOLDERS'] = Site::getFolders($siteId, [ 'TITLE' => $filter[0]['TITLE'] ?? '%', 'PARENT_ID' => $folderId, '=DELETED' => $this->arResult['IS_DELETED'] ? 'Y' : 'N' ]); $this->arResult['FOLDERS'] = array_values($this->arResult['FOLDERS']); foreach ($this->arResult['FOLDERS'] as &$folder) { $folder['FOLDER_PREVIEW'] = $this->getFolderPreviews($this->arParams['SITE_ID'], $folder['ID']); } unset($folder); // show sites' previews from cloud if ($this->arResult['IS_INTRANET']) { $pictureFromCloud = false; } else if ( isset($sites[$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]) && $sites[$this->arParams['SITE_ID']]['TYPE'] === 'SMN' ) { $pictureFromCloud = false; } // access $rights = Rights::getOperationsForSite( $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] ); $this->arResult['ACCESS_SITE'] = $access = [ 'EDIT' => in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['edit'], $rights) ? 'Y' : 'N', 'SETTINGS' => in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['sett'], $rights) ? 'Y' : 'N', 'PUBLICATION' => in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['public'], $rights) ? 'Y' : 'N', 'DELETE' => in_array(Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['delete'], $rights) ? 'Y' : 'N' ]; // disable for un active pages for interface $canViewUnActive = $access['EDIT'] === 'Y' || $access['PUBLICATION'] === 'Y'; if (!$canViewUnActive) { $filter['=ACTIVE'] = 'Y'; } // get list $this->arResult['LANDINGS'] = $this->getLandings(array( 'select' => array( '*', 'DATE_MODIFY_UNIX', 'DATE_PUBLIC_UNIX' ), 'filter' => $filter, 'runtime' => array( new Entity\ExpressionField( 'DATE_MODIFY_UNIX', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(%s)', array('DATE_MODIFY') ), new Entity\ExpressionField( 'DATE_PUBLIC_UNIX', 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(%s)', array('DATE_PUBLIC') ), new Entity\ExpressionField( 'CHANGED', 'CASE WHEN %s > %s THEN 1 ELSE 0 END', ['DATE_MODIFY', 'DATE_PUBLIC'] ) ), 'order' => $this->arResult['IS_DELETED'] ? array( 'DATE_MODIFY' => 'desc' ) : array( 'ID' => 'desc' ) )); $this->arResult['DELETE_LOCKED'] = $this->getDeleteLocked( array_keys($this->arResult['LANDINGS']) ); // base data $unActive = []; foreach ($this->arResult['LANDINGS'] as &$item) { // collect un active pages if ( $item['ACTIVE'] !== 'Y' && $item['DELETED'] !== 'Y' ) { $unActive[] = $item['ID']; } else if ( isset($sites[$item['SITE_ID']]) && $sites[$item['SITE_ID']]['ACTIVE'] !== 'Y' && $sites[$item['SITE_ID']]['DELETED'] !== 'Y' ) { $unActive[] = $item['ID']; } $item['PUBLISHED'] = $item['ACTIVE'] === 'Y' && $item['DELETED'] === 'N'; // detect index page if (isset($sites[$item['SITE_ID']])) { $item['IS_HOMEPAGE'] = $item['ID'] == $sites[$item['SITE_ID']]['LANDING_ID_INDEX']; } else { $item['IS_HOMEPAGE'] = false; } if ($item['IS_HOMEPAGE']) { $item['SORT'] = PHP_INT_MAX; } else { $item['SORT'] = $item['ID']; } // preview, etc $item['IS_AREA'] = false; $item['AREA_CODE'] = ''; $item['PUBLIC_URL'] = ''; $item['WAS_MODIFIED'] = $item['DATE_MODIFY_UNIX'] > $item['DATE_PUBLIC_UNIX'] ? 'Y' : 'N'; $item['PREVIEW'] = $landing->getPreview($item['ID'], true); if ($item['DELETED'] === 'Y') { $item['DATE_DELETED_DAYS'] = $deletedLTdays - intval((time() - $item['DATE_MODIFY']->getTimeStamp()) / 86400); $item['DELETE_FINISH'] = $item['DATE_DELETED_DAYS'] <= 0; } } $this->prepareAreas(); // sort by homepage additional uasort($this->arResult['LANDINGS'], function($a, $b) { return ($a['SORT'] < $b['SORT']) ? 1 : -1; }); // public url $publicUrls = $landing->getPublicUrl(array_keys($this->arResult['LANDINGS'])); foreach ($publicUrls as $id => $url) { $this->arResult['LANDINGS'][$id]['PUBLIC_URL'] = $url; if ($pictureFromCloud) { $this->arResult['LANDINGS'][$id]['CLOUD_PREVIEW'] = $url . 'preview.jpg'; } } // redefine navigation (emulate from db) $this->arResult['LANDINGS'] = array_merge( array_values($this->arResult['FOLDERS']), array_values($this->arResult['LANDINGS']) ); $this->lastNavigation = new \Bitrix\Main\UI\PageNavigation('nav'); $this->lastNavigation->allowAllRecords(false) ->setPageSize($this::COUNT_PER_PAGE) ->initFromUri(); $res = new \CDBResult; $res->initFromArray($this->arResult['LANDINGS']); $res->navStart( $this::COUNT_PER_PAGE, false, $this->lastNavigation->getCurrentPage() ); $this->lastNavigation->setRecordCount( count($this->arResult['LANDINGS']) ); $this->arResult['LANDINGS'] = []; while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $this->arResult['LANDINGS'][] = $row; } $this->arResult['NAVIGATION'] = $this->lastNavigation; } parent::executeComponent(); } }