Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } use Bitrix\Landing\Binding\Group; use \Bitrix\Landing\Hook; use Bitrix\Landing\Hook\Page\Theme; use Bitrix\Landing\Node\Component; use \Bitrix\Landing\Site; use \Bitrix\Landing\Landing; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Landing\Rights; use Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type; use \Bitrix\Landing\TemplateRef; use \Bitrix\Landing\Domain\Register; use \Bitrix\Landing\Site\Cookies; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use Bitrix\Main\Event; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use \Bitrix\Landing\Restriction; use Bitrix\Landing\Connector; CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass('bitrix:landing.base.form'); class LandingSiteEditComponent extends LandingBaseFormComponent { /** * Default site color (lightblue bitrix color) */ public const DEFAULT_SITE_COLOR = '#2fc6f6'; /** * Default color picker color */ public const COLOR_PICKER_COLOR = '#f25a8f'; /** * Default color for color picker bg color */ public const COLOR_PICKER_DEFAULT_BG_COLOR = '#ffffff'; /** * Default color for color pickers: text color, title color */ public const COLOR_PICKER_DEFAULT_COLOR_TEXT = '#000000'; /** * Default color picker color in RGB format */ public const COLOR_PICKER_COLOR_RGB = 'rgb(52, 188, 242)'; /** * Class of current element. * @var string */ protected $class = 'Site'; /** * Local version of table map with available fields for change. * @return array */ protected function getMap(): array { return array( 'CODE', 'TITLE', 'TYPE', 'TPL_ID', 'DOMAIN_ID', 'LANG', 'LANDING_ID_INDEX', 'LANDING_ID_404', 'LANDING_ID_503' ); } /** * Allowed or not additional fields for this form. * @return boolean */ protected function additionalFieldsAllowed(): bool { return true; } /** * Gets lang codes. * @return array */ protected function getLangCodes(): array { if ( !Manager::isB24() || !defined('SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH') ) { return []; } $file = Manager::getDocRoot(); $file .= SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH; $file .= '/languages.php'; if (file_exists($file)) { include $file; } if ( isset($b24Languages) && is_array($b24Languages) ) { $langs = []; foreach ($b24Languages as $code => $lang) { if (isset($lang['NAME'])) { $langs[$code] = $lang['NAME']; } } return $langs; } return []; } /** * Returns true, if this site without external domain. * @return bool */ protected function isIntranet(): bool { return isset($this->arResult['SITE']['DOMAIN_ID']['CURRENT']) && ( $this->arResult['SITE']['DOMAIN_ID']['CURRENT'] === '0' || $this->arResult['SITE']['DOMAIN_ID']['CURRENT'] === '' ); } /** * Base executable method. * @return void */ public function executeComponent(): void { $init = $this->init(); if ($init) { $this->checkParam('SITE_ID', 0); $this->checkParam('TYPE', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITES', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDINGS', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_LANDING_VIEW', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_DOMAIN', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_COOKIES', ''); $this->checkParam('TEMPLATE', ''); Type::setScope( $this->arParams['TYPE'] ); $this->id = $this->arParams['SITE_ID']; $this->successSavePage = $this->arParams['PAGE_URL_SITES']; $this->template = $this->arParams['TEMPLATE']; $this->arResult['SITE'] = $site = $this->getRow(); $this->arResult['LANG_CODES'] = $this->getLangCodes(); $this->arResult['TEMPLATES'] = $this->getTemplates(); $this->arResult['IS_INTRANET'] = $this->isIntranet(); $this->arResult['SHOW_RIGHTS'] = Rights::isAdmin() && Rights::isExtendedMode(); $this->arResult['SETTINGS'] = []; $this->arResult['REGISTER'] = Register::getInstance(); $this->arResult['SITE_INCLUDES_SCRIPT'] = Cookies::isSiteIncludesScript($this->id); $this->arResult['COOKIES_AGREEMENT'] = Cookies::getMainAgreement(); $this->arResult['SPECIAL_TYPE'] = Site\Type::getSiteTypeForms($this->arResult['SITE']['CODE']['CURRENT']); // ai $this->arResult['AI_TEXT_AVAILABLE'] = Connector\Ai::isTextAvailable(); $this->arResult['AI_TEXT_ACTIVE'] = Connector\Ai::isTextActive(); $this->arResult['AI_IMAGE_AVAILABLE'] = Connector\Ai::isImageAvailable(); $this->arResult['AI_IMAGE_ACTIVE'] = Connector\Ai::isImageActive(); $this->arResult['AI_UNACTIVE_INFO_CODE'] = self::getAiUnactiveInfoCode(); if ( !defined('LANDING_DISABLE_B24_MODE') && $this->arResult['SITE']['TYPE']['CURRENT'] === 'SMN' ) { Manager::forceB24disable(true); } if (Manager::isB24()) { $this->arResult['IP_FOR_DNS'] = $this->getIpForDNS(); } // set predefined for getting props from component Component::setPredefineForDynamicProps([ 'IBLOCK_ID' => Option::get('crm', 'default_product_catalog_id'), 'USE_ENHANCED_ECOMMERCE' => 'Y', 'SHOW_DISCOUNT_PERCENT' => 'Y', 'LABEL_PROP' => [ 'NEWPRODUCT', 'SALELEADER', 'SPECIALOFFER' ], 'CONVERT_CURRENCY' => 'Y' ]); // if access denied, or not found if ( $this->id && !Rights::hasAccessForSite( $this->id, Rights::ACCESS_TYPES['sett'] ) ) { $this->id = 0; $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] = 0; $this->addError('LANDING_ERROR_SETTINGS_ACCESS_DENIED_MSGVER_1', '', true); } if (!$this->id) { parent::executeComponent(); return; } // rights if ($this->arResult['SHOW_RIGHTS']) { $this->arResult['ACCESS_TASKS'] = $this->getAccessTasks(); $this->arResult['CURRENT_RIGHTS'] = []; if ($this->id) { $this->arResult['CURRENT_RIGHTS'] = Rights::getDataForSite( $this->id, $this->getRightsValue(true) ); } } // etc $this->arResult['DOMAINS'] = $this->getDomains(); $this->arResult['LANDINGS'] = $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] > 0 ? $this->getLandings(array( 'filter' => array( 'SITE_ID' => $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] ) )) : array(); // check landings as areas $areas = TemplateRef::landingIsArea( array_keys($this->arResult['LANDINGS']) ); foreach ($this->arResult['LANDINGS'] as &$landingItem) { $landingItem['IS_AREA'] = $areas[$landingItem['ID']] === true; } unset($landingItem); if (!$this->arResult['SITE']) { $this->id = 0; $this->arParams['SITE_ID'] = 0; } if ($this->id) { Hook::setEditMode(); $this->arResult['HOOKS'] = $this->getHooks(); $this->arResult['TEMPLATES_REF'] = TemplateRef::getForSite($this->id); } $this->arResult['COLORS'] = Theme::getColorCodes(); $this->arResult['PREPARE_COLORS'] = self::prepareColors($this->arResult['COLORS']); $themeHookFields = $this->arResult['HOOKS']['THEME']->getPageFields(); if ($themeHookFields['THEME_CODE']) { $this->arResult['LANDING_VALUE_CODE'] = $themeHookFields['THEME_CODE']->getValue(); } if ($themeHookFields['THEME_COLOR']) { $this->arResult['LANDING_VALUE_COLOR'] = $themeHookFields['THEME_COLOR']->getValue(); } if (isset($this->arResult['LANDING_VALUE_CODE']) && !isset($this->arResult['LANDING_VALUE_COLOR'])) { $themeHookFields['THEME_USE']->setValue('Y'); } $this->arResult['CURRENT_COLORS']['value'] = htmlspecialcharsbx(trim($themeHookFields['THEME_COLOR']->getValue())); if (!$this->arResult['CURRENT_COLORS']['value']) { $this->arResult['CURRENT_COLORS']['theme'] = htmlspecialcharsbx(trim($themeHookFields['THEME_CODE']->getValue())); } $this->arResult['CURRENT_COLORS'] = self::getCurrentColors($this->arResult['CURRENT_COLORS']); $this->arResult['CURRENT_THEME'] = self::getCurrentTheme($this->arResult['HOOKS'], $this->arResult['COLORS']); $this->arResult['SLIDER_CODE'] = Restriction\Hook::getRestrictionCodeByHookCode('THEME'); $this->arResult['ALLOWED_HOOK'] = Restriction\Manager::isAllowed($this->arResult['SLIDER_CODE']); if (!$this->arResult['ALLOWED_HOOK'] && !(in_array($this->arResult['CURRENT_THEME'], $this->arResult['PREPARE_COLORS']['allColors'], true))) { $this->arResult['LAST_CUSTOM_COLOR'] = $this->arResult['CURRENT_THEME']; $this->arResult['CURRENT_THEME'] = self::DEFAULT_SITE_COLOR; } $this->arResult['CURRENT_THEME'] = self::checkCurrentTheme($this->arResult['CURRENT_THEME']); } // callback for update site $tplRef = $this->request('TPL_REF', true); Site::callback('OnAfterUpdate', function(Event $event) use ($tplRef, $site) { $primary = $event->getParameter('primary'); if ($tplRef !== false) { $areaCount = 0; $tplId = $this->arResult['SITE']['TPL_ID']['CURRENT']; $templates = $this->arResult['TEMPLATES']; if (isset($templates[$tplId])) { $areaCount = $templates[$tplId]['AREA_COUNT']; } // set template refs $data = array(); if ($primary && $primary['ID']) { foreach (explode(',', $tplRef) as $ref) { if (mb_strpos($ref, ':') !== false) { [$a, $lid] = explode(':', $ref); $data[$a] = $lid; } } // create empty areas if need for ($i = 1; $i <= $areaCount; $i++) { if (!isset($data[$i]) || !$data[$i]) { $res = Landing::add(array( 'SITE_ID' => $primary['ID'], 'TITLE' => Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_AREA') . ' #' . $i )); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $data[$i] = $res->getId(); } } } } TemplateRef::setForSite( $primary['ID'], $data ); } if ($this->arParams['TYPE'] === 'GROUP' && $_REQUEST['fields']) { $groupUnbind = $_REQUEST['fields']['GROUP_UNBIND']; $groupDelete = $_REQUEST['fields']['GROUP_DELETE']; if ($groupUnbind === 'on' || $groupDelete === 'on') { $siteId = $this->arParams['SITE_ID']; $groupId = Site\Scope\Group::getGroupIdBySiteId($siteId); if ($groupId) { $binding = new Group($groupId); if (!$binding->isForbiddenBindingAction()) { $binding->unbindSite($siteId); } } if ($this->arParams['IS_CHANGED_TYPE'] !== true) { $this->arParams['IS_CHANGED_TYPE'] = true; Site::changeType($siteId, 'KNOWLEDGE'); } if ($this->arParams['IS_CHANGED_CODE'] !== true) { $this->arParams['IS_CHANGED_CODE'] = true; $newCode = $this->arResult['SITE']['CODE']['CURRENT'] . '_' . time(); Site::changeCode($siteId, $newCode); } if ($groupDelete === 'on' && $this->arParams['IS_SITE_DELETE'] !== true) { $this->arParams['IS_SITE_DELETE'] = true; Site::markDelete($siteId); } } } // rights if (Rights::isAdmin() && Rights::isExtendedMode()) { Rights::setOperationsForSite( $primary['ID'], $this->getRightsValue() ); } } ); parent::executeComponent(); Manager::forceB24disable(false); } /** * Get correct hex value. * @param array $params some params. * * @return string */ public static function getPrepareColor(array $params): string { $colors = Theme::getColorCodes(); $value = $params['value']; if ($params['theme'] ?? null) { $value = $colors[$params['theme']]['color']; } if (!empty($params['value']) && $params['value'][0] !== '#') { $value = '#'.$params['value']; } return $value; } /** * Check allowed hook by hook code * @param string $hookCode * @return bool */ public static function isHookAllowed(string $hookCode): bool { $restrictionCode = Restriction\Hook::getRestrictionCodeByHookCode($hookCode); return Restriction\Manager::isAllowed($restrictionCode); } /** * Get colors array * @return array */ public static function getColors(): array { $colors = Theme::getColorCodes(); $colors["allColors"] = Theme::getAllColorCodes(); $colors["startColors"] = Theme::getStartColorCodes(); return $colors; } /** * Get current color or last custom color with default color * @param array $params * @return array */ public static function getCurrentColors(array $params): array { $allowed = self::isHookAllowed('THEME'); $currentColor = self::getPrepareColor($params); $colors = self::getColors(); $result['currentColor'] = $currentColor; if (!$allowed && !(in_array($currentColor, $colors["allColors"], true))) { $result['lastColor'] = $currentColor; $result['currentColor'] = self::DEFAULT_SITE_COLOR; } return $result; } /** * Getting a set of colors: all, start, other * @param array $colors * @return array */ public static function prepareColors(array $colors): array { $prepareColors = []; foreach ($colors as $colorItem) { if (isset($colorItem['color'])) { $prepareColors['allColors'][] = $colorItem['color']; } if (isset($colorItem['base']) && $colorItem['base'] === true && ($colorItem['baseInSettings'] ?? null) !== false) { $prepareColors['startColors'][] = $colorItem['color']; } } return $prepareColors; } /** * Getting a current theme * @param array $hooks * @param array $colors * @return string */ public static function getCurrentTheme(array $hooks, array $colors): string { $themeHookFields = $hooks['THEME']->getPageFields(); $themeCurr = htmlspecialcharsbx(trim($themeHookFields['THEME_COLOR']->getValue())); if (!$themeCurr) { $theme = htmlspecialcharsbx(trim($themeHookFields['THEME_CODE']->getValue())); $themeCurr = $colors[$theme]['color']; } if ($themeCurr[0] !== '#') { $themeCurr = '#' . $themeCurr; } return $themeCurr; } /** * Check for length for current theme * @param string $color * @return string */ public static function checkCurrentTheme(string $color): string { if (strlen($color) !== 7) { $color = self::COLOR_PICKER_COLOR; } return $color; } }