Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } use Bitrix\Landing\Domain; use Bitrix\Landing\Connector; use Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use Bitrix\Landing\Restriction; use Bitrix\Landing\Help; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Type\Date; use \Bitrix\Landing\Rights; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass('bitrix:landing.base'); class LandingSiteTileComponent extends LandingBaseComponent { /** * Domain available statuses. */ private const DOMAIN_STATUS = [ 'success' => 'success',// everything all rights 'alert' => 'alert',// something need attention 'danger' => 'danger',// something need super attention 'unknown' => 'unknown',// other status 'clock' => 'clock'// wait activation ]; /** * Returns site's phone by site id. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @return string|null */ protected function getSitePhone(int $siteId): ?string { return Connector\Crm::getContacts( $siteId )['PHONE'] ?? null; } /** * Returns order's counts for each site has created orders. * @param int[] $siteIds Site id. * @return int[] */ protected function getSiteOrdersCount(array $siteIds): array { $return = array_fill_keys($siteIds, 0); if (\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('crm')) { $filter = ['=TRADING_PLATFORM.CODE' => []]; foreach ($siteIds as $siteId) { $filter['=TRADING_PLATFORM.CODE'][] = 'landing_' . $siteId; } $res = \Bitrix\Crm\Order\TradeBindingCollection::getList([ 'select' => [ 'CNT', 'TRADING_PLATFORM_CODE' => 'TRADING_PLATFORM.CODE' ], 'filter' => $filter, 'group' => 'TRADING_PLATFORM.CODE', 'runtime' => array( new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ExpressionField( 'CNT', 'COUNT(*)' ) ) ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { if ($row['TRADING_PLATFORM_CODE']) { [, $siteId] = explode('_', $row['TRADING_PLATFORM_CODE']); $return[$siteId] = $row['CNT']; } } } return $return; } /** * Replaces link's template with real data. * @param string $path Link's template. * @param array $item Data item. * @return string */ protected function replaceLink(string $path, array $item = []): string { return str_replace( ['#site_show#', '#site_edit#', '#landing_edit#'], [$item['ID'], $item['ID'], 0], $path ); } /** * Prepares links for use in sidepanel. * @param array $sidepanel Links array. * @return array */ protected function prepareSideLink(array $sidepanel): array { if (empty($sidepanel)) { return $sidepanel; } $sidepanel = array_unique($sidepanel); foreach ($sidepanel as &$path) { $path = str_replace('/?', '/\?', $path); $path = preg_replace('/(#[a-z_]+#)/', '(\d+)', $path); } return array_values(array_unique($sidepanel)); } /** * Prepares item for transfer to js. * @param array $items Item's array. * @param array $menuItems Menu item's array. * @param array &$sidepanel Link's templates for sidepanel. * @param array &$sidepanelShort Link's templates for sidepanel (short format). * @return array */ protected function prepareItems(array $items, array $menuItems, array &$sidepanel = [], array &$sidepanelShort = []): array { $newItems = []; $menuItemsOrig = $menuItems; $orderCounts = $this->getSiteOrdersCount(array_keys($items)); if (!$items) { foreach ($menuItems as &$menuItem) { if ($menuItem['sidepanel'] ?? false) { $sidepanel[] = $menuItem['href']; } if ($menuItem['shortsidepanel'] ?? false) { $sidepanelShort[] = $menuItem['href']; } } $sidepanel = $this->prepareSideLink($sidepanel); $sidepanelShort = $this->prepareSideLink($sidepanelShort); } foreach ($items as $item) { if (!($item['ID'] ?? null) || !($item['TITLE'] ?? null)) { continue; } $item['ACTIVE'] = $item['ACTIVE'] ?? null; $item['PREVIEW'] = $item['PREVIEW'] ?? null; $item['CLOUD_PREVIEW'] = $item['CLOUD_PREVIEW'] ?? null; $item['DOMAIN_NAME'] = $item['DOMAIN_NAME'] ?? null; $item['PUBLIC_URL'] = $item['PUBLIC_URL'] ?? null; // can delete? if ($item['ACCESS_DELETE'] !== 'N') { $item['ACCESS_DELETE'] = 'Y'; if ( is_array($this->arParams['DELETE_LOCKED']) && in_array($item['ID'], $this->arParams['DELETE_LOCKED'], true) ) { $item['ACCESS_DELETE'] = 'N'; } } $published = $item['ACTIVE'] === 'Y' && $item['DELETED'] === 'N'; $deleted = $item['DELETED'] === 'Y'; // check paths for sidepanel $menuBottomItems = []; $menuItems = $menuItemsOrig; foreach ($menuItems as $i => &$menuItem) { if ($menuItem['sidepanel'] ?? false) { $sidepanel[] = $menuItem['href']; } if ($menuItem['shortsidepanel'] ?? false) { $sidepanelShort[] = $menuItem['href']; } if (isset($menuItem['href'])) { $menuItem['href'] = $this->replaceLink($menuItem['href'], $item); } if ($menuItem['bottom'] ?? false) { $menuBottomItems[] = $menuItem; unset($menuItems[$i]); } if (!($menuItem['text'] ?? null) && !isset($menuItem['delimiter'])) { unset($menuItems[$i]); } } unset($menuItem); $sidepanel = $this->prepareSideLink($sidepanel); $sidepanelShort = $this->prepareSideLink($sidepanelShort); // domain status $domainStatusMessage = null; $domainStatus = $this::DOMAIN_STATUS['unknown']; if ($item['DOMAIN_PROVIDER'] ?? null) { $tariffTtl = Restriction\Site::getFreeDomainSuspendedTime(); if ($tariffTtl) { if ($tariffTtl <= time()) { $domainStatus = $this::DOMAIN_STATUS['danger']; $domainStatusMessage = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_DOMAIN_NEED_PAY'); } else { $domainStatus = $this::DOMAIN_STATUS['alert']; $domainStatusMessage = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_DOMAIN_NEED_PAY_SOON_UNTIL', [ '#DATE#' => Date::createFromTimestamp($tariffTtl) ]); } } if (!$domainStatusMessage) { if (Domain\Register::isDomainActive($item['DOMAIN_NAME'])) { $domainStatus = $this::DOMAIN_STATUS['success']; } else { $domainStatus = $this::DOMAIN_STATUS['clock']; $domainStatusMessage = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_DOMAIN_WAIT_ACTIVATION'); } } } else { if (!$item['DOMAIN_PREV']) { $domainStatus = $this::DOMAIN_STATUS['alert']; $domainStatusMessage = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_DOMAIN_CREATE_DOMAIN_NAME'); } else if ($published) { $domainStatus = $this::DOMAIN_STATUS['success']; } } $accessPublication = $item['ACCESS_PUBLICATION'] === 'Y'; $publicationError = []; if ( $accessPublication && \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('catalog') && \Bitrix\Catalog\Config\State::isExternalCatalog() ) { if ($item['TYPE'] === 'STORE' && !str_starts_with($item['TPL_CODE'], 'store-chats')) { $accessPublication = false; $publicationError['code'] = 'shop1c'; $helpUrl = Help::getHelpUrl('SHOP1C'); $publicationError['hint'] = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_PUBLICATION_ERROR_HINT'); $publicationError['url'] = $helpUrl; $publicationError['link'] = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_CMP_PUBLICATION_ERROR_HINT_LINK_TEXT'); } } $newItems[] = [ 'id' => $item['ID'], 'title' => $item['TITLE'], 'url' => $item['DOMAIN_NAME'] ?: ' ', 'phone' => $this->getSitePhone($item['ID']), 'ordersCount' => $orderCounts[$item['ID']], 'preview' => $item['PREVIEW'] ?: '', 'cloudPreview' => $item['CLOUD_PREVIEW'] ?: '', 'published' => $published, 'deleted' => $deleted, 'domainStatus' => $domainStatus, 'domainStatusMessage' => $domainStatusMessage, 'fullUrl' => $item['PUBLIC_URL'] ?: '', 'domainProvider' => $item['DOMAIN_PROVIDER'], 'domainUrl' => $this->replaceLink($this->arParams['PAGE_URL_DOMAIN'], $item), 'contactsUrl' => $this->replaceLink($this->arParams['PAGE_URL_CONTACTS'], $item), 'pagesUrl' => $this->replaceLink($this->arParams['PAGE_URL_SITE'], $item), 'ordersUrl' => $this->replaceLink($this->arParams['PAGE_URL_CRM_ORDERS'], $item), 'indexEditUrl' => ($item['INDEX_EDIT_URI'] ?? '') ?: '', 'menuItems' => array_values($menuItems), 'menuBottomItems' => $menuBottomItems, 'access' => [ 'edit' => $item['ACCESS_EDIT'] === 'Y', 'settings' => $item['ACCESS_SETTINGS'] === 'Y', 'publication' => $accessPublication, 'delete' => $item['ACCESS_DELETE'] === 'Y', 'site_new' => $item['ACCESS_SITE_NEW'] === 'Y', 'export' => $item['ACCESS_EXPORT'] === 'Y', ], 'error' => [ 'publication' => $publicationError, ], ]; } return $newItems; } /** * Base executable method. * @return void */ public function executeComponent(): void { $this->checkParam('TYPE', ''); $this->checkParam('FEEDBACK_CODE', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_ADD', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_DOMAIN', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_SITE_DOMAIN_SWITCH', ''); $this->checkParam('PAGE_URL_CRM_ORDERS', ''); $this->checkParam('ITEMS', []); $this->checkParam('MENU_ITEMS', []); $this->checkParam('~AGREEMENT', []); $this->checkParam('DELETE_LOCKED', []); if (Manager::isB24()) { $this->arResult['AGREEMENT'] = $this->arParams['~AGREEMENT']; } else { $this->arResult['AGREEMENT'] = []; } $this->arResult['SIDE_PANEL'] = []; $this->arResult['SIDE_PANEL_SHORT'] = []; $this->arParams['ITEMS'] = $this->prepareItems( $this->arParams['ITEMS'], $this->arParams['MENU_ITEMS'], $this->arResult['SIDE_PANEL'], $this->arResult['SIDE_PANEL_SHORT'] ); parent::executeComponent(); } }