Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } /** @var CBitrixComponent $this */ /** @var array $arParams */ /** @var array $arResult */ /** @var string $componentPath */ /** @var string $componentName */ /** @var string $componentTemplate */ /** @var CDatabase $DB */ /** @var CUser $USER */ /** @var CMain $APPLICATION */ $this->setFrameMode(false); if (!CModule::IncludeModule('subscribe')) { ShowError(GetMessage('SUBSCR_MODULE_NOT_INSTALLED')); return; } if (!isset($arParams['CACHE_TIME'])) { $arParams['CACHE_TIME'] = 3600; } if ($arParams['ALLOW_ANONYMOUS'] != 'N') { $arParams['ALLOW_ANONYMOUS'] = COption::GetOptionString('subscribe', 'allow_anonymous', 'Y'); } if ($arParams['ALLOW_ANONYMOUS'] != 'N') { $arParams['ALLOW_ANONYMOUS'] = 'Y'; } if ($arParams['SHOW_AUTH_LINKS'] != 'N') { $arParams['SHOW_AUTH_LINKS'] = COption::GetOptionString('subscribe', 'show_auth_links', 'Y'); } if ($arParams['SHOW_AUTH_LINKS'] != 'N') { $arParams['SHOW_AUTH_LINKS'] = 'Y'; } if ($arParams['SHOW_HIDDEN'] != 'Y') { $arParams['SHOW_HIDDEN'] = 'N'; } if ($arParams['SET_TITLE'] != 'N') { $arParams['SET_TITLE'] = 'Y'; } $_REQUEST['CONFIRM_CODE'] = trim($_REQUEST['CONFIRM_CODE']); //options $bAllowRegister = (COption::GetOptionString('main', 'new_user_registration') === 'Y'); $sLastLogin = $_COOKIE[COption::GetOptionString('main', 'cookie_name', 'BITRIX_SM') . '_LOGIN'] ?? ''; $ID = intval($_REQUEST['ID']); // Id of the subscription //onscreen messages about actions $aMsg = [ 'UPD' => GetMessage('adm_upd_mess'), 'SENT' => GetMessage('adm_sent_mess'), 'SENTPASS' => GetMessage('subscr_pass_mess'), 'CONF' => GetMessage('adm_conf_mess'), 'UNSUBSCR' => GetMessage('adm_unsubscr_mess'), 'ACTIVE' => GetMessage('subscr_active_mess') ]; if (array_key_exists($_REQUEST['mess_code'], $aMsg)) { $iMsg = $_REQUEST['mess_code']; } else { $iMsg = ''; } $obSubscription = new CSubscription; //************************* //settings form processing //************************* $arWarning = []; $bVarsFromForm = false; if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' && !empty($_REQUEST['PostAction']) && check_bitrix_sessid()) { $bDoSubscribe = true; $bVarsFromForm = true; if (!empty($_REQUEST['LOGIN'])) { //authorize the user $res = $USER->Login($_REQUEST['LOGIN'], $_REQUEST['PASSWORD']); if ($res['TYPE'] == 'ERROR') { $arWarning[] = $res['MESSAGE']; } else { $bDoSubscribe = false; } } elseif ($bAllowRegister && !empty($_REQUEST['NEW_LOGIN'])) { //new user $res = $USER->Register( $_REQUEST['NEW_LOGIN'], '', '', $_REQUEST['NEW_PASSWORD'], $_REQUEST['CONFIRM_PASSWORD'], $_REQUEST['EMAIL'], false, $_REQUEST['captcha_word'], $_REQUEST['captcha_sid'] ); if ($res['TYPE'] == 'ERROR') { $arWarning[] = $res['MESSAGE']; } else { $bDoSubscribe = false; } } //if anonymous users are not permitted then the user must be authorized if ($arParams['ALLOW_ANONYMOUS'] == 'N' && !$USER->IsAuthorized()) { $arWarning[] = GetMessage('adm_auth_err'); } //there must be at least one newsletter category if (!is_array($_REQUEST['RUB_ID']) || count($_REQUEST['RUB_ID']) == 0) { $arWarning[] = GetMessage('adm_auth_err_rub'); } elseif ($arParams['SHOW_HIDDEN'] == 'N') //check for hidden categories { $bAllowSubscription = true; foreach ($_REQUEST['RUB_ID'] as $rub_id) { $rsRubric = CRubric::GetByID($rub_id); if ($arRubric = $rsRubric->Fetch()) { if ($arRubric['VISIBLE'] == 'N') { $bAllowSubscription = false; } } } if ($bAllowSubscription === false) { $arWarning[] = GetMessage('subscr_wrong_rubric'); } } if (count($arWarning) == 0 && $bDoSubscribe) { //Check if subscription already have hidden rubrics and they was not displayed. //In this case we will add those categories to the list in order not to lost. if (($arParams['SHOW_HIDDEN'] == 'N') && ($ID > 0)) { $arNewRubrics = $_REQUEST['RUB_ID']; $rsRubric = CSubscription::GetRubricList($ID); while ($ar = $rsRubric->Fetch()) { if ($ar['VISIBLE'] == 'N') { $arNewRubrics[] = $ar['ID']; } } } else { $arNewRubrics = $_REQUEST['RUB_ID']; } $arFields = [ 'USER_ID' => ($USER->IsAuthorized() ? $USER->GetID() : false), 'FORMAT' => ($_REQUEST['FORMAT'] !== 'html' ? 'text' : 'html'), 'EMAIL' => $_REQUEST['EMAIL'], 'RUB_ID' => $arNewRubrics, ]; if ($_REQUEST['CONFIRM_CODE'] !== '' && $ID > 0) { $arFields['CONFIRM_CODE'] = $_REQUEST['CONFIRM_CODE']; } $res = false; if ($ID > 0) { //allow edit only after authorization if (CSubscription::IsAuthorized($ID)) { $res = $obSubscription->Update($ID, $arFields); if ($res) { $iMsg = ($obSubscription->LAST_MESSAGE !== '' ? $obSubscription->LAST_MESSAGE : 'UPD'); } } } else { //can add without authorization $arFields['ACTIVE'] = 'Y'; $ID = $obSubscription->Add($arFields); $res = ($ID > 0); if ($res) { $iMsg = 'SENT'; CSubscription::Authorize($ID); } } if ($res) { //remember e-mail in cookies $bVarsFromForm = false; $cookie = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\Cookie('SUBSCR_EMAIL', $_REQUEST['EMAIL'], mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2030)); /* @var \Bitrix\Main\HttpResponse $response */ $response = \Bitrix\Main\Context::getCurrent()->getResponse(); $response->addCookie($cookie); LocalRedirect($APPLICATION->GetCurPage() . '?ID=' . $ID . ($iMsg !== '' ? '&mess_code=' . urlencode($iMsg) : '')); } else { $arWarning[] = $obSubscription->LAST_ERROR; } }//$arWarning }//POST //new or existing subscription? //ID==0 indicates new subscription if ($_REQUEST['sf_EMAIL'] !== '' || $ID > 0 || $USER->IsAuthorized()) { if ($ID > 0) { $rsSubscription = CSubscription::GetByID($ID); } elseif ($_REQUEST['sf_EMAIL'] !== '') { $rsSubscription = CSubscription::GetByEmail($_REQUEST['sf_EMAIL'], intval($USER->GetID())); } else { $rsSubscription = CSubscription::GetList([], ['USER_ID' => $USER->GetID()]); } if ($arSubscription = $rsSubscription->GetNext()) { $ID = intval($arSubscription['ID']); } else { $ID = 0; } } else { $ID = 0; $arSubscription = []; } //try to authorize subscription by CONFIRM_CODE or user password AUTH_PASS if ($ID > 0 && !CSubscription::IsAuthorized($ID)) { if ($arSubscription['USER_ID'] > 0 && !empty($_REQUEST['AUTH_PASS'])) { //trying to login user $rsUser = CUser::GetByID($arSubscription['USER_ID']); if (($arUser = $rsUser->Fetch())) { $res = $USER->Login($arUser['LOGIN'], $_REQUEST['AUTH_PASS']); if ($res['TYPE'] == 'ERROR') { $arWarning[] = $res['MESSAGE']; } } } CSubscription::Authorize($ID, (empty($_REQUEST['AUTH_PASS']) ? $_REQUEST['CONFIRM_CODE'] : $_REQUEST['AUTH_PASS'])); } //confirmation code from letter or confirmation form if ($_REQUEST['CONFIRM_CODE'] !== '' && $ID > 0 && empty($_REQUEST['action'])) { if ($arSubscription['CONFIRMED'] !== 'Y' && count($arWarning) == 0) { //subscribtion confirmation if ($obSubscription->Update($ID, ['CONFIRM_CODE' => $_REQUEST['CONFIRM_CODE']])) { $arSubscription['CONFIRMED'] = 'Y'; } if ($obSubscription->LAST_ERROR !== '') { $arWarning[] = $obSubscription->LAST_ERROR; } $iMsg = $obSubscription->LAST_MESSAGE; } } //************************* //form actions processing //************************* if ($ID > 0 && (($_REQUEST['action'] === 'unsubscribe') || check_bitrix_sessid())) { //confirmation code request switch ($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'sendcode': if (CSubscription::ConfirmEvent($ID)) { $iMsg = 'SENT'; } break; case 'sendpassword': if (intval($arSubscription['USER_ID']) == 0) { //anonymous subscription if (CSubscription::ConfirmEvent($ID)) { $iMsg = 'SENT'; } } else { //user account subscription CUser::SendUserInfo($arSubscription['USER_ID'], SITE_ID, GetMessage('subscr_send_pass_mess'), true); $iMsg = 'SENTPASS'; LocalRedirect( $APPLICATION->GetCurPage() . '?sf_EMAIL=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['sf_EMAIL']) . '&change_password=yes&mess_code=' . urlencode($iMsg) ); } break; case 'unsubscribe': if (CSubscription::IsAuthorized($ID)) { //unsubscription if ($obSubscription->Update($ID, ['ACTIVE' => 'N'])) { $arSubscription['ACTIVE'] = 'N'; $iMsg = 'UNSUBSCR'; } } break; case 'activate': if (CSubscription::IsAuthorized($ID)) { //activation if ($obSubscription->Update($ID, ['ACTIVE' => 'Y'])) { $arSubscription['ACTIVE'] = 'Y'; $iMsg = 'ACTIVE'; } } break; } } if ($ID == 0 && !empty($_REQUEST['action'])) { $arWarning[] = GetMessage('subscr_email_not_found'); } //initialize variables from POST on error if ($bVarsFromForm) { $arSubscription['FORMAT'] = $_REQUEST['FORMAT'] === 'html' ? 'html' : 'text'; $arSubscription['EMAIL'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST['EMAIL']); } //page title if ($arParams['SET_TITLE'] == 'Y') { if ($ID > 0) { $APPLICATION->SetTitle(GetMessage('subscr_title_edit'), ['COMPONENT_NAME' => $this->getName()]); } else { $APPLICATION->SetTitle(GetMessage('subscr_title_add'), ['COMPONENT_NAME' => $this->getName()]); } } //if the subscription belongs to USER_ID then authorization is required if ($ID > 0 && intval($arSubscription['USER_ID']) > 0 && !CSubscription::IsAuthorized($ID)) { unset($_GET['mess_code']); $APPLICATION->AuthForm('', false); } //get site's newsletter categories $obCache = new CPHPCache; $strCacheID = LANGUAGE_ID . $arParams['SHOW_HIDDEN'] . $this->getRelativePath(); if ($obCache->StartDataCache($arParams['CACHE_TIME'], $strCacheID, '/' . SITE_ID . $this->getRelativePath())) { $arFilter = ['ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'LID' => SITE_ID]; if ($arParams['SHOW_HIDDEN'] <> 'Y') { $arFilter['VISIBLE'] = 'Y'; } $rsRubric = CRubric::GetList(['SORT' => 'ASC', 'NAME' => 'ASC'], $arFilter); $arRubrics = []; while ($arRubric = $rsRubric->GetNext()) { $arRubrics[] = $arRubric; } $obCache->EndDataCache($arRubrics); } else { $arRubrics = $obCache->GetVars(); } if (!array_key_exists($iMsg, $aMsg)) { $iMsg = ''; } if ($iMsg !== '') { $arResult['MESSAGE'] = [$iMsg => $aMsg[$iMsg]]; } else { $arResult['MESSAGE'] = []; } $arResult['ERROR'] = $arWarning; $arResult['ID'] = $ID; $arResult['SUBSCRIPTION'] = $arSubscription; $arResult['ALLOW_ANONYMOUS'] = $arParams['ALLOW_ANONYMOUS']; $arResult['SHOW_AUTH_LINKS'] = $arParams['SHOW_AUTH_LINKS']; $arResult['FORM_ACTION'] = $APPLICATION->GetCurPage(); $arResult['ALLOW_REGISTER'] = $bAllowRegister ? 'Y' : 'N'; $arSubscriptionRubrics = CSubscription::GetRubricArray($ID); $arResult['RUBRICS'] = []; //Let's find out where selected rubrics come from $arInput = []; if (!array_key_exists('sf_RUB_ID', $_REQUEST) || !is_array($_REQUEST['sf_RUB_ID'])) { if ($bVarsFromForm) { if (array_key_exists('RUB_ID', $_REQUEST) && is_array($_REQUEST['RUB_ID'])) { $arInput = $_REQUEST['RUB_ID']; } } else { $arInput = $arSubscriptionRubrics; } } else { $arInput = $_REQUEST['sf_RUB_ID']; } foreach ($arRubrics as $arRubric) { $bChecked = in_array($arRubric['ID'], $arInput); $arResult['RUBRICS'][] = [ 'ID' => $arRubric['ID'], 'NAME' => $arRubric['NAME'], 'DESCRIPTION' => $arRubric['DESCRIPTION'], 'CHECKED' => $bChecked, ]; } $sRub = ''; if (is_array($_REQUEST['sf_RUB_ID'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['sf_RUB_ID'] as $strRub) { $sRub .= '&sf_RUB_ID[]=' . urlencode($strRub); } } $arResult['REQUEST']['RUBRICS_PARAM'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($sRub); $arResult['REQUEST']['CONFIRM_CODE'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST['CONFIRM_CODE']); $arResult['REQUEST']['EMAIL'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST['sf_EMAIL']); if ($arResult['REQUEST']['EMAIL'] == '' && $USER->IsAuthorized()) { $arResult['REQUEST']['EMAIL'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($USER->GetEmail()); } $arResult['REQUEST']['PASSWORD'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST['PASSWORD']); $arResult['REQUEST']['LOGIN'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST['LOGIN'] ?? $sLastLogin); $arResult['REQUEST']['NEW_LOGIN'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST['NEW_LOGIN']); $arResult['REQUEST']['NEW_PASSWORD'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST['NEW_PASSWORD']); $arResult['REQUEST']['CONFIRM_PASSWORD'] = htmlspecialcharsbx($_REQUEST['CONFIRM_PASSWORD']); $this->includeComponentTemplate();