Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php use Bitrix\Vote; use Bitrix\Main\Engine\Contract\Controllerable; use Bitrix\Main\Error; use Bitrix\Main\Errorable; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Grid\Options as GridOptions; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\UI\Filter\Options as FilterOptions; use Bitrix\Main\UI\PageNavigation; if (!defined('B_PROLOG_INCLUDED') || B_PROLOG_INCLUDED !== true) { die(); } Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); class VotingAdminVotesComponent extends \CBitrixComponent implements Controllerable, Errorable { protected Main\ErrorCollection $errorCollection; private static array $readChannels; private static array $adminChannels; private bool $canWrite = false; protected string $gridId = 'vote_admin_votes'; protected string $filterId = 'vote_admin_votes_filter'; public function __construct($component = null) { parent::__construct($component); $this->errorCollection = new Main\ErrorCollection(); } public function onPrepareComponentParams($arParams) { if (!Loader::includeModule('vote')) { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Error('Module "vote" is not installed.')); } global $APPLICATION; if (!(($moduleRights = $APPLICATION->GetGroupRight('vote')) && $moduleRights > 'D')) { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Error(Loc::getMessage('ACCESS_DENIED'))); } else { $this->canWrite = $moduleRights >= 'W'; } $arParams['GRID_ID'] = $this->gridId; $arParams['FILTER_ID'] = $this->getFilterId(); return parent::onPrepareComponentParams($arParams); } public function executeComponent() { if ($this->errorCollection->isEmpty()) { $this->processGetAction() && $this->processGridAction(); $this->prepareResult(); } $this->arResult['ERRORS'] = $this->errorCollection->getValues(); $this->includeComponentTemplate(); } protected function prepareResult() { $this->arResult['COLUMNS'] = $this->getColumns(); $this->arResult['FILTERS'] = $this->getFilters(); $this->arResult['CHANNELS'] = $this->getReadChannels(); $this->arResult['ADMIN_CHANNELS'] = $this->getAdminChannels(); $this->arResult['FILTER'] = $this->getFilter(); $nav = new PageNavigation('page'); $nav->allowAllRecords(false)->setPageSize(20)->initFromUri(); $result = Vote\VoteTable::getList([ 'select' => ['*', 'AUTHOR', 'LAMP'], 'filter' => $this->arResult['FILTER'], 'order' => $this->getOrder($this->gridId), 'offset' => $nav->getOffset(), 'limit' => $nav->getLimit() + 1, ]); $votes = $result->fetchCollection(); if ($votes->count() > $nav->getLimit()) { $allVotes = $votes->getAll(); $votes->remove(end($allVotes)); } $nav->setRecordCount($nav->getOffset() + $votes->count() + 1); $this->arResult['ITEMS'] = $votes; $this->arResult['ROWS'] = []; $this->arResult['NAV_OBJECT'] = $nav; $this->arResult['ACTION_PANEL'] = $this->getGroupActions(); } protected function getReadChannels(): array { if (!isset(self::$readChannels)) { global $USER; $channels = []; if ($dbRes = Vote\Channel::getList([ 'select' => ['ID', 'TITLE'], 'filter' => (!$this->canWrite ? [ 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'HIDDEN' => 'N', '>=PERMISSION.PERMISSION' => 1, 'PERMISSION.GROUP_ID' => $USER->GetUserGroupArray() ] : []), 'order' => [ 'TITLE' => 'ASC' ], 'group' => ['ID'] ])) { while ($res = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $channels[$res['ID']] = $res['TITLE']; } } self::$readChannels = $channels; } return self::$readChannels; } protected function getAdminChannels(): array { if (!isset(self::$adminChannels)) { if ($this->canWrite) { self::$adminChannels = $this->getReadChannels(); } else { global $USER; $channels = []; if ($dbRes = Vote\Channel::getList([ 'select' => ['ID', 'TITLE'], 'filter' => [ 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'HIDDEN' => 'N', '>=PERMISSION.PERMISSION' => 4, 'PERMISSION.GROUP_ID' => $USER->GetUserGroupArray() ], 'order' => ['TITLE' => 'ASC'], 'group' => ['ID'] ])) { while ($res = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $channels[$res['ID']] = $res['TITLE']; } } self::$adminChannels = $channels; } } return self::$adminChannels; } protected function getColumns() { $entity = Vote\VoteTable::getEntity(); return [ ['id' => 'ID', 'name' => $entity->getField('ID')->getTitle(), 'sort' => 'ID', 'default' => true], ['id' => 'LAMP', 'name' => $entity->getField('LAMP')->getTitle(), 'default' => true], ['id' => 'TITLE', 'name' => $entity->getField('TITLE')->getTitle(), 'sort' => 'title', 'default' => true], [ 'id' => 'DATE_START', 'name' => $entity->getField('DATE_START')->getTitle(), 'editable' => [ 'type' => Main\Grid\Column\Type::CALENDAR, ], 'sort' => 'DATE_START', 'default' => true ], [ 'id' => 'DATE_END', 'name' => $entity->getField('DATE_END')->getTitle(), 'editable' => [ 'type' => Main\Grid\Column\Type::CALENDAR, ], 'sort' => 'DATE_END', 'default' => true ], [ 'id' => 'AUTHOR_ID', 'name' => $entity->getField('AUTHOR_ID')->getTitle(), 'sort' => 'AUTHOR_ID', 'default' => true ], [ 'id' => 'CHANNEL_ID', 'name' => $entity->getField('CHANNEL_ID')->getTitle(), 'necessary' => true, 'editable' => [ 'TYPE' => Main\Grid\Editor\Types::DROPDOWN, 'items' => $this->getReadChannels(), ], 'multiple' => false, 'sort' => 'channel_id', 'default' => false ], [ 'id' => 'ACTIVE', 'name' => $entity->getField('ACTIVE')->getTitle(), 'necessary' => true, 'editable' => [ 'TYPE' => Main\Grid\Editor\Types::CHECKBOX, 'VALUE' => 'Y' ], 'multiple' => false, 'sort' => 'active', 'default' => false ], [ 'id' => 'C_SORT', 'name' => $entity->getField('C_SORT')->getTitle(), 'sort' => 'C_SORT', 'editable' => [ 'TYPE' => Main\Grid\Editor\Types::NUMBER, ], 'default' => false ], [ 'id' => 'COUNTER', 'name' => $entity->getField('COUNTER')->getTitle(), 'sort' => 'counter', 'default' => true ], ]; } protected function getFilters() { $entity = Vote\VoteTable::getEntity(); return [ [ 'id' => 'VOTE_ID', 'default' => true, 'name' => $entity->getField('ID')->getTitle(), ], ]; } protected function getFilterToEdit(): array { return $this->canWrite ? [] : ['@CHANNEL_ID' => array_keys($this->getAdminChannels())]; } protected function getFilterId(): string { $channelId = $this->request->getQuery('find_channel_id'); return $this->filterId . ($channelId ? ( '_' . $channelId) : ''); } protected function getFilter(): array { $filterId = $this->getFilterId(); $filterOptions = new FilterOptions($filterId); $requestFilter = $filterOptions->getFilter($this->getFilters()); $filter = $this->canWrite ? [] : ['@CHANNEL_ID' => array_keys($this->getReadChannels())]; if (!empty($requestFilter['FIND'])) { $filter[] = [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', '%=TITLE' => '%' . $requestFilter['FIND'] . '%', '%=DESCRIPTION' => '%' . $requestFilter['FIND'] . '%', ]; } if (!empty($requestFilter['CHANNEL_ID'])) { $filter['=CHANNEL_ID'] = $requestFilter['CHANNEL_ID']; } $channelId = $filter['=CHANNEL_ID'] ?? 0; $needChannelId = $this->request->getQuery('find_channel_id') ?? 0; if ($needChannelId > 0 && $channelId != $needChannelId) { $filterOptions->setFilterSettings( $filterId, [ 'name' => Vote\VoteTable::getEntity()->getField('CHANNEL_ID')->getTitle() . ': ' . ($this->getReadChannels()[$needChannelId] ?? $needChannelId), 'fields' => [ 'CHANNEL_ID' => $needChannelId ], ], true, false ); $filterOptions->save(); $filter['=CHANNEL_ID'] = $needChannelId; } if (!empty($requestFilter['VOTE_ID'])) { $filter['=ID'] = $requestFilter['VOTE_ID']; } return $filter; } /** * @return array */ protected function getOrder(string $gridId) { $defaultSort = ['ID' => 'desc']; $gridOptions = new GridOptions($gridId); $sorting = $gridOptions->getSorting(['sort' => $defaultSort]); $by = key($sorting['sort']); $order = $sorting['sort'][$by] === 'asc' ? 'asc' : 'desc'; foreach ($this->getColumns() as $column) { if (isset($column['sort']) && $column['sort'] === $by) { return [$by => $order]; } } return $defaultSort; } protected function getGroupActions(): array { $snippet = new Main\Grid\Panel\Snippet(); return ['GROUPS' => [['ITEMS' => [ $snippet->getEditButton(), $snippet->getRemoveButton() ]]]]; } /** * @return array */ public function configureActions() { return []; } /** * Getting array of errorCollection. * @return Error[] */ public function getErrors(): array { return $this->errorCollection->toArray(); } public function getErrorByCode($code): ?Error { return $this->errorCollection->getErrorByCode($code); } /** Comes from neighbour pages */ private function processGetAction(): bool { $request = $this->request; if (check_bitrix_sessid() && $request->isAdminSection()) { if ($request->getPost('action') === 'delete') { $id = $request->get('ID'); if ($id > 0 && !$this->deleteRowAction($id)) { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error( Loc::getMessage('VOTE_VOTE_IS_NOT_DELETED'), $id )); } } else if ($request->getQuery('reset_id') > 0) { /* Here we have to redirect to the source page */ $id = $request->getQuery('reset_id'); if ($this->resetRowAction($id)) { $url = (new \Bitrix\Main\Web\Uri($request->getRequestUri())) ->deleteParams(array('reset_id', 'sessid')) ->getLocator(); LocalRedirect($url); } else { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error( Loc::getMessage('VOTE_VOTE_IS_NOT_NULLED'), $id )); } } } return $this->errorCollection->isEmpty(); } private function processGridAction() { $request = $this->request; if ( $request->isPost() && check_bitrix_sessid() && Main\Grid\Context::isInternalRequest() && $request->get('grid_id') == $this->gridId ) { $id = $request->getPost('id'); if ( $request->getPost('action') === Main\Grid\Actions::GRID_DELETE_ROW && !$this->deleteRowAction($id) ) { $this->errorCollection->setError(new Main\Error( Loc::getMessage('VOTE_VOTE_IS_NOT_DELETED'), $id )); } } return $this->errorCollection->isEmpty(); } public function deleteRowAction(int $id): bool { if (Vote\VoteTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID'], 'filter' => $this->getFilterToEdit() + ['=ID' => $id], ])->fetch()) { CVote::Delete($id); return true; } return false; } public function resetRowAction(int $id): bool { if (Vote\VoteTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID'], 'filter' => $this->getFilterToEdit() + ['=ID' => $id], ])->fetch()) { CVote::Reset($id); return true; } return false; } }