Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
function initAsproAllcorp3ModalConditionsControl(params) { var data = JSON.parse(; if (data) { window['aspro_max_modalconditions_conditions_' + params.propertyID] = new AsproAllcorp3ModalConditionsControl(data, params); } } function AsproAllcorp3ModalConditionsControl(data, params) { var rand = BX.util.getRandomString(5), that = this; this.params = params || {}; this.message = JSON.parse(params.propertyParams.JS_MESSAGES) || {}; = data || {}; this.nodes = {}; this.ids = { form: 'limit_cond_form_' + this.params.propertyID + '_' + rand, container: 'limit_cond_container_' + this.params.propertyID + '_' + rand, treeObject: 'limit_cond_obj_' + this.params.propertyID + '_' + rand }; this.path = this.getPath(); this.buildNodes(); BX.addCustomEvent('onTreeConditionsInit', BX.proxy(this.modifyTreeParams, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('onAdminTabsDeleteLevel', BX.proxy(this.onChangeForm, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('onMaxVisualChange', BX.proxy(this.onChangeForm, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('onTreeCondPopupClose', BX.proxy(this.onChangeForm, this)); BX.addCustomEvent('onTreeCondDialogSave', BX.proxy(function(e){ var that = this; setTimeout(function(){ that.onChangeForm(); }, 100); }, this)); BX.loadScript('/bitrix/js/catalog/core_tree.js', function(){ BX.ajax({ timeout: 60, method: 'POST', dataType: 'html', url: that.path, data: { action: 'init', data:, property: { id: that.params.propertyParams.ID, iblockId: that.params.propertyParams.IBLOCK_ID }, condition: that.params.oInput.value, ids: that.ids, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid() }, onsuccess: BX.proxy(this.saveData, this) }) }); BX.loadCSS('/bitrix/panel/catalog/catalog_cond.css'); // BX.loadCSS(this.path + '/style.css?' + rand); } AsproAllcorp3ModalConditionsControl.prototype = { getPath: function() { return this.params.propertyParams.AJAX_FILE; }, deleteFromArray: function(keys, array) { if (!BX.type.isArray(keys) || !BX.type.isArray(array)) return; for (var i = array.length; --i;) { if (!!array[i] && array.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if (BX.util.in_array(i, keys)) { array.splice(i, 1); } } } }, onChangeForm: function() { if (!this.nodes.form) return; BX.fireEvent(this.nodes.form, 'change'); }, modifyTreeParams: function(arParams, obTree, obControls) { if (!obControls) return; if(arParams.formName !== this.ids.form){ return; } var i, control, keysToDelete = []; for (i in obControls) { if (obControls.hasOwnProperty(i)) { control = obControls[i]; if ( { this.modifyCondGroup(control); } else { if (this.modifyCondValueGroup(control)) { keysToDelete.push(i); } } } } this.deleteFromArray(keysToDelete, obControls); }, modifyCondGroup: function(ctrl) { var k; if (ctrl.visual) { for (k in ctrl.visual.values) { if (ctrl.visual.values.hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (ctrl.visual.values[k].True === 'False') { ctrl.visual.values.splice(k, 1); ctrl.visual.logic.splice(k, 1); } } } } if (ctrl.control) { for (k in ctrl.control) { if (ctrl.control.hasOwnProperty(k)) { ctrl.control[k].dontShowFirstOption = true; if (ctrl.control[k].id === 'True') { delete ctrl.control[k].values.False; } } } } }, modifyCondValueGroup: function(ctrl) { if (!ctrl || !ctrl.children || !ctrl.children.length) return; var propertyPrefix = 'CondIBProp', propertyCrossalesPrefix = 'CondCrossIBProp', allowedFields = [ 'CondPage', 'CondServerName', ], del, current, name; for (var k in ctrl.children) { if (ctrl.children.hasOwnProperty(k)) { current = ctrl.children[k]; del = true; if (BX.util.in_array(current.controlId, allowedFields)) { del = false; } else { name = current.controlId.split(':'); if (name[1] && name[1] != && name[1] != { return true; } if ((name[0] === propertyPrefix || name[0] === propertyCrossalesPrefix) && name[2]) { del = false; } } if (del) { delete ctrl.children[k]; } } } ctrl.children = ctrl.children.filter(function(val){return val}); return false; }, buildNodes: function() { this.nodes.warning = BX.create('DIV', { props: {className: 'bx-filter-conditions-warning dm-info-message-wrap adm-info-message-red'}, //text: this.message.invalid, html: '<div class="adm-info-message"><div class="adm-info-message-title">' + this.message.invalid + '</div><div class="adm-info-message-icon"></div></div>', style: {display: 'none'} }); this.nodes.container = BX.create('DIV', {props: {id: this.ids.container}}); this.nodes.form = BX.create('FORM', { props: {id: this.ids.form, name: this.ids.form}, children: [this.nodes.container], events: { change: BX.proxy(function(){ this.saveData(); }, this) } }); this.params.oCont.appendChild( BX.create('DIV', { children: [ this.nodes.warning, this.nodes.form ] }) ); BX.bindDelegate(this.nodes.form, 'mousedown', {className: 'condition-item-del'}, BX.proxy(function(){ var that = this; setTimeout(function(){ that.onChangeForm(); }, 100); }, this) ); }, saveData: function() { var systemData = { action: 'save', ids: this.ids, data:, property: { id: this.params.propertyParams.ID, iblockId: this.params.propertyParams.IBLOCK_ID }, sessid: BX.bitrix_sessid() }; BX.ajax({ timeout: 60, method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.path, data: BX.merge(this.getAllFormData(), systemData), onsuccess: BX.proxy(function(result){ if (result === '') { = 'block'; } else { = 'none'; this.params.oInput.value = JSON.stringify(result); } }, this) }); }, getAllFormData: function() { var prepared = BX.ajax.prepareForm(this.nodes.form); for (var i in { if ( && i == '') { delete[i]; } } return !!prepared && ? : {}; } };