Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
import { Dom, Tag, Text, Type } from 'main.core'; import { type BaseEvent } from ''; import { type Item, type ItemId, TagSelector, type TagSelectorOptions } from 'ui.entity-selector'; import { FieldSelectorConfig } from './field-selector-config'; import { TabMessages } from './tab-messages'; import { BaseCollection } from './value-collections/base-collection'; import { IntegerCollection } from './value-collections/integer-collection'; import { StringCollection } from './value-collections/string-collection'; export class FieldSelector { state: boolean = true; containerId: string = ''; fieldName: string = ''; multiple: boolean = false; valueCollection: BaseCollection; iblockId: number = 0; userType: string = ''; entityId: string = ''; searchMessages: TabMessages = {}; changeEvents: string[] = []; constructor(selectorConfig: FieldSelectorConfig) { const config: FieldSelectorConfig = Type.isPlainObject(selectorConfig) ? selectorConfig : {}; this.resetState(); this.setContainerId(config.containerId); this.setFieldName(config.fieldName); this.setMultiple(config.multiple); this.initValueCollection(config.collectionType ?? 'int'); this.setValues(Type.isArray(config.selectedItems) ? config.selectedItems : [config.selectedItems]); this.setIblockId(config.iblockId); this.setUserType(config.userType); this.setEntityId(config.entityId); this.setSearchMessages(config.searchMessages); this.setChangeEvents(config.changeEvents); } resetState(): void { this.state = true; } isStateSuccess(): boolean { return this.state; } showError(error): void { this.state = false; if (Type.isStringFilled(error)) { console.error(`BX.Iblock.FieldSelector: ${error}`); } } showWarning(warning): void { this.state = false; if (Type.isStringFilled(warning)) { console.warn(`BX.Iblock.FieldSelector: ${warning}`); } } setContainerId(containerId): void { this.containerId = Type.isStringFilled(containerId) ? containerId : ''; if (this.containerId === '') { this.showError('containerId is empty. Selector is can\'t be used'); } } getContainerId(): string { return this.containerId; } setFieldName(fieldName): void { this.fieldName = Type.isStringFilled(fieldName) ? fieldName : ''; if (this.fieldName === '') { this.showError('fieldName is empty. Selector is can\'t be used'); } } getFieldName(): string { return this.fieldName; } setMultiple(multiple): void { this.multiple = Type.isBoolean(multiple) ? multiple : false; } getMultiple(): boolean { return this.multiple; } getTagSelectorContainerId(): string { return `${this.getContainerId()}_selector`; } getTagResultContainerId(): string { return `${this.getContainerId()}_results`; } getTagSelectorControlId(): string { return `${this.getContainerId()}Control`; } initValueCollection(collectionType: string): void { if (collectionType === 'string') { this.valueCollection = new StringCollection(); } else { this.valueCollection = new IntegerCollection(); } } setValues(rawValues: []): void { this.valueCollection.set(rawValues); } getValues(): [] { return this.valueCollection.get(); } getTagSelectorItems(): ItemId[] { const entityId: string = this.getEntityId(); const result = []; this.getValues().forEach((value: string | number): void => { const item: ItemId = [ entityId, value, ]; result.push(item); }); return result; } setIblockId(iblockId): void { this.iblockId = 0; if (Type.isInteger(iblockId) && iblockId > 0) { this.iblockId = iblockId; } } getIblockId(): number { return this.iblockId; } setUserType(userType): void { this.userType = ''; if (Type.isStringFilled(userType)) { this.userType = userType; } } getUserType(): string { return this.userType; } setEntityId(entityId): void { this.entityId = Type.isStringFilled(entityId) ? entityId : ''; if (this.entityId === '') { this.showError('entityI id is empty. Selector is can\'t be used'); } } getEntityId(): string { return this.entityId; } setSearchMessages(messages): void { if (Type.isPlainObject(messages)) { this.searchMessages.title = Type.isStringFilled(messages.title) ? messages.title : ''; this.searchMessages.subtitle = Type.isStringFilled(messages.subtitle) ? messages.subtitle : ''; } else { this.searchMessages.title = ''; this.searchMessages.subtitle = ''; } } getSearchTabTitle(): string { return this.searchMessages.title; } getSearchSubtitle(): string { return this.searchMessages.subtitle; } setChangeEvents(events): void { this.changeEvents = []; if (Type.isArrayFilled(events)) { events.forEach((value): void => { if (Type.isStringFilled(value)) { this.changeEvents.push(value); } }); } } getChangeEvents(): string[] { return this.changeEvents; } render(): void { if (!this.isStateSuccess()) { return; } const containerId: string = this.getContainerId(); const container = document.getElementById(containerId); if (!Type.isElementNode(container)) { this.showError(`dom-container ${containerId} is absent. Selector is can't be used`); } const tagSelectorContainer = Tag.render` <div id="${this.getTagSelectorContainerId()}"></div> `; Dom.append(tagSelectorContainer, container); const tagResult = Tag.render` <div id="${this.getTagResultContainerId()}"></div> `; Dom.append(tagResult, container); this.renderSelectedItems(this.getValues()); const tagSelectorConfig: TagSelectorOptions = { id: this.getTagSelectorControlId(), multiple: this.getMultiple(), dialogOptions: { id: this.getTagSelectorControlId(), multiple: this.getMultiple(), preselectedItems: this.getTagSelectorItems(), entities: [ { id: this.getEntityId(), dynamicLoad: true, dynamicSearch: true, options: { iblockId: this.getIblockId(), propertyType: this.getUserType(), }, }, ], searchOptions: { allowCreateItem: false, }, searchTabOptions: { stub: true, stubOptions: { title: Text.encode(this.getSearchTabTitle()), subtitle: Text.encode(this.getSearchSubtitle()), arrow: false, }, }, events: { 'Item:onSelect': this.updateSelectedItems.bind(this), 'Item:onDeselect': this.updateSelectedItems.bind(this), }, }, }; const tagSelector = new TagSelector(tagSelectorConfig); tagSelector.renderTo(tagSelectorContainer); } renderSelectedItems(items: []): void { const tagResult = document.getElementById(this.getTagResultContainerId()); if (!Type.isDomNode(tagResult)) { return; } const fieldName = this.getFieldName(); tagResult.innerHTML = ''; if (items.length > 0) { items.forEach((value: string | number): void => { const hiddenValue = Tag.render` <input type="hidden" name="${fieldName}" value="${`${value.toString()}`}"> `; Dom.append(hiddenValue, tagResult); }); } else { const emptyValue = Tag.render` <input type="hidden" name="${fieldName}" value=""> `; Dom.append(emptyValue, tagResult); } } updateSelectedItems(event: BaseEvent): void { const dialog = event.getTarget(); if (!dialog.isMultiple()) { dialog.hide(); } const selectedItems = dialog.getSelectedItems(); if (Type.isArray(selectedItems)) { const parsedValues = []; selectedItems.forEach((item: Item): void => { parsedValues.push(item.getId()); }); this.renderSelectedItems(parsedValues); const eventList: string[] = this.getChangeEvents(); eventList.forEach((event: string): void => { BX.Event.EventEmitter.emit(event); }); } } }