Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
import {Dom, Event, Tag, Text} from 'main.core'; import {Backend} from 'landing.backend'; import {Env} from 'landing.env'; import {Metrika} from 'landing.metrika'; import {Highlight} from 'landing.ui.highlight'; import {Node, NodeType} from './node'; import {DesignerBlockUI} from './ui/designerblock'; import {RepoElementType} from './ui/panels/repo'; import {RepoManager} from './panels/repo'; import 'ui.fonts.opensans'; import './designerblock.css'; type ManifestNodesItem = { [selector: string]: { code: ?string, name: ?string, type: string, useInDesigner: ?boolean } }; export type DesignerBlockOptions = { id: number, lid: number, code: string, designed: boolean, autoPublicationEnabled: boolean, access: string, active: boolean, anchor: string, manifest: { cards: { [selector: string]: { name: string } }, nodes: { [selector: string]: { code: ?string, name: ?string, type: string } } }, repository: Array<RepoElementType> }; export class DesignerBlock { blockNode: HTMLElement; originalNode: HTMLElement; hoverArea: HTMLElement = null; activeNode: Node = null; changed: boolean = false; saving: boolean = false; designed: boolean; autoPublicationEnabled: boolean; blockCode: string; blockId: number; landingId: number; nodes: ManifestNodesItem; highlight: Highlight; nodeMap: WeakMap; metrika: Metrika; repoManager: RepoManager; cardSelectors: Array<string>; constructor(blockNode: HTMLElement, options: DesignerBlockOptions) { if (!blockNode) { return; } this.originalNode = blockNode; this.blockNode = blockNode.children[0]; this.blockCode = options.code; this.blockId =; this.designed = options.designed; this.autoPublicationEnabled = options.autoPublicationEnabled; this.landingId = options.lid; this.nodes = options.manifest.nodes; this.highlight = new Highlight(); this.cardSelectors = ? Object.keys( : []; this.designAllowed = !!Env.getInstance().getOptions().design_block_allowed; this.cardSelectors.push('');// for without cards elements this.nodeMap = new WeakMap(); this.metrika = new Metrika(true); this.repoManager = new RepoManager({ repository: options.repository, onElementSelect: this.addElement.bind(this) }); this.saveButton = parent.document.getElementById('landing-design-block-save') || top.document.getElementById('landing-design-block-save') || document.getElementById('landing-design-block-save'); BX.addCustomEvent('Landing.Editor:load', () => { this.preventEvents(); this.initHistoryEvents(); this.initTopPanel(); this.initNodes(); this.initGrid(); this.initSliders(); this.initHoverArea(); }); } clearHtml(content: string): string { return content .replace(/<div class="[^"]*landing-designer-block-pseudo-last[^"]*"[^>]*>[\s]*<\/div>/g, '') .replace(/<div class="[^"]*landing-highlight-border[^"]*"[^>]*>[\s]*<\/div>/g, '') .replace(/url\("(.*?)"\)/g, 'url($1)') .replace(/\s*data-(landingwrapper)="[^"]+"\s*/g, ' ') .replace(/\s*[\w-_]+--type-wrapper\s*/g, ' ') .replace(/<div[\s]*>[\s]*<\/div>/g, '') .replace(/\s*style=""/g, ''); } preventEvents() { const preventMap = { a: 'click', form: 'submit', input: 'keydown' }; Object.keys(preventMap).map(tag => { [...this.blockNode.querySelectorAll(tag)].map(node => { Event.bind(node, preventMap[tag], (e) => { e.preventDefault(); }); }); }); } initHistoryEvents() { BX.Landing.History.getInstance() .setTypeDesignerBlock(this.blockId) .then(() => { return Backend.getInstance() .action("History::clearDesignerBlock", { blockId: this.blockId, }); }); const body = this.getDocumentBody(); top.BX.addCustomEvent('Landing:onHistoryAddNode', tags => { let elementAdded = false; => { const insertAfterSelector = tag.insertAfterSelector || null; const parentNodeSelector = tag.parentNodeSelector || null; const element = Tag.render`${tag.elementHtml}`; if (insertAfterSelector) { elementAdded = true; Dom.insertAfter(element, body.querySelector(insertAfterSelector)); } else if (parentNodeSelector) { elementAdded = true; Dom.prepend(element, body.querySelector(parentNodeSelector)); } }); if (elementAdded) { this.refreshManifest(); setTimeout(() => { this.sendLabel( 'designerBlock', 'onHistoryAddNode' ); }, 0); } } ); top.BX.addCustomEvent('Landing:onHistoryRemoveNode', tags => { => { this.removeNode( body.querySelector(tag.elementSelector) ); }); this.refreshManifest(); setTimeout(() => { this.sendLabel( 'designerBlock', 'onHistoryRemoveNode' ); }, 0); } ); } initTopPanel() { Event.bind(this.saveButton, 'click', () => { this.highlight.hide(true); const finishCallback = () => { if (BX.SidePanel && BX.SidePanel.Instance) { BX.SidePanel.Instance.close(); } }; if (!this.changed) { finishCallback(); return; } if (!this.designAllowed) {'limit_crm_superblock'); return; } this.saving = true; const batch = {}; batch['Block::updateContent'] = { action: 'Block::updateContent', data: { lid: this.landingId, block: this.blockId, content: this.clearHtml(this.originalNode.innerHTML).replaceAll(' style="', ' bxstyle="'), designed: 1 } }; if (this.autoPublicationEnabled) { batch['Landing::publication'] = { action: 'Landing::publication', data: { lid: this.landingId } }; } batch['History::clearDesignerBlock'] = { action: 'History::clearDesignerBlock', data: { blockId: this.blockId, } }; Backend.getInstance() .batch('Block::updateContent', batch) .then(() => { this.saving = false; finishCallback(); }); this.sendLabel( 'designerBlock', 'save' + '&designed=' + (this.designed ? 'Y' : 'N') + '&code=' + this.blockCode ); }); } initNodes() { Object.keys(this.nodes).map(selector => { => { [...this.blockNode.querySelectorAll((cardSelector ? cardSelector + ' ' : '') + selector)].map(element => { if (this.nodes[selector]['useInDesigner'] === false) { return; } this.addNode({ element, selector, cardSelector, type: this.nodes[selector]['type'] }); }); }); }); } initGrid() { // collect node's parent and add pseudo last elements into the wrappers Object.keys(this.nodes).map(selector => { => { [...this.blockNode.querySelectorAll((cardSelector ? cardSelector + ' ' : '') + selector)].map(element => { if (this.nodes[selector]['useInDesigner'] === false) { return; } const wrapper = (this.nodes[selector]['type'] === 'icon') ? element.parentNode.parentNode : element.parentNode; if (Dom.attr(wrapper, 'data-landingWrapper')) { return; } const pseudoElement = DesignerBlockUI.getPseudoLast(); Dom.attr(wrapper, 'data-landingWrapper', true); Dom.append(pseudoElement, wrapper); this.addNode({ cardSelector, element: pseudoElement, className: selector.substr(1) + '-last', selector: selector + '-last' }); }); }); }); } initSliders() { const sliderSelector = '.js-carousel'; [...this.blockNode.querySelectorAll(sliderSelector)].map(slider => { const count = (Text.toNumber(slider.dataset.slidesShow) || 1) * (Text.toNumber(slider.dataset.rows) || 1) ; const selector = `.${[...slider.classList].join('.')} .js-slide:not(:nth-child(-n+${count}))`; document.head.appendChild( Tag.render`<style>${selector}{display: none !important;}</style>` ); }); } initHoverArea() { if (this.hoverArea) { return; } this.hoverArea = DesignerBlockUI.getHoverDiv(); const addNodeElement = DesignerBlockUI.getAddNodeButton(); const CardAction = BX.Landing.UI.Button.CardAction; const BaseButtonPanel = BX.Landing.UI.Panel.BaseButtonPanel; const cardAction = new BaseButtonPanel( 'nodeAction', 'landing-ui-panel-block-card-action' ); Event.bind(addNodeElement, 'click', () => { this.repoManager.showPanel(); this.hideHoverArea(); }); cardAction.addButton(new CardAction('remove', { html: ' ', onClick: this.removeElement.bind(this) })); void; Dom.append(addNodeElement, this.hoverArea); Dom.append(cardAction.layout, this.hoverArea); Dom.append(this.hoverArea, this.getDocumentBody()); Event.bind(this.blockNode, 'mouseover', () => { this.hideHoverArea(); }); } adjustHoverArea() { if (!this.hoverArea) { return; } this.showHoverArea(); const clientRect = this.activeNode.getElement().getBoundingClientRect(); const hoverElementAdd = this.hoverArea.querySelector('.landing-designer-block-node-hover-add'); const hoverElementActions = this.hoverArea.querySelector('div[data-id="nodeAction"]'); const editorWindow = BX.Landing.PageObject.getEditorWindow(); if (hoverElementActions) { if (this.activeNode.isPseudoElement()) { Dom.hide(hoverElementActions); } else {; } } if (hoverElementAdd) { hoverElementAdd, { top: (clientRect.height - 5) + 'px' } ); } this.hoverArea, { top: + editorWindow.scrollY + 'px', left: clientRect.left + (clientRect.width < 30 ? 30 : 0) + 'px', width: clientRect.width + 'px', height: '35px' } ); } showHoverArea() { if (this.hoverArea) {; } } hideHoverArea() { if (this.hoverArea) { setTimeout(() => { Dom.hide(this.hoverArea); }, 0); } } refreshManifest(manifest: ?ManifestNodesItem) { if (manifest) { Object.keys(manifest).map(selector => { this.nodes[selector] = manifest[selector]; }); } this.initNodes(); this.initGrid(); } getDocumentBody(): HTMLElement { return document.body; } isInsideElement(element: HTMLElement): boolean { return element.parentElement.tagName === 'A'; } sendLabel(key: string, value: string) { this.metrika.clearSendedLabel(); this.metrika.sendLabel(null, key, value); } addElement(repoElement: RepoElementType) { const activeNode = this.activeNode; const tags = []; [...document.body.querySelectorAll(activeNode.getSelector())].map(node => { const elementHtml = repoElement.html; const element = Tag.render`${elementHtml}`; const insertAfter = this.isInsideElement(node) ? node.parentNode : node; Dom.insertAfter(element, insertAfter); tags.push({ elementHtml, elementSelector: BX.Landing.Utils.getCSSSelector(element), insertAfterSelector: BX.Landing.Utils.getCSSSelector(insertAfter) }); }); this.sendLabel( 'designerBlock', 'addElement' + '&code=' + this.blockCode + '&name=' + repoElement.code + '&preset=' + (Object.keys(repoElement.manifest.nodes).length === 1 ? 'N' : 'Y') ); this.changed = true; this.refreshManifest(repoElement.manifest.nodes);; Backend.getInstance() .action("History::pushDesignerBlock", { blockId: this.blockId, action: 'ADD_NODE', data: { tags: tags, }, }) .then(result => { BX.Landing.History.getInstance().push(); }); } removeElement() { const tags = []; this.hideHoverArea(); this.highlight.hide(); setTimeout(() => { this.sendLabel( 'designerBlock', 'removeElement' + '&tagName=' + this.activeNode.getElement().tagName + '&code=' + this.blockCode ); [...document.body.querySelectorAll(this.activeNode.getSelector())].map(node => { tags.push({ elementHtml: this.clearHtml(node.outerHTML), elementSelector: BX.Landing.Utils.getCSSSelector(node), insertAfterSelector: node.previousElementSibling ? BX.Landing.Utils.getCSSSelector(node.previousElementSibling) : null, parentNodeSelector: BX.Landing.Utils.getCSSSelector(node.parentNode) }); this.removeNode(node); }); this.changed = true; this.refreshManifest(); Backend.getInstance() .action("History::pushDesignerBlock", { blockId: this.blockId, action: 'REMOVE_NODE', data: { selector: this.activeNode.getOriginalSelector(), tags: tags, }, }) .then(result => { BX.Landing.History.getInstance().push(); }); }, 0); } typeWithWrapper(type: string) { return type === 'icon' || type === 'embed'; } addNode(nodeOptions: NodeType): boolean { if (!this.nodeMap.get(nodeOptions.element)) { if (nodeOptions.selector.match(/^\.[\w-_]+$/i) === null) { return false; } // for some type we get parent node const withWrapper = this.typeWithWrapper(nodeOptions.type); nodeOptions.element = withWrapper ? nodeOptions.element.parentNode : nodeOptions.element; if (withWrapper) { nodeOptions.selector = nodeOptions.selector + '--type-wrapper'; Dom.addClass(nodeOptions.element, nodeOptions.selector.substr(1)); } // mouse over callback nodeOptions.onHover = this.onMouseOver.bind(this); this.nodeMap.set( nodeOptions.element, new Node(nodeOptions) ); return true; } return false; } removeNode(node: HTMLElement) { if (node) { Dom.remove(node); this.nodeMap.delete(node); } } onMouseOver(node: Node) { if (this.saving) { return; } this.activeNode = node; this.adjustHoverArea(); if (!node.isPseudoElement()) {; } } }