Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
this.BX = this.BX || {}; (function (exports,landing_main,main_core,landing_backend,landing_pageobject,landing_ui_highlight) { 'use strict'; var RESOLVED = 'resolved'; var PENDING = 'pending'; var HISTORY_TYPES = { landing: 'L', designerBlock: 'D' }; var _BX$Landing$Utils = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo = _BX$Landing$Utils.scrollTo, highlight = _BX$Landing$Utils.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ var editNode = function editNode(entry) { return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); if (!block) { return Promise.reject(); } block.forceInit(); var node = block.nodes.getBySelector(entry.selector); if (!node) { return Promise.reject(); } return scrollTo(node.node).then(highlight.bind(null, node.node, editNode.useRangeRect)).then(function () { return node.setValue(entry.params.value, false, true); }); }); }; editNode.useRangeRect = true; var editText = editNode; var editEmbed = editNode; var editMap = editNode; var editImage = editNode; editImage.useRangeRect = false; var editIcon = editImage; var editLink = editNode; editLink.useRangeRect = false; var _BX$Landing$Utils$1 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$1 = _BX$Landing$Utils$1.scrollTo, highlight$1 = _BX$Landing$Utils$1.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function changeNodeName(entry) { return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); if (!block) { return Promise.reject(); } block.forceInit(); var node = block.nodes.getBySelector(entry.selector); if (!node) { return Promise.reject(); } return scrollTo$1(node.node).then(function () { return highlight$1(node.node); }).then(function () { if (node.onChangeTag) { node.onChangeTag(entry.params.value, true); } return true; }); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$2 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$2 = _BX$Landing$Utils$2.scrollTo, highlight$2 = _BX$Landing$Utils$2.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function sortBlock(entry) { return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); block.forceInit(); return scrollTo$2(block.node).then(highlight$2.bind(null, block.node)).then(function () { return block[entry.params.direction](true); }); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$3 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$3 = _BX$Landing$Utils$3.scrollTo, highlight$3 = _BX$Landing$Utils$3.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function addBlock(entry) { return landing_pageobject.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.params.currentBlock); return new Promise(function (resolve) { if (block) { block.forceInit(); } resolve(); }).then(function () { var landing = BX.Landing.Main.getInstance(); landing.currentBlock = block; return landing_pageobject.PageObject.getInstance().view().then(function (iframe) { landing.currentArea = iframe.contentDocument.body.querySelector("[data-landing=\"".concat(entry.params.lid, "\"]")); landing.insertBefore = entry.params.insertBefore; return landing.onAddBlock(entry.params.code, entry.block, true).then(function (newBlock) { return scrollTo$3(newBlock).then(highlight$3.bind(null, newBlock, false, false)); }); }); }); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$4 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$4 = _BX$Landing$Utils$4.scrollTo, highlight$4 = _BX$Landing$Utils$4.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function removeBlock(entry) { return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); block.forceInit(); return scrollTo$4(block.node).then(function () { highlight$4(block.node); return block.deleteBlock(true); }); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$5 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$5 = _BX$Landing$Utils$5.scrollTo, highlight$5 = _BX$Landing$Utils$5.highlight; /** * @param {string} state * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function addCard(entry) { return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); if (block) { block.forceInit(); } if (!block) { return Promise.reject(); } var parentNode = block.node.querySelector(entry.params.selector).parentNode; return scrollTo$5(parentNode).then(function () { return block.addCard({ index: entry.params.position, container: parentNode, content: entry.params.content, selector: entry.params.selector }, true).then(function () { var cardSelector = entry.params.selector + '@' + entry.params.position; var card =; if (!card) { return Promise.reject(); } return highlight$5(card.node); }); }); })["catch"](function (err) { console.log("Error in history action addCard", err); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$6 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$6 = _BX$Landing$Utils$6.scrollTo, highlight$6 = _BX$Landing$Utils$6.highlight; /** * @param {string} state * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function removeCard(entry) { return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); block.forceInit(); if (!block) { return Promise.reject(); } var relativeSelector = entry.params.selector + '@' + (entry.params.position + 1); var card =; if (!card) { return Promise.reject(); } return scrollTo$6(card.node).then(highlight$6.bind(null, card.node)).then(function () { return block.removeCard(relativeSelector, true); }); }); } /** * History entry action for add node. * @param {object} entry History entry. * @return {Promise} */ function addNode(entry) { var _this = this; // entry.block === null >> designer mode return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var tags = entry.params.tags || {}; top.BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'Landing:onHistoryAddNode', [tags]); resolve(); }); } /** * History entry action for remove node. * @param {object} entry History entry. * @return {Promise} */ function removeNode(entry) { var _this = this; // entry.block === null >> designer mode return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var tags = entry.params.tags || {}; top.BX.onCustomEvent(_this, 'Landing:onHistoryRemoveNode', [tags]); resolve(); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$7 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$7 = _BX$Landing$Utils$7.scrollTo, slice = _BX$Landing$Utils$7.slice; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function editStyle(entry) { return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); if (!block) { return Promise.reject(); } block.forceInit(); block.initStyles(); return block; }).then(function (block) { return scrollTo$7(block.node).then(function () { return block; }); }).then(function (block) { var elements = slice(block.node.querySelectorAll(entry.selector)); if (entry.params.isWrapper) { elements = [block.content]; entry.selector += ' > :first-child'; } elements.forEach(function (element, pos) { if (entry.params.position >= 0 && entry.params.position !== pos) { return; } element.className = entry.params.value.className; if ( && !== '') { =; } else { element.removeAttribute('style'); } }); return block; }).then(function (block) { var form = block.forms.find(function (currentForm) { return currentForm.selector === entry.selector || currentForm.relativeSelector === entry.selector; }); if (form) { form.fields.forEach(function (field) { field.reset(); field.onFrameLoad(); }); } // todo: relative selector? position? var styleNode = block.styles.find(function (style) { return style.selector === entry.selector || style.relativeSelector === entry.selector; }); if (styleNode) { if (entry.params.affect && entry.params.affect.length > 0) { styleNode.setAffects(entry.params.affect); } block.onStyleInputWithDebounce({ node: styleNode.node, data: styleNode.getValue() }, true); } }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$8 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$8 = _BX$Landing$Utils$8.scrollTo, highlight$7 = _BX$Landing$Utils$8.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function editAttributes(entry) { return landing_pageobject.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (block) { block.forceInit(); resolve(block); } else { reject(); } }).then(function (block) { return scrollTo$8(block.node).then(function () { return block.applyAttributeChanges(babelHelpers.defineProperty({}, entry.params.selector, { attrs: babelHelpers.defineProperty({}, entry.params.attribute, entry.params.value) })); }).then(highlight$7.bind(null, block.node, false, false)); }); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$9 = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$9 = _BX$Landing$Utils$9.scrollTo, highlight$8 = _BX$Landing$Utils$9.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function updateContent(entry) { return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.block); block.forceInit(); return scrollTo$9(block.node).then(function () { void highlight$8(block.node); return block.updateContent(entry.params.content, true); }); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$a = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$a = _BX$Landing$Utils$a.scrollTo, highlight$9 = _BX$Landing$Utils$a.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function multiply(entry) { var blockId = null; var updateBlockStateData = {}; entry.params.forEach(function (singleAction) { if (!blockId && singleAction.params.block) { blockId = singleAction.params.block; } if (singleAction.command === 'editText' || singleAction.command === 'editImage' || singleAction.command === 'editEmbed' || singleAction.command === 'editMap' || singleAction.command === 'editIcon' || singleAction.command === 'editLink') { updateBlockStateData[singleAction.params.selector] = singleAction.params.value; } if (singleAction.command === 'updateDynamic') { updateBlockStateData.dynamicParams = singleAction.params.dynamicParams; updateBlockStateData.dynamicState = singleAction.params.dynamicState; } if (singleAction.command === 'changeAnchor') { updateBlockStateData.settings = { id: singleAction.params.value }; } }); return BX.Landing.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(blockId); if (block) { block.forceInit(); return scrollTo$a(block.node).then(function () { void highlight$9(block.node); if (Object.keys(updateBlockStateData).length > 0) { block.updateBlockState(updateBlockStateData, true); } }); } }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$b = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$b = _BX$Landing$Utils$b.scrollTo, highlight$a = _BX$Landing$Utils$b.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function replaceLanding(entry) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { top.window.location.reload(); resolve(); }); } var _BX$Landing$Utils$c = BX.Landing.Utils, scrollTo$c = _BX$Landing$Utils$c.scrollTo, highlight$b = _BX$Landing$Utils$c.highlight; /** * @param {object} entry * @return {Promise} */ function changeAnchor(entry) { return landing_pageobject.PageObject.getInstance().blocks().then(function (blocks) { var block = blocks.get(entry.params.currentBlock); return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (block) { block.forceInit(); resolve(block); } else { reject(); } }).then(function (block) { scrollTo$c(block).then(highlight$b.bind(null, block, false, false)); }); }); } /** * Implements interface for works with command of history * @param {{id: string, undo: function, redo: function}} options */ var Command = function Command(options) { babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Command); = main_core.Type.isStringFilled( ? : '#invalidCommand'; this.command = main_core.Type.isFunction(options.command) ? options.command : function () {}; this.onBeforeCommand = main_core.Type.isFunction(options.onBeforeCommand) ? options.onBeforeCommand : function () { return Promise.resolve(); }; }; var _templateObject; /** * Registers base internal commands * @param {History} history * @return {Promise<History>} */ function registerBaseCommands(history) { history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'editText', command: editText })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'editImage', command: editImage })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'editEmbed', command: editEmbed })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'editMap', command: editMap })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'editIcon', command: editIcon })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'editLink', command: editLink })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'cnangeNodeName', command: changeNodeName })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'sortBlock', command: sortBlock })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'addBlock', command: addBlock })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'removeBlock', command: removeBlock })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'updateStyle', command: editStyle })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'addCard', command: addCard })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'removeCard', command: removeCard })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'addNode', command: addNode })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'removeNode', command: removeNode })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'updateContent', command: updateContent })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'replaceLanding', command: replaceLanding, onBeforeCommand: function onBeforeCommand() { return main_core.Runtime.loadExtension('main.loader').then(function () { var editor = BX.Landing.PageObject.getEditorWindow(); if (editor) { var container = main_core.Tag.render(_templateObject || (_templateObject = babelHelpers.taggedTemplateLiteral(["<div class=\"landing-ui-modal\"></div>"]))); main_core.Dom.append(container, editor.document.body); var loader = new BX.Loader({ target: container });; } return Promise.resolve(); }); } })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'changeAnchor', command: changeAnchor })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'editAttributes', command: editAttributes })); history.registerCommand(new Command({ id: 'multiply', command: multiply })); return Promise.resolve(history); } var worker = new Worker('/bitrix/js/landing/history/src/worker/json-parse-worker.js'); /** * Parses json string * @param {string} str * @return {Promise<?Object|array>} */ function asyncJsonParse(str) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { worker.postMessage(str); worker.addEventListener('message', function (event) { resolve(; }); }); } var worker$1 = new Worker('/bitrix/js/landing/history/src/worker/json-stringify-worker.js'); /** * Serializes object * @param {Object|array} obj * @return {Promise<?String>} */ function asyncJsonStringify(obj) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { worker$1.postMessage(obj); worker$1.addEventListener('message', function (event) { resolve(; }); }); } /** * Removes page history from storage * @param {int} pageId * @param {History} history * @return {Promise<History>} */ function removePageHistory(pageId, history) { return asyncJsonParse(window.localStorage.history).then(function (historyData) { return main_core.Type.isPlainObject(historyData) ? historyData : {}; }).then(function (all) { if (pageId in all) { delete all[pageId]; } return all; }).then(asyncJsonStringify).then(function (allString) { window.localStorage.history = allString; return history; }); } /** * Clears history stack * @param {History} history * @return {Promise<History>} */ function clear(history) { history.stack = null; history.commandState = RESOLVED; return Promise.resolve(history); } /** * Calls on update history stack * @param {History} history * @return {Promise<History>} */ function onUpdate(history) { var rootWindow = BX.Landing.PageObject.getRootWindow(); BX.onCustomEvent(rootWindow.window, 'BX.Landing.History:update', [history]); return Promise.resolve(history); } /** * Calls on init history object * @param history * @return {Promise<History>} */ function onInit(history) { var rootWindow = BX.Landing.PageObject.getRootWindow(); BX.onCustomEvent(rootWindow.window, 'BX.Landing.History:init', [history]); return Promise.resolve(history); } var Entry = function Entry(options) { babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Entry); this.block = options.block; this.selector = options.selector; this.command = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(options.command) ? options.command : '#invalidCommand'; this.params = options.params; }; function _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(obj, privateSet) { _checkPrivateRedeclaration(obj, privateSet); privateSet.add(obj); } function _checkPrivateRedeclaration(obj, privateCollection) { if (privateCollection.has(obj)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } } function _classPrivateMethodGet(receiver, privateSet, fn) { if (!privateSet.has(receiver)) { throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance"); } return fn; } var _loadFromBackend = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _getLoadBackendActionName = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _getLoadBackendParams = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _adjustMultiPage = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _isMultiPage = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var Stack = /*#__PURE__*/function () { /** * ID and type of main entity (landing or design block) */ /** * All entities in stack and them current steps */ function Stack(_entityId) { var entityType = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : HISTORY_TYPES.landing; babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Stack); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _isMultiPage); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _adjustMultiPage); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _getLoadBackendParams); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _getLoadBackendActionName); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _loadFromBackend); babelHelpers.defineProperty(this, "items", []); babelHelpers.defineProperty(this, "entitySteps", {}); this.mainEntityId = _entityId; this.entityType = entityType; } babelHelpers.createClass(Stack, [{ key: "init", value: function init() { return _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _loadFromBackend, _loadFromBackend2).call(this).then(_classPrivateMethodGet(this, _adjustMultiPage, _adjustMultiPage2).bind(this)); } }, { key: "reload", value: function reload() { this.items = []; this.step = 0; return _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _loadFromBackend, _loadFromBackend2).call(this); } }, { key: "setTypeDesignerBlock", value: function setTypeDesignerBlock(blockId) { this.mainEntityId = blockId; this.entityType = HISTORY_TYPES.designerBlock; return this.reload(); } }, { key: "getCommandName", value: function getCommandName() { var undo = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; var step = undo ? this.step : this.step + 1; step--; // array index correction return this.items[step] ? this.items[step].command : null; } }, { key: "getCommandEntityId", value: function getCommandEntityId() { var undo = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; var step = undo ? this.step : this.step + 1; step--; // array index correction return this.items[step] ? this.items[step].entityId : null; } /** * Check is stack undoable * @return {boolean} */ }, { key: "canUndo", value: function canUndo() { return this.step > 0 && this.step <= this.items.length; } /** * Check is stack reduable * @return {boolean} */ }, { key: "canRedo", value: function canRedo() { return this.step >= 0 && this.step < this.items.length; } /** * Change stack when undo or redo * @param undo - if false - redo * @return {Promise} */ }, { key: "offset", value: function offset() { var undo = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; var newStep = undo ? this.step - 1 : this.step + 1; if (newStep >= 0 && newStep <= this.items.length) { this.step = newStep; } return Promise.resolve(); } }, { key: "push", value: function push() { var _this = this; // For some types actions history.push called before backend changes. Need add input timeout return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { // change values before load if (_this.step < _this.items.length) { _this.items = _this.items.slice(0, _this.step - 1); } _this.step++; _this.items.push(_this.items[_this.step - 1]); return _this.reload().then(resolve); }, 500); }); } }]); return Stack; }(); function _loadFromBackend2() { var _this2 = this; return BX.Landing.Backend.getInstance().action(_classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getLoadBackendActionName, _getLoadBackendActionName2).call(this), _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getLoadBackendParams, _getLoadBackendParams2).call(this)).then(function (data) { var items = main_core.Type.isArray(data.stack) ? data.stack : []; items.forEach(function (item) { if (item.entityId && main_core.Type.isNumber(item.entityId) && item.command && main_core.Type.isString(item.command)) { _this2.items.push({ entityId: item.entityId, command: item.command }); if (item.current && item.current === true) { _this2.entitySteps[item.entityId] = _this2.items.length; } } }); var step = main_core.Text.toNumber(data.step); _this2.step = Math.min(_this2.items.length, step); _this2.step = Math.max(0, _this2.step); })["catch"](function (e) { console.error('History load error', e); return history; }); } function _getLoadBackendActionName2() { if (this.entityType === HISTORY_TYPES.designerBlock) { return "History::getForDesignerBlock"; } return "History::getForLanding"; } function _getLoadBackendParams2() { if (this.entityType === HISTORY_TYPES.designerBlock) { return { blockId: this.mainEntityId }; } return { lid: this.mainEntityId }; } function _adjustMultiPage2() { var _this3 = this; var currentItem = this.items[this.step - 1]; if (currentItem && this.entityType === HISTORY_TYPES.landing && _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _isMultiPage, _isMultiPage2).call(this)) { var entitiesToClearFuture = []; this.items.forEach(function (item, index) { var step = index + 1; if (step >= _this3.step) { return; } // Clear future for all entities, except current, that have future (have steps after own current) if (item.entityId !== currentItem.entityId && _this3.entitySteps[item.entityId] < step) { entitiesToClearFuture.push(item.entityId); } }); if (entitiesToClearFuture.length > 0) { var backend = landing_backend.Backend.getInstance(); var promises = []; entitiesToClearFuture.forEach(function (entityId) { promises.push(backend.action('History::clearFutureForLanding', { landingId: entityId })); }); return Promise.all(promises).then(this.reload.bind(this)); } } return Promise.resolve(); } function _isMultiPage2() { return Object.keys(this.entitySteps).length > 1; } var Highlight = /*#__PURE__*/function (_HighlightNode) { babelHelpers.inherits(Highlight, _HighlightNode); function Highlight() { var _this; babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, Highlight); _this = babelHelpers.possibleConstructorReturn(this, babelHelpers.getPrototypeOf(Highlight).call(this)); _this.layout.classList.add('landing-ui-highlight-animation'); _this.animationDuration = 300; return _this; } babelHelpers.createClass(Highlight, [{ key: "show", value: function show(element, rect) { var _this2 = this;, element, rect); return new Promise(function (resolve) { setTimeout(resolve, _this2.animationDuration); _this2.hide(); }); } }], [{ key: "getInstance", value: function getInstance() { var rootWindow = landing_pageobject.PageObject.getRootWindow(); if (!rootWindow.BX.Landing.History.Highlight.instance) { rootWindow.BX.Landing.History.Highlight.instance = new Highlight(); } return rootWindow.BX.Landing.History.Highlight.instance; } }]); return Highlight; }(landing_ui_highlight.Highlight); /** * Implements interface for works with landing history * Implements singleton pattern use as BX.Landing.History.getInstance() * @memberOf BX.Landing */ var History = /*#__PURE__*/function () { /** * Stack of action commands */ /** * Key - command name, value - a Command object */ /** * If command now running - set to PENDING * @type {string} */ /** * Type of current entity * @type {string} */ function History() { var _this = this; babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, History); babelHelpers.defineProperty(this, "stack", null); babelHelpers.defineProperty(this, "commands", {}); babelHelpers.defineProperty(this, "commandState", RESOLVED); babelHelpers.defineProperty(this, "entityType", HISTORY_TYPES.landing); try { this.entityId = landing_main.Main.getInstance().id; } catch (err) { this.entityId = -1; } this.stack = new Stack(this.entityId); this.stack.init().then(function () { return registerBaseCommands(_this); }).then(onInit); } babelHelpers.createClass(History, [{ key: "setTypeDesignerBlock", /** * Set special type for designer block history * @param blockId * @return {Promise<BX.Landing.History>|*} */ value: function setTypeDesignerBlock(blockId) { var _this2 = this; this.entityType = HISTORY_TYPES.designerBlock; this.entityId = blockId; return this.stack.setTypeDesignerBlock(blockId).then(function () { return _this2; }); } }, { key: "getEntityId", value: function getEntityId() { return this.entityId; } }, { key: "beforeUndo", value: function beforeUndo() { var commandName = this.stack.getCommandName(); if (commandName && this.commands[commandName]) { var command = this.commands[commandName]; return command.onBeforeCommand(); } return Promise.resolve(); } }, { key: "beforeRedo", value: function beforeRedo() { var commandName = this.stack.getCommandName(false); if (commandName && this.commands[commandName]) { var command = this.commands[commandName]; return command.onBeforeCommand(); } return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Applies preview history entry * @return {Promise} */ }, { key: "undo", value: function undo() { var _this3 = this; if (this.canUndo()) { this.commandState = PENDING; return this.beforeUndo().then(function () { return landing_backend.Backend.getInstance().action(_this3.getBackendActionName(true), _this3.getBackendActionParams(true)); }).then(function (command) { if (command) { var params = command.params; var entry = new Entry({ block: params.block, selector: params.selector, command: command.command, params: params }); return _this3.runCommand(entry); } return Promise.reject(); }).then(function () { return _this3.offset(); }).then(onUpdate); } return Promise.resolve(this); } /** * Applies preview next history entry * @return {Promise} */ }, { key: "redo", value: function redo() { var _this4 = this; if (this.canRedo()) { this.commandState = PENDING; return this.beforeRedo().then(function () { return landing_backend.Backend.getInstance().action(_this4.getBackendActionName(false), _this4.getBackendActionParams(false)); }).then(function (command) { if (command) { var params = command.params; var entry = new Entry({ block: params.block, selector: params.selector, command: command.command, params: params }); return _this4.runCommand(entry); } return Promise.reject(); }).then(function () { return _this4.offset(false); }).then(onUpdate); } return Promise.resolve(this); } /** * Get name for backend action * @param {boolean} undo - true, if need undo, false for redo * @return {string} */ }, { key: "getBackendActionName", value: function getBackendActionName() { var undo = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; if (this.entityType === HISTORY_TYPES.designerBlock) { return undo ? 'History::undoDesignerBlock' : 'History::redoDesignerBlock'; } return undo ? 'History::undoLanding' : 'History::redoLanding'; } /** * Get id for entity for backend action * @param {boolean} undo - true, if need undo, false for redo * @return {string} */ }, { key: "getBackendActionParams", value: function getBackendActionParams() { var undo = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; if (this.entityType === HISTORY_TYPES.designerBlock) { return { blockId: this.entityId }; } return { lid: this.stack.getCommandEntityId(undo) }; } }, { key: "runCommand", value: function runCommand(entry) { var _this5 = this; if (entry) { var command = this.commands[entry.command]; if (command) { this.commandState = PENDING; return command.command(entry).then(function () { _this5.commandState = RESOLVED; return _this5; })["catch"](function () { _this5.commandState = RESOLVED; return _this5; }); } } } }, { key: "offset", value: function offset() { var _this6 = this; var undo = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true; if (this.commandState === PENDING) { return Promise.resolve(this); } return this.stack.offset(undo).then(function () { return _this6; }); } /** * Check that there are actions to undo * @returns {boolean} */ }, { key: "canUndo", value: function canUndo() { return this.commandState !== PENDING && this.stack.canUndo(); } /** * Check that there are actions to redo * @returns {boolean} */ }, { key: "canRedo", value: function canRedo() { return this.commandState !== PENDING && this.stack.canRedo(); } /** * Adds entry to history stack */ }, { key: "push", value: function push() { var _this7 = this; return this.stack.push().then(function () { return onUpdate(_this7); }); } /** * Registers unique history command * @param {Command} command */ }, { key: "registerCommand", value: function registerCommand(command) { if (command instanceof Command) { this.commands[] = command; } } /** * Removes page history from storage * @param {int} pageId * @return {Promise<BX.Landing.History>} */ }, { key: "removePageHistory", value: function removePageHistory$$1(pageId) { return removePageHistory(pageId, this).then(function (history) { var currentPageId; try { currentPageId = BX.Landing.Main.getInstance().id; } catch (err) { currentPageId = -1; } if (currentPageId === pageId) { return clear(history); } return Promise.reject(); }).then(onUpdate)["catch"](function () {}); } }], [{ key: "getInstance", // not delete - just for export value: function getInstance() { var rootWindow = landing_pageobject.PageObject.getRootWindow(); if (!rootWindow.BX.Landing.History.instance) { rootWindow.BX.Landing.History.instance = new BX.Landing.History(); } return rootWindow.BX.Landing.History.instance; } }]); return History; }(); babelHelpers.defineProperty(History, "Command", Command); babelHelpers.defineProperty(History, "Entry", Entry); babelHelpers.defineProperty(History, "Highlight", Highlight); exports.History = History; }((this.BX.Landing = this.BX.Landing || {}),BX.Landing,BX,BX.Landing,BX.Landing,BX.Landing.UI)); //#