Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
/* eslint-disable */ this.BX = this.BX || {}; (function (exports,main_popup,main_core,ui_cnt,main_core_events) { 'use strict'; let _ = t => t, _t, _t2, _t3, _t4, _t5, _t6, _t7, _t8; function _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(obj, privateSet) { _checkPrivateRedeclaration(obj, privateSet); privateSet.add(obj); } function _checkPrivateRedeclaration(obj, privateCollection) { if (privateCollection.has(obj)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } } function _classPrivateMethodGet(receiver, privateSet, fn) { if (!privateSet.has(receiver)) { throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance"); } return fn; } var _bindEvents = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _getPanel = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _getCounter = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _getValue = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _getTitle = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _getCross = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); let CounterItem = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function CounterItem(args) { babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, CounterItem); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _getCross); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _getTitle); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _getValue); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _getCounter); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _getPanel); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec(this, _bindEvents); = ? : null; this.separator = main_core.Type.isBoolean(args.separator) ? args.separator : true; this.items = main_core.Type.isArray(args.items) ? args.items : []; this.popupMenu = null; this.isActive = main_core.Type.isBoolean(args.isActive) ? args.isActive : false; this.isRestricted = main_core.Type.isBoolean(args.isRestricted) ? args.isRestricted : false; this.panel = args.panel ? args.panel : null; this.title = args.title ? args.title : null; this.value = main_core.Type.isNumber(args.value) && args.value !== undefined ? args.value : null; this.titleOrder = null; this.valueOrder = null; this.color = args.color ? args.color : null; this.parent = main_core.Type.isBoolean(args.parent) ? args.parent : null; this.parentId = args.parentId ? args.parentId : null; this.locked = false; this.type = main_core.Type.isString(args.type) ? args.type.toLowerCase() : null; this.eventsForActive = main_core.Type.isObject(args.eventsForActive) ? args.eventsForActive : {}; this.eventsForUnActive = main_core.Type.isObject(args.eventsForUnActive) ? args.eventsForUnActive : {}; if (main_core.Type.isObject(args.title)) { this.title = args.title.value ? args.title.value : null; this.titleOrder = main_core.Type.isNumber(args.title.order) ? args.title.order : null; } if (main_core.Type.isObject(args.value)) { this.value = main_core.Type.isNumber(args.value.value) ? args.value.value : null; this.valueOrder = main_core.Type.isNumber(args.value.order) ? args.value.order : null; } this.layout = { container: null, value: null, title: null, cross: null, dropdownArrow: null, menuItem: null }; this.counter = _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCounter, _getCounter2).call(this); if (!_classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getPanel, _getPanel2).call(this).isMultiselect()) { _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _bindEvents, _bindEvents2).call(this); } } babelHelpers.createClass(CounterItem, [{ key: "getItems", value: function getItems() { return this.items; } }, { key: "hasParentId", value: function hasParentId() { return this.parentId; } }, { key: "updateValue", value: function updateValue(param) { if (main_core.Type.isNumber(param)) { this.value = param; _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCounter, _getCounter2).call(this).update(param); if (param === 0) { this.updateColor(this.parentId ? 'GRAY' : 'THEME'); } } } }, { key: "updateValueAnimate", value: function updateValueAnimate(param) { if (main_core.Type.isNumber(param)) { this.value = param; _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCounter, _getCounter2).call(this).update(param); _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCounter, _getCounter2).call(this).show(); if (param === 0) { this.updateColor(this.parentId ? 'GRAY' : 'THEME'); } } } }, { key: "updateColor", value: function updateColor(param) { if (main_core.Type.isString(param)) { this.color = param; _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCounter, _getCounter2).call(this).setColor(ui_cnt.Counter.Color[param]); } } }, { key: "activate", value: function activate(isEmitEvent = true) { this.isActive = true; if (this.parentId) { const target = BX.findParent(this.getContainerMenu(), { 'className': 'ui-counter-panel__popup-item' }); if (target) { target.classList.add('--active'); } } else { this.getContainer().classList.add('--active'); } if (isEmitEvent) { main_core_events.EventEmitter.emit('BX.UI.CounterPanel.Item:activate', this); } } }, { key: "deactivate", value: function deactivate(isEmitEvent = true) { this.isActive = false; if (this.parentId) { const target = BX.findParent(this.getContainerMenu(), { 'className': 'ui-counter-panel__popup-item' }); if (target) { target.classList.remove('--active'); target.classList.remove('--hover'); } } else { this.getContainer().classList.remove('--active'); this.getContainer().classList.remove('--hover'); } if (isEmitEvent) { main_core_events.EventEmitter.emit('BX.UI.CounterPanel.Item:deactivate', this); } } }, { key: "getSeparator", value: function getSeparator() { return this.separator; } }, { key: "setEvents", value: function setEvents(container) { if (!container) { container = this.getContainer(); } if (this.eventsForActive) { const eventKeys = Object.keys(this.eventsForActive); for (let i = 0; i < eventKeys.length; i++) { let event = eventKeys[i]; container.addEventListener(event, () => { if (this.isActive) { this.eventsForActive[event](); } }); } } if (this.eventsForUnActive) { const eventKeys = Object.keys(this.eventsForUnActive); for (let i = 0; i < eventKeys.length; i++) { let event = eventKeys[i]; container.addEventListener(event, () => { if (!this.isActive) { this.eventsForUnActive[event](); } }); } } } }, { key: "isLocked", value: function isLocked() { return this.locked; } }, { key: "lock", value: function lock() { this.locked = true; this.getContainer().classList.add('--locked'); } }, { key: "unLock", value: function unLock() { this.locked = false; this.getContainer().classList.remove('--locked'); } }, { key: "getArrowDropdown", value: function getArrowDropdown() { if (!this.layout.dropdownArrow) { this.layout.dropdownArrow = main_core.Tag.render(_t || (_t = _` <div class="ui-counter-panel__item-dropdown"> <i></i> </div> `)); } return this.layout.dropdownArrow; } }, { key: "getContainerMenu", value: function getContainerMenu() { if (!this.layout.menuItem) { this.layout.menuItem = main_core.Tag.render(_t2 || (_t2 = _` <span> ${0} ${0} ${0} </span> `), _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getValue, _getValue2).call(this), this.title, _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCross, _getCross2).call(this)); } return this.layout.menuItem; } }, { key: "getContainer", value: function getContainer() { if (!this.layout.container) { const type = this.type ? `id="ui-counter-panel-item-${this.type}"` : ''; const isValue = main_core.Type.isNumber(this.value); this.layout.container = main_core.Tag.render(_t3 || (_t3 = _` <div ${0} class="ui-counter-panel__item"> ${0} ${0} ${0} </div> `), type, isValue ? _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getValue, _getValue2).call(this) : '', this.title ? _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getTitle, _getTitle2).call(this) : '', isValue ? _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCross, _getCross2).call(this) : ''); if (this.parent) { this.layout.container = main_core.Tag.render(_t4 || (_t4 = _` <div class="ui-counter-panel__item"> ${0} ${0} ${0} </div> `), this.title ? _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getTitle, _getTitle2).call(this) : '', isValue ? _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getValue, _getValue2).call(this) : '', _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCross, _getCross2).call(this)); _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCross, _getCross2).call(this).addEventListener('click', ev => { this.deactivate(); ev.stopPropagation(); }); main_core.Dom.addClass(this.layout.container, '--dropdown'); } if (!isValue) { this.layout.container.classList.add('--string'); } if (!isValue && !this.eventsForActive && !this.eventsForUnActive) { this.layout.container.classList.add('--title'); } if (!this.separator) { this.layout.container.classList.add('--without-separator'); } if (this.locked) { this.layout.container.classList.add('--locked'); } if (this.isActive) { this.activate(); } if (this.isRestricted) { this.layout.container.classList.add('--restricted'); } this.setEvents(this.layout.container); if (isValue && this.items.length === 0) { if (!this.parent) { this.layout.container.addEventListener('mouseenter', () => { if (!this.isActive) { this.layout.container.classList.add('--hover'); } }); this.layout.container.addEventListener('mouseleave', () => { if (!this.isActive) { this.layout.container.classList.remove('--hover'); } }); this.layout.container.addEventListener('click', () => { this.isActive ? this.deactivate() : this.activate(); }); } } if (this.parent) { main_core.Dom.append(this.getArrowDropdown(), this.layout.container); } } return this.layout.container; } }]); return CounterItem; }(); function _bindEvents2() { main_core_events.EventEmitter.subscribe('BX.UI.CounterPanel.Item:activate', item => { const isLinkedItems = ===; if ( !== this && !isLinkedItems) { this.deactivate(); } }); } function _getPanel2() { return this.panel; } function _getCounter2(value, color) { if (!this.counter) { this.counter = new ui_cnt.Counter({ value: this.value, color: this.color ? ui_cnt.Counter.Color[this.color.toUpperCase()] : this.parentId ? ui_cnt.Counter.Color.GRAY : ui_cnt.Counter.Color.THEME, animation: false }); } return this.counter; } function _getValue2() { if (!this.layout.value) { const counterValue = this.isRestricted ? main_core.Tag.render(_t5 || (_t5 = _`<div class="ui-counter-panel__item-lock"></div>`)) : _classPrivateMethodGet(this, _getCounter, _getCounter2).call(this).getContainer(); this.layout.value = main_core.Tag.render(_t6 || (_t6 = _` <div class="ui-counter-panel__item-value"> ${0} </div> `), counterValue);'order', this.valueOrder); } return this.layout.value; } function _getTitle2() { if (!this.layout.title) { this.layout.title = main_core.Tag.render(_t7 || (_t7 = _` <div class="ui-counter-panel__item-title">${0}</div> `), this.title);'order', this.titleOrder); } return this.layout.title; } function _getCross2() { if (!this.layout.cross) { this.layout.cross = main_core.Tag.render(_t8 || (_t8 = _` <div class="ui-counter-panel__item-cross"> <i></i> </div> `)); } return this.layout.cross; } let _$1 = t => t, _t$1, _t2$1, _t3$1; function _classPrivateMethodInitSpec$1(obj, privateSet) { _checkPrivateRedeclaration$1(obj, privateSet); privateSet.add(obj); } function _checkPrivateRedeclaration$1(obj, privateCollection) { if (privateCollection.has(obj)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot initialize the same private elements twice on an object"); } } function _classPrivateMethodGet$1(receiver, privateSet, fn) { if (!privateSet.has(receiver)) { throw new TypeError("attempted to get private field on non-instance"); } return fn; } var _adjustData = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _getContainer = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); var _render = /*#__PURE__*/new WeakSet(); let CounterPanel = /*#__PURE__*/function () { function CounterPanel(options) { babelHelpers.classCallCheck(this, CounterPanel); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec$1(this, _render); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec$1(this, _getContainer); _classPrivateMethodInitSpec$1(this, _adjustData); = main_core.Type.isDomNode( ? : null; this.items = main_core.Type.isArray(options.items) ? options.items : []; this.multiselect = main_core.Type.isBoolean(options.multiselect) ? options.multiselect : null; this.title = main_core.Type.isStringFilled(options.title) ? options.title : null; this.container = null; this.keys = []; this.hasParent = []; } babelHelpers.createClass(CounterPanel, [{ key: "isMultiselect", value: function isMultiselect() { return this.multiselect; } }, { key: "getItems", value: function getItems() { return this.items; } }, { key: "getItemById", value: function getItemById(param) { if (param) { const index = this.keys.indexOf(param); return this.items[index]; } } }, { key: "init", value: function init() { _classPrivateMethodGet$1(this, _adjustData, _adjustData2).call(this); _classPrivateMethodGet$1(this, _render, _render2).call(this); } }]); return CounterPanel; }(); function _adjustData2() { this.items = => { item.panel = this; this.keys.push(; if (item.parentId) { this.hasParent.push(item.parentId); } return new CounterItem(item); }); this.hasParent.forEach(item => { let index = this.keys.indexOf(item); this.items[index].parent = true; }); => { if (item.parentId) { let index = this.keys.indexOf(item.parentId); this.items[index].items.push(; } }); } function _getContainer2() { if (!this.container) { let myHead = ''; if (this.title) { myHead = main_core.Tag.render(_t$1 || (_t$1 = _$1` <div class="ui-counter-panel__item-head">${0}</div> `), this.title); } this.container = main_core.Tag.render(_t2$1 || (_t2$1 = _$1` <div class="ui-counter-panel ui-counter-panel__scope">${0}</div> `), myHead); } return this.container; } function _render2() { if ( && this.items.length > 0) {, key) => { if (item instanceof CounterItem) { if (!item.hasParentId()) { _classPrivateMethodGet$1(this, _getContainer, _getContainer2).call(this).appendChild(item.getContainer()); if (this.items.length !== key + 1 && this.items.length > 1) { _classPrivateMethodGet$1(this, _getContainer, _getContainer2).call(this).appendChild(main_core.Tag.render(_t3$1 || (_t3$1 = _$1` <div class="ui-counter-panel__item-separator ${0}"></div> `), !item.getSeparator() ? '--invisible' : '')); } } if (item.parent) { item.getContainer().addEventListener('click', () => { const itemsArr = []; item.getItems().forEach(item => { const itemCounter = this.getItemById(item); let test = { html: itemCounter.getContainerMenu(), className: `ui-counter-panel__popup-item menu-popup-no-icon ${itemCounter.isActive ? '--active' : ''}`, onclick: () => { itemCounter.isActive ? itemCounter.deactivate() : itemCounter.activate(); } }; itemsArr.push(test); }); const popup = new main_popup.PopupMenuWindow({ className: 'ui-counter-panel__popup ui-counter-panel__scope', bindElement: item.getArrowDropdown(), autoHide: true, closeByEsc: true, items: itemsArr, angle: true, offsetLeft: 6, offsetTop: 5, animation: 'fading-slide', events: { onPopupShow: () => { item.getContainer().classList.add('--hover'); item.getContainer().classList.add('--pointer-events-none'); }, onPopupClose: () => { item.getContainer().classList.remove('--hover'); item.getContainer().classList.remove('--pointer-events-none'); popup.destroy(); } } });; }); } } }); main_core.Dom.clean(;$1(this, _getContainer, _getContainer2).call(this)); } } exports.CounterPanel = CounterPanel; exports.CounterItem = CounterItem; }((this.BX.UI = this.BX.UI || {}),BX.Main,BX,BX.UI,BX.Event)); //#