Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
/* eslint-disable */ if(typeof BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager = function() { = ""; this._editor = null; }; BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager.prototype = { initialize: function(id, settings) { = BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id) ? id : BX.util.getRandomString(4); this._editor = settings.editor; }, isSelectionEnabled: function() { const userFieldManager = this._editor.getUserFieldManager(); return userFieldManager ? userFieldManager.isSelectionEnabled() : true; }, isCreationEnabled: function() { const userFieldManager = this._editor.getUserFieldManager(); return userFieldManager ? userFieldManager.isCreationEnabled() : false; }, isMandatoryControlEnabled: function() { const userFieldManager = this._editor.getUserFieldManager(); return userFieldManager ? userFieldManager.isMandatoryControlEnabled() : false; }, getTypeInfos: function() { const userFieldManager = this._editor.getUserFieldManager(); return userFieldManager ? userFieldManager.getTypeInfos() : false; }, getCreationPageUrl: function(typeId) { const userFieldManager = this._editor.getUserFieldManager(); return userFieldManager ? userFieldManager.getCreationPageUrl() : ""; }, openCreationPageUrl: function(typeId) { var event = new BX.Event.BaseEvent({ data: { isCanceled: false } }); BX.Event.EventEmitter.emit('BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager:onCreateClick', event); if (!event.getData().isCanceled) {; } }, hasExternalForm: function(typeId) { return typeId === 'custom'; }, createFieldConfigurator: function(params, parent) { if(!BX.type.isPlainObject(params)) { throw "BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager: The 'params' argument must be object."; } const userFieldManager = this._editor.getUserFieldManager(); var child = BX.prop.get(params, "field", null); if ( !child || ( child.getType() === "userField" && (userFieldManager ? userFieldManager.isModificationEnabled() : false) ) ) { return this.getUserFieldConfigurator(params, parent); } else { return this.getSimpleFieldConfigurator(params, parent); } }, getSimpleFieldConfigurator: function(params, parent) { var typeId = ""; var child = BX.prop.get(params, "field", null); if(child) { typeId = child.getType(); child.setVisible(false); } else { typeId = BX.prop.get(params, "typeId", BX.UI.EntityUserFieldType.string); } return this._fieldConfigurator = BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.create( "", { editor: this._editor, schemeElement: null, model: parent._model, mode: BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, parent: parent, typeId: typeId, field: child, mandatoryConfigurator: params.mandatoryConfigurator } ); }, getUserFieldConfigurator: function(params, parent) { var typeId = ""; var field = BX.prop.get(params, "field", null); if(field) { if(!(field instanceof BX.UI.EntityEditorUserField)) { throw "BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager: The 'field' param must be EntityEditorUserField."; } typeId = field.getFieldType(); field.setVisible(false); } else { typeId = BX.prop.get(params, "typeId", BX.UI.EntityUserFieldType.string); } return BX.UI.EntityEditorUserFieldConfigurator.create( "", { editor: this._editor, schemeElement: null, model: parent.getModel(), mode: BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.edit, parent: parent, typeId: typeId, field: field, enableMandatoryControl: BX.prop.getBoolean(params, "enableMandatoryControl", true), mandatoryConfigurator: params.mandatoryConfigurator, showAlways: true } ); } }; BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager.create = function(id, settings) { var self = new BX.UI.EntityConfigurationManager(); self.initialize(id, settings); return self; }; } if (typeof BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator = function() { BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.superclass.constructor.apply(this); this._field = null; this._typeId = ""; this._isLocked = false; this._labelInput = null; this._saveButton = null; this._cancelButton = null; this._isTimeEnabledCheckBox = null; this._isRequiredCheckBox = null; this._isMultipleCheckBox = null; this._showAlwaysCheckBox = null; this._optionWrapper = null; this._enumConfigurator = null; this._enableMandatoryControl = true; this._mandatoryConfigurator = null; }; BX.extend(BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator, BX.UI.EntityEditorControl); BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.doInitialize = function() { BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.superclass.doInitialize.apply(this); this._field = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "field", null); if(this._field) { this.checkField(); } this._enableMandatoryControl = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "enableMandatoryControl", true); this._mandatoryConfigurator = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "mandatoryConfigurator", null); this._typeId = BX.prop.getString(this._settings, "typeId", ""); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.checkField = function() { }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getDefaultFieldLabel = function() { var manager = this._editor.getUserFieldManager(); return this._field ? this._field.getTitle() : manager.getDefaultFieldLabel(this._typeId); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.layout = function(options) { if(this._hasLayout) { return; } if(this._mode === BX.UI.EntityEditorMode.view) { throw "EntityEditorFieldConfigurator. View mode is not supported by this control type."; } this._wrapper = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block-new-fields" } }); this.layoutInternal(); this.registerLayout(options); this._hasLayout = true; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.layoutInnerConfigurator = function(innerConfig, listItems, nextNode) { if ( BX.Type.isPlainObject(innerConfig) && BX.Type.isArray(listItems) && this._enumConfigurator === null ) { var enums = []; for (var i = 0; i < listItems.length; i++) { enums.push({ ID: listItems[i]["VALUE"], VALUE: listItems[i]["NAME"], XML_ID: "" }); } this._enumConfigurator = BX.UI.EntityEditorEnumConfigurator.create({ enumInfo: { enumItems: enums, innerConfig: innerConfig }, wrapper: this._wrapper, nextNode: (BX.Type.isDomNode(nextNode) ? nextNode : null) }); this._enumConfigurator.layout(); } } BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.layoutInternal = function() { this._wrapper.appendChild(this.getInputContainer()); if(this._typeId === "list" && (!this._field || this._field.getEditor().canChangeCommonConfiguration())) { this.layoutInnerConfigurator(this._field.getInnerConfig(), this._field.getItems()); } this._wrapper.appendChild(this.getOptionContainer()); this._wrapper.appendChild( BX.create("hr", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-line" } }) ); this._wrapper.appendChild(this.getButtonContainer()); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getInputTitle = function() { return this._field.getTitle(); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getInputContainer = function() { this._labelInput = BX.create( "input", { attrs: { className: "ui-ctl-element", type: "text", value: this.getInputTitle() } } ); return BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block" }, children: [ BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-block-title" }, children: [ BX.create( "span", { attrs: { className: "ui-entity-editor-block-title-text" }, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_FIELD_TITLE") } ) ] } ), BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block" }, children: [ BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-ctl ui-ctl-textbox ui-ctl-w100" }, children: [ this._labelInput ] } ) ] } ) ] } ); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getOptionContainer = function() { this._optionWrapper = BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block" } } ); if(this._field.areAttributesEnabled() && !this._field.isRequired() && this._mandatoryConfigurator) { this._isRequiredCheckBox = this.createOption( { caption: this._mandatoryConfigurator.getTitle() + ":", //labelSettings: { props: { className: "ui-entity-new-field-addiction-label" } }, containerSettings: { style: { alignItems: "center" } }, elements: this._mandatoryConfigurator.getButton().prepareLayout() } ); this._isRequiredCheckBox.checked = !this._mandatoryConfigurator.isEmpty(); this._mandatoryConfigurator.setSwitchCheckBox(this._isRequiredCheckBox); this._mandatoryConfigurator.setLabel(this._isRequiredCheckBox.nextSibling); this._mandatoryConfigurator.setEnabled(this._isRequiredCheckBox.checked); this._mandatoryConfigurator.adjust(); } //region Show Always if (this.getEditor().isShowAlwaysFeautureEnabled()) { this._showAlwaysCheckBox = this.createOption( { caption: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_SHOW_ALWAYS") } ); } else { this._showAlwaysCheckBox = { checked: false }; } this._showAlwaysCheckBox.checked = this._field.checkOptionFlag(BX.UI.EntityEditorControlOptions.showAlways); //endregion return BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block ui-entity-editor-content-block-checkbox" }, children: [ this._optionWrapper ] } ); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getButtonContainer = function() { this._saveButton = BX.create( "span", { props: { className: "ui-btn ui-btn-primary" }, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_SAVE"), events: { click: BX.delegate(this.onSaveButtonClick, this) } } ); this._cancelButton = BX.create( "span", { props: { className: "ui-btn ui-btn-light-border" }, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_CANCEL"), events: { click: BX.delegate(this.onCancelButtonClick, this) } } ); return BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block-new-fields-btn-container" }, children: [ this._saveButton, this._cancelButton ] } ); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getIsTimeEnabledCheckBox = function() { var checkBox = null; if(this._field === null && this._typeId === "datetime") { checkBox = this.createOption({ caption: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UF_ENABLE_TIME") }); } return checkBox; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getMultipleCheckBox = function() { var checkBox = null; if (this._field === null && this._typeId !== "boolean") { checkBox = this.createOption({ caption: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UF_MULTIPLE_FIELD") }); } return checkBox; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getIsRequiredCheckBox = function() { var checkBox = null; if( this._field !== null && this._field.areAttributesEnabled() && !this._field.isRequired() && this._mandatoryConfigurator ) { checkBox = this.createOption( { caption: this._mandatoryConfigurator.getTitle() + ":", //labelSettings: { props: { className: "ui-entity-new-field-addiction-label" } }, containerSettings: { style: { alignItems: "center" } }, elements: this._mandatoryConfigurator.getButton().prepareLayout() } ); checkBox.checked = !this._mandatoryConfigurator.isEmpty(); this._mandatoryConfigurator.setSwitchCheckBox(checkBox); this._mandatoryConfigurator.setLabel(checkBox.nextSibling); this._mandatoryConfigurator.setEnabled(checkBox.checked); this._mandatoryConfigurator.adjust(); } return checkBox; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.clearLayout = function() { if(!this._hasLayout) { return; } this._wrapper = BX.remove(this._wrapper); this._labelInput = null; this._saveButton = null; this._cancelButton = null; // this._isTimeEnabledCheckBox = null; this._isRequiredCheckBox = null; // this._isMultipleCheckBox = null; this._showAlwaysCheckBox = null; this._optionWrapper = null; this._hasLayout = false; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.createOption = function(params) { var element = BX.create("input", { props: { className: "ui-ctl-element", type: "checkbox" } }); var label = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "ui-ctl ui-ctl-wa ui-ctl-checkbox ui-ctl-xs" }, style: { marginBottom: 0 }, children: [ BX.create("label", { children: [ element, BX.create("span", { props: { className: "ui-ctl-label-text" }, text: BX.prop.getString(params, "caption", "") }) ] }) ] }); var labelSettings = BX.prop.getObject(params, "labelSettings", null); if(labelSettings) { BX.adjust(label, labelSettings); } var helpCode = BX.prop.getString(params, "helpCode", ""); if (helpCode) { label.appendChild( BX.create("span", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-new-field-helper-icon" }, events: { click: function () {"redirect=detail&code=" + helpCode); } } }) ); } else { var helpUrl = BX.prop.getString(params, "helpUrl", ""); if(helpUrl !== "") { label.appendChild( BX.create("a", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-new-field-helper-icon", href: helpUrl, target: "_blank" } }) ); } } var childElements = [ label ]; var elements = BX.prop.getArray(params, "elements", []); for(var i = 0, length = elements.length; i < length; i++) { childElements.push(elements[i]); } var container = BX.create( "div", { children: childElements } ); var containerSettings = BX.prop.getObject(params, "containerSettings", null); if(containerSettings) { BX.adjust(container, containerSettings); } this._optionWrapper.appendChild(container); return element; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.onSaveButtonClick = function(e) { if(this._isLocked) { return; } if(this._mandatoryConfigurator) { if(this._mandatoryConfigurator.isChanged()) { this._mandatoryConfigurator.acceptChanges(); } this._mandatoryConfigurator.close(); } var params = this.prepareSaveParams(); BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onSave", [ this, params]); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.prepareSaveParams = function() { var params = { typeId: this._typeId, label: this._labelInput.value }; if(this._field) { params["field"] = this._field; params["mandatory"] = this._isRequiredCheckBox ? this._isRequiredCheckBox.checked : (this._field.isRequired() || this._field.isRequiredByAttribute()); } else { if(this._isRequiredCheckBox) { params["mandatory"] = this._isRequiredCheckBox.checked; } } params["showAlways"] = this._showAlwaysCheckBox.checked; params['settings'] = (params['settings'] || []); if (this._useTimezoneCheckBox) { params['settings']['USE_TIMEZONE'] = (this._useTimezoneCheckBox.checked ? 'Y' : 'N'); } if(this._typeId === "list" && this._enumConfigurator) { params["innerConfig"] = (this._field) ? this._field.getInnerConfig() : {}; params["enumeration"] = this._enumConfigurator.prepareSaveParams(); } return params; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.onCancelButtonClick = function(e) { if(this._isLocked) { return; } var params = { typeId: this._typeId }; if(this._field) { params["field"] = this._field; } BX.onCustomEvent(this, "onCancel", [ this, params ]); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.setLocked = function(locked) { locked = !!locked; if(this._isLocked === locked) { return; } this._isLocked = locked; if(this._isLocked) { BX.addClass(this._saveButton, "ui-btn-clock"); } else { BX.removeClass(this._saveButton, "ui-btn-clock"); } }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.prototype.getField = function() { return this._field; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator.create = function(id, settings) { var self = new BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfigurator(); self.initialize(id, settings); return self; }; } if (typeof BX.UI.EntityEditorEnumConfigurator === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityEditorEnumConfigurator = function() { this._settings = null; this._enumInfo = null; this._wrapper = null; this._nextNode = null; this._enumItemWrapper = null; this._enumItemContainer = null; this._enumButtonWrapper = null; this._draggable = null; this._enumItems = []; this.displaySelect = null; this.displaySelectValue = null; this.defaultDisplaySelectValue = 'UI'; this.showDisplaySettings = null; }; BX.UI.EntityEditorEnumConfigurator.prototype = { initialize: function (settings) { this._settings = settings ? settings : {}; this._enumInfo = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, "enumInfo", {}); this._wrapper = BX.prop.getElementNode(this._settings, "wrapper", null); this._nextNode = BX.prop.getElementNode(this._settings, "nextNode", null); this.showDisplaySettings = BX.prop.getBoolean(this._settings, "showDisplaySettings", false); this.displaySelectValue = BX.prop.getString( this._settings, 'display', this.defaultDisplaySelectValue ); if (!this.displaySelectValue.length) { this.displaySelectValue = this.defaultDisplaySelectValue; } }, layout: function() { if (BX.Type.isDomNode(this._wrapper)) { this.layoutElements(); if (this.showDisplaySettings) { this.layoutDisplay(); } } }, layoutElements: function() { var isNextNode = BX.Type.isDomNode(this._nextNode); var enumContainer = this.getEnumerationContainer(); var elements = [ BX.create("hr", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-line" } }), BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-block-title" }, children: [ BX.create( "span", { attrs: { className: "ui-entity-editor-block-title-text" }, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UF_ENUM_ITEMS") } ) ] } ), enumContainer ]; for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { if (isNextNode) { this._wrapper.insertBefore(elements[i], this._nextNode); } else { this._wrapper.appendChild(elements[i]); } } }, layoutDisplay: function() { var displayWrapper = BX.Dom.create('div', { attrs: { class: 'ui-entity-editor-content-block', style: 'padding-right:38px;' }, html: '<hr class="ui-entity-editor-line">' }); var blockTitle = BX.Dom.create('div', { attrs: { class: 'ui-entity-editor-block-title' }, children: [ BX.Dom.create('span', { attrs: { class: 'ui-entity-editor-block-title-text' }, props: { text: BX.Loc.getMessage('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UF_ENUM_ITEMS') } }), ] }); displayWrapper.appendChild(blockTitle); blockTitle.appendChild(this.getDisplaySelect()); if (BX.Type.isDomNode(this._nextNode)) { this._wrapper.insertBefore(displayWrapper, this._nextNode); } else { this._wrapper.appendChild(displayWrapper); } }, getDisplaySelect: function() { if (!this.displaySelect) { var displaySelect = BX.Dom.create('select', { attrs: { className: 'main-ui-control main-enum-dialog-input' }, props: { name: 'display' } }); var items = { UI: BX.Loc.getMessage('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UF_ENUM_DISPLAY_UI'), DIALOG: BX.Loc.getMessage('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UF_ENUM_DISPLAY_DIALOG'), LIST: BX.Loc.getMessage('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UF_ENUM_DISPLAY_LIST'), CHECKBOX: BX.Loc.getMessage('UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_UF_ENUM_DISPLAY_CHECKBOX') }; for (var displayName in items) { var option = BX.Dom.create('option', { attrs: { value: displayName }, props: { text: items[displayName] } }); displaySelect.appendChild(option); } displaySelect.value = this.getDisplaySelectValue(); this.displaySelect = displaySelect; } return this.displaySelect; }, getDisplaySelectValue: function() { return (this.displaySelect ? this.displaySelect.value : this.displaySelectValue); }, getEnumerationContainer: function() { this._enumItemWrapper = BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block" } } ); this._enumItemContainer = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block" } }); this._enumItemWrapper.appendChild(this._enumItemContainer); this._enumButtonWrapper = BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-block-add-field" } } ); this._enumItemWrapper.appendChild(this._enumButtonWrapper); this._enumButtonWrapper.appendChild( BX.create( "span", { props: { className: "ui-entity-card-content-add-field" }, events: { click: BX.delegate(this.onEnumerationItemAddButtonClick, this) }, text: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_ADD") } ) ); var enumItems = BX.Runtime.clone(BX.prop.getArray(this._enumInfo, "enumItems", [])); var innerConfig = BX.prop.getObject(this._enumInfo, "innerConfig", {}); var itemsConfig = BX.prop.getObject(innerConfig, "itemsConfig", {}); var fakeValues = BX.prop.getArray(itemsConfig, "fakeValues", []); var systemValues = BX.prop.getArray(itemsConfig, "systemValues", []); var systemInitText = BX.prop.getObject(itemsConfig, "systemInitText", {}); for(var i = 0, length = enumItems.length; i < length; i++) { if (enumItems[i].hasOwnProperty("ID")) { var id = enumItems[i]["ID"]; var isFakeItem = (fakeValues.indexOf(id) >= 0); var isSystemItem = (systemValues.indexOf(id) >= 0); var hasInitText = ( isSystemItem && systemInitText.hasOwnProperty(id) && BX.Type.isString(systemInitText[id]) ); enumItems[i]["IS_FAKE"] = (isFakeItem) ? "Y" : "N"; enumItems[i]["IS_SYSTEM"] = (isSystemItem) ? "Y" : "N"; enumItems[i]["INIT_TEXT"] = (hasInitText) ? systemInitText[id] : ""; } this.createEnumerationItem(enumItems[i]); } this.createEnumerationItem(); this._draggable = new BX.UI.DragAndDrop.Draggable({ container: this._enumItemContainer, draggable: '.ui-ctl-row', dragElement: '.ui-ctl-row-draggable', type: BX.UI.DragAndDrop.Draggable.CLONE }); return this._enumItemWrapper; }, onEnumerationItemAddButtonClick: function(e) { this.createEnumerationItem().focus(); }, createEnumerationItem: function(data) { var item = BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfiguratorEnumItem.create( "", { configurator: this, container: this._enumItemContainer, data: data } ); this._enumItems.push(item); item.layout(); return item; }, removeEnumerationItem: function(item) { for(var i = 0, length = this._enumItems.length; i < length; i++) { if(this._enumItems[i] === item) { this._enumItems[i].clearLayout(); this._enumItems.splice(i, 1); break; } } }, prepareSaveParams: function() { var result = []; var hashes = []; var sortIndex; for(var i = 0, length = this._enumItems.length; i < length; i++) { var enumData = this._enumItems[i].prepareData(); if(!enumData) { continue; } var hash = BX.util.hashCode(enumData["VALUE"]); if(BX.util.in_array(hash, hashes)) { continue; } hashes.push(hash); sortIndex = -1; if (this._draggable) { sortIndex = this._draggable.getElementIndex(this._enumItems[i].getDraggableContainer()); } enumData["SORT"] = (sortIndex >= 0) ? sortIndex * 100 : (result.length + 1) * 100; result.push(enumData); } return result; } }; BX.UI.EntityEditorEnumConfigurator.create = function(settings) { var self = new BX.UI.EntityEditorEnumConfigurator(); self.initialize(settings); return self; }; } if(typeof BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfiguratorEnumItem === "undefined") { BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfiguratorEnumItem = function() { this._id = ""; this._settings = null; this._data = null; this._configurator = null; this._container = null; this._labelInput = null; this._hasLayout = false; this._isFake = null; this._isSystem = null; this._initText = ""; this._onRevertButtonClickHandler = BX.delegate(this.onRevertButtonClick, this); this._onChangeTextHandler = BX.delegate(this.onChangeText, this); }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfiguratorEnumItem.prototype = { initialize: function(id, settings) { this._id = BX.type.isNotEmptyString(id) ? id : BX.util.getRandomString(4); this._settings = BX.type.isPlainObject(settings) ? settings : {}; this._data = BX.prop.getObject(this._settings, "data", {}); this._configurator = BX.prop.get(this._settings, "configurator"); this._container = BX.prop.getElementNode(this._settings, "container"); this._isFake = (BX.prop.getString(this._data, "IS_FAKE", "N") === "Y"); this._isSystem = (BX.prop.getString(this._data, "IS_SYSTEM", "N") === "Y"); this._initText = BX.prop.getString(this._data, "INIT_TEXT", ""); }, isFake: function() { return this._isFake; }, isSystem: function() { return this._isSystem; }, getDraggableContainer: function() { return (this._hasLayout && BX.Type.isDomNode(this._wrapper)) ? this._wrapper : null; }, layout: function() { if(this._hasLayout) { return; } this._wrapper = BX.create("div", { props: { className: "ui-ctl ui-ctl-textbox ui-ctl-w100 ui-ctl-row" }, style: { marginTop: "10px", marginBottom: "10px" } }); if (!this.isFake()) { this._wrapper.appendChild( BX.create("span", { props: { className: "ui-ctl-row-draggable" } }) ); } this._labelInput = BX.create( "input", { props: { className: "ui-ctl-element", placeholder: BX.message("UI_ENTITY_EDITOR_NEW_LIST_ITEM"), type: "input", value: BX.prop.getString(this._data, "VALUE", "") } } ); this._wrapper.appendChild(this._labelInput); if (this.isFake()) { this._labelInput.setAttribute("disabled", ""); = "auto"; this._wrapper.appendChild( BX.create("div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-remove-block-system" } }) ); } else if (this.isSystem()) { if (this.isInitialTextDifferent()) { this._revertButton = BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-revert-name-block" }, events: { click: this._onRevertButtonClickHandler } } ); } else { this._revertButton = BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-remove-block-system" } } ); } this._wrapper.appendChild(this._revertButton); BX.Event.bind(this._labelInput, "keyup", this._onChangeTextHandler); BX.Event.bind(this._labelInput, "input", this._onChangeTextHandler); } else { this._wrapper.appendChild( BX.create( "div", { props: { className: "ui-entity-editor-content-remove-block" }, events: { click: BX.delegate(this.onDeleteButtonClick, this) } } ) ); } var anchor = BX.prop.getElementNode(this._settings, "anchor"); if(anchor) { this._container.insertBefore(this._wrapper, anchor); } else { this._container.appendChild(this._wrapper); } this._hasLayout = true; }, clearLayout: function() { if(!this._hasLayout) { return; } if (BX.Type.isDomNode(this._revertButton)) { BX.Event.unbind(this._revertButton, "click", this._onRevertButtonClickHandler); } if (BX.Type.isDomNode(this._labelInput)) { BX.Event.unbind(this._labelInput, "keyup", this._onChangeTextHandler); BX.Event.unbind(this._labelInput, "input", this._onChangeTextHandler); } this._wrapper = BX.remove(this._wrapper); this._hasLayout = false; }, focus: function() { if(this._labelInput) { setTimeout(function() { this._labelInput.focus(); }.bind(this), 0); } }, prepareData: function() { var value = this._labelInput ? BX.util.trim(this._labelInput.value) : ""; if(value === "") { return null; } var data = { "IS_FAKE": (BX.prop.getString(this._data, "IS_FAKE", "N") === "Y") ? "Y" : "N", "IS_SYSTEM": (BX.prop.getString(this._data, "IS_SYSTEM", "N") === "Y") ? "Y" : "N", "VALUE": value }; var id = BX.prop.get(this._data, "ID", null); if (id !== null) { data["ID"] = id; } var xmlId = BX.prop.get(this._data, "XML_ID", null); if (xmlId !== null) { data["XML_ID"] = xmlId; } return data; }, isInitialTextDifferent: function() { return ( (BX.Type.isDomNode(this._labelInput)) ? (this._initText !== this._labelInput.value) : false ); }, toggleRevertButton: function() { if (this.isSystem() && BX.Type.isDomNode(this._revertButton)) { var systemClassName = "ui-entity-editor-content-remove-block-system"; var revertClassName = "ui-entity-editor-content-revert-name-block"; if (this.isInitialTextDifferent()) { if (BX.Dom.hasClass(this._revertButton, systemClassName)) { BX.Dom.removeClass(this._revertButton, systemClassName); BX.Dom.addClass(this._revertButton, revertClassName); BX.Event.bind(this._revertButton, "click", this._onRevertButtonClickHandler); } } else { if (BX.Dom.hasClass(this._revertButton, revertClassName)) { BX.Dom.removeClass(this._revertButton, revertClassName); BX.Dom.addClass(this._revertButton, systemClassName); BX.Event.unbind(this._revertButton, "click", this._onRevertButtonClickHandler); } } } }, revertText: function() { if (this.isSystem()) { if (BX.Type.isStringFilled(this._initText) && BX.Type.isDomNode(this._labelInput)) { this._labelInput.value = this._initText; } } }, onChangeText: function() { this.toggleRevertButton(); }, onDeleteButtonClick: function(e) { this._configurator.removeEnumerationItem(this); }, onRevertButtonClick: function(e) { this.revertText(); this.toggleRevertButton(); } }; BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfiguratorEnumItem.create = function(id, settings) { var self = new BX.UI.EntityEditorFieldConfiguratorEnumItem(); self.initialize(id, settings); return self; }; }