Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<? $MESS["ADV_CONTENT_BOTTOM_TITLE"] = "Under content"; $MESS["ADV_CONTENT_TOP_TITLE"] = "Above content"; $MESS["ADV_FOOTER_TITLE"] = "At the bottom of the page"; $MESS["ADV_GROUP_TITLE"] = "Location of advertising banners"; $MESS["ADV_OPTIONS"] = "Banners"; $MESS["ADV_SIDE_TITLE"] = "Side"; $MESS["ADV_TOP_HEADER_TITLE"] = "Above the header"; $MESS["ADV_TOP_UNDERHEADER_TITLE"] = "Top under the header"; $MESS["ALL_COUNTERS2_TITLE"] = "File with counters (after the opening <b>body</b> tag)"; $MESS["ALL_COUNTERS_TITLE"] = "File with counters (before the closing <b>/body</b> tag)"; $MESS["ANIMATION_FADE"] = "Fade"; $MESS["ANIMATION_SLIDE_HORIZONTAL"] = "Slide horizontally (slide)"; $MESS["ANIMATION_SLIDE_VERTICAL"] = "Sliding vertically (slide)"; $MESS["API_TOKEN_INSTAGRAMM"] = "API token"; $MESS["APPLE_TOUCH_ICON_IMAGE"] = "Web Clip Icon 180x180"; $MESS["BACK_BUTTON_HEADER"] = "Return to header customization"; $MESS["BANNER_WIDTH"] = "Main banner width"; $MESS["BANNER_WIDTH_AUTO"] = "Fit to screen width"; $MESS["BANNER_WIDTH_MIDDLE"] = "Middle"; $MESS["BANNER_WIDTH_NARROW"] = "Narrow"; $MESS["BANNER_WIDTH_WIDE"] = "Wide"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR"] = "Base color"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_1"] = "Color 1"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_10"] = "Color 10"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_11"] = "Color 11"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_12"] = "Color 12"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_13"] = "Color 13"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_14"] = "Color 14"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_15"] = "Color 15"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_16"] = "Color 16"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_17"] = "Color 17"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_2"] = "Color 2"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_3"] = "Color 3"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_4"] = "Color 4"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_5"] = "Color 5"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_6"] = "Color 6"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_7"] = "Color 7"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_8"] = "Color 8"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_9"] = "Color 9"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_CUSTOM"] = "Custom color"; $MESS["BASE_COLOR_HINT"] = "A case study of how we reduced the time for invoicing by 20 times. Useful functionality and secrets of implementing the Flowlu CRM system"; $MESS["BASKET_OPTIONS"] = "Cart"; $MESS["BASKET_PAGE_URL_TITLE"] = "Cart page"; $MESS["BGCOLOR_THEME_DARK"] = "Dark"; $MESS["BGCOLOR_THEME_FOOTER_SIDE_TITLE"] = "Paint the sides of the footer with the background color"; $MESS["BGCOLOR_THEME_LIGHT"] = "Light"; $MESS["BGCOLOR_THEME_TITLE"] = "Background color"; $MESS["BG_IMG_PLACE"] = "picture on background"; $MESS["BIGBANNER_ANIMATIONSPEED"] = "Big banner animation speed (ms)"; $MESS["BIGBANNER_ANIMATIONTYPE"] = "Large banner animation type"; $MESS["BIGBANNER_HIDEONNARROW"] = "Hide on narrow screens (<600px)"; $MESS["BIGBANNER_MOBILE"] = "Main banner type in mobile version"; $MESS["BIGBANNER_MOBILE_1"] = "Without active picture"; $MESS["BIGBANNER_MOBILE_2"] = "With a margin below the title and text"; $MESS["BIGBANNER_MOBILE_3"] = "Separate picture"; $MESS["BIGBANNER_SLIDESSHOWSPEED"] = "Large banner slideshow speed (ms)"; $MESS["BIG_BANNER_INDEX"] = "Large banners"; $MESS["BIG_PICTURES"] = "Big pictures"; $MESS["BLOCK_2_NAV_TITLE"] = "With a round picture"; $MESS["BLOCK_3_BG_TITLE"] = "3 in a row with text inside"; $MESS["BLOCK_3_MD_IMG_TEXT_TITLE"] = "3 in a row with text below and text to the left"; $MESS["BLOCK_3_MD_IMG_TITLE"] = "3 in a row with the text below"; $MESS["BLOCK_3_MD_IMG_TITLE2"] = "3 in a row with the text to the left"; $MESS["BLOCK_3_NO_IMG_TITLE"] = "3 in a row without pictures with text on the left"; $MESS["BLOCK_4_BG_TITLE"] = "With a big block"; $MESS["BLOCK_4_MD_IMG_TITLE"] = "Same size"; $MESS["BLOCK_4_NAV_TITLE"] = "With text inside"; $MESS["BLOCK_4_NO_IMG_TITLE"] = "4 elements in a row without pictures"; $MESS["BLOCK_4_ROUND_IMG_TITLE"] = "4 in a row with a round picture"; $MESS["BLOCK_BG_TEXT_TITLE"] = "Several in a row"; $MESS["BLOCK_ROW_TITLE"] = "1 in a row"; $MESS["BLOCK_ROW_TITLE_1"] = "With text to the left"; $MESS["BLOCK_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Display type"; $MESS["BLOG_INDEX"] = "Articles"; $MESS["BLOG_PAGE_LEFT_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Side menu in the articles section"; $MESS["BLOG_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Articles"; $MESS["BOTH_SECTION"] = "Before and after product list"; $MESS["BOTTOM_BANNERS"] = "Bottom row"; $MESS["BOTTOM_BANNERS_INDEX"] = "Banners with pictures"; $MESS["BOTTOM_BANNERS_ITEM"] = "1 in a row"; $MESS["BOTTOM_ICONS_PANEL"] = "Bottom panel with icons"; $MESS["BOTTOM_OFFSET"] = "Bottom padding"; $MESS["BOTTOM_SECTION"] = "After the list of products"; $MESS["BOTTOM_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_POSITION_TITLE"] = "Property with lower description"; $MESS["BOTTOM_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_TITLE"] = "Property with lower description"; $MESS["BRANDS_DETAIL_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Manufacturers - detailed"; $MESS["BRANDS_INDEX"] = "Brands"; $MESS["BRANDS_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Manufacturers"; $MESS["BUTTON_VIEW_DESKTOP"] = "A computer"; $MESS["BUTTON_VIEW_MOBILE"] = "Mobile"; $MESS["BUTTON_VIEW_TABLET"] = "The tablet"; $MESS["BUYMISSINGGOODS_ADD"] = "Show \"Add to cart\" button"; $MESS["BUYMISSINGGOODS_NOTHING"] = "Display nothing"; $MESS["BUYMISSINGGOODS_ORDER"] = "Display the \"Custom order\" button with a popup"; $MESS["BUYMISSINGGOODS_SUBSCRIBE"] = "Display Subscribe Button"; $MESS["BUYMISSINGGOODS_TITLE"] = "Buy button for missing items"; $MESS["BUYNOPRICEGGOODS_NOTHING"] = "Display nothing"; $MESS["BUYNOPRICEGGOODS_ORDER"] = "Display the \"Custom order\" button with a popup"; $MESS["BUYNOPRICEGGOODS_TITLE"] = "Buy button for items with zero / absent price"; $MESS["CABINET"] = "Personal cabinet"; $MESS["CALCULATE_DELIVERY_NOT"] = "Do not display"; $MESS["CALCULATE_DELIVERY_ONLY_POPUP"] = "Detailed calculation of the cost when clicking on the link"; $MESS["CALCULATE_DELIVERY_TITLE"] = "Delivery cost calculation"; $MESS["CALCULATE_DELIVERY_WITH_PREVIEW"] = "Brief calculation of the cost on the page + link to a detailed calculation"; $MESS["CALLBACK_BUTTON"] = "Display \"Request a call\""; $MESS["CALLBACK_BUTTON_VALUE_HINT"] = "If the setting is active, a call order icon in the form of a handset will be displayed in the floating block on the right."; $MESS["CALLBACK_FORM_TITLE"] = "Request a call"; $MESS["CALLSTAFF_FORM_TITLE"] = "Write to the employee"; $MESS["CAPTCHA_FORM_TYPE"] = "Use captcha in web forms on infoblocks"; $MESS["CATALOG_COMPARE_TITLE"] = "Display product comparison"; $MESS["CATALOG_DETAIL_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Detailed catalog page"; $MESS["CATALOG_IBLOCK_ID_TITLE"] = "Product catalog ID"; $MESS["CATALOG_PROPERTY_CODE_TITLE"] = "Showed catalog properties"; $MESS["CATALOG_SKU_IBLOCK_ID_TITLE"] = "SKU iblock ID"; $MESS["CATALOG_SKU_PROPERTY_CODE_TITLE"] = "Showed sku properties"; $MESS["CATALOG_SKU_TREE_PROPERTY_CODE_TITLE"] = "SKU tree properties"; $MESS["CATALOG_INDEX"] = "\"Catalog\" on the main"; $MESS["CATALOG_OID_TITLE"] = "Parameter defining SKU on the detailed"; $MESS['CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM_LIST_TITLE'] = 'Substitute the title of the offer in the name of the product in the list'; $MESS['CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM_DETAIL_TITLE'] = 'Substitute the title of the offer in the name of the product on the detailed page'; $MESS["CATALOG_PAGE_DETAIL_GALLERY_SIZE"] = "The size of the main gallery in the product card"; $MESS["CATALOG_PAGE_DETAIL_SKU_TITLE"] = "Display type of trade offers"; $MESS["CATALOG_PAGE_DETAIL_THUMBS_HORIZONTAL"] = "Horizontally"; $MESS["CATALOG_PAGE_DETAIL_THUMBS_TITLE"] = "Displaying thumbnails in the main gallery in the product card"; $MESS["CATALOG_PAGE_DETAIL_THUMBS_VERTICAL"] = "Vertically"; $MESS["CATALOG_PAGE_LANDINGS_TITLE"] = "Landing page list template"; $MESS["CATALOG_PAGE_OPTIONS"] = "Catalog"; $MESS["CATALOG_PAGE_URL_TITLE"] = "Catalog page"; $MESS["CATALOG_SECTIONS_INDEX"] = "Catalog Sections"; $MESS["CATALOG_SECTIONS_PAGE_TITLE"] = "List of catalog sections"; $MESS["CATALOG_SKU_IBLOCK_ID_TITLE"] = "Trade offer ID"; $MESS["CATALOG_TAB_INDEX"] = "Catalog items"; $MESS["CENTERED_FORM"] = "Center shape"; $MESS["CHANGE"] = "Edit"; $MESS["CHANGE_TITLE_ITEM_TITLE"] = "Substitute the title of the trade offer in the name of the product in the list and on the detail page"; $MESS["CHILDS_VIEW_BY_DELIMITER_TITLE"] = "Through separator"; $MESS["CHILDS_VIEW_ROWS_TITLE"] = "By lines"; $MESS["CHILDS_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Item type"; $MESS["CLICK_TO_SHOW_4DEPTH"] = "Expand the 4th level of menu nesting by clicking"; $MESS["CLOSE_POPUP"] = "Close"; $MESS["COLLECTIONS_INDEX"] = "Landings"; $MESS["COLORED_LOGO"] = "Logo with base color background"; $MESS["COMBINE_AMOUNT"] = "List/Map"; $MESS["COMPACT_FILTER_HIDE_LEFT_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Expanded smart filter with side menu disabled"; $MESS["COMPACT_FOOTER_MOBILE"] = "Compact mobile footer"; $MESS["COMPANY_INDEX"] = "\"Company block\" on the main"; $MESS["COMPANY_TEXT_INDEX"] = "Company block"; $MESS["COMPANY_TYPE_1"] = "With a large banner"; $MESS["COMPANY_TYPE_2"] = "With text and picture"; $MESS["COMPANY_TYPE_3"] = "With two descriptions"; $MESS["COMPARE_PAGE_URL_TITLE"] = "Product comparison page"; $MESS["CONSULT_INDEX"] = "\"Consultation form\" on the main"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_ADDRESS_TITLE"] = "The address"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_DESCRIPTION12_TITLE"] = "Brief description text"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_DESCRIPTION_TITLE"] = "Brief description text"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_EDIT_LINK_NOTE"] = "<a href=\"#CONTACTS_HREF#\" target=\"_blank\"> Go to editing contact page </a>"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_EMAIL_TITLE"] = "Email"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_IMAGES_TITLE"] = "Image gallery"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_IMAGE_TITLE"] = "Picture"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_MAP_GOOGLE_TITLE"] = "Google map settings"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_MAP_NOTE"] = "To configure the map parameters, double-click on the map component in the open area edit dialog box"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_MAP_TITLE"] = "Map settings"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_MAP_YANDEX_TITLE"] = "Yandex map settings"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_PAGE_SECTION_TITLE"] = "Contact page"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_PHONE_TITLE"] = "Phone"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_REGIONAL_DESCRIPTION34_TITLE"] = "Brief description text"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_REGIONAL_DESCRIPTION5_TITLE"] = "Brief description text"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_REGIONAL_PHONE_TITLE"] = "Phone"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_SCHEDULE12_TITLE"] = "schedule"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_SCHEDULE_TITLE"] = "Schedule"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_TITLE"] = "Contacts"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_TYPE_MAP"] = "Card type on contact page"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_TYPE_MAP_GOOGLE"] = "Google"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_TYPE_MAP_YANDEX"] = "Yandex"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_USE_FEEDBACK_TITLE"] = "Display the feedback form on the contact page"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_USE_MAP_TITLE"] = "Show map on contact page"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_USE_SOCIALS_TITLE"] = "Display links to social networks on the contact page"; $MESS["CONTACTS_OPTIONS_USE_TABS_TITLE"] = "Show tabs \"On the map\" and \"List\" on the contact page"; $MESS["COUNTERS_GOALS_OPTIONS"] = "Goals and counters"; $MESS["COUNTERS_OPTIONS"] = "Counters"; $MESS["COUNT_ITEMS_IN_LINE_MENU_TITLE"] = "Number of columns in catalog dropdown menu"; $MESS["CRM_SCRIPT_TITLE"] = "Form call script"; $MESS["CUSTOM_BGCOLOR_THEME_TITLE"] = "Custom background color #"; $MESS["CUSTOM_FONT_TITLE"] = "Custom font from Google Fonts"; $MESS["DARK_HOVER_OVERLAY"] = "Darken background on hover over menu"; $MESS["DATE_FORMAT"] = "Date format"; $MESS["DATE_FORMAT_COLON"] = "dd:mm:yyyy"; $MESS["DATE_FORMAT_DOT"] = ""; $MESS["DATE_FORMAT_HYPHEN"] = "dd-mm-yyyy"; $MESS["DATE_FORMAT_SLASH"] = "dd/mm/yyyy"; $MESS["DATE_FORMAT_SPACE"] = "dd mm yyyy"; $MESS["DELIMITER_BLOCK"] = "Separator"; $MESS["DESCRIPTION_SECTION"] = "Description"; $MESS["DETAIL_LINKED_PROJECTS_BLOCK"] = "Block"; $MESS["DETAIL_LINKED_PROJECTS_LIST"] = "List"; $MESS["DETAIL_LINKED_PROJECTS_TITLE"] = "List view of related projects"; $MESS["DETAIL_LINKED_STAFF_BLOCK"] = "Block"; $MESS["DETAIL_LINKED_STAFF_LIST"] = "List"; $MESS["DETAIL_LINKED_STAFF_TITLE"] = "List view of related employees"; $MESS["DETAIL_LINKED_TARIFFS_TITLE"] = "List view of related tariffs"; $MESS["DETAIL_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Item detail page template"; $MESS["DETAIL_PICTURE_MODE_IMG"] = "Normal"; $MESS["DETAIL_PICTURE_MODE_MAGNIFIER"] = "Magnifier"; $MESS["DETAIL_PICTURE_MODE_POPUP"] = "Pop-up window"; $MESS["DETAIL_PICTURE_MODE_TITLE"] = "Detailed picture display mode"; $MESS["DIRECTOR_FORM_TITLE"] = "Write to the director"; $MESS["DISCOUNT_PRICE_TITLE"] = "Old price for goods"; $MESS["DOCUMENTS_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Documents"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_COUNT"] = "In line"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_COUNT_1"] = "1 element"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_COUNT_2"] = "2 elements"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_COUNT_3"] = "3 elements"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_COUNT_4"] = "4 elements"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_COUNT_5"] = "5 elements"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_LIST_TYPE_VIEW_TITLE"] = "List view of items"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_PRICE_TYPE_VIEW_TITLE"] = "View of displaying elements by table"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_TABLE_TYPE_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Tile display of catalog items"; $MESS["EMAIL_IS_ALREADY_EXISTS_MESSAGE_DEFAULT"] = "Email #EMAIL# is already in use"; $MESS["ERROR_ID_FORM"] = "Please enter a valid form ID"; $MESS["EXPRESSIONS_OPTIONS"] = "Expressions and names"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ADDEDTOBASKET_BUTTON_DEFAULT"] = "In cart"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ADDEDTOBASKET_BUTTON_TITLE"] = "Button name \"<i>In cart</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ADDTOBASKET_BUTTON"] = "Button name \"<i>Add to cart</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ADDTOBASKET_BUTTON_DEFAULT"] = "Add to cart"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ADDTOBASKET_BUTTON_TITLE"] = "Button name \"<i>Add to cart</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_CALCULATE_DELIVERY_DEFAULT"] = "Calculate delivery"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_CALCULATE_DELIVERY_TITLE"] = "Text of the button \"<i> Calculate delivery </i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_EXISTS_TITLE"] = "Expression text \"<i>Available </i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_FAST_VIEW_DEFAULT"] = "Fast view"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_FAST_VIEW_TITLE"] = "<i>Fast View </i> button text"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_FREE_DELIVERY"] = "The text of the expression \"<i> Delivery 0 rub. </i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_FREE_DELIVERY_DEFAULT"] = "Is free"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_MAX_TITLE"] = "Expression text \"<i>Many </i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_MID_TITLE"] = "Expression text \"<i>Enough </i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_MIN_TITLE"] = "Expression text \"<i>Few </i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_NOTEXISTS_TITLE"] = "Expression text \"<i>Out of stock </i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_PRINT_PAGE_DEFAULT"] = "Print version"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_FOR_PRINT_PAGE_TITLE"] = "<i>Print version </i> button text"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ORDER_BUTTON"] = "Button name \"<i>By order</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ORDER_BUTTON_DEFAULT"] = "To order"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ORDER_BUTTON_TITLE"] = "Button name \"<i>By order</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ORDER_TEXT"] = "The text under the button \"<i>On order</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ORDER_TEXT_DEFAULT"] = "Our managers will definitely contact you and clarify the terms of the order"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_ORDER_TEXT_TITLE"] = "The text under the button \"<i>On order</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_READ_MORE_OFFERS_DEFAULT"] = "More details"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_READ_MORE_OFFERS_TITLE"] = "Button name \"<i>More</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_SUBSCRIBED_BUTTON"] = "Button name \"<i>Unsubscribe</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_SUBSCRIBED_BUTTON_DEFAULT"] = "Unsubscribe"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_SUBSCRIBED_BUTTON_TITLE"] = "Button name \"<i>Unsubscribe</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON"] = "Button name \"<i>Subscribe</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESSION_SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_DEFAULT"] = "Subscribe to"; $MESS["EXPRESSION_SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_TITLE"] = "Button name \"<i>Subscribe</i>\""; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_ACTION"] = "Act"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_ACTION_FORM"] = "Open the form"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_ACTION_LINK"] = "Follow the link"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS"] = "Class"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS_btn-default"] = "Normal (btn-default)"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS_btn-info"] = "btn-info"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS_btn-primary"] = "btn-primary"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS_btn-success"] = "btn-success"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS_btn-transparent"] = "Transparent (btn-transparent)"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS_btn-transparent-border"] = "White with colored border (btn-transparent-border)"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS_btn-warning"] = "btn-warning"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CLASS_custom"] = "Custom class"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_CUSTOM_CLASS"] = "Custom class"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_FORM"] = "The form"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_FORM_EMPTY"] = " - Not chosen"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_FORM_FORM"] = "Unique from web forms"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_FORM_IBLOCK"] = "Unique from the infoblock"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_FORM_MERGE"] = "General (from web forms and infoblocks)"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_LINK"] = "Link"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_ATR_TITLE"] = "Attributes"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_ATR_OPTION_NAME_TITLE"] = "Name"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_ATR_OPTION_VALUE_TITLE"] = "Value"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_TITLE"] = "Name"; $MESS["EXPRESS_BUTTON_TITLE_DEFAULT"] = "Send order"; $MESS["EXTENDED"] = "Extended"; $MESS["FAQS_INDEX"] = "Question answer"; $MESS["FAQS_TYPE_1"] = "Side of the text"; $MESS["FAQS_TYPE_2"] = "Below the text"; $MESS["FAST_VIEW"] = "Buy in 1 click"; $MESS["FAVICON_IMAGE"] = "Favicon 16x16"; $MESS["FAVORIT_ITEM_INDEX"] = "Product of the day"; $MESS["FEEDBACK_FORM_TITLE"] = "Give feedback"; $MESS["FIVE_ROW"] = "5 in a row"; $MESS["FIXED_BUY_MOBILE"] = "Fixed buy button"; $MESS["FLOAT_BANNERS_INDEX"] = "Banners with background"; $MESS["FLOAT_BANNERS_TYPE_1"] = "Large banners"; $MESS["FLOAT_BANNERS_TYPE_2"] = "No description"; $MESS["FLOAT_BANNERS_TYPE_3"] = "With a description"; $MESS["FONT_BUTTONS"] = "Button text"; $MESS["FONT_STYLE"] = "Font"; $MESS["FONT_STYLE_HINT_TEXT"] = " <div class=\"top_title\">Configuring fonts from Google Fonts</div> <div class=\"description\"><p> For the first time in the Aspro: Allcorp3 solution, there is an opportunity to independently change the font to suit the specifics of the project. This is done in a couple of clicks and without the help of a programmer - just select the font you like from the Google font library and add it to a special solution field </p></div> <div class=\"video_container\"> <iframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" data-src=\"\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen></iframe> </div> <div class=\"bottom_description\"> <p><!-- noindex --><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"> Solution Knowledge Base</a><!-- /noindex --></p> </div> "; $MESS["FONT_STYLE_HINT_TITLE"] = "How do I upload my font?"; $MESS["FON_BLOCK"] = "Background"; $MESS["FOOTER_COLOR"] = "Footer color"; $MESS["FOOTER_DARK"] = "Dark"; $MESS["FOOTER_LIGHT"] = "Light"; $MESS["FOOTER_OPTIONS"] = "Footer"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_ADDRESS"] = "The address"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_CALLBACK"] = "Request a call"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_EMAIL"] = "Email"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_LANG"] = "Language switching"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_OPTIONS"] = "Footer composition"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_PAY_SYSTEMS"] = "Payment systems"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_DEVELOPER"] = "Developer logo"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_DEVELOPER_PARTNER"] = "Partner logo"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_EYED"] = "Version for the visually impaired"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_SITEMAP"] = "Sitemap"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_PHONE"] = "Phones"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_SEARCH"] = "Search"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_SLOGAN"] = "Tagline"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_SOCIAL"] = "Social networks"; $MESS["FOOTER_TOGGLE_SUBSCRIBE"] = "Subscription"; $MESS["FOOTER_TYPE"] = "Footer type"; $MESS["FORMS_INDEX"] = "The form"; $MESS["FORMS_OPTIONS"] = "Input validation"; $MESS["FORMS_TYPE_1"] = "Shape on background"; $MESS["FORMS_TYPE_2"] = "Picture and shape"; $MESS["FORMS_TYPE_3"] = "Compact"; $MESS["FOUR_ROW"] = "Type 1"; $MESS["FOUR_ROW2"] = "4 in a row2"; $MESS["FOUR_ROW3"] = "4 in a row3"; $MESS["FROM"] = "from"; $MESS["FROM_LANG"] = "from site language"; $MESS["FROM_SITE_NAME"] = "from the site name"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_1"] = "With a collision on a hat"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_10"] = "Type 10"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_2"] = "Carousel"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_3"] = "With banners on the side"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_4"] = "Without hitting the hat"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_5"] = "Half"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_6"] = "Type 6"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_7"] = "Type 7"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_8"] = "Type 8"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_9"] = "Type 9"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BIG_BANNERS_TITLE"] = "Large banners display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BLOG_TITLE"] = "Articles display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BOTTOM_BANNERS_TITLE"] = "Display of banners with pictures"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_BRANDS_TITLE"] = "Manufacturer display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_CATALOG_TAB_TITLE"] = "View of displaying catalog items"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_COLLECTIONS_TITLE"] = "Collections display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_COMPANY_TEXT_TITLE"] = "Type of display about the company"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_FAQS_TITLE"] = "Question-answer display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_FAVORIT_ITEM_TITLE"] = "Display type of the product of the day"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_FLOAT_BANNERS_TITLE"] = "Banner display type with background (Type 2)"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_FORMS_TITLE"] = "Form display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_GALLERY_TITLE"] = "Gallery"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_INSTAGRAMM_TITLE"] = "Instagram display type"; $MESS['FRONT_PAGE_VK_TITLE'] = 'Vk display type'; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_LOOKBOOKS_TITLE"] = "Overview display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_MAPS_TITLE"] = "Map display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_MIDDLE_ADV_TITLE"] = "Display type of banners with text (Type 1)"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_NEWS_TITLE"] = "News display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_PROJECTS_TITLE"] = "Project display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_REVIEWS_TITLE"] = "Feedback display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SALES_TITLE"] = "Stock display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_BLOCK"] = "Sections with pictures on a white background"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_BLOCK2"] = "Sections with pictures on a gray background"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_BLOCK2_ICONS"] = "Sections with icons on a gray background"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_BLOCK3"] = "Slider sections with pictures"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_BLOCK3_ICONS"] = "Slider sections with icons"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_BLOCK4"] = "With pictures and text on the left"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_BLOCK4_ICONS"] = "With icons and text on the left"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_BLOCK_ICONS"] = "Sections with icons on white background"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_CHILDS"] = "Sections with subsections"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_CHILDS2"] = "Sections with subsections on hover"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_CHILDS2_ICONS"] = "Sections as icons with subsections on hover"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_CHILDS_ICONS"] = "Root sections with icons with subsections"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SECTIONS_TITLE"] = "View of the list of catalog sections"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_SERVICES_TITLE"] = "Service display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_STAFF_TITLE"] = "Employee display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_TARIFFS_TITLE"] = "Tariff display type"; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_TIZERS_TITLE"] = "Teaser display type"; $MESS["FRONT_YOUTUBE_INDEX_TITLE"] = 'Youtube display view on the main'; $MESS["FRONT_PAGE_YOUTUBE_INDEX_TYPE_1"] = 'Type 1'; $MESS["GALLERY_INDEX"] = "Gallery"; $MESS["GALLERY_PAGE_OPTIONS"] = "Gallery"; $MESS["GALLERY_PROPERTY_CODE_TITLE"] = "Gallery property symbolic code"; $MESS["GALLERY_TYPE_1"] = "Tiles"; $MESS["GALLERY_TYPE_2"] = "Carousel"; $MESS["GOALS_NOTE_TITLE"] = "<div data-goal=\"form\"><div data-value=\"common\">Filling out any web form - <i>goal_webform_success</i></div><div style=\"display: none;\" data-value=\"single\">The goal id when filling out the web form has the template <i>goal_webform_success_#web form_id#</i><br />#FORMS_GOALS_LIST#</div></div> <div data-goal=\"basket\">Adding a product to the basket - <i>goal_basket_add</i> <br>Checkout started - <i>goal_order_begin</i> <br> Order successfully completed - <i>goal_order_success</i> </div> <div data-goal=\"debug\"><b> Goal challenge information will be displayed in the browser console </b> </div>"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA"] = "Google reCaptcha"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_BADGE_BOTTOMLEFT_TITLE"] = "in the lower left corner"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_BADGE_BOTTOMRIGHT_TITLE"] = "in the lower right corner"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_BADGE_INLINE_TITLE"] = "inside the form"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_BADGE_TITLE"] = "Google reCaptcha logo position"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_COLOR_DARK_TITLE"] = "dark"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_COLOR_LIGHT_TITLE"] = "light"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_COLOR_TITLE"] = "Block color with Google reCaptcha"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_MASK_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Exception mask"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_MIN_SCORE_TITLE"] = "Minimum Acceptable User Rating"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_NOTE_TEXT"] = "<div data-version=3 style=\"display: none;\"> When verifying captcha, the Google reCAPTCHA service returns the <i> humanity rating </i> of the current user - a number from 0.0 & nbsp; (bot) to 1.0 & nbsp; (people) ... This estimate is ambiguous and can change over time. Because when calculating it, the collected behavioral characteristics of the user and other parameters on different sites are analyzed. <br /> Filling out the form by the user is considered suspicious if the score is less than the specified <i> minimum value </i>. Decreasing it increases the likelihood of skipping spam, and increasing the value increases the likelihood of a real person being rejected. <br /> <br /> </div> Registering a domain and obtaining keys <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br /> Keys from different versions of the service are incompatible."; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY_TITLE"] = "The secret key"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY_TITLE"] = "Public key"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SHOW_LOGO_TITLE"] = "Display Google reCaptcha logo"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SIZE_COMPACT_TITLE"] = "compact"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SIZE_INVISIBLE_TITLE"] = "hidden"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SIZE_NORMAL_TITLE"] = "common"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SIZE_TITLE"] = "Captcha size"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_VERSION2_TITLE"] = "reCaptcha v2"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_VERSION3_TITLE"] = "reCaptcha v3"; $MESS["GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_VERSION_TITLE"] = "Version"; $MESS["GREY_IMG_PLACE"] = "picture on the substrate"; $MESS["GRUPPER_PROPS_GRUPPER"] = "Grupper - property grouper from ALFA Systems"; $MESS["GRUPPER_PROPS_NO"] = "Not used"; $MESS["GRUPPER_PROPS_TITLE"] = "Property grouper"; $MESS["GRUPPER_PROPS_WEBDEBUG"] = "Utilities from \"Webdebug\""; $MESS["GRUPPER_PROPS_YENISITE_GRUPPER"] = "Grouping of properties + hints with a description from \"ROMZA\""; $MESS["H1FONT"] = "Heading style"; $MESS["H1FONT_STYLE"] = "Style"; $MESS["HEADER_FIXED"] = "Fixed header"; $MESS["HEADER_FON"] = "The background on the main"; $MESS["HEADER_MARGIN"] = "Indented"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE"] = "Mobile header"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_COLOR"] = "Color"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_COLOR_COLORED"] = "Color"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_COLOR_DARK"] = "Dark"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_COLOR_GREY"] = "Gray"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_COLOR_WHITE"] = "White"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_FIXED_TITLE"] = "Fixed mobile header"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_MENU"] = "Mobile menu type"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_MENU_FULL"] = "Detailed"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_MENU_OPEN"] = "Mobile menu display method"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_MENU_OPEN_LEFT"] = "Slides out on the left"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_MENU_OPEN_TOP"] = "Drops out from above"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_MENU_TOP"] = "Brief"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_SHOW_ALWAYS"] = "Is always"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_SHOW_SCROLL_TOP"] = "When scrolling up"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_TOGGLE_BURGER"] = "Burger mobile menu"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_TOGGLE_BURGER_POSITION"] = "Right"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_TOGGLE_CALLBACK"] = "Request a call"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_TOGGLE_CART"] = "Basket"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_TOGGLE_OPTIONS"] = "Header composition"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_TOGGLE_PERSONAL"] = "Personal Area"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_TOGGLE_PHONE"] = "Phones"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_TOGGLE_SEARCH"] = "Search"; $MESS["HEADER_MOBILE_WHITE"] = "White"; $MESS["HEADER_NARROW"] = "Fit to content width"; $MESS["HEADER_OPTIONS"] = "Header"; $MESS["HEADER_PHONES_OPTIONS_TITLE"] = "Phone List"; $MESS["HEADER_PHONE_OPTION_DESCRIPTION_TITLE"] = "Description"; $MESS["HEADER_PHONE_OPTION_VALUE_TITLE"] = "Phone number"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_ADDRESS"] = "The address"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_BUTTON"] = "Button"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_CALLBACK"] = "Request a call"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_CART"] = "Basket"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_LANG"] = "Language switching"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_MEGA_MENU"] = "Burger mega menu"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_MEGA_MENU_POSITION"] = "Right"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_OPTIONS"] = "Header composition"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_PERSONAL"] = "Personal Area"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_PHONE"] = "Phones"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_SEARCH"] = "Search"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_SLOGAN"] = "Slogan"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_SOCIAL"] = "Social networks"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_TOPEST_BUTTON"] = "Button on top"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_EYED"] = "Version for the visually impaired"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_COMPARE"] = "Compare"; $MESS["HEADER_TOGGLE_THEME_SELECTOR"] = "Theme selector"; $MESS["HEADER_TOP_LINE"] = "Top block type"; $MESS["HEADER_TYPE"] = "Header options"; $MESS["HEIGHT_BANNER"] = "Height"; $MESS["HIDDEN_CAPTCHA_TITLE"] = "Hidden captcha"; $MESS["HIDE_LEFT_TEXT_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Hide text block"; $MESS["HIGH_BANNER"] = "Tall"; $MESS["HOVER_TYPE_IMG_BLINK"] = "Flashing"; $MESS["HOVER_TYPE_IMG_NONE"] = "No animation"; $MESS["HOVER_TYPE_IMG_SHINE"] = "Shine"; $MESS["HOVER_TYPE_IMG_TITLE"] = "Image hover type"; $MESS["ICONS"] = "Icons"; $MESS["IMAGES"] = "Images"; $MESS["IMAGES_POSITION"] = "Picture position"; $MESS["IMAGES_WIDE_MENU_POSITION_LEFT"] = "Left"; $MESS["IMAGES_WIDE_MENU_POSITION_TITLE"] = "Position of images in the menu"; $MESS["IMAGES_WIDE_MENU_POSITION_TOP"] = "From above"; $MESS["IMAGES_WIDE_MENU_TITLE"] = "Images in a wide menu"; $MESS["IMAGE_POSITION"] = "Picture position"; $MESS["IMAGE_POSITION_BOTTOM"] = "From below"; $MESS["IMAGE_POSITION_LEFT"] = "Left"; $MESS["IMAGE_POSITION_RIGHT"] = "Right"; $MESS["IMAGE_POSITION_SIDE"] = "On both sides"; $MESS["IMAGE_POSITION_TOP"] = "From above"; $MESS["IMAGE_TYPE"] = "Image type"; $MESS["IMAGE_TYPE_ICON"] = "Icon"; $MESS["IMAGE_TYPE_IMAGE"] = "Picture"; $MESS["IMAGE_TYPE_ROUND"] = "Round picture"; $MESS["INDEX_PAGE_OPTIONS"] = "Mainpage"; $MESS["INDEX_TYPE"] = "Home page type"; $MESS["INDEX_TYPE_1"] = "Type 1"; $MESS["INDEX_TYPE_2"] = "Type 2"; $MESS["INDEX_TYPE_3"] = "Type 3"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_ALL_VALUE"] = "All publications"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_INDEX"] = "Social services widget"; $MESS['VK_INDEX'] = 'Vkontakte'; $MESS["YOUTUBE_OPTIONS"] = "YouTube"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_ITEMS_COUNT"] = "Number of items received"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_ITEMS_VISIBLE"] = "Number of visible elements"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_TEXT_LENGTH"] = "Displayed text size (in characters)"; $MESS['VK_WIDE_BLOCK'] = 'Width Block'; $MESS['VK_ITEMS_COUNT'] = 'Number of items received'; $MESS['VK_ITEMS_VISIBLE'] = 'Number of visible items'; $MESS['API_TOKEN_VK'] = 'API token'; $MESS['GROUP_ID_VK'] = 'VK community ID'; $MESS['VK_TITLE_BLOCK'] = 'Block title'; $MESS['VK_TITLE_ALL_BLOCK'] = 'Link text with all entries'; $MESS['VK_VALUE'] = 'We are VKontakte'; $MESS['VK_ALL_VALUE'] = 'All posts'; $MESS['VK_TEXT_LENGTH'] = 'Size of displayed text (in characters)'; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_TITLE_ALL_BLOCK"] = "Link text with all entries"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_TITLE_BLOCK"] = "Block header"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_TYPE_1"] = "Same size"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_TYPE_2"] = "With a big block"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_VALUE"] = "We are on Instagram"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_WIDE_BLOCK"] = "Full width block"; $MESS["INSTAGRAMM_WIDE_BLOCK_NOTE_TEXT"] = "This option applies only to the main ones, in which the left block is not displayed. If the value is set, the title of the Instagram block will be hidden."; $MESS["INSTAGRAM_RKN_NOTE_TEXT"] = "* Instagram recognized as an extremist organization and prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation"; $MESS['TOKEN_YOUTUBE'] = 'API token for YouTube'; $MESS['CHANNEL_ID_YOUTUBE_TITLE'] = 'ID channel for YouTube'; $MESS['SORT_YOUTUBE_TITLE'] = 'Sorting video'; $MESS['SORT_YOUTUBE_DATE_TITLE'] = 'New (date)'; $MESS['SORT_YOUTUBE_RATING_TITLE'] = 'Popular (Rating)'; $MESS['PLAYLIST_ID_YOUTUBE_TITLE'] = 'ID playlist for YouTube'; $MESS['COUNT_VIDEO_YOUTUBE'] = 'Number of video'; $MESS['COUNT_VIDEO_ON_LINE_YOUTUBE'] = 'Number of video in string'; $MESS['TITLE_YOUTUBE'] = 'YouTube Block Title'; $MESS['TITLE_YOUTUBE_VALUE'] = 'Video reports'; $MESS['SUBTITLE_YOUTUBE'] = 'Additional title over the main title block'; $MESS['RIGHT_TITLE_VALUE'] = 'All videos'; $MESS["ITEMS_OFFSET"] = "Indented"; $MESS["ITEMS_TYPE"] = "Display"; $MESS["ITEMS_TYPE_ALBUM"] = "Albums"; $MESS["ITEMS_TYPE_ELEMENTS"] = "The elements"; $MESS["ITEMS_TYPE_PHOTOS"] = "Photos"; $MESS["ITEMS_TYPE_SECTIONS"] = "Sections"; $MESS["ITEM_2_ROW"] = "1 in a row with a stroke"; $MESS["ITEM_3_ROW"] = "3 in a row"; $MESS["ITEM_4_ROW"] = "4 in a row"; $MESS["ITEM_4_ROW_TEXT_INSIDE"] = "4 in a row with text inside"; $MESS["ITEM_4_ROW_TEXT_LEFT"] = "4 in a row with the text to the left"; $MESS["ITEM_8_ROW"] = "8 in a row"; $MESS["ITEM_COMPANY_1"] = "with text and picture on the right"; $MESS["ITEM_COMPANY_2"] = "with text and picture without background"; $MESS["ITEM_COMPANY_3"] = "with text and picture with background"; $MESS["ITEM_COMPANY_4"] = "picture on the left, text and icons on the right"; $MESS["ITEM_COMPANY_5"] = "with a picture on the left and text on the right"; $MESS["ITEM_COMPANY_6"] = "text on the left, text and icons on the right"; $MESS["ITEM_MD_IMG"] = "with a big picture"; $MESS["ITEM_NO_IMG"] = "No pictures"; $MESS["ITEM_RANDOM"] = "in no particular order"; $MESS["VK_TYPE_1"] = "Horizontal display"; $MESS["ITEM_SMALL_IMG"] = "with a small picture"; $MESS["ITEM_STICKER_CLASS_SOURCE_PROPERTY_VALUE"] = "sticker names"; $MESS["ITEM_STICKER_CLASS_SOURCE_PROPERTY_XML_ID"] = "external sticker code"; $MESS["ITEM_STICKER_CLASS_SOURCE_TITLE"] = "Change sticker color depending on"; $MESS["ITEM_TIZERS_3_ROW"] = "3 in a row with icons on the left"; $MESS["ITEM_TIZERS_3_ROW2"] = "3 in a row with icons on the left and a title"; $MESS["ITEM_TIZERS_4_ROW"] = "With stroke"; $MESS["ITEM_TIZERS_4_ROW2"] = "4 in a row with icons on the left"; $MESS["ITEM_TIZERS_4_ROW3"] = "4 in a row with icons on top and left"; $MESS["ITEM_TIZERS_5_ROW"] = "No stroke"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_1"] = "Big"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_2"] = "Small"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_3"] = "Favorite album"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_4"] = "type 4"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_5"] = "type 5"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_6"] = "type 6"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_6_EXT"] = "1 large and 3 sideways in a column"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_7"] = "type 7"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_8"] = "type 8"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_BANNER_1"] = "4 in 2 rows with text inside and on the left"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_BANNER_2"] = "4 in a row with text on top"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_BANNER_3"] = "3 in a row combined"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_INST_1"] = "blocky"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_INST_2"] = "4 in a row with padding between elements"; $MESS["ITEM_TYPE_WITH_ICON"] = " (with icons)"; $MESS["LANDINGS_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Reviews"; $MESS["LAZYLOAD_BLOCK_CATALOG_TITLE"] = "Automatic loading of products when scrolling a page in the catalog"; $MESS["LEFT"] = "Left"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK"] = "Sidebar"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_CATALOG_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Side menu on product page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_CATALOG_ICONS_TITLE"] = "Show catalog category icons in the left menu"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_CATALOG_ROOT_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the directory root page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_CATALOG_SECTIONS_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the product list page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_CS_TYPE_NORMAL"] = "Common"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_CS_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Side Menu Type"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_CS_TYPE_WIDE"] = "Wide"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_FULL"] = "Full"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_MIDDLE"] = "Filter, catalog, banner, subscription, news, articles"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_NONE"] = "Not"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_PROJECTS_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the project page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_SERVICES_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the service page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_SERVICES_ROOT_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the root page of the services section"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_SERVICES_SECTIONS_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the service list page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_SMALL"] = "Filter, banners"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_SMALL_2"] = "Filter, banner, subscription, articles"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_TARIFFS_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the tariff page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_TARIFFS_ROOT_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the root page of the tariffs section"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_TARIFFS_SECTIONS_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the tariff list page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Sidebar"; $MESS["LICENCE_CHECKED_TITLE"] = "Is the box on informing the processing of personal data ticked?"; $MESS["LICENCE_TEXT_TITLE"] = "Signature to the notification"; $MESS["LICENCE_TEXT_VALUE"] = "I agree to the processing of personal data"; $MESS["LICENCE_TEXT_VALUE_HINT"] = "If this option is enabled, a mandatory checkmark with the text from the settings will appear in all feedback forms and on the checkout page. In this case, the visitor will not be able to send a message through the web form until he accepts the user agreement."; $MESS["LICENSES_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Licenses"; $MESS["LIGHT_TEXT"] = "Light text in shape"; $MESS["LINES_COUNT"] = "Number of lines"; $MESS["LINES_COUNT_1"] = "1 line"; $MESS["LINES_COUNT_2"] = "2 lines"; $MESS["LINES_COUNT_3"] = "3 lines"; $MESS["LINES_COUNT_4"] = "4 lines"; $MESS["LINES_COUNT_ALL"] = "Not limited"; $MESS["LINES_COUNT_SHOW_MORE"] = "+ \"Load More\""; $MESS["LINE_MENU_HOVER"] = "At the active link level"; $MESS["LIST_AMOUNT"] = "List"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_IMG_TYPE_NORMAL_TITLE"] = "Normal"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_IMG_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Product image view in the related products catalog section, on the main"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_IMG_TYPE_VERTICAL_TITLE"] = "Vertical"; $MESS["LIST_ELEMENTS_TITLE"] = "Item List Template"; $MESS["LIST_STORES_TITLE"] = "Warehouses (if component parameters are not specified or without regionality)"; $MESS["LK_OPTIONS"] = "Personal Area"; $MESS["LOGIN_EQUAL_EMAIL_TITLE"] = "Login is equal to email address"; $MESS["LOGO_CENTERED"] = "Center logo"; $MESS["LOGO_IMAGE"] = "Site logo"; $MESS["LOGO_IMAGE_SVG"] = "Svg website logo"; $MESS["LOGO_IMAGE_WHITE"] = "Light website logo"; $MESS["LOOKBOOKS_INDEX"] = "Landings"; $MESS["LOWER"] = "Lowercase"; $MESS["LOW_BANNER"] = "Low"; $MESS["MAIN_OPTIONS_PARAMETERS"] = "Common"; $MESS["MANY_BUY_CATALOG_SECTIONS_TITLE"] = "Wholesale purchase in the tabular version of the catalog"; $MESS["MAPS_INDEX"] = "Map"; $MESS["MAX_AMOUNT_TITLE"] = "The remainder value for which the expression \"<i> many </i>\" (greater than) is displayed"; $MESS["MAX_DEPTH_MENU_TITLE"] = "Menu nesting level"; $MESS["MAX_GALLERY_ITEMS_TITLE"] = "The number of pictures in the gallery for the products in the list"; $MESS["MAX_SCU_COUNT_VIEW"] = "The maximum number of suggestion options displayed in the list"; $MESS["MAX_VISIBLE_ITEMS_MENU_TITLE"] = "Displayed number of menu items"; $MESS["MEGA_MENU_TYPE_1"] = "Sections and divisions"; $MESS["MEGA_MENU_TYPE_2"] = "Sections"; $MESS["MEGA_MENU_TYPE_3"] = "From the information block"; $MESS["MEGA_MENU_TYPE_4"] = "Big"; $MESS["MEGA_MENU_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Menu type"; $MESS["MENU_COLOR_COLORED"] = "Color"; $MESS["MENU_COLOR_DARK"] = "Dark"; $MESS["MENU_COLOR_GRAY"] = "Grey"; $MESS["MENU_COLOR_LIGHT"] = "Light"; $MESS["MENU_COLOR_NONE"] = "Transparent"; $MESS["MENU_COLOR_TITLE"] = "Menu block color"; $MESS["MENU_COLUMNS"] = "Column menu"; $MESS["MENU_HEADER_TYPE"] = "Only catalog sections in the menu"; $MESS["MENU_HEADER_TYPE_CATALOG_SECTIONS"] = "Menu with catalog sections"; $MESS["MENU_HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL"] = "Normal menu"; $MESS["MENU_PAGE_OPTIONS"] = "Top Menu"; $MESS["MENU_POSITION_MAIN_TITLE"] = "Show left directory menu"; $MESS["MENU_POSITION_TITLE"] = "Directory dropdown menu position"; $MESS["MENU_TYPE_VIEW_BOTTOM"] = "Bottom"; $MESS["MENU_TYPE_VIEW_HOVER"] = "Right"; $MESS["MENU_TYPE_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Catalog drop-down menu display"; $MESS["MIDDLE_ADV_INDEX"] = "Banners with text"; $MESS["MIDDLE_ADV_TYPE_1"] = "Tiles of the same size"; $MESS["MIDDLE_ADV_TYPE_2"] = "In no particular order"; $MESS["MIN_AMOUNT_TITLE"] = "The remainder value for which the expression \"<i> little </i>\" (less than) is displayed"; $MESS["MIN_BLOCK_BASKET_TITLE"] = "Show only the cart icon in the catalog"; $MESS["MIN_ORDER_PRICE_TEXT_EXAMPLE"] = "<b> Minimum order amount #PRICE# </b> <br/> Please add more items to your cart"; $MESS["MIN_ORDER_PRICE_TEXT_TITLE"] = "Error text"; $MESS["MIN_ORDER_PRICE_TITLE"] = "Minimum purchase price"; $MESS["MOBILE_CATALOG_LIST_ELEMENTS_COMPACT_TITLE"] = "Compact view of product list"; $MESS["MOBILE_LIST_ELEMENTS_COMPACT_IN_SECTIONS_TITLE"] = "Compact view of the list of items in catalog sections"; $MESS["MOBILE_LIST_SECTIONS_COMPACT_IN_SECTIONS_TITLE"] = "Compact view of the list of categories in sections"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_ADDRESS"] = "The address"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_BUTTON"] = "Button"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_CALLBACK"] = "Request a call"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_CART"] = "Basket"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_CART_UP"] = "Above the catalog"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_EMAIL"] = "Email"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_LANG"] = "Language switching"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_LANG_UP"] = "Above the catalog"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_OPTIONS"] = "Menu composition"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_PERSONAL"] = "Personal Area"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_PERSONAL_UP"] = "Above the catalog"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_PHONE"] = "Phones"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_REGION"] = "Region"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_REGION_UP"] = "Above the catalog"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_SCHEDULE"] = "Schedule"; $MESS["MOBILE_MENU_TOGGLE_SOCIAL"] = "Social networks"; $MESS["MOBILE_OPTIONS"] = "Mobile version"; $MESS["MORE_COLOR_CUSTOM"] = "Custom color"; $MESS["MORE_LINK"] = "Details"; $MESS["MORE_REVIEWS"] = "Full review"; $MESS["M_FILTER_VIEW"] = "Smart filter"; $MESS["M_FILTER_VIEW_COMPACT"] = "Compact"; $MESS["M_FILTER_VIEW_HORIZONTAL"] = "Horizontal"; $MESS["M_FILTER_VIEW_NONE"] = "Not"; $MESS["M_FILTER_VIEW_VERTICAL"] = "Vertical"; $MESS["NARROW_BANNER"] = "Narrow"; $MESS["NEWS_INDEX"] = "\"News\" on the main"; $MESS["NEWS_PAGE_LEFT_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Side menu in the news section"; $MESS["NEWS_PAGE_TITLE"] = "News"; $MESS["NO"] = "Not"; $MESS["NORMAL_BANNER"] = "Normal"; $MESS["NORMAL_IMG_PLACE"] = "small picture"; $MESS["NOT_INSTALLED"] = " (module # MODULE_NAME # not installed)"; $MESS["NOT_ROUND_ELEMENTS"] = "Rectangular"; $MESS["NO_IMAGE"] = "No images"; $MESS["NO_IMAGE_BLOCK"] = "No picture"; $MESS["NO_OFFSET_BANNER"] = "No indentation"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_CURRENCY_TITLE"] = "Currency"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_DELIVERY_TITLE"] = "Delivery service"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_OPTIONS"] = "1-click buy"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_PAYMENT_TITLE"] = "Payment system"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_PERSON_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Payer type"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_PROPERTIES_COMMENT"] = "Comment on the order"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_PROPERTIES_EMAIL"] = "Email"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_PROPERTIES_FIO"] = "Name"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_PROPERTIES_PHONE"] = "contact number"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_PROPERTIES_TITLE"] = "Fields"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_REQUIRED_PROPERTIES_TITLE"] = "Required fields"; $MESS["ONECLICKBUY_SHOW_DELIVERY_NOTE_TITLE"] = "Display text about shipping cost"; $MESS["ONE_CLICK_BUY"] = "Buy in 1 click"; $MESS["ONE_CLICK_BUY_CAPTCHA_TITLE"] = "Show captcha"; $MESS["ONE_ITEM_ROW"] = "1 in a row full width"; $MESS["ONLY_MARKER"] = "Markers only"; $MESS["ONLY_ONE_ITEM"] = "1 in a row without stroke"; $MESS["ONLY_THREE_ITEM"] = "3 elements"; $MESS["ONLY_TWO_ITEM"] = "2 elements"; $MESS["ONLY_TWO_ITEM_TEXT"] = "with text on the left"; $MESS["ONLY_TWO_ITEM_TEXT2"] = "with text on the left2"; $MESS["OPTIONS_ADD_BUTTON_TITLE"] = "Add to"; $MESS["OPTIONS_EDIT_BUTTON_TITLE"] = "Edit"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_COLOR_COLOR_TITLE"] = "colored"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_COLOR_DARK_TITLE"] = "dark"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_COLOR_TITLE"] = "Basket color"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_COLOR_WHITE_TITLE"] = "white"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_VIEW_BOTTOM_TITLE"] = "From below"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_VIEW_FLY2_TITLE"] = "Flying"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_VIEW_FLY_TITLE"] = "Side"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_VIEW_HEADER_TITLE"] = "Header"; $MESS["ORDER_BASKET_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Cart position"; $MESS["ORDER_OPTIONS"] = "Cart"; $MESS["ORDER_PAGE_FORM_TITLE"] = "Checkout"; $MESS["ORDER_PAGE_URL_TITLE"] = "Checkout page"; $MESS["ORDER_PRODUCT_FORM_TITLE"] = "Order a product"; $MESS["ORDER_PROJECT_FORM_TITLE"] = "Order a project"; $MESS["ORDER_SERVICES_FORM_TITLE"] = "Order service"; $MESS["ORDER_STUDY_FORM_TITLE"] = "Order a course"; $MESS["ORDER_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Cart"; $MESS["PAGE_ACCORDION"] = "Accordion"; $MESS["PAGE_BIGA"] = "Designer goods"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK"] = "Block"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_1"] = "Block1"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_2"] = "Block2"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_LIST"] = "List"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_LIST2"] = "List2"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_LIST_MENU"] = "List with menu"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_MENU"] = "Block with menu"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_NORMAL"] = "Normal"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_SECTION"] = "By Sections"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_TYPE_1"] = "Tile 1"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_TYPE_2"] = "Tile 2"; $MESS["PAGE_BLOCK_YEAR"] = "On years"; $MESS["PAGE_CLOTHES"] = "Clothes and footwear"; $MESS["PAGE_CONTACT1"] = "Compact"; $MESS["PAGE_CONTACT2"] = "With a central office and branches"; $MESS["PAGE_CONTACT3"] = "With branches and a choice of region"; $MESS["PAGE_CONTACTS"] = "Contacts"; $MESS["PAGE_FURNITURE"] = "Furniture"; $MESS["PAGE_GOOOS"] = "Related Products"; $MESS["PAGE_LIST"] = "List"; $MESS["PAGE_LIST_NO_TITLE"] = "List without text"; $MESS["PAGE_LIST_POPUP"] = "In a pop-up window"; $MESS["PAGE_LIST_TITLE"] = "List with text to the left"; $MESS["PAGE_LOGO"] = "Logos only"; $MESS["PAGE_MEDICAL"] = "Medical equipment"; $MESS["PAGE_NOTAB"] = "Without tabs"; $MESS["PAGE_PO"] = "Software products"; $MESS["PAGE_SEARCH1"] = "In full screen"; $MESS["PAGE_SEARCH2"] = "Drops out from above"; $MESS["PAGE_SECTIONS"] = "Related Sections"; $MESS["PAGE_SECTIONS_FILTER"] = "Catalog type"; $MESS["PAGE_SECTIONS_GOODS"] = "Sections and products"; $MESS["PAGE_SLIDER"] = "Slider"; $MESS["PAGE_SLIDER_NO_TITLE"] = "Slider without title"; $MESS["PAGE_SLIDER_TITLE"] = "Carousel"; $MESS["PAGE_STROY"] = "Construction and repair"; $MESS["PAGE_TAB"] = "With tabs"; $MESS["PAGE_TILE"] = "Tiles"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE"] = "Header and breadcrumbs styling"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE1"] = "On a white background 1"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE2"] = "On a gray background 1"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE3"] = "On a white background 2"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE4"] = "On a gray background 2"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE_1"] = "White background, heading on top"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE_2"] = "White background, breadcrumbs on top"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE_3"] = "Gray background, heading on top"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE_4"] = "Gray background, breadcrumbs on top"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE_POSITION"] = "Header and breadcrumbs position"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE_POSITION_CENTERED"] = "Center"; $MESS["PAGE_TITLE_POSITION_LEFT"] = "Left"; $MESS["PAGE_WIDTH"] = "Site width"; $MESS["PARTNERSBANNER_ANIMATIONSPEED"] = "Animation speed of the \"Manufacturers\" block (ms)"; $MESS["PARTNERSBANNER_SLIDESSHOWSPEED"] = "Slideshow speed of the \"Manufacturers\" block (ms)"; $MESS["PARTNERS_2_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Partners"; $MESS["PARTNERS_INDEX"] = "\"Our technologies\" on the main"; $MESS["PARTNERS_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Partners"; $MESS["PARTNER_PAGE_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Brands - detailed"; $MESS["PAY_SYSTEM_ROVER_TINKOFF"] = "Internet acquiring Tinkoff accepting payments"; $MESS["PAY_SYSTEM_TITLE"] = "Payment system"; $MESS["PAY_SYSTEM_ASPRO_INVOICEBOX"] = "Internet acquiring IncoiceBox accepting payments"; $MESS["PAY_SYSTEM_WEBFLY_SBRF"] = "Internet acquiring Sberbank RF (accepting payments)"; $MESS["PERSONAL_ONEFIO_TITLE"] = "Surname First name Patronymic in one field"; $MESS["PERSONAL_PAGE_URL_TITLE"] = "User personal section page"; $MESS["PHANKS_TEXT"] = "Thank!"; $MESS["PHONE_MASK"] = "Phone mask"; $MESS["PICTURES"] = "Images"; $MESS["PORTFOLIO_INDEX"] = "\"Portfolio\" on the main"; $MESS["POSITION_FORM_BLOCK"] = "Form position"; $MESS["POSITION_IMAGE_BLOCK"] = "Picture position"; $MESS["PRINT_BUTTON"] = "Print page button"; $MESS["PRIORITY_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_SOURCE_IBLOCK"] = "From the information block"; $MESS["PRIORITY_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_SOURCE_NOT"] = "Not"; $MESS["PRIORITY_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_SOURCE_SOTBIT_SEOMETA"] = "Sotbit: SEO smart filter"; $MESS["PRIORITY_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_SOURCE_TITLE"] = "The priority of the output sources of the section description"; $MESS["PROJECTS_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Projects"; $MESS["PROJECTS_SHOW_HEAD_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Show block with tabs in the projects section"; $MESS["PROJECT_PAGE_LEFT_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Side menu in the projects section"; $MESS["PROJECT_PAGE_OPTIONS"] = "Projects"; $MESS["QUANTITY_OPTIONS"] = "Displaying product availability"; $MESS["QUESTION_BUTTON"] = "Display \"Ask a question\""; $MESS["QUESTION_BUTTON_VALUE_HINT"] = "If the setting is active, the icon for asking a question in the form of an envelope will be displayed in the floating block on the right."; $MESS["QUESTION_FORM_TITLE"] = "Ask a Question"; $MESS["RATING_MESSAGE_0"] = "No rating"; $MESS["RATING_MESSAGE_1"] = "Very bad"; $MESS["RATING_MESSAGE_2"] = "poorly"; $MESS["RATING_MESSAGE_3"] = "Fine"; $MESS["RATING_MESSAGE_4"] = "Okay"; $MESS["RATING_MESSAGE_5"] = "Fine"; $MESS["REDIRECT_SECTION"] = "Go to section"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_CONFIRM_TITLE"] = "Region confirmation type"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_FILTER_ITEM_NOTE_TEXT"] = "If this option is enabled, the global filter \"arRegionLink\" will be applied, which must be specified in the parameters of the \"Filter name\" components. Only items bound to the region will be displayed"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_FILTER_ITEM_TITLE"] = "Apply regional filter"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_ITEM_TYPE_1"] = "Standard"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_ITEM_TYPE_2"] = "Above the header"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_PAGE_OPTIONS"] = "Regions"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_SEARCH_ROW_NOTE_TEXT"] = "When this option is enabled, only the search string will be displayed in the pop-up window for selecting a region without displaying cities, which will speed up the display of the selection of cities"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_SEARCH_ROW_TITLE"] = "Show only the search bar for cities"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_TYPE_ONE_DOMAIN"] = "On one domain"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_TYPE_SUBDOMAIN"] = "On subdomains"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Regionality type"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_VIEW_POPUP_EXT"] = "Popup window with regions, districts"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_VIEW_POPUP_SMALL"] = "Popup window with cities only"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_VIEW_SELECT"] = "Drop-down list"; $MESS["REGIONALITY_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Region display type"; $MESS["REPLACE_TYPE_ADD_TITLE"] = "Add to"; $MESS["REPLACE_TYPE_REPLACE_TITLE"] = "Replace"; $MESS["REPLACE_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Insert method"; $MESS["RESUME_FORM_TITLE"] = "To send a resume"; $MESS["REVIEWS_BUTTON"] = "Display \"Leave Feedback\""; $MESS["REVIEWS_BUTTON_VALUE_HINT"] = "If the setting is active, in the floating block on the right, a feedback icon will be displayed in the form of a message icon."; $MESS["REVIEWS_INDEX"] = "Reviews"; $MESS["REVIEWS_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Type of reviews"; $MESS["RIGHT"] = "Right"; $MESS["RIGHT_CONTENT_BANNER_TITLE"] = "Banner"; $MESS["RIGHT_CONTENT_BRANDS_TITLE"] = "Brands"; $MESS["RIGHT_CONTENT_TITLE"] = "Content"; $MESS["RIGHT_FORM_BLOCK"] = "Display block with forms"; $MESS["ROUND_ELEMENTS"] = "Rounded"; $MESS["ROUND_ELEMENTS_TITLE"] = "Button view"; $MESS["ROUND_PICTURES"] = "Round pictures"; $MESS["SALE_INDEX"] = "Sales"; $MESS["SALE_PAGE_LEFT_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Side menu in the stock section"; $MESS["SALE_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Promotions"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_POSITION"] = "Top Button Position"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_POSITION_BOTTOM"] = "Bottom indent, px"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_POSITION_CONTENT"] = "Indented from content"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_POSITION_PADDING"] = "Indented from the edge of the window"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_POSITION_RIGHT"] = "Right indent, px"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_POSITION_TOUCH"] = "Touches the edge of the screen"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_TYPE"] = "View of the \"Up\" button"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_TYPE_NONE"] = "Not"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_TYPE_RECT_COLOR"] = "Square colored"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_TYPE_RECT_GREY"] = "Square gray"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_TYPE_RECT_WHITE"] = "Square white"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_TYPE_ROUND_COLOR"] = "Round colored"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_TYPE_ROUND_GREY"] = "Round gray"; $MESS["SCROLLTOTOP_TYPE_ROUND_WHITE"] = "Round white"; $MESS["SEARCH_HIDE_NOT_AVAILABLE_TITLE"] = "Hide missing products in the search header"; $MESS["SEARCH_VIEW_TYPE_FILTER"] = "With filter"; $MESS["SEARCH_VIEW_TYPE_NORMAL"] = "From the menu"; $MESS["SEARCH_VIEW_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Search page view"; $MESS["SECTIONS_LIST_TEXT_1"] = "With text inside"; $MESS["SECTIONS_LIST_TEXT_2"] = "With text at the bottom"; $MESS["SECTIONS_LIST_TITLE"] = "Section List Template"; $MESS["SECTIONS_LIST_TYPE_1"] = "Big pictures"; $MESS["SECTIONS_LIST_TYPE_2"] = "Small pictures"; $MESS["SECTIONS_LIST_TYPE_3"] = "List"; $MESS["SECTIONS_LIST_TYPE_4"] = "Compact"; $MESS["SECTION_LIST_TITLE"] = "Subkey List Template"; $MESS["SECTION_OPTIONS"] = "Sections"; $MESS["SECTION_TYPE_VIEW_CATALOG_1"] = "1"; $MESS["SECTION_TYPE_VIEW_CATALOG_2"] = "2"; $MESS["SECTION_TYPE_VIEW_CATALOG_3"] = "3"; $MESS["SECTION_TYPE_VIEW_CATALOG_4"] = "4"; $MESS["SELECT_ALL_ITEMS"] = "Choose all"; $MESS["SEND_MESSAGE_BUTTON"] = "Write a message"; $MESS["SEND_MORE"] = "Send more"; $MESS["SEO_DESCRIPTION_SECTION"] = "Section description for SEO"; $MESS["SERVICES_DETAIL_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Service detail page"; $MESS["SERVICES_INDEX"] = "Services"; $MESS["SERVICES_PAGE_OPTIONS"] = "Services"; $MESS["SERVICE_TYPE_1"] = "Small pictures"; $MESS["SERVICE_TYPE_3"] = "With a big picture"; $MESS["SHOW_BASKET_ONADDTOCART_TITLE"] = "Display cart when adding a product to it"; $MESS["SHOW_BASKET_ON_PAGES_HINT"] = "If the option is disabled, the cart block will not be displayed on the checkout and cart pages. Disabling the option will reduce the load and increase the speed of the site"; $MESS["SHOW_BASKET_ON_PAGES_TITLE"] = "Display cart on all pages"; $MESS["SHOW_BASKET_PRINT_TITLE"] = "Show cart print button"; $MESS["SHOW_BG_BLOCK_N_TITLE"] = "Do not display"; $MESS["SHOW_BG_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Background banner"; $MESS["SHOW_BG_BLOCK_Y_TITLE"] = "Display"; $MESS["SHOW_BLOCKS"] = "Display"; $MESS["SHOW_BLOCKS_DESCRIPTION"] = "Description"; $MESS["SHOW_BLOCKS_SECTIONS"] = "Sections"; $MESS["SHOW_BREADCRUMBS_CATALOG_CHAIN_H1"] = "section / element header (h1)"; $MESS["SHOW_BREADCRUMBS_CATALOG_CHAIN_NAME"] = "section / element names"; $MESS["SHOW_BREADCRUMBS_CATALOG_CHAIN_TITLE"] = "Build breadcrumbs in a directory from"; $MESS["SHOW_BREADCRUMBS_CATALOG_SUBSECTIONS_TITLE"] = "Drop-down menu with directory subsections in the breadcrumbs"; $MESS["SHOW_CALLBACK_TITLE"] = "Display block \"Request a call\""; $MESS["SHOW_CATALOG_GALLERY_IN_LIST_TITLE"] = "Display a gallery of images for products in the list"; $MESS["SHOW_CATALOG_SECTIONS_ICONS_TITLE"] = "Show catalog category icons in a dropdown menu"; $MESS["SHOW_EMPTY_STORE_TITLE"] = "Display a warehouse if there is no product on it"; $MESS["SHOW_FAST_VIEW_TITLE"] = "USE FAST VIEW OF GOODS"; $MESS["SHOW_FILTER_TITLE"] = "Smart filter"; $MESS["SHOW_GENERAL_STORE_INFORMATION_TITLE"] = "Show general information on warehouses"; $MESS["SHOW_HEADER_GOODS_TITLE"] = "Display product information in a fixed header on the product detail page"; $MESS["SHOW_HEAD_BLOCK_TYPE_SECTIONS_LINKS"] = "Filter by sections (links)"; $MESS["SHOW_HEAD_BLOCK_TYPE_SECTIONS_MIX"] = "Filter by section (mix)"; $MESS["SHOW_HEAD_BLOCK_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Top block type"; $MESS["SHOW_HEAD_BLOCK_TYPE_YEARS_LINKS"] = "Filter by years (links)"; $MESS["SHOW_HEAD_BLOCK_TYPE_YEARS_MIX"] = "Filter by years (mix)"; $MESS["SHOW_LICENCE_TITLE"] = "Informing about the processing of personal data"; $MESS["SHOW_MENU"] = "Show Sections"; $MESS["SHOW_MULTY_VALUES_NOTE"] = "Use the <b> Ctrl </b> key to select multiple values"; $MESS["SHOW_NEXT"] = "Without hiding"; $MESS["SHOW_ONECLICKBUY_ON_BASKET_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Display a quick order button (Buy in 1 click) in the shopping cart"; $MESS["SHOW_ONE_CLICK_BUY_TITLE"] = "Display the button \"Buy in 1 click\""; $MESS["SHOW_POPUP_PRICE_TITLE"] = "Extended prices"; $MESS["SHOW_PROJECTS_MAP_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Show map on project detail page"; $MESS["SHOW_PROJECTS_MAP_TITLE"] = "Show map in projects section"; $MESS["SHOW_PROPS_BLOCK_TITLE"] = "Display product properties in a block version"; $MESS["SHOW_QUANTITY_COUNT_FOR_GROUPS_TITLE"] = "Display product availability by quantity for groups"; $MESS["SHOW_QUANTITY_FOR_GROUPS_TITLE"] = "Show product availability for groups"; $MESS["SHOW_QUANTITY_NOTE"] = "Use the <b> Ctrl </b> key to select multiple groups"; $MESS["SHOW_QUESTION_TITLE"] = "Display the \"Ask a question\" block"; $MESS["SHOW_REGION_CONTACT_TITLE"] = "Display contact information by region"; $MESS["SHOW_REVIEW_TITLE"] = "Display the \"Leave a review\" block"; $MESS["SHOW_RIGHT_SIDE_TITLE"] = "Display adv unit"; $MESS["SHOW_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_TITLE"] = "Location of the section description in the product list"; $MESS["SHOW_TITLE"] = "Heading"; $MESS["SHOW_TOTAL_SUMM_TITLE"] = "The total amount of the item on the list and on the detail page"; $MESS["SHOW_TOTAL_SUMM_TYPE_ALWAYS"] = "Show immediately"; $MESS["SHOW_TOTAL_SUMM_TYPE_CHANGE"] = "Show when changing quantity"; $MESS["SHOW_TOTAL_SUMM_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Show total cost"; $MESS["SIDE_ICONS_OPTIONS"] = "Side icons"; $MESS["SIDE_MENU"] = "Internal menu"; $MESS["SIDE_MENU_LEFT"] = "Left"; $MESS["SIDE_MENU_RIGHT"] = "Right"; $MESS["SITES_SHOW_IN_SELECTOR"] = "Displayed sites"; $MESS["SITE_SELECTOR_NAME"] = "Take the name"; $MESS["SOCIAL_FACEBOOK"] = "Facebook"; $MESS["SOCIAL_GOOGLEPLUS"] = "Google plus"; $MESS["SOCIAL_INSTAGRAM"] = "Instagram"; $MESS["SOCIAL_LINKEDIN"] = "LinkedIn Page Link"; $MESS["SOCIAL_LIVEJOURNAL"] = "Live Journal"; $MESS["SOCIAL_MAILRU"] = "My World"; $MESS["SOCIAL_ODNOKLASSNIKI"] = "Odnoklassniki "; $MESS["SOCIAL_OPTIONS"] = "Links to pages in social networks"; $MESS["SOCIAL_PINTEREST"] = "Link to page on Pinterest"; $MESS["SOCIAL_SNAPCHAT"] = "Link to a page in Snapchat"; $MESS["SOCIAL_TELEGRAM"] = "Telegram"; $MESS["SOCIAL_TIKTOK"] = "Link to TikTok account"; $MESS["SOCIAL_TWITTER"] = "Twitter"; $MESS["SOCIAL_VIBER"] = "Viber number"; $MESS["SOCIAL_VIBER_CUSTOM_DESKTOP"] = "Custom Link to Viber for PC"; $MESS["SOCIAL_VIBER_CUSTOM_MOBILE"] = "Custom Viber Link for Phone"; $MESS["SOCIAL_VIBER_CUSTOM_NOTE"] = "<div style = \"text-align: left;\"> Custom links on Viber are filled if necessary to replace the standard ones. </div>"; $MESS["SOCIAL_VIBER_NOTE_TEXT"] = "<div style=\"text-align:left;\">Please enter the number in the format 79000000000 <br>Link for PC will look like: viber://chat?number=+79000000000 <br>Link for phone: viber://add?number=79000000000</div>"; $MESS["SOCIAL_VIBER_OPTIONS"] = "Settings for Viber"; $MESS["SOCIAL_VK"] = "Vkontakte"; $MESS["SOCIAL_WHATS"] = "WhatsApp number"; $MESS["SOCIAL_WHATS_CUSTOM"] = "Custom WhatsApp Link"; $MESS["SOCIAL_WHATS_CUSTOM_NOTE"] = "<div style = \"text-align: left;\"> The custom WhatsApp link is populated to replace the default one. </div>"; $MESS["SOCIAL_WHATS_OPTIONS"] = "Settings for WhatsApp"; $MESS["SOCIAL_WHATS_TEXT"] = "WhatsApp message text"; $MESS["SOCIAL_YOUTUBE"] = "Youtube"; $MESS["SOCIAL_ZEN"] = "Link to the Yandex.Zen channel"; $MESS["STAFF_INDEX"] = "Staff on the main"; $MESS["STAFF_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Employees"; $MESS["STAFF_TYPE_2"] = "2 in a row with text on the side"; $MESS["STAFF_TYPE_3"] = "1 in a row with text on the side"; $MESS["STANDART"] = "Standard"; $MESS["STICKY_SIDEBAR_N_TITLE"] = "Fixed"; $MESS["STICKY_SIDEBAR_TITLE"] = "Sidebar position when scrolling the page"; $MESS["STICKY_SIDEBAR_Y_TITLE"] = "Floating"; $MESS["STORES_FIELDS_TITLE"] = "Fields"; $MESS["STORES_FILTER_ORDER_TITLE"] = "Sorting direction"; $MESS["STORES_FILTER_TITLE"] = "Sorting warehouses"; $MESS["STORES_NAME"] = "Name"; $MESS["STORES_QUANTITY"] = "Availability"; $MESS["STORES_SORT"] = "Sorting"; $MESS["STORES_SOURCE_STORES"] = "warehouses"; $MESS["STORES_SOURCE_STORES_IBLOCK"] = "infoblock"; $MESS["STORES_SOURCE_TITLE"] = "Remove stores from"; $MESS["STORE_AMOUNT_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Availability display type"; $MESS["STORE_QUANTITY"] = "Availability in warehouses"; $MESS["SUBSCRIBE"] = "Subscribe to the newsletter"; $MESS["SUBSCRIBE_PAGE_URL_TITLE"] = "Newsletter subscription page"; $MESS["SUB_PARAMS"] = "The order of the blocks on the main"; $MESS["SUCCESS_SUBMIT_FORM"] = "Your message has been successfully sent."; $MESS["TABS"] = "Tabs"; $MESS["TABS_INSIDE"] = "Inside"; $MESS["TABS_TOP"] = "Top"; $MESS["YOUTUBE_INDEX_TEXT"] = 'YouTube on the main thing'; $MESS["TARIFFS_INDEX"] = "Tariffs"; $MESS["TARIFFS_PAGE_OPTIONS"] = "Tariffs"; $MESS["TARIFFS_TYPE_1"] = "With a big picture"; $MESS["TARIFFS_TYPE_2"] = "Small pictures"; $MESS["TARIFFS_TYPE_3"] = "List"; $MESS["TARIFFS_USE_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Display a link to the tariffs section"; $MESS["TEAM_INDEX"] = "\"Our team\" on the main"; $MESS["TEASERS_INDEX"] = "\"Services\" on the main"; $MESS["TEASERS_INDEX_ICONS"] = "Icons"; $MESS["TEASERS_INDEX_NONE"] = "Not"; $MESS["TEASERS_INDEX_PICTURES"] = "Images"; $MESS["TEXT"] = "Text"; $MESS["TEXT_AND_MARKER"] = "Markers and List"; $MESS["TEXT_AND_MARKER2"] = "Markers and List2"; $MESS["TEXT_CENTER"] = "Center"; $MESS["TEXT_CENTERED"] = "Center"; $MESS["TEXT_POSITION"] = "Position of the text"; $MESS["TEXT_POSITION_BG"] = "Inside"; $MESS["TEXT_POSITION_BOTTOM"] = "From below"; $MESS["THEME_SWITCHER"] = "Theme switcher"; $MESS["THREE_ROW"] = "With the picture on the left"; $MESS["THREE_ROW2"] = "3 in a row2"; $MESS["TIME_FORMAT_COLON"] = "hh:mm"; $MESS["TITLE_CENTERED"] = "Center title"; $MESS["TITLE_FONT"] = "Different heading font"; $MESS["TITLE_FONT_STYLE"] = "Headers font"; $MESS["SELF_HOSTED_FONTS"] = "Use self-hosted fonts"; $MESS["TITLE_POSITION"] = "Header position"; $MESS["TITLE_POSITION_CENTER"] = "Center"; $MESS["TITLE_POSITION_LEFT"] = "Title on the left, description on the right"; $MESS["TITLE_POSITION_NORMAL"] = "Normal"; $MESS["TIZERS_INDEX"] = "Teasers"; $MESS["TO"] = "before"; $MESS["TOP"] = "From above"; $MESS["TOP_ADV_BOTTOM_BANNER_INDEX"] = "Teasers under large banners"; $MESS["TOP_HEADER_OPACITY"] = "Transparent top for collision banner"; $MESS["TOP_MENU"] = "Main menu"; $MESS["TOP_MENU_COLOR"] = "Colored"; $MESS["TOP_MENU_COLOR_TITLE"] = "Top block color"; $MESS["TOP_MENU_DARK"] = "Dark"; $MESS["TOP_MENU_FIXED"] = "Fixed site header"; $MESS["TOP_MENU_HOVER"] = "Pressed to the top"; $MESS["TOP_MENU_LIGHT"] = "Light"; $MESS["TOP_OFFSET"] = "Top padding"; $MESS["TOP_SECTION"] = "Before the list of products"; $MESS["TOP_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_POSITION_TITLE"] = "Property with top description"; $MESS["TOP_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_TITLE"] = "Property with top description"; $MESS["TOP_SERVICES_INDEX"] = "\"Teasers\" on the main page"; $MESS["TOP_VERTICAL_FILTER_PANEL_TITLE"] = "Display block with current filters above products"; $MESS["TRANSPARENT_PICTURES"] = "Transparent pictures"; $MESS["TWO_ITEM_ROW"] = "2 in a row"; $MESS["TWO_ITEM_ROW2"] = "2 in a row full width"; $MESS["TWO_ITEM_ROW3"] = "With the picture on the right"; $MESS["TWO_ITEM_ROW3_1"] = "Tiles with strokes"; $MESS["TWO_ITEM_ROW3_2"] = "Tiles without stroke"; $MESS["TYPE_SEARCH"] = "Search type"; $MESS["TYPE_SKU_TITLE"] = "Type offers (SKU)"; $MESS["TYPE_VIEW_BASKET_BTN_1"] = "Full width button"; $MESS["TYPE_VIEW_BASKET_BTN_2"] = "With buttons at the bottom"; $MESS["TYPE_VIEW_BASKET_BTN_3"] = "With a button on the side"; $MESS["TYPE_VIEW_BASKET_BTN_TITLE"] = "View of the cart button display in the block version"; $MESS["TYPE_VIEW_CATALOG_LIST_1"] = "Description at the beginning"; $MESS["TYPE_VIEW_CATALOG_LIST_2"] = "Characteristics at the beginning"; $MESS["TYPE_VIEW_CATALOG_LIST_TITLE"] = "View of displaying goods in the catalog \"List\""; $MESS["T_BRANDS_LINKED_ALL"] = "Sections and products"; $MESS["T_BRANDS_LINKED_ITEMS"] = "Related Products"; $MESS["T_BRANDS_LINKED_SECTIONS"] = "Related Sections"; $MESS["T_COUNT_LINKED_GOODS"] = "Number of related products displayed"; $MESS["T_FORM_BGFILE"] = "Picture on the main page (type1)"; $MESS["T_FORM_BGFILE_ACTIVE"] = "Picture on the main page (type2, type3)"; $MESS["T_IMAGES_TIZERS"] = "Teaser picture type"; $MESS["T_IMAGE_WIDE"] = "Wide picture"; $MESS["T_IMG_CORNER"] = "Picture to edge"; $MESS["T_JS_PRICES_MORE"] = "Price options"; $MESS["T_LIGHTEN_DARKEN"] = "Dim / Burn"; $MESS["T_LOOKBOOKS_TYPE_1"] = "slider by section"; $MESS["T_MENU_LOWERCASE"] = "Lowercase menu"; $MESS["T_NLO_MENU"] = "Load mobile menu and menu in fixed header only on first display"; $MESS["T_ONLY_SERVICE_OPTIONS"] = "Service"; $MESS["T_PROJECTS_PAGE_DETAIL_TYPE_1"] = "Type 1"; $MESS["T_SERVICES_PAGE_DETAIL_TYPE_1"] = "Type 1"; $MESS["T_SHORT_BLOCK"] = "Low picture"; $MESS["T_SHOW_PROPS_BLOCK"] = "Display product properties in a block version"; $MESS["T_SHOW_TABLE_PROPS"] = "Display product properties in a tabular version"; $MESS["T_TEXT_CENTER"] = "Center text"; $MESS["T_USE_BXSLIDER"] = "Use bxslider plugin (optional slider type)"; $MESS["T_USE_FOOTABLE"] = "Use plugin footable (responsive tables)"; $MESS["T_USE_PAGE_SPEED_OPTIMIZATION"] = "Give search bots a light version"; $MESS["T_USE_PAGE_SPEED_OPTIMIZATION_NOTE"] = "Transfer content with the exception of some heavy js scripts and css styles, while maintaining the visual grid"; $MESS["T_VIEW_LINKED_GOODS"] = "List view of related products"; $MESS["T_VIEW_LINKED_GOODS_BLOCK"] = "Block"; $MESS["T_VIEW_LINKED_GOODS_SLIDER"] = "Carousel"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_IMG_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Product display type"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_IMG_TYPE_NORMAL_TITLE"] = "Normal"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_IMG_TYPE_VERTICAL_TITLE"] = "Vertical"; $MESS["ELEMENTS_IMG_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_TITLE"] = "Horizontal"; $MESS["UPPER"] = "Uppercase"; $MESS["URL_BASKET_SECTION_TITLE"] = "Cart page"; $MESS["URL_CATALOG_SECTION_TITLE"] = "Catalog page"; $MESS["URL_ORDER_SECTION_TITLE"] = "Checkout page"; $MESS["URL_PAGES_OPTIONS"] = "Page addresses"; $MESS["USE_1CLICK_GOALS_TITLE"] = "Use Shopping goals in 1 click"; $MESS["USE_BASKET_GOALS_TITLE"] = "Use cart goals"; $MESS["USE_BITRIX_FORM"] = "Web Forms"; $MESS["USE_BITRIX_FORM_OVER_IBLOCK"] = "Use \"Web Forms\" instead of infoblocks"; $MESS["USE_CAPTCHA_FORM"] = "Use captcha in forms"; $MESS["USE_CRM_FORM"] = "Bitrix24 forms"; $MESS["USE_DEBUG_GOALS_NOTE_TITLE"] = "Calling targets information will be displayed in the browser console"; $MESS["USE_DEBUG_GOALS_TITLE"] = "Enable debugging"; $MESS["USE_DETAIL_TABS_TITLE"] = "Description type on the detail page"; $MESS["USE_FASTORDER_GOALS_TITLE"] = "Use Quick Order Goals"; $MESS["USE_FAST_VIEW_TITLE"] = "Use product fast view"; $MESS["USE_FORMS_GOALS_COMMON"] = "common goal"; $MESS["USE_FORMS_GOALS_NONE"] = "Not"; $MESS["USE_FORMS_GOALS_SINGLE"] = "Separate target"; $MESS["USE_FORMS_GOALS_TITLE"] = "Use goals for filling out web forms"; $MESS["USE_FORM_GOALS_NOTE_TITLE"] = "<div data-value=\"common\"> Filling out any web form - <i>goal_webform_success</i> </div> <div style=\"display: none;\" data-value=\"single\"> The goal id when filling out the web form has the template <i>goal_webform_success_#form_infoblock_id#</i> <br />#FORMS_GOALS_LIST#</div>"; $MESS["USE_FULLORDER_GOALS_TITLE"] = "Use the purposes of the Full Order"; $MESS["USE_GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_TITLE"] = "Use Google reCaptcha"; $MESS["USE_IBLOCK_BITRIX_FORM"] = "From solution settings (web forms / infoblock)"; $MESS["USE_IBLOCK_FORM"] = "Infoblock"; $MESS["USE_LAZY_LOAD_TITLE"] = "Use \"lazy\" (LazyLoad) image loading (display only visible images)"; $MESS["USE_MORE_COLOR"] = "Additional color"; $MESS["USE_PHONE_AUTH_NOTE_TITLE"] = "For authorization on the site, the user will be asked to enter a login and password or a phone number and a code from an SMS. <br /> The functionality is available only for users who have indicated a phone number to receive an SMS with a code."; $MESS["USE_PHONE_AUTH_TITLE"] = "Authorization by phone number"; $MESS["USE_PRIORITY_SECTION_DESCRIPTION_SOURCE"] = "Display section description from priority sources"; $MESS["USE_PRODUCT_QUANTITY_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Allow the indication of the number of items added to the cart on the product page of the catalog"; $MESS["USE_PRODUCT_QUANTITY_LIST_TITLE"] = "Allow the indication of the quantity of goods added to the cart in the list of catalog items"; $MESS["USE_REGIONALITY_TITLE"] = "Use regionality"; $MESS["USE_SALE_GOALS_NOTE_TITLE"] = "Adding an item to the cart - <i>goal_basket_add</i> <br /> Checkout has started - <i>goal_order_begin</i> <br /> The order has been successfully completed - <i>goal_order_success</i> <br />"; $MESS["USE_SALE_GOALS_TITLE"] = "Use cart and checkout goals"; $MESS["USE_STORE_QUANTITY_TITLE"] = "Show availability in warehouses in the list of products"; $MESS["USE_WORD_EXPRESSION_TITLE"] = "If the display of the remainder is available, replace the numbers with the expressions \"<i> not enough </i>\" / \"<i> enough </i>\" / \"<i> a lot </i>\""; $MESS["VACANCY_PAGE_TITLE"] = "Vacancies"; $MESS["VALIDATE_FILE_EXT"] = "Possible file extensions for validation"; $MESS["VALIDATE_PHONE_MASK"] = "Phone mask for validation"; $MESS["VALIDATION_HIDE"] = "hidden field"; $MESS["VALIDATION_IMG"] = "picture"; $MESS["VALIDATION_NONE"] = "absent"; $MESS["VIEWED_TEMPLATE_HORIZONTAL"] = "Horizontal blocks"; $MESS["VIEWED_TEMPLATE_TITLE"] = "Block you previously watched"; $MESS["VIEWED_TEMPLATE_VERTICAL"] = "Vertical blocks"; $MESS["VIEWED_TYPE_LOGIC_COMPONENT"] = "Standard"; $MESS["VIEWED_TYPE_LOGIC_COOKIE"] = "Fast"; $MESS["VIEWED_TYPE_TITLE"] = "Viewed products display mode"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_HIGHLOAD_PROP_TITLE"] = "Display the value of the \"Reference\" type property in the absence of a picture"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_ITEM_2"] = "Two"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_ITEM_3"] = "Three"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_ITEM_4"] = "Four"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_ITEM_NORMAL"] = "Normal"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_ITEM_PROP"] = "With hover characteristics"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_LEFT_BLOCK_FULL"] = "+ teasers and product of the day"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_LEFT_BLOCK_NORMAL"] = "Common"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_LEFT_BLOCK_WITH_TIZERS"] = "+ teasers"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_MENU_BLOCK"] = "block"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_MENU_LIST"] = "line"; $MESS["VIEW_TYPE_MENU_TITLE"] = "Displaying sub-menu items"; $MESS["V_DETAIL_SKU_TYPE_1"] = "Type 1"; $MESS["V_DETAIL_SKU_TYPE_2"] = "Type 2"; $MESS["V_TABLE_PROPS_COLS"] = "By columns"; $MESS["V_TABLE_PROPS_ROWS"] = "Into a string"; $MESS["WEB_FORMS_OPTIONS"] = "Forms"; $MESS["WIDE"] = "Wide"; $MESS["WIDE_MENU_CONTENT_CHILDS"] = "Child elements"; $MESS["WIDE_MENU_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION"] = "Description"; $MESS["WIDE_MENU_CONTENT_NO_CONTENT"] = "No content"; $MESS["WIDE_MENU_CONTENT_TITLE"] = "Wide menu item content"; $MESS["WIDE_TEXT"] = "Wide text"; $MESS["WITH_LEFT_BLOCK_INDEX"] = "Sidebar"; $MESS["WITH_TEXT_IMG"] = "picture with text"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_CACHE_TIME_TITLE"] = "Caching time (in seconds)"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_COUNT_REVIEWS_HINT"] = "Maximum possible value: <b> 30 </b>"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_COUNT_REVIEWS_TITLE"] = "Number of reviews on one page"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_GRADE_REVIEWS_TITLE"] = "Selection by rating"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_GRADE_TITLE"] = "Rating"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_SORT_DIRECTION_REVIEWS_TITLE"] = "Direction"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_SORT_REVIEWS_TITLE"] = "A type"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_SORT_TITLE"] = "Sorting"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_TOKEN_REVIEWS_HINT"] = "The Yandex.Market content API is available only to authorized users. Authorization is performed using authorization keys issued by the Yandex.Market system. Getting <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> authorization key </a>. Key example: <b> 81fc049e-8973-4634-af73-b0074f ****** </b>"; $MESS["YANDEX_MARKET_TOKEN_REVIEWS_TITLE"] = "Authorization key"; $MESS["YA_COUNTER_ID_TITLE"] = "Counter ID"; $MESS["YA_GOLAS_TITLE"] = "Use Yandex.Metrica goals"; $MESS["YA_ORDER_START_TITLE"] = "Start of ordering"; $MESS["YA_ORDER_SUCCESS_TITLE"] = "Successful checkout"; $MESS["YA_REMOVE4CART_TITLE"] = "Removing an item from the cart"; $MESS["YA_TOCART_TITLE"] = "Adding an item to the cart"; $MESS["YES"] = "Yes"; $MESS["YMGRADE_0"] = "All"; $MESS["YMGRADE_1"] = "Horrible model"; $MESS["YMGRADE_2"] = "Bad model"; $MESS["YMGRADE_3"] = "Regular model"; $MESS["YMGRADE_4"] = "Good model"; $MESS["YMGRADE_5"] = "Great model"; $MESS["YMSORT_DIR_ASC"] = "ascending"; $MESS["YMSORT_DIR_DESC"] = "descending"; $MESS["YMSORT_TYPE_DATE"] = "Date when the review was written"; $MESS["YMSORT_TYPE_GRADE"] = "User evaluation of the model"; $MESS["YMSORT_TYPE_RANK"] = "Usefulness of the review"; $MESS["ZOOM_PICTURE"] = "Enlarge"; $MESS["HIDE_SITE_NAME_TITLE"] = "Don't add site name to browser header"; $MESS["ITEMS_BORDER"] = "With stroke"; $MESS["T_THEME_VIEW_COLOR"] = "Decoration"; $MESS["V_THEME_VIEW_COLOR_DEFAULT"] = "Automatic"; $MESS["V_THEME_VIEW_COLOR_LIGHT"] = "Light"; $MESS["V_THEME_VIEW_COLOR_DARK"] = "Dark"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_BLOG_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the article page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_NEWS_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the news page"; $MESS["LEFT_BLOCK_SALE_DETAIL_TITLE"] = "Side menu on the promotion page"; $MESS["MAX_DEPTH_MENU_HINT_TITLE"] = "What's the difference?"; $MESS["SHOW_COMPARE_TITLE"] = "Show compare items"; $MESS["MAX_DEPTH_MENU_HINT_TEXT"] = " <div class=\"top_title\">Depth level</div> <div class=\"description\"><p>The depth level helps you set up viewing of all sections and categories at once in the menu. You will be able to see a more detailed structure of the catalog and the services offered. The menu depth levels in the header can be 2, 3 or 4.</p></div> <div class=\"description\"> <ul><li>The second level of menu depth only the root categories are visible.</li><li>The third level of menu depth-category sections appear.</li><li>The fourth level of the menu depth-the subsections of the sections become visible.</li></ul> </div> <div class=\"bottom_description\"> <p>Read more about the settings in the <!-- noindex --><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"> documentation</a><!-- /noindex -->.</p> </div> "; $MESS["MEGA_MENU_TYPE_HINT_TITLE"] = "How does it work?"; $MESS["MEGA_MENU_TYPE_HINT_TEXT"] = " <div class=\"top_title\">Menu types</div> <div class=\"description\"><p>Sections and divisions type, the entire structure of the section that is located in the menu item is displayed. This is a classic option, but it doesn't have a flexible setup.</p><p>From the information block menu type allows you to change the output of information in the menu without changing the structure of the section. Thanks to this, you can not limit yourself in the formation of the menu and place information from completely different sections in one item. Use this opportunity during the promotion period or adapt the menu to the specifics of your business.</p></div> <div class=\"bottom_description\"> <p>We tell you about setting up the menu from the info block in <!-- noindex --><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"> the documentation</a><!-- /noindex -->.</p> </div> "; $MESS["SHOW_RIGHT_SIDE_HINT_TITLE"] = "How do I add my own ad banner?"; $MESS["SHOW_RIGHT_SIDE_HINT_TEXT"] = " <div class=\"top_title\">Ad block</div> <div class=\"description\"><p>In the drop-down menu of the header, you can display an ad block. Attract users ' attention to collections, promotions, products or services. To add an ad banner in the administrative part of the site, go to Content → Advertising (aspro.allcorp3) → Large Banners.</p></div> <div class=\"bottom_description\"> <p>For detailed instructions, see <!-- noindex --><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"> the documentation.</a><!-- /noindex --></p> </div> "; $MESS["USE_REGIONALITY_HINT_TITLE"] = "What is regionality?"; $MESS["USE_REGIONALITY_HINT_TEXT"] = " <div class=\"top_title\">Regionality</div> <div class=\"description\"><p>Multi-regionality is a feature that will help you launch a large project and reach other cities. If you have a network of representative offices around the world or in a country, set up multi-regionality with the ability to choose the display of content, depending on the city.</p> <p>When you select the option to use regionality on the same domain, the browser bar will display the same address of the main domain (regardless of which city the site version is viewed for).</p> <p>When you select the option on subdomains, when you switch cities or regions, the site address will change according to the selected city.</p> </div> <div class=\"bottom_description\"> <p><!-- noindex --><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\" target=\"_blank\"> Setup documentation</a><!-- /noindex --></p> </div> "; $MESS["SHOW_ONE_CLICK_BUY_TEXT_VALUE_HINT"] = "Activates the ability to quickly order in a pop-up window without reloading the page."; $MESS["USE_FAST_VIEW_TEXT_VALUE_HINT"] = "Activates the ability to view product information without reloading the page in the pop-up window."; $MESS["PROJECTS_SHOW_HEAD_BLOCK_TEXT_VALUE_HINT"] = "Mix пїЅ clicking on the tab does not require reloading the current page.Links пїЅ clicking on the tab requires reloading the current page."; $MESS["SHOW_DROPDOWN_CALLBACK_TITLE"] = "Show block \"Request a call\""; $MESS["SHOW_DROPDOWN_EMAIL_TITLE"] = "Show block \"E-mail\""; $MESS["SHOW_DROPDOWN_ADDRESS_TITLE"] = "Show block \"Address\""; $MESS["SHOW_DROPDOWN_SCHEDULE_TITLE"] = "Show block \"Schedule\""; $MESS["SHOW_DROPDOWN_SOCIAL_TITLE"] = "Show block \"Social network\""; $MESS["SHOW_HEADER"] = "In a header"; $MESS["SHOW_FOOTER"] = "In a footer"; $MESS["SHOW_MEGA_MENU"] = "In a mega menu"; ?>