Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<? namespace Aspro\Allcorp3\Functions; use Bitrix\Main\Application, Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc, Bitrix\Main\IO\File, Bitrix\Main\IO\Directory, Bitrix\Main\Type\Collection, Bitrix\Main\Config\Option, Bitrix\Main\Loader, Bitrix\Highloadblock\HighloadBlockTable, Bitrix\Main, Bitrix\Iblock, CAllcorp3Cache as Cache, \CAllcorp3 as Solution; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); if(!class_exists('CSKU')) { /** * Class for manipulate sku items */ class CSKU{ /** * @var string MODULE_ID solution CODE * @var string linkCodeProp Code linked property * @var number selectedItem ID selected item after sort * @var array linkedProp All info linked property * @var array treeProp Tree props by item * @var array props All tree props form params * @var array items All items * @var array currentItem Selected item * @var array config Params */ const MODULE_ID = Solution::moduleID; public $props = []; public $items = []; public $linkedProp = []; public $treeProps = []; public $currentItem = []; public $config = []; public $linkCodeProp = ''; private $selectedItem = 0; private $matrix = []; protected static $highLoadInclude = null; public function __construct(array $arOptions = []) { $arDefaultOptions = [ 'ORDER_VIEW' => false, 'SHOW_ONE_CLICK_BUY' => 'N', 'DISPLAY_COMPARE' => false, 'USE_FAST_VIEW_PAGE_DETAIL' => 'NO', 'LINK_SKU_PROP_CODE' => 'LINK_SKU', 'SKU_SORT_FIELD' => 'sort', 'SKU_SORT_ORDER' => 'asc', 'SKU_SORT_FIELD2' => 'name', 'SKU_SORT_ORDER2' => 'asc', 'SKU_PROPERTY_CODE' => ['FILTER_PRICE', 'FORM_ORDER', 'PRICE_CURRENCY'], 'SKU_TREE_PROPS' => [], 'SHOW_SKU_DESCRIPTION' => 'N', ]; if ($arOptions['SKU_PROPERTY_CODE']) { $arOptions['SKU_PROPERTY_CODE'] = array_merge( $arDefaultOptions['SKU_PROPERTY_CODE'], $arOptions['SKU_PROPERTY_CODE'] ); } $arConfig = array_merge($arDefaultOptions, $arOptions); $this->linkCodeProp = $arConfig['LINK_SKU_PROP_CODE']; $this->config = \array_intersect_key($arConfig, $arDefaultOptions); } /** * Check visible and value in LINK_SKU property * @param array $arProperties DISPLAY_PROPERTIES * @return boolean */ private function checkItemLinkProp(array $arProperties = []) { $bCheck = false; if ( $arProperties && ( isset($arProperties[$this->linkCodeProp]) && \is_array($arProperties[$this->linkCodeProp]) && $arProperties[$this->linkCodeProp]['VALUE'] ) ) { $bCheck = true; } return $bCheck; } /** * Set $this->linkedProp from LINK_SKU property * @param array $arProperties DISPLAY_PROPERTIES */ public function setLinkedPropFromDisplayProps(array $arProperties = []) { if ($this->checkItemLinkProp($arProperties)) { $this->linkedProp = $arProperties[$this->linkCodeProp]; unset($this->linkedProp['LINK_ELEMENT_VALUE']); } else { $this->linkedProp = []; } } /** * Set $this->linkedProp from custom array * @param array $arFields */ public function setLinkedPropFromArray(array $arFields = []) { $this->linkedProp = $arFields; } /** * Reset items variables * */ private function resetItems() { $this->items = []; $this->currentItem = []; $this->treeProps = []; $this->matrix = []; } /** * Get all items from sku iblock by property LINK_SKU * @param array $arProperties DISPLAY_PROPERTIES * @return array [['SECTION_ID' => ['ITEMS' => []]] | [] */ public function getItemsByProperty() { $this->resetItems(); if ($this->linkedProp && $this->linkedProp['VALUE']) { $arFilter = [ 'ID' => $this->linkedProp['VALUE'], 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'IBLOCK_ID' => $this->linkedProp['LINK_IBLOCK_ID'] ]; $this->getItemsByFilter($arFilter); $this->getItemsProps(); $this->getItemsIProps(); $this->getMatrix(); } } /** * Get all items by filter * @param array $arFilter * @return array */ public function getItemsByFilter(array $arFilter = [], array $arSelect = []) { if (!$arFilter['IBLOCK_ID']) { return []; } $arDefaultSelect = ['ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'NAME', 'SORT', 'PREVIEW_TEXT', 'DETAIL_TEXT', 'PREVIEW_PICTURE', 'DETAIL_PICTURE']; $iblockID = $arFilter['IBLOCK_ID']; $arSelect = array_merge($arDefaultSelect, $arSelect); $this->items = Cache::CIBlockElement_GetList( [ $this->config['SKU_SORT_FIELD'] => $this->config['SKU_SORT_ORDER'], $this->config['SKU_SORT_FIELD2'] => $this->config['SKU_SORT_ORDER2'], "CACHE" => [ "TAG" => Cache::GetIBlockCacheTag($iblockID), "GROUP" => 'ID', "MULTI" => 'N' ] ], $arFilter, false, false, $arSelect ); } /** * Get properties by loop items * @return array */ public function getItemsProps() { if ($this->items && $this->config['SKU_PROPERTY_CODE']) { $arProps = []; \CIBlockElement::GetPropertyValuesArray( $arProps, $this->linkedProp['LINK_IBLOCK_ID'], [ 'ID' => \array_keys($this->items) ], [ 'CODE' => $this->config['SKU_PROPERTY_CODE'] ] ); if ($arProps) { foreach ($arProps as $key => $arProp) { if ($this->items[$key]) { $this->items[$key]['DISPLAY_PROPERTIES'] = $arProp; } } } } } /** * Get inherited properties * @return array */ public function getItemsIProps() { if ($this->items) { foreach ($this->items as $key => $arItem) { $ipropValues = new \Bitrix\Iblock\InheritedProperty\ElementValues($arItem['IBLOCK_ID'], $arItem['ID']); $this->items[$key]['IPROPERTY_VALUES'] = $ipropValues->getValues(); } } } /** * Get tree props value in item * @return array */ private function getMatrix() { if ($this->items) { $arMatrix = $arRow = []; $arPropsCode = array_keys($this->props); $arMatrixFields = array_fill_keys($arPropsCode, false); foreach ($this->items as $key => $arItem) { foreach ($arPropsCode as $codeProp) { $arCell = [ 'VALUE' => 0, 'SORT' => PHP_INT_MAX, 'NA' => true ]; if (isset($arItem['DISPLAY_PROPERTIES'][$codeProp])) { $arMatrixFields[$codeProp] = true; $arCell['NA'] = false; if ('directory' == $this->props[$codeProp]['USER_TYPE']) { $intValue = $this->props[$codeProp]['XML_MAP'][$arItem['DISPLAY_PROPERTIES'][$codeProp]['VALUE']]; $arCell['VALUE'] = $intValue; } elseif ('L' == $this->props[$codeProp]['PROPERTY_TYPE']) { $arCell['VALUE'] = intval($arItem['DISPLAY_PROPERTIES'][$codeProp]['VALUE_ENUM_ID']); } elseif ('E' == $this->props[$codeProp]['PROPERTY_TYPE']) { $arCell['VALUE'] = intval($arItem['DISPLAY_PROPERTIES'][$codeProp]['VALUE']); } $arCell['SORT'] = $this->props[$codeProp]['VALUES'][$arCell['VALUE']]['SORT']; } $arRow[$codeProp] = $arCell; } $arMatrix[$key] = $arRow; \CIBlockPriceTools::clearProperties($this->items[$key]['DISPLAY_PROPERTIES'], \array_keys($this->props)); } $this->matrix = [ 'ITEMS' => $arMatrix, 'FIELDS' => $arMatrixFields ]; $this->setFormattedTreeProps(); } } /** * Set tree props with value by matrix * @return array */ private function setFormattedTreeProps() { $arPropSKU = $arItem['OFFERS_PROPS_JS'] = $arSortFields = []; foreach (array_keys($this->props) as $codeProp) { $boolExist = $this->matrix['FIELDS'][$codeProp]; foreach ($this->matrix['ITEMS'] as $keyOffer => $arRow) { if ($boolExist) { if (!isset($this->items[$keyOffer]['TREE'])) { $this->items[$keyOffer]['TREE'] = []; } $this->items[$keyOffer]['TREE']['PROP_'.$this->props[$codeProp]['ID']] = $this->matrix['ITEMS'][$keyOffer][$codeProp]['VALUE']; $this->items[$keyOffer]['SKU_SORT_'.$codeProp] = $this->matrix['ITEMS'][$keyOffer][$codeProp]['SORT']; $arSortFields['SKU_SORT_'.$codeProp] = SORT_NUMERIC; $arPropSKU[$codeProp][$this->matrix['ITEMS'][$keyOffer][$codeProp]["VALUE"]] = $this->props[$codeProp]["VALUES"][$this->matrix['ITEMS'][$keyOffer][$codeProp]["VALUE"]]; } else { unset($this->matrix['ITEMS'][$keyOffer][$codeProp]); } } if ($arPropSKU[$codeProp] && array_column($arPropSKU[$codeProp], 'ID')) { Collection::sortByColumn($arPropSKU[$codeProp], array("SORT" => array(SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC), "NAME" => array(SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC))); // sort sku prop values $this->treeProps[$codeProp] = array( "ID" => $this->props[$codeProp]["ID"], "CODE" => $this->props[$codeProp]["CODE"], "NAME" => $this->props[$codeProp]["NAME"], "SORT" => $this->props[$codeProp]["SORT"], "PROPERTY_TYPE" => $this->props[$codeProp]["PROPERTY_TYPE"], "USER_TYPE" => $this->props[$codeProp]["USER_TYPE"], "LINK_IBLOCK_ID" => $this->props[$codeProp]["LINK_IBLOCK_ID"], "SHOW_MODE" => $this->props[$codeProp]["SHOW_MODE"], "VALUES" => $arPropSKU[$codeProp] ); } } $this->setActivePropsValue(); } /** * Set selected item ID * @param number $number ID item */ public function setSelectedItem($number) { if ((int)$number) { $this->selectedItem = $number; } } /** * Set active class in props value by selected item * @return array */ private function setActivePropsValue() { $arFilter = []; $arCurrentOffer = current($this->items); if ($this->selectedItem && $this->items[$this->selectedItem]) { $arCurrentOffer = $this->items[$this->selectedItem]; } $this->currentItem = $arCurrentOffer; foreach ($this->treeProps as $key => $arProp){ $strName = 'PROP_'.$arProp['ID']; $arShowValues = $this->GetRowValues($arFilter, $strName); if (in_array($arCurrentOffer['TREE'][$strName], $arShowValues)) { $arFilter[$strName] = $arCurrentOffer['TREE'][$strName]; } else { $arFilter[$strName] = $arShowValues[0]; } $this->UpdateRow($arFilter[$strName], $arShowValues, $this->treeProps[$key]); } /*echo "<pre>"; print_r($this->treeProps); echo "</pre>";*/ } /** * Get visible props value * @param array $arFilter * @param string $index Property code */ public static function GetCanBuy($arFilter, $arItem) { $boolSearch = false; $boolOneSearch = true; foreach ($arItem['OFFERS'] as $arOffer) { $boolOneSearch = true; foreach ($arFilter as $propName => $filter) { if ($filter !== $arOffer['TREE'][$propName]) { $boolOneSearch = false; break; } } if ($boolOneSearch) { $boolSearch = true; break; } } return $boolSearch; } /** * Set active class in props value by selected item * @param array $arFilter * @param string $index Property code * @return array */ private function GetRowValues($arFilter, $index) { $arValues = []; $boolSearch = false; $boolOneSearch = true; if (!$arFilter) { if ($this->items) { foreach ($this->items as $arOffer) { if (!in_array($arOffer['TREE'][$index], $arValues)) { $arValues[] = $arOffer['TREE'][$index]; } } } $boolSearch = true; } else { if ($this->items) { foreach ($this->items as $arOffer) { $boolOneSearch = true; foreach ($arFilter as $propName => $filter) { if ($filter !== $arOffer['TREE'][$propName]) { $boolOneSearch = false; break; } } if ($boolOneSearch) { if (!in_array($arOffer['TREE'][$index], $arValues)) { $arValues[] = $arOffer['TREE'][$index]; } $boolSearch = true; } } } } return ($boolSearch ? $arValues : false); } /** * Update classes in tree props value * @param array $arFilter * @param string $index Property code * @return array */ private function UpdateRow($arFilter, $arShowValues, &$arProp) { $isCurrent = false; $showI = 0; if ($arProp['VALUES']){ foreach ($arProp['VALUES'] as $key => $arValue) { $value = $arValue['ID']; // $isCurrent = ($value === $arFilter && $value != 0); $isCurrent = ($value === $arFilter); /*if (in_array($value, $arCanBuyValues)) { $arProp['VALUES'][$key]['CLASS'] = ($isCurrent ? 'active' : ''); } else { $arProp['VALUES'][$key]['CLASS'] = ($isCurrent ? 'active missing' : 'missing'); }*/ $arProp['VALUES'][$key]['CLASS'] = ($isCurrent ? 'active' : ''); $arProp['VALUES'][$key]['STYLE'] = 'style="display: none"'; if (in_array($value, $arShowValues)) { $arProp['VALUES'][$key]['STYLE'] = ''; if ($value != 0) { ++$showI; } } if ($isCurrent) { $arProp['VALUE'] = $arProp['VALUES'][$key]['NAME']; } } if (!$showI) { $arProp['STYLE'] = 'style="display: none"'; } else { $arProp['STYLE'] = 'style=""'; } } } /** * Get tree props list by filter * @param array $arFilter * @param array $skuInfo [ * IBLOCK_ID => int, * PRODUCT_IBLOCK_ID => int, * SKU_PROPERTY_ID => int, * VERSION => int * ] * @return array */ public function getTreePropsByFilter(array $arFilter = [], array $skuInfo = [], array $defaultFields = []) { $requireFields = array( 'ID', 'UF_XML_ID', 'UF_NAME', ); if (!$defaultFields['PICT']) { $defaultFields['PICT'] = SITE_TEMPLATE_PATH.'/images/noimage.png'; } $propertyIterator = Iblock\PropertyTable::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'IBLOCK_ID', 'CODE', 'NAME', 'SORT', 'LINK_IBLOCK_ID', 'PROPERTY_TYPE', 'USER_TYPE', 'USER_TYPE_SETTINGS', 'HINT' ], 'filter' => [ array_merge( $arFilter, [ '=PROPERTY_TYPE' => [ Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT, Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING ], '=ACTIVE' => 'Y', '=MULTIPLE' => 'N' ] ) ], 'order' => [ 'SORT' => 'ASC', 'ID' => 'ASC' ] ]); while ($propInfo = $propertyIterator->fetch()) { $propInfo['ID'] = (int)$propInfo['ID']; if ($skuInfo && $propInfo['ID'] == $skuInfo['SKU_PROPERTY_ID']) continue; $propInfo['CODE'] = (string)$propInfo['CODE']; if ($propInfo['CODE'] === '') $propInfo['CODE'] = $propInfo['ID']; $propInfo['SORT'] = (int)$propInfo['SORT']; $propInfo['USER_TYPE'] = (string)$propInfo['USER_TYPE']; if ($propInfo['PROPERTY_TYPE'] == Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING) { if ('directory' != $propInfo['USER_TYPE']) continue; $propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS'] = (string)$propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS']; if ($propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS'] == '') continue; $propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS'] = unserialize($propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS'], ['allowed_classes' => false]); if (!isset($propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS']['TABLE_NAME']) || empty($propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS']['TABLE_NAME'])) continue; if (self::$highLoadInclude === null) self::$highLoadInclude = Loader::includeModule('highloadblock'); if (!self::$highLoadInclude) continue; $highBlock = HighloadBlockTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array('=TABLE_NAME' => $propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS']['TABLE_NAME']) ))->fetch(); if (!isset($highBlock['ID'])) continue; $entity = HighloadBlockTable::compileEntity($highBlock); $fieldsList = $entity->getFields(); if (empty($fieldsList)) continue; $flag = true; foreach ($requireFields as $fieldCode) { if (!isset($fieldsList[$fieldCode]) || empty($fieldsList[$fieldCode])) { $flag = false; break; } } unset($fieldCode); if (!$flag) continue; $propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS']['FIELDS_MAP'] = $fieldsList; $propInfo['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS']['ENTITY'] = $entity; } switch ($propInfo['PROPERTY_TYPE']) { case Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_ELEMENT: $showMode = 'pict'; break; case Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST: $showMode = 'text'; break; case Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING: $showMode = (isset($fieldsList['UF_FILE']) ? 'pict' : 'text'); break; } $propInfo['SHOW_MODE'] = $showMode; if ($showMode === 'pict') { $propInfo['DEFAULT_VALUES']['PICT'] = $defaultFields['PICT']; } $this->props[$propInfo['CODE']] = $propInfo; } unset($propInfo); if ($this->props) { $this->getPropsValue(); } } /** * Get value in props list * @return array $this->props */ public function getPropsValue() { if (!$this->props) { return; } $useFilterValues = !empty($this->needPropValues) && is_array($this->needPropValues); foreach ($this->props as $key => $arProp) { $values = []; $valuesExist = false; $pictMode = ('pict' == $arProp['SHOW_MODE']); $needValuesExist = !empty($this->needPropValues[$arProp['ID']]) && is_array($this->needPropValues[$arProp['ID']]); if ($useFilterValues && !$needValuesExist) continue; switch ($arProp['PROPERTY_TYPE']) { case Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_LIST: if ($needValuesExist) { foreach (array_chunk($this->needPropValues[$arProp['ID']], 500) as $pageIds) { $iterator = Iblock\PropertyEnumerationTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID', 'VALUE', 'SORT'), 'filter' => array('=PROPERTY_ID' => $arProp['ID'], '@ID' => $pageIds), 'order' => array('SORT' => 'ASC', 'VALUE' => 'ASC') )); while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) { $row['ID'] = (int)$row['ID']; $values[$row['ID']] = array( 'ID' => $row['ID'], 'NAME' => $row['VALUE'], 'SORT' => (int)$row['SORT'], 'PICT' => false ); $valuesExist = true; } unset($row, $iterator); } unset($pageIds); } else { $iterator = Iblock\PropertyEnumerationTable::getList(array( 'select' => array('ID', 'VALUE', 'SORT'), 'filter' => array('=PROPERTY_ID' => $arProp['ID']), 'order' => array('SORT' => 'ASC', 'VALUE' => 'ASC') )); while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) { $row['ID'] = (int)$row['ID']; $values[$row['ID']] = array( 'ID' => $row['ID'], 'NAME' => $row['VALUE'], 'SORT' => (int)$row['SORT'], 'PICT' => false ); $valuesExist = true; } unset($row, $iterator); } break; case Iblock\PropertyTable::TYPE_STRING: if (self::$highLoadInclude === null) self::$highLoadInclude = Loader::includeModule('highloadblock'); if (!self::$highLoadInclude) continue 2; $xmlMap = array(); $sortExist = isset($arProp['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS']['FIELDS_MAP']['UF_SORT']); $directorySelect = array('ID', 'UF_NAME', 'UF_XML_ID'); $directoryOrder = array(); if ($pictMode) $directorySelect[] = 'UF_FILE'; if ($sortExist) { $directorySelect[] = 'UF_SORT'; $directoryOrder['UF_SORT'] = 'ASC'; } $directoryOrder['UF_NAME'] = 'ASC'; $sortValue = 100; /** @var Main\Entity\Base $entity */ $entity = $arProp['USER_TYPE_SETTINGS']['ENTITY']; if (!($entity instanceof Main\Entity\Base)) continue 2; $entityDataClass = $entity->getDataClass(); $entityGetList = array( 'select' => $directorySelect, 'order' => $directoryOrder ); if ($needValuesExist) { foreach (array_chunk($this->needPropValues[$arProp['ID']], 500) as $pageIds) { $entityGetList['filter'] = array('=UF_XML_ID' => $pageIds); $iterator = $entityDataClass::getList($entityGetList); while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) { $row['ID'] = (int)$row['ID']; $row['UF_SORT'] = ($sortExist ? (int)$row['UF_SORT'] : $sortValue); $sortValue += 100; if ($pictMode) { if (!empty($row['UF_FILE'])) { $arFile = \CFile::GetFileArray($row['UF_FILE']); if (!empty($arFile)) { $row['PICT'] = array( 'ID' => (int)$arFile['ID'], 'SRC' => $arFile['SRC'], 'WIDTH' => (int)$arFile['WIDTH'], 'HEIGHT' => (int)$arFile['HEIGHT'] ); } } if (empty($row['PICT'])) $row['PICT'] = $arProp['DEFAULT_VALUES']['PICT']; } $values[$row['ID']] = array( 'ID' => $row['ID'], 'NAME' => $row['UF_NAME'], 'SORT' => (int)$row['UF_SORT'], 'XML_ID' => $row['UF_XML_ID'], 'PICT' => ($pictMode ? $row['PICT'] : false) ); $valuesExist = true; $xmlMap[$row['UF_XML_ID']] = $row['ID']; } unset($row, $iterator); } unset($pageIds); } else { $iterator = $entityDataClass::getList($entityGetList); while ($row = $iterator->fetch()) { $row['ID'] = (int)$row['ID']; $row['UF_SORT'] = ($sortExist ? (int)$row['UF_SORT'] : $sortValue); $sortValue += 100; if ($pictMode) { if (!empty($row['UF_FILE'])) { $arFile = \CFile::GetFileArray($row['UF_FILE']); if (!empty($arFile)) { $row['PICT'] = array( 'ID' => (int)$arFile['ID'], 'SRC' => $arFile['SRC'], 'WIDTH' => (int)$arFile['WIDTH'], 'HEIGHT' => (int)$arFile['HEIGHT'] ); } } if (empty($row['PICT'])) $row['PICT'] = $arProp['DEFAULT_VALUES']['PICT']; } $values[$row['ID']] = array( 'ID' => $row['ID'], 'NAME' => $row['UF_NAME'], 'SORT' => (int)$row['UF_SORT'], 'XML_ID' => $row['UF_XML_ID'], 'PICT' => ($pictMode ? $row['PICT'] : false) ); $valuesExist = true; $xmlMap[$row['UF_XML_ID']] = $row['ID']; } unset($row, $iterator); } if ($valuesExist) $arProp['XML_MAP'] = $xmlMap; break; } if (!$valuesExist) { continue; } $arProp['VALUES'] = $values; $arProp['VALUES_COUNT'] = count($values); $this->props[$arProp['CODE']] = $arProp; } } } }?>