Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php /** * @author darkfriend <> * @copyright dev2fun * @version 0.8.5 */ namespace Dev2fun\ImageCompress; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class Compress { private $jpegoptim = false; private $pngoptim = false; private $MODULE_ID = 'dev2fun.imagecompress'; private $tableName = 'b_d2f_imagecompress_files'; private $algorithmJpeg = '', $algorithmPng = ''; private $jpegOptimPath = '', $pngOptimPath = ''; private $enableElement = false, $enableSection = false, $enableResize = false, $enableSave = false, $enableImageResize = false, $jpegProgress = false; private $jpegOptimCompress, $pngOptimCompress; public $enableJpeg = false; public $enablePng = false; public $enablePdf = false; public $enableGif = false; public $enableSvg = false; /** @var string[] */ private static $optiClasses = [ 'jpegoptim' => '\Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Jpegoptim', 'optipng' => '\Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Optipng', 'ps2pdf' => '\Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Ps2Pdf', 'svg' => '\Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Svg', 'gif' => '\Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Gif', ]; private static $instance; /** @var bool state */ protected static $enable = true; /** @var string[] */ public static $supportContentType = [ 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'application/pdf', 'image/svg', 'image/gif', ]; /** @var string */ public $LAST_ERROR; /** @var bool */ protected static $hasDisk; public function __construct() { // if (!$siteId) { // $siteId = \Dev2funImageCompress::getSiteId(); // } // $this->siteId = $siteId; $this->algorithmJpeg = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'opti_algorithm_jpeg', 'jpegoptim'); $this->algorithmPng = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'opti_algorithm_png', 'optipng'); $this->pngOptimPath = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'path_to_optipng', ''); $this->jpegOptimPath = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'path_to_jpegoptim', ''); $this->enableJpeg = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_jpeg', 'N') === 'Y'; $this->enablePng = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_png', 'N') === 'Y'; $this->enablePdf = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_pdf', 'N') === 'Y'; $this->enableGif = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_gif', 'N') === 'Y'; $this->enableSvg = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_svg', 'N') === 'Y'; $this->enableElement = (Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_element', 'N') === 'Y'); $this->enableSection = (Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_section', 'N') === 'Y'); $this->enableResize = (Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_resize', 'N') === 'Y'); $this->enableSave = (Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'enable_save', 'N') === 'Y'); $this->jpegOptimCompress = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'jpegoptim_compress', 80); $this->pngOptimCompress = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'optipng_compress', 3); $this->jpegProgress = (Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'jpeg_progressive', 'N') === 'Y'); $this->enableImageResize = (Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'resize_image_enable', 'N') === 'Y'); } /** * @static * @return Compress */ public static function getInstance() { if (!isset(self::$instance)) { $c = __CLASS__; self::$instance = new $c; } return self::$instance; } /** * Get algorithm class * @param string $algorithm * @return null|Jpegoptim|Optipng|Ps2Pdf|Webp|Gif|Svg */ public static function getAlgInstance(string $algorithm) { $obj = null; switch ($algorithm) { case 'jpegoptim': $obj = \Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Jpegoptim::getInstance(); break; case 'optipng': $obj = \Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Optipng::getInstance(); break; case 'ps2pdf': $obj = \Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Ps2Pdf::getInstance(); break; case 'webp': case 'cwebp': $obj = \Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Webp::getInstance(); break; case 'gif': case 'gifsicle': $obj = \Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Gif::getInstance(); break; case 'svg': case 'svgo': $obj = \Dev2fun\ImageCompress\Svg::getInstance(); break; } return $obj; // return self::$optiClasses[$algorithm]::getInstance(); // PHP7+ } public function isPNGOptim() { if (!$this->pngoptim) { $this->pngoptim = Check::isPNGOptim($this->algorithmPng); if (!$this->pngoptim) $this->LAST_ERROR = Check::$lastError; // exec($this->pngOptimPath.'/optipng -v',$s); // if($s) $this->pngoptim = true; } return $this->pngoptim; } public function isJPEGOptim() { if (!$this->jpegoptim) { $this->jpegoptim = Check::isJPEGOptim($this->algorithmJpeg); if (!$this->jpegoptim) $this->LAST_ERROR = Check::$lastError; // exec($this->jpegOptimPath.'/jpegoptim --version',$s); // if($s) $this->jpegoptim = true; } return $this->jpegoptim; } public function compressJPG(string $strFilePath) { if(!static::$enable || !$this->enableJpeg) { return null; } $res = false; if (!$this->isJPEGOptim()) { if (empty($this->LAST_ERROR)) { $this->LAST_ERROR = Loc::getMessage('DEV2FUN_IMAGECOMPRESS_NO_MODULE', ['#MODULE#' => 'jpegoptim']); } return $res; } if (\file_exists($strFilePath)) { $algInstance = static::getAlgInstance($this->algorithmJpeg); $res = $algInstance->compressJPG( $strFilePath, $this->jpegOptimCompress, [ 'progressiveJpeg' => $this->jpegProgress, 'changeChmod' => $this->getChmod(Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'change_chmod', 777)), ] ); } return $res; } public function compressPNG(string $strFilePath) { if(!static::$enable || !$this->enablePng) { return null; } $res = false; if (!$this->isPNGOptim()) { $this->LAST_ERROR = Loc::getMessage('DEV2FUN_IMAGECOMPRESS_NO_MODULE', ['#MODULE#' => 'optipng']); return $res; } if (\file_exists($strFilePath)) { $res = static::getAlgInstance($this->algorithmPng)->compressPNG( $strFilePath, $this->pngOptimCompress, [ 'changeChmod' => $this->getChmod( Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'change_chmod', 777) ), ] ); } return $res; } public function compressPdf(string $strFilePath) { if(!static::$enable || !$this->enablePdf) { return null; } $res = false; $algInstance = static::getAlgInstance('ps2pdf'); if (!$algInstance->isPdfOptim()) { $this->LAST_ERROR = Loc::getMessage('DEV2FUN_IMAGECOMPRESS_NO_MODULE', ['#MODULE#' => 'ps2pdf']); return $res; } if (\file_exists($strFilePath)) { $res = $algInstance->compress( $strFilePath, [ 'changeChmod' => $this->getChmod( Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'change_chmod', 777) ), ] ); } return $res; } /** * Запускает процесс * @param string $strFilePath * @param string|null $alg * @param array $options * @return bool|null * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException */ public function process(string $strFilePath, ?string $alg=null, array $options=[]) { if(!static::$enable) return null; $res = false; if(!$alg) { return $res; } $algInstance = static::getAlgInstance($alg); if (!$algInstance->isOptim()) { $this->LAST_ERROR = Loc::getMessage('DEV2FUN_IMAGECOMPRESS_NO_MODULE', ['#MODULE#' => $alg]); return $res; } if (!$algInstance->isActive()) { $this->LAST_ERROR = Loc::getMessage('DEV2FUN_IMAGECOMPRESS_ERROR_NO_ACTIVE', ['#TYPE#' => $alg]); return $res; } if (\file_exists($strFilePath)) { $res = $algInstance->compress( $strFilePath, \array_merge( [ 'changeChmod' => $this->getChmod( Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'change_chmod', 777) ), ], $options ) ); } return $res; } /** * Compress image by fileID * @param int $intFileID * @return bool|null */ public function compressImageByID(int $intFileID) { $res = false; if(!static::$enable || !$intFileID) { return null; } $event = new \Bitrix\Main\Event($this->MODULE_ID, "OnBeforeResizeImage", [$intFileID]); $event->send(); $arFile = \CFile::GetByID($intFileID)->GetNext(); if (!\in_array($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], static::$supportContentType)) { return null; } if (!Check::isActiveByMimeType($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"])) { $this->LAST_ERROR = Loc::getMessage('DEV2FUN_IMAGECOMPRESS_ERROR_NO_ACTIVE', ['#TYPE#' => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]]); return null; } $strFilePath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . \CFile::GetPath($intFileID); if (\file_exists($strFilePath)) { $oldSize = $arFile["FILE_SIZE"]; // filesize($strFilePath); if ($this->enableImageResize) { $this->resize($intFileID, $strFilePath); } switch ($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]) { case 'image/jpeg': $isCompress = $this->compressJPG($strFilePath); break; case 'image/png': $isCompress = $this->compressPNG($strFilePath); break; case 'application/pdf': $isCompress = $this->compressPdf($strFilePath); break; case 'image/svg': $isCompress = $this->process( $strFilePath, Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'opti_algorithm_svg', '') ); break; case 'image/gif': $isCompress = $this->process( $strFilePath, Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'opti_algorithm_gif', '') ); break; default: $this->LAST_ERROR = Loc::getMessage('DEV2FUN_IMAGECOMPRESS_CONTENT_TYPE', [ '#TYPE#' => $arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], ]); return null; } if ($isCompress) { \clearstatcache(true, $strFilePath); $newSize = filesize($strFilePath); if ($newSize != $oldSize) { // $DB->Query("UPDATE b_file SET FILE_SIZE='" . $DB->ForSql($newSize, 255) . "' WHERE ID=" . intval($intFileID)); $this->saveSizeBitrix($intFileID, $newSize); } $arFields = [ 'FILE_ID' => $intFileID, 'SIZE_BEFORE' => $oldSize, 'SIZE_AFTER' => $newSize, ]; $rs = ImageCompressTable::getById($intFileID); if ($rs->getSelectedRowsCount() <= 0) { $res = ImageCompressTable::add($arFields); } else { $res = ImageCompressTable::update($intFileID, $arFields); } } else { $this->LAST_ERROR = ''; } } else { $res = $this->addCompressTable($intFileID, [ 'FILE_ID' => $intFileID, 'SIZE_BEFORE' => 0, 'SIZE_AFTER' => 0, ]); } return $res; } /** * Resize image file * @param int $fileId * @param string $strFilePath * @return bool */ public function resize(int $fileId, string $strFilePath) { if(!static::$enable) return false; if (!$strFilePath) return false; if (!$this->enableImageResize) return false; $width = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'resize_image_width', ''); $height = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'resize_image_height', ''); $algorithm = Option::get($this->MODULE_ID, 'resize_image_algorithm', ''); if (!$algorithm) $algorithm = BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL; $destinationFile = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/upload/{$this->MODULE_ID}/" . basename($strFilePath); $res = \CFile::ResizeImageFile( $strFilePath, $destinationFile, [ 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, ], $algorithm ); if ($res) { \chmod($destinationFile, 0777); \copy($destinationFile, $strFilePath); if ($fileId) { $this->saveWidthHeight($fileId, $strFilePath); } \unlink($destinationFile); } return $res; } /** * @param int $fileId * @param string $filepath * @return \CDBResult|false|null */ public function saveWidthHeight(int $fileId, string $filepath) { global $DB; \clearstatcache(true, $filepath); $arImageSize = \CFile::GetImageSize($filepath); return $DB->Query("UPDATE b_file SET HEIGHT='" . \round((float)$arImageSize[1]) . "', WIDTH='" . \round((float)$arImageSize[0]) . "' WHERE ID=" . $fileId); } /** * Save filesize in table b_file * @param int $fileId * @param int $newSize * @return mixed */ public function saveSizeBitrix(int $fileId, int $newSize) { global $DB; $this->updateSizeDiskModule($fileId, $newSize); return $DB->Query("UPDATE b_file SET FILE_SIZE='" . $DB->ForSql($newSize, 255) . "' WHERE ID=" . (int)$fileId); } /** * @param int $intFileID * @param array $arFields * @return \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\AddResult|\Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\UpdateResult * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ObjectPropertyException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\SystemException */ public function addCompressTable(int $intFileID, array $arFields) { $rs = ImageCompressTable::getById($intFileID); if ($rs->getSelectedRowsCount() <= 0) { $res = ImageCompressTable::add($arFields); } else { $res = ImageCompressTable::update($intFileID, $arFields); } return $res; } /** * Сжатие картинок на событии в разделах * @param array $arFields */ public static function CompressImageOnSectionEvent(&$arFields) { if(!static::$enable) return; $instance = self::getInstance(); if ($instance->enableSection && !empty($arFields['PICTURE']) && is_numeric($arFields['PICTURE'])) { $rsSection = \CIBlockSection::GetByID($arFields["ID"]); $arSection = $rsSection->GetNext(); $instance->compressImageByID($arSection['PICTURE']); } } /** * Сжатие картинок на событии в элементах * @param array $arFields */ public static function CompressImageOnElementEvent(&$arFields) { if(!static::$enable) return; $instance = self::getInstance(); if (!$instance->enableElement) { return; } if ((int)$arFields["PREVIEW_PICTURE_ID"] > 0) { $instance->compressImageByID($arFields["PREVIEW_PICTURE_ID"]); } if ((int)$arFields["DETAIL_PICTURE_ID"] > 0) { $instance->compressImageByID($arFields["DETAIL_PICTURE_ID"]); } $arEl = false; if ($arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"]) { foreach ($arFields["PROPERTY_VALUES"] as $key => $values) { foreach ($values as $v) { if (\is_array($v)) { // $contentTypeList = [ // 'image/jpeg', // 'image/png', // 'application/pdf', // ]; if ( !isset($v['VALUE']['type']) || (isset($v['VALUE']['type']) && !\in_array($v['VALUE']['type'], static::$supportContentType)) || !Check::isActiveByMimeType($v['VALUE']['type']) ) { continue; } if (!$arEl) { $rsEl = \CIBlockElement::GetByID($arFields["ID"]); if ($obEl = $rsEl->GetNextElement()) { $arEl = $obEl->GetFields(); $arEl["PROPERTIES"] = $obEl->GetProperties(); } } foreach ($arEl["PROPERTIES"] as $arProp) { if ($arProp["ID"] == $key) { if ($arProp["MULTIPLE"] !== 'N') { foreach ($arProp["VALUE"] as $intFileID) { $instance->compressImageByID($intFileID); } } else { $instance->compressImageByID($arProp["VALUE"]); } } } } } } } } /** * Сжатие картинок на событии в сохранения в таблице * CFile::SaveFile() */ public static function CompressImageOnFileEvent(&$arFile, $strFileName, $strSavePath, $bForceMD5, $bSkipExt) { if(!static::$enable) return; $instance = self::getInstance(); if (!$instance->enableSave) return; // $contentTypeList = [ // 'image/jpeg', // 'image/png', // 'application/pdf', // ]; if (!\in_array($arFile["type"], static::$supportContentType)) { return; } if(!Check::isActiveByMimeType($arFile["type"])) { return null; } // resize $instance->resize(0, $arFile["tmp_name"]); switch ($arFile["type"]) { case 'image/jpeg': $isCompress = $instance->compressJPG($arFile["tmp_name"]); break; case 'image/png': $isCompress = $instance->compressPNG($arFile["tmp_name"]); break; case 'application/pdf': $isCompress = $instance->compressPdf($arFile["tmp_name"]); break; case 'image/svg': $isCompress = $instance->process( $arFile["tmp_name"], Option::get($instance->MODULE_ID, 'opti_algorithm_svg', '') ); break; case 'image/gif': $isCompress = $instance->process( $arFile["tmp_name"], Option::get($instance->MODULE_ID, 'opti_algorithm_gif', '') ); break; } if ($isCompress) { $arFile["size"] = \filesize($arFile["tmp_name"]); } } /** * Delete picture * @param array $arFile * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public static function CompressImageOnFileDeleteEvent(array $arFile) { if(!static::$enable) return; ImageCompressTable::delete($arFile['ID']); } /** * @param array $arFile * @param array $arParams * @param $callbackData * @param $cacheImageFile * @param $cacheImageFileTmp * @param $arImageSize * @return void|null * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentNullException * @throws \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentOutOfRangeException */ public static function CompressImageOnResizeEvent( $arFile, $arParams, &$callbackData, &$cacheImageFile, &$cacheImageFileTmp, &$arImageSize ) { if(!static::$enable) return; $instance = self::getInstance(); if (!$instance->enableResize) return; // $contentTypeList = [ // 'image/jpeg', // 'image/png', // 'application/pdf', // ]; if ( !\in_array($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"], static::$supportContentType) || !Check::isActiveByMimeType($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]) ) { return null; } switch ($arFile["CONTENT_TYPE"]) { case 'image/jpeg': $instance->compressJPG($cacheImageFileTmp); break; case 'image/png': $instance->compressPNG($cacheImageFileTmp); break; case 'application/pdf': $instance->compressPdf($cacheImageFileTmp); break; case 'image/svg': $instance->process( $cacheImageFileTmp, Option::get($instance->MODULE_ID, 'opti_algorithm_svg', '') ); break; case 'image/gif': $instance->process( $cacheImageFileTmp, Option::get($instance->MODULE_ID, 'opti_algorithm_gif', '') ); break; } } /** * @param array $arOrder * @param array $arFilter * @return string */ public function queryBuilder(array $arOrder = [], array $arFilter = []): string { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = []; $arSqlOrder = []; $strSqlSearch = ""; if (\is_array($arFilter)) { foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { $key = \strtoupper($key); $strOperation = ''; if (\substr($key, 0, 1) === "@") { $key = \substr($key, 1); $strOperation = "IN"; $arIn = \is_array($val) ? $val : \explode(',', $val); $val = ''; foreach ($arIn as $v) { $val .= ($val <> '' ? ',' : '') . "'" . $DB->ForSql(\trim($v)) . "'"; } } elseif (\substr($val, 0, 1) === ">") { $val = \substr($val, 1); $strOperation = ">"; $arIn = \is_array($val) ? $val : \explode(',', $val); $val = ''; foreach ($arIn as $v) { $val .= ($val <> '' ? ',' : '') . "'" . $DB->ForSql(\trim($v)) . "'"; } } elseif (\substr($val, 0, 1) === "<") { $val = \substr($val, 1); $strOperation = "<"; $arIn = \is_array($val) ? $val : \explode(',', $val); $val = ''; foreach ($arIn as $v) { $val .= ($val <> '' ? ',' : '') . "'" . $DB->ForSql(\trim($v)) . "'"; } } else { $val = $DB->ForSql($val); } if ($val === '') { continue; } switch ($key) { case "MODULE_ID": case "ID": case "EXTERNAL_ID": case "SUBDIR": case "FILE_NAME": case "FILE_SIZE": case "ORIGINAL_NAME": case "CONTENT_TYPE": if ($strOperation === "IN") $arSqlSearch[] = "f." . $key . " IN (" . $val . ")"; elseif ($strOperation === ">") $arSqlSearch[] = "f." . $key . " > " . $val . ""; elseif ($strOperation === "<") $arSqlSearch[] = "f." . $key . " < " . $val . ""; else $arSqlSearch[] = "f." . $key . " = '" . $val . "'"; break; case "COMRESSED": if ($val === "Y") $arSqlSearch[] = "tf.FILE_ID > 0"; else $arSqlSearch[] = "tf.FILE_ID is NULL"; break; case "COMPRESSED": $arSqlSearch[] = "tf.COMPRESSED = $val"; break; } } } if (!empty($arSqlSearch)) { $strSqlSearch = " WHERE (" . \implode(") AND (", $arSqlSearch) . ")"; } if (\is_array($arOrder)) { static $aCols = [ "ID" => 1, "TIMESTAMP_X" => 1, "MODULE_ID" => 1, "HEIGHT" => 1, "WIDTH" => 1, "FILE_SIZE" => 1, "CONTENT_TYPE" => 1, "SUBDIR" => 1, "FILE_NAME" => 1, "ORIGINAL_NAME" => 1, "EXTERNAL_ID" => 1, ]; foreach ($arOrder as $by => $ord) { $by = \strtoupper($by); if (\array_key_exists($by, $aCols)) $arSqlOrder[] = "f." . $by . " " . (\strtoupper($ord) === "DESC" ? "DESC" : "ASC"); } } if (empty($arSqlOrder)) { $arSqlOrder[] = "f.ID ASC"; } $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY " . \implode(", ", $arSqlOrder); $strSql = "SELECT f.*, " . $DB->DateToCharFunction("f.TIMESTAMP_X") . " as TIMESTAMP_X, tf.* " . "FROM b_file f " . "LEFT JOIN {$this->tableName} as tf ON f.ID = tf.FILE_ID" . $strSqlSearch . $strSqlOrder; return $strSql; } /** * @param array $arOrder * @param array $arFilter * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @return \CDBResult|false|null */ public function getFileList(array $arOrder = [], array $arFilter = [], int $limit = 100, int $offset = 0) { global $DB; $strSql = $this->queryBuilder($arOrder, $arFilter); // if($limit) { // $strSql .= ' LIMIT '.$limit; // } // // if($offset) { // $strSql .= ' OFFSET '.$offset; // } return $DB->Query($strSql, false, "FILE: " . __FILE__ . "<br> LINE: " . __LINE__); } /** * @param int|null $fileSize * @param int $digits * @return string */ public function getNiceFileSize(?int $fileSize, int $digits = 2): string { if (!$fileSize) { return ''; } $sizes = ["TB", "GB", "MB", "KB", "B"]; $total = \count($sizes); while ($total-- && $fileSize > 1024) { $fileSize /= 1024; } return \round($fileSize, $digits) . " " . $sizes[$total]; } /** * @param int $num * @return int */ public function getChmod($num) { if (!$num) return 0777; switch ((int)$num) { case 644: $num = 0644; break; case 660: $num = 0660; break; case 664: $num = 0664; break; case 666: $num = 0666; break; case 700: $num = 0700; break; case 744: $num = 0744; break; case 755: $num = 0755; break; case 775: $num = 0775; break; case 777: $num = 0777; break; default: $num = 0777; } return $num; } /** * Set state module * @param bool $enable */ public static function setEnable(bool $enable) { static::$enable = $enable; } /** * Get current state module * @return bool */ public static function getEnable(): bool { return static::$enable; } /** * @param int $fileId * @param int $size * @return void * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public function updateSizeDiskModule(int $fileId, int $size) { if (!self::availableDiskModule()) { return; } global $DB; $DB->Query("UPDATE b_disk_object SET SIZE='" . $DB->ForSql($size, 255) . "' WHERE FILE_ID=" . $fileId); $DB->Query("UPDATE b_disk_version SET SIZE='" . $DB->ForSql($size, 255) . "' WHERE FILE_ID=" . $fileId); } /** * @return bool * @throws \Bitrix\Main\LoaderException */ public static function availableDiskModule(): bool { if (self::$hasDisk === null) { self::$hasDisk = \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('disk'); } return self::$hasDisk; } /** * Get IBLOCK_ID by file id * @param int $fileId * @return int|null */ public function getIblockIdByFileId(int $fileId): ?int { global $DB; $sql = <<<SQL SELECT p.IBLOCK_ID FROM b_iblock_property p INNER JOIN b_iblock_element_property e ON e.IBLOCK_PROPERTY_ID=p.ID WHERE p.PROPERTY_TYPE='F' AND e.VALUE={$fileId} UNION SELECT b.IBLOCK_ID FROM b_iblock_element b WHERE b.PREVIEW_PICTURE={$fileId} OR b.DETAIL_PICTURE={$fileId} UNION SELECT s.IBLOCK_ID FROM b_iblock_section s WHERE s.PICTURE={$fileId} SQL; $result = $DB->Query($sql); if ($result) { return (int)($result->Fetch()['IBLOCK_ID'] ?? 0); } return null; } /** * @return string|null */ public function getError() { switch ($this->LAST_ERROR) { case 'no_active': return Loc::getMessage('DEV2FUN_IMAGECOMPRESS_ERROR_NO_ACTIVE'); } return $this->LAST_ERROR; } }