Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing; use Bitrix\Landing\Internals\FileTable; use Bitrix\Landing\Internals\HistoryTable; use Bitrix\Main\File\Internal\FileDuplicateTable; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Landing\Subtype; use Bitrix\Landing\Internals\BlockTable; use Bitrix\Crm\WebForm; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient; /** * Service class for agent functions */ class Agent { /** * Tech method for adding new unique agent. * @param string $funcName Function name from this class. * @param array $params Some params for agent function. * @param int $time Time in seconds for executing period. * @param int|null $nextExecDelay - time in sec before next agent delay, default - exec immediately * @return void */ public static function addUniqueAgent( string $funcName, array $params = [], int $time = 7200, ?int $nextExecDelay = null ): void { if (!method_exists(__CLASS__, $funcName)) { return; } $funcName = __CLASS__ . '::' . $funcName . '('; foreach ($params as $value) { if (is_int($value)) { $funcName .= $value . ','; } else if (is_string($value)) { $funcName .= '\'' . $value . '\'' . ','; } } $funcName = trim($funcName, ','); $funcName .= ');'; $res = \CAgent::getList( [], [ 'MODULE_ID' => 'landing', 'NAME' => $funcName ] ); if (!$res->fetch()) { if ($nextExecDelay) { \CAgent::addAgent($funcName, 'landing', 'N', $time, '', 'Y', \ConvertTimeStamp(time() + \CTimeZone::GetOffset() + $nextExecDelay, "FULL")); } else { \CAgent::addAgent($funcName, 'landing', 'N', $time); } } } /** * Agent to remove one not resolved domain. Removes agent if such domains not exists. * @return string */ public static function removeBadDomain(): string { $maxFailCount = 7; Rights::setGlobalOff(); // only custom domain $filterDomains = array_map(function($domain) { return '%.' . $domain; }, Domain::B24_DOMAINS); $filterDomains[] = '%' . Manager::getHttpHost(); $customDomainExist = false; $resDomain = Domain::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'DOMAIN', 'FAIL_COUNT' ], 'filter' => [ '!DOMAIN' => $filterDomains ], 'limit' => 5, 'order' => [ 'DATE_MODIFY' => 'asc' ] ]); while ($domain = $resDomain->fetch()) { $customDomainExist = true; if (Domain\Register::isDomainActive($domain['DOMAIN'])) { Domain::update($domain['ID'], [ 'FAIL_COUNT' => null ])->isSuccess(); } else { // remove domain if ($domain['FAIL_COUNT'] >= $maxFailCount - 1) { // wee need site for randomize domain $resSite = Site::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'DOMAIN_ID', 'DOMAIN_NAME' => 'DOMAIN.DOMAIN' ], 'filter' => [ 'DOMAIN_ID' => $domain['ID'] ] ]); if ($rowSite = $resSite->fetch()) { Debug::log('removeBadDomain-randomizeDomain', var_export($rowSite, true)); Site::randomizeDomain($rowSite['ID']); } // site not exist, delete domain /*else { Debug::log('removeBadDomain-Domain::delete', var_export($rowSite, true)); Domain::delete($domain['ID'])->isSuccess(); }*/ } else { Domain::update($domain['ID'], [ 'FAIL_COUNT' => intval($domain['FAIL_COUNT']) + 1 ])->isSuccess(); } } } Rights::setGlobalOn(); return $customDomainExist ? __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '();' : ''; } /** * Clear recycle bin for scope. * @param string $scope Scope code. * @param int|null $days After this time items will be deleted. * @return string */ public static function clearRecycleScope(string $scope, ?int $days = null): string { Site\Type::setScope($scope); self::clearRecycle($days); return __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '(\'' . $scope . '\');'; } /** * Returns all sub folders for the folder. * @param int $folderId Folder id. * @return array */ protected static function getSubFolders(int $folderId): array { $folders = []; $res = Folder::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'PARENT_ID' => $folderId ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $folders[] = $row['ID']; $folders = array_merge($folders, self::getSubFolders($row['ID'])); } return $folders; } /** * Clear recycle bin. * @param int|null $days After this time items will be deleted. * @return string */ public static function clearRecycle(?int $days = null): string { Rights::setGlobalOff(); $days = !is_null($days) ? $days : (int) Manager::getOption('deleted_lifetime_days'); $date = new DateTime; $date->add('-' . $days . ' days'); // check folders to delete $foldersToDelete = [-1]; $res = Folder::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ '=DELETED' => 'Y', '<DATE_MODIFY' => $date ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $foldersToDelete[] = $row['ID']; $foldersToDelete = array_merge($foldersToDelete, self::getSubFolders($row['ID'])); } // first delete landings $res = Landing::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'FOLDER_ID' ], 'filter' => [ [ 'LOGIC' => 'OR', [ '=DELETED' => 'Y', '<DATE_MODIFY' => $date ], [ '=SITE.DELETED' => 'Y', '<SITE.DATE_MODIFY' => $date ], [ 'FOLDER_ID' => $foldersToDelete ] ], '=DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'], '=SITE.DELETED' => ['Y', 'N'], 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N' ], 'order' => [ 'DATE_MODIFY' => 'desc' ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { Lock::lockDeleteLanding($row['ID'], false); Landing::delete($row['ID'], true)->isSuccess(); } // delete folders foreach (array_unique($foldersToDelete) as $folderId) { if ($folderId > 0) { Folder::delete($folderId)->isSuccess(); } } // then delete sites $res = Site::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ '=DELETED' => 'Y', '<DATE_MODIFY' => $date, 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N' ], 'order' => [ 'DATE_MODIFY' => 'desc' ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { Lock::lockDeleteSite($row['ID'], false); Site::delete($row['ID'])->isSuccess(); } Rights::setGlobalOn(); return __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '();'; } /** * Remove marked for deleting files. * @param int|null $count Count of files wich will be deleted per once. * @return string */ public static function clearFiles(?int $count = null): string { $count = !is_null($count) ? $count : 30; File::deleteFinal($count); return __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '(' . $count . ');'; } /** * Clear old history records * @param int|null $days After this time items will be deleted. * @return string */ public static function clearHistory(?int $days = null): string { Rights::setGlobalOff(); $newAgentName = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '(' . ($days ?? '') . ');'; $days = $days ?: (int) Manager::getOption('history_lifetime_days'); $date = new DateTime(); $date->add('-' . $days . ' days'); $rows = HistoryTable::query() ->setSelect(['ENTITY_ID', 'ENTITY_TYPE']) ->setDistinct(true) ->where('DATE_CREATE', '<', $date) ->fetchAll() ; foreach ($rows as $row) { $history = new History($row['ENTITY_ID'], $row['ENTITY_TYPE']); $history->clearOld($days); } return $newAgentName; } /** * Send used rest statistic. * @return string */ public static function sendRestStatistic(): string { if ( \Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('rest') && is_callable(['\Bitrix\Rest\UsageStatTable', 'logLanding']) ) { $statCode = [ \Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction::REST_USAGE_TYPE_BLOCK => 'LANDING_BLOCK', \Bitrix\Landing\PublicAction::REST_USAGE_TYPE_PAGE => 'LANDING_PAGE', ]; $data = PublicAction::getRestStat(false, true); foreach ($data as $type => $stat) { if ($statCode[$type]) { foreach ($stat as $clientId => $count) { \Bitrix\Rest\UsageStatTable::logLanding($clientId, $statCode[$type], $count); } } } \Bitrix\Rest\UsageStatTable::finalize(); } return __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '();'; } /** * Marks all temporary files to delete. * @return string */ public static function clearTempFiles(): string { $dateTime = new DateTime(); $res = Internals\FileTable::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'FILE_ID' ], 'filter' => [ '>FILE_ID' => 0, '=TEMP' => 'Y', '<FILE.TIMESTAMP_X' => $dateTime->add('-60 minute') ] ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { Internals\FileTable::update($row['ID'], [ 'FILE_ID' => -1 * $row['FILE_ID'] ]); } return __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '();'; } /** * Tmp agent for rebuild form's blocks. * @param int $lastLid Last item id. * @return string */ public static function repairFormUrls(int $lastLid = 0): string { if (Loader::includeModule('crm')) { $formQuery = WebForm\Internals\LandingTable::query() ->addSelect('FORM_ID') ->addSelect('LANDING_ID') ->addOrder('LANDING_ID') ->setLimit(50) ->where('LANDING_ID', '>', $lastLid) ->exec() ; $lastLid = 0; while ($form = $formQuery->fetch()) { $blocksQuery = BlockTable::query() ->addSelect('ID') ->where('LID', $form['LANDING_ID']) ->where('CODE', '66.90.form_new_default') ->exec() ; while ($block = $blocksQuery->fetch()) { Subtype\Form::setFormIdToBlock($block['ID'], $form['FORM_ID']); } $lastLid = (int)$form['LANDING_ID']; } if ($lastLid > 0) { return __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '(' . $lastLid . ');'; } } return ''; } /** * In clouds files can gone. Check existing and del invalid rows from tables * @param int $fileId * @return void */ public static function checkFileExists(int $fileId): string { $file = \CFile::getFileArray($fileId); if (!$file) { return ''; } if (!$file['SRC'] || !preg_match('#^(https?://)#', $file['SRC'])) { return ''; } $request = new HttpClient(["redirect" => false,]); $request->query(HttpClient::HTTP_HEAD, $file['SRC']); if ($request->getStatus() !== 200) { $filesToDelete = [$fileId]; // find duplicates of file $originals = FileDuplicateTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ORIGINAL_ID'], 'filter' => [ 'DUPLICATE_ID' => $fileId, ], ]); while ($original = $originals->fetch()) { $filesToDelete[] = (int)$original['ORIGINAL_ID']; } $duplicates = FileDuplicateTable::getList([ 'select' => ['DUPLICATE_ID'], 'filter' => [ 'ORIGINAL_ID' => $filesToDelete, ], ]); while ($duplicate = $duplicates->fetch()) { $filesToDelete[] = (int)$duplicate['DUPLICATE_ID']; } $filesToDelete = array_unique($filesToDelete); // clear LandingFile table $landingFiles = FileTable::getList([ 'select' => ['ID', 'ENTITY_ID'], 'filter' => [ 'ENTITY_TYPE' => File::ENTITY_TYPE_ASSET, '=FILE_ID' => $filesToDelete, ], ]); $landingsToUpdate = []; while ($landingFile = $landingFiles->fetch()) { FileTable::delete((int)$landingFile['ID']); $landingsToUpdate[] = (int)$landingFile['ENTITY_ID']; } $landingsToUpdate = array_unique($landingsToUpdate); // find landings for drop public cache if (Manager::isB24()) { $sites = Landing::getList([ 'select' => ['SITE_ID'], 'filter' => [ '=ID' => $landingsToUpdate, ], ]); while ($site = $sites->fetch()) { Site::update((int)$site['SITE_ID'], []); } } foreach ($filesToDelete as $fileToDelete) { \CFile::delete($fileToDelete); } } return ''; } /** * Publication landing and drop public cache if success. * F.e. need for recovery form-loader file, that is not created at the moment of first public * @param $landingId * @return void */ public static function rePublicationLanding($landingId): void { $landing = Landing::createInstance($landingId); if ($landing->publication()) { Manager::clearCacheForSite($landing->getSiteId()); } } }