Your IP :

Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/
Upload File :
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/

namespace Bitrix\Landing;

use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use \Bitrix\Main\Config\Option;
use \Bitrix\Main\Application;
use \Bitrix\Main\Loader;
use \Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Assets;


class Manager
	 * User agreement actual version.
	 * @see Manager::getOption('user_agreement_version')

	 * Publication default path.
	 * @see Manager::getPublicationPathConst()
	const PUBLICATION_PATH = '/pub/site/';

	 * Path, where user can buy upgrade.
	const BUY_LICENSE_PATH = '/bitrix/tools/landing/ajax.php?redirect=upgrade';

	 * Features codes for backward compatibility.
	const FEATURE_CREATE_SITE = 'create_site';
	const FEATURE_CREATE_PAGE = 'create_page';
	const FEATURE_CUSTOM_DOMAIN = 'custom_domain';
	const FEATURE_ENABLE_ALL_HOOKS = 'enable_all_hooks';
	const FEATURE_PUBLICATION_SITE = 'publication_site';
	const FEATURE_PUBLICATION_PAGE = 'publication_page';
	const FEATURE_PERMISSIONS_AVAILABLE = 'permissions_available';
	const FEATURE_DYNAMIC_BLOCK = 'dynamic_block';
	const FEATURE_FREE_DOMAIN = 'free_domain';
	const FEATURE_ALLOW_EXPORT = 'allow_export';
	const FEATURE_ALLOW_VIEW_PAGE = 'allow_view_page';

	 * If true, that self::isB24() returns false always.
	 * @var bool
	protected static $forceB24disable = false;

	 * Current temporary functions.
	 * @var array
	protected static $tmpFeatures = [];

	 * And ID for typography settings.
	 * @var string
	 * @deprecated since 20.3.0, use THEMEFONTS hook settings
	private static $themeTypoId = '';

	 * Get main instance of \CMain.
	 * @return \CMain
	public static function getApplication()

	 * Get main instance of \CUser.
	 * @return \CUser
	public static function getUserInstance()
		return $GLOBALS['USER'];

	 * Get instance of CACHE_MANAGER;
	 * @return \CCacheManager
	public static function getCacheManager()

	 * Get instance of USER_FIELD_MANAGER.
	 * @return \CUserTypeManager
	public static function getUfManager()

	 * Get current user id.
	 * @return int
	public static function getUserId(): int
		$user = self::getUserInstance();
		if ($user instanceof \CUser)
			return (int)$user->getId();
		return 0;

	 * Get current user full name.
	 * @return int
	public static function getUserFullName()
		$user = self::getUserInstance();
		if ($user instanceof \CUser)
			return $user->getFullName();
		return '';

	 * Admin or not.
	 * @return boolean
	public static function isAdmin()
		$user = self::getUserInstance();

		if (!($user instanceof \CUser))
			return false;

		if (ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24'))
			return $user->canDoOperation('bitrix24_config');
			return $user->isAdmin();

	 * Get option from module settings.
	 * @param string $code Option code.
	 * @param mixed $default Default value.
	 * @return mixed
	public static function getOption($code, $default = null)
		return Option::get('landing', $code, $default);

	 * Set option for module settings.
	 * @param string $code Option code.
	 * @param string $value Option value.
	 * @return void
	public static function setOption($code, $value)
		Option::set('landing', $code, $value);

	 * Famous document root.
	 * @return string
	public static function getDocRoot()
		static $docRoot = null;

		if ($docRoot === null)
			$context = Application::getInstance()->getContext();
			$server = $context->getServer();
			$docRoot = $server->getDocumentRoot();

		return $docRoot;

	 * Returns current dir.
	 * @return false|string|null
	public static function getCurDir()
		return Application::getInstance()->getContext()

	 * Set page title.
	 * @param string $title Page title.
	 * @param bool $single If true, then set title only once.
	 * @return void
	public static function setPageTitle($title, $single = false)
		static $application = null;
		static $disable = false;

		if ($application === null)
			$application = self::getApplication();

		if ($title && !$disable)
			$application->setPageProperty('title', $title);
			if ($single)
				$disable = true;

	 * Returns main site row by id.
	 * @param string $siteId Main site id.
	 * @return array|bool
	protected static function getMainSiteById(string $siteId)
		static $sites = [];

		if (!array_key_exists($siteId, $sites))
			$sites[$siteId] = \Bitrix\Main\SiteTable::getById($siteId)->fetch();

		return $sites[$siteId];

	 * Create system dir for publication sites.
	 * @param string $basePath Publication physical dir.
	 * @param string|null $siteId Main site id.
	 * @return void
	protected static function createPublicationPath(string $basePath, string $siteId = null): void
		static $paths = [];

		if (!in_array($basePath, $paths))
			$paths[] = $basePath;

			if (mb_substr($basePath, 0, 1) != '/')
				$basePath = '/' . $basePath;
			if (mb_substr($basePath, -1) != '/')
				$basePath = $basePath . '/';

			$docRoot = '';
			$subDirSite = '';
			$basePathOriginal = $basePath;

			// gets current doc root or gets from the site
			if ($siteId)
				if ($smnSite = self::getMainSiteById($siteId))
					if ($smnSite['DOC_ROOT'])
						$docRoot = $smnSite['DOC_ROOT'] . $smnSite['DIR'];
						$docRoot = self::getDocRoot() . $smnSite['DIR'];
					$subDirSite = rtrim($smnSite['DIR'], '/');
				$docRoot = rtrim($docRoot, '/');
			if (!$docRoot)
				$docRoot = self::getDocRoot();
			$basePath = $docRoot . $basePath;

			// create path
			if (\checkDirPath($basePath))
				if (!file_exists($basePath . 'index.php'))
						$basePath . 'index.php',
							self::getDocRoot() .
			// and add template rules for main
			if ($siteId)
				$fields = array(
					'SORT' => 0,
					'SITE_ID' => $siteId,
					'CONDITION' => 'CSite::inDir(\'' . $subDirSite . $basePathOriginal . '\')',
					'TEMPLATE' => self::getTemplateId($siteId)
				$check = \Bitrix\Main\SiteTemplateTable::getList(array(
					 'filter' => array(
						 '=SITE_ID' => $fields['SITE_ID'],
						 '=CONDITION' => $fields['CONDITION'],
						 '=TEMPLATE' => $fields['TEMPLATE']
				if (!$check)
							'ID' => '',
							'PATH' => $subDirSite. $basePathOriginal . 'index.php',
							'CONDITION' => '#^' . $subDirSite. $basePathOriginal . '#'

	 * Get main site local dir.
	 * @param string|null $siteId Main site LID.
	 * @return string
	protected static function getSmnSiteDir(?string $siteId): string
		static $sites = [];

		if (!$siteId)
			$siteId = SITE_ID;

		if (!isset($sites[$siteId]))
			$sites[$siteId] = '';
			if ($smnSite = self::getMainSiteById($siteId))
				$sites[$siteId] = rtrim($smnSite['DIR'], '/');

		return $sites[$siteId];

	 * Get constantly publication path.
	 * @return string
	public static function getPublicationPathConst()
		return self::isB24()

	 * Get path for publication sites.
	 * @param string|int $siteCode Site id or site code.
	 * @param string $siteId Main site id.
	 * @param bool $createPubPath Create path for publication.
	 * @return string
	public static function getPublicationPath($siteCode = null, $siteId = null, $createPubPath = false)
		$tyePublicationPath = Site\Type::getPublicationPath();

		$basePath = $tyePublicationPath;
		if ($basePath === null)
			$basePath = self::getOption(
				'pub_path_' . (!isset($siteId) ? (self::getMainSiteId()) : $siteId),
		$subDir = self::getSmnSiteDir($siteId);
		if ($siteCode === null)
			if (
				$createPubPath &&
				$createPubPath = false;
			if ($createPubPath && $siteId)
			return $subDir . $basePath;
			return $subDir . str_replace(
				$basePath . '#id#/'

	public static function isAutoPublicationEnabled(): bool
			&& \CUserOptions::getOption('landing', 'auto_publication', 'Y') === 'Y'

	 * Add some class to some marker.
	 * @param string $marker Marker.
	 * @param string $class Class.
	 * @deprecated since version 18.1.5
	 * @return void
	public static function setPageClass($marker, $class)
		self::setPageView($marker, $class);

	 * Adds content in specific area named by marker.
	 * @param string $marker Marker name.
	 * @param string $content Content.
	 * @param bool $skipTrim If true content will not be trimmed.
	 * @return void
	public static function setPageView(string $marker, string $content, bool $skipTrim = false): void
		if (!$skipTrim)
			$content = trim($content);

		if ($content)
			$application = self::getApplication();
			$existContent = $application->getPageProperty($marker);
				$existContent . ($existContent != '' ? ' ' : '') . $content

	 * Clears view by marker code.
	 * @param string $marker Marker code.
	 * @return void
	public static function clearPageView($marker): void
		self::getApplication()->setPageProperty($marker, '');

	 * Get some content from some marker.
	 * @param string $marker Marker.
	 * @return string
	public static function getPageView($marker)
		return self::getApplication()->getPageProperty($marker);

	 * Gets site template id.
	 * @param string $siteId Site id (siteman).
	 * @return string
	public static function getTemplateId($siteId = null)
		static $tplId = [];

		if (!isset($tplId[$siteId]))
			if ($siteId)
				$tplId[$siteId] = self::getOption('site_template_id_' . $siteId);
			if (!$tplId[$siteId])
				$tplId[$siteId] = self::getOption('site_template_id', 'landing24');

		return $tplId[$siteId];

	 * Gets true, if this template id is system.
	 * @param string $templateId Site template id.
	 * @return bool
	public static function isTemplateIdSystem($templateId)
		return $templateId === 'landing24';

	 * Gets site id from main module.
	 * @return string
	public static function getMainSiteId()
		return defined('SMN_SITE_ID') ? SMN_SITE_ID : SITE_ID;

	 * Returns randomize string.
	 * @param int $length String length.
	 * @return string
	public static function getRandomString(int $length): string
		return mb_strtolower(\Bitrix\Main\Security\Random::getStringByCharsets($length, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'));

	 * Set new colored theme id.
	 * @param string $themeTypoId Theme id.
	 * @return void
	 * @deprecated since 20.3.0, use THEMEFONTS hook settings
	public static function setThemeTypoId($themeTypoId)
		self::$themeTypoId = $themeTypoId;

	 * Add assets to page from hooks and themes
	 * @param int $lid Landing id.
	 * @return void
	public static function initAssets($lid = 0)
		$assets = Assets\Manager::getInstance();

	 * Save picture to db.
	 * @param mixed $file File array or path to file.
	 * @param string $ext File extension (if can't detected by file name).
	 * @param array $params Some file params.
	 * @return array|false Local file array or false on error.
	public static function savePicture($file, $ext = false, $params = array())
		// local file
		if (!is_array($file) && mb_substr($file, 0, 1) == '/')
			$file = \CFile::makeFileArray($file);
		// url of picture
		else if (!is_array($file))
			$httpClient = new \Bitrix\Main\Web\HttpClient();
			$urlComponents = parse_url($file);

			// detect tmp file name
			if ($urlComponents && $urlComponents['path'] != '')
				$tempPath = \CFile::getTempName('', bx_basename(urldecode($urlComponents['path'])));
				$tempPath = \CFile::getTempName('', bx_basename(urldecode($file)));
			if ($ext !== false && in_array($ext, explode(',', \CFile::getImageExtensions())))
				if (mb_substr($tempPath, -3) != $ext)
					$tempPath = $tempPath . '.' . $ext;

			// download and save
			if ($httpClient->download($file, $tempPath))
				$fileName = $httpClient->getHeaders()->getFilename();
				$file = \CFile::makeFileArray($tempPath);
				if ($file && $fileName)
					$file['name'] = $fileName;

		// base64
		elseif (
			is_array($file) &&
			isset($file[0]) &&
			$fileParts = explode('.', $file[0]);
			$ext = array_pop($fileParts);
			$tempPath = \CFile::getTempName(
					implode('', $fileParts),
				) . '.' . $ext
			$fileIO = new \Bitrix\Main\IO\File(
			$file = \CFile::makeFileArray($tempPath);

		$isSvg = false;
		$isImage = \CFile::checkImageFile($file, 0, 0, 0, array('IMAGE')) === null;

		if (!$isImage && (Manager::getOption('allow_svg_content') === 'Y'))
			$extension = \getFileExtension(mb_strtolower($file['name']));
			if ($extension === 'svg')
				$isSvg = true;

		// post array or file from prev. steps
		if ($isImage || $isSvg)
			// resize if needed
			if (
				$isImage &&
				isset($params['width']) &&
					? intval($params['resize_type'])
			// if duplicate change size little (bug #167903)
			if ($isImage && self::isDuplicateExistsInAnotherModule($file['tmp_name'], $file['size']))
				[$width, $height] = getimagesize($file['tmp_name']) ?: [0, 0];
				if ($width && $height)
					\CFile::resizeImage($file, ['width' => $width-1, 'height' => $height-1]);
			// save
			$module = 'landing';
			$file['name'] = File::transliterateFileName($file['name']);
			$file['name'] = File::sanitizeFileName($file['name']);
			$file['MODULE_ID'] = $module;
			$file = \CFile::saveFile($file, $module);
			if ($file)
				$file = \CFile::getFileArray($file);
			if ($file)
				$file['SRC'] = str_replace(
				return $file;

		return false;

	 * Detects file duplicates by file path.
	 * @param string $filePath Full path to the file.
	 * @param int $size Size of the file.
	 * @return bool
	private static function isDuplicateExistsInAnotherModule(string $filePath, int $size): bool
		$hash = self::calculateHash($filePath, $size);
		if (!$hash)
			return false;

		$original = \CFile::findDuplicate($size, $hash);
		if ($original === null)
			return false;

		// we allow duplicate only within from current module
		return $original->getFile()->getModuleId() !== 'landing';

	 * Calculates a hash of the file.
	 * @see \CFile::CalculateHash
	 * @param string $filePath Full path to the file.
	 * @param int $size Size of the file.
	 * @return string
	private static function calculateHash(string $filePath, int $size): string
		$hash = '';

		if ($size > 0 && Option::get('main', 'control_file_duplicates', 'N') === 'Y')
			$maxSize = (int)Option::get('main', 'duplicates_max_size', '100') * 1024 * 1024; //Mbytes
			if ($size <= $maxSize || $maxSize === 0)
				$hash = hash_file('md5', $filePath);

		return $hash;

	 * Enable some feature for moment.
	 * @param string $feature Feature code.
	 * @return void
	public static function enableFeatureTmp($feature)
		self::$tmpFeatures[$feature] = true;

	 * Disable some tmp feature.
	 * @param string $feature Feature code.
	 * @return void
	public static function disableFeatureTmp($feature)
		if (isset(self::$tmpFeatures[$feature]))

	 * Disable all tmp feature.
	 * @return void
	public static function disableAllFeaturesTmp()
		self::$tmpFeatures = [];

	 * Returns true, if all of features array is enabled.
	 * @param array $features Feature name.
	 * @param array $params Params array.
	 * @return bool
	public static function checkMultiFeature(array $features, array $params = [])
		$features = array_unique($features);

		foreach ($features as $feature)
			if (is_string($feature))
				$check = self::checkFeature($feature, $params);
				if (!$check)
					return false;
				return false;

		return true;

	 * Checks that the feature is enabled.
	 * @param string $feature Feature code.
	 * @param array $params Additional params array.
	 * @return boolean
	public static function checkFeature(string $feature, array $params = array()): bool
		// temporary set features
		if (
			isset(self::$tmpFeatures[$feature]) &&
			return true;
		if (!isset($params['type']) || !$params['type'])
			$params['type'] = 'PAGE';

		if (
			$feature == self::FEATURE_CREATE_SITE ||
			$feature == self::FEATURE_PUBLICATION_SITE
			$params['action_type'] = ($feature == self::FEATURE_CREATE_SITE)
				? 'create' : 'publication';
			return Restriction\Manager::isAllowed(
		else if (
			$feature == self::FEATURE_CREATE_PAGE ||
			$feature == self::FEATURE_PUBLICATION_PAGE
			$params['action_type'] = ($feature == self::FEATURE_CREATE_PAGE)
				? 'create' : 'publication';
			return Restriction\Manager::isAllowed(
		elseif ($feature == self::FEATURE_ENABLE_ALL_HOOKS)
			if (isset($params['hook']))
				return Restriction\Hook::isHookAllowed($params['hook']);
			return true;
		elseif ($feature == self::FEATURE_PERMISSIONS_AVAILABLE)
			return Restriction\Manager::isAllowed(
		elseif ($feature == self::FEATURE_DYNAMIC_BLOCK)
			return Restriction\Manager::isAllowed(
		elseif ($feature == self::FEATURE_FREE_DOMAIN)
			return Restriction\Manager::isAllowed(
		elseif ($feature == self::FEATURE_ALLOW_EXPORT)
			return Restriction\Manager::isAllowed(
		elseif ($feature == self::FEATURE_ALLOW_VIEW_PAGE)
			return Restriction\Manager::isAllowed(
		// for backward compatibility
		elseif ($feature == self::FEATURE_CUSTOM_DOMAIN)
			return true;

		return false;

	 * Get site zone (ru, ua, en, etc).
	 * @return string
	public static function getZone()
		static $zone = null;

		if ($zone !== null)
			return $zone;

		$request = Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getRequest();
		if ($request->get('user_lang'))
			$zone = $request->get('user_lang');
		else if (Loader::includeModule('bitrix24'))
			$zone = \CBitrix24::getPortalZone();
		if (!isset($zone) || !$zone)
			$zone = Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getLanguage();

		return $zone;

	 * Returns language code by ISO 639-1.
	 * @return string
	public static function getLangISO(): string
		$transform = [
			'br' => 'pt-BR',
			'la' => 'es',
			'sc' => 'zh-Hans',
			'tc' => 'zh-Hant',
			'vn' => 'vi',
			'ua' => 'uk',
			'in' => 'hi',

		return $transform[LANGUAGE_ID] ?? LANGUAGE_ID;

	 * Check if something is available in current country.
	 * @param string $zone Zone code.
	 * @return bool
	public static function availableOnlyForZone(string $zone): bool
		static $available = null;

		if ($available !== null)
			return $available;

		$available = true;

		if ($zone === 'ru')
			if (!in_array(self::getZone(), ['ru', 'by', 'kz']))
				$available = false;

		return $available;

	 * Return ID for market collection, by zone
	 * @param string $type name of collection type
	 * @return int
	public static function getMarketCollectionId(string $type): int
		$zone = self::getZone();
		switch ($type)
			case 'form_minisite':
				$minisites = [
					'ru' => 18108954,
					'by' => 18108962,
					'kz' => 18108964,
					'en' => 18108970,

				return $minisites[$zone] ?? $minisites['en'];

				return 0;

	 * Is https?
	 * @return bool
	public static function isHttps()
		static $isHttps = null;

		if ($isHttps === null)
			$context = Application::getInstance()->getContext();
			$isHttps = $context->getRequest()->isHttps();

		return $isHttps;

	 * Get current host.
	 * @return string
	public static function getHttpHost()
		static $host = null;

		if ($host === null)
			$context = Application::getInstance()->getContext();
			$host = $context->getServer()->getHttpHost();

			// strip port
			if (mb_strpos($host, ':') !== false)
				[$host] = explode(':', $host);

		return $host;

	 * Get full url of local file.
	 * @param string $file Local file name.
	 * @return string
	public static function getUrlFromFile($file)
		if (
			mb_substr($file, 0, 1) == '/' &&
			mb_substr($file, 0, 2) != '//' &&
			return '//' .
				   self::getHttpHost() .
			return $file;

	 * Is B24 portal?
	 * @return bool
	public static function isB24(): bool
		static $return = null;

		if (self::$forceB24disable === true)
			return false;

		if ($return === null)
			if (
				defined('LANDING_DISABLE_B24_MODE') &&
				$return = false;
				$return = ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24') ||
							ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('crm') ||

		return $return;

	 * Is Site Manager and B24 connector
	 * @return bool|null
	public static function isB24Connector(): bool
		static $return = null;

		if ($return === null)
			$return =
				&& Loader::includeModule('b24connector')
				&& Loader::includeModule('socialservices');

		return $return;

	 * Sets local flag to new state.
	 * @param boolean $flag Disable or not.
	 * @return void
	public static function forceB24disable($flag)
		self::$forceB24disable = $flag === true;

	 * Returns true, if SMN is extended for CRM.
	 * @return bool
	public static function isExtendedSMN()
		static $option = null;

		if ($option === null)
			$option = self::getOption('smn_extended', 'N') == 'Y';

		return $option;

	 * Enable or not shops in this edition.
	 * @return bool
	public static function isStoreEnabled()
		return ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('sale') &&
			   ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('catalog') &&

	 * Get current REST url for work with cloud.
	 * @deprecated since 20.2.100
	 * @return string
	public static function getRestPath(): string
		return '';

	 * Check if cloud is disabled by settings.
	 * @return bool
	public static function isCloudDisable()
		return defined('LANDING_DISABLE_CLOUD') &&

	 * Get module version.
	 * @return string
	public static function getVersion()
		static $arModuleVersion = null;

		if ($arModuleVersion === null)
			$arModuleVersion = [];
			include self::getDocRoot() . '/bitrix/modules/landing/install/version.php';

		return isset($arModuleVersion['VERSION']) ? $arModuleVersion['VERSION'] : null;

	 * Check if license is expired.
	 * @return bool
	public static function licenseIsValid()
		$finishDate = Option::get('main', '~support_finish_date');
		$finishDate = \makeTimestamp($finishDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD');
		if ($finishDate < time())
			return false;
		return true;

	 * Is license free and it not a knowledge and not a store
	 * @param string $type Type of landing
	 * @return bool
	public static function licenseIsFreeSite(string $type): bool
			$type !== 'KNOWLEDGE'
			&& $type !== 'STORE'
			&& (!\CBitrix24::isLicensePaid() || \CBitrix24::getLicenseType() === 'alive')
			&& !\CBitrix24::IsNfrLicense()

	public static function isFreePublicAllowed(): bool
		return in_array(self::getZone(), ['ru', 'by', 'kz', 'es', 'la', 'mx', 'co', 'br', 'in', 'hi']);

	 * Sanitize bad value.
	 * @param string $value Bad value.
	 * @param bool &$bad Return true, if value is bad.
	 * @param string $splitter Splitter for bad content.
	 * @return string Good value.
	public static function sanitize($value, &$bad = false, $splitter = ' ')
		static $sanitizer = null;

		if (!is_bool($bad))
			$bad = false;

		if ($sanitizer === null)
			$sanitizer = false;
			if (Loader::includeModule('security'))
				$sanitizer = new \Bitrix\Security\Filter\Auditor\Xss(

		if ($sanitizer)
			// bad value exists
			if (is_array($value))
				foreach ($value as &$val)
					$val = self::sanitize($val, $bad, $splitter);
			else if ($sanitizer->process($value))
				$bad = true;
				$value = $sanitizer->getFilteredValue();
				$value = str_replace(
					[' bxstyle="', '<sv g ', '<?', '?>', '<fo rm '],
					[' style="', '<svg ', '< ?', '? >', '<form '],
				$value = str_replace(
					[' bxstyle="', '<sv g ', '<?', '?>', '<fo rm '],
					[' style="', '<svg ', '< ?', '? >', '<form '],

		return $value;

	 * Get deleted life time days.
	 * @return int
	public static function getDeletedLT()
		$deletedDays = (int) Manager::getOption('deleted_lifetime_days', 30);
		$deletedDays = max(1, $deletedDays);
		return $deletedDays;

	 * Return site controller class, or pseudo.
	 * @return string
	public static function getExternalSiteController()
		static $class = '';

		if (!$class)
			if (class_exists('\LandingSiteController'))
				$class = '\LandingSiteController';
			else if (
				Loader::includeModule('bitrix24') &&
				$class = '\Bitrix\Bitrix24\SiteController';
			else if (class_exists('\Bitrix\Landing\External\Site24'))
				$class = '\Bitrix\Landing\External\Site24';

		return $class;

	 * In cloud version reset highest plans to free.
	 * @return void
	public static function resetToFree()
		self::setOption('html_disabled', 'Y');
		self::setOption('reset_to_free_time', time());
		Restriction\Site::manageFreeDomains(false, Restriction\Site::FREE_DOMAIN_GRACE_DAYS * 86400);

	 * In cloud version on change highest plans.
	 * @param string $licenseType License Type.
	 * @return void
	public static function onBitrix24LicenseChange(string $licenseType): void
		self::setOption('reset_to_free_time', 0);
		Restriction\Site::manageFreeDomains(true, 5);

	 * In cloud version clear cache when tariff change
	 * @return void
	public static function clearCache(): void
		// for clear cache in cloud
		if (!self::isB24())
		$res = Site::getList([
			'select' => [
			'filter' => [
				'ACTIVE' => 'Y',
		while ($row = $res->fetch())
			Site::update($row['ID'], []);

	 * Clear cache in cloud only for one site
	 * @param int $siteId
	public static function clearCacheForSite(int $siteId): void
		if (!self::isB24())

		Site::update($siteId, []);
	 * Clear cache in cloud only for one site by landing ID
	 * @param int $lid
	public static function clearCacheForLanding(int $lid): void
		if (!self::isB24())
		$res = Landing::getList([
			'select' => [
			'filter' => [
				'ACTIVE' => 'Y',
				'DELETED' => 'N',
				'ID' => $lid,
		if ($row = $res->fetch())
			Site::update($row['SITE_ID'], []);

	 * Clear cache, if repository version and current is different.
	 * @return void
	 * @deprecated since 20.2.100
	public static function checkRepositoryVersion()

	 * Get themes from template dir.
	 * @deprecated since 20.5.0
	public static function getThemes()

	 * Get themes typo from template dir.
	 * @deprecated since 20.3.0, use THEMEFONTS hook settings
	public static function getThemesTypo()

	 * Set new colored theme id.
	 * @deprecated since 20.5.0
	public static function setThemeId()

	 * Get current theme id.
	 * @deprecated since 20.5.0
	public static function getThemeId()

	 * Set current selected or default color theme.
	 * @deprecated since 20.5.0
	public static function setTheme()