Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing\Note\Source; use \Bitrix\Main\Web\DOM; use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use \Bitrix\Landing\File; class Parser { /** * Download URL for files in text. */ const ACTION_DOWNLOAD_FILE = '/bitrix/tools/disk/uf.php?attachedId=#attachedId#&action=download&ncc=1'; /** * Returns converted to html bb text. * @param string $text Text to convert. * @return string */ protected static function convertText(string $text): string { static $parser = null; if ($parser === null) { $parser = new \CTextParser; $parser->allow['SMILES'] = 'N'; } // prepare before parsing $text = preg_replace('#\[P\]\s*\[VIDEO#s', '[VIDEO', $text); $text = preg_replace('#\[/VIDEO\]\s*\[/P\]#s', '[/VIDEO]', $text); $text = $parser->convertText($text); // prepare after parsing $text = preg_replace('#<p>\s*</p>#s', '<br/>', $text); return $text; } /** * Returns video data by video src. * @param string $videoSrc Video source url. * @return array|null */ protected static function getVideoContent(string $videoSrc): ?array { if (preg_match('#^//[^?]+)#i', $videoSrc, $matches)) { $ytCode = $matches[1]; return [ 'src' => $videoSrc, 'source' => '' . $ytCode, 'preview' => '//' .$ytCode . '/sddefault.jpg' ]; } return null; } /** * Returns img content by attache id. * @param int|string $attacheId Attache id. * @param array $files Files array. * @return array|null */ protected static function getImgContent($attacheId, array $files = []): ?array { if (isset($files[$attacheId])) { $fileItem = $files[$attacheId]; $file = \CFile::getFileArray($fileItem['file_id']); if (strpos($file['CONTENT_TYPE'], 'image/') === 0) { $fileIO = new \Bitrix\Main\IO\File( Manager::getDocRoot() . $file['SRC'] ); if ($fileIO->isExists()) { $newFile = Manager::savePicture([ $fileItem['file_name'], base64_encode($fileIO->getContents()) ]); if ($newFile) { return [ 'id' => $newFile['ID'], 'src' => File::getFilePath($newFile['ID']) ]; } } } } return null; } /** * Replaces files in text content. * @param string $text Content. * @param array $files Files array. * @return string */ protected static function replaceFilesInContent(string $text, array $files = []): string { $replace = []; foreach ($files as $fId => $item) { if ($item['prefix']) { $actionUrl = str_replace( '#attachedId#', $item['id'], self::ACTION_DOWNLOAD_FILE ); $replace['[DISK FILE ID=' . $fId . ']'] = '<a href="' . $actionUrl . '" target="_blank">' . $item['file_name'] . '</a>'; } } if ($replace) { $text = str_replace( array_keys($replace), array_values($replace), $text ); } return $text; } /** * Returns block info from DOM Node. * @param DOM\Node $node Node instance. * @param array $params Additional params. * @return array|null */ protected static function getBlockFromNode(\Bitrix\Main\Web\DOM\Node $node, array $params = []): ?array { $type = 'text'; $content = $node->getOuterHTML(); $attrs = $node->getAttributes(); // quote / code if (isset($attrs['class']) && in_array($attrs['class']->getValue(), ['quote', 'code'])) { $type = $attrs['class']->getValue(); $regExp = '#^<div class="' . $type . '">\s*<table class="' . $type . '"><tr><td>' . '(.*?)</td></tr></table></div>$#is'; if (preg_match($regExp, $content, $matches)) { $content = $matches[1]; } if ($type == 'code' && preg_match('#^<pre>(.*?)</pre>$#is', $content, $matches)) { $content = $matches[1]; } } // table else if (isset($attrs['class']) && $attrs['class']->getValue() == 'data-table') { $type = 'table'; } // video else if (($node->getNodeName() == 'IFRAME') && isset($attrs['src'])) { $type = 'video'; $content = self::getVideoContent( $attrs['src']->getValue() ); } // picture / file on a single line else if (preg_match('/^\[DISK FILE ID=([^\]]+)\]/is', trim($content), $matches)) { $type = 'img'; $content = self::getImgContent($matches[1], $params['files']);; } // replace files in content if ( $type == 'text' && isset($params['files']) && is_array($params['files']) ) { $content = self::replaceFilesInContent($content, $params['files']); } if ($content) { return [ 'type' => $type, 'content' => $content ]; } return null; } /** * Converts bb text to semantic blocks. * @param string $text BB text. * @param array $params Additional params. * @return array */ public static function textToBlocks(string $text, array $params = []): array { $count = -1; $blocks = []; $dom = new DOM\Document; $text = self::convertText($text); $dom->loadHTML($text); foreach ($dom->getChildNodesArray() as $child) { $bewBlock = self::getBlockFromNode($child, $params); if ($bewBlock) { if ( $blocks && $bewBlock['type'] == 'text' && $blocks[$count]['type'] == 'text' ) { $blocks[$count]['content'] .= $bewBlock['content']; } else { $count++; $blocks[] = $bewBlock; } } } // trim block content foreach ($blocks as $key => $item) { if ($item['type'] == 'text') { if (!trim(str_replace(['<br />', '<br/>'], '', $item['content']))) { unset($blocks[$key]); } } } return array_values($blocks); } }