Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Landing\Restriction; use Bitrix\Bitrix24\Feature; use Bitrix\Bitrix24\PhoneVerify; use Bitrix\Landing\Manager; use Bitrix\Main\Config\Option; use Bitrix\Main\Entity; use Bitrix\Landing\Domain; use Bitrix\Landing\Rights; use Bitrix\Landing\Site as SiteCore; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; class Site { /** * Allowed days for use free domain after downgrade plan. */ const FREE_DOMAIN_GRACE_DAYS = 14; /** * When limit is minimal we allow public within these limits. */ private const LIMIT_BY_TEMPLATES_MINIMAL = [ 'store-chats' => 1, ]; /** * Templates, than no increase common limit */ private const OVER_LIMIT_TEMPLATES = [ 'store-chats' ]; /** * names for special templates */ private const NEW_STORE_CODE = 'store_v3'; /** * Checks limits by template's limits. * @param array $filter filter array. * @param int $limit Current limit. * @return bool */ private static function checkLimitByTemplates(array $filter, int $limit): bool { $sites = []; $currentSiteId = null; $currentSiteTemplate = null; if (isset($filter['!ID'])) { $currentSiteId = $filter['!ID']; } // get all sites (active) and group by templates $res = SiteCore::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'XML_ID', 'TPL_CODE' ], 'filter' => $filter ]); while ($row = $res->fetch()) { $sites[] = $row; } // current site if ($currentSiteId) { $res = SiteCore::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'XML_ID', 'TPL_CODE' ], 'filter' => [ 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N', 'ID' => $currentSiteId ] ]); if ($row = $res->fetch()) { $sites[] = $row; } } // calc templates $templates = []; $templatesCount = 0; $templatesLimits = self::LIMIT_BY_TEMPLATES_MINIMAL; // $templatesLimits['%'] = max($limit, 1); $limit = max($limit, 1); foreach ($sites as $row) { if (!$row['TPL_CODE']) { if (mb_strpos($row['XML_ID'], '|') !== false) { [, $row['TPL_CODE']] = explode('|', $row['XML_ID']); } } // store-chat-dark === store-chat-light === store-chat foreach ($templatesLimits as $code => $cnt) { if (strpos($row['TPL_CODE'], $code) === 0) { $row['TPL_CODE'] = $code; break; } } if ($currentSiteId && $currentSiteId === $row['ID']) { $currentSiteTemplate = $row['TPL_CODE']; } if (!($templates[$row['TPL_CODE']] ?? null)) { $templates[$row['TPL_CODE']] = 0; } $templates[$row['TPL_CODE']]++; if (!in_array($row['TPL_CODE'], self::OVER_LIMIT_TEMPLATES, true)) { $templatesCount++; } } // special limit for store v3 if ( $currentSiteTemplate && $currentSiteTemplate === self::NEW_STORE_CODE && self::isNew2021Tariff() ) { \CBitrixComponent::includeComponentClass('bitrix:landing.site_master'); $optionName = \LandingSiteMasterComponent::getShopInstallCountOptionName($currentSiteTemplate); if ((int)Manager::getOption($optionName, 0) <= 1) { $limit++; } } // calc limits if ( $currentSiteTemplate && in_array($row['TPL_CODE'], self::OVER_LIMIT_TEMPLATES, true) ) { return true; } if ($templates) { foreach ($templatesLimits as $code => $templateLimit) { if ( isset($templates[$code]) && $templates[$code] > $templateLimit ) { return false; } } } if ($limit < $templatesCount) { return false; } return true; } protected static function isNew2021Tariff(): bool { if (!Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { return false; } return in_array( \CBitrix24::getLicenseType(), ['basic', 'std', 'pro'] ); } /** * Checks restriction for creating and publication site. * @param string $code Restriction code (not used here). * @param array $params Additional params. * @return bool */ public static function isCreatingAllowed(string $code, array $params): bool { if (!Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { return true; } if ( $params['action_type'] === 'publication' && Manager::licenseIsFreeSite($params['type']) && !Manager::isFreePublicAllowed() ) { if (!isset($params['filter']['!ID'])) { return false; } $siteId = $params['filter']['!ID']; $site = SiteCore::getList([ 'select' => ['ID' , 'DATE_CREATE'], 'filter' => ['ID' => $siteId], ])->fetch(); $dateWhenClosedFree = DateTime::createFromTimestamp('1646238000'); //02.03.2022 16:20:00 if ($site['DATE_CREATE']->getTimestamp() >= $dateWhenClosedFree->getTimestamp()) { return false; } } $optPrefix = 'landing_site_'; $optSuffix = ($params['action_type'] == 'publication') ? '_publication' : ''; $variableCode = $optPrefix . strtolower($params['type']) . $optSuffix; $limit = (int) Feature::getVariable($variableCode); if ($limit) { $filter = [ 'CHECK_PERMISSIONS' => 'N', '=TYPE' => $params['type'], '=SPECIAL' => 'N' ]; if ($params['action_type'] == 'publication') { $filter['=ACTIVE'] = 'Y'; } if ( isset($params['filter']) && is_array($params['filter']) ) { $filter = array_merge( $filter, $params['filter'] ); } if ($params['action_type'] === 'publication' && $params['type'] === 'STORE') { return self::checkLimitByTemplates($filter, $limit); } $check = SiteCore::getList([ 'select' => [ 'CNT' => new Entity\ExpressionField('CNT', 'COUNT(*)') ], 'filter' => $filter, 'group' => [] ])->fetch(); if ($check && $check['CNT'] >= $limit) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks restriction for free domain. * @param string $code Restriction code (not used here). * @param array $params Additional params. * @return bool */ public static function isFreeDomainAllowed(string $code, array $params): bool { // free domain is available in cloud version only if (!Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { return false; } $availableCount = Feature::getVariable( 'landing_free_domain' ); if ($availableCount === null) { return false; } if (($params['trueOnNotNull'] ?? false)) { return true; } if ($availableCount > 0) { $check = Domain::getList([ 'select' => [ 'CNT' => new Entity\ExpressionField('CNT', 'COUNT(*)') ], 'filter' => [ '!PROVIDER' => null ], 'group' => [] ])->fetch(); if ($check && $check['CNT'] >= $availableCount) { return false; } } return true; } /** * System method for deactivate all free domains. * @param bool $setActive Set domains and sites active / not active. * @param int $executeAfterSeconds Delayed execution (in seconds). * @return void */ public static function manageFreeDomains(bool $setActive, int $executeAfterSeconds = 0): void { $methodName = __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__ . '(' . ($setActive ? 'true' : 'false') . ');'; if ($executeAfterSeconds > 0) { $dateTime = new DateTime(); \CAgent::addAgent( $methodName, 'landing', 'N', 0, '', 'Y', $dateTime->add('+' . $executeAfterSeconds . ' seconds') ); return; } if ($setActive) { \CAgent::removeAgent($methodName, 'landing'); } Rights::setGlobalOff(); $res = SiteCore::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'ACTIVE', 'DOMAIN_ID' ], 'filter' => [ '=DOMAIN.ACTIVE' => $setActive ? 'N' : 'Y', '!DOMAIN.PROVIDER' => null ] ]); while ($site = $res->fetch()) { if ($site['ACTIVE'] === ($setActive ? 'N' : 'Y')) { SiteCore::update($site['ID'], [ 'ACTIVE' => $setActive ? 'Y' : 'N' ])->isSuccess(); } Domain::update($site['DOMAIN_ID'], [ 'ACTIVE' => $setActive ? 'Y' : 'N' ])->isSuccess(); } Rights::setGlobalOn(); } /** * Returns suspended time of free domain. * @return int */ public static function getFreeDomainSuspendedTime(): int { $tariffTtl = 0; $resetFreeTime = Manager::getOption('reset_to_free_time'); if ($resetFreeTime) { $tariffTtl = $resetFreeTime + self::FREE_DOMAIN_GRACE_DAYS * 86400; } return $tariffTtl; } /** * Checks restriction for site export. * @return bool */ public static function isExportAllowed(): bool { if (Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { return Feature::isFeatureEnabled('landing_allow_export'); } return true; } /** * Checks showing terms footer. * @return bool */ public static function isTermsFooterShow(): bool { if (Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { return !Feature::isFeatureEnabled('landing_hide_terms_footer'); } return false; } /** * Returns true if email is successfully confirmed. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @return bool */ public static function isEmailConfirmed(int $siteId): bool { static $checkedSites = []; if (array_key_exists($siteId, $checkedSites)) { return $checkedSites[$siteId]; } $checkedSites[$siteId] = true; if (Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { if (!\CBitrix24::isEmailConfirmed()) { $checkedSites[$siteId] = false; } } return $checkedSites[$siteId]; } /** * Returns true if phone is successfully confirmed. * @param int $siteId Site id. * @return bool */ public static function isPhoneConfirmed(int $siteId): bool { static $checkedSites = []; if (array_key_exists($siteId, $checkedSites)) { return $checkedSites[$siteId]; } $checkedSites[$siteId] = true; if (Loader::includeModule('bitrix24')) { $checkedSites[$siteId] = (new PhoneVerify('landing_site', $siteId))->isVerified(); } return $checkedSites[$siteId]; } public static function unpublishByScannerLockPortal(): bool { Rights::setGlobalOff(); $sites = SiteCore::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID' ], 'filter' => [ 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'DELETED' => 'N' ], 'order' => [ 'ID' => 'ASC' ] ]); $ids = []; while ($site = $sites->fetch()) { $res = SiteCore::unpublic($site['ID']); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $ids[] = $site['ID']; } } $stringIds = implode(',', $ids); Option::set('landing', 'unpublished_ids', $stringIds); Rights::setGlobalOn(); return true; } public static function publishByLicenseChange(): void { \Bitrix\Main\Update\Stepper::bindClass('Bitrix\Landing\Update\Site\Publish', 'landing', 10); } public static function checkLimitsByLicenseChange(): void { Rights::setGlobalOff(); $sites = SiteCore::getList([ 'select' => [ 'ID', 'DATE_CREATE' ], 'filter' => [ 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'DELETED' => 'N' ], 'order' => [ 'DATE_CREATE' => 'DESC' ] ]); while ($site = $sites->fetch()) { $params = [ 'filter' => [ '!ID' => $site['ID'], ], 'type' => 'PAGE', 'action_type' => 'publication', ]; if (!self::isCreatingAllowed('limit_sites_number', $params)) { SiteCore::unpublic($site['ID']); } } Rights::setGlobalOn(); } }