Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main\Application; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CAuthProvider { protected $id; public function DeleteByUser($USER_ID) { CAccess::RecalculateForUser($USER_ID, $this->id); } public function DeleteAll() { CAccess::RecalculateForProvider($this->id); } public function AddCode($userId, $code) { CAccess::AddCode($userId, $this->id, $code); } public function RemoveCode($userId, $code) { CAccess::RemoveCode($userId, $this->id, $code); } } interface IProviderInterface { public function GetFormHtml($arParams=false); public function GetNames($arCodes); } class CGroupAuthProvider extends CAuthProvider implements IProviderInterface { const ID = 'group'; public function __construct() { $this->id = self::ID; } public function UpdateCodes($USER_ID) { global $DB; $USER_ID = intval($USER_ID); $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $sql = $helper->getInsertIgnore( 'b_user_access', '(USER_ID, PROVIDER_ID, ACCESS_CODE)', "SELECT UG.USER_ID, '".$DB->ForSQL($this->id)."', ".$DB->Concat("'G'", "UG.GROUP_ID")." FROM b_user_group UG, b_group G WHERE UG.USER_ID=".$USER_ID." AND G.ID=UG.GROUP_ID AND G.ACTIVE='Y' AND ((UG.DATE_ACTIVE_FROM IS NULL) OR (UG.DATE_ACTIVE_FROM <= ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction().")) AND ((UG.DATE_ACTIVE_TO IS NULL) OR (UG.DATE_ACTIVE_TO >= ".$DB->CurrentTimeFunction().")) UNION SELECT ID, '".$DB->ForSQL($this->id)."', 'G2' FROM b_user WHERE ID=".$USER_ID ); $DB->Query($sql); } public static function OnBeforeGroupUpdate($ID, $arFields) { if(array_key_exists("ACTIVE", $arFields) || array_key_exists("USER_ID", $arFields)) { self::RecalculateForGroup($ID); } return true; } public static function OnAfterGroupAdd($arFields) { if(is_array($arFields["USER_ID"]) && !empty($arFields["USER_ID"])) { self::RecalculateForGroup($arFields["ID"]); } } public static function OnBeforeGroupDelete($ID) { self::RecalculateForGroup($ID); return true; } public static function OnAfterSetUserGroup($USER_ID, $groups) { $dates = []; foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($group['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM'] == '' && $group['DATE_ACTIVE_TO'] == '') { if (!isset($dates[''])) { $dates[''] = null; } } else { if ($group['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM'] != '') { if (!isset($dates['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM'])) { $dates[$group['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM']] = DateTime::createFromUserTime($group['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM']); } } if ($group['DATE_ACTIVE_TO'] != '') { if (!isset($dates['DATE_ACTIVE_TO'])) { $dates[$group['DATE_ACTIVE_TO']] = DateTime::createFromUserTime($group['DATE_ACTIVE_TO']); } } } } foreach ($dates as $date) { CAccess::RecalculateForUser($USER_ID, self::ID, $date); } } protected static function RecalculateForGroup($ID) { global $DB; $helper = Application::getConnection()->getSqlHelper(); $groups = $DB->Query(" select USER_ID, DATE_ACTIVE_FROM, DATE_ACTIVE_TO from b_user_group where GROUP_ID = " . intval($ID) ); while ($group = $groups->Fetch()) { if ($group['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM'] == '' && $group['DATE_ACTIVE_TO'] == '') { CAccess::RecalculateForUser($group["USER_ID"], self::ID); } else { if ($group['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM'] != '') { CAccess::RecalculateForUser($group["USER_ID"], self::ID, $helper->convertFromDbDateTime($group['DATE_ACTIVE_FROM'])); } if ($group['DATE_ACTIVE_TO'] != '') { CAccess::RecalculateForUser($group["USER_ID"], self::ID, $helper->convertFromDbDateTime($group['DATE_ACTIVE_TO'])); } } } } public function AjaxRequest() { global $USER; if(!$USER->CanDoOperation('view_groups')) return false; $elements = ""; $arFinderParams = array( "PROVIDER" => $this->id, "TYPE" => 1, ); $search = urldecode($_REQUEST['search']); $dbRes = CGroup::GetList('sort', 'asc', array("ANONYMOUS"=>"N", "NAME"=>$search)); $dbRes->NavStart(13); while ($arGroup = $dbRes->NavNext(false)) { $arItem = array( "ID" => "G".$arGroup["ID"], "NAME" => $arGroup["NAME"], ); $elements .= CFinder::GetFinderItem($arFinderParams, $arItem); } return $elements; } public function GetFormHtml($arParams=false) { global $USER; if (isset($arParams["groups"]) && is_array($arParams["groups"]) && $arParams["groups"]["disabled"] == "true") { return false; } if(!$USER->CanDoOperation('view_groups')) return false; $elements = $last = ""; $arFinderParams = array( "PROVIDER" => $this->id, "TYPE" => 1, ); $arLRU = CAccess::GetLastRecentlyUsed($this->id); $res = CGroup::GetList('sort', 'asc', array("ANONYMOUS"=>"N")); while($arGroup = $res->Fetch()) { $arItem = array( "ID" => "G".$arGroup["ID"], "NAME" => $arGroup["NAME"], ); $element = CFinder::GetFinderItem($arFinderParams, $arItem); $elements .= $element; if(in_array($arItem["ID"], $arLRU)) $last .= $element; } $arPanels = array( array( "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_last"), "ELEMENTS" => $last, ), array( "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_all_groups"), "ELEMENTS" => $elements, ), array( "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_search"), "ELEMENTS" => CFinder::GetFinderItem(array("TYPE" => "text"), array("TEXT" => GetMessage("authprov_group_name"))), "SEARCH" => "Y", ), ); $html = CFinder::GetFinderAppearance($arFinderParams, $arPanels); return array("HTML"=>$html); } public function GetNames($arCodes) { $aID = array(); foreach($arCodes as $code) if(preg_match('/^G[0-9]+$/', $code)) $aID[] = substr($code, 1); if(!empty($aID)) { $arResult = array(); $res = CGroup::GetList('id', 'asc', array("ANONYMOUS"=>"N", "ID"=>implode("|", $aID))); while($arGroup = $res->Fetch()) { $arResult["G".$arGroup["ID"]] = array("provider" => GetMessage("authprov_group_prov"), "name"=>$arGroup["NAME"]); } return $arResult; } return false; } } class CUserAuthProvider extends CAuthProvider implements IProviderInterface { const ID = 'user'; public function __construct() { $this->id = self::ID; } public function UpdateCodes($USER_ID) { global $DB; $USER_ID = intval($USER_ID); $connection = Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $sql = $helper->getInsertIgnore( 'b_user_access', '(user_id, provider_id, access_code)', "select ID, '".$DB->ForSQL($this->id)."', 'U".$USER_ID."' from b_user where id=".$USER_ID ); $DB->Query($sql); } public function AjaxRequest() { global $USER; if(!$USER->CanDoOperation('view_all_users')) return false; $search = urldecode($_REQUEST['search']); $elements = ""; $arFinderParams = array( "PROVIDER" => $this->id, "TYPE" => 2, ); $nameFormat = CSite::GetNameFormat(false); $arFilter = array( 'ACTIVE' => 'Y', 'NAME_SEARCH' => $search, '!EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID' => \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getExternalUserTypes(), ); if ( IsModuleInstalled('intranet') || COption::GetOptionString("main", "new_user_registration_email_confirmation", "N") == "Y" ) { $arFilter['CONFIRM_CODE'] = false; } //be careful with field list because of CUser::FormatName() $dbRes = CUser::GetList('last_name', 'asc', $arFilter, array( "FIELDS" => array('ID', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'LOGIN', 'EMAIL'), 'NAV_PARAMS' => array('nTopCount' => 20), ) ); while ($arUser = $dbRes->NavNext(false)) { $arItem = array( "ID" => "U".$arUser["ID"], "NAME" => CUser::FormatName($nameFormat, $arUser, true, false), ); $elements .= CFinder::GetFinderItem($arFinderParams, $arItem); } return $elements; } public function GetFormHtml($arParams=false) { global $USER; if (isset($arParams["user"]) && is_array($arParams["user"]) && $arParams["user"]["disabled"] == "true") { return false; } if(!$USER->CanDoOperation('view_all_users')) return false; $elements = ""; $arFinderParams = array( "PROVIDER" => $this->id, "TYPE" => 2, ); $arLRU = CAccess::GetLastRecentlyUsed($this->id); if(!empty($arLRU)) { foreach($arLRU as $i=>$val) $arLRU[$i] = substr($val, 1); $nameFormat = CSite::GetNameFormat(false); //be careful with field list because of CUser::FormatName() $res = CUser::GetList("LAST_NAME", "asc", array("ID" => implode("|", $arLRU)), array("FIELDS" => array('ID', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'LOGIN', 'EMAIL')) ); while($arUser = $res->Fetch()) { $arItem = array( "ID" => "U".$arUser["ID"], "NAME" => CUser::FormatName($nameFormat, $arUser, true, false), ); $elements .= CFinder::GetFinderItem($arFinderParams, $arItem); } } $arPanels = array( array( "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_last"), "ELEMENTS" => $elements, ), array( "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_search"), "ELEMENTS" => CFinder::GetFinderItem(array("TYPE" => "text"), array("TEXT" => GetMessage("authprov_user"))), "SEARCH" => "Y", ), ); $html = CFinder::GetFinderAppearance($arFinderParams, $arPanels); return array("HTML"=>$html); } public function GetNames($arCodes) { $aID = array(); foreach($arCodes as $code) { if(!isset($aID[$code]) && preg_match('/^U[0-9]+$/', $code)) { $aID[$code] = substr($code, 1); } } if(!empty($aID)) { $nameFormat = CSite::GetNameFormat(false); $arResult = array(); //be careful with field list because of CUser::FormatName() $res = CUser::GetList('id', 'asc', array("ID" => implode("|", $aID)), array("FIELDS" => array('ID', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'LOGIN', 'EMAIL')) ); while($arUser = $res->Fetch()) { $arResult["U".$arUser["ID"]] = array( "provider" => GetMessage("authprov_user1"), "name" => CUser::FormatName($nameFormat, $arUser, true, false), ); } return $arResult; } return false; } } class COtherAuthProvider implements IProviderInterface { public function GetFormHtml($arParams=false) { global $USER; if (isset($arParams["other"]) && is_array($arParams["other"]) && $arParams["other"]["disabled"] == "true") { return false; } $elements = ""; $arFinderParams = array( "PROVIDER" => "other", "TYPE" => 3, ); $arItem = array( "ID" => "U".$USER->GetID(), "AVATAR" => "/bitrix/js/main/core/images/access/avatar-user-auth.png", "NAME" => (($s = trim($USER->GetFormattedName(false, false))) <> ''? $s : $USER->GetLogin()), "DESC" => GetMessage("authprov_user_curr"), ); $elements .= CFinder::GetFinderItem($arFinderParams, $arItem); if(!isset($arParams["other"]) || !is_array($arParams["other"]) || $arParams["other"]["disabled_cr"] != "true") { $arItem = array( "ID" => "CR", "AVATAR" => "/bitrix/js/main/core/images/access/avatar-user-author.png", "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_author"), "DESC" => GetMessage("authprov_author_desc"), ); $elements .= CFinder::GetFinderItem($arFinderParams, $arItem); } if(!isset($arParams["other"]) || !is_array($arParams["other"]) || $arParams["other"]["disabled_g2"] != "true") { $arItem = array( "ID" => "G2", "AVATAR" => "/bitrix/js/main/core/images/access/avatar-user-everyone.png", "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_all"), "DESC" => GetMessage("authprov_all_desc"), ); $elements .= CFinder::GetFinderItem($arFinderParams, $arItem); } if(!isset($arParams["other"]["disabled_au"]) || $arParams["other"]["disabled_au"] != "true") { $arItem = array( "ID" => "AU", "AVATAR" => "/bitrix/js/main/core/images/access/avatar-user-auth.png", "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_authorized"), "DESC" => GetMessage("authprov_authorized_desc"), ); $elements .= CFinder::GetFinderItem($arFinderParams, $arItem); } $arPanels = array( array( "NAME" => GetMessage("authprov_other"), "ELEMENTS" => $elements, "SELECTED" => "Y", ), ); $html = CFinder::GetFinderAppearance($arFinderParams, $arPanels); return array("HTML"=>$html); } public function GetNames($arCodes) { return array( "CR" => array("provider"=>"", "name"=>GetMessage("authprov_author")), "G2" => array("provider"=>"", "name"=>GetMessage("authprov_all")), "AU" => array("provider"=>"", "name"=>GetMessage("authprov_authorized")), ); } }