Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Data\ConnectionPool; use Bitrix\Main\Context; abstract class CAllDatabase { var $DBName; var $DBHost; var $DBLogin; var $DBPassword; var $db_Conn; var $debug; var $DebugToFile; var $ShowSqlStat; var $db_Error; var $db_ErrorSQL; var $result; var $type; static $arNodes = array(); var $column_cache = array(); var $bModuleConnection; var $bNodeConnection; var $node_id; /** @var CDatabase */ var $obSlave = null; /** * @var Main\DB\Connection */ protected $connection; // d7 connection protected $connectionName = null; /** * @var integer * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection()->getTracker()->getCounter(); **/ var $cntQuery = 0; /** * @var float * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection()->getTracker()->getTime(); **/ var $timeQuery = 0.0; /** * @var \Bitrix\Main\Diag\SqlTrackerQuery[] * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection()->getTracker()->getQueries(); **/ var $arQueryDebug = array(); /** * @var \Bitrix\Main\Diag\SqlTracker */ public $sqlTracker = null; public function StartUsingMasterOnly() { Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool()->useMasterOnly(true); } public function StopUsingMasterOnly() { Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool()->useMasterOnly(false); } /** * @param string $node_id * @param boolean $bIgnoreErrors * @param boolean $bCheckStatus * * @return boolean|CDatabase */ public static function GetDBNodeConnection($node_id, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $bCheckStatus = true) { global $DB; if(!array_key_exists($node_id, self::$arNodes)) { if(CModule::IncludeModule('cluster')) self::$arNodes[$node_id] = CClusterDBNode::GetByID($node_id); else self::$arNodes[$node_id] = false; } $node = &self::$arNodes[$node_id]; if( is_array($node) && ( !$bCheckStatus || ( $node["ACTIVE"] == "Y" && ($node["STATUS"] == "ONLINE" || $node["STATUS"] == "READY") ) ) && !isset($node["ONHIT_ERROR"]) ) { if(!array_key_exists("DB", $node)) { $node_DB = new CDatabase; $node_DB->type = $DB->type; $node_DB->debug = $DB->debug; $node_DB->DebugToFile = $DB->DebugToFile; $node_DB->bNodeConnection = true; $node_DB->node_id = $node_id; if($node_DB->Connect($node["DB_HOST"], $node["DB_NAME"], $node["DB_LOGIN"], $node["DB_PASSWORD"], "node".$node_id)) { if(defined("DELAY_DB_CONNECT") && DELAY_DB_CONNECT===true) { if($node_DB->DoConnect("node".$node_id)) $node["DB"] = $node_DB; } else { $node["DB"] = $node_DB; } } } if(array_key_exists("DB", $node)) return $node["DB"]; } if($bIgnoreErrors) { return false; } else { static::showConnectionError(); die(); } } public static function showConnectionError() { $response = new Main\HttpResponse(); $response->setStatus('500 Internal Server Error'); $response->writeHeaders(); if(file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/php_interface/dbconn_error.php")) { include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/php_interface/dbconn_error.php"); } else { echo "Error connecting to database. Please try again later."; } } /** * Returns module database connection. * Can be used only if module supports sharding. * * @param string $module_id * @param bool $bModuleInclude * @return bool|CDatabase */ public static function GetModuleConnection($module_id, $bModuleInclude = false) { $node_id = COption::GetOptionString($module_id, "dbnode_id", "N"); if(is_numeric($node_id)) { if($bModuleInclude) { $status = COption::GetOptionString($module_id, "dbnode_status", "ok"); if($status === "move") return false; } $moduleDB = CDatabase::GetDBNodeConnection($node_id, $bModuleInclude); if(is_object($moduleDB)) { $moduleDB->bModuleConnection = true; return $moduleDB; } //There was an connection error if($bModuleInclude && CModule::IncludeModule('cluster')) CClusterDBNode::SetOffline($node_id); //TODO: unclear what to return when node went offline //in the middle of the hit. return false; } else { return $GLOBALS["DB"]; } } /** * @deprecated Use D7 connections. */ public function Connect($DBHost, $DBName, $DBLogin, $DBPassword, $connectionName = "") { $this->DBHost = $DBHost; $this->DBName = $DBName; $this->DBLogin = $DBLogin; $this->DBPassword = $DBPassword; $this->connectionName = $connectionName; if (!defined("DBPersistent")) { define("DBPersistent", true); } if (defined("DELAY_DB_CONNECT") && DELAY_DB_CONNECT === true) { return true; } else { return $this->DoConnect($connectionName); } } /** * @deprecated Not used. */ abstract protected function ConnectInternal(); public function DoConnect($connectionName = '') { if ($this->connection && $this->connection->isConnected()) { // the connection can reconnect outside $this->db_Conn = $this->connection->getResource(); return true; } $application = Main\Application::getInstance(); $found = false; // try to get a connection by its name $connection = $application->getConnection($connectionName ?: (string)$this->connectionName); if ($connection instanceof Main\DB\Connection) { // empty connection data, using the default connection if ((string)$this->DBHost === '') { $found = true; $this->DBHost = $connection->getHost(); $this->DBName = $connection->getDatabase(); $this->DBLogin = $connection->getLogin(); $this->DBPassword = $connection->getPassword(); } // or specific connection data if (!$found) { $found = ( $this->DBHost == $connection->getHost() && $this->DBName == $connection->getDatabase() && $this->DBLogin == $connection->getLogin() ); } } // connection not found, adding the new connection to the pool if (!$found) { if ((string)$connectionName === '') { $connectionName = "{$this->DBHost}.{$this->DBName}.{$this->DBLogin}"; } $parameters = [ 'host' => $this->DBHost, 'database' => $this->DBName, 'login' => $this->DBLogin, 'password' => $this->DBPassword, ]; $connection = $application->getConnectionPool()->cloneConnection( ConnectionPool::DEFAULT_CONNECTION_NAME, $connectionName, $parameters ); if ($this->bNodeConnection && ($connection instanceof Main\DB\Connection)) { $connection->setNodeId($this->node_id); } $found = true; } if ($found) { // real connection establishes here $this->db_Conn = $connection->getResource(); $this->connection = $connection; $this->sqlTracker = null; $this->cntQuery = 0; $this->timeQuery = 0; $this->arQueryDebug = []; return true; } return false; } public function startSqlTracker() { if (!$this->sqlTracker) { $app = Main\Application::getInstance(); $this->sqlTracker = $app->getConnection()->startTracker(); } return $this->sqlTracker; } public function GetVersion() { if (!$this->version) { $this->version = $this->connection->getVersion()[0]; } return $this->version; } public function GetNowFunction() { return $this->CurrentTimeFunction(); } public function GetNowDate() { return $this->CurrentDateFunction(); } public function DateToCharFunction($strFieldName, $strType="FULL", $lang=false, $bSearchInSitesOnly=false) { static $CACHE = array(); $id = $strType . ',' . $lang . ',' . $bSearchInSitesOnly; if (!isset($CACHE[$id])) { if ($lang === false && ($context = Context::getCurrent()) && ($culture = $context->getCulture()) !== null) { $format = ($strType == "FULL" ? $culture->getFormatDatetime() : $culture->getFormatDate()); } else { $format = CLang::GetDateFormat($strType, $lang, $bSearchInSitesOnly); } $CACHE[$id] = $this->DateFormatToDB($format); } $sFieldExpr = $strFieldName; //time zone if ($strType == "FULL" && CTimeZone::Enabled()) { $diff = CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if ($diff <> 0) { $sFieldExpr = $this->connection->getSqlHelper()->addSecondsToDateTime($diff, $strFieldName); } } return str_replace("#FIELD#", $sFieldExpr, $CACHE[$id]); } public function CharToDateFunction($strValue, $strType="FULL", $lang=false) { // get user time if ($strValue instanceof Main\Type\DateTime && !$strValue->isUserTimeEnabled()) { $strValue = clone $strValue; $strValue->toUserTime(); } // format if ($lang === false && ($context = Context::getCurrent()) && ($culture = $context->getCulture()) !== null) { $format = ($strType == "FULL" ? $culture->getFormatDatetime() : $culture->getFormatDate()); } else { $format = CLang::GetDateFormat($strType, $lang); } $sFieldExpr = "'".CDatabase::FormatDate($strValue, $format, ($strType=="SHORT"? "YYYY-MM-DD":"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS"))."'"; //time zone if($strType == "FULL" && CTimeZone::Enabled()) { $diff = CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if ($diff <> 0) { $this->Doconnect(); $sFieldExpr = $this->connection->getSqlHelper()->addSecondsToDateTime(-$diff, $sFieldExpr); } } return $sFieldExpr; } public function Concat() { $this->Doconnect(); return call_user_func_array([$this->connection->getSqlHelper(), 'getConcatFunction'], func_get_args()); } public function Substr($str, $from, $length = null) { // works for mysql and oracle, redefined for mssql $sql = 'SUBSTR('.$str.', '.$from; if (!is_null($length)) { $sql .= ', '.$length; } return $sql.')'; } public function IsNull($expression, $result) { $this->Doconnect(); return $this->connection->getSqlHelper()->getIsNullFunction($expression, $result); } public function Length($field) { $this->Doconnect(); return $this->connection->getSqlHelper()->getLengthFunction($field); } public function ToChar($expr, $len=0) { return "CAST(".$expr." AS CHAR".($len > 0? "(".$len.")":"").")"; } public function ToNumber($expr) { return "CAST(".$expr." AS SIGNED)"; } public static function DateFormatToPHP($format) { static $cache = array(); if (!isset($cache[$format])) { $cache[$format] = Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp($format); } return $cache[$format]; } public static function FormatDate($strDate, $format="DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS", $new_format="DD.MM.YYYY HH:MI:SS") { if (empty($strDate)) return false; if ($format===false && defined("FORMAT_DATETIME")) $format = FORMAT_DATETIME; $fromPhpFormat = Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp($format); $time = false; try { $time = new Main\Type\DateTime($strDate, $fromPhpFormat); } catch(Main\ObjectException $e) { } if ($time !== false) { //Compatibility issue $fixed_format = preg_replace( array( "/(?<!Y)Y(?!Y)/i", "/(?<!M)M(?!M|I)/i", "/(?<!D)D(?!D)/i", "/(?<!H)H:I:S/i", ), array( "YYYY", "MM", "DD", "HH:MI:SS", ), mb_strtoupper($new_format) ); $toPhpFormat = Main\Type\Date::convertFormatToPhp($fixed_format); return $time->format($toPhpFormat); } return false; } public function TopSql($strSql, $nTopCount) { $nTopCount = intval($nTopCount); if($nTopCount>0) return $strSql."\nLIMIT ".$nTopCount; else return $strSql; } public function LastID() { $this->DoConnect(); return $this->connection->getInsertedId(); } public function GetTableFieldsList($table) { return array_keys($this->GetTableFields($table)); } /** * @param string $strSql * @param bool $bIgnoreErrors * @param string $error_position * @param array $arOptions * @return CDBResult | false */ public function Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false, $error_position = "", $arOptions = []) { global $DB; $this->DoConnect(); $this->db_Error = ""; if ($this->DebugToFile || $DB->ShowSqlStat) { $start_time = microtime(true); } //We track queries for DML statements //and when there is no one we can choose //to run query against master connection //or replicated one $connectionPool = Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool(); if ($connectionPool->isMasterOnly()) { //We requested to process all queries //by master connection } elseif ($this->bModuleConnection) { //In case of dedicated module database //were is nothing to do } elseif (isset($arOptions["fixed_connection"])) { //We requested to process this query //by current connection } elseif ($this->bNodeConnection) { //It is node so nothing to do } else { if (isset($arOptions["ignore_dml"])) { $connectionPool->ignoreDml(true); } $connection = $connectionPool->getSlaveConnection($strSql); if (isset($arOptions["ignore_dml"])) { $connectionPool->ignoreDml(false); } if ($connection !== null) { if (!isset($this->obSlave)) { $nodeId = $connection->getNodeId(); ob_start(); $conn = CDatabase::GetDBNodeConnection($nodeId, true); ob_end_clean(); if (is_object($conn)) { $this->obSlave = $conn; } else { self::$arNodes[$nodeId]["ONHIT_ERROR"] = true; CClusterDBNode::SetOffline($nodeId); } } if (is_object($this->obSlave)) { return $this->obSlave->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors, $error_position, $arOptions); } } } $result = $this->QueryInternal($strSql); if ($this->DebugToFile || $DB->ShowSqlStat) { /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection */ $exec_time = round(microtime(true) - $start_time, 10); if ($DB->ShowSqlStat) { $DB->addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $connectionPool->isSlavePossible() ? $this->node_id : -1); } if ($this->DebugToFile) { $this->startSqlTracker()->writeFileLog($strSql, $exec_time, "CONN: " . $this->getThreadId()); } } if (!$result) { $this->db_Error = $this->GetError(); $this->db_ErrorSQL = $strSql; if (!$bIgnoreErrors) { $application = Main\Application::getInstance(); $ex = new Main\DB\SqlQueryException('Query error', $this->db_Error, $strSql); $application->getExceptionHandler()->writeToLog($ex); (new Main\HttpResponse()) ->setStatus('500 Internal Server Error') ->writeHeaders() ; if ($this->DebugToFile) { $this->startSqlTracker()->writeFileLog("ERROR: " . $this->db_Error, 0, "CONN: " . $this->getThreadId()); } if ($this->debug) { echo $error_position . "<br><font color=#ff0000>Query Error: " . htmlspecialcharsbx($strSql) . "</font>[" . htmlspecialcharsbx($this->db_Error) . "]<br>"; } $error_position = preg_replace("#<br[^>]*>#i", "\n", $error_position); SendError($error_position . "\nQuery Error:\n" . $strSql . " \n [" . $this->db_Error . "]\n---------------\n\n"); if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/dbquery_error.php")) { include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . BX_PERSONAL_ROOT . "/php_interface/dbquery_error.php"); die(); } else { die("Query Error!"); } } return false; } $res = new CDBResult($result); $res->DB = $this; if ($DB->ShowSqlStat) { $res->SqlTraceIndex = count($DB->arQueryDebug) - 1; } return $res; } //query with CLOB public function QueryBind($strSql, $arBinds, $bIgnoreErrors=false) { return $this->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors); } public function QueryLong($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors = false) { return $this->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors); } public function ForSql($strValue, $iMaxLength=0) { $this->Doconnect(); return $this->connection->getSqlHelper()->forSql($strValue, $iMaxLength); } public function TableExists($tableName) { $this->DoConnect(); return $this->connection->isTableExists($tableName); } public function quote($identifier) { $this->Doconnect(); return $this->connection->getSqlHelper()->quote($identifier); } abstract public function PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields); abstract public function PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields); public function PrepareUpdateJoin($strTableName, $arFields, $from, $where) { return ''; } public function Update($table, $arFields, $WHERE="", $error_position="", $DEBUG=false, $ignore_errors=false, $additional_check=true) { $rows = 0; if(is_array($arFields)) { $ar = array(); foreach($arFields as $field => $value) { if ((string)$value == '') $ar[] = $this->quote($field) . " = ''"; else $ar[] = $this->quote($field) . " = ".$value.""; } if (!empty($ar)) { $strSql = "UPDATE ".$table." SET ".implode(", ", $ar)." ".$WHERE; if ($DEBUG) echo "<br>".htmlspecialcharsEx($strSql)."<br>"; $w = $this->Query($strSql, $ignore_errors, $error_position); if (is_object($w)) { $rows = $w->AffectedRowsCount(); if ($DEBUG) echo "affected_rows = ".$rows."<br>"; if ($rows <= 0 && $additional_check) { $w = $this->Query("SELECT 'x' FROM ".$table." ".$WHERE, $ignore_errors, $error_position); if (is_object($w)) { if ($w->Fetch()) $rows = $w->SelectedRowsCount(); if ($DEBUG) echo "num_rows = ".$rows."<br>"; } } } } } return $rows; } public function InitTableVarsForEdit($tablename, $strIdentFrom="str_", $strIdentTo="str_", $strSuffixFrom="", $bAlways=false) { $fields = $this->GetTableFields($tablename); foreach($fields as $strColumnName => $field) { $varnameFrom = $strIdentFrom.$strColumnName.$strSuffixFrom; $varnameTo = $strIdentTo.$strColumnName; global ${$varnameFrom}, ${$varnameTo}; if((isset(${$varnameFrom}) || $bAlways)) { if(is_array(${$varnameFrom})) { ${$varnameTo} = array(); foreach(${$varnameFrom} as $k => $v) ${$varnameTo}[$k] = htmlspecialcharsbx($v); } else ${$varnameTo} = htmlspecialcharsbx(${$varnameFrom}); } } } /** * @deprecated Use \Bitrix\Main\DB\Connection::parseSqlBatch() * @param string $strSql * @return array */ public function ParseSqlBatch($strSql) { $this->Doconnect(); return $this->connection->parseSqlBatch($strSql); } public function RunSQLBatch($filepath) { if(!file_exists($filepath) || !is_file($filepath)) { return array("File $filepath is not found."); } $arErr = array(); $contents = file_get_contents($filepath); $this->Doconnect(); foreach($this->connection->parseSqlBatch($contents) as $strSql) { if(!$this->Query($strSql, true)) { $arErr[] = "<hr><pre>Query:\n".$strSql."\n\nError:\n<font color=red>".$this->GetErrorMessage()."</font></pre>"; } } if(!empty($arErr)) { return $arErr; } return false; } public function IsDate($value, $format=false, $lang=false, $format_type="SHORT") { if ($format===false) $format = CLang::GetDateFormat($format_type, $lang); return CheckDateTime($value, $format); } public function GetErrorMessage() { if(is_object($this->obSlave) && $this->obSlave->db_Error <> '') return $this->obSlave->db_Error; elseif($this->db_Error <> '') { return $this->db_Error."!"; } else return ''; } public function GetErrorSQL() { if(is_object($this->obSlave) && $this->obSlave->db_ErrorSQL <> '') return $this->obSlave->db_ErrorSQL; elseif($this->db_ErrorSQL <> '') { return $this->db_ErrorSQL; } else return ''; } public function StartTransaction() { $this->DoConnect(); $this->connection->startTransaction(); } public function Commit() { $this->DoConnect(); $this->connection->commitTransaction(); } public function Rollback() { $this->DoConnect(); $this->connection->rollbackTransaction(); } public function DDL($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors=false, $error_position="", $arOptions=array()) { $res = $this->Query($strSql, $bIgnoreErrors, $error_position, $arOptions); //Reset metadata cache $this->column_cache = array(); return $res; } public function addDebugQuery($strSql, $exec_time, $node_id = 0) { $this->cntQuery++; $this->timeQuery += $exec_time; $this->arQueryDebug[] = $this->startSqlTracker()->getNewTrackerQuery() ->setSql($strSql) ->setTime($exec_time) ->setTrace(defined("BX_NO_SQL_BACKTRACE")? null: Main\Diag\Helper::getBackTrace(8, null, 2)) ->setState($GLOBALS["BX_STATE"]) ->setNode($node_id) ; } public function addDebugTime($index, $exec_time) { if ($this->arQueryDebug[$index]) { $this->arQueryDebug[$index]->addTime($exec_time); } } public function GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false) { $this->Doconnect(); return $this->connection->getIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict) ?? ''; } public function IndexExists($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict = false) { return $this->GetIndexName($tableName, $arColumns, $bStrict) !== ""; } public function CreateIndex($indexName, $tableName, $columns, $unique = false, $fulltext = false) { return false; } /** * Registers database-dependent classes for autoload. * * @param string|null $connectionType * @return void */ public static function registerAutoload(?string $connectionType = null): void { if ($connectionType === null) { $application = Main\HttpApplication::getInstance(); $connectionType = $application->getConnection()->getType(); } Main\Loader::registerAutoLoadClasses( 'main', [ 'CDatabase' => 'classes/' . $connectionType . '/database.php', 'CDBResult' => 'classes/' . $connectionType . '/dbresult.php', ] ); } }