Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CAllRatings { const REACTION_DEFAULT = 'like'; const REACTION_KISS = 'kiss'; const REACTION_LAUGH = 'laugh'; const REACTION_ANGRY = 'angry'; const REACTION_WONDER = 'wonder'; const REACTION_CRY = 'cry'; // get specified rating record public static function GetByID($ID) { global $DB; $ID = (int)$ID; if($ID<=0) return false; return $DB->Query(" SELECT R.*, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.CREATED")." as CREATED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.LAST_MODIFIED")." as LAST_MODIFIED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.LAST_CALCULATED")." as LAST_CALCULATED FROM b_rating R WHERE ID=".$ID ); } public static function GetArrayByID($ID) { global $DB; $ID = (int)$ID; $strID = "b".$ID; if(CACHED_b_rating===false) { $res = $DB->Query(" SELECT R.*, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.CREATED")." as CREATED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.LAST_MODIFIED")." as LAST_MODIFIED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.LAST_CALCULATED")." as LAST_CALCULATED FROM b_rating R WHERE ID=".$ID ); $arResult = $res->Fetch(); } else { global $stackCacheManager; $stackCacheManager->SetLength("b_rating", 100); $stackCacheManager->SetTTL("b_rating", CACHED_b_rating); if($stackCacheManager->Exist("b_rating", $strID)) $arResult = $stackCacheManager->Get("b_rating", $strID); else { $res = $DB->Query(" SELECT R.*, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.CREATED")." as CREATED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.LAST_MODIFIED")." as LAST_MODIFIED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.LAST_CALCULATED")." as LAST_CALCULATED FROM b_rating R WHERE ID=".$ID ); $arResult = $res->Fetch(); if($arResult) $stackCacheManager->Set("b_rating", $strID, $arResult); } } return $arResult; } // get rating record list public static function GetList($arSort=array(), $arFilter=Array()) { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = Array(); if (is_array($arFilter)) { foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { if ((string)$val == '' || $val === "NOT_REF") continue; switch(mb_strtoupper($key)) { case "ID": $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("R.ID", $val, "N"); break; case "ACTIVE": if(in_array($val, Array('Y', 'N'))) { $arSqlSearch[] = "R.ACTIVE = '".$val."'"; } break; case "AUTHORITY": if(in_array($val, Array('Y', 'N'))) { $arSqlSearch[] = "R.AUTHORITY = '".$val."'"; } break; case "POSITION": if(in_array($val, Array('Y', 'N'))) { $arSqlSearch[] = "R.POSITION = '".$val."'"; } break; case "CALCULATED": if(in_array($val, Array('Y', 'N', 'C'))) { $arSqlSearch[] = "R.CALCULATED = '".$val."'"; } break; case "NAME": $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("R.NAME", $val); break; case "ENTITY_ID": $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("R.ENTITY_ID", $val); break; } } } $sOrder = ""; foreach($arSort as $key=>$val) { $ord = (mb_strtoupper($val) <> "ASC"? "DESC":"ASC"); switch(mb_strtoupper($key)) { case "ID": $sOrder .= ", R.ID ".$ord; break; case "NAME": $sOrder .= ", R.NAME ".$ord; break; case "CREATED": $sOrder .= ", R.CREATED ".$ord; break; case "LAST_MODIFIED": $sOrder .= ", R.LAST_MODIFIED ".$ord; break; case "LAST_CALCULATED": $sOrder .= ", R.LAST_CALCULATED ".$ord; break; case "ACTIVE": $sOrder .= ", R.ACTIVE ".$ord; break; case "AUTHORITY": $sOrder .= ", R.AUTHORITY ".$ord; break; case "POSITION": $sOrder .= ", R.POSITION ".$ord; break; case "STATUS": $sOrder .= ", R.CALCULATED ".$ord; break; case "CALCULATED": $sOrder .= ", R.CALCULATED ".$ord; break; case "CALCULATION_METHOD": $sOrder .= ", R.CALCULATION_METHOD ".$ord; break; case "ENTITY_ID": $sOrder .= ", R.ENTITY_ID ".$ord; break; } } if ($sOrder == '') $sOrder = "R.ID DESC"; $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY ".TrimEx($sOrder,","); $strSqlSearch = GetFilterSqlSearch($arSqlSearch); $strSql = " SELECT R.ID, R.NAME, R.ACTIVE, R.CALCULATED, R.AUTHORITY, R.POSITION, R.ENTITY_ID, R.CALCULATION_METHOD, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.CREATED")." CREATED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.LAST_MODIFIED")." LAST_MODIFIED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("R.LAST_CALCULATED")." LAST_CALCULATED FROM b_rating R WHERE ".$strSqlSearch." ".$strSqlOrder; return $DB->Query($strSql); } public static function GetRatingValueInfo($ratingId) { global $DB; $ratingId = (int)$ratingId; $strSql = " SELECT MAX(CURRENT_VALUE) as MAX, MIN(CURRENT_VALUE) as MIN, AVG(CURRENT_VALUE) as AVG, COUNT(*) as CNT FROM b_rating_results WHERE RATING_ID = ".$ratingId; return $DB->Query($strSql); } //Addition rating public static function Add($arFields) { global $DB, $stackCacheManager; // check only general field if(!CRatings::__CheckFields($arFields)) return false; $arFields_i = Array( "ACTIVE" => $arFields["ACTIVE"] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N', "POSITION" => $arFields["POSITION"] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N', "AUTHORITY" => $arFields["AUTHORITY"] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N', "NAME" => $arFields["NAME"], "ENTITY_ID" => $arFields["ENTITY_ID"], "CALCULATION_METHOD" => $arFields["CALCULATION_METHOD"], "~CREATED" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "~LAST_MODIFIED" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), ); $ID = $DB->Add("b_rating", $arFields_i); // queries modules and give them to inspect the field settings foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAfterAddRating", true) as $arEvent) $arFields = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); CRatings::__AddComponents($ID, $arFields); $arFields_u = Array( "CONFIGS" => "'".$DB->ForSQL(serialize($arFields["CONFIGS"]))."'", ); $DB->Update("b_rating", $arFields_u, "WHERE ID = ".$ID); if ($arFields['AUTHORITY'] === 'Y') CRatings::SetAuthorityRating($ID); CAgent::AddAgent("CRatings::Calculate($ID);", "main", "N", 3600, "", "Y", ""); $stackCacheManager->Clear("b_rating"); return $ID; } //Update rating public static function Update($ID, $arFields) { global $DB, $stackCacheManager; $ID = (int)$ID; // check only general field if(!CRatings::__CheckFields($arFields)) return false; $arFields_u = Array( "ACTIVE" => $arFields['ACTIVE'] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N', "NAME" => $arFields["NAME"], "ENTITY_ID" => $arFields["ENTITY_ID"], "CALCULATION_METHOD" => $arFields["CALCULATION_METHOD"], "~LAST_MODIFIED" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), ); $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate("b_rating", $arFields_u); if(!$DB->Query("UPDATE b_rating SET ".$strUpdate." WHERE ID=".$ID)) return false; if (!isset($arFields["CONFIGS"])) { $stackCacheManager->Clear("b_rating"); return true; } // queries modules and give them to inspect the field settings foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAfterUpdateRating", true) as $arEvent) $arFields = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID, $arFields)); CRatings::__UpdateComponents($ID, $arFields); $arFields_u = Array( "POSITION" => "'".($arFields['POSITION'] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N')."'", "AUTHORITY" => "'".($arFields['AUTHORITY'] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N')."'", "CONFIGS" => "'".$DB->ForSQL(serialize($arFields["CONFIGS"]))."'", ); $DB->Update("b_rating", $arFields_u, "WHERE ID = ".$ID); if ($arFields['AUTHORITY'] === 'Y') CRatings::SetAuthorityRating($ID); if ($arFields['NEW_CALC'] === 'Y') $DB->Query("UPDATE b_rating_results SET PREVIOUS_VALUE = 0 WHERE RATING_ID=".$ID." and ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arFields["ENTITY_ID"])."'"); $strSql = "SELECT COMPLEX_NAME FROM b_rating_component WHERE RATING_ID = $ID and ACTIVE = 'N'"; $res = $DB->Query($strSql); $arrRatingComponentId = array(); while($arRes = $res->Fetch()) $arrRatingComponentId[] = $arRes['COMPLEX_NAME']; if (!empty($arrRatingComponentId)) $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_component_results WHERE RATING_ID = $ID AND COMPLEX_NAME IN ('".implode("','", $arrRatingComponentId)."')"); CRatings::Calculate($ID, true); CAgent::RemoveAgent("CRatings::Calculate($ID);", "main"); $AID = CAgent::AddAgent("CRatings::Calculate($ID);", "main", "N", 3600, "", "Y", ""); $stackCacheManager->Clear("b_rating"); return true; } // delete rating public static function Delete($ID) { global $DB, $stackCacheManager; $ID = (int)$ID; foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnBeforeDeleteRating", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($ID)); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating WHERE ID=$ID"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_user WHERE RATING_ID=$ID"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_component WHERE RATING_ID=$ID"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_component_results WHERE RATING_ID=$ID"); $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_results WHERE RATING_ID=$ID"); CAgent::RemoveAgent("CRatings::Calculate($ID);", "main"); $stackCacheManager->Clear("b_rating"); return true; } // start calculation rating-component public static function Calculate($ID, $bForceRecalc = false) { global $DB; $ID = (int)$ID; $strSql = "SELECT RC.*, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("RC.LAST_MODIFIED")." LAST_MODIFIED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("RC.LAST_CALCULATED")." LAST_CALCULATED, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("RC.NEXT_CALCULATION")." NEXT_CALCULATION FROM b_rating_component RC WHERE RATING_ID = $ID and ACTIVE = 'Y' ".($bForceRecalc ? '' : 'AND NEXT_CALCULATION <= '.$DB->GetNowFunction()); $res = $DB->Query($strSql); while($arRes = $res->Fetch()) { if(CModule::IncludeModule(mb_strtolower($arRes['MODULE_ID']))) { $arRes['CONFIG'] = unserialize($arRes['CONFIG'], ['allowed_classes' => false]); // If the type is automatic calculation of parameters * global vote weight $sRatingWeightType = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_weight_type", "auto"); if ($sRatingWeightType === 'auto') { $voteWeight = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_vote_weight", 1); $arRes['CONFIG']['COEFFICIENT'] = ($arRes['CONFIG']['COEFFICIENT'] ?? 1) * $voteWeight; } if ($arRes['EXCEPTION_METHOD'] <> '') { if (method_exists($arRes['CLASS'], $arRes['EXCEPTION_METHOD'])) { $exceptionText = call_user_func(array($arRes['CLASS'], $arRes['EXCEPTION_METHOD'])); if ($exceptionText === false) { if (method_exists($arRes['CLASS'], $arRes['CALC_METHOD'])) { $result = call_user_func(array($arRes['CLASS'], $arRes['CALC_METHOD']), $arRes); } } } } else { if (method_exists($arRes['CLASS'], $arRes['CALC_METHOD'])) { $result = call_user_func(array($arRes['CLASS'], $arRes['CALC_METHOD']), $arRes); } } } } CRatings::BuildRating($ID); return "CRatings::Calculate($ID);"; } // queries modules and get all the available objects public static function GetRatingObjects() { $arObjects = array(); foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnGetRatingsObjects", true) as $arEvent) { $arConfig = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent); foreach ($arConfig as $OBJ_TYPE) if (!in_array($OBJ_TYPE, $arObjects)) $arObjects[] = $OBJ_TYPE; } return $arObjects; } // queries modules and get all the available entity types public static function GetRatingEntityTypes($objectType = null) { $arEntityTypes = array(); foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnGetRatingsConfigs", true) as $arEvent) { $arConfig = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent); if (is_null($objectType)) { foreach ($arConfig as $OBJ_TYPE => $OBJ_VALUE) foreach ($OBJ_VALUE['VOTE'] as $VOTE_VALUE) { $EntityTypeId = $VOTE_VALUE['MODULE_ID'].'_'.$VOTE_VALUE['ID']; if (!in_array($arEntityTypes[$OBJ_TYPE], $EntityTypeId)) $arEntityTypes[$OBJ_TYPE][] = $EntityTypeId; } } else { foreach ($arConfig[$objectType]['VOTE'] as $VOTE_VALUE) { $EntityTypeId = $VOTE_VALUE['MODULE_ID'].'_'.$VOTE_VALUE['ID']; $arEntityTypes[$EntityTypeId] = $EntityTypeId; } } } return $arEntityTypes; } // queries modules and assemble an array of settings public static function GetRatingConfigs($objectType = null, $withRatingType = true) { $arConfigs = array(); foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnGetRatingsConfigs", true) as $arEvent) { $arConfig = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent); if (is_null($objectType)) { foreach ($arConfig["COMPONENT"] as $OBJ_TYPE => $TYPE_VALUE) { foreach ($TYPE_VALUE as $RAT_TYPE => $RAT_VALUE) { foreach ($RAT_VALUE as $VALUE) { if ($withRatingType) $arConfigs[$OBJ_TYPE][$arConfig['MODULE_ID']][$RAT_TYPE][$arConfig['MODULE_ID']."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$VALUE['ID']] = $VALUE; else $arConfigs[$OBJ_TYPE][$arConfig['MODULE_ID']][$arConfig['MODULE_ID']."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$VALUE['ID']] = $VALUE; } } } } else { foreach ($arConfig["COMPONENT"][$objectType] as $RAT_TYPE => $RAT_VALUE) { $arConfigs[$arConfig['MODULE_ID']]['MODULE_ID'] = $arConfig['MODULE_ID']; $arConfigs[$arConfig['MODULE_ID']]['MODULE_NAME'] = $arConfig['MODULE_NAME']; foreach ($RAT_VALUE as $VALUE) if ($withRatingType) $arConfigs[$arConfig['MODULE_ID']][$RAT_TYPE][$arConfig['MODULE_ID']."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$VALUE['ID']] = $VALUE; else $arConfigs[$arConfig['MODULE_ID']][$arConfig['MODULE_ID']."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$VALUE['ID']] = $VALUE; } } } return $arConfigs; } public static function GetRatingVoteResult($entityTypeId, $entityId, $user_id = 0) { global $USER; $arResult = array(); $user_id = (int)$user_id; if ($user_id == 0) $user_id = $USER->GetID(); if (is_array($entityId)) { foreach ($entityId as $currentEntityId) { $arResult[$currentEntityId] = self::GetRatingVoteResultCache($entityTypeId, $currentEntityId, $user_id); } } else { $arResult = self::GetRatingVoteResultCache($entityTypeId, $entityId, $user_id); } return $arResult; } public static function GetRatingVoteResultCache($entityTypeId, $entityId, $user_id = 0) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $arResult = array(); $entityId = (int)$entityId; $user_id = (int)$user_id; if ($entityTypeId == '' || $entityId <= 0) return $arResult; if ($user_id == 0) $user_id = $GLOBALS["USER"]->GetID(); $bucket_size = (int)CACHED_b_rating_bucket_size; if($bucket_size <= 0) $bucket_size = 100; $bucket = (int)($entityId / $bucket_size); if($CACHE_MANAGER->Read(CACHED_b_rating_vote, $cache_id="b_rvg_".$entityTypeId.$bucket, "b_rating_voting")) { $arResult = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get($cache_id); } else { $total = array(); $sql_str = "SELECT RVG.ID, RVG.ENTITY_ID, RVG.TOTAL_VALUE, RVG.TOTAL_VOTES, RVG.TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES, RVG.TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting RVG WHERE RVG.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($entityTypeId)."' and RVG.ENTITY_ID between ".($bucket*$bucket_size)." AND ".(($bucket+1)*$bucket_size-1)." and RVG.ACTIVE = 'Y'"; $res = $DB->Query($sql_str); while($row = $res->Fetch()) { $arResult[$row['ENTITY_ID']] = array( 'USER_VOTE' => 0, 'USER_REACTION' => false, 'USER_HAS_VOTED' => 'N', 'USER_VOTE_LIST' => array(), 'USER_REACTION_LIST' => array(), 'TOTAL_VALUE' => $row['TOTAL_VALUE'], 'TOTAL_VOTES' => (int)$row['TOTAL_VOTES'], 'TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES' => (int)$row['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], 'TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES' => (int)$row['TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES'], 'REACTIONS_LIST' => array( self::REACTION_DEFAULT => (int)$row['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'] ) ); if (!isset($total[$row['ENTITY_ID']])) { $total[$row['ENTITY_ID']] = (int)$row['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES']; } } $count = array(); $foundDefault = array(); $entityIdList = array(); $sql_str = "SELECT RVGR.ENTITY_ID, RVGR.REACTION, RVGR.TOTAL_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting_reaction RVGR WHERE RVGR.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($entityTypeId)."' and RVGR.ENTITY_ID between ".($bucket*$bucket_size)." AND ".(($bucket+1)*$bucket_size-1); $res = $DB->Query($sql_str); while($row = $res->Fetch()) { if (!in_array($row['ENTITY_ID'], $entityIdList)) { $entityIdList[] = $row['ENTITY_ID']; } $arResult[$row['ENTITY_ID']]['REACTIONS_LIST'][$row['REACTION']] = (int)$row['TOTAL_VOTES']; if (!isset($count[$row['ENTITY_ID']])) { $count[$row['ENTITY_ID']] = 0; } $count[$row['ENTITY_ID']] += ((int)$row['TOTAL_VOTES'] >= 0 ? (int)$row['TOTAL_VOTES'] : 0); if ( !isset($foundDefault[$row['ENTITY_ID']]) && $row['REACTION'] == self::REACTION_DEFAULT ) { $foundDefault[$row['ENTITY_ID']] = true; } } foreach($entityIdList as $eId) { if ( !isset($foundDefault[$eId]) && isset($count[$eId]) && isset($total[$eId]) && $count[$eId] >= $total[$eId] ) { $arResult[$eId]['REACTIONS_LIST'][self::REACTION_DEFAULT] = 0; } } $sql = "SELECT RVG.ENTITY_ID, RVG.USER_ID, RVG.VALUE, RVG.REACTION FROM b_rating_vote RVG WHERE RVG.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($entityTypeId)."' and RVG.ENTITY_ID between ".($bucket*$bucket_size)." AND ".(($bucket+1)*$bucket_size-1); $res = $DB->Query($sql); while($row = $res->Fetch()) { $arResult[$row['ENTITY_ID']]['USER_VOTE_LIST'][$row['USER_ID']] = $row['VALUE']; $arResult[$row['ENTITY_ID']]['USER_REACTION_LIST'][$row['USER_ID']] = (!empty($row['REACTION']) ? $row['REACTION'] : self::REACTION_DEFAULT); } $CACHE_MANAGER->Set($cache_id, $arResult); } if (isset($arResult[$entityId]['USER_VOTE_LIST'][$user_id])) { $arResult[$entityId]['USER_VOTE'] = $arResult[$entityId]['USER_VOTE_LIST'][$user_id]; $arResult[$entityId]['USER_REACTION'] = ( !empty($arResult[$entityId]['USER_REACTION_LIST'][$user_id]) ? $arResult[$entityId]['USER_REACTION_LIST'][$user_id] : self::REACTION_DEFAULT ); $arResult[$entityId]['USER_HAS_VOTED'] = 'Y'; } return $arResult[$entityId] ?? array(); } public static function GetRatingResult($ID, $entityId) { global $DB; $ID = (int)$ID; static $cacheRatingResult = array(); if(!array_key_exists($ID, $cacheRatingResult)) $cacheRatingResult[$ID] = array(); $arResult = array(); $arToSelect = array(); if(is_array($entityId)) { foreach($entityId as $value) { $value = (int)$value; if($value > 0) { if(array_key_exists($value, $cacheRatingResult[$ID])) $arResult[$value] = $cacheRatingResult[$ID][$value]; else { $arResult[$value] = $cacheRatingResult[$ID][$value] = array(); $arToSelect[$value] = $value; } } } } else { $value = (int)$entityId; if($value > 0) { if(isset($cacheRatingResult[$ID][$value])) $arResult[$value] = $cacheRatingResult[$ID][$value]; else { $arResult[$value] = $cacheRatingResult[$ID][$value] = array(); $arToSelect[$value] = $value; } } } if(!empty($arToSelect)) { $strSql = " SELECT ENTITY_TYPE_ID, ENTITY_ID, PREVIOUS_VALUE, CURRENT_VALUE, PREVIOUS_POSITION, CURRENT_POSITION FROM b_rating_results WHERE RATING_ID = '".$ID."' AND ENTITY_ID IN (".implode(',', $arToSelect).") "; $res = $DB->Query($strSql); while($arRes = $res->Fetch()) { $arRes['PROGRESS_VALUE'] = $arRes['CURRENT_VALUE'] - $arRes['PREVIOUS_VALUE']; $arRes['PROGRESS_VALUE'] = round($arRes['PROGRESS_VALUE'], 2); $arRes['PROGRESS_VALUE'] = $arRes['PROGRESS_VALUE'] > 0? "+".$arRes['PROGRESS_VALUE']: $arRes['PROGRESS_VALUE']; $arRes['ROUND_CURRENT_VALUE'] = round($arRes['CURRENT_VALUE']) == 0? 0: round($arRes['CURRENT_VALUE']); $arRes['ROUND_PREVIOUS_VALUE'] = round($arRes['PREVIOUS_VALUE']) == 0? 0: round($arRes['CURRENT_VALUE']); $arRes['CURRENT_POSITION'] = $arRes['CURRENT_POSITION'] > 0? $arRes['CURRENT_POSITION'] : GetMessage('RATING_NO_POSITION'); if ($arRes['PREVIOUS_POSITION']>0) { $arRes['PROGRESS_POSITION'] = $arRes['PREVIOUS_POSITION'] - $arRes['CURRENT_POSITION']; $arRes['PROGRESS_POSITION'] = $arRes['PROGRESS_POSITION'] > 0? "+".$arRes['PROGRESS_POSITION']: $arRes['PROGRESS_POSITION']; } else { $arRes['PREVIOUS_POSITION'] = 0; $arRes['PROGRESS_POSITION'] = 0; } $arResult[$arRes["ENTITY_ID"]] = $cacheRatingResult[$ID][$arRes["ENTITY_ID"]] = $arRes; } } if(!is_array($entityId) && !empty($arResult)) $arResult = array_pop($arResult); return $arResult; } public static function AddRatingVote($arParam) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); if ($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] === 'USER' && isset(\Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getSession()['RATING_VOTE_COUNT'])) { if (\Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getSession()['RATING_VOTE_COUNT'] >= \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getSession()['RATING_USER_VOTE_COUNT']) { return false; } \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getSession()['RATING_VOTE_COUNT']++; } $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] = mb_substr($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 0, 50); $arParam['REACTION'] = ($arParam['REACTION'] <> '' ? $arParam['REACTION'] : self::REACTION_DEFAULT); CRatings::CancelRatingVote($arParam); $votePlus = $arParam['VALUE'] >= 0 ? true : false; $ratingId = CRatings::GetAuthorityRating(); $arRatingUserProp = CRatings::GetRatingUserProp($ratingId, $arParam['USER_ID']); $voteUserWeight = $arRatingUserProp['VOTE_WEIGHT']; $sRatingWeightType = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_weight_type", "auto"); if ($sRatingWeightType === 'auto') { if ($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] === 'USER') { $sRatingAuthrorityWeight = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_authority_weight_formula", 'Y'); if ($sRatingAuthrorityWeight === 'Y') { $communitySize = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_community_size", 1); $communityAuthority = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_community_authority", 1); $voteWeight = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_vote_weight", 1); $arParam['VALUE'] = $arParam['VALUE']*($communitySize*($voteUserWeight/$voteWeight)/$communityAuthority); } } else { $arParam['VALUE'] = $arParam['VALUE']*$voteUserWeight; } } else { $arParam['VALUE'] = $arParam['VALUE']*$voteUserWeight; } $arFields = array( 'ACTIVE' => "'Y'", 'TOTAL_VOTES' => "TOTAL_VOTES+1", 'TOTAL_VALUE' => "TOTAL_VALUE".($votePlus ? '+' : '').(float)$arParam['VALUE'], 'LAST_CALCULATED' => $DB->GetNowFunction(), ); $arFields[($votePlus ? 'TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES' : 'TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES')] = ($votePlus ? 'TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES+1' : 'TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES+1'); // GetOwnerDocument $arParam['OWNER_ID'] = 0; foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnGetRatingContentOwner", true) as $arEvent) { $result = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($arParam)); if ($result !== false) $arParam['OWNER_ID'] = (int)$result; } $rowAffected = $DB->Update("b_rating_voting", $arFields, "WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); if ($rowAffected > 0) { $rsRV = $DB->Query("SELECT ID, TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); $arRV = $rsRV->Fetch(); $arParam['RATING_VOTING_ID'] = $arRV['ID']; $arParam['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'] = $arRV['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES']; $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'] = array( self::REACTION_DEFAULT => (int)$arParam['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'] ); if ($votePlus) { $rsRVR = $DB->Query("SELECT TOTAL_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting_reaction WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); if (!($arRVR = $rsRVR->fetch())) // reactions not initialized { $merge = $helper->prepareMerge('b_rating_voting_reaction', ['ENTITY_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID', 'REACTION'], [ 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_ID'], 'REACTION' => self::REACTION_DEFAULT, 'TOTAL_VOTES' => $arRV['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], ], [ 'TOTAL_VOTES' => $arRV['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], ]); if ($merge[0]) { $DB->query($merge[0]); } } $merge = $helper->prepareMerge('b_rating_voting_reaction', ['ENTITY_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID', 'REACTION'], [ 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_ID'], 'REACTION' => $arParam['REACTION'], 'TOTAL_VOTES' => 1, ], [ 'TOTAL_VOTES' => new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('b_rating_voting_reaction.TOTAL_VOTES + 1'), ]); if ($merge[0]) { $DB->query($merge[0]); } } } else { $arFields = array( "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "'".$DB->ForSql($arParam["ENTITY_TYPE_ID"])."'", "ENTITY_ID" => (int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'], "OWNER_ID" => (int)$arParam['OWNER_ID'], "ACTIVE" => "'Y'", "CREATED" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "LAST_CALCULATED" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "TOTAL_VOTES" => 1, "TOTAL_VALUE" => (float)$arParam['VALUE'], "TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES" => ($votePlus ? 1 : 0), "TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES" => ($votePlus ? 0 : 1) ); $arParam['RATING_VOTING_ID'] = $DB->Insert("b_rating_voting", $arFields); $arParam['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'] = ($votePlus ? 1 : 0); $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'] = array( self::REACTION_DEFAULT => (int)$arParam['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'] ); if ($votePlus) { $merge = $helper->prepareMerge('b_rating_voting_reaction', ['ENTITY_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID', 'REACTION'], [ 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_ID'], 'REACTION' => $arParam['REACTION'], 'TOTAL_VOTES' => 1, ], [ 'TOTAL_VOTES' => 1, ]); if ($merge[0]) { $DB->query($merge[0]); } } } $rsRVR = $DB->Query("SELECT REACTION, TOTAL_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting_reaction WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); while($arRVR = $rsRVR->fetch()) { $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'][$arRVR['REACTION']] = $arRVR['TOTAL_VOTES']; } $arFields = array( "RATING_VOTING_ID" => (int)$arParam['RATING_VOTING_ID'], "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => "'".$DB->ForSql($arParam["ENTITY_TYPE_ID"])."'", "ENTITY_ID" => (int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'], "VALUE" => (float)$arParam['VALUE'], "ACTIVE" => "'Y'", "CREATED" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "USER_ID" => (int)$arParam['USER_ID'], "USER_IP" => "'".$DB->ForSql($arParam["USER_IP"])."'", "OWNER_ID" => (int)$arParam['OWNER_ID'], "REACTION" => "'".$DB->ForSql($arParam["REACTION"])."'" ); $ID = $DB->Insert("b_rating_vote", $arFields); foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAddRatingVote", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array((int)$ID, $arParam)); $userData = \CAllRatings::getUserData((int)$arParam['USER_ID'], (float)$arParam['VALUE']); if (CModule::IncludeModule('pull')) { CPullStack::AddShared(Array( 'module_id' => 'main', 'command' => 'rating_vote', 'params' => Array( "TYPE" => "ADD", "USER_ID" => (int)$arParam['USER_ID'], "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => $arParam["ENTITY_TYPE_ID"], "ENTITY_ID" => (int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'], "TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES" => $arParam['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], "RESULT" => $votePlus? 'PLUS': 'MINUS', "USER_DATA" => $userData, "REACTION" => $arParam['REACTION'], "REACTIONS_LIST" => $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'] ) )); } if (CACHED_b_rating_vote!==false) { $bucket_size = (int)CACHED_b_rating_bucket_size; if($bucket_size <= 0) $bucket_size = 100; $bucket = (int)((int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'] / $bucket_size); $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("b_rvg_".$DB->ForSql($arParam["ENTITY_TYPE_ID"]).$bucket, "b_rating_voting"); } return $userData; } public static function ChangeRatingVote($arParam) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] = mb_substr($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 0, 50); $arParam['REACTION'] = ($arParam['REACTION'] <> '' ? $arParam['REACTION'] : self::REACTION_DEFAULT); $userData = \CAllRatings::getUserData((int)$arParam['USER_ID'], (float)$arParam['VALUE']); $sqlStr = " SELECT RVG.ID, RV.ID AS VOTE_ID, RV.REACTION AS REACTION, RV.VALUE AS VOTE_VALUE, RVG.TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting RVG, b_rating_vote RV WHERE RVG.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' and RVG.ENTITY_ID = ".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']." and RVG.ID = RV.RATING_VOTING_ID and RV.USER_ID = ".(int)$arParam['USER_ID']; $res = $DB->Query($sqlStr); if ($arVote = $res->Fetch()) { // GetOwnerDocument $arParam['OWNER_ID'] = 0; foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnGetRatingContentOwner", true) as $arEvent) { $result = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($arParam)); if ($result !== false) $arParam['OWNER_ID'] = (int)$result; } $votePlus = $arVote['VOTE_VALUE'] >= 0 ? true : false; $arVote['REACTION_OLD'] = ($arVote['REACTION'] <> '' ? $arVote['REACTION'] : self::REACTION_DEFAULT); if (!$votePlus) { return false; } $rsRV = $DB->Query("SELECT ID, TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); if ($arRV = $rsRV->Fetch()) { $arParam['RATING_VOTING_ID'] = $arRV['ID']; $arParam['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'] = $arRV['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES']; $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'] = array( self::REACTION_DEFAULT => (int)$arParam['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'] ); } else { return false; } $rsRVR = $DB->Query("SELECT TOTAL_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting_reaction WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); if (!($arRVR = $rsRVR->fetch())) // reactions not initialized { $merge = $helper->prepareMerge('b_rating_voting_reaction', ['ENTITY_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID', 'REACTION'], [ 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_ID'], 'REACTION' => self::REACTION_DEFAULT, 'TOTAL_VOTES' => $arRV['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], ], [ 'TOTAL_VOTES' => $arRV['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], ]); if ($merge[0]) { $DB->query($merge[0]); } } $merge = $helper->prepareMerge('b_rating_voting_reaction', ['ENTITY_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID', 'REACTION'], [ 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_ID'], 'REACTION' => $arParam['REACTION'], 'TOTAL_VOTES' => 1, ], [ 'TOTAL_VOTES' => new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('b_rating_voting_reaction.TOTAL_VOTES + 1'), ]); if ($merge[0]) { $DB->query($merge[0]); } if (!empty($arVote['REACTION_OLD'])) { $DB->Query("UPDATE b_rating_voting_reaction SET TOTAL_VOTES = TOTAL_VOTES - 1 WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID = '".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."' AND REACTION = '".$DB->ForSql($arVote['REACTION_OLD'])."'"); } $rsRVR = $DB->Query("SELECT REACTION, TOTAL_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting_reaction WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); while($arRVR = $rsRVR->fetch()) { $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'][$arRVR['REACTION']] = $arRVR['TOTAL_VOTES']; } $arFields = array( "CREATED" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "USER_IP" => "'".$DB->ForSql($arParam["USER_IP"])."'", "REACTION" => "'".$DB->ForSql($arParam["REACTION"])."'" ); $ID = $DB->Update("b_rating_vote", $arFields, "WHERE RATING_VOTING_ID=".(int)$arParam['RATING_VOTING_ID']." AND USER_ID=".(int)$arParam['USER_ID']); if (!$ID) { return false; } foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnChangeRatingVote", true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array((int)$ID, $arParam)); } if (CModule::IncludeModule('pull')) { CPullStack::AddShared(Array( 'module_id' => 'main', 'command' => 'rating_vote', 'params' => Array( "TYPE" => "CHANGE", "USER_ID" => (int)$arParam['USER_ID'], "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => $arParam["ENTITY_TYPE_ID"], "ENTITY_ID" => (int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'], "TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES" => $arParam['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], "RESULT" => 'CHANGE', "USER_DATA" => $userData, "REACTION" => $arParam['REACTION'], "REACTION_OLD" => $arVote['REACTION'], "REACTIONS_LIST" => $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'] ) )); } if (CACHED_b_rating_vote!==false) { $bucket_size = (int)CACHED_b_rating_bucket_size; if($bucket_size <= 0) { $bucket_size = 100; } $bucket = (int)((int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'] / $bucket_size); $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("b_rvg_".$DB->ForSql($arParam["ENTITY_TYPE_ID"]).$bucket, "b_rating_voting"); } } return $userData; } public static function CancelRatingVote($arParam) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $sqlStr = " SELECT RVG.ID, RV.ID AS VOTE_ID, RV.REACTION AS REACTION, RV.VALUE AS VOTE_VALUE, RVG.TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting RVG, b_rating_vote RV WHERE RVG.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' and RVG.ENTITY_ID = ".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']." and RVG.ID = RV.RATING_VOTING_ID and RV.USER_ID = ".(int)$arParam['USER_ID']; $res = $DB->Query($sqlStr); if ($arVote = $res->Fetch()) { $votePlus = $arVote['VOTE_VALUE'] >= 0 ? true : false; $arVote['REACTION'] = ($arVote['REACTION'] <> '' ? $arVote['REACTION'] : self::REACTION_DEFAULT); if ($votePlus) { $rsRVR = $DB->Query("SELECT TOTAL_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting_reaction WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); if (!($arRVR = $rsRVR->fetch())) // reactions not initialized { $merge = $helper->prepareMerge('b_rating_voting_reaction', ['ENTITY_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID', 'REACTION'], [ 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_ID'], 'REACTION' => self::REACTION_DEFAULT, 'TOTAL_VOTES' => $arVote['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], ], [ 'TOTAL_VOTES' => $arVote['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'], ]); if ($merge[0]) { $DB->query($merge[0]); } } } $arFields = array( 'TOTAL_VOTES' => "TOTAL_VOTES-1", 'TOTAL_VALUE' => "TOTAL_VALUE".($votePlus ? '-'.(float)$arVote['VOTE_VALUE'] : '+'.(float)(-1 * $arVote['VOTE_VALUE'])), 'LAST_CALCULATED' => $DB->GetNowFunction(), ); $arFields[($votePlus ? 'TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES' : 'TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES')] = ($votePlus ? 'TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES-1' : 'TOTAL_NEGATIVE_VOTES-1'); $DB->Update("b_rating_voting", $arFields, "WHERE ID=".(int)$arVote['ID']); if ($votePlus) { $merge = $helper->prepareMerge('b_rating_voting_reaction', ['ENTITY_TYPE_ID', 'ENTITY_ID', 'REACTION'], [ 'ENTITY_TYPE_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_ID'], 'REACTION' => $arVote['REACTION'], 'TOTAL_VOTES' => 0, ], [ 'TOTAL_VOTES' => new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('b_rating_voting_reaction.TOTAL_VOTES - 1'), ]); if ($merge[0]) { $DB->query($merge[0]); } } $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_vote WHERE ID=".(int)$arVote['VOTE_ID']); $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'] = array(); $rsRVR = $DB->Query("SELECT REACTION, TOTAL_VOTES FROM b_rating_voting_reaction WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND ENTITY_ID='".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']."'"); while($arRVR = $rsRVR->fetch()) { $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'][$arRVR['REACTION']] = $arRVR['TOTAL_VOTES']; } foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnCancelRatingVote", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array((int)$arVote['VOTE_ID'], $arParam)); $userData = \CAllRatings::getUserData((int)$arParam['USER_ID'], (float)$arVote['VOTE_VALUE']); if (CModule::IncludeModule('pull')) { CPullStack::AddShared(Array( 'module_id' => 'main', 'command' => 'rating_vote', 'params' => Array( "TYPE" => "CANCEL", "USER_ID" => (int)$arParam['USER_ID'], "ENTITY_TYPE_ID" => $arParam["ENTITY_TYPE_ID"], "ENTITY_ID" => (int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'], "TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES" => (int)($arVote['TOTAL_POSITIVE_VOTES'] + ($votePlus ? -1 : 1)), "RESULT" => $votePlus? 'PLUS': 'MINUS', "USER_DATA" => $userData, "REACTION" => $arVote['REACTION'], "REACTIONS_LIST" => $arParam['REACTIONS_LIST'] ) )); } if (CACHED_b_rating_vote!==false) { $bucket_size = (int)CACHED_b_rating_bucket_size; if($bucket_size <= 0) $bucket_size = 100; $bucket = (int)((int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'] / $bucket_size); $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("b_rvg_".$DB->ForSql($arParam["ENTITY_TYPE_ID"]).$bucket, "b_rating_voting"); } return $userData; } return false; } public static function UpdateRatingUserBonus($arParam) { global $DB; $arParam['RATING_ID'] = (int)$arParam['RATING_ID']; $arParam['ENTITY_ID'] = (int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']; $arParam['BONUS'] = (float)$arParam['BONUS']; $arFields = array( 'RATING_ID' => $arParam['RATING_ID'], 'ENTITY_ID' => $arParam['ENTITY_ID'], 'BONUS' => $arParam['BONUS'], ); if (isset($arParam['VOTE_WEIGHT'])) $arFields['VOTE_WEIGHT'] = (float)$arParam['VOTE_WEIGHT']; if (isset($arParam['VOTE_COUNT'])) $arFields['VOTE_COUNT'] = (int)$arParam['VOTE_COUNT']; $rows = $DB->Update("b_rating_user", $arFields, "WHERE RATING_ID = ".$arParam['RATING_ID']." AND ENTITY_ID = ".$arParam['ENTITY_ID']); if ($rows == 0) { $rsRB = $DB->Query("SELECT * FROM b_rating_user WHERE RATING_ID = ".$arParam['RATING_ID']." AND ENTITY_ID = ".$arParam['ENTITY_ID']); if (!$rsRB->SelectedRowsCount()) $DB->Insert("b_rating_user", $arFields); } if (CACHED_b_rating_vote!==false) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $bucket_size = (int)CACHED_b_rating_bucket_size; if($bucket_size <= 0) $bucket_size = 100; $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("b_rvu_".$arParam['RATING_ID'].(int)($arParam['ENTITY_ID'] / $bucket_size), "b_rating_user"); } return true; } public static function GetRatingUserProp($ratingId, $entityId) { global $DB; $ratingId = (int)$ratingId; static $cache = array(); if(!array_key_exists($ratingId, $cache)) $cache[$ratingId] = array(); $arResult = array(); $arToSelect = array(); if(is_array($entityId)) { foreach($entityId as $value) { $value = (int)$value; if($value > 0) { if(array_key_exists($value, $cache[$ratingId])) $arResult[$value] = $cache[$ratingId][$value]; else { $arResult[$value] = $cache[$ratingId][$value] = array(); $arToSelect[$value] = $value; } } } } else { $value = (int)$entityId; if($value > 0) { if(isset($cache[$ratingId][$value])) $arResult[$value] = $cache[$ratingId][$value]; else { $arResult[$value] = $cache[$ratingId][$value] = array(); $arToSelect[$value] = $value; } } } if(!empty($arToSelect)) { $strSql = " SELECT RATING_ID, ENTITY_ID, BONUS, VOTE_WEIGHT, VOTE_COUNT FROM b_rating_user WHERE RATING_ID = '".$ratingId."' AND ENTITY_ID IN (".implode(',', $arToSelect).") "; $res = $DB->Query($strSql); while($arRes = $res->Fetch()) $arResult[$arRes["ENTITY_ID"]] = $cache[$ratingId][$arRes["ENTITY_ID"]] = $arRes; } if(!is_array($entityId) && !empty($arResult)) $arResult = array_pop($arResult); return $arResult; } public static function GetRatingUserPropEx($ratingId, $entityId) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $ratingId = (int)$ratingId; $entityId = (int)$entityId; $arDefaultResult = array( "RATING_ID" => $ratingId, "ENTITY_ID" => $entityId, "BONUS" => 0, "VOTE_WEIGHT" => 0, "VOTE_COUNT" => 0 ); if ($ratingId <= 0 || $entityId <= 0) return $arDefaultResult; $bucket_size = (int)CACHED_b_rating_bucket_size; if($bucket_size <= 0) $bucket_size = 100; $bucket = (int)($entityId / $bucket_size); $arResult = $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(CACHED_b_rating, $cache_id="b_rvu_".$ratingId.$bucket, "b_rating_user"); if($arResult) { $arResult = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get($cache_id); } if (!$arResult) { $sql_str = " SELECT RATING_ID, ENTITY_ID, BONUS, VOTE_WEIGHT, VOTE_COUNT FROM b_rating_user WHERE RATING_ID = '".$ratingId."' and ENTITY_ID between ".($bucket*$bucket_size)." AND ".(($bucket+1)*$bucket_size-1)." "; $res = $DB->Query($sql_str); while($arRes = $res->Fetch()) $arResult[$arRes["ENTITY_ID"]] = $arRes; $CACHE_MANAGER->Set($cache_id, $arResult); } return $arResult[$entityId] ?? $arDefaultResult; } public static function GetAuthorityRating() { global $DB; $authorityRatingId = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_authority_rating", null); if(is_null($authorityRatingId)) { $db_res = CRatings::GetList(array("ID" => "ASC"), array( "ENTITY_ID" => "USER", "AUTHORITY" => "Y")); $res = $db_res->Fetch(); $authorityRatingId = (int)$res['ID']; COption::SetOptionString("main", "rating_authority_rating", $authorityRatingId); } return $authorityRatingId; } public static function GetWeightList($arSort=array(), $arFilter=Array()) { global $DB; $arSqlSearch = Array(); $strSqlSearch = ""; if (is_array($arFilter)) { foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { if ((string)$val == '' || $val === "NOT_REF") continue; switch(strtoupper($key)) { case "ID": $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("RW.ID", $val, "N"); break; case "RATING_FROM": $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("RW.RATING_FROM", $val, "N"); break; case "RATING_TO": $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("RW.RATING_TO", $val, "N"); break; case "WEIGHT": $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("RW.WEIGHT", $val, "N"); break; case "COUNT": $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("RW.COUNT", $val, "N"); break; case "MAX": if(in_array($val, Array('Y', 'N'))) { $arSqlSearch[] = "R.MAX = '".$val."'"; } break; } } } $sOrder = ""; foreach($arSort as $key=>$val) { $ord = (mb_strtoupper($val) <> "ASC"? "DESC":"ASC"); switch(mb_strtoupper($key)) { case "ID": $sOrder .= ", RW.ID ".$ord; break; case "RATING_FROM": $sOrder .= ", RW.RATING_FROM ".$ord; break; case "RATING_TO": $sOrder .= ", RW.RATING_TO ".$ord; break; case "WEIGHT": $sOrder .= ", RW.WEIGHT ".$ord; break; case "COUNT": $sOrder .= ", RW.COUNT ".$ord; break; } } if ($sOrder == '') $sOrder = "RW.ID DESC"; $strSqlOrder = " ORDER BY ".TrimEx($sOrder,","); $strSqlSearch = GetFilterSqlSearch($arSqlSearch); $strSql = " SELECT RW.ID, RW.RATING_FROM, RW.RATING_TO, RW.WEIGHT, RW.COUNT FROM b_rating_weight RW WHERE ".$strSqlSearch." ".$strSqlOrder; return $DB->Query($strSql); } public static function SetWeight($arConfigs) { global $DB; usort($arConfigs, array('CRatings', '__SortWeight')); // prepare insert $arAdd = array(); foreach($arConfigs as $key => $arConfig) { //If the first condition is restricted to the bottom, otherwise we take the previous high value if ($key == 0) $arConfig['RATING_FROM'] = -1000000; else $arConfig['RATING_FROM'] = (float)$arConfigs[$key - 1]['RATING_TO'] +0.0001; // If this last condition is restricted to the top if (!array_key_exists('RATING_TO', $arConfig)) $arConfig['RATING_TO'] = 1000000; elseif ($arConfig['RATING_TO'] > 1000000) $arConfig['RATING_TO'] = 1000000; $arAdd[$key]['RATING_FROM'] = (float)$arConfig['RATING_FROM']; $arAdd[$key]['RATING_TO'] = (float)$arConfig['RATING_TO']; $arAdd[$key]['WEIGHT'] = (float)$arConfig['WEIGHT']; $arAdd[$key]['COUNT'] = (int)$arConfig['COUNT']; $arConfigs[$key] = $arAdd[$key]; } // insert $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_weight"); foreach($arAdd as $key => $arFields) $DB->Insert("b_rating_weight", $arFields); return true; } public static function SetVoteGroup($arGroupId, $type) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; if (!in_array($type, array('R', 'A'))) return false; if (!is_array($arGroupId)) return false; $arFields = array(); foreach ($arGroupId as $key => $value) { $arField = array(); $arField['GROUP_ID'] = (int)$value; $arField['TYPE'] = "'".$type."'"; $arFields[$key] = $arField; } $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_vote_group WHERE TYPE = '".$type."'"); foreach($arFields as $key => $arField) $DB->Insert("b_rating_vote_group", $arField); $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("ratings_vg"); return true; } public static function GetVoteGroup($type = '') { global $DB; $bAllType = false; if (!in_array($type, array('R', 'A'))) $bAllType = true; $strSql = "SELECT ID, GROUP_ID, TYPE FROM b_rating_vote_group RVG"; if (!$bAllType) $strSql .= " WHERE TYPE = '".$type."'"; return $DB->Query($strSql); } public static function GetVoteGroupEx($type = '') { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $res = $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(2592000, "ratings_vg"); if ($res) { $arResult = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get("ratings_vg"); } else { $strSql = "SELECT GROUP_ID, TYPE FROM b_rating_vote_group RVG"; $res = $DB->Query($strSql); while($arRes = $res->Fetch($res)) { $arResult[] = $arRes; } $CACHE_MANAGER->Set("ratings_vg", $arResult); } if ($type != '') { foreach ($arResult as $key => $value) { if ($value['TYPE'] != $type) unset($arResult[$key]); } } return $arResult; } public static function ClearData() { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $DB->Query("TRUNCATE TABLE b_rating_prepare"); $DB->Query("TRUNCATE TABLE b_rating_voting_prepare"); $DB->Query("TRUNCATE TABLE b_rating_results"); $DB->Query("TRUNCATE TABLE b_rating_component_results"); $DB->Query("TRUNCATE TABLE b_rating_vote"); $DB->Query("TRUNCATE TABLE b_rating_voting"); $DB->Query("TRUNCATE TABLE b_rating_voting_reaction"); $DB->Query("UPDATE b_rating_user SET VOTE_WEIGHT = 0, VOTE_COUNT = 0"); $CACHE_MANAGER->CleanDir("b_rating_voting"); $CACHE_MANAGER->CleanDir("b_rating_user"); return true; } public static function OnUserDelete($ID) { CRatings::DeleteByUser($ID); return true; } public static function OnAfterUserRegister($arFields) { global $DB; if (isset($arFields['EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID']) && in_array($arFields['EXTERNAL_AUTH_ID'], \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getExternalUserTypes(), true)) { return false; } $userId = isset($arFields["USER_ID"]) ? (int)$arFields["USER_ID"] : (isset($arFields["ID"]) ? (int)$arFields["ID"] : 0); if($userId>0) { $authorityRatingId = CRatings::GetAuthorityRating(); $ratingStartValue = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_start_authority", 3); $ratingCountVote = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_count_vote", 10); $arParam = array( 'RATING_ID' => $authorityRatingId, 'ENTITY_ID' => $userId, 'BONUS' => (int)$ratingStartValue, 'VOTE_WEIGHT' => (int)$ratingStartValue *COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_vote_weight", 1), 'VOTE_COUNT' => (int)$ratingCountVote + (int)$ratingStartValue, ); CRatings::UpdateRatingUserBonus($arParam); if (IsModuleInstalled("intranet")) { $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_rating_subordinate (RATING_ID, ENTITY_ID, VOTES) VALUES ('".$authorityRatingId."', '".$userId."', '".((int)$ratingCountVote + (int)$ratingStartValue)."')"; $DB->Query($strSql); } $sRatingAssignType = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_assign_type", 'manual'); if ($sRatingAssignType === 'auto') { $assignRatingGroup = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_assign_rating_group", 0); $assignAuthorityGroup = COption::GetOptionString("main", "rating_assign_authority_group", 0); if ($assignRatingGroup == 0 && $assignAuthorityGroup == 0) return false; $arGroups = array(); if ($assignRatingGroup > 0) $arGroups[] = (int)$assignRatingGroup; if ($assignAuthorityGroup > 0 && $assignRatingGroup != $assignAuthorityGroup) $arGroups[] = (int)$assignAuthorityGroup; if(!empty($arGroups)) CUser::AppendUserGroup($userId, $arGroups); } if (CACHED_b_rating_vote!==false) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $bucket_size = (int)CACHED_b_rating_bucket_size; if($bucket_size <= 0) $bucket_size = 100; $bucket = (int)($userId / $bucket_size); $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("b_rvu_".$authorityRatingId.$bucket, "b_rating_user"); } } } public static function __SortWeight($a, $b) { if (isset($a['RATING_FROM']) || isset($b['RATING_FROM'])) return 1; return (float)$a['RATING_TO'] < (float)$b['RATING_TO'] ? -1 : 1; } // check only general field public static function __CheckFields($arFields) { $aMsg = array(); if(is_set($arFields, "NAME") && trim($arFields["NAME"])=="") $aMsg[] = array("id"=>"NAME", "text"=>GetMessage("RATING_GENERAL_ERR_NAME")); if(is_set($arFields, "ACTIVE") && !($arFields["ACTIVE"] === 'Y' || $arFields["ACTIVE"] === 'N')) $aMsg[] = array("id"=>"ACTIVE", "text"=>GetMessage("RATING_GENERAL_ERR_ACTIVE")); if(is_set($arFields, "ENTITY_ID")) { $arObjects = CRatings::GetRatingObjects(); if(!in_array($arFields['ENTITY_ID'], $arObjects)) $aMsg[] = array("id"=>"ENTITY_ID", "text"=>GetMessage("RATING_GENERAL_ERR_ENTITY_ID")); } if(is_set($arFields, "CALCULATION_METHOD") && trim($arFields["CALCULATION_METHOD"])=="") $aMsg[] = array("id"=>"CALCULATION_METHOD", "text"=>GetMessage("RATING_GENERAL_ERR_CAL_METHOD")); if(!empty($aMsg)) { $e = new CAdminException($aMsg); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException($e); return false; } return true; } // creates a configuration record for each item rating public static function __AddComponents($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $arRatingConfigs = CRatings::GetRatingConfigs($arFields["ENTITY_ID"], false); $ID = (int)$ID; foreach ($arFields['CONFIGS'] as $MODULE_ID => $RAT_ARRAY) { if (!is_array($RAT_ARRAY)) continue; foreach ($RAT_ARRAY as $RAT_TYPE => $COMPONENT) { if (!is_array($COMPONENT)) continue; foreach ($COMPONENT as $COMPONENT_NAME => $COMPONENT_VALUE) { if (!isset($arRatingConfigs[$MODULE_ID][$MODULE_ID."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$COMPONENT_NAME])) continue; $arFields_i = Array( "RATING_ID" => $ID, "ACTIVE" => isset($COMPONENT_VALUE["ACTIVE"]) && $COMPONENT_VALUE["ACTIVE"] === 'Y' ? 'Y' : 'N', "ENTITY_ID" => $arFields["ENTITY_ID"], "MODULE_ID" => $MODULE_ID, "RATING_TYPE" => $RAT_TYPE, "NAME" => $COMPONENT_NAME, "COMPLEX_NAME" => $arFields["ENTITY_ID"].'_'.$MODULE_ID.'_'.$RAT_TYPE.'_'.$COMPONENT_NAME, "CLASS" => $arRatingConfigs[$MODULE_ID][$MODULE_ID."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$COMPONENT_NAME]["CLASS"], "CALC_METHOD" => $arRatingConfigs[$MODULE_ID][$MODULE_ID."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$COMPONENT_NAME]["CALC_METHOD"], "EXCEPTION_METHOD" => $arRatingConfigs[$MODULE_ID][$MODULE_ID."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$COMPONENT_NAME]["EXCEPTION_METHOD"], "REFRESH_INTERVAL" => $arRatingConfigs[$MODULE_ID][$MODULE_ID."_".$RAT_TYPE."_".$COMPONENT_NAME]["REFRESH_TIME"], "~LAST_MODIFIED" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "~NEXT_CALCULATION" => $DB->GetNowFunction(), "IS_CALCULATED" => "N", "~CONFIG" => "'".serialize($COMPONENT_VALUE)."'", ); $DB->Add("b_rating_component", $arFields_i); } } } return true; } public static function __UpdateComponents($ID, $arFields) { global $DB; $ID = (int)$ID; $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_rating_component WHERE RATING_ID=$ID"); CRatings::__AddComponents($ID, $arFields); return true; } public static function err_mess() { return "<br>Class: CRatings<br>File: ".__FILE__; } public static function getRatingVoteReaction($arParam) { global $DB; static $cache = array(); $bplus = (mb_strtoupper($arParam['LIST_TYPE']) !== 'MINUS'); $key = $arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'].'_'.(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID'].'_'.($bplus ? '1' : '0'); if ( isset($arParam['USE_REACTIONS_CACHE']) && $arParam['USE_REACTIONS_CACHE'] === 'Y' && isset($cache[$key]) ) { $result = $cache[$key]; } else { $sqlStr = " SELECT REACTION, COUNT(RV.ID) as CNT FROM b_rating_vote RV WHERE RV.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$DB->ForSql($arParam['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'])."' AND RV.ENTITY_ID = ".(int)$arParam['ENTITY_ID']." ". // ($bplus ? " AND RV.VALUE > 0 ": " and RV.VALUE < 0 ") "GROUP BY REACTION"; $res_cnt = $DB->Query($sqlStr); $cnt = 0; $cntReactions = array(); while($ar_cnt = $res_cnt->fetch()) { $key = (!empty($ar_cnt["REACTION"]) ? $ar_cnt["REACTION"] : self::REACTION_DEFAULT); if (!isset($cntReactions[$key])) { $cntReactions[$key] = 0; } $cntReactions[$key] += $ar_cnt["CNT"]; $cnt += $ar_cnt["CNT"]; } $result = $cache[$key] = array( 'items_all' => $cnt, 'reactions' => $cntReactions ); } return $result; } public static function getRatingVoteList($arParam) { global $USER; $reactionResult = self::GetRatingVoteReaction($arParam); $cnt = $reactionResult['items_all']; $cntReactions = $reactionResult['reactions']; $bplus = (mb_strtoupper($arParam['LIST_TYPE']) !== 'MINUS'); $bIntranetInstalled = IsModuleInstalled("intranet"); $bExtended = false; $arUserID = array(); if ( ( array_key_exists("USER_FIELDS", $arParam) && is_array($arParam["USER_FIELDS"]) ) || ( array_key_exists("USER_SELECT", $arParam) && is_array($arParam["USER_SELECT"]) ) ) { $bExtended = true; $sqlStr = CRatings::GetRatingVoteListSQLExtended($arParam, $bplus, $bIntranetInstalled); } else { $sqlStr = CRatings::GetRatingVoteListSQL($arParam, $bplus, $bIntranetInstalled); } $arList = Array(); $arVoteList = Array(); if ($arParam['LIST_LIMIT'] != 0 && ceil($cnt/ (int)$arParam['LIST_LIMIT']) >= (int)$arParam['LIST_PAGE']) { $res = new CDBResult(); $res->NavQuery($sqlStr, $cnt, Array('iNumPage' => (int)$arParam['LIST_PAGE'], 'nPageSize' => (int)$arParam['LIST_LIMIT'])); while ($row = $res->Fetch()) { $ar = $row; if (!$bExtended) { $ar["PHOTO"] = $ar["PHOTO_SRC"] = ''; if (!empty($ar["PERSONAL_PHOTO"])) { $arFileTmp = CFile::ResizeImageGet( $row["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array('width' => 58, 'height' => 58), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, false ); $ar['PHOTO'] = CFile::ShowImage($arFileTmp['src'], 21, 21, 'border=0'); $ar['PHOTO_SRC'] = $arFileTmp['src']; } $ar['FULL_NAME'] = CUser::FormatName(CSite::GetNameFormat(false), $row, true); } else $arUserID[] = $row["ID"]; if ($ar['ID'] != $USER->GetId()) $arList[$ar['ID']] = $ar; else $arVoteList[$ar['ID']] = $ar; } foreach ($arList as $ar) { $arVoteList[$ar['ID']] = $ar; } if ( $bExtended && !empty($arUserID) ) { $arUserListParams = array(); $arUsers = array(); $arUserListParams["FIELDS"] = ( array_key_exists("USER_FIELDS", $arParam) && is_array($arParam["USER_FIELDS"]) ? $arParam["USER_FIELDS"] : array("NAME", "LAST_NAME", "SECOND_NAME", "LOGIN", "PERSONAL_PHOTO") ); $arUserListParams["FIELDS"] = array_unique(array_merge(array("ID"), $arUserListParams["FIELDS"])); if ( array_key_exists("USER_SELECT", $arParam) && is_array($arParam["USER_SELECT"]) ) { $arUserListParams["SELECT"] = $arParam["USER_SELECT"]; } $rsUser = CUser::GetList( "ID", "ASC", array("ID" => implode("|", $arUserID)), $arUserListParams ); while ($arUser = $rsUser->Fetch()) { $arUser["PHOTO"] = $arUser["PHOTO_SRC"] = ''; if (array_key_exists("PERSONAL_PHOTO", $arUser)) { $arFileTmp = CFile::ResizeImageGet( $arUser["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], array("width" => 58, "height" => 58), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, false ); $arUser["PHOTO_SRC"] = $arFileTmp["src"]; $arUser["PHOTO"] = CFile::ShowImage($arFileTmp["src"], 21, 21, "border=0"); } $arUser["FULL_NAME"] = CUser::FormatName(CSite::GetNameFormat(false), $arUser, true); $arUsers[$arUser["ID"]] = $arUser; } foreach($arVoteList as $i => $arVoteUser) { if (array_key_exists($arVoteUser["ID"], $arUsers)) { foreach($arUsers[$arVoteUser["ID"]] as $key => $value) { $arVoteList[$i][$key] = $value; } } } } } return array( 'items_all' => $cnt, 'items_page' => count($arVoteList), 'items' => $arVoteList, 'reactions' => $cntReactions, 'list_page' => isset($arParam['LIST_PAGE']) ? (int)$arParam['LIST_PAGE'] : 0, ); } public static function getUserWeight($userId = 0) { $result = 0; if (!\Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet')) { return $result; } $userId = ( !empty($userId) ? (int)$userId : 0 ); if ($userId <= 0) { return $result; } $ratingId = \CRatings::getAuthorityRating(); if ((int)$ratingId <= 0) { return $result; } $res = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection()->query('SELECT MAX(VOTES) AS VOTES FROM b_rating_subordinate WHERE RATING_ID = '.$ratingId.' AND ENTITY_ID = '.$userId); if ($record = $res->fetch()) { $result = (float)$record['VOTES']; } return $result; } public static function getUserData($userId = 0, $value = 0) { $result = array(); $userId = ( !empty($userId) ? (int)$userId : 0 ); if ($userId <= 0) { return $result; } $res = \CUser::getById($userId); if ($userFields = $res->fetch()) { $result = array( 'NAME_FORMATTED' => \CUser::formatName( \CSite::getNameFormat(false), array( 'NAME' => $userFields["NAME"], 'LAST_NAME' => $userFields["LAST_NAME"], 'SECOND_NAME' => $userFields["SECOND_NAME"], 'LOGIN' => $userFields["LOGIN"], ), true ), 'PERSONAL_PHOTO' => array( 'ID' => $userFields["PERSONAL_PHOTO"], 'SRC' => false ), "WEIGHT" => ( \Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet') ? self::getUserWeight($userId) : $value ) ); if ((int)$userFields['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] > 0) { $imageFile = \CFile::getFileArray($userFields["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]); if ($imageFile !== false) { $file = \CFile::resizeImageGet( $imageFile, array("width" => 100, "height" => 100), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, false ); $result['PERSONAL_PHOTO']['SRC'] = $file['src']; } } } return $result; } public static function getEntityRatingData($params = array()) { global $USER; $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $helper = $connection->getSqlHelper(); $result = array(); $entityTypeId = ( !empty($params['entityTypeId']) ? $params['entityTypeId'] : '' ); $entityIdList = ( !empty($params['entityId']) ? $params['entityId'] : array() ); if (!is_array($entityIdList)) { $entityIdList = array($entityIdList); } if (empty($entityIdList)) { return $result; } $ratingId = \CRatings::getAuthorityRating(); if ((int)$ratingId <= 0) { return $result; } $topCount = ( isset($params['topCount']) ? (int)$params['topCount'] : 0 ); if ($topCount <= 0) { $topCount = 2; } if ($topCount > 5) { $topCount = 5; } $avatarSize = ( isset($params['avatarSize']) ? (int)$params['avatarSize'] : 100 ); if (\Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('intranet')) { $res = $connection->query(" SELECT RS1.ENTITY_ID as USER_ID, RV1.ENTITY_ID as ENTITY_ID, MAX(RS1.VOTES) as WEIGHT FROM b_rating_subordinate RS1, b_rating_vote RV1 WHERE RS1.ENTITY_ID = RV1.USER_ID AND RS1.RATING_ID = ".(int)$ratingId." AND RV1.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$helper->forSQL($entityTypeId)."' AND RV1.ENTITY_ID IN (".implode(',', $entityIdList).") GROUP BY RV1.ENTITY_ID, RS1.ENTITY_ID ORDER BY RV1.ENTITY_ID, WEIGHT DESC "); } else { $res = $connection->query(" SELECT RV1.USER_ID as USER_ID, RV1.ENTITY_ID as ENTITY_ID, RV1.VALUE as WEIGHT FROM b_rating_vote RV1 WHERE RV1.ENTITY_TYPE_ID = '".$helper->forSQL($entityTypeId)."' AND RV1.ENTITY_ID IN (".implode(',', $entityIdList).") ORDER BY RV1.ENTITY_ID, WEIGHT DESC "); } $userWeightData = $entityUserData = array(); $currentEntityId = false; $hasMine = false; while ($voteFields = $res->fetch()) { if ( !$hasMine && $voteFields['USER_ID'] == $USER->getId() ) { $hasMine = true; } if ($voteFields['ENTITY_ID'] != $currentEntityId) { $cnt = 0; $hasMine = false; $entityUserData[$voteFields['ENTITY_ID']] = array(); } $currentEntityId = $voteFields['ENTITY_ID']; $cnt++; if ($cnt > ($hasMine ? $topCount+1 : $topCount)) { continue; } $entityUserData[$voteFields['ENTITY_ID']][] = $voteFields['USER_ID']; if (!isset($userWeightData[$voteFields['USER_ID']])) { $userWeightData[$voteFields['USER_ID']] = (float)$voteFields['WEIGHT']; } } $userData = array(); if (!empty($userWeightData)) { $res = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '@ID' => array_keys($userWeightData) ), 'select' => array('ID', 'NAME', 'LAST_NAME', 'SECOND_NAME', 'LOGIN', 'PERSONAL_PHOTO', 'PERSONAL_GENDER') )); while ($userFields = $res->fetch()) { $userData[$userFields["ID"]] = array( 'NAME_FORMATTED' => \CUser::formatName( \CSite::getNameFormat(false), $userFields, true ), 'PERSONAL_PHOTO' => array( 'ID' => $userFields['PERSONAL_PHOTO'], 'SRC' => false ), 'PERSONAL_GENDER' => $userFields['PERSONAL_GENDER'] ); if ((int)$userFields['PERSONAL_PHOTO'] > 0) { $imageFile = \CFile::getFileArray($userFields["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]); if ($imageFile !== false) { $file = \CFile::resizeImageGet( $imageFile, array("width" => $avatarSize, "height" => $avatarSize), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_EXACT, false ); $userData[$userFields["ID"]]['PERSONAL_PHOTO']['SRC'] = $file['src']; } } } } foreach($entityUserData as $entityId => $userIdList) { $result[$entityId] = array(); foreach($userIdList as $userId) { $result[$entityId][] = array( 'ID' => $userId, 'NAME_FORMATTED' => $userData[$userId]['NAME_FORMATTED'], 'PERSONAL_PHOTO' => $userData[$userId]['PERSONAL_PHOTO']['ID'], 'PERSONAL_PHOTO_SRC' => $userData[$userId]['PERSONAL_PHOTO']['SRC'], 'PERSONAL_GENDER' => $userData[$userId]['PERSONAL_GENDER'], 'WEIGHT' => $userWeightData[$userId] ); } } foreach($result as $entityId => $data) { usort( $data, function($a, $b) { if ($a['WEIGHT'] == $b['WEIGHT']) { return 0; } return ($a['WEIGHT'] > $b['WEIGHT']) ? -1 : 1; } ); $result[$entityId] = $data; } return $result; } public static function deleteRatingVoting(array $params = []) { global $DB; $entityTypeId = ( isset($params['ENTITY_TYPE_ID']) && $params['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] <> '' ? $params['ENTITY_TYPE_ID'] : '' ); $entityId = ( isset($params['ENTITY_ID']) && (int)$params['ENTITY_ID'] > 0 ? (int)$params['ENTITY_ID'] : 0 ); if ( $entityTypeId == '' || $entityId <= 0 ) { return; } $DB->query("DELETE FROM b_rating_vote WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->forSql($entityTypeId)."' AND ENTITY_ID=".$entityId, true); $DB->query("DELETE FROM b_rating_voting WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->forSql($entityTypeId)."' AND ENTITY_ID=".$entityId, true); $DB->query("DELETE FROM b_rating_voting_reaction WHERE ENTITY_TYPE_ID='".$DB->forSql($entityTypeId)."' AND ENTITY_ID=".$entityId, true); } }