Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php class CB24Updater { private $arFileVersions = null; private $fileGenerateDate = 0; private $serverUniqID = ""; private $isProcessingMain = false; const versionsFileNameConst = "/bitrix/modules/versions.php"; private $versionsFileName = ""; const versionsDatabaseFolderConst = "/bitrix/updates/bitrix24_clients/"; private $versionsDatabaseFolder = ""; private $updatersDir = ""; public function __construct($isProcessingMain = false) { $this->serverUniqID = self::GetServerUniqID(); $this->isProcessingMain = $isProcessingMain; $this->versionsFileName = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].self::versionsFileNameConst; $this->versionsDatabaseFolder = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].self::versionsDatabaseFolderConst; $this->updatersDir = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].US_SAVE_UPDATERS_DIR."/"; } private static function GetOption($name, $def = "") { $cache = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); $cacheFlags = \Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration::getValue("cache_flags"); if (isset($cacheFlags["config_options"])) $cacheTtl = $cacheFlags["config_options"]; else $cacheTtl = 0; if ($cache->read($cacheTtl, "b_option:main", "b_option")) { $options = $cache->get("b_option:main"); return $options["-"][$name]; } $con = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); $query = " SELECT VALUE FROM b_option WHERE MODULE_ID = 'main' AND NAME = '{$sqlHelper->forSql($name)}' "; $res = $con->query($query); if ($ar = $res->fetch()) { return $ar["VALUE"]; } return $def; } private static function SetOption($name, $value = "") { $con = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection(); $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper(); $updateFields = [ "VALUE" => $value, ]; $insertFields = [ "MODULE_ID" => "main", "NAME" => $name, "VALUE" => $value, ]; $keyFields = ["MODULE_ID", "NAME"]; $sql = $sqlHelper->prepareMerge("b_option", $keyFields, $insertFields, $updateFields); $con->queryExecute(current($sql)); $cache = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache(); $cache->clean("b_option:main", "b_option"); // $path = \Bitrix\Main\Loader::getLocal("modules/main/option_triggers.php"); // if ($path !== false) // include($path); } private static function GetServerUniqID() { $uniq = self::GetOption("server_uniq_id", ""); if ($uniq == '') { $uniq = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); self::SetOption("server_uniq_id", $uniq); } return $uniq; } public function Lock() { global $DB; $uniq = $this->serverUniqID; if ($DB->type == "MYSQL") { $dbLock = $DB->Query("SELECT GET_LOCK('".$uniq."_DBUpdater', 0) as L"); $arLock = $dbLock->Fetch(); if ($arLock["L"] == "1") return true; else return false; } elseif ($DB->type == "ORACLE") { $dbLock = $DB->Query(" declare my_lock_id number; my_result number; lock_failed exception; pragma exception_init(lock_failed, -54); begin my_lock_id:=dbms_utility.get_hash_value(to_char('".$uniq."_DBUpdater'), 0, 1024); my_result:=dbms_lock.request(my_lock_id, dbms_lock.x_mode, 0, true); -- Return value: -- 0 - success -- 1 - timeout -- 2 - deadlock -- 3 - parameter error -- 4 - already own lock specified by 'id' or 'lockhandle' -- 5 - illegal lockhandle if(my_result<>0 and my_result<>4)then raise lock_failed; end if; end; ", true); return ($dbLock !== false); } else { $i = 60; $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_option WHERE MODULE_ID = 'main' AND NAME = '".$uniq."_DBUpdater' AND SITE_ID IS NULL AND DATEDIFF(SECOND, CONVERT(DATETIME, DESCRIPTION), GETDATE()) > ".$i); $DB->Query("SET LOCK_TIMEOUT 1"); $dbLock = $DB->Query("INSERT INTO b_option(MODULE_ID, NAME, SITE_ID, VALUE, DESCRIPTION) VALUES ('main', '".$uniq."_DBUpdater', NULL, NULL, CONVERT(VARCHAR(128), GETDATE()))", true); $DB->Query("SET LOCK_TIMEOUT -1"); return ($dbLock !== false); } } public function UnLock() { global $DB; $uniq = $this->serverUniqID; if ($DB->type == "MYSQL") { $dbLock = $DB->Query("SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('".$uniq."_DBUpdater') as L"); $arLock = $dbLock->Fetch(); if($arLock["L"] == "0") return false; else return true; } elseif ($DB->type == "ORACLE") { return true; } else { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_option WHERE MODULE_ID = 'main' AND NAME = '".$uniq."_DBUpdater' AND SITE_ID IS NULL"); return true; } } private static function GetDatabaseVersions() { global $DB; $arDBVersions = array(); $dbResult = $DB->Query("SELECT VALUE FROM b_option WHERE MODULE_ID='main' AND NAME='BITRIX24_VERSIONS' AND SITE_ID IS NULL", true); if ($arResult = $dbResult->Fetch()) { $val = $arResult["VALUE"]; if ($val <> '') { $arDBVersions = unserialize($val, ['allowed_classes' => false]); if (!is_array($arDBVersions)) $arDBVersions = array(); } } return $arDBVersions; } private static function SetDatabaseVersions($arDBVersions) { global $DB; if(is_array($arDBVersions)) { self::SetOption("BITRIX24_VERSIONS", serialize($arDBVersions)); $DB->Query("INSERT INTO b_sm_version_history(DATE_INSERT, VERSIONS) VALUES(NOW(), '".$DB->ForSql(serialize($arDBVersions))."')", true); } } private function InitializeFileData() { $generationDate = 0; $arVersions = array(); if (file_exists($this->versionsFileName)) { include($this->versionsFileName); if (!is_array($arVersions)) $arVersions = array(); } if (empty($arVersions)) { include_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/main/classes/general/update_client.php"); $errorMessage = ""; $arVersions = CUpdateClient::GetCurrentModules($errorMessage, false); $generationDate = time(); if ($errorMessage == '') { $f = fopen($this->versionsFileName, "w"); fwrite($f, "<"."?\n"); fwrite($f, "\$generationDate = ".$generationDate.";\n"); fwrite($f, "\$arVersions = array(\n"); foreach ($arVersions as $moduleId => $version) fwrite($f, "\t\"".htmlspecialchars($moduleId)."\" => \"".htmlspecialchars($version)."\",\n"); fwrite($f, ");\n"); fwrite($f, "?".">"); fclose($f); } } $this->fileGenerateDate = $generationDate; $this->arFileVersions = $arVersions; } private function GetFileVersions() { if (is_null($this->arFileVersions)) $this->InitializeFileData(); return $this->arFileVersions; } private function GetFileGenerateDate() { if ($this->fileGenerateDate <= 0) $this->InitializeFileData(); return $this->fileGenerateDate; } private function GetDatabaseGenerationDate() { return self::GetOption("BITRIX24_GENERATION_DATE_".($this->isProcessingMain ? "M" : "N"), 0); } public function PreCheckUpdates() { $generationDate = $this->GetFileGenerateDate(); $dbGenerationDate = $this->GetDatabaseGenerationDate(); if ($dbGenerationDate >= $generationDate) return false; return true; } private function Collect4PreCheckUpdates($generationDate) { self::SetOption("BITRIX24_GENERATION_DATE_".($this->isProcessingMain ? "M" : "N"), $generationDate); } public function CheckUpdates() { $arDBVersions = self::GetDatabaseVersions(); if (empty($arDBVersions)) { $this->CollectDatabaseVersions("ALL"); $arDBVersions = self::GetDatabaseVersions(); } $arFileVersions = $this->GetFileVersions(); $arResult = array(); foreach ($arFileVersions as $moduleId => $version) { if (($this->isProcessingMain && ($moduleId !== "main")) || (!$this->isProcessingMain && ($moduleId === "main"))) continue; if (CUpdateClient::CompareVersions($version, $arDBVersions[$moduleId]) > 0) $arResult[$moduleId] = $arDBVersions[$moduleId]; } // Das ist strashnyy kostyl' for new Options global $DB; if ($this->isProcessingMain && !empty($arResult)) { if(!$DB->TableExists("b_option_site")) { $DB->Query(" CREATE TABLE b_option_site ( MODULE_ID VARCHAR(50) not null, NAME VARCHAR(50) not null, SITE_ID CHAR(2) not null, VALUE TEXT, PRIMARY KEY(MODULE_ID, NAME, SITE_ID), INDEX ix_option_site_module_site(MODULE_ID, SITE_ID) ) ", true); } if(!$DB->Query("SELECT UNIQUE_ID FROM b_module_to_module WHERE 1=0", true)) { $DB->Query("ALTER TABLE b_module_to_module ADD UNIQUE_ID VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL", true); } } // End of strashnyy kostyl' return $arResult; } public function UpdateFromVersion($moduleId, $dbVersion) { if ($moduleId == '') { return; } $errorMessage = ""; if (file_exists($this->updatersDir.$moduleId) && is_dir($this->updatersDir.$moduleId)) { $arUpdaters = array(); if ($handle = @opendir($this->updatersDir.$moduleId)) { while (false !== ($dir = readdir($handle))) { if ($dir == "." || $dir == "..") { continue; } if (substr($dir, 0, 7) == "updater") { if (is_file($this->updatersDir.$moduleId."/".$dir)) { $num = substr($dir, 7, strlen($dir) - 11); if (substr($dir, strlen($dir) - 9) == "_post.php") { $num = substr($dir, 7, strlen($dir) - 16); } $arUpdaters[] = array("/".$dir, trim($num)); } elseif (file_exists($this->updatersDir.$moduleId."/".$dir."/index.php")) { $num = substr($dir, 7); if (substr($dir, strlen($dir) - 5) == "_post") { $num = substr($dir, 7, strlen($dir) - 12); } $arUpdaters[] = array("/".$dir."/index.php", trim($num)); } } } closedir($handle); } $ni1 = count($arUpdaters); for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $ni1 - 1; $i1++) { for ($j1 = $i1 + 1; $j1 < $ni1; $j1++) { if (CUpdateClient::CompareVersions($arUpdaters[$i1][1], $arUpdaters[$j1][1]) > 0) { $tmp1 = $arUpdaters[$i1]; $arUpdaters[$i1] = $arUpdaters[$j1]; $arUpdaters[$j1] = $tmp1; } } } for ($i1 = 0; $i1 < $ni1; $i1++) { if (CUpdateClient::CompareVersions($arUpdaters[$i1][1], $dbVersion) <= 0) { continue; } $errorMessageTmp = ""; syslog(LOG_INFO, $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."\tstart\t".$moduleId.$arUpdaters[$i1][0]); CUpdateClient::RunUpdaterScript($this->updatersDir.$moduleId.$arUpdaters[$i1][0], $errorMessageTmp, "", $moduleId); syslog(LOG_INFO, $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."\tend\t".$moduleId.$arUpdaters[$i1][0]."\t".$errorMessageTmp); if ($errorMessageTmp <> '') { $errorMessage .= str_replace("#MODULE#", $moduleId, str_replace("#VER#", $arUpdaters[$i1][1], GetMessage("SUPP_UK_UPDN_ERR"))).": ".$errorMessageTmp."."; } $this->CollectDatabaseVersions("MODULE", $moduleId, $arUpdaters[$i1][1]); } } if ($errorMessage <> '') { $message = "Database update error (".$moduleId."-".$dbVersion."): ".$errorMessage; CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log($message, "DUE"); syslog(LOG_INFO, $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "\terror\t" . $message); } else { $message = "Database updated successfully (".$moduleId."-".$dbVersion.")"; CUpdateClient::AddMessage2Log($message, "DUS"); syslog(LOG_INFO, $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "\tok\t" . $message); } } public function CollectDatabaseVersions($type, $moduleId = null, $version = null) { $arDBVersions = self::GetDatabaseVersions(); $arFileVersions = $this->GetFileVersions(); switch ($type) { case "MODULE": if (isset($moduleId) && isset($version)) { //Only one selected module $arDBVersions[$moduleId] = $version; self::SetDatabaseVersions($arDBVersions); } break; case "HIT": if ($this->isProcessingMain) { //Main only $arDBVersions["main"] = $arFileVersions["main"]; self::SetDatabaseVersions($arDBVersions); } else { //All except main $arFileVersions["main"] = $arDBVersions["main"]; self::SetDatabaseVersions($arFileVersions); } $this->Collect4PreCheckUpdates($this->GetFileGenerateDate()); break; default: //All self::SetDatabaseVersions($arFileVersions); $this->Collect4PreCheckUpdates($this->GetFileGenerateDate()); break; } } }