Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage main * @copyright 2001-2023 Bitrix */ use Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression; class CDatabase extends CAllDatabase { /** @var resource */ var $db_Conn; public $escL = '"', $escR = '"'; public $type = "PGSQL"; protected function ConnectInternal() { throw new \Bitrix\Main\NotImplementedException("Use d7 connection."); } public function ToNumber($expr) { return "CASE WHEN " . $expr . "~E'^\\d+$' THEN " . $expr . "::integer ELSE 0 END"; } public function DateFormatToDB($format, $field = false) { $this->DoConnect(); if ($field === false) { $field = "#FIELD#"; } return "to_char(".$field.", '".$this->connection->getSqlHelper()->formatDate($format)."')"; } public static function CurrentTimeFunction() { return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"; } public static function CurrentDateFunction() { return "CURRENT_DATE"; } public function DatetimeToTimestampFunction($fieldName) { $timeZone = ""; if (CTimeZone::Enabled()) { static $diff = false; if($diff === false) $diff = CTimeZone::GetOffset(); if($diff <> 0) $timeZone = $diff > 0? "+".$diff: $diff; } return "extract(epoch FROM $fieldName)".$timeZone; } public function DatetimeToDateFunction($strValue) { return 'cast(' . $strValue . ' as date)'; } public function ForSqlLike($strValue, $iMaxLength = 0) { if ($iMaxLength > 0) $strValue = mb_substr($strValue ?? '', 0, $iMaxLength); $this->DoConnect(); return pg_escape_string($this->db_Conn, str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $strValue ?? '')); } protected function QueryInternal($strSql) { return pg_query($this->db_Conn, $strSql); } protected function GetError() { return pg_last_error($this->db_Conn); } public function GetTableFields($table) { if (!isset($this->column_cache[$table])) { $this->column_cache[$table] = array(); $this->DoConnect(); $sqlHelper = $this->connection->getSqlHelper(); $dbResult = $this->query(" SELECT column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_catalog = '" . $sqlHelper->forSql($this->connection->getDatabase()) . "' and table_schema = 'public' and table_name = '" . $sqlHelper->forSql(mb_strtolower($table)) . "' ORDER BY ordinal_position "); $size = 0; while ($field = $dbResult->fetch()) { $fieldName = mb_strtoupper($field['COLUMN_NAME']); $fieldType = $field['DATA_TYPE']; switch ($fieldType) { case 'bigint': case 'int8': case 'bigserial': case 'serial8': $size = 8; $type = "int"; break; case 'integer': case 'int': case 'int4': case 'serial': case 'serial4': $size = 4; $type = "int"; break; case 'smallint': case 'int2': case 'smallserial': case 'serial2': $size = 2; $type = "int"; break; case 'double precision': case 'float4': case 'float8': case 'numeric': case 'decimal': case 'real': $type = "real"; break; case 'timestamp': case 'timestamp without time zone': case 'timestamptz': case 'timestamp with time zone': $type = "datetime"; break; case 'date': $type = "date"; break; case 'bytea': $type = "bytes"; break; default: $type = "string"; break; } $this->column_cache[$table][$fieldName] = array( "NAME" => $fieldName, "TYPE" => $type, "MAX_LENGTH" => $field['CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH'], "INT_SIZE" => $size, ); } } return $this->column_cache[$table]; } public function PrepareInsert($strTableName, $arFields) { $strInsert1 = ""; $strInsert2 = ""; $this->DoConnect(); $sqlHelper = $this->connection->getSqlHelper(); $arColumns = $this->GetTableFields($strTableName); foreach ($arColumns as $strColumnName => $arColumnInfo) { $type = $arColumnInfo["TYPE"]; if (isset($arFields[$strColumnName])) { if ($strInsert1 != '') { $strInsert1 .= ', '; $strInsert2 .= ', '; } $value = $arFields[$strColumnName]; $strInsert1 .= $sqlHelper->quote($strColumnName); if ($value === false) { $strInsert2 .= "NULL"; } else { switch ($type) { case "datetime": if ($value == '') $strInsert2 .= "NULL"; else $strInsert2 .= CDatabase::CharToDateFunction($value); break; case "date": if ($value == '') $strInsert2 .= "NULL"; else $strInsert2 .= CDatabase::CharToDateFunction($value, "SHORT"); break; case "int": $value = intval($value); if ($arColumnInfo['INT_SIZE'] == 2) { $value = max(-32768, min(+32767, $value)); } elseif ($arColumnInfo['INT_SIZE'] == 4) { $value = max(-2147483648, min(+2147483647, $value)); } $strInsert2 .= $value; break; case "real": $value = doubleval($value); if (!is_finite($value)) { $value = 0; } $strInsert2 .= "'".$value."'"; break; case "bytes": $strInsert2 .= "decode('".bin2hex($value)."', 'hex')"; break; default: if ($arColumnInfo['MAX_LENGTH']) { $strInsert2 .= "'" . $sqlHelper->forSql($value, $arColumnInfo['MAX_LENGTH']) . "'"; } else { $strInsert2 .= "'" . $sqlHelper->forSql($value) . "'"; } } } } elseif (array_key_exists("~".$strColumnName, $arFields)) { if ($strInsert1 != '') { $strInsert1 .= ', '; $strInsert2 .= ', '; } $strInsert1 .= $sqlHelper->quote($strColumnName); $strInsert2 .= $arFields["~".$strColumnName]; } } return array($strInsert1, $strInsert2); } public function PrepareUpdate($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir="", $lang = false, $strTableAlias = "") { $arBinds = array(); return $this->PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, $arBinds, $strTableAlias); } public function PrepareUpdateBind($strTableName, $arFields, $strFileDir, $lang, &$arBinds, $strTableAlias = "") { $arBinds = array(); if ($strTableAlias != "") $strTableAlias .= "."; $strUpdate = ""; $this->DoConnect(); $sqlHelper = $this->connection->getSqlHelper(); $arColumns = $this->GetTableFields($strTableName); foreach ($arColumns as $strColumnName => $arColumnInfo) { $type = $arColumnInfo["TYPE"]; if (isset($arFields[$strColumnName])) { if ($strUpdate != '') { $strUpdate .= ', '; } $value = $arFields[$strColumnName]; if ($value === false) { $strUpdate .= $strTableAlias . $sqlHelper->quote($strColumnName) . " = NULL"; } elseif ($value instanceof SqlExpression) { $strUpdate .= $strTableAlias . $sqlHelper->quote($strColumnName) . " = " . $value->compile(); } else { switch ($type) { case "int": $value = intval($value); if ($arColumnInfo['INT_SIZE'] == 2) { $value = max(-32768, min(+32767, $value)); } elseif ($arColumnInfo['INT_SIZE'] == 4) { $value = max(-2147483648, min(+2147483647, $value)); } break; case "real": $value = doubleval($value); if(!is_finite($value)) { $value = 0; } break; case "datetime": if($value == '') $value = "NULL"; else $value = CDatabase::CharToDateFunction($value, "FULL", $lang); break; case "date": if($value == '') $value = "NULL"; else $value = CDatabase::CharToDateFunction($value, "SHORT", $lang); break; case "bytes": $value = "decode('".bin2hex($value)."', 'hex')"; break; default: if ($arColumnInfo['MAX_LENGTH']) { $value = "'" . $sqlHelper->forSql($value, $arColumnInfo['MAX_LENGTH']) . "'"; } else { $value = "'" . $sqlHelper->ForSql($value) . "'"; } } $strUpdate .= $strTableAlias . $sqlHelper->quote($strColumnName) . " = " . $value; } } elseif (is_set($arFields, "~".$strColumnName)) { if ($strUpdate != '') { $strUpdate .= ', '; } $strUpdate .= $strTableAlias . $sqlHelper->quote($strColumnName) . " = " . $arFields["~".$strColumnName]; } } return $strUpdate; } public function PrepareUpdateJoin($strTableName, $arFields, $from, $where) { $tables = ''; foreach ($from as $join) { $tables .= ($tables ? ",\n " : "FROM\n ") . $join[0]; $where .= ($where ? "\nAND " : "\n") . $join[1]; } $fields = ''; foreach ($arFields as $fieldName => $fieldValue) { $fields .= ($fields ? ",\n " : "") . $fieldName . '=' . $fieldValue; } $update = 'UPDATE ' . $strTableName . "\n" . "SET\n " . $fields . "\n" . $tables . ($where ? "\nWHERE" . $where : "") ; return $update; } public function Insert($table, $arFields, $error_position="", $DEBUG=false, $EXIST_ID="", $ignore_errors=false) { if (!is_array($arFields)) return false; $str1 = ""; $str2 = ""; foreach ($arFields as $field => $value) { $str1 .= ($str1 <> ""? ", ":"") . $this->quote($field); if ((string)$value == '') $str2 .= ($str2 <> ""? ", ":"")."''"; else $str2 .= ($str2 <> ""? ", ":"").$value; } if ($EXIST_ID <> '') { $strSql = "INSERT INTO ".$table."(ID,".$str1.") VALUES ('".$this->ForSql($EXIST_ID)."',".$str2.") RETURNING ID"; } else { $strSql = "INSERT INTO ".$table."(".$str1.") VALUES (".$str2.") RETURNING ID"; } if ($DEBUG) echo "<br>".htmlspecialcharsEx($strSql)."<br>"; $res = $this->Query($strSql, $ignore_errors, $error_position); if ($res === false) return false; $row = $res->Fetch(); return array_shift($row); } public function Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields = Array(), $strFileDir="", $ignore_errors=false, $error_position="", $arOptions=array()) { global $DB; if(!isset($this) || !is_object($this) || !isset($this->type)) { return $DB->Add($tablename, $arFields, $arCLOBFields, $strFileDir, $ignore_errors, $error_position, $arOptions); } else { $arInsert = $this->PrepareInsert($tablename, $arFields, $strFileDir); if (!isset($arFields["ID"]) || intval($arFields["ID"]) <= 0) { $strSql = "INSERT INTO ".$tablename."(".$arInsert[0].") VALUES (".$arInsert[1].") RETURNING ID"; $row = $this->Query($strSql, $ignore_errors, $error_position, $arOptions)->Fetch(); return array_shift($row); } else { $strSql ="INSERT INTO ".$tablename."(".$arInsert[0].") VALUES(".$arInsert[1].")"; $this->Query($strSql, $ignore_errors, $error_position, $arOptions); return intval($arFields["ID"]); } } } public function CreateIndex($indexName, $tableName, $columns, $unique = false, $fulltext = false) { foreach ($columns as $i => $columnName) { $columns[$i] = $this->quote($columnName); } if ($unique) { return $this->Query('CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ' . $this->quote($indexName) . ' ON ' . $this->quote($tableName) . '(' . implode(',', $columns) . ')', true); } elseif ($fulltext) { return $this->Query('CREATE INDEX ' . $this->quote($indexName) . ' ON ' . $this->quote($tableName) . ' USING GIN (to_tsvector(\'english\', ' . implode(',', $columns) . '))', true); } else { return $this->Query('CREATE INDEX ' . $this->quote($indexName) . ' ON ' . $this->quote($tableName) . '(' . implode(',', $columns) . ')', true); } } protected function getThreadId() { return pg_get_pid($this->db_Conn); } }