Current Path : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
Current File : /var/www/www-root/data/www/ |
<? $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_TITLE_EDIT"] = "Edit template"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_TITLE_NEW"] = "New template"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_TEMPL_LIST"] = "Template list"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_NAME"] = "Name:"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_DESCRIPTION"] = "Description:"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_CONTENT"] = "Site template design (use #WORK_AREA# macro as the work area placeholder)"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_STYLES"] = "Stylesheet (styles.css):"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_ADDIT_FILES"] = "Additional files (pictures, Include files)"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_CHANGE"] = "Modify"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_ADD"] = "Add Editable Area"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_ADD_TITLE"] = "Create Editable Area"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_PATH_NA"] = "Path for exported file not specified"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_FILE_EX"] = "The file #FILE# already exists. Please delete this file or specify a different name for the exported file."; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_EXPORT_OK"] = "Template has been exported to file #FILE#"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_EXPORT_AND_EXISTS"] = "'and can be accessed at <a href=\"#ADDR#\">#ADDR#</a>'"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_EXPORT_ERR"] = "Error exporting the template"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMP_FILE_NA"] = "File to upload is not specified or does not exist"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMP_ID_NA"] = "The template ID is not specified"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMP_OK"] = "Template has been successfully imported from file #FILE#."; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMP_ERR"] = "Error importing the template"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_EXPORT"] = "Template export"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_SAVE_PATH"] = "Storage path:"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_DEL"] = "Delete old file:"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_DOEXPORT"] = "Export"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMP_CONF"] = "Some of the existing files of this template may be overwritten. Continue?"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMPORT"] = "Template import"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMPORT_ID"] = "Template ID:"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMPORT_PATH"] = "Path within the site:"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMPORT_OR"] = "or"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_IMPORT_LOAD"] = "Importing:"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_DOIMPORT"] = "Import"; $MESS["MAIN_NEW_RECORD"] = "Create new template"; $MESS["MAIN_DELETE_RECORD"] = "Delete template"; $MESS["MAIN_DELETE_RECORD_CONF"] = "Are you sure you want to delete this template?"; $MESS["MAIN_TAB1"] = "Template"; $MESS["MAIN_TAB1_TITLE"] = "Site template settings"; $MESS["MAIN_TAB2"] = "Site Styles"; $MESS["MAIN_TAB2_TITLE"] = "Site CSS file (styles.css)"; $MESS["MAIN_TAB3"] = "Additional files"; $MESS["MAIN_TAB3_TITLE"] = "Additional files (include areas, images)"; $MESS["MAIN_STYLE_NAME"] = "Style Name"; $MESS["MAIN_STYLE_DESCRIPTION"] = "Style Title"; $MESS["MAIN_STYLE_MORE"] = "More..."; $MESS["MAIN_TAB4"] = "Template Styles"; $MESS["MAIN_TAB4_TITLE"] = "Template CSS file (template_styles.css)"; $MESS["STYLE_DESCRIPTIONS"] = "Style Descriptions"; $MESS["MAIN_PREVIEW_FOLDER"] = "View template folders"; $MESS["MAIN_MOD_FILE"] = "Edit file "; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_TEMPL_LIST_TITLE"] = "List of templates"; $MESS["MAIN_NEW_RECORD_TITLE"] = "Add a new template"; $MESS["MAIN_DELETE_RECORD_TITLE"] = "Delete current template"; $MESS["MAIN_COPY_RECORD"] = "Copy template"; $MESS["MAIN_COPY_RECORD_TITLE"] = "Create a template copy"; $MESS["FILEMAN_EDIT_HBF"] = "Edit Template Areas (<head>)"; $MESS["FILEMAN_TOOLBAR_TITLE"] = "Template edit"; $MESS["FILEMAN_INSERT_WA"] = "Insert template separator #WORK_AREA#"; $MESS["FILEMAN_PREVIEW_TEMPLATE"] = "Preview"; $MESS["FILEMAN_PREVIEW_TEMPLATE_TITLE"] = "Preview of the modified template without saving"; $MESS["template_edit_upload_title"] = "Upload file to this folder"; $MESS["template_edit_upload"] = "Upload File"; $MESS["template_edit_open_pic"] = "Open Picture"; $MESS["template_edit_structure_title"] = "Open Template Folder in Site Explorer"; $MESS["template_edit_structure"] = "Site Explorer"; $MESS["templ_edit_error_wa"] = "Add the separator (#WORK_AREA#) to the template."; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_INSERT_WORK_AREA"] = "Insert template separator (in non-visual mode)"; $MESS["SITE_TEMPL_EDIT_SORT"] = "Sort order:"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_TITLE_EDIT_THEME"] = "Edit theme"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_TITLE_NEW_THEME"] = "New theme"; $MESS["MAIN_T_EDIT_TEMPL_LIST_THEME"] = "Themes"; $MESS["MAIN_TAB1_TITLE_THEME"] = "Visual theme parameters"; $MESS["MAIN_TEMPLATE_TYPE"] = "Type:"; $MESS["MAIN_TEMPLATE_TYPE_SITE"] = "Site template"; $MESS["MAIN_TEMPLATE_TYPE_MAIL"] = "E-mail template"; ?>